Level Up Your Metahumans With Scan Store Metahuman Identities and Textures

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[Music] in this video we're going to go from this to this hey guys it's Jamie here from scan store in this video I want to show you how to use our new scan store metahuman identities to create unique heads and also to upres your metahuman textures this is a metahuman created using one of our scan store mesh to met human identities where the real magic happens is when we add our scan store textures which does this so you can see there's a huge difference between the scano texture and the metahuman original texture and that mostly comes down to the one toone correlation between the albo map and the normal and cavity maps that we Supply so let's get started let's start by choosing our messy human identity from 3D scan store so go to heads scroll down to messy human identities and here you can see all the heads that we have available there's currently 69 heads but we'll be adding a lot more in the future so for this tutorial we're going to use this woman she's got quite a cool face and some nice wrinkles are really going to show up well in unreal once you've downloaded your file you'll have two folders and an image so in the first folder we've got our mesh to human components that's basically a decimated mesh with some eyes and the texture map and the second folder we've got our metahuman textures these are the albo the cavity and the normal and all of these are baked to the mesum texture UVS and then lastly we've got a reference image of the scan itself which you can reference when you're making your Messa human Okay so let's get started in unreal so the first thing you you need to do is install the metahuman plugin so just click on that in the marketplace and install to engine I've already got this installed on uh 5.3.2 uh the other thing you might want to install for this tutorial is the metahuman lighting uh levels because we'll be using those later on so we will launch unreal and we'll just go into film video and Live Events select a L level and turn off start a content and rracing we don't need this for the the first part which is just mesh the metahuman and just create that project now we've got our blank level open first thing we need to do is install the metahuman plugin so just right click settings and open plugins search for metahuman and just enable that say yes and restart unreal once that's restarted you'll see that your metahuman plugin will have been enabled so so we'll close that down and we'll open the content drawer now we need to import our scan store mesh to met a human identity so we'll just create a new folder and we'll just call it mesh to metahuman scan store and now we want to import that fpx that I showed you earlier so we'll just go to import we will find our scan store metahuman and we'll go to mesh human folder and we'll import this fbx now we've got three components we've got the Shader we've got the texture and we've got the head so now we can start using this to create our mesh to metahuman so we're going to add the metahuman animator metahuman identity and we'll call this scan store head for 48 and double click on that and this will open up the screen so what we want to do is add the head that we just imported so we'll go to create component from mesh and we'll search for bmail there she is now here's our fbx loaded in and we'll just rotate that round to the front and we need to change the camera settings here so click this camera icon and change the field of view to 25 and just position the head so you can see the all of the face and then we also need to change this from lit to unlit and now just choose a body type so we'll just choose this body for her and click back on the neutral pose and now we need to promote this Frame just say yes to this and now we need to track the markers so we'll click track markers and here you can see all the guides that Define the eyes and the mouth and the eyebrows and now we'll click messy human identity Sol 12 once that's done just click this view mix mode in the middle and you can see here that it's created a really good representation of our original fpx now we want to send this to metahuman so all we do here is Click mesh to metahuman and auto rig metahuman identity plus full metahuman okay so this is having a think about converting this to metahuman so whilst it's doing that I suggest you load up metahuman Creator so I've just got a shortcut here this can take a little while to load so it's a good time to do it so we'll do Unreal Engine 5.3 and launch meta human Creator okay so it's finished creating our metahuman so we'll just click okay and here we are in metahuman Creator and this is the scan store head 48 that we've just made in unreal so we'll edit that and now what we want to do is create somebody who looks roughly like the um reference image that we've got which is this one here so brown eyes basically that's what we need to take away from this so we'll go in here and we will create a skin and we'll just select the skin color similar to that of the reference image so just sort of flick back between them doesn't have to be completely accurate um this is going to be replaced by our scan store texture anyway so something like that will do um she's a bit older so choose a slightly older texture Maybe we don't want anything too wrinkly maybe that one will'll do doesn't matter about the freckles um we're just looking at the wrinkles basically now for the eyes give her some brown eyes teeth um let's just change the um gum color a little bit bit more like that make the teeth a bit whiter maybe and because she's a bit older we'll just do a little bit of receding gums there we go makeup we can ignore that head we want to add a hairstyle I'm just going to use this one I think here we go and we'll just change the color of that a little bit bit of salt and pepper there we go something like that and you can add clothes to them if you want for this tutorial I'm not going to be adding any clothes I'm just going to be doing her like this in her underway so now that's finished just click on my met humans and we can go back into unreal now okay so here we are back in unreal and we want to close this last scene that we made so we'll just close that down you can save it if you want but I'm not going to and back in the unreal launcher so earlier I said that we should download this metah human lighting so I'm going to use this for the scene so if you download that which I've already done and create a project and we'll just call it scan store that's a human and create and now we'll launch on real okay and in the browser just select your lighting scene that you just created and click open and here we've got the quality settings so we're going to use epic and Ray traced now we want to import our metahuman that we've just created so we'll go to window and quicksell Bridge and we'll click on the metum tab here and my messy humans and this is the messy human here I've already downloaded this um as the highest quality so this has already been downloaded this will turn into a download icon just click that and it'll download it could take up to 20 minutes depending on your internet speed and once you've done that just click this add button here and that's going to add your metum to your content browser here so this blueprint is your metahuman itself so we're just going to drag that into the scene okay and it's placed her randomly over here so we'll just zero out these location figures here and then we have her in the middle so let's have a look so this is the standard metahuman using the metahuman textures and what we want to do is replace these with our scan store textures but before we do any of that I'm just going to set up some lighting in a camera because I hate working on things in this sort of ambient light so this is the default metahuman lighting uh scene so what I'm going to do here is just turn off or turn down the key light turn it down to zero Z and also this key light two enter zero and the top light which is the one we're going to use for lighting I'm just going to turn that up a little bit and just click the parent and just rotate that around just so it's got a little bit more of a dynamic look um and now we're just going to change the field of view here to about 30 this is just a preview we haven't added a camera or anything yet this is just so it's a little bit more cinematic and then we want to change the background color from white to something dark so we'll just set this SM half background sphere double click on the material and this is the base color so we're just going to turn that down to something quite dark like that there we go that'll do just for the initial setup now what we need to do is replace these textures with our high resolution scan store textures so we'll go into content we'll make a new folder we'll call it scan store textures open that up we'll go to import we will find our folder we'll open the textures folder and we'll just import these three albo cavity and normal Okay so we've got those in our content drawer now we need to open the Shader for the metahuman itself so we'll go into humans scan store head 48 face materials baked and this is the um the main Shader so we'll open this up and we'll scroll down to the colors here and then we will go into our texture scan store textures folder we'll select the albo and we'll just replace all four of these you can see it's got her new face texture on we want to do the same with the normal map just replace the first normal map with the scanstone normal and with a cavity map as well which is down here we'll replace that and there we have our scan store metahuman identity with high resolution scan store textures so you can see it makes quite a big difference I'll just swap between the two textures here and you can see the difference that it makes so here we have original metahuman textures and here we have Scan store textures and that's the basics of it so obviously a lot of questions people are going to be asking is what about the wrinkle Maps so I want to talk a little bit about those now so in the met a human Shader we've got one two three wrinkle maps and we can actually use these in combination with the scanstone normal map obviously I can't sell these with our products because they belong to Epic and three lateral so we have to combine these in Photoshop so I'm just going to show you how to do the do that now it's very very simple so the first thing we're going to want to do is select the three maps in question so we'll just have our content browser just click there so we've got face normal wm1 two and three so we can select those rightclick asset actions and bulk export and then we'll just choose the um folder to put them so I'll just put them in here I'll make a new folder and I'll call them ready human textures and we'll just select folder and that'll save those out so now if we go into Photoshop and open that folder you'll see those three textures are in there so so just open all three and we also want to open our original scan store texture that comes with the package so textures and open the normal map okay so this is our scansor texture so what we want to do is overlay lay this over the top of the metahuman textures so just copy that and then load up each one and paste it in and then we're just going to go to layer and overlay and you'll see this also retains some of the um details from the one below the original metahuman normal map so what we can actually do is just blur that ever so slightly just to get rid of the the fine ring the fine pore details so we'll just go to filter and blur Co and blur do it on about 3.9 do that for for all of the textures filter go and blur and again for the final one and then just overlay those again and now we just need to save these over the top of the files that we saved out so we'll just m the layers and save each one once those are saved just go back into unreal and we will go into our score textures and we want to import those three normal Maps we just saved out so we'll go to import female add human textures just repport those and now we just need to replace these with these ones so w M1 replace W M2 replace and wm3 replace so that's all the wrinkle map should all work now so all we need to do is create a level sequence so just in Contents add cinematics level sequence we'll just call this met human level sequence double click that open up the sequencer and now we'll just simply drag our metahuman on here and what I actually like to do is open a separate window so we'll just go to viewport viewport 2 and just frame the control rig in that window so we can actually control the um the face without having to have the control rig and the camera in the same place so we can zoom in here and we can see the this all working so you can see all the nice details and if we do eye closed you can see everything deforming correctly can see if the wrinkles work on our forehead we'll just um use these two here then we can do a full sort of facial movement test just select bunch of these controllers and then just move them around can actually hide this control rig just by clicking this there we go so yeah it looks really good so one thing that I like to do um let me just get rid of the sequence just in terms of the actual metahuman Shader itself um I probably I would increase a few things such as the speck and the roughness so if we just go into metahuman and we click on our met human we go to face materials baked and we open up the Shader one thing I think these can do with is slightly more spec so we'll just scroll down to where the cavity is and we've got specular here so a value about 0.7 I think actually works quite well just gives you a bit more detail some nicer highlights on the um the actual skin details here so now we're just going to finish off the scene by adding a cinema camera and a rim light so let's add in a rim light first so we'll just click light tab here and we'll add a point light right drag it in and we'll just zero the [Music] position and we'll just find that down here so we'll move it up put it in the right position just going to move it back a bit behind her so that's a bit bright at the moment so we'll just turn that down click the point light just turn it down to 0.5 maybe and maybe increase the source radius a little bit still a bit bright I think two there we go that's looking good and now we just want to add a cinema camera camera just so we can add a bit more of a cinematic feel to the scene so to do that we'll just go click on the um cinematic tab here and drag in a cinema actor Cinema Camera actor and again just zero that position and I'll just find the cinema camera oops and I'm actually just going to go and look through the actor camera here just zoom it out so this is totally out of focus um and the actual camera tracking doesn't actually work on the meta humans so what I like to do is add in a a null object to track for the focus so we'll just exit the camera and we'll go to quickly add an object We'll add a shape We'll add a sphere and I will set that sphere size to be zero so we can't see it and I'll just zero the positions and then I'll just drag it up camera's in the way there just hide it oops moving the point light there drag it into position roughly and then we'll look back through our camera and in our camera settings we will first of all set this Universal Zoom to be 85 mm because that's a much more cinematic camera for portraits and for the focus method we'll select tracking and for the active to track we'll select our sphere and now we can actually use this object the sphere to actually Focus so if you want to focus on the eye for examp example you can just place that on the eye and then when we zoom in and we can also change the um aperture a bit as well because it's a bit high so let's put it on 10 something like that turn the point back on and there we have it something else that's worth pointing out is that all of our textures are compatible with any messy human so you can actually use any of our scan store met human identity textures on any messy human that you create so for example I could swap this texture with a different one like this and it would still all work and we can just keep swapping use as many different textures as we want to create as many different identities or unique characters as you like so if you've already created a metahuman you can um just copy these textures on and use them you can even use you know you can use male ones on female you can edit them in Photoshop do whatever you want to change them um generally speaking though textures work best with their actual uh metum identity so everything's always going to look better on the actual face of the person that they're supposed to be on but it's just something that's worth pointing out and I think if you are creating your own metah human from scratch you can even use your albo map and use our normal maps to help add detail or you know use our albo maps to help add detail to your albo Maps but I really hope this is useful and um please let me know if you've got any comments or questions in the um comments below cheers guys [Music]
Channel: 3D Scan Store
Views: 111,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, Metahuman, Unreal, 3D Scanstore, Textures, Lighting, Shading, Realism, Realistic, Normal map, Albedo map, Photogrammetry, Cinecamera setup, Epic, Skin detail, Skin shading, Realistic metahuman, How to make a metahuman, Mesh to metahuman
Id: Lotc5Y_YBGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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