Tutorial Inventor - 151 iLogic for Assemblies

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[Music] hi my friends today we continue with the presenting a logic for assemblies this is an assembly and we have to recognize its components crossbar pole and base each one in two instances the dimensions are named length width and height and the prefix a s is for assembly these are dimensions for assembly because length height and width will have each component here when this will be created we'll use a logic to create rules and forms through which we will be able to control both the hole and its components but let's start by presenting the results this is the result will have this construction and beautiful dialogue box with the name modular stand you see here assembly length 150 dimensions are in centimeters not in millimeters when we select another dimension instead of 150 we select 120 you see this stand will be changed the same for fight and the same for width for this length so we can control between some limits this assembly let's see how to do this we start by creating the assembly you see here how to create this assembly is not a big deal you can download components baseball and crossbar by reading the last paragraph in the description of this tutorial I have to present these components because we don't create them right now this is the base and it has a parameters table here where you see this 0 is the thickness 3 centimeters with 10 centimeters and length 50 centimeters thickness width and length the next is the pole which has this definition thickness the same 3 centimeters with 8 centimeters with the length 80 centimeters the last is the crossbar which has a similar parameter table with thickness width and length as special parameters what you have to know is that the values of this three parameters comes from the assembly to the component you cannot write here any expression by thinking that the expression will would be calculated in this procedure general procedure with our logic and expression will be here will be replaced by a value coming from the assembly this is the important thing to be better informed when you download the components you will find these parameters tables is the name with all that parameter we use this three components to create an assembly let's create an assembly standard millimeters I am is the template we go to tools the first thing we have to do we select document settings units and instead of millimeters we select centimeter every component is dimension in centimeters by using this procedure as tools document settings and selecting centimeter this is the way to create a part with the other units if you want to have the same units always you have to use styles edit okay now we work in centimeters next is to create some parameters which are important for our biologic work the first is a s length which we want to be a multi-value parameter the first value is the maximum value add and the default value is not necessary okay even if if we have here only one value this is declared as multi value the same with the next the height make multi-value 80 is the maximum value add select this delete okay and with it has a maximum value of 50 centimeters add this is to be deleted okay we have to save this to continue we save it under the name stand for modular stand Jewish then we create the assembly we go to place but not using the ordinary tool but place a logic component the first is the base and we have to edit this table because we want to control this part from the assembly environment actually we have to make this dimension length yes this is dimension length which is this from here to here to be identified with the assembly with yes the length is width for the assembly assembly with we select assembly with and now they are connected and they are considered the same parameter for both internal external okay the first object is to be placed grounded at origin and this is the first object the second one is here escape we restart now place I logic component and then we place the pole but you have to see here a new part base 0 1 from the base we have now base 0 1 why because we create we create an eye logic assembly you'll see the same doubling of the other components pole if you use place analogic component now this is the pole and its length is the height for the assembly yes length is fight okay one is to be placed here and another one here escape the last place I logic component is the crossbar you see Paul and Paul 0 1 it's length is length for the assembly yes lengths this is the same length with length okay we place one two crossbars then what is to be done to constraint we use the tool constrain the insert we select this park and this Park they are placed together apply and the same for the other apply but if you exit from here you see that this is not final constraint what to do we use mate flush for placing this tool in the same plane apply to the other the same apply next we use the same insert for placing this arc and this Park apply and also this one to this one apply then we use mate mate to place this axis on this point apply same up here this axis on this point applied the last is to place the other element which is this one here everybody understand this kind of relationship this is to be placed here apply and button is not fixed you see this is free because the it only five degrees of freedom are constrained the last one rotation it is not constrained and we can use axis and point to do this okay this is the construction we save it again as stunt I am okay and we go further now we go to a logic click on this title and let's see the rules as you can see we find here some rules what do they contain they contain only one statement the parameter length from the base is to be assigned with the value of a s width the length of the base to be the width of the assembly this is the meaning saber run the next is similar the length of the pole which is a height in fact to be assigned from the value of a s height and the last one is also statement with the lengths equal to length good now let's go to forms and let's create a new form you know procedure from the previous tutorials we give it a name modular stand to know what is it about and then we drag the three parameters to the form as you can see each of them becomes associated with a combo box this is all we'll see after this value is 150 the length the height is 80 and the width is 50 okay if we click here this dialog box appears but there is no values here because we didn't place them let's place them yes to do this we create a new rule the rule name is list values all of them are lists of values yes okay and now we have to associate parameters with lists to do this we go to parameters set list double click and we receive this object with a property the parameter is the zero where are the Assembly's parameters they are in the user parameters because we created them you remember in the assembly we created these three parameters double click on this zero and double click on length yes now we have to replace this default values with our values which are 20 comma 40 60 80 100 120 and the last is the maximum value we already used okay let's go to the next we can copy this and the next line and once again we can copy this line twice once twice and the next parameters are the next also here as the values for the height are 30 40 50 60 70 and the last is the maximum value we established this values of course here is missing : good and the last has these are arbitrarily values you know you can choose anything you want you want one kilometer you place the one kilometer no problem 20 30 40 and maximum 50 okay now by running this rule will find in the I I'll save and run and you'll see will see the values in the parameter table save and run click here and as you can see they are placed there and the effect is obvious let me let me make this smaller to see the result if I select 150 we have the previous situation but we can select anything yes let me keep that after I modify to be the same you see this is the width of the assembly or the length of the base you know now good let's go further I think you can imagine what happens now if I click here instead of a unique value in this text box will find a list this is the list each one has its list and if we select another value from the list we have the answer here this is what I presented at the beginning you can do this with each parameter to see how looks that part the assembly is very interesting hunt is made by you nobody was here but you good what about the drawing I want to have a drawing yes well you can create a drawing to see the results the first thing to do after opening the template is to change the units click on the style and standard editor be sure to be read/write and at the units instead of millimeters place centimeters save and close nothing happens but we'll see now I place the stand the modular stand with the scale 1-10 to be around the number yes and with a projection okay now let's apply some diversions one is the length which is yes 150 the other is the height which is 90 it must be 80 not 90 we'll see what happens here and this is 50 the problem with the height is that the pole has the length of 80 and this has height of 10 and is normal to have here this value but is not correct we want a s height to be the value in the text box for combo box not with an ad let's go back to the rules which are here at the pole double clicked on this where we have to change something we have to subtract from this the value of another parameter minus the base is this and it's parameter is the width model parameters the width is 10 you see I apply here double click and that's all this is all the change we have to do now the length will be the height the length of the pole will be the height the designated height minus the value of the base the value of width of the base yes save a run go here something must be changed yes it must be we go back and we apply here say 60 the height okay is it 60 also here it is yes because now what value has the height results from the sum between the length of the pole and width of the base if we change here back the height to 80 we'll see 80 yes you see here good very nice and now what now we think to refine the procedure why what is the procedure now open this by the way let me save it with all modifications yes I agree all of them so the procedure works by opening this assembly and the presentation is this and then to know to remember that I have to click on illogic than to click on modular stand to make this automatically I create a new rule a special rule with the name trick rule the trigger rule yes when I opened the assembly to run this rule this is my intention okay and now I go to forms and I double click here so for instead of this default name I write our proposed name modular stand I know that this form exists several you see this dialog box appears instantly but how can I make this to function now the problem is I have to run this run the rule to see this but to make this automatically we go to manage event triggers yes and this is the dialogue box the new dialog box we have here all our rules and here have the events which event I want to trick this rule open document I drag this role in open document after I open the document this must be activated okay good let's save again I close this I close also this drawing save change save and now I double click here to open the stand I am when I open it the dialog box appears then I select parameter and I see what happens here this is all for today bye [Music] you
Channel: Constantin Stancescu
Views: 7,983
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, Tutorial, 3D Modeling, Training, Beginner
Id: YDInUcrTcwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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