How To Create Digital Planners With More Than 200 Pages (With Hyperlinked Tabs)

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[Music] this is Faith from in this particular video I will be showing you what to do when you have a digital planner that has way too many pages to fit in one canva project well as you might be aware One camera project only allows you up to 200 pages so if you want to create a hyperlinked digital planner with more than 200 Pages you would actually need to create a multiple canva projects so because of that we have a limitation and therefore you are not able to hyperlink between projects right so this is actually a highly requested video because I've received so many questions from my last two videos on creating digital planners with hyperlinked tabs so this is it guys this video is going to show you what do we do when we have more than 200 pages when we're trying to hyperlink different camera projects together into one final digital planner unfortunately because of the 200 Page limit we will have to use a different platform other than canva to create the hyperlinks so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use it in PowerPoint so we're going to still make use of canva to create the planners and then after that export the separate files into Camp into PowerPoint files and then combine them into one PowerPoint file and then add the hyperlinks in that one PowerPoint file now please do note that because this is like a follow-up video from the other two digital planner canva tutorials so if you actually want to learn step by step how to create a digital planner from scratch entirely in canva please do keep a lookout for my digital planner one hour masterclass which will walk you through every step of the way okay in that particular video I have actually showed you how to create daily planner templates weekly planners as well as notes pages and undated monthly planner pages and how to actually put them together into like a digital planner for a month okay a monthly undated digital planner in that video in the video description you should also check it out because I do have a free canva template you will see is the exact same digital planner that I've created in the video and you can actually download the canva template for you to modify and use and it comes with commercial use rights which means you can take it adapt it edit it customize it and then resell it to somebody else for their personal use but of course please do know that you cannot distribute my canva templates you cannot use my canva tablets to sell to other people so that they can sell it again all right only use the templates to edit it download it as PDF and then with the hyperlinks you can actually sell that as a digital Planner on Etsy or any other online platform or any other website or shop that you have okay so once again this is a follow-up video so if you need step by step on how to create digital planners please refer to the the other video before coming back because this in this video we're going to show you how to combine multiple canva projects into a single PowerPoint file and then add the hyperlinks in the situation where you have more than 200 pages okay let's dive in so we are on my canva dashboard right now and what you're seeing on the screen is my I undated monthly planner with unicorn designs if you find this familiar well that's because I have a separate YouTube video that shows you step by step how I created this particular planner okay like I mentioned earlier this planner and this design has 70 Pages we have got notes Pages daily planner Pages weekly planner Pages as well as the undated monthly planner and I also have tabs on it so it's actually hyperlinked let me just show you what I mean it means when I Mouse over this is actually the preview section of canva itself this is how you can actually test out your hyperlinks when you actually have hyperlinks in your canva project so when you Mouse over the part with hyperlinks you'll see a little hand instead of an arrow so you can click on it and then it goes to the page where the hyperlink leads to so the Home tab that you see now keeps going back to index okay and month goes to the monthly planner week one goes to the week one planner and notes go to the notes section of the digital planner so these are hyperlinks and now I want to as mentioned if you have more than 200 pages canva will not allow you basically that that is the limitation okay if you have more than 200 Pages you have to create your product in separate canva projects but what I want to start by showing you is we can export our canva project into a PowerPoint file in fact I also have another video where I show you different files that you can import into canva and different versions of files that you can export from canva itself so if you want to find out more please refer back to that video okay um here we're going to focus on exporting canva into PowerPoint okay so go to share go to more and here scroll down you will see under safe Microsoft PowerPoint of course you will have to have the PowerPoint software on your computer in order to export it and open up the PowerPoint file so here same thing as how you would download any other file types you can select the number of pages that you want but right now I'm just going to download everything okay so 17 72 pages of this and click download and then we wait for the PowerPoint file to download okay now to speed things up I've actually exported it just now already so here it is okay here it is you see that the design is basically duplicated right I downloaded it from canva as a PowerPoint file I open it up and this is what I see but however um the the downside is what you would notice is like right here the monthly planner looks good and in fact my hyperlink tabs still work okay once again when I export my canva project as a PowerPoint file and open it up in PowerPoint the hyperlinks still work let's just show you now I'm in the preview section of PowerPoint this is how you get there you click on this little icon right at the bottom right hand corner screen click on slideshow and if you Mouse over the area where there's a hyperlink you will see a little white hand instead of a Black Arrow okay so we're gonna click here home goes to the index page same thing if I click on the month tab it brings me to the monthly planner week one brings me to week one notes brings me to the notes section so the hyperlinks work the hyperlinks work when you export from canva to PowerPoint file but unfortunately you might encounter things like this do you see that the alignment has gone messed up right so in canva itself we've already done up all the designs really nicely but right now here for some reason the tables have have gone messed up so what I need to do is I need to actually resize it to make sure that it fits and stuff like that okay so please please make sure if you're actually exporting your canva project into PowerPoint you have to check through every single page to make sure that the alignment is correct otherwise I mean you don't want to sell a product that is messed up right you're going to have unhappy customers coming to you and asking you how can you even sell me like stuff like this okay this is definitely not something you want to sell to your customers okay so that is the main issue when we export from canva to PowerPoint so because of that because I tried exporting the camera project into PowerPoint and what I'm seeing is that oh dear the tables are getting messed up and it's going to take me extra time to change out every page right I have to resize everything I have to make sure that all 30 pages 31 pages of my daily planner pages are back nicely in order and so are my weekly planner pages so it's going to be a lot of work so this is not what I want to do okay I'm just trying to sound out everything so you understand my rationale for doing things a certain way okay so now that I know the PowerPoint is gonna mess up my alignment then what do I do so in this case I'm gonna get rid of all the duplicates what do I mean let's head back to canva so now this is the template this is the exact copy of the template that you can get for free in my other video where you check out or just well I'm just going to put it in this video description as well okay to make it easy for you check out the video description below for a link to get access to my unicorn undated digital planner canva template for free okay look at the video description below um so this is the template that you will get and remember once again the objective is to export the canva file into a PowerPoint file and instead of just a one month digital planner I'm going to create a planner that covers the entire year okay 365 days wow that's a lot right but don't worry step by step I'll walk you through and you can do it too so here for this one I'm gonna duplicate this file go to file and make a copy so now that I'm definitely gonna have more than 200 pages in a single camera project and the fact that I saw once I export this design onto PowerPoint my alignment is going to get messed up I'm going to reduce the number of duplicated pages okay right to the bare minimum because why I can duplicate the same Pages inside PowerPoint itself okay so just follow through so now the other thing is because I want to add the hyperlinks right so this planner template if you have grabbed it from me you're gonna see that you have all the hyperlinks so what do we do now we're gonna have to have to create the hyperlinks inside PowerPoint itself so right now we don't need this hyperlinks anymore okay I'm just going to ungroup it and click and delete all these tabs I will lift the Home tab on because um I love the design and the fact that I can just add the hyperlink to that for the index page in PowerPoint itself so I'm just going to leave it as that but you do see that there is an invisible rectangle on top of the Home tab why because that is where the hyperlink is added to if you're confused you have to go back to my one hour digital Tanner master class because that is how I show you how to add hyperlinks nicely onto your colorful tabs in the digital planner that you create on canva itself okay but right now I'm just going to delete that and leave it so what I want to do is go to this little grid view you will see at the bottom right hand corner of your canva dashboard and once again I'm going to keep everything to the bare minimum so just one monthly plan a page one weekly plan a page and holding down the shift key to select all the others and delete just hitting the delete button yes I'm deleting everything not to worry and the daily planners you see all the way I've got until 31 days of daily planner pages and right now I'm just gonna keep day one planner clicking on day two holding down a shift key and selecting day 31 so everything is now selected and then deleting it and notes Pages same thing you see this that's a lot of duplicates right why because when you're creating digital planners you can actually add as many pages as you like because then you don't have to like print it out you're not worrying about printing it out right because then your planner user when they open up your PDF file for this digital planner they can actually swipe through and have lots of notes pages that they can use in this particular PDF file so but right now as we're creating it remember we are exporting it to PowerPoint I'm Gonna Keep it to the bare minimum okay just one notes page deleting that and right now I don't really need this commercial use rights but please read it through when you're using my template okay so there we go monthly planner week one day one notes this is the bare minimum and now I do want to add some more for different months so what do I do I'm gonna click on this page one and there is this duplicate icon right here at the top so you can click that to duplicate the page what I'm trying to do is I'm going to click and drag here and now I'm gonna set uh this as the planner dividers monthly planner dividers so I will need to type in January and just deleting this and then now I deleted that rectangle and now because um you know it looks kind of messy with the words overlapping the Unicorn so go to effects and what I'm going to do is I'm going to search uh choose background and have a white opaque background behind the words January so you can actually see the words clearly and then change the size to maybe font size 60. okay there we go that's January and then repeat the process of duplicating the page and just typing in the rest of the months duplicating March duplicate here the duplicate page icon on the top right corner of this page itself and go into April duplicate May June July if this is boring you you can always speed up a little bit okay or you can slow down uh you can choose how fast or how slow or just pause and watch again at the parts that you you get lost at okay but I do want to show you how I'm doing things in real time because I want to show you how fast it all can it can be all done okay so that's why I'm not like cutting this off or speeding up intentionally but you can decide how fast or slow you want to watch the video at okay you can just speed things up or slow things down as you watch this okay so now we have got all the monthly planner dividers right here so um what I'm going to do is I'm just going to select these pages and right here so the intention is to have the monthly planner page the weekly Planet page as well as the daily planner page and the notes page all fall under one monthly planner does it does it make sense okay so January I'm gonna have monthly planner weekly planner daily planner and notes pages and then for February I'm gonna have the same section under February so I'll have different sections right different monthly planners in the same digital planner okay but right now once again because of how PowerPoint messes things up I don't want to end up to have to redo all my pages in PowerPoint and this is why I'm keeping everything to the bare minimum okay here going back to the index page um I don't need all of these so I'm just gonna this is actually created using a table element deleting the column I only need two columns right now and just using the index because I do want um the Home tab to come back to the index page okay and then so that people can actually navigate around the digital planner quickly and easily so here we go here I don't want it to be bold here there is a hyperlink I'm going to get rid of the hyperlink as well just typing out the months Pro May June and the second column July August September October November December and then the remaining rows at the bottom I'm going to delete the entire row until I'm left with one row but here I'm gonna hold down the shift key or you can just click on this ellipse menu um and click too much cells okay so that my notes will be in the middle I just think it looks nicer this way okay so here we have the index page with the different months and this is where we're gonna add hyperlinks to inside PowerPoint okay so let's do this and remember I want to get rid of the tabs too so just click now this is grouped so click you see that this has um a huge purple outline that selects more than one element because this is actually a group of elements so I'm going to ungroup it and just click and drag to delete the tabs and hit delete button on my keyboard same thing ungroup them click and drag delete the tabs there we go we've got all these words that I don't want as well I'm just trying not to select the other elements click and drag select the words deleting them and here we are repeating that until we make sure we're getting rid of um tabs okay ungroup click and drag delete and this one click and drag I'm gonna ungroup that click and drag to delete okay so now I've got the bare minimum number of pages oh I still have two more pages with tabs let's just delete that ungroup and delete the tabs we will be creating tabs um inside PowerPoint itself okay so this is the bare minimum um yes and I am going to share and click on more and scroll down to see PowerPoint Microsoft PowerPoint and then this canva project right now it has 19 pages with the Ben minimum number of pages that I need because I will do the duplicates inside PowerPoint itself and then now it's downloaded I'm just going to open it up in PowerPoint so this is it so do you notice that we have the same issue that the daily planner and a weekly planner the tables are still misaligned now I do notice the other issue is that now the effect that I created in canva where I had a white background behind January so that I can see the word clearly um has disappeared okay so then very simple I can just add a simple rectangle shape okay go to insert shapes and choose a simple rectangle you can even choose other shapes that you want and then go to home and then select shade fill I'm going to choose white and shape outline no outline and then just go to arrange and bringing it backwards um I am actually using uh a Mac so if you realize that some of the the way the menu appears for your PowerPoint looks different from mine that's because you're probably using Windows version I'm using the uh the Mac version okay but not to worry you should still get the same features okay so then let me select this this shape am I selecting the shape I'm selecting the shape Ctrl C and then I'm going back to each of this monthly planner dividers to paste it and sending it backwards until it goes behind the word and just repeating the process Ctrl V to paste go to arrange and bringing it backwards okay it's a little mundane unfortunately but then it's not difficult okay some of the steps because they're repetitive it can feel a little tedious but well it's not difficult I think I think the most important thing is I do want you to realize that creating digital products to sell is not difficult at all okay and it might feel a bit more challenging especially when you first try it out but as you get along it's going to be much easier okay so what I'm doing right now is just pasting and going to arrange to send it backwards Ctrl V to paste the white rectangle and sending it backwards because I want the words to be clearly visible um and not like this you know then it affects the readability of the name of the month we are almost there November pasting it here arranging it backwards and December the last page that we have right here paste it and sending it backwards and just resizing the rectangle a little bit okay so that's it so far so good right it's not not confusing I hope um well just a reminder if you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section under the video I read through all my comments all your comments personally and I do try to get back to you as soon as possible in answering all of your questions okay like what happened is when I actually have lots of people asking me the same question this is what happens I create a video to help you address the issue okay so please feel free to ask questions give feedback in the comment section below um yeah so now that we have solved the problem the little hiccup and now we need to go to the weekly planner and resize this well we expected this right remember the first time I exported this I already saw that um the alignment has gone kind of messy so I'm just gonna make some minor changes shifting it here which is why I wanted all the pages to be the bare minimum like I mentioned because I don't want to have to do this editing for like 30 pages so now that this is nicely done what we're going to do is we're gonna start duplicating okay Ctrl D to duplicate and then here we're gonna have week two I'm gonna have like five weeks so this is week five sorry week three so you see or you can go to the right hand side where you can see the thumbnail of the page and you can right click to actually duplicate the slide that's also possible and then just making sure you are naming your pages correctly the week four planner right here right click duplicate slide and then here week five planner I do want to have like five weeks of planner Pages for each month and then for the daily planner now this one is messy so not to worry we just have to resize it accordingly right like this here just resizing it to make sure everything looks good and here this one we can shift it up and the envelopes position also it's just a matter of resizing it's not difficult at all here okay there we go all right so this now now this looks good and once again similarly we're gonna duplicate this daily planner page control um I'm holding down the Ctrl key on my keyboard and then to duplicate it or you can press Ctrl d to duplicate all right so now it's just a matter of renaming it so that we've got like we've got sufficient pages one planner page per day okay so now we can also speed things up right here go to the grid view the slide shorter as it's named now we need a total of 30 daily planner pages right so here for January control I will hold down my shift key so that I select all three daily planner Pages Ctrl D to duplicate now I've got three and then Ctrl D again now I've got nine right so I'm just gonna Ctrl d one page now I've got 10 selecting the first daily planner page holding down the shift key selecting the last one I'm selecting all 10 planners Ctrl D now I've got 20 daily planner Pages Ctrl D again I've got 30. okay and then duplicate the last page now I've got 31. do you see that and now just going back to each of these Pages again and making sure that each of them are named correctly they want today um 31. okay so same thing it's not difficult it's repetitive it's a little mundane but hanging there uh we we will get there we are at day eight now day nine of course you can choose not to name any of these daily planner pages and then you will save save your headache on you know making sure they're properly named right you can do that is it is your planner design so it's entirely up to you um well the upside of naming it is so that it's basically easier for your um plan a user to use it or instead of having like I said if you don't want a name at name each of these Pages what you can do is you can actually just create um an empty another text box right here or a rectangle on the top right hand corner and then you can write something like date okay so then it's up to the user to just date their planners then you don't have to date them accordingly like this okay but we are halfway through I guess this is actually a good point a good place to speed things up and watch it at two times the speed since I'm just naming and then or you can just work along with me so that you can you know follow through and then complete your planner uh the same time as I complete mine then that will be really productive you know just um applying what you've learned right away and then if you really follow through and you really apply it you will have a new product ready for a sale we are day 25 and we are almost there 26 27 28 29. hmm that's strange I'm going to go to my grid view because either I missed out some pages let me just check one two three four ah duplicate page five six seven eight nine I've got some duplicate pages so I'm just clicking dragging rearranging them here one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. 29 30. and 31. okay uh and Pages notes Pages how many notes Pages do you want your user to have okay maybe we can have another 30 pages of notes like maybe like this could be like a journal page but a user so same thing Ctrl D to duplicate select two pages Ctrl D you get four select all four pages no I'm just gonna have five of them click on the first note page hold down the shift key to click on the last one now you have five selected Ctrl D you've got 10 Ctrl D you've got 15 Ctrl D you've got 20 country D now you're 25 Ctrl D again you've got 30 notes pages okay do you see that so I have fixed up the messy table alignment that was caused by the importing of canva file onto PowerPoint fix that up for daily planner and weekly planner duplicated the weekly planner pages so that I've got five copies per month and duplicated the daily planner pages so that I've got 31 Pages for January checking through every page to make sure that I have actually labeled every page correctly I'm just eye volume looking at my screen okay and also duplicated the notes page and I've got 30 pages of notes Pages for the month of January so now we've done for January what do we do we have to select and duplicate everything for the other 11 months okay once again breathe is not difficult it's a bit tedious but it's not difficult it's very very simple now trick is click on the monthly planner which is the first planner page behind the January monthly divider right scroll down scroll down scroll down until you see the last note page hold down the shift key and click and there you go you selected all of them all of the pages behind January Ctrl D or command D if you're using a Mac to duplicate same thing now please be sure not to click outside because you see that there's still a red outline highlighting every single of these pages right because this is the entire set of duplicated pages and then what you want to do click them do you see that I've got 67 of them and magically I just move them behind February get it so now you're seeing a sea of pages on my PowerPoint file because I have just duplicated the entire set from February who sorry from January to February now I'm going to repeat the process click on the first page click on the last page of notes holding down the shift key Ctrl D to duplicate and then making sure that I don't click outside so that these pages are still highlighted click to drag right behind March okay I can press Ctrl D again give it a few moments because you're duplicating a lot of pages that I go and then moving it back behind April Ctrl D because the pages still remain highlighted as long as the pages still remain highlighted you know you have the entire set of 67 Pages selected so keep duplicating it and shifting it behind the month that you need Ctrl D to duplicate and then scrolling it down click and drag now we are moving it behind June okay we're already halfway there Ctrl D to duplicate again scroll down click and drag behind July Ctrl D again wait scroll down and moving back to our August Ctrl d wait a few moments and then moving it behind September Ctrl D to duplicate we are almost almost there just three more months to go behind October control d breathe and then shifting it behind November and then Ctrl d breathe okay remember to breathe guys and then shifting it behind December now do you see we've got a total of 819 planner Pages this is like a mega mega 365 day planner right which is really awesome because you can sell such a beefy digital planner to your customers and of course we have more content you can also sell it at a higher price so the other thing is if you really want to be very specific then of course you want to make some minor adjustments like under February since there's only going to be 28 days or 29 days in a leap year if you're gonna keep this as undated then maybe we will just delete day 30 and day 31 so that we've got 29 days of planner Pages for the month of February March we've got one two three 31 days we're gonna leave it as that scrolling down to April April only has 30 days right so is that right one two three four um so I'm deleting day 31 planner for April scrolling down for the month of May there are 31 days for the month of June four five six thirty days so June looking at a June divider deleting day 31 because they're only 30 days in June and July we've got one two three four five six seven 31 days leaving it August 31 days September September is 30 days 30 days in September looking for the September divider here and then deleting day 31 planner page October 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 31 days for October where am I October 31 days November 30 days delete and finally December has 31 days so we end up with 818 sorry 830 right here on the bottom left-hand Corner 813 pages in total wow that's amazing right so now I'm just gonna take a note a little note on the side because um well now that I have remember at the index side I actually created a note section for um sorry I created this notes section but now that I have a note section in every month I don't really want this anymore so I'm just going to delete this okay um the other thing is if you want to make it even more user friendly for your user you can also create an index page for each month so what am I talking about you can actually control D to duplicate this index page and put it behind January and then this one could be the January monthly planner and the week one planner and the week two planner and so on and so forth which makes your um planner fully fully hyperlinked which means they can look at January and go straight to day 16th of January for example okay and then you can then have um the day one day two and two until until 31 okay so this is possible uh but yes it's going to be a bit more time consuming to add all the hyperlinks I in this particular video I'm not going to walk you through that but the techniques that I'm already showing you is going to be applicable if you want to add more it's just giving you an idea that you can also further make your digital planner even more comprehensively hyperlinked from one section to the other by adding additional hyperlinked index Pages for each month okay now but for the purpose of this particular camera tutorial I'm just going to stick with one index page um that brings me to the different months okay the other thing is if you want your individual months to be fully hyperlinked you can also make it like a dated planner so now it's 2023 you can actually fill in the numbers of you know the dates of the month and then after that you can actually hyperlink the date so what do you want to link to you will want to link day one to the day one planner okay so that is also possible then from the perspective of the user as they're looking at their overall monthly planner they can tap on each individual date which then brings them to the respective daily planner pages that is also possible okay so once again those are ideas for you to work on uh so now of course the next big question is probably hey how do we add hyperlinks in Powerpoint so let's work on the index page first right remember the home button is going to bring us always you see that the home button is a recurring feature the Home tab is a recurring feature on every single page of this digital planner so no matter what page the user is using they can just tap on a home page and they will go back to the index page and then from there navigate to the other months okay so what I want to do is I'm going to take note of the page numbers okay let's see where is January oh silly me it's right here is right in the beginning so January is Page four uh what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go to the grid View here generally is Page four so I'm just going to write just make a note at a side with a small piece of paper so that it's easier for me to refer and February will be page 72. I need to know which slide each of the these monthly dividers are on so that from the index page when I tap on the word March it brings me to slide or page 138 where the divider where March begins okay April is at 206 why am I writing it down because it's just easier when you're hyperlinking I think you will get um you will understand later when I show you how to hyperlink the pages okay did I miss out on June June is 341. on page 341 [Music] July is on page 408 August is on page 476 September is on page 544 in October is on page 611 November is on page 679 and finally December is on page seven four seven okay so now I'm going back to the beginning where my index page is here where am I here in that so if you want to insert hyperlink all you have to do is highlight the text go to insert and look for this insert hyperlink okay now insert hyperlink you can actually add hyperlinks to like include a URL that brings you to an external website right but for the purpose of this digital planner creation we want to hyperlink within this document so you can see that you're actually trying to insert hyperlink to somewhere else in this document you see that and then you can see all the different slides now okay do you want to link it to the very first Slide the very last Slide the next Slide the previous slide or the specific slide numbers okay so there we go I want to link it to January which is on slide number four which is why I made a quick note of the different planner dividers which page they're on which slide they're on therefore it's so much easier for me to get it to the right place right here okay and double click to just highlight February insert hyperlink and February is on page 72 just scrolling to find it click OK March insert hyperlink is on page 138. now just to make sure I'm doing things correctly I'm just going to go to the slideshow and see if these three hyperlinks are working well so one thing is once you have the hyperlink the word color changes to Blue even underline right and then same thing as I mentioned before instead of an arrow a little hand appears when you Mouse over the area with hyperlink you click on it it goes to January and then well I haven't added the hyperlink on the Home tab so the Home tab is not working for now but well at least this hyperlink is working so let's press on and continue hyperlinking all the for the rest of the index page okay so April is on page 206. 206 May insert hyperlink is on page 273 -273 hit OK June is insert link on page three four one July on page 408 408 August 476. scroll down 476 here September September September 544 544 October of course if your math is better than mine then I think is you know every page is like additional 67 Pages because oh that's not necessarily true because um we've got some months with 30 days and some with 31 days so anyway October is on page six one one six seven nine and seven four seven will be the last two six seven nine almost there almost there six seven nine and seven four seven forty seven yes so let's test it out again go to the slideshow click on February very good Escape now I really Gotta Have My Home tab there so that it's easy for me to go back to the index page okay so now we have hyperlink fingers crossed everything is hyperlinked correctly on my index page now is the magical part where we add hyperlinked tabs right so of course you can also add instead of an index page you can create shapes to add tabs but how do you do it you're probably going to go insane if you create the tabs the shape of the tabs and add the hyperlink and then duplicate on all 813 Pages it will drive you nuts trust me so the good news is you can actually do it in a much easier way how go to view go to view and go to slide Master view okay when I first discovered slide Master section I was blown away because I went like what I didn't know PowerPoint has this feature so the awesome thing is the slide Master feature allows you to create layouts so what do we mean so anything so you can see that this is really large Master slide at the top right here anything anything that you put on this page it's gonna appear on all your pages in this PowerPoint template in this PowerPoint file okay so how is this going to help us well all I have to do is I'm going to copy this tab okay Ctrl C because I want to know exactly where this tab appears on my page going to view going to slide Master the largest Master slide and Ctrl V to paste it and there we go so this is it okay everything you put on this page will automatically appear on all your pages in this PowerPoint file now there is this massive slide where like I said everything you put here will automatically appear on all the other Pages now and then they are the smaller slides these are what I call the layout slides okay this slide layout now you can then have different layouts for example if I have this particular layout where I have um this shape okay and then this other layout where I have um insert another shape just a random shade I just need to illustrate to you what I mean okay this and then I go to view and I go to the normal view without disturbing all the good work that I've done I want to just show you what happens okay remember slight Master view is where you can have different layouts and once you have them it repeats on every page that you do so now if I were to just add a new slide right here do you see that that's this purple thing right at the top because that was found on the master slide in the slide Master section and therefore every time I add a new page this would appear it's a recurring feature on every page now now and then you would see if you're using Windows you can actually right click on the thumbnail for this slide and then you can choose the layout if you're using Mac like me you can go to the top and you can choose layout and now do you see the thumbnails of the designs that we created in the slide Master section here we've got this layout with the circle and I've got this layout with like a square with rounded edges and sharp tips right so I can actually choose this layout and there we go okay if I don't want this I can add a new page same thing when I add a new slide this thing appears because that is the recurring item okay and then I can choose the layout and I choose either of any of the layouts that I have created now how can this apply well if you want to have a recurring design on multiple Pages you can do that one-time effort of creating it in the slide Master section okay just imagine you've got you can actually do it like a monthly planner our monthly planner can actually be created in the slide Master section and then so that every time you want to add on a monthly planner page in this planner you can just add a new slide choose the right layout the monthly planner layout and then after that add a new text box in there and then just go type in January something like that okay um the slide Master section that the I go into a lot more details in my full-fledged digital planners Master Class course that course was actually primarily created to help people create digital planners using PowerPoint so if you actually now see the power of PowerPoint and you want to learn more about creating everything entirely in PowerPoint now I mean that would be the like the best masterclass the best class from me to to dive into to learn how to create digital planners within PowerPoint itself okay so that's that that's just additional PowerPoint tips for you right here uh but let me just delete this too not gonna have them going back to view and slide master and I really don't need those two layouts so I'm just gonna delete them and right here remember this is where we're gonna insert the hyperlink so same thing I'm going to insert an invisible shape let's just insert a square over this tab okay get rid of the outline no outline no shade feel it's a visible shape okay and then we're gonna insert the hyperlink and where does it go it goes to my index page which is on page three and click ok now we need to test it okay it's an invisible shape that will appear on all the pages right so all you need to do is create that one invisible shape at that one hyperlink and now all 813 pages will have the Home tab we have to test that out okay let's click on a random page go to slideshow we've got the mouse I mean we've got the hand over the house the home button right now click voila it goes to index page and then we click on September September and then you flip the page right and then now oh I need to look for February or March go back to the index page click on March now I'm just trying to make sure that all my months have been uh what do you call it properly hyperlinked okay June home home July home August October November December all right there we go guys this is it okay so fingers crossed I mean unfortunately sometimes Tech fails us but other times Tech is such a lifesaver so I know some of you have actually a few of you rather have had hiccups with um downloading your planets with the hyperlinks even though you've actually done them correctly um and checked them through in the preview section of canva but so just a heads up um you can ask me those questions in the comments section but unfortunately sometimes it's really difficult for me to troubleshoot for you but what I would do if I encounter such issues would be I might just re-download everything again sometimes it's about uh saving it closing the software booting it up again and then just redownloading the PDF and and I don't know and then and then sometimes it just works okay so but if you do have any questions you can feel free to leave them in the comment section below and I will do my best to help you um within my capacity uh yeah so now that we are done we are going to go to file export as PDF and there we go 365 planner and let's just check that and then of course it's going to take a little while because the file is really big okay so this is basically it okay I've walked you through in less than an hour how I've actually re-edited my original unicorn undated monthly planner template in canva multiplied the monthly planner Pages the monthly dividers reduced all the repeating content pages to the bare minimum exported that from canva imported that opened it up in PowerPoint and then got the alignment issues corrected duplicated them added shifted the pages around so that we have um each we have every we have planner Pages behind every monthly planner dividers and then after that we added the hyperlinks to the index page we then added the hyperlings onto the Home tab so that it repeats everywhere in this digital planner and then everywhere you go on this on this planner you can always hit the Home tab and go back to the index page and that for that we used under view the slide Master view okay so that is the overview so now that you know how to actually do everything inside PowerPoint itself now remember I stripped it down to the bare minimum number of pages right but if you have something that you have already done up in two separate uh two separate canva projects and you want to combine them basically the steps are the same let's say I'm just going to name this as demo one and then export this more and the more go to PowerPoint file and then download this right and then maybe I have a set second um file that I also want to export imagine they are all up to 200 Pages basically just two separate canvas templates that I want to export into PowerPoint and then now export go to share go to more and go to PowerPoint okay so now I've got two separate PowerPoint files that I want to combine I just want to do a quick walkthrough to show you how to actually combine them um let's see right here so then I'm gonna open up the first PowerPoint file and then after that I'm also going to open up the second one and then all you need to do is just copy and paste the slides from one to the other okay go to the grid section here hold down the shift key and then click on the fur and the last one Ctrl C to copy coming over here go to the grid View and then just go into the last slide right there and Ctrl V and then you're pasting it so this is how you actually combine you export separate canva projects into an individual PowerPoint files and then combining them into one PowerPoint file before you actually add the hyperlinks within the same PowerPoint file okay um yeah so so the other thing to note is I I would also recommend that you know when you um when you import things into PowerPoint you might actually want to get rid of things like the the background image uh okay why because you can it will reduce the file size as you import from canva to PowerPoint okay so imagine you have already done up everything you can even choose not to import um the tabs as well like what I did and then you just keep it bare because why once again you can use the slide Master section go to view and then go to slide master and this is where you can actually have that file because then you're actually reducing the file size right you can just insert uh like a backdrop like going to you can go to shapes you can create a shape you can actually add designs or in insert um an image but then if you only have one image on a slide Master section and it gets repeated on every page rather than having an image on every page you know the file size will actually affect uh it will be much larger so that is also one thing that you can that you you might want to take note of so when when you actually have digital planner pages that are very very large like what I show you in this video what I did was I stripped it down to the bare minimum so I only had 19 pages in canva I exported them onto PowerPoint and I made those duplicates inside PowerPoint itself because it saves me time when it comes to correcting the misaligned elements okay the other thing to note is that you might want to make sure that you keep certain designs out that means you don't do the tabs first you don't have a stock image of the table that you want to have you know like uh to the wooden background that I used that is a stock image right so you might also want to get all get rid of all those don't have them in canva so that when you import them you're reducing the file size to keep your digital planner the final version of it more lightweight and then you can import an image here or just use you know even just colors or gradients or textures like these and then you can use it within PowerPoint itself okay so what I did was I in I inserted a shape and then I I inserted the shape and I went to design right shape fill home shape fill where then I can choose different textures or gradients and I chose the texture that has like a wooden feel okay and then no shape outline and then this is also where you can actually insert the shapes to have like the Home tab for example right here okay and then this is also where you can do the overlay of the hyperlink tabs okay so then when you go to view and normal view this is what you'll see okay so you actually um and then the hyperlinks and everything will actually work much better you will have a lower file size and then you just have all these tabs right here that you only have to change in the slide Master section okay just let me repeat that I would strongly recommend that you import your digital planner that you have created from canva to PowerPoint without without the background to reduce file size without the tabs to why because it just makes it easier for you to edit those tabs in Powerpoint and then basically you can then you know I can just um copy this right copy this and paste it in the slide Master section the topmost slide so this is what I have that frame there so I know where to place my tabs so I can create multiple tabs and then when you have all these tabs in just one place right when you have them when you have the tabs in the slide Master section if there are anything that gets messed up if you realize that audio I gotta add a new page or I got to remove pages or I have to rearrange the pages that messes up the hyperlinks right because the hyperlinks will only bring your user to the right page if all the pages have been arranged correctly so yes sometimes screw-ups can happen and then you need to change the hyperlinks so if you have all the hyperlinks and all the tabs in the slide Master view it is so much easier because if there is a hiccup if you need to change a hyperlink on one of the tabs not to worry just go to view slide Master view make the changes here inside the slide Master View and then everything will be good okay so I hope you got that so that's it so then you see if I were to just delete this and then it will reveal to you the tabs that I created in the slide Master section so even if I have to make a change to any of the tabs it's so much easier because it's easier to just change the thing on one slide Master page than over 800 pages right so that is one thing to note um yeah so that is it I I do hope that you find this to be helpful and once again I would very very much appreciate it if you like this video follow our Channel subscribe to our Channel and then if you have any questions um feel free to ask in the comment section below and I also have a Facebook group that you can join for further Community Support so yeah that's about it thank you so much and I'll see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Faith's Biz Academy
Views: 13,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, canva tutorial, digital planners, canva tips, Etsy sellers, canva for beginners, canva templates
Id: ZBoYmcRiET4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 29sec (3869 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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