AutoGPT - A TRUE Developer KILLER? | Deep-Dive Reveal

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do you think gpt4 is an AGI Auto GPT this is both exciting and terrifying I would like Junior developers who do mostly testing debugging and writing simple code are most likely to get replaced by Auto GPT now I know what you're thinking here's another video about oh AI will take your jobs blah blah blah but this isn't about that anymore I have no intentions of fear-mongering you can either ignore what's about to come or embrace it and harness its Advantage if you choose to embrace it keep watching Auto GPT is a breakthrough in AI on the 1st of April 2023 a Twitter post about a new program called Auto GPT started trending soon it was the most downloaded repository on GitHub within a couple of days people have built websites AI investment analysts AI musicians AI entrepreneurs and much more without writing a single line of code so what is this Auto GPT what does it even do what does it mean for developers and is this the beginning of a new era picture this a must machine that can write like Shakespeare code like Bill Gates and even create beautiful music like A.R Rahman this is auto GPD an insanely Advanced AI tool built by Torin Bruce Richards and his team of developers but what can this AI Powerhouse do right now you won't believe it auto GPD can effortlessly write articles generate code correct itself create poetry and even compose music it's like having an army of the world's most Brilliant Minds at your fingertips foreign [Music] shows in the world can you let us know a little bit about your achievements sir [Music] hi guys got talent names and I am about to win uh best salsa dancer in Spain very soon achievements how can a man possibly do that all thanks to my lifelong Mentor Otto Gupta you mean Auto GPT to understand how other GPD does all this we need to understand how we got here starting with chat GPD chat GPT is an AI chatbot based on GPD 3.5 a language learning model or an llm that was released by open AI in November 2022. it had a million users within a day to give you an idea of why this is so cool Netflix took 3.5 years to get to a million users Facebook took 10 months and Instagram took 2.5 months a million users in a day is insane what makes chat chipity so incredible is that it can answer any question from How the Universe began to how to build a web Scraper on Python and it does this in a conversational tone just like a human and it doesn't lose its temper like humans do done sir programs okay it doesn't reflect the new modernism of the brand [Music] yeah is it foreign cello I don't have to interact with humans anymore Auto GPT I don't like this button mazaniara okay here are five variations of this button that fit your brand image which one would you like to go with sir [Music] would you also like to change the font according to this color [Music] S I think we should add Salman Khan on the hero page I also think this feature will go really well in your project would you like to choose this font over this font you look tired would you like me to order coffee for you you look lonely and single would you like me to create a Tinder account for you no I can also simulate your ex-girlfriend and speak in her voice would you like that would you would you would you like that website no changes but before the world could even get used to chat GPT open AI release gpd4 now back to Auto GPD order GPD is an open source app driven by gpd4 what makes Auto GPT so useful and dangerous is its access to the internet and its ability to self-learn and something called continuous mode it is potentially dangerous which we'll get to later so stick around for now let's look at this demo of Auto GPT building a website from a Twitter user called Sully he names the AI full stack GPT and gives it a role of an autonomous AI used to build a website using react.js and Tailwind CSS and assigns it five objectives and the AI gets to work and within three minutes it arrives at three text boxes and a button something that could easily pass for a legit website and arguably a better UI than some of our government websites throughout you can see the ai's thoughts like I need to update and modify code the ai's reasoning is that a Google search may be useful to provide some tips here is learning from the internet in real time remember neither GPD 3.5 nor gpd4 had access to the internet then the AI jots down a plan openindex.js write the necessary Code test the code and submit the solution now here's the insane part when it doesn't get the code right the first time it says I made an error in my previous response I tried to analyze a piece of code that is clearly written in jsx syntax which is incorrect and then goes on to plan how to correct it and continuous mode is when Auto GPD keeps working on a set of objectives without stopping and you know why that's scary Auto GPD is capable of reading and writing code improving it making it more efficient testing it correcting bugs and errors from the test and saving this new code in a new file all of this automatically with no human intervention this is exactly what most developers do the developers might be smarter and more accurate for now but other GPD is constantly learning doesn't get tired and most importantly it's cheaper than a developer there are many developers already using this experimenting upskilling and building better products with lesser effort the existence of this technology poses a threat to most Junior developer roles at Enterprises and mncs most college graduates Who start out as software engineers in these companies are assigned to roles that involve a lot of repetitive and laborious tasks like testers debuggers and Junior developers who write simple programs and functions they're packaged under roles like Java developer Junior software engineer Etc but they are mostly involved in these few tasks a single experienced developer teamed up with auto GPD can do what a team of five or six Junior developers were able to do and I repeat again it never gets tired and it's always cheaper this is exactly how Auto GPD will end up taking Junior Dev jobs tens of thousands of testing jobs gone debugging jobs gone Junior Developer jobs gone yes it is scary however not all hope has lost for all you aspiring software Engineers the job market will evolve with Engineers needing to adapt and upskill themselves to stay relevant but if a tool can pretty much run Code test debug and run all by itself how exactly can developers upskill themselves and upskill on what the future will belong to those developers who can Master existing tools like Auto GPT and co-pilot to be more productive as a developer it will belong to those who learn how to harness these tools to their fullest potential and build things on top of them instead of being afraid that AI may take away a job and remain ignorant a smart developer would learn how to use these emerging tools to their advantage in the professional space foreign [Music] if you look at the brush Strokes it will sink you in into endless depression it is very very I'm pricing this at 10 million dollars [Music] customizable Modern Art customizable life story customizable your depression customizable your breakup job loss everything dude so many days hey yo foreign [Music] [Music] it's changing fast than ever never in human history have we had a technology that could learn by itself correct itself and dare I say think by itself in a lot of ways it posed a threat to human intelligence this is where the world artificial general intelligence or AGI starts getting thrown around it is terrifying because of the power that super intelligent AGI wields to destroy human civilization AI tools are great for specific tasks chat chipity is great for email and writing mid journey is great for generating images and so on these are all narrow AI they specialize in one domain but in AGI much like a human can do anything learn anything instantly from coding your website to learning graphic design to making uis to ordering things from Amazon AGI can potentially do everything a human can do agis have been depicted like this this and this in movies but in reality we're yet to see what AGI looks like people in the tech space including the famous investor novel rejected the idea that AJ AI could be achieved through these tools like GPT but since the release of gpd4 and tools like Auto GPT everyone has had to re-evaluate fast forward 10 years AI tools would be even more powerful imagine an AI that can design entire cities optimize Healthcare systems or discover groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs the possibilities are virtually Limitless it's like giving Einstein DaVinci and Newton a chance to collaborate on projects together now that would be something until then keep watching and stay subscribed
Channel: 100x Engineers
Views: 14,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autogpt, chatgpt, elon musk, lex fridman, artificial intelligence, ai, developer, software engineers, job loss, recession 2023, gpt4, opneai, sam altman, elon musk tweet, replacing engineers
Id: JBIiaIgwNQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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