An Introduction To Autodesk Inventor iLogic

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good afternoon guys and welcome to the cat webinar introduction to logic hosted by myself Ian Cross technical consultant here at a CAD group Australia now first of all I'd just like to say a big thank you to everyone who's taking the time to come and view this webinar it does mean a lot to us here at calgrove Australia that you have taken the time to come and view this webinar so just a big family from all of us like I said before this is an introduction to a logic through Autodesk's inventor so let's have a quick look at what will be covered today now the agenda for today will be inventors part and assembly I logic so I have a basic inventor part file which I'm going to modify using AI logic so that'll involve changing just some material properties and but also updating some of inventors parameters so I'll be changing the height the width the length of this part file now once I've done it within the part environment I'll then take that part into an assembly environment and I will have other parts within the assembly reacting to the change in this part so once my I logic part updates in size the corresponding parts will update as well I'm also I've linked this to an Excel spreadsheet so based on the parameters in an Excel spreadsheet I'm also going to have some parts updating in the assembly this is all going to be controlled using an AI logic form now an analytical form is just as simpler way more friendly a way of controlling your AI logic rules within the assembly environment now once it's all done within the assembly environment I'm then going to take that across to a drawing file where I'm just going to show a little bit of basic iya logic rules within the invented drawing environment and I thought I'll just throw something in at the end which is um just something to show you that was something else that all mi logic can do I have some data exported from an ERP system which using our logic I'm going to import that into inventor's I companies just to show you something else that I logic can do okay so that is inventors the sorry the agenda covered so let's jump over to inventor now here is my part um that I have that's going to be updated using high logic now the first thing that I need to do is I need to create a driving parameters done this is going to be the parameter which when updated will update my part okay so let's just jump over to inventors parameters dialog box now I have my parameter here which is called tank volume I just created by adding a new numeric parameter changing the unit type two liters and putting in 500 there so there is my parameter created now so let's create all eyelids of wall now on my manage tab along here I have my eye logic add rule button so I'm gonna add a new rule so let's call this rule tanks eyes because that's what's gonna change the size of attack now this is my eye logic edit rule dialog box it's breaking down to three main sections we have our browser section here which shows the model parameters user parameters so that will show the tank volume that we've created I have our browser tree full of all of our inventor features this is where we write our logic rules it's got some basic keywords and operators and some basic statements already here ready for us and on the left hand side we have some snippets now these snippets are just some basic and inventor codes that or desk have provided for us so to start off with I'm gonna just insert a basic if-then end statement so I'm going to say if still it that up if my tank volume so I'm just going to right click on it and capture the current state so I'm going to say if time volume is equal to 500 liters then I want something to happen okay what do I want to happen well I wanted some parameters to updates I want the size to change of this model now if I go to my model parameters it lists all of the model parameters I have within this part file now you can see some of these parameters I've actually I've actually renamed them to be things light anti-tank width and tank length now the reason for that is it makes it a whole lot easier for me to find the parameter that I need now if I just had de 0 D 1 D 2 D 3 and so on it would make my life a little bit harder more difficult to find out the M the parameter that I need so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna grab these three parameters the ones I want to change and I'm gonna say right click and capture the current state so if the time volume equals 500 li is then I want these parameters to equal these values now I'm happy with those values for 500 liters but what if I was to say about the tank volume to be 600 years I'm going to say elsif tank volume equals 600 liters then what do I want to happen I'm just gonna select these copy and paste okay but I will not want to be let's say 2,200 and I want this one to be 2000 okay now I can just copy and paste this whole thing again okay and have it for 700 liters so I'm saying well every equals 500 years then I want this to happen but if it's equals 600 liters that I want this to happen and if it equals 700 years then I want this to happen but I'm also gonna change the tank width as well okay so I say yeah everything goes five liters I want the parameters to equal these values if it's 600 meters I want me to call these values and 700 these values okay so let's have a little look at what happens here so if I go to my prom iners and I was to up let's just move this down here so you can see it a bit clearer if I were to go and change this now to 600 and press Enter you should see the tank update and size which it has and again if I change that to 700 heater's and press enter you see it updating size again so my biological is working perfectly now what if these tongues depending on the size only comes in a certain material okay so if it family is a male when you come in gold if it secondly isn't me I only come and steal if it's seven early as a male you come and copper this might be for pricing or just you know for for any sort of cost reasons or just you know any different reasons that it could possibly be so let's add another rule in to say well if it equals 500 to be made out of gold or copper or steel or whatever it may be so let's go and add our new driving rule now we're gonna have a text file you in this time and we're gonna call this material okay and let's just add in a multi-value parameter and let's say I want a one gold one of a copper and one of mild steel now you'll notice there that I've actually typed thin in the same way that it reads an inventor's I properties now that is key because if inventor can't read these values it's not going to work correctly okay so I've done that now let's write our new rule for this to update I'm gonna go back to my add rule button I'm gonna create a new rule called material okay so just as before I'm gonna use that if then end if statement so I'm gonna say if tank volume equals 500 liters then I want something the Hubble well what do i what to happen well I want material to equal a certain value so I'm gonna say okay what I want material to equal gold okay if it doesn't equal 500 liters if it equals tank volume excuse my spelling if it equals 600 liters then I want the material to equal mile steel okay and finally if the tank volume was to equal 700 liters then I want material to equal comma okay now with an if statement you always must end with an end if okay so what have I done there I've said if the tank volume the parameter tank volume equals 5 milli is then I want the the parameter material to equal gold everything for six really is gonna be steel it's 700 years I want to be made out of copper now that's great but all I'm simply doing there is changing a parameter to say gold I'm not actually physically changing the material to anything so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to use one of these little I logic snippets now within here we have an I properties bit and we have one for material so I'm just going to double click that and it brings this into here so I'm gonna say the I for the material I properties is gonna equal whatever value is in that parameter material so it'll run through this rule and say okay if it equals five nearly as I wanted to equal gold it'll run through the rest of the rule and then say okay the materials in the I properties equals Gold because that's the value that's in material now just to finish this off all I'm going to do is add in a document update that's just to make sure that everything is updated and correct so underneath my document section I have a document updates and it's going to double click that and I have a document update in there now in the background here we have our tank it's a minute it's it's 700 liters okay so as soon as I click OK it'll run this rule and it should change the material to copper there we go you can see the material has changed to combat so if I just look in the eye properties here you can see the material equals copper okay so if I then go change this to be 600 years you should see the material change to steel yep you see display there steel I change it to 500 years press Enter you'll see that it changes back to gold and the material has changed to gold if I go to the I properties again you'll see that in the physical tab it is displaying as gold okay now that's great what I'm doing here is I'm saving your design engineer time so he goes and selects the value of tan while he wants and it automatically gives him the correct material so he's not gonna box it any place in the wrong material but what if he accidentally places in the wrong size okay let's say he gets a bit carried away and says okay well I want an 800 li attack or a 400 meter tank something that doesn't exist or it's too expensive okay so we need a way of telling the design engineer that he can't have that tank so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add in a little dialogue box to say I'm sorry you can't have that time it's not available so let's create a new a logic rule let's just call this and let's call this a logic warning a logic war okay now what I'm gonna say is if that tank volume is going to be greater than sorry greater than or equal to 701 liters then I want something that happens so what I'm saying is if the tank volume gets any value above 700 liters so 701 and above I then want a message box to pop up okay so it might have a snippet section I do have a message box function and I'm going to show a message box and within that message I'm just simply gonna say you have chosen a size that is too big okay and then I'm just gonna have the title of that box as too big okay but else if what if the tank volume is less than or equal to something so let's say 499 leaders or below so anything below 500 years then I want another message box to pop up so I'm just gonna copy copy and paste that in and I'm gonna say you have chosen a size that is too small okay okay now I think is all I'm doing here is populating a dialog box that says sorry it's gonna be too small I then also I also want it to do something okay so what I'm going to do as after it gives me the message box I'm actually gonna set the tank volume to be 700 liters so there can't be any mistakes of every types in 800 liters it'll still set it at 700 liters it's not going to give them the option to actually go ahead and create it okay and the same for the 400 liters I'm gonna say okay well if it if he types in something less than 500 years he's still gonna get a 500 liter tuck and then again I always end with an end if because I started within if okay actually let's just add something else into that dialogue box let's say you've chosen a value that is too big and let's just say setting a value at largest and 700 liters okay and I say the setting value at smallest 500 liters so it'll say sorry you've chosen a size that's too big I'm setting it at the largest possible value you can have okay so let's go ahead with that say okay I want to date hundred liter tanker but I press ENTER I get a dialog box to say sorry it's too big you've chosen a size that is too big I'm setting the value at 700 years as soon as I click OK you should see that update the 700 years and you're gonna ask the material has changed back to copper if I was to go lower than 400 lower than 500 sorry let's say for 450 let's say you have chosen of a size that is too small we're setting the value at the smallest five for India's click okay and it gives me my five for an elite ugh okay great so Maya logic rules are working perfectly so one again what I'm doing is I'm saving your design engineer time I'm I'm minimizing the amount of mistakes that your design engineer can make okay effectively getting your product to market faster so you can you know get the job done quicker so I've created my little part file here which I'm quite happy with so let's take this over to the assembly file so let's open up the assembly okay so what I have here is I have the tank sitting inside a frame okay so let's say for instance if this tank size was going to change it goes from being a very large tile size to a very small size you know I'm gonna need to bring in these legs the legs sizes are gonna need to change to accommodate the new diameter of the tank now if the tank gets small enough you know I may I may need to remove some of these beans they're not gonna be needed the top of the frame size is gonna shrink so there's a bunch of things that need to happen now within my sembly I've already got these mm I logic was already written just to save a little bit of time because we'd be here for a while I had to write them out all out manually but I will go through and explain each one so that's let's have a look at my ayah logic rules so first of all I've got a tank size here so let's have a look at this rule let's click on edit rule and let's have a look what's happening so just like I did in the part environment I've said if my tank volume equals 500 liters then I want something to happen okay so I'm saying okay update the tank length the tank width and the tank ID just like I did in the part file but I'm also updating the frame width and the frame length now to get these values I did just like I did in the part I browse to my tank I browse to the model parameters and I grabbed my tank height and I grabbed from my tank width and my tank length okay just like I did in the part file I just right clicked on it and captured that value and it brought it through okay so I'm changing the frame width and the frame length I'm also changing the height the radius and the angle of the foot again just like I did in the part file I went to the foot assembly I grabbed the foot went to the model parameters and grabbed the foot height the foot radius and the foot angle just like I did in the part file okay now the only difference I've got here is I've got this component is active section because what I'm saying here is if the tank volume gets down to 500 liters I want to remove certain beams okay so what I'll show you how I've done this I just remove this beam here all I did was I browse to my frame found the frame that I wanted to remove right-click and capture current state just like I did with the promise and it brings through the component is active now if it equals true it means it will still be there and now I don't want it to be there so I'm gonna say false so it doesn't show the beam okay it'll it'll suppress the beam that's what it's doing now I've done this for 500 liters for 600 liters for 700 liters you can still see that these beams are set to false I then got down to 800 liters and you can say that these beams have become active so they're now true I've then went to 900 liters okay and you can still they say this the true again I then like we did in the part file I've said if the time volume is greater than 900 liters I then want a message box to show up to tell me that the values that is too big and we are setting the value at the maximum size of 900 liters and there's the prominence to say it at night and release I did the same for 500 years so that if the tank volume is less than 500 liters I want you to give me a message box to say sorry you can't have that it's too small okay and there's my parameters for that okay and then I've just ended the document and done a document update okay now I'm also changing the number of flanges around here because the tank may have five flanges ten flanges six flanges one flange okay there's a number of different flanges now within my eye logic part okay the number of flanges is just simply a circular pattern okay so I've created one flange and I've circular pattern it okay now if I add the bus feature you can see that the number is controlled by a parameter called number flange okay so all I've done within my assembly is I've created an assembly prominent called number of flanges okay I've created a bunch of these in here and what I've said is the tank parameter number of flange is going to be equal to whatever value I place in my assembly problem so from within my assembly if I say I want the time to have six flanges or three flanges it will update my part now that is as simple as you're going to get with our logic just the tank number of flange equals the number of flange and that is it okay but I've also I've got the tank flange size varying so to pick depending on what size tank it is I might want a different flower size now this is going to be controlled by an Excel spreadsheet now if I open up my Excel spreadsheet here this here I've simply said okay if I choose the size Dan 10 I want that diameter of flange on that many holes and I want that to be the size of the holes okay so what my inventive rule does okay it's pretty straightforward I will explain it to you I'm saying okay go and find a row in an Excel spreadsheet okay so I'm searching for the Excel spreadsheet called flange dot XLS find sheet one and find the row flange size okay it says then go find the row of the value I enter in my parameter flange size so if I enter DN 10 or 15 or 20 or so on it will go and find that particular row okay it'll then look along that row and go get the value for diameter holes and hole size okay it'll then take those values and populate my inventor parameters so the value that is in dire it'll go populate my value daya okay once these values have been populated it'll then populate those they'll take those values from say for instance daya and then propagated down into the tank updating the furnace sighs okay it's it's a pretty straightforward code and then at the end I've just got an inventor document update just to make sure that everything is running correctly okay and finally I've just changed the material okay now I've just said the inventor property materials of tank 1 equals material okay so whatever value I enter in my materials properties their parameter dialog box it will propagate down into my tank so I said to be copper or gold or titanium or whatever it may be now you can see here that I haven't said if the tank was 500 liters it's gold if it's 600 liters at steel I'm giving the user full reign of the values that he wants okay now instead of doing this through the inventor dialog box I'm gonna do this through the I logic forms okay so if I go to my forms button here I'm just gonna right click and add a new form okay so here is my form and here's a preview of what my form may look like now what are you do is I first want to put in what's going to be on my form but I want the parameters that need to be changed so you just simply find the parameters section and drag and drop and you'll see that the tank volumes there I'm gonna be able to change the franchise the number of flanges and also what material is there they're they're the only values I want to be able to change okay now just to jazz this up a bit more I might want a company logo in there so let's just drag and drop a picture into there and that's going browse and pick a picture let's just pick a cat group logo pacing tiger Australian logo in there okay now the the visual appearance of this dialog box can be changed again there is if you select the form you can change the visual style there's a whole bunch of different visual styles here and different font styles different positions for text I'm just I'm gonna leave it the way it is I'm pretty happy with the way it looks at the moment but I also I what only happens once I've changed these values here I then need to run my rules I need to kick them into action now here are my rules but I don't want for buttons I don't want to have to run my tank size run the number of fan just then run the flounce I stand when the material I just want one button to run everything okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to drag my tank size rule in so it gives me my button there to run my tank sighs look I'm just gonna rename this here and this will say this is gonna be called run I logic rules okay now I'm just gonna that that's all I want done to my buttons for now what I'll show you what I've done so that this tank size runs all rules if I look at my tank size rule okay at the very very end of my rule I've got this little section here okay but at the end of the rule once it's gone through and it's it's picked its tank height and width and length and it's set everything up it then doesn't update and it then runs my other rules so just using this one other section I'm saying run another rule so if I was just to put in I'm just double click this one rule and then all I do is type in the name of the rule I want to run okay now I haven't got any other grows to run but I'm just going to say okay run the material rule then run the flange size rule and then run the number of flanges rule so this way I'm I'm running one rule and then by running that rule according all the rules just one button does the job for me okay so if I go to my forum bring up my forum so here it is so let's say I want a 500 liter tank I wanted to have that size flange I only want three flanges and I wanted to be made out of copper let's say okay I then just click run my I logic rule as you can see it's got rid of those beams already it's changed the material of the tank it's changed the size of the flanges it's changed the number of the flanges and eventually it's updated the size of my frame okay so it's just one click of a button I've updated everything I need to update okay so there's no going back operating parameters make sure that that constraint updates you know it's it's just a seamless one button everything goes through and updates okay so let's jump across to my assembly drawing here so I have my assembly drawing so I've got my my tank in here I've got I think it's in a3 sheet I believe this just have a quick look at this sheet yep it's an a3 sheet with two views size 130 now if that wants to change to a size 900 liter tank this frame would shoot off the end of the page you know this view would extend over here somewhere the views would look awkward out of position I'd probably need an in a two sheet instead of an a3 sheet you know I might want an isometric view up here you know so let's go and change this to an island related tank so it's a 900 leanness let's update the flange size let's change it to let's say carbon steel why not and let's run my logic rule so as you can see it's updated the tank material it's changed the flange size it's then it's gone ahead and updated my tank okay so that's done so let's jump back to my assembly drawing now you would think that there we go look it's updated my sheet size I should now be in an a2 sheet it's added in the next review it's updated this from a size 1 to 32 a size 135 it's changed the scale of this view great I don't need to go back and change my drawing view and edit my sheet every time I need to have a look at a different sized tank or I need a producer different size frame okay this is automatically for me so how's it done that so within this drawing I have a rule called sheet size again just a very basic rule so let's have a little look at this rule so what I'm saying is if the parameter of the tank assembly is 500 years then I want the sheet size to be a 3 I want view a to be a scale of 1 to 30 I want view 6 to be a scale of 1 to 50 I want view a to be a certain position so coordinate 25 25 I want view for to be position 50 50 I want view 6 to be in a certain position so I'm dictating where all my views go and I'm even suppressing view 6 which is this ISO view so you probably notice when I did the scale of the five hundy attack there wasn't an ISO view there that's because that view was suppressed now all of these codes here I've just got from the drawing here so I've got what she is what she's height what she'd size and you know if you height for you scale view position you know you can you can change all of these from just just within here okay view the corner okay so I'm just setting the spacing to a certain corner okay so I've set it to be whatever equals 600 years seven eight and nine hundred years okay so depending on which size tank I choose my drawing view just automatically updates and there's no faffing around okay again saving your design engineer time minimizing mistakes and you know saving you money essentially okay so that is my part file my assembly file on my drawing file now finally what I was gonna show you was putting this my a up a data and bringing into my pod file so let's go to my a logic part they store the one here now I have an Excel spreadsheet here which is exported from an ERP system so I've got part numbers I've got descriptions I've got cost Center then project numbers er PID stock number and a web link okay now I want to be able to get all this data into my inventor part file into this I properties okay now from within here what I need to do is write myself a simple rule so let's create a new rule okay it's add new one and let's call this ERP import okay so now instead of writing this I'm just gonna copy and paste this in save me writing it all out but I will again I will go through and explain it all for you okay so here is my rule that I've created so just like I did with the the flange size I've went to find an Excel spreadsheet find the sheet number and find the row called part number okay sorry there's a little bit above that actually got an input box so it's gonna when I run this rule a little dialog box is gonna pop up and ask me to input a part number okay so I'm gonna insert a part number so based on that part number it will go and find an excel roll survi and differences for this tank the row is 1 w7 serve I in the details one double-oh-seven it'll go find this row and it'll look at all of these details it will go then go and find the raw value for description cost center vendor project number er PID stock number and web link okay it's going to take those values and populate my inventor parameters okay then from those inventor parameters which I've just got down here I'm then gonna take them into my I properties values okay so my part description okay so it's gonna find the value for description it's populated my PRT description from there I've taken that PRT description and I've put it into the I property's value project tab description value okay I've done that for all of these but I've also got a custom value here okay now for my custom value that cancel out okay what I need you do is just go in here and add I've got my custom number in there already so that's back to add in my rule so I'll copy that in so and my part number it goes through populates my inventor parameters which then in turn populist my I property's value I click okay so let's run this actually at the end it's just gonna give me a dialog box to say yep great everything's worked successfully okay let's go so it's saying please enter your part number so let's say CG 107 I click OK it says okay all of your properties have been transferred to your in vendor I properties okay so that's having look what's happened I go to my menu I properties go to my project tab I've now got my part number my stock member my tank number my project number my cost center my vendor my web link as we've seen before the ie RP ID is populated that one seven eight three okay I'll just show you about again on and maybe another pot so let's have a look at let's say one of these feet so that's edit this foot here so first of all we need to create our custom I property just let us say this is gonna be called ERP ID okay you can see that you know none of the stock numbers descriptions engineers all that none of that had been populated let's create a new rule and call it the up the import okay it's just copy and paste that dialog box and again that's a sorry that cold and ok I don't have a one for the foot man but let's just say it's gonna have the values of the of the frames let's SCC g1 to blow to so I go see g1 develop two I click okay says that it's all done if I now go to my invent design properties there you go you can say that all of those have been populated in there okay so that concludes my ayah logic webinar so if you guys have any further queries about what I've done here and or if you would like any of the code that I've used and I can you know it's free to a good home and either contact myself as I cross at Capcom today you or contact cat group via a hair web web page it's a you okay so again a big thank you for everyone taking the time out to come and watch this webinar and I hope to speak to you guys soon thank you very much goodbye
Channel: Cadgroup Australia
Views: 130,163
Rating: 4.9577675 out of 5
Keywords: autodesk, inventor, ilogic, introduction, cadgroup, inventor 2014, autocad, cad, software, Autodesk Inventor (Software), Data, Technology, ERP, integration, assembly ilogic, part ilogic, inventor ilogic, Autodesk Inventor, autodesk ilogic, ilogic basic, erp ilogic, training, cad training, inventor training, cadgroup training, mechanical training
Id: xGx8hXKaYu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2013
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