3D Artist Reacts to LumaAI Genie (GenAI 3D models)

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how's it going everybody welcome back to the channel in this video we are going to talk about Luma AI Genie this is an a web application where you can use AI to create 3D MHS um it works kind of like M Journey where you just write a prompt and it will give you a mesh the reason why I'm testing this is because I think I'm the person who this is trying to replace I am a 3D artist I do 3D art as uh day job and I also have the expertise you know to take a look at if this is good or not if you follow me on Twitter you probably know my opinions on AI and AI tools and if you don't follow me on Twitter I am not really afraid of AI I don't think there shouldn't be any AI what I dislike about AI is that it sucks it it's not good every tool that I see maybe chat GPT and even chat GPT has its issues from what I've heard but many of the things art related when it comes to AI they are terrible there's also the fact that from what I know you can't use you can't copyright your AI generated stuff so there's that and um there are some things that I have to say about this app so not everything is negative I promise you cuz if you like AI you're watching this video you're probably saying that I'm going to be overly negative about this um not really there are some good things to say about this so stay all the way to the end of the video so you can see that and um let's get started all right we're here in the Luma lapse Genie website and if there's something that all these tools have is they are extremely extremely easy to use so let's try something like what I had before stylized let's add a keyword and let's see what spits out I just want to see if it recognizes some game stuff and it actually does and funny enough I think this is a mishmash of what the characters use I think this is kind of like trying to get widow's rifle and this is um trying to get I forgot the that guy that's a Healer um if anybody in the comments know who that is let me know but I I I totally forgot I used to play OverWatch a lot and one of the reasons why I wanted to be as r artist was because of OverWatch but yeah this like from a real real far away it looks great but if you are going to like if you're doing an isometric game this would be a great resource from the looks of it and where we're going to look at the poly count in a second but this looks a a t weird so I'm going to let it make it high rest this usually takes time so let's uh let's just do something else let's do something fun that I would probably need to use um for my channel would be gaming chair that was actually pretty fast and from this distance these all look pretty good so if we click on this one it's creting Prett model and for some it it takes a little bit longer than others but these look not great so I do wonder if the mesh cleanup is going to make any difference I'm going to leave it on high and I'm going to download it on fvx a little later but the shape and everything it guested correctly this is this is a good gaming chair I'm I don't know which brand it is but it is a gaming chair so I'm not going to make this one highr because I already made the other one highr we're going to test those later in blender but I'm just going to leave this one in high and download it it says cleaning mesh in the meantime let's see if it can do something else let's try a car that I really like let's see this type car Lexus LC 500 and it actually came up with the actual car this is really good not all of them look great by the way but this one looks like it has something let's just pick this one okay this okay I I don't want to be super negative on this but so far and and we'll see the mesh clean up and the highr later but so far what I'm seeing here is this looks like um what like a really really low rest scan or if you just blob it something in zbrush and added some quick textures not great I'm I'm just trying to find the positives in this maybe we'll see the positives once we are in blender but this certainly is not usable unless again you're in an isometric game and you want one of these uh that probably will be useful but again if you're making a game I would make a game with M this mesh let's try something a little bit more ridiculous sci-fi floor panel so this is something that I would actually need done because most of the things you can find on Mega SK scans if you want it free and if it's not on Mega scans is scanned somewhere everyday objects and and almost everything you have in real life has been SC scanned so far unless you're talking about specific landmarks but when it comes to sci-fi stuff this is actually I need to make stuff or buy stuff because it's not scanned out there there's no sci-fi stuff that we have so let's see what what it comes up with huh I'm very very surprised it came up with a loop box a floor panel and let's see what this one pops out these are all very decent let's let's try this one what in the world happened here oh my God okay again if you were making a game on a ridiculously low budget because I'm sure you can find assets like this in like the unity store they look much better and that are probably like a cent or a dollar or free and wow okay all right I I think we we've reached a conclusion that it can guess what you want and it gives it to you but the geometry is it's ridiculously unusable so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pause here I'm going to go to blender I want to load in the other assets the highr and the clean up mesh quote unquote and and we'll see how they look polygon wise here we are in everyone's favorite program that's not unreal it's blender and let's take a look at the meshes how they came out so the r is the one that we asked it to make it highest and this was just a download and I downloaded the highest possible all right so in wireframe we can clearly see which one I I told it to make highr this is this one is really higher rest than this one and that didn't change much from what it looks like the problem is that it just has the general silhouette and when I say General I mean it it also doesn't get there because if I were to silhouette one of these again I'm a treaty artist and somebody asked me hey you make one of these for me I make this I'll be fired super fast because silhouette Wise It's not following what it's supposed to be and we could say the same thing about the chair it it's just a blob it is a blob like if I went on zbrush and just sculpted something or if I did a very very low rest 3D scan with a phone with one of those like old apps now let's plop this into unre and see if there actually useful now here in unreal I have both things imported and we're going to see how they look and let's bring the other one by the way if you want to know why I'm not saying the name of this is because I've seen YouTube demonetized videos that contain that name so I'm not getting there I think here in unreal they do look a little bit better let's take care of the material so we open up the material and let's add the other map that we need in here so we have RGB normal which are the most important ones usually we can do RGB normal roughness I have no idea what this roughness means like everything is almost a single color same deal with the metallic it's looks all the same color so let's see what sort of result we're going to get let's let's do the roughness first and then we'll do metallic feature editing here one thing I forgot to say about the metallic map is this is nothing metallic is either one or zero so it should be either black or white and this one was a shade of gray that means the metallic it's really not useful so let's see actually doesn't look bad I'm I'm very I'm fairly surprised once you add all the materials the normal Maps I don't know what the normal maps are doing they're not doing much but this it looks decent so again I keep going back to this theme but if I was doing an isometric game and this was my you know what then it will look nice even at this distance it still looks okay if it's a stylized highly cartoony game now let's give the gaming chair a try going to go to the gaming chair get the material and add and let's see how this gaming chair looks neat so if it's a background asset and you need to fill up your background with things then and you're never going to get there here this could be useful and the reason why I'm talking in questions here is because as a 3D artist this irks me like this shape right here should be hard surface so this program doesn't have a clue of what hard surface is and same goes with the chair and there are several parts where the the texture it's going wild again I'm trying to be positive it it is impressive in the sense that it gives you normal Maps it gives you a UV map uh item and it and it gives you a geometry shape that from a certain distance could be useful okay so after we run the app we took the meses into blender we took them into unreal what I think is this this AB not good it's not useful and I know what people would say well it does this now but think of the future let me tell you what the future that you're expecting is not going to get here when it comes to 3D art there are other things that we have to take into account aside from how the product looks so if I'm making a chair or if I'm making a one of those pew pew things even though again I I'm made some cases where those items would be useful the ones generated by the AI but the reason why I don't think it's going to get better is because most of the AI That's out there is just copy and paste some of the things that you need to get an actual usable 3D model you actually need a critical thinking which is something the machine does not do current AI doesn't do critical thinking current AI doesn't even think I'm not even sure why we calling it artificial intelligence it doesn't have any intelligence it works from materials that already exist if it doesn't exist it doesn't create it so again this is this is why I and and I'm sorry if this turns into a rent about AI but it's just some things that I've seen online saying like oh my God we're going to be replaced again watch that video that I have in the link in the description if you want to see why we're not going to be replaced but the reason why I I don't think it's going anywhere is not only that it knows what a roughness roughness map is it knows what a normal map is but it really doesn't know what a normal map is for because I applied the normal Maps there wasn't much of a change there wasn't much of a small detail maybe if I choose the lower poly cuz there was a highr mesh and another one when it said to download the mesh I also told it to download the highest possible but still I I don't think the normal map is doing anything the roughness it helps but again it's not following the convention that it would need as you saw the chair was very shiny all around whereas those kinds of chairs have a lot of fabric and the fabric it's usually not shiny again there's always the argument of this is just starting it's going to get better but I don't I don't see it going anywhere for the reasons that I just explained there may be some very very few case scen areias where you can use this always happy to be proven wrong always happy to be proven wrong about new technologies I'm not against new technologies I'm not again against new developments I just think AI the way that it's being developed by companies it sucks and it cannot be used because most of the things you can't copyright as far as I understand that may change but as of right now I think you cannot copyright what you produce it it doesn't when it comes to the realm of 3D it's not producing and I don't think it will produce good meshes more so because there is nothing in the web that you can use to train it I'm guessing you would have to scrape from softwares what like it's it's impossible there's so many models that have so many different techniques that require so many different settings it's just not a parameter and a style that that you can tell it okay create this and this style you would have to tell it okay CH chamfer these kind of borders create hard edges here create creased edges here and by that time you're giving it so much input that might as well do it yourself now if somebody from an AI company is listening to this video I doubt it but in that case look things that we need AI for good retopologizing I haven't seen any of those we need those those are will be very very appreciated UV unwrapping something that does perfect UVS that follows all the scenes perfectly That'll be amazing and will help a lot we already have ai rigging tools like metahuman uh iclone Character Creator and all that if we had an actual AI like a powerful AI that can rake anything that would solve so so many problems and I don't see these tools being created for some reason I'm pretty sure there's a lot of companies that would pay pretty penny for those tools and there's a lot of developers on myself who also would pay for those tools because it would cut my development time by a lot so yeah those those are the AI things that I wish were there I know I usually don't do videos where I don't recommend something but this this was this one was calling to me because it's an application that makes 3D stuff and I'm a 3D artist so I have to so again not my usual video I usually I'm very positive I try to recommend do videos on things that I actually recommend and I don't do the negative ones but this one was so that is it for this video if you like the video please leave a like down below it really helps out the channel there's a patreon if you want to help about the channel That Way the patrons are on screen right now you can subscribe to the patreon there are some perks right there for you and um if not then just leaving a like goes a long way you can also follow me on Twitter there's a Discord and if you have any questions and um I'll see you in the next one
Channel: MR3D-Dev
Views: 3,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lumaai, genie, genai, 3d models generated with ai, 3d artist being replaced, AI
Id: oG6yKwfqmyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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