BEST Custom Unit Frames WoW Addon | Shadowed Unit Frames Set Up Guide

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so you want to clean and customizable UI well in my opinion shadowed unit frames is the best one it's what I've been using for years I've dived deep into this add-on to learn more about it than I ever needed to know for most of the things that I do and I'm going to share you guys with the most simple guide possible to get yours set up the way that you want so whenever I show you this I'm going to go through it in two ways first I'm going to show you the layout of how everything goes and you can pause the video as I go from each section and make it look the way you want so whenever you get to certain options change it to the way you want and then we keep going and after we go through the whole thing I'm going to show you how you can import this from retail wow over to Classic wow back and forth change up a lot of things and how I have mine set up and a little sneak peek into now yes this is my health bar I have underneath my character screen this is my Target and my Targets target and if you type slash s-u-f shadowed unit frames it brings up the interface for it and if you click the unlock option right here this shows you where everything is all the different spots where I wanted to put things this is my pets my party's right here off to the side just on the left next I see it this is my tanking UI setup I do have a focus that's above my target it's right here here and then any sort of Battlegrounds bosses stuff is right here and then my RAID frames are all the way over here nice and organized how I want them but they don't start off looking like this so let's go ahead and get us a default setup here because the first thing you should ever do with any add-on is go to profiles and as you see I have in parentheses so it sorts higher and alphabetically I have my dungeon coach 6.0 because I've done many iterations of these uh things I used to have my target over here or myself over here my target over here that's the classic setup with all my stuff in the middle you can do whatever you want the first thing you need to do is it's going to show you default and all this is going to be on the world wherever the default settings are from the default you need to create your own profile I'm going to do a test for the video and this is going to be called that and I click OK and here is the true default oh my gosh that's terrible but don't don't be scared it's going to be okay if you ever want if I wanted to copy this I can copy from if I clicked any of these it would copy the settings exactly and if I click this right here it would copy it exactly over to my new setup in fact I'll go ahead and show you if I click this now it's exactly the same as my other one so now this test profile is the exact same as this other one but we don't want that so I'm actually going to delete this if you go down here delete I'm going to delete this test folder but you can't delete something you're currently using so I'm going to go back to my current setup and to the delete I'm going to delete the test and now we can delete the test yes it's gone but now let's actually get started and we're going to create a test 2.0 for the sake of this video here is that nasty default setup so I am going to leave this here this is if I lock the frames it disappears The Frames unlocking them lets you see them you'll be able to move around and you can see all of the nasty so here we go we're going to go into the first thing into General you don't need to worry about the advanced tab until we're starting to worry about exporting it which will show you how to export these things at the end of the video so we're going to keep the advanced tab off I like to have my tool tips in combat because I want to sometimes I want to look at and see what's going on uh depending on if I'm looking at debuff or looking at whatever things say so I do like tool tips there Aura border style light okay sure this is just the borders but I'm mainly worried about what these things actually look like you can do aluminum and as you can see right here it's kind of I don't really like that I usually go by default you can go around all of these things I like Smooth version 2.0 because it's just nice clean color that's super simple for me I like it background border color all the stuff is fine you can mess around with all of that nothing too crazy there font I like my font to be uh accidental presidency I like that font a little bit better and right now you almost can't even see the font because everything's so tiny and terrible don't worry we're getting there for the sake of the font I'm gonna keep it at 11 right now because I don't want to blow it up too big because then it gets all weird but this is all I want to do for the general colors I'm leaving all the colors the same you can change colors of if you have high Health friendly units different classes you can make them different colors however you want if you think they feel like the colors are off I usually leave all of these alone so range Checker again we're not going to do anything here and text management I'm not going to worry about adding in new types of text and stuff so that's all it is for the general super simple profiles already walked through everything on profiles enabled units this is big for what do you want shadowed unit frames to do for you I want my player bar and if I if I see that you can take this on and off it has your player bar or not so I do want my player bar pet bar can choose to turn that on or off I'm Gonna Leave This on for the sake of the video I don't care about my pet's Target I do care about my Target because I want to see who I'm targeting that's obvious now Target Target I care about that because I want to see what my Target's targeting especially as a tank and stuff but then Target of Target of too much too much let's take that off okay focus Target I do want to be able you can see these turning on and off up here I do want to be able to see my focus and my focus is Target I don't really care about that one as much okay cool uh party I do want to see my party that's important I don't care about my party's pets my party's targets all these you see all these different things raid whoa look at all this this raid unit frame set up oh my goodness that's a I do want to have you shattered unit frames take care of my RAID UI so I do want that yes um and then the main tank that's an interesting uh little tag here you can have a main tank in this case I am the main tank so I'm not going to do that the bosses you can see how the bosses come up here if I move these around you can see this is the boss so anytime you're fighting in a dungeon or Raid there's the bosses come up they actually come up on the side of the screen yes you can Target the boss and you'll see the boss that way but these have just a constant health bar of the boss which is actually kind of nice to be able to kind of know what the boss's health is especially if you're dealing with ads or you're all over the place or if you're a Healer or something so that is pretty nice when I put this over here uh and then these are Arena frames for in an arena now I personally use Gladius so I'm going to turn these off okay great and in Battlegrounds uh you can have these be in Battlegrounds these are the Battleground cap targets the people who pick up flags and stuff like that so I'm gonna also in general I usually keep these the same place where I put the boss I'm gonna put this over here with the boss so in PVE you see the bosses in PvP you see people carrying flags and stuff so I'm gonna put these together once ever once I organize that this lets you choose what things you want to have now they all still look terrible but at least now we can choose which ones we have so now we go into unit configuration this gives some little helpful tips and whatnot um anything globally that you want to do you can click in all of these things that you want to have Global and make Global adjustments and Global setting adjustments to all of them so I'm going to click all of these on and I'm just gonna see what kind of global things that I want to do across the board for all of them okay so in General I don't want to have any portraits of it enabled on any of them I don't like the 3D portraits I see my character it's fine I don't want to have the portrait on there if you do of course you can put on portraits enable combat fader we are going to enable the combat fader and what the alpha change the word Alpha has always been weird to me with these add-ons Alpha means the percent opacity that you can see it so 100 Alpha means you can see it in the 100 Clarity zero percent means it's invisible and 50 is you can kind of see it but it's faded right you get the idea I do want to have a little bit of fade on there whenever we're not in combat and stuff so that's fine and enable range indicator I really do like this to be able to tell if your party's next to you or not or you go to a dungeon and you don't know if they're around you or you don't know if they're in range I like to do this for my tank I usually put this here I probably do about 65 UH 60 Alpha um so that I know if I'm out of range of them they fade and they're not there that helps me out and now with healers I might not fade it as much because I want to be able to see them but I do want to know when the people are out of range of me so there's that border highlight is going to be different things that highlight the Border based on if you're mousing over it if I do a mouse over it'll highlight I don't necessarily like this I know who I'm Mouse and over so I don't need to see that a curable debuff maybe if you're a Healer that can heal you might want to do that if the target is your focus or if they have aggro and stuff so I mean there's lots of options here I usually don't mess with those combo points enable combo points I'm going to disable combo points because if I were to use combo points and have a rogue or something or a druid I would have a separate add-on or a week or to handle that and enable combat text I'm going to turn this off I actually don't like whenever the numbers pop up this is whenever if you took damage numbers would pop up on these things if I was taking damage numbers would be popping up in the middle of my health bar or my allies or I get heals and numbers I don't like seeing those numbers my health bar goes up and down I I don't care what the number is that I'm taking right I just see the health bar so I don't I don't personally care for those and then now we go to units so the things that I'm actually talking about which ones are these that are affected by the general or by the the global settings I can undeselect these and not have them be affected scale is 100 cool height of these things I'm not going to mess with any of these in the global settings because I don't want them to all be the same and then we're going to get into all of the rest of these individually within each of the different things here you can mess with these but we're gonna go ahead and go to the player add-on for myself here I want my player unit frames right here so I'm going to go with a little bit more a standard procedure of how things look this is my bar over here I'm going to put my pet somewhere off to the side of me and I'm gonna have my target my Target's gonna go over here and you see all these Buffs on there that's interesting the target of Target's gonna go right here and my focus Target I'm gonna put above it right there now it's getting a little bit messy but at least now I'm starting to see the layout of where my things are going raid unit frames are going to go way up here in the corner awesome great and then my party unit frames are going to kind of go stacked above me and where my my own health part is because I think I like the the look of that so I'm gonna move this off to the side move this off the side so now if I'm in a party they snack right up above me and if I'm not I'm right here oh and for the boss I want to put the bosses right here and then I'll put the Battleground things right here okay great cool so I have everything where I want it now in general and then the pet will even put the pet underneath myself right there can y'all see that okay great from here I can go individually and mess with individual things for my player frame right here because this is still just a skinny little mess in fact let me actually show you guys I'm gonna unlock the frame frames and turn this off and this is actually I mean it's not too bad it's got where all the things in the right places it's targeting who I'm targeting uh this guy is gonna be my other Target now you get everything everything's working great this guy's targeting him whatever now I need to customize the sun I'm gonna go back to General and unlock the frames again and now I can see them all I go to my player so now how this works enable combat fader oh my gosh it already did that from the global settings that we did so that's great all of these things are the same but now when I get to frame this now gets specific so the general tabs we already generally fixed from all the stuff we did with the global settings all in the global we just did so now for the frame I'm going to keep the scale at 100. now for the height slider I do want my health bar to be a little bit bigger I'm gonna I'm gonna give it make it a little bit thicker right there as far as height goes and the width I want to make it a little bit longer okay sure just barely buy a little bit I'm gonna move it kind of right here to line up with my weak ores right here that's a whole separate video that you'll want to see that on and you can manipulate this by anchoring it to something I usually don't mess with the anchors I just drag them and move them around I don't mess with anchors I like to move them into definitely but if you have a certain setup that you want to be able to move like a big puzzle piece sure you can anchor them to other pieces and other frames right and you can see all the different frames you can anchor them to I just anchor to the screen super simple uh this one's very simple so now we go to the bars now this gets you some customization again we're only focusing on this one right here enable the power bar do I want to be able to see my Fury as a Demon Hunter or my Mana as whatever uh yeah in general I don't uh as you can see my talent bar right here this is a week or that I have for mine so I don't like to enable it I like to just have my health bar be my health bar and I don't need that for the sake of this video I am going to put it in there to see I'll see how this uh works out and you can see it be power type or based on your class and everything so this is going to be dependent on if you're a Mana user or not or whatever class of miscellaneous bars XP and reputation I don't want my experience bar on my character frame so no health bar obviously if I don't have a health bar that'd be really interesting some people like to have themselves show up in the party frames and then they uh take this out you could totally do that I'm going to leave it in here because if you take off the health and just just as your man a bar now or it's just your power bar so you can turn this bar into something else think outside the box with that color on aggro no I don't really I want that to be the same color on curable debuffs I don't really care I'm not worried about that maybe as if I was a Healer I would do that color Health by class it's going to be purple or or whatever your class is orange for Druids all that kind of stuff I like to for tanks show by Health percent it's going to be green here it's going to start to get orange it's going to start to get red as you get lower and lower I like that for tanks it's another good little indicator if I'm low on health as you saw in my default UI I have my health bar set up right here as a tank because I think it's very important as my health goes but you might not care so much about that and you might like the look better of a class UI so let's go ahead and keep it like that cool healing absorbs so whenever you get a shield or a pre-shield or any sort of absorb shield from something you got going on you can show that absorb and you can see this little sliver here um you see how that sliver grows based on this I like to keep it nice and tight within the frames because then if you start getting outside the frames then it could go and it could clip into other things that you have in your UI so I like to keep the health bar contained within it but you could let it go outside of it and you can see now how this Shield is on the outside of my own health bar I'm going to keep that in the inside same with incoming heels when someone's about to heal you it shows you that there's a heel coming but it stays within the health bar again incoming absorbs same thing and totems I I don't know it was that much about this totems I'm not a shaman so uh enable the totem bar I'm sure that you can play around with things for shamans I don't know I don't have a shaman so sorry about that this one's really interesting enable empty bar you see how this there's a bar on the top of this thing right here this empty bar is what I use this in my main UI for my target this adds an extra blank empty bar that you can put whatever you want on you can put the target's Health there you could put the name there you could put a percentage you can put a lot of different things there we'll I'll show you all here in a second for myself I'm not going to enable that but you'll see what I get to in a second and cast bar if you want to put your own cast bar on your own player frame I use quartz I have a whole video on quartz cast bars I'm going to not enable that so here we go we have this whole set set up in fact you know what just for the sake of this video I am gonna do that because of the next thing we get to which sizes this now all of these things here that we have in this I'm going to just put it here in the center of the screen in fact I'm going to put in the center screen I'm going to make the scale really big so you guys can see it nice and good look at that how nice is that so the widget scale the portrait you can enable the portrait as a bar I think that's really weird so we're not going to do that health bar power bar cast bar alternate cast bar We're Not Gonna We're not gonna mess with that so health bar is this purple thing man uh power bar is this and the my cast bar is this so how this works is you can mess around with the height of it and the order so I could shift it to where it's it's changes the order position from 1 to 100 it ranks it based on what you assign the order of the other ones for for my health bar though I wanted to be at the very top so I'm going to have it be the highest order possible and now you can mess around with the height of this thing you see how it's messing around with the height and I can set and choose and it kind of squishes the other ones so I want my health bar to be the bigger one on the bar right so I think that's a pretty good proportion right there and then I can go to the power bar and I can change the order of the power bar and now as you notice I can't set it higher because I just put the other one at zero but I can I can switch them between these two with the order and then I can also change the height of that oh no and now they're competing with each other for how how big they all are I'm gonna set this that looks kind of good for that then for the cast bar I can make a huge cast bar or just keep it nice and simple right there also speaking of the cast bar some people might like this if you go to the bars and you see on the cast bar it says hide when empty how this looks is if I have the cast bar I'm gonna back out of this thing and lock the frames now you see how there's no cast bar there's my health bar and there's the Mana bar and I've proportioned them out how big that I want them if my use my Mount you see how it pops up you see how it changes it and it actually adds it pops it in there and it bumps everything up so if I'm casting Boop it pops in there and now you can actually have the cast pop in there that's what that does as far as the unit frames go again General unlock back to player that's your choice if you want to always be there because if you do have this if you do have this equip a set like this it'll always be there and it'll just be empty but I'll show you all some cool stuff there when it comes to the Target here in just a second but let's keep going here with this auras here's what's going on with the uh the different auras here so you can show your Buffs on here in general your Buffs by default are up here so for myself I don't use these Buffs but just to show you guys what's going on filter you can filter who's auras now another default term an aura is a buffer debuff Aura is the blanket term for those things things that can be put good or bad onto your character that's called an aura Buffs are actually helpful things debuffs are unhelpful things there's the whole thing so when it's talking about auras it's talking about Buffs and debuffs show yours show enemies cast it on by a boss other people smart and friendly hostile whatever's going on here you can set you can change those if you want to if you want to use them for different ways you can prioritize Buffs for your auras to come beforehand and you can enlarge or as you have for yourself so if you have a certain buff you cast on yourself it's going to put that larger and before the other ones again none of this matters because I'm not going to be using all of this and positioning you can anchor them to the debuffs and you can have the the Buffs and debuffs be anchored to each other so that if there's none and the Buffs pop up it'll instantly push the debuffs down and you can anchor them to each other in this way kind of like you saw the anchoring a second ago change the icon size maximum rows how many rows have you see how this you could see this can go for a long ways over there or you can have it be different rows right so a maximum row four and you can change the rows based around for the the per row and Max rows you can change all that around and then the debuffs there's the same exact amount of options you can enable debuffs and then you can do the same thing filter and display boss debuffs all that kind of stuff and positioning you can anchor them to the Buffs there they are now and they are anchored to the buff so if the Buffs go down the debuffs will go down with it so that's in general how I would set it up if you did want to Anchor it I would anchor the debuffs to the Buffs then you can change the size and mess around with them all you'd like but I'm going to turn off the debuffs and I'm going to turn off the Buffs for my player frame and leave that alone now indicators this is a huge one indicators are all these things all over your bars to kind of show you stuff they can be a little annoying sometimes so class roll class roll is this thing in the corner right here this just shows healer DPS tank all that kind of stuff right I like that indicator they do dungeons a lot and I want to see who my healer is and which health bar is who and all that kind of stuff I like that and I actually don't think that that is too bad of a location for it in the bottom corner so I'm going to leave that there you can change the Anchor Point and then move them around so you can change the offset and you can offset it here I like to kind of keep them kind of close within the frames things floating too far outside of it get a little messy and confusing and ugly looking so I don't want to do that combat resting status I do think this is important because I don't unless I do a weak or afford or something I don't have any weight of knowing if I'm in combat or if I'm rested or whatever so I want to keep this on this little sword icon changes to a sleepy thing if you're in a rested area so I like that I like to keep in the bottom left corner so I'm just going to leave that there leader and assist uh this is the the little Crown there to show who the leader is it is kind of important to know who the leader in your group is and if you are the leader or not you can do that sometimes I've had to be where I turn off the leader on myself and I I put it on the Target and I can just Target through people and see who the leader is but for the sake of this I'm going to leave the leader on Master looter whose Master looting need to know that the master looter is this little bag right there next to the crown thing for the leader PVP flag if they are flagged or not in PvP it's up here by default that's actually not too bad of a location for it in general I have mine slid over here next to next to that and you can just change the Anchor Point to the uh left Center and then you can move it around there and where put it wherever you want let's just put it right there in the center Great Raid roll I don't turn this one on because if uh because of this one so I think these two are redundant I would only use one and not both but there's that I'm going to turn this one off because I already have it right here raid Target this is the icon if you want to have those as you see these X's right here on the player frames and all these things up here these that's where these come come in I personally for myself as for my player frame I don't turn this on because if I'm my player and I have an icon it's going to be above my head so I don't need to see it again you know what I'm saying um so ready status I usually keep that right where it is when a ready check goes out you can put in the center if you want if I want to put it dead center I can have it be in the center and then I move it over to the actual Center and you can put it right there if you want Resurrection status if you're if you're getting resident or not I usually myself I do like to put these together because you're not going to get res then be asked for ready check at the same time so you can kind of overlap some of these things and then summon pending I do the same thing with the summon pending I usually put that right there although the summit pending sign does not show up here so you can't really move it around but you could uh match it and find it whenever you do get a summon pending I've done it before where I get a summon pending and then I move the icons around in settings and then I accept the summons so there's all of the stuff for indicators and now we get the text the text part is really really cool here so for the health bar there's left text and write text left text right now is my name and the right text is my current health next to my overall Max Health which I don't really think that's that useful so anyway for my text I don't need to show my player name because I know what my player's name is so I'm just going to have that be empty if you want to see your player's name there you can if you like saying your own name cool go for it I don't need to have my health there I want this to be my health bar and give me the information of my health that's all I care about and for the right text it's right now set to current slash Max HP in the short version you can switch that to be your current HP you can switch it to be the absolute HP and I have all of that that's the long version instead of the short version there's and you can have multiple things you can stack them up here and have all these you can have all these things and they just puts them back to back to back no no no no no I like percent HP to be right there it's at the very end it's my percent HP for my power bar it's really the same thing on the left side of the text over here the left side text is the percentage and this is the amount I don't know where I've ever I have healers I don't know where I've ever cared about the amount of Mana that I have have so the right text over here I'm going to switch this to the percent of power that I have there we go cool I met Denver honestly you could really take it off entirely and just have it be a clean bar looking right there so I'm just going to keep it like this and then the Rune bar that's nothing that doesn't matter right now because I don't have that bars the Stagger bar don't have the bar tonal bar don't have the bar great so now another thing you can do whenever you go here to the health bars is if you collect the actual actual bar not the left or right version you can change the size so the left hex size and right text size I don't know why these settings aren't Within These but you know whatever so the left text is nothing so I don't have anything there but in fact for the left text let's go ahead and put my name unit name so we're going to go back here for the health bar and you can change the size of that you can change the size of this slider right here now depending on how big you want this to be you can mess with the scale so if you want this to be even bigger you could stay with me on this you could increase the scale of this thing and then shrink down the height depending on if you want the text to be larger or smaller that's one thing that I messed around with if you want bigger text then you probably have to scale up the image and then shrink down the bar instead of having a standard scale and you can only go so big with the text so anyway if you do want things to be bigger then you can do that so the scale you can mess around with that make it really tiny really big and the same thing here make it really tiny really big so I like to have a really large percentage and you're going to see on my main frames that I have a very large Health percentage I've scaled it up and shrunk it down to make that happen there's that and you can do that for every single one so now that is all of the settings that you have for this thing so I'm going to go back to here now I'm going to bring the scale back down to 100 or so we're going to put it right here and now I have a a healthy good looking unit frame right here so I feel good about that now I can do the same thing for the Player bars the same thing for my Target and all that kind of stuff so the one thing I do want to show you something with a Target all right for the Target I'm gonna do the same thing I'm going to leave the general alone awesome cool and then go to now you can enable combat text on certain things or change some of those general settings for the specific things if you would like I'm going to leave it like that so again for the thing I'm going to leave the scale here at 100 I'm going to change the height of this thing to match the high night of my my other frame over here so they're about the same you can go if you want to go to player you see the height here is 69. the height here you can change the height here to also match and be the same so that they look the same across and if you see they are the same height if you take into consideration the cast bar the Mana bar and the health bar and so they are the same size over there and then the width I'm going to say that looks like a solid width right there great and then there's all the anchor points all the bars we already talked about but the one thing I want to do is for this I'm going to do something crazy the cast bar I want to enable the oh sorry I'm back on my oh my God I just switched the Target and the player with each other so there we go player ever here Target over here there we go so the cast bar I want to enable the cast bar on this uh setting over here and then I I want to enable the empty bar as well so you see we have a lot of stuff going on right here so it's kind of a little a little bit crazy right now I'm also going to make this bigger right here just for the sake of the video so you can see what's going on here better when I go to these bars I like to have I'm going to do something crazy here with the cast bar and then I have the power bar in the health bar and this name bar so man that's a lot of stuff but here's how I like to set it up now if I go into the widget size of these things I don't want the health bar I have my health bar there the power bar there the cast bar there and that empty bar so this empty bar I'm going to leave this empty bar and I don't want the height of it to be too much but I do need it to be at the very top and you'll see why I want that here in a second and then I actually think that that is a solid size as far as that goes but I want to make the health bar a little bit bigger in comparison to some of the other ones here so I want to make the health bar bigger but then oh I just messed up the empty bar so I could go back to the empty bar make it a little bigger and it's going to be a little bit of a a balancing act here and the power bar can have be a very thin sliver very thin sliver for my target but the cast bar watch this now if I if I if I have the hide be nothing for the cast bar that's about what it's going to look like so remember that and in fact I'm going to keep that right there I'm going to go back to the empty bar and make that a little bit smaller that looks great but now watch what I do with this cast bar I want to make this cast bar half the size of the thing right it's half the size you'll see why I do that here in a second but I'm gonna go back to bars and cast bar and I'm going to hide it whenever it's empty stay with me on this here's what that's going to look like whenever my target it casts something right here we go I'm gonna put my target right here you can see it right here I'm going to lock the frames here's my target I'm gonna have the target be myself this is what it looks normal and we'll fix the text in a second it looks normal but if I cast something boom it shows it real big if you like that cool I still use quartz I put a quartz cast bar on the top of this thing that's where I like to see the cast bars I like to see them pop up up here but it's General that is actually kind of an interesting way to do that as you see it kind of jumps everything and crunches it down and there you go and you can see how that how that looks as far as the cast bar goes okay back to the setup now so for the bars I'm going to turn the cast bar off so we can see what this actually looks like here we can do the same thing with all the auras and we can have the Buffs I would have the Buffs here on this and the debuffs you can also enable the debuffs here on this anchor it to the Buffs and there we go we have the Buffs and debuffs and as you see that is a kind of a lot now that you're never going to have that many Buffs and debuffs on a Target unless you're in a raid setting and then you kind of do so that's why I do use a weak Aura for these things down here you can totally use the shadow unit frames for this and you can adjust the size and stuff just like I showed you on the last one we're going to leave those on for that and then we have all our indicators here which is is all the different things here now as you see the reason why I like this I like having the text here in fact we're going to do the text first we're going to go out of order here the left text I'm going to go for this empty bar the left text is going to be the name the right text is going to be nothing now the health bar I don't have to have the Lex left bar be the name I can just have that be blank and there we go now it's done you could put a percentage there if you want but at this point you're getting the mobs getting low so I'm going to leave that there and on the right text you can have I like to do the percentage for the Target there we go and then the power bar I do the same thing with the power bar I have the Lex left text be nothing I don't care about that and honestly for the right text I also would have it be nothing and there is then much nicer looking there's the name percentage of my target how brilliant is that now let's go back to the indicators so for this uh the target targeting my leader I don't really care about the target's Master looter the target's lead assist the targets all these different things for the Target if the target's PVP flagged or not now that might that might matter the target being EVP flag but if there's a summon pending on it I don't care if the for my target Resurrection status I don't care about that for my target The Raid Target that might be nice but I I'm gonna say no because I'm probably targeting it for some other reasons so now it's looking a lot cleaner raid roll no turned all these things off this is nice Quest indicator is if it's a quest mob or not that's huge you could do this you could do Center you could put that in the center and right in the center oh my God it's a quest mob you could even lower it down and put it right in the dang gum Center and oh my gosh it's a quest mob I need to do I need to kill it or whatever so lots of really cool stuff you can do there so anyway there's all of the settings there I'm going to bring the frame back down to 100. we're gonna put it down here there we go and you can do all the same stuff for all of these now the the party frames you can turn off the but I would turn off the Buffs and now we're going to get into my unit frames of how I've done this because you've seen the settings you see how to mess around with all of it so let's get back to my main one which actually I can show you that right here by going to profiles and switching back to my main one right there and oh ah we're back so I'm gonna go to General and unlock these things again and now you can see all of the stuff that I have and put this down here is this is how I have mine set up you can see where I have this in fact I could probably turn off that the resurrection status thing but I'm not too worried about it I do want to see my Target's Health as far as how much health they have because there are times where you target an enemy and they have like a certain amount of health and want to see how much health that actually is you know what I'm saying uh but one thing you know what I'm gonna actually change something right now with you guys is is this thing right here for the health of my target so I'm going to go to Target I'm going to go to the text of my Target and I'm going to go to the right side of the health bar text see what I'm saying it says current and Max HP I don't care about its current you know what I'm saying I just care about it's maximum HP so I'm gonna turn this off and I'm gonna turn this on so now I actually like that a lot better and I'm going to go to the auras here look at this y'all are y'all are improving my my UI right here as we speak these indicators my summon pending I don't care about the summon pending I don't care about the resurrection status we're good so now I have everything and that looks much better I think I like that I can see it's maximum health and then as its health bar goes down I don't care what that number is I just care about the maximum hit points and then it's down and have my percentage of the target there cool and that's kind of how I said that and now I like it even better now so my focus is right there above it and my target is my target of Target is right there next to it the same height and as you notice I have the the height of this matching the health bar only and you can mess around with whatever visually is more appealing to you and then I like my health bar to be here it's also green because it's it's matched on my health percentage instead of purple for Demon Hunter and then this is my pet and this is my party done so it's going to take you a little bit of time to go through each of these and fix each of the settings to how you would want do I want to see that on my party do I want to see that on my RAID do I want to see my party's Buffs no I'm just going to remove the Buffs and so you disable all of those options and you're left with a UI that feels great so that once you do lock it in there there we go it feels good and you can always mess around and tweak and change and move it now one thing I would say that I just popped into my head as well is I love that the target of Target is right here next to this so if I go to Target of Target go a frame and I'm looking for that Anchor Point I want to Anchor this thing to the Target frame so now this is anchored to this and then I can go in here and mess around with the offsets here now I can go in here and go back to General unlock everything go back to my my targeted Target and now whenever I anchor it right here I can anchor it right next to it so it's always let me just get it right there there we go sorry I had to fix some things here I've never done that before so what I did here is I anchored it to the Target frame and then it had this whole offset here and what I had to do is I had to go anchor the point right target frames and once I had it set there it was offset and you saw it was like down here I had to go in here and manually type in numbers until I found the right spots to get it to but then it at 70 and negative three it works and how that looked originally was 100 and it was like off to the side here so I keep playing around with numbers until I found that 70 gets it right there negative three gets to where it wants and now whenever I move this it always stays the same and that's just going to be really nice now I probably messed up some stuff there as far as where my unit frames all fit in there but there you go and if you do see what I want to use for cast bars I'm going to put this back down here I use quartz so I'm going to toggle the bar lock and there's there's the quartz interface right here uh so my my player of cast bars right there the target cast bar is actually a little bit off right now so I'm gonna fix this and I put the target Casper there I'm gonna put my focus cast bar back up here and the target is right there I like to have the icon hanging off and the target lines up with that so that's how I like to that to look and we're good so now I can lock the quartz cast bar and I can lock my unit frames cast bar and I can close this and we are good to go and that is how you set up your Shadow unit frames if you want another Advanced guide on this that this is the basic general guide there are some Aura indicators and some things about whenever you get Buffs and debuffs and how you can mess with auras from like whenever Shaman cast Riptide on you you get a buff on your action bar and all these other types of things if you're interested in that let me know if you want an advanced shadowed unit frames thing I have a discipline priest that I heal a lot on and I use it all the time for the Buffs and debuffs and all that kind of stuff uh which also are very usable and if you if healers use grid and all these other types of things for the raid frames and all that stuff if you're interested in that comment let me know if you want an advanced shadowed unit frames video but I hope this helps you get your UI looking nice and crispy and before I forget if you want my exact UI for any of my characters I have all of my UI and import profiles all available on my patreon to all my patrons who help support what what I do here with all of this I want to give you guys all the stuff so that you can take this hopefully this video lets you be able to do exactly and you could set up exactly how I have but if you want to save the shortcut or other week auras or other things that I have from other videos or help you individually then check out the patreon it just help supports what I do here I appreciate that how you would export that and how I export this from retail to Classic it also works like this if you go to your general settings right here and you go to Advanced you have to click on and see how it wasn't there you have to click on Advanced and then you go to layout manager and you can Import and Export from wherever you want so you can go to import here's your import and you can go to export and you can click the export button and it exports this whole string here you would go to the string you go and it Scrolls down for a really long time and then finally get to the bottom and then you can control C copy that thing and then you go to the other place where you want to import and you can go to your character over on classic import it there done so I hope that helps get your UI whipped into shape if you want to see more stuff comment about which I have a lot more videos I want to make on key bindings on interface uis on add different add-ons and lots of other stuff check out the ones that I do have to get your UI polished off and where everything's going peace
Channel: Dungeon Coach Gaming
Views: 145,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeon Coach Gaming, World of Warcraft Shadowlands, World of Warcraft Dragonflight, WOw Dragonflight, WoW Shadowlands, wow addons, wow guide, wow tips, Shadowed unit frames WoW addon guide, How to set up shadowed unit frames WoW addon, How to setup shadowed unit frames WoW addon, Best WoW unit frames addon
Id: jMUF4Lmk5TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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