midjourney to metahuman tutorial

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hey what's going on y'all Jay from JS films in this video I'm gonna be showing you how you can turn a mid Journey AI image into a 3D meta human using chat Avatar so a couple of months ago I did Cover chat Avatar but that was text the 3D model but now I got access to the beta which is image to 3D models so you don't have to actually use mid-journey AI image it works with any pictures that you have but I'm going to be using mid-journey because obviously it's like the Hot Topic right now first thing we're going to do is go to hyperhuman.dmos.com now the chat Avatar like I said this is the text right here describe the model you want to generate we're not going to be doing that so if I go to the top right corner right here you're going to see this little icon it's very very easy to miss but it's right here if you want to get access go ahead and contact them they are in beta right now so it's not available for everyone here is the actual image to 3D model and we're gonna go ahead and go to Discord where I have mid Journey AI so one of the things that's really hard to do is generating Filipino meta humans I am Filipino and I don't see a lot of Filipino meta humans and and this this method is actually the best way for me to generate Filipino Medi humans which is pretty freaking cool so here we go I'm gonna say realistic extreme close-up of the face and then we're going to do front lighting now you can mess around with your prompt but this is what we're gonna go with but basically what we want is we want a bald character we don't want any hair messing up the freaking solve or anything like that and we want it to be front length now I did try to put butterfly Lighting in here but my journey just didn't understand that so all right so here it is I think I'm gonna go with this one although this one could work also so let me go with the left one I'm gonna upscale one so it goes one two three four that's going to upscale that thing and I'm going to open this in our browser because what we're going to do is we're going to right click save image as and let's go back to chat Avatar okay so next what we're going to do is just upload that image right here so I'm going to upload that so this is a pretty close shot so I'm gonna say telephoto and just generate okay so here is our image the left side is our original photo and then the right side is our actual 3D model now again this is super cool because honestly for me I've been using medium for a while and I can recognize meta-humans from a mile away and this method right here I don't necessarily use the skin textures from demos chat Avatar and but when I what I mainly use it for is getting some nice face shape because I am not a modeler whatsoever and this is the best and fastest way on how you can get some unique meta-humans face because again I can recognize meta humans pretty quickly now so comparing this 3D model right here you're going to see that it did a pretty good job on the nose now with Filipinos we have this nose like you can tell uh somebody's a Filipino by just looking at their nose so that got it pretty well I mean the lip is a little bit off but man overall even the little mole right here it captured it you can see it right there I mean actually I have that mall right here on my left face that's that's pretty cool that's pretty spot on how mid Journey uh was able to um actually generate that so here it is here's the model and obviously what we're going to do now is we're going to pack this so I'm going to say pack now and I'm just gonna select the 2K because again I'm not using the textures from this I'm going to say next and you can do a meta human straight out but I'm going to do a default because the default comes with eyes and teeth you're going to need this in mesh to met a human and right here is actually not dollars this is just demos dollars so we can look that up and see how much that is so total we're gonna pay 30 demos dollars as far as I know that's not dollars I could be wrong so here we go that's gonna do its thing and I'm just gonna exit out of that and I'm gonna go go to mine right here and you're going to see that our model is now generated right here it's pretty freaking fast now I've used a text to Avatar before and this is insanely fat so here's the 3D model right here from our image and now I'm just going to download this all right so here's the actual folder we have geometry file uh the PNG and we have the video right here if I double click right here you're going to see we have some blend files we have some obj and we have some textures which is perfect so what we're going to do next is open up blender now if you don't know blender is free so you can go ahead and download it I'm gonna delete this right here and then go to file import and we're going to import an obj and then I'm going to go to that download folder and then what we're going to select is the additional component neutral import that obj I'm going to zoom out and then next what I'll do is Select that mesh go to edit mode right click separate by material and it's going to separate everything and I'm going to go back to object mode and on the right side we're going to be deleting some mesh here because we only need the head and eyeballs so if I click on this and go to the material you're going to see what it is we have teeth fluid don't need it face we will need that back head we will need that teeth I don't need it we need the eyeballs all right so everything else I can actually delete including the light so we have the mesh so we have the face the back head and then the eyeballs all right so what I'll do an X is I'll select it all Ctrl J and that's going to pretty much combine everything into one and then what I will do is I'll go to the left and I'm just going to move this up a little bit go to w or press the icon move it up like that and we're gonna and then press Ctrl a all transformed we'll just reset the transform and this is actually ready to go so export fbx and I'm just going to put it in the original download file and I'm going to say Filipino one I don't have any animation I don't have any bones for the geometry I'm going to say face and then export that now once that's exporting I'm going to open up Unreal Engine 5 which I actually have open here already and we're going to create a new folder here this is 5.2 by the way I'm gonna say Filipina double click that and now I'm going to go to that folder and as you can see right here we have the Filipino one now in Unreal Engine 5.2 just to make sure we have everything right I'm gonna go to edit plugins we actually need the meta-human plugin and this one as you can see it's already on so that's good to go that's the only correct that you're going to need and then we can drag and drop our Filipina fbx in there since I already combined the meshes I don't have to mess with combined mesh here I should be able to just import this and it should be good to go all right so here is our character we have the mesh we have the left eyeball back head face and right eyeball all right so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to import some Textures in so I'm going to go back in here and we just need to diffuse and additionally I did download an eye texture from iclone you can use whatever eyeball you have or honestly if you just want to change the color that's fine so you don't have to have an eye texture but it's just going to make it a lot easier for the medium identity to actually recognize the face with eyeball on and I'll show you that in a second so what I'll do is I will just go to the left eyeball and I'll delete this kind of make this minimized a little bit I'll just drag and drop this here apply and Save and then for the actual diffuse for the face I'll do the same thing all right so here we go I'm going to double click our mesh and I'm going to select the back head right here and then you see we have the eyeball right there we can just use the same eyeball on the other one and now we should have a face if I go to unlit that looks pretty good and now we have the mesh and now we're ready to create a meta human from it alright so I'll go right click medium and animator medium and identity now I'll just say Filipino ones double click this and it's going to log you in make this bigger we're going to go to add and then we're gonna go and then we're going to click create component from mesh I'm going to go with Filipino one all right so here is our character now and what I'm going to do here is I'm going to say promote frame press OK and we're going to say track markers now this is the reason why I put the actual eyeball textures on there because now we just helped out medium and identity to actually map out where the eyeballs are so with that being said The Meta human Creator right now is bugged on the eyes and eyelids and eyebrows and stuff like that there's a lot of stuff poking through so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to have this kind of like solve but I'm not going to use this shape right here I'm going to use something else in the meta human Creator everything is tracked now everything is good to go if you want to open this that you're fine and then once you're done just click on meta human identity solve right here and then what we're going to do next is go to body and we're going to select a body type and go to master metal human now I'm going to need a full meta human out of this so I'll click the second one this is going to do its thing so I'll go ahead and log in the medium and Trader and it says right here it's good to go okay so here's our character now Filipino one I'll just say edit and I'll press say stop and then we're gonna wait for this to compile shaders right so what we'll do now is we're going to go to the custom mesh and again I'm going to go ahead and reduce that all right because it is a little bit buggy and on the actual eyelids I'm also going to reduce that influence so that means that I'm not going to be using the meta human identities eyes and eyelids uh with this right here looks pretty good so we're going to keep that I mean if I run into any issues later I can always just redo it but we're going to leave it as is all right so what's cool about this method is again you can go close to your Source image or you can finesse it and create another human being or individual so totally up to you but with this video right here I'm just going to create something that's unique no not like the 50 templates and then I'll click on enable editing unlock only is okay and if I go to skin right here I'm going to assign a new skin and again we're going to do like a Filipina kind of skin tone and as you can see right there I mean it's incredible you know like now we actually have a Filipino looking meta-human which is super cool we got the nose and everything which is amazing I mean look at this that's so crazy and again from somebody who doesn't know how to model faces in just a couple of clicks couple of minutes we were able to generate this and from here you know I can just go choose a texture and then it looks kind of weird right now because she doesn't have hair but let's see if I can find a Filipina hair-ish right here okay let's do some eyes for the makeup that's cool right plush okay this is this is so crazy and I'll and I'll just change maybe the eyebrows down like that the eyelashes will just kind of make it a lot well that's pretty much it for this video that's how you can turn mid Journey AI image into a character 3D meta human again you don't have to use a mid-running AI image you can use your own image or your crush's image from high school that you can post from the yearbook and yeah if you have any questions let me know and I'll see y'all later peace out
Channel: JSFILMZ
Views: 15,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney to metahuman tutorial, turn ai images into 3d animated characters tutorial, image to metahuman, 2d image to metahuman, ai image to metahuman, image to 3d metahuman, single image to metahuman, single 2d image to metahuman, chatavatar to metahuman, hyberhuman chatavatar tutorial, hyperhuman chatavatar metahuman tutorial, turn midjourney image to metahuman, metahuman creator for beginners, midjourney ai image to unreal engine 5 metahuman, how to create your own metahuman
Id: RUBvlm00pUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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