Adaptivity as fast and as simple as possible | Autodesk Inventor

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greetings in thank you for coming along to this invented tips and tricks video more of a tutorial about it activity as fast and as simple as possible why because it activity can be used on a massive scale or can be used in a very basic way to do very basic things which save you some time and that's what I'm going to focus on here you might have heard of adaptivity you might have heard a mention in your office you might have seen it in inventor somewhere and referenced somewhere in the buttons and the dialog boxes name everything what is it can I use this yes you can it's brilliant adaptive it can be described in two different ways the first way the most I guess the most practical way of describing what adaptivity is it's adaptivity is when a part file its size its position or it's it's you know shape is in some way controlled by another part file it doesn't have its own dimensions it's them it's size is controlled by the dimensions of another part another way of describing how adaptivity can be of a benefit is it's a way of capturing and managing design change so a good example of that is this scissors assembly that comes with inventor now this scissors assembly has a clip here a little spring clip which fits into the hole on the handle now that needs to be a snug fit at the moment it's not adaptive which means in the future if somebody was to make a design change to this handle and increase the size of the hole you would then have to remember on to edit the clip itself and then change the size of this outer diameter to suit the size of the new hole so you're making two changes if it was adaptive what you would be able to do is link the size of the clip to the size of the hole so you would make one change the size of the hole would then drive the size of the clip it's seductive the clip is adaptive to the hole so that would be one way of creating the activity a very basic way but we can use that time to did many different examples to all kinds of extremes so I'm going to do a very very quick and basic example of adaptivity on this assembly here so what I've got is a carburetor intake plate it's just a very basic plate before holding it I'm honest and I'm going to design the gasket which sits on top of it now the gasket is going to be an exact size well it's going to be the exact size of the plate below and is going to have the four holes in it that's what it's going to be and it needs to be adaptive I could with without activity I would have to manually take dimensions for the Philips for the length and the width for the hole size and the hole positions and I would have to separately model the gasket to those exact sizes drop it in to the assembly and then constrain it onto the plate and hope that I've got the sizes right or I could use the duct tivity to just do it for me so this is one way of using adaptivity which pretty much describes all of its benefits and all of its uses so we're going to start by creating a new file the new gasket pod file so I'm going to click create in the assembly and then we're going to call this gasket click OK and then we're going to just drop the first we're going to drop the gasket into the assembly that's it right next step we need to create the sketch the very first sketch for the gasket now this is when things start to become adaptive so we click start new sketch and instead of just picking one of the standard work planes to start sketching on instead we can just hover our cursor over over the the top of the face go to select other and then pick that face there that creates our first sketch for the gasket and that sketch is on top of this face more so it's adaptive to this face so if this thickness here so of this plate thickness from here to here was to increase in this face was to move up our sketch because it's adaptive to that face would move up with it how do we know it's adaptive though how do you know that you've created that adaptivity well if you look in your inventor browser on the left hand side that workplane there is the workplane our sketch is actually based on it's we're sketching on that work plane that we're plane has a little symbol next to it red are on a blue arrow that symbolizes adaptivity the word plane is a duck and our part is an adaptive part so whenever you do have adaptivity in your part file you will see this little symbol here that tells you that it's working okay so keeping this as simple as I can first off I'm just going to switch off this world planes it's fully get that off okay so the size and the position of the gas gate rocket so just again just to reiterate without adaptivity what you would need to do is just start drawing the gasket you would have to put the sizes and you'd have to draw circles you know manually dimension the whole centers together but we're not going to do that to create our adaptivity we can use project jewelry and we can project edges and faces from other part files into this part so I can say project jewelry and I can pick the entire face and that will project the edges in the lines of that face into our part file that's giving us a sketch profile to extrude that's what it's done so we can finish the sketch we don't need to place any dimensions we can just say this gasket we're going to extrude this profile that we've retrieved that we've pulled from the face in the part below so we can then just give it an extent that say it's going to be a two millimeter gasket and that's a bit thick let's say one click ok and has changes color so I can differentiate it from below let's make it black oh my god or that's why can you give me a black color without being gritty and looking terrible nevermind okay but there's our gasket extruded now our gasket is exactly it's it's been designed using the sketch from the feature below so it is completely controlled by this part here and that's the adaptivity we can also see that on the extrusion in our browser the extrusion is adaptive because it's sketch is spawned from the part below so if you click return you'll now see that we've got the 2-part in the assembly this part is driving this part here let's test it so I'm going to edit the first part the original part and let's look for this extrusion here is the one that controls the size of the holes you can see that what is this duffed units this is in so if we edit this value here and then change the size of the hole let's reduce the size of the hole to 0.08 okay finish that sketch you can see when we finish this part it changes the size of our casket because these holes here are controlled by the holes in the plate below that's it activity that's pretty much it I mean we can we can change the size of the the plate itself if we want to know that this plate was actually modeled by an absolute Clampett and it didn't plug in symmetrical sketches so you can see the holes aren't actually or it's not brilliant but there's our gasket is automatically changed to suit the size of the plate below when the plate changes the plate is controlling the size of a gasket fire adaptivity and that will change to suit as well so is fast as I can I probably rambled a bit too much there and repeat a few things but just to try to get the point across that's it activity as fast and as simple as I can make it you can take that to all kinds of extent so you can have all kinds of different parts controlling other parts fire projector geometry you can go to great extremes with this to control design changes there's a couple of things need to be aware of though first off when you do project edges from one part of the other if that edge is something that could potentially change like for example if we were to create a fill it on this edge here and remove the edge that had been projected you're going to have problems that's why some companies don't like the idea of adaptivity it can easily be broken by removing lines and edges and faces which have been used to project themselves into other parts that can cause issues but it's not the end of the world what you can do is you can just right-click on the part file just untaken app t'v and that will remove the adaptivity temporarily you can then right-click on it and then bring the adaptivity vacuum reenable 'only adaptivity at some point in the future so you do have options such as that to control it okay that's his basic as I can make it hopefully it was useful to somebody out there if it was please place like on the video if you liked it dislike if it was a bit too vague which it might have been a much but put some comments on your if you've got anything to say subscribe the channel and until next time thank you very much and cheery bye
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 31,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, tips, training, guide, 3D, modelling, part, assembly, best practice, Solidworks, AutoCAD, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, adaptive, adaptivity, project geometry, links
Id: rAHKdsjGdNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2015
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