I had a LONG DRIVE lesson from Bryson DeChambeau! (Very intense)

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come on Rick let's go come on come on push it you've got to go faster come on you want to hit it or no show me one Bryson encourage me let's go come on try get mad let the testosterone flow don't accept failure this is your last push bro come on Rick came all this way Bryson help me hit driver longer please I feel l so many people ask me that why I don't know cuz you've made it fashionable you've made it cool I guess it's made it more difficult for me by the way in certain instances but it's also been a benefit in some scenarios quick backstory okay growing up when I was playing a lot of golf when I was younger I never considered myself be kind of a short hitter never the longest but never dead short and as I was maybe about in my early in my kind of 20s I could easily Crank It Up to 115 miles per hour Club at speed not even think about it and then kind of cruise at like 112 as I start to get a bit older and not focusing on as much now I'm kind of mid-30s I'm like I struggle now to really be over 110 mph C speed over 160 m per ball speed and I just I feel like there's something that needs to be unlocked cuz it Doesn't it's almost like I'm training a bit more I'm working out a bit more but I feel like my swing isn't really helping me hit the ball faster or further sense and that's that's a lot of in the brain stuff uh what I mean by in the brain is it's a lot of neurological um wires that you got to connect to your body to be free and when we're long driving what k said to me the most important thing he said to me was just be free whenever you tense up whenever things get tight is when you slow down right and so I think what I want you to do to start off is I want you to hit four or five balls see where you're at and then we're going to push the uh reserve tank what you have in the in the tank and we're going to see how we can get you five to maybe 10 miles hour you never know if you unlock something it could actually happen so yeah that that's kind of what we're searching for and I think I want to see a couple balls and then we'll go from there you're already kind of swinging at that one a little cheater all right 154 ball speed that is my six iron oh well I know it just it feels like at the moment I know just feels like I've got no speed anymore so what I want you to do hit a couple more start to warm up and then I'm going to go into psycho mode with you 54 again all right that's what you got I'm not even going to try and push you even more that's that's what you got cuz those two look very nice struck pretty much in the middle of the face little cut this one I don't want you to care where the ball goes I want you to move the club head as fast as humanly possible here's a quick question where where would you be obviously maximizing cled speed at the point of contact how would you punch a wall harder I'd feel like I'm rotating fast in my body and then try and extend it slings right just feel that okay feel like you're slinging your upper body 57 you gain 3 mph 158 in order to get to your max speed what you maximally can possibly do today it's going to be around 110 to 115 balls 120 balls something in that time really H that many shots that many drives at that effort level even more than that yes so it's it's a full body workout it takes about an hour and it's the most ridiculous training you'll ever have and that's how to break the neurological barrier it's not about getting stronger you don't have to have more size more muscle but you do have to break the neurological barrier yep keep going yes okay so now what I want you to do is I want you to swing as hard as you physically can yeah I I want you to be as aggressive as possible my voice is going to start raising a little bit now cuz I want you to feel that intensity in this situation right here you have to swing out of your mind okay all right out of your mind come on be aggressive and 160 okay not terrible I want you to go even harder than that that that's nothing that's like pushing a 5 lb weight which I hope you can do that's like come on come on push it 60 not bad so everything you're doing now is completely wrong it's not a bad thing I pushed you that direction yeah because I want you to see how inefficient it is okay as hard as you're going at it it's not sustainable no just like I did at Augusta in 2020 when I was you know going crazy and hitting it super hard and everything now I want you to do the same thing but I want you to take more time at the top so let it load hard I want you have the same intensity be swift but don't be so tense wait a bit longer at the top free yourself let yourself be loose get loose and take more time but be move moving fast be like a sprinter Sprint here 60 see how little effort that was when you got to 60 easier exactly I want you to be a little intense a little intense work up that blood flow and then free yourself that was better that looked a little better 50 7 so not enough so again when you start hitting a little bit of a wall you got to start pushing it let's go be more intense yes 59 come on I want to see 63 on there I you got to raise up raise up raise up move the club faster through impact it's got to be faster through here not at the top through the impact area come on 60 that's it it's all you got right here right now move it faster through the impact oh you hit it high 57 come on come on dude do you really have it in you do you think you can even get to 65 today I can't what are you doing don't even worry about the where the balls going now this time I want you to swing to your finish faster that felt fast but my strike was so bad my ball speed was yeah it's going to happen don't worry about it come on let's go we're not even close to being there you're just warming up by the way you really wanted to go through speed training move your hands faster through so flip it through Faster come on 58 not fast enough come on okay so this time I want you to take it back further take it back longer take it back way longer yes 57 not faster so do you notice how difficult this is really hot and you're not even close to being warm I'm dead serious like this is all warmup stuff and then once you get into the thick of it you're going to start feeling like you're just free flowing oh out sight 57 the best tip I can give you is to be Swift on the backstroke and feel like you take a little bit more time at the Top If you take more time at the top you can load it harder on the way down oh pommed it that was 57 though that was a really crap strike isn't that crazy come on I want to see a 63 I know you can do it that is not much let's go 58 nope oh feels like the fastest swing I'm doing relax just free flow now don't be tense take it back a little farther and rip it through there you go 59 come on you got it again this is not like a going to happen right away sort of thing okay 58 nope you've got to break the barrier now so since this is kind of a barrier for you I want you to push take some time now give just 15 seconds 15 seconds stay come back come back yep you're not ready for it let's go on trying come on you got it right here move that club head through the impact area 62 see now you start to see how you break it you notice how you gave yourself just a little more time it's like you almost timed it up better I think that whack on my shoulder helped that little blood flow there same thing now you're probably going to get slow cuz you're not intent you don't have the intent to go 65 64 I do have the intent see are you going to cheap out at 64 or you going to get to 65 that's 10 m hour so far that's 10 m hour already guys I'm getting 170 come on free your mind Fly Like a Bird 61 so now you're faster but you got to push don't bottom out come on this is hard work come on let's go dude he didn't push it through impact I can see it I can literally see when you lose speed it's like you apply Force here and not here let the club fall boom and then snap through impact o 60 that's it ah you you topped out is that all you want or you want to go 65 I want 65 okay then don't be a let's go come on huh oh didn't strike it 59 though I don't feel like you're that intense right now trying you got to get off 62 you're close but not there I still think you don't have it in you I do not think you have it in you try my best come on come on dude give yourself more time at the top a little more time let it load and snap through impact throw that club head through impact is it 61 slower you didn't move it through impa quick enough show me one Bryson encourage me what you want one that's 57 jeez useless man useless pathetic man I am here here we go just just a little hit right here that's 63 Jesus Christ show me a proper wall all right here I'll had a good one show me a proper wall so here here's a normal one and this is long drive this is not like I'll give you normal one first jeez yeah that's 82 right there ball speed just chipping and then here's the fun one so so watch what I do differently just just give it for a second so you saw what my normal Drive is pretty much right yeah that was totally Miss hit 188 and I can get the 200 real quick there's 91 and what's the fastest you've ever done uh 221 I was a long driver and everything it's 30 m hour faster than that with a lot less effort than I feel like I would be doing right now 89 189 mes hour speed 331 yards this this is like super sore no no adrenaline no nothing sort of stuff it's incredible come on all right here we go 95 93 jeez so do you notice how I can just keep going up well it's ridiculous why do you think that is well you you've trained yourself that but also I know the little motions I need to make to deliver more speed for example one of and I haven't told you this you can raise your body up widen the arc and then let everything drop use gravity to your advantage it's a very skilled thing to do but you can learn how to do it over time like this up pull and turn 93 there all right let me try that one go ahead come on yeah I feel like the club's more like this and then it floats yeah let let the club be straight out as you take it back it's high 160 oh that was a m strike 61 I can do better do way better you can do 65 right now you 100% have this 60 come on get taller get away from the ball yep up yeah no no no more watch dud it again get it all the way up and then it lags like that let it flow in your hands oh wow that was hot that was hot today I know that's again why it takes time to learn that motion it does I wouldn't worry about it I got 165 come on 65 now be intent let's go oh where's the speed 16 that's one off dude come on I actually miss that I know so you have 67 in you come on don't be a little you know what pump it man that looked like it oh no that was not wow come on you got this come on Rick let's go 65 right here God I'm trying so hard oh 63 come on you're almost there don't give up this is it this is where you break that Plateau 62 don't let it go down I want to see every mph be one more than the next come on it's got to be 63 here it's got to be you got to go 65 come on2 okay that's 62 take a deep breath through the nose get like a bull let's go get mad let the testosterone flow get yourself free free your mind like the Matrix free your mind got to get to 165 you can do it bro right here right now 65 I want to see it relax your hands are you going to give up I'm not going to give up okay come on in front of the D shamino come on deep breath move the the butt of the club through the impact area faster 61 oh I can't strike it when that happens come on get that face turned over let's go slowing down are you are you done no need to get to 65 dry can 57 though hey here's the thing you got to learn to be okay with that if you're speed training I you cannot be cuz you're so worried about face angle I don't care if you shank it over there you miss the ball miss the ball swing as fast as you possibly can I don't care if you miss it 61 you're pushing 58 not fast enough you want to hit it or no you keep going I do but I feel like I'm I'm stuck that's what everybody says that never was successful if you ever say you're stuck I can't get farther I can't hit farther whatever that is the mindset of a loser you cannot let that happen don't accept failure that was 59 and you m hit it you have got this right here this is your moment you're with Bryson to Shamu come on a strike it take more time during the golf swing do not swing fast on the backstroke move the club through faster so I feel like it's bouncing off your back harder okay now you got to let the bowl out You' got to be here come on this isn't for a YouTube channel this is for you personally now this's is see if you can break your own neurological barrier 62 you're right there okay let's go let's go let's go 60 that's not enough you're right there take a 15sec break and I really want you to let the blood flow let your arms get free I want you to feel like your arms and body are just there's no tension come on Rick he came all this way see that less effort exactly now you're starting to see technique you're starting to feel and see technique it's a lot more technical than people think 59 60 more I want more 62 this is it this is the moment guys if he doesn't do it here he's probably going to start fatiguing out you don't think you can do it yeah I'm doing it this one I mean you have to go psycho psycho and I'm not kidding let's go faster baby 60 see uh-uh nope I like it bouncing off his back all right one last little tip for you feel like you go up and then pull the club and feel like you push yourself back okay feel like you jump with your left foot off the ground yeah 60 ball speed I feel like you're getting to your right hand side too quickly and you have no stability it's like stay more over the top of it and then move into the left does that feel easier or no it did I'm not hitting up on it as much feel like you tried to hit up on it so hard and you just stand on your back foot you can't push off the left foot so if I was to take anything from seeing a speed training session cuz I had to see there's nothing I can do to just say hey you're just going to get faster like this good looking at your feet and the way they work is probably the most inefficient piece of this whole puzzle you can go faster if your body learns to fire off of the left foot and the reason why you're not firing off the left foot is cuz you get to here and your foot's up you have nowhere to go it's like then you just turn the corner you just throw it instead of feeling like you wait and you get to your left hand side and then you can jump and pull out of the corner it's a bigger impulse that you'll have into the ground so stay more on your left hand side still feel like you get to your left hand side on the downst string and then turn the corner o ah it's a little you're fatigued dude that's brutal dude but here's the deal look how long you were above 55 oh definitely you sustained over 55 which is pretty much what you're at on the golf course for a long time starting to hit 60s on bad strikes yes and that's the point of speed training it's not necessarily to break your number every single time it's cool oh yeah I got the 65 great whatever no it's really the average composite number that you have over the course of that speed training session which was probably around 50 58 to 57 that was your average and I think if you can learn anything from that is that you're moving up that was 4 mes an hour and then a week later it's going to be another 3 mes an hour and then 2 miles slow time it yes it's not anything you get right away and that's the frustrating thing that people always are like Bryon tell me how to hit it farther that an easy ain't an easy conversation one bit it's very difficult to hit it for um thanks yeah appreciate it man sorry I didn't get to 65 wor we got 64 guys thanks for watching be sure to like And subscribe I'm going have a sit down check out Bry on his channel thanks he's tired let me help you out thanks for watching guys I appreciate it rick Shi is the man he's putting a lot of energy into this and he is honestly inspiring me to keep going keep uh producing content inspiring a younger generation man thank you no worries so great job faster I face
Channel: Rick Shiels Golf
Views: 472,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, Rick Shiels PGA, Rick Shiels golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Manchester, Rick Shiels PGA Golf Coach, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, rickshielspga, rickshielsgolf, tiger, woods, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, become a better golfer, Golf balls, Titleist, Callaway, Taylor Made, Ping
Id: 9T5YrBLwgPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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