How to Create Awesome Branded Content | Canva Webinar

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we're very lucky to have rebecca flint here with us today to take us through the topic of branding and how to use canva to create branded content rebecca is a senior community manager at canberra and has over 20 years experience in graphic design and branding specialising in personal branding over to you rebecca thank you it's such an honor to be here today to be presenting in the canvas space so today we're going to talk about how to create awesome branded content and how to use canva to deliver that content so as jess mentioned i'm rebecca flint i am from sydney australia i have two little kitties and i've spent the last 20 years in graphic design branding web design and also specializing in personal branding in that time too we've also opened from scratch three separate gyms under our own brands so i know what it's like to be a small business owner okay so what is the difference between branding brand and brand id so often uh i'll have clients ring me up and they'll say i need you to do my branding and i'll say okay and i you know start to talk about what branding is and and they very quickly sort of start to realize that what they're really asking for is just a logo so people then therefore think their brand is a logo and branding is putting that logo on stuff and it is part of it however there is much more to it than just that so if you look at this diagram here your brand is made up of these four buckets and your brand identity is uh what forms that last little bucket there so your brand is made up of all of these different things it's how people feel about your brand identity and your brand as a whole it's your promise to your customer it's your vision mission values and purpose and of course it does make up uh part of it which is your logo and your imagery and your typography and your messaging and all of that so all of this comes in under brand that last bucket is your brand identity or brand id so your brand represents a relationship that you or your company have with your target audience and at the end of the day it's what your audience or your customers think and feel about your service and really that's what makes up your brand so if that's brand and brand identity then what is branding so branding is really just very simply the strategy that pulls all of those four buckets together it's your plans your goals um your the little tasks that you do every day to make your entire strategy and your plan for your brand come together and the key to successful branding is aligning what you think people think about your brand with what they actually do think so essentially it's an alignment of values and promises that leaves them feeling a certain way so for example if you think of virgin airlines um when you go and experience their product and their service and you can't you come away from say being on a flight with them you know you feel good they're inside the airplane is nice they've got lovely lighting that the staff are young and friendly and often good looking and you know so all of that leaves you feeling a certain way about that particular brand so you want to kind of focus on the way that your customers feel after having experienced your product or service now there is a difference between personal branding and corporate branding and i just want to obvious when i say corporate i mean either corporate or small business branding so when i say corporate i don't mean necessarily big huge corporations they're just business or personal and i'll just quickly go over this so that you can get a feel for whether your brand should be personal or business or corporate so personal branding is positioning you the person or the face as the expert in your industry and it really uh just helps you communicate the value of that brand to the world versus a corporate that was a personal trainer personal brand this is an actual gym this is actually one of my gym brands so corporate branding is positioning the business as the industry leader communicating its value to the world so the business as a whole versus an actual person so here's some examples of brand identity examples of corporate or business brands within the fitness industry and you can see there that there's no face attached to those they're just a simple identity that's used to communicate values to the world versus a personal brand where you can see you've actually got the face of the person and their name and sometimes they'll have you know some explanation about what it is or the value that that person brings to a product or service to the world now you can build both so within our gym we have our overarching corporate brand but within that brand we have at the personal brands of each of our trainers so by developing the personal brands of a a corporation or a business you're adding that human element to your services and products and it just really helps people connect with that overarching brand which at the end of the day is just a set of values and a brand identity and a logo so people really connect with people so if you can think of a way to incorporate a personal brand into your overarching corporate brand you will be able to connect with human beings on a more personal level once you've decided on the type of brand that you need you can start to look at building out your brand identity and at the foundation of building any good brand identity or brand or branding strategy you need to know your audience now you can take a screenshot of this if you like but basically if you work through these six areas you will be able to get a very good snapshot about the type of person or the audience that you are targeting for your business now why does this matter essentially if you can get this right you'll first of all be able to find the social media platforms that this audience is hanging out on um just because you like instagram doesn't mean your audience is hanging out there so you need to make sure that any targeted marketing or any money you're spending or any time and effort that you're putting into your business is spent on a platform where your audience is actually hanging out so that's one way um another reason this is really important is so that you can find offline opportunities to market to your audience you also really want to understand them at a deep level and find out what their pain points and their challenges are so that you can develop your messaging and when you're doing your copy or creating videos that you're answering their problems and issues so that you're really helping them make a decision to come and join you over on your brand side and use your products and services to make sure that their problems are getting answered so just having a really deep understanding this is a very high level view you know i spent hours and hours with my clients going through this trying to figure out their audience and you don't have to just have one audience type either um sometimes we call this uh avatar as well um or your ideal custom audience there's a few different names for this but um you can have two different avatars for your business you might have male and female you might have older or younger you might have in australia and overseas you know there's lots of different ways to build your avatar but really getting this foundation right is going to mean that when you go into your brand identity development and you develop your brand that it's going to be able to resonate with your audience and they'll be more attracted to your brand and hopefully by your service or products so once you've done that then you can start to look into developing your brand identity so when clients call me um in my studio business i do work for canva full-time i should say but i still have a select few clients on the side and when i get these phone calls and they say i need a logo and i need a business card for next week you know they've missed that entire foundational practice of really developing who their audience is and who they're talking to and so just going out and banging out a logo and whacking it on a business card isn't going to bring you loads of clients you have to do that work first so your brand identity which was that fourth bucket and you can see it in the little graph there is made up of your logo your tagline your colors your imagery or photography typography so that's the font styles and your messaging and here's an example of that so i've got on the left there the logo and typography you can see that we've chosen two different fonts for the typography we've got a sans serif font in the word buck so sans serif means no little flicks and serif means the fonts with those little flicks so we've got a combination of a sans serif and a serif font and it's been combined with that beautiful deer logo so we've got the logo and the typography as part of this bright brand identity makeup our tagline for this brand is commit to be fit we have a very simple color palette with four colors now we can also go and add in there some grays and some other shades of these uh primary colors we've got our imagery or photography there you can see there's a certain style that we've chosen for this brand and brand messaging which is a whole other exercise and i highly recommend that you go and read story brand by donald miller um that is a phenomenal formula uh for extracting out and using the audience set up that i showed you earlier to come up with a really good formula and a plan for writing your messaging that is going to really connect with your audience so there's actually there's five squares here but there's six sections so logo and typography tagline colors imagery and messaging and this makes up our brand identity so as you can see here i've created some branded artwork using that brand identity so if i just flip back here real quick so you can take another snapshot in your mind you can see that that brand identity fits really nicely in this branded artwork and having got the audience and the brand identity right makes creating artwork super simple and that's where canva's amazing at helping you do this okay so for the person who asked about brand guidelines before um there's really sort of three types of brand guidelines that you can use and basically they are um based on the size of your business you don't really need to have excessive um uh big 60 page brand guidelines if you're just a solopreneur so i'll go through that now so brand guidelines basically ensure that you have consistency across everything that you do so if it's just you in your business it's great to build out a brand board which i'll show you in a minute but if you have more than two team members then you should probably have a bit bigger brand guidelines and if you have multiple people in multiple places you really need to ensure that you have a very consistent set of brand guidelines so your brand guidelines will show you and your team how to use your logo how to use your colors how to use tone of voice how your logo should sit on artwork and it brings in typography styles it starts to kind of develop rules for how you can and can't use your logo and how you can can't pull the logo apart and put it back together and things like that so basically it's a very set of set and stringent rules which makes sure that anybody that's creating artwork for your business um stays on brand basically okay so let's have a look at some of these so if you're just a solopreneur i just recommend having a brand board it's really simple so you've got here your logo you've got your colors selected you've got your main fonts possibly some little graphic elements that it's okay to use in your branded concepts and of course your imagery now this is what i call a brand guide cheat sheet so when i design a brand identity package for somebody i also hand over this logo style guide cheat sheet and basically it shows the fonts and what they are and how they're used so i'll often say use this one in a heading or use this one on a website and it just gives the brand uh sorry the web designer a guide to what fonts they should be using on the website it also breaks down each of the colors into pms if it's available which is a pantone matching system and that's a universal matching system that will get your color correct anywhere in the world um and rgb which is mainly for screen and then hex or html which is a website and screen again and then cmyk which is mainly for print so pms colors and cmyk colors are used in print and rgb and hex or html colors are used on screen so on the right over here you can see i have broken down the different types of logos that were available for this particular client so they've got a colored one a colored reverse a black one and a white one showing how they can use their social profiles and then also showing the clear space around a logo so making sure that their logo always has a certain amount of space around it so it's not buttered up next to each other with another logo just want to kind of keep that consistency in that nice white space around it now this is a bigger and this is like a 20 000 brand job so you don't need to go and create this if you're a solopreneur but you can see this has all of the rules for creating all of the artwork that anybody would ever need in this business and i'll just play it again so you can have a really good look through that so you've got um the mission vision values all of the different logo types this is a very comprehensive guide and it includes every single rule for how you can and can't do and say and and place elements on a page and everything and as a result i actually saw the bx team at a conference recently and i was so proud to see their setup because they had nailed it and they really used their brand guidelines and made sure everything was perfectly on brand so it really works however if you're not a big business with multiple locations or multiple team members you don't need something this comprehensive just keep it simple and have a brand guidelines cheat sheet or even just a simple brand board okay so let's see how canva can help you with keeping your brand consistent across everything you design now these are pre-recorded screen flows and i'm going to take you through from setting up a brand kit right through to creating social media posts scheduling them and also showing how the presentation tool works so this is using a pre-built fitness brand a sample brand for a women's clothing brand for fitness and so you'll get a really good idea of how canva helps you stay on brand and also we'll show you some of the cool features and tools that canva has and then at the end of this i'm going to go back into the previous brand that i showed you and i will show you from scratch how to do this as well so we've got the brand kit here and as you can see i added the brands logos to that top section there and i was able to extract the colors to create a color palette so this is a pro version of canva and it does allow you to add loads and loads of logos in so you could have your main brand logos and then if you've got any sub products or some brands you can load them in as well you can have multiple color palettes and we've just heard that you can actually have multiple brand kits that's coming soon too so that's really exciting now if you have the free version of canva you don't get access to that top level of brand logos and you can add three colors to your color palette and you can just choose some fonts in the brand fonts area so it does give you the ability to use it a little bit but you'll get full access to it as a pro member okay so now you've set up your brand kit you can go ahead and choose any one of our 270 000 templates on the free version or for over 400 000 on the pro version select any template and then over on the left hand side you've got the styles button and you can really simply just go and add your brand colors and your brand fonts with just the click of a button so um over on the left we click our colors and you can thumb through those colors to find something that looks really cool one click to add your brand fonts and then you edit your artwork so within a few seconds you have a beautifully branded social media post which you didn't need to design so it doesn't matter if you're not a designer you can still use canva to look awesome now once you've designed your social media post you can now publish directly to facebook so from within the platform you can add your facebook page and publish directly to facebook so you can do a png which is a transparent background a gif which is an animation or an mp4 which is a video which is really cool so very quickly you can design and schedule out sorry design and post out a beautiful branded post not only facebook you can also design on your phone using our ios or android app and you can post it directly out to instagram which is really cool so um you don't need to wait to get back to the office you can do this on the go so whatever you design on your desktop application is also available on your phone application as well which is really cool so once you've designed your post you can post it to facebook or post it to instagram and you've got a beautiful branded post ready to go now this is a really cool tool i want you to pay a lot of attention to what's happening with the mouse here in this demonstration so i'm presenting right now on canvas presentation tool and this is what i'm going to show you so if you use powerpoint or keynote and it absolutely does your heading like it does for me now you can select from over 65 pre-built custom business templates for a presentation so as you can see with a couple of clicks i just added this beautiful template i'm going to use my styles tool to find a set of colors that i like i'm quite liking this yellow one here now you can't see but i'm going down the bottom there and pressing apply to all pages so a couple of clicks to select my colors add it to all the pages bob's your uncle once you've done that you can go in and obviously edit your presentation change the text you can drag and drop new photos or videos onto the presentation and of course you can go back up to the uh top left there and select your brand fonts so you can see here i've added the logo to this presentation i would then go and like i said before add in some photos that match my brand so you know perhaps something like this and add in another photo here now you can present straight from canva up in the top right hand corner there you can see where it says present you can also download this presentation and use it say on your membership site or as a lead magnet on your website or you can pre-record a presentation with your face in a little bubble and use that presentation for a pre-recorded or ever webinar so it is a really really cool time-saving trick and tip that we've now got in canva and i really want you guys to go and have a good play with this because i promise you you will never use those other awful awful platforms again so i'm really saying that because i absolutely hate designing in powerpoint and keynote like they literally do my head in and as soon as i saw canva bring this out i was so excited and i've used it i've created probably i don't know just maybe 20 i think presentations in the last few weeks and it's so easy and you can oh also you can pre-record videos like i have done here and you just simply drag and drop them onto your presentation which is awesome and you know what i could talk about this all day but i'm not gonna bore you with it anymore tool and we have loads of presentation tool videos as well if you go to our youtube channel and there's been some other webinars done in canvas space and design school on the presentation tool as well now some of these little features i'm going to show you are only available in the pro section oh sorry pro version of canva and the first one is with one click you can now remove the background of an image so like this voila there is no need to take your photos into another third-party platform and painstakingly d-patch around them down save them to your desktop bring it into another platform you don't need to do that anymore you just click almost any image and one click and background's gone we also have this really cool integration with smart mock-ups so with one click again you can take your design or logo and add it to a picture frame a mug you can create a 3d mock-up of somebody holding a card just like this like it is such a cool tool and as a designer i used to spend hours and hours and hours mocking up designs for clients in other programs and you just don't need to do that anymore so you just add the smart mock-ups integration to your uh your account and then all of those options are there ready to go so it makes it really cool to show people your artwork in a mock-up version okay so once you've done say a social media post you can very quickly change your design to be another size so for example here i've just chosen a poster so canvas very clever it takes your artwork and resizes it as best as it can and just with a few little alterations you can just make your artwork purpose built for whatever the application is if this it's a poster so you just saw there with a few little alterations i increased the size of the photo i moved it a little bit and i moved that chevron element over to the right so a couple of clicks and i've gone from a social media artwork to a poster artwork and it's so easy and you can do this for almost every every single application you can think of so you can do instagram stories you can create a presentation you can put your artwork on some t-shirts so there's lots and lots of different ways you can take one piece of artwork and very quickly create multiple pieces of artwork which is so time saving in your business okay now not only can you post directly to facebook and instagram now you can actually schedule your content which is so cool so we have this um new program called content planner and you'll find that over on the left and you can either pre-design a piece of artwork and then go and schedule it or you can go into the content planner select your date then select a piece of artwork or you can go into the content planner select your date and create a new piece of artwork so no matter how you want to do it it's super flexible and you can post any of the um mp4s gifs pngs or jpeg so you can post them out to multiple platforms in advance so automating saves loads of time in your business and this is just showing how you select a pre-designed piece of artwork and you can obviously add your captions and everything as well and then schedule them on whatever date or time that you want to have that go out okay this is a really great tool for two reasons one if you work with a graphic designer you can both simultaneously be in the piece of artwork at the same time so you can quickly approve something and get it done faster alternatively you can work with your team members in your business to also collaboratively create artwork together or you know perhaps you've got a junior or an admin person and they want to create some artwork and it just needs your final tweets and approval so you can jump in there and um you know make the corrections you can add some comments uh when you make a comment and you tag a team member they'll get notified on that and they can come back in and check that and they can tick it off when it's done so it's super easy okay so now i'm going to take the wild buck fitness brand identity and build out i'll build you a logo from scratch just to show you how you can do that in canva then i'm going to design an instagram post i will resize it into a story i will create a poster and then i will do a quick demo on the presentation tool but just before i get started are there any questions that's okay a couple of questions about content planner for people that need to plan content from multiple clients so can you use content planner as it is and publish to different companies pages or is it kind of locked into no yeah one one one branded company per account yeah so at this stage i'm sure i mean look canva is exploding and growing all the time and i can't promise and i don't know what's on their future roadmap but at this stage um it's like you know one facebook account one instagram account uh per per canva account so yeah and um can you shed your posting to both instagram and facebook at the same time so i'm assuming you could do that so just both posts go out at 10 a.m on a wednesday to two different platforms yes that is a good question um i believe you actually have to set them up separately um however if you've got in your instagram account that when something is posted to instagram it automatically posts to facebook that's one way you can get around that um but i believe at this stage uh because uh jess as you know the api only just opened up to facebook and instagram so our functionality for those platforms at this stage is base level um and i can only imagine that it's going to grow and get bigger and better going forward so and just confirming um that the schedule once you've you've um entered that post into the content planner it's going to automatically post it at the set date and time correct yes okay we've got a few more questions a few more design related questions so i might wait um until after the demo and come back to those okay cool now uh so i am going to show you live how to do some cool stuff in canva now you'll see it as it works so and you'll see me as a designer so whilst i just showed you some really smooth and polished screenflows that looked beautiful and you know what you don't see is the thinking time and you know the loading time in between pages and things like that so you'll get to see in real time what it's actually like to to build something out okay so uh the first question was how do i create a logo so um i am going to attempt to recreate the wild buck fitness logo i'm on the canva dashboard so as you log in this is what you will see so if i come across to here and just click on logo you have which is really cool a whole bunch of pre-designed logos so first and foremost you could actually pick something that you like the look and feel of and just change it to your business name one thing to note here you can design whatever logos you like in canva however because they are uh they sort of sit under their creative commons license you can't trademark a logo that you design in um in canva so just keep that in mind so if i wanted to i could come across here and you know choose this one for example and just simply change the name and get rid of that and come across to elements and i want to search for a deer [Music] and this isn't the one that i chose but i'm just showing you super fast how you could take a pre-existing templated logo and create a new one now that's not the one that i want but that is a pretty quick and pretty cool logo design now you can i will just create another page now you can create different colored versions of the logo simply by removing the background that was already supplied and already you've got a reverse logo and a um a black logo which is really cool but i want to show you how i created the wild buck fitness logo so i'm going to go back to home come back to your logo and at the same time i'm just going to open my brand board so that i've got my fonts here so i've got playfair display and hammer smith one there my brand fonts okay so if i go to the text tool on the left here again you've got some pre-loaded uh font styles which are really cool if you're not a designer feel free to start with one of these um however i am just going to start just with some plain text so all i've done there is just press the t button while i'm on the canvas there okay so my top font is hammer oh sorry is a playfair my middle font is hammer smith and then i've got play fair okay now you can have all your text in one box like this however i actually find that when i'm doing logo design it's actually easier to have separate text boxes so that you can be a little bit more flexible with your design now when i pasted that out then i actually lost my hammer smith font which you know it just happens so okay so i've got three really nice pieces of text here now i want to have everything left aligned so i'm selecting everything i'm coming up to my alignment panel and i'm going to click through that so you can change all of your alignment but i want to make sure it's all left and then if i come up to position i want to align it all left and i'd like the word buck to be quite a bit bigger i want fitness to sit directly under that and then i just want the word wild to be a little bit smaller okay so there's my font styling that looks quite nice now if i come across to elements i want to look for that deer uh shape that i used in the logo now oh here it is how good was that so quick okay now i actually when i did mine i did quite like i actually did quite a lot of um custom kind of fitting of the text and everything but i'm just going to do this super fast and i'm not taking up too much of you guys time okay so there we have a really nice logo now i'm just going to have a quick look at i've got the aqua okay now if you have a color that you'd like somewhere else that you want to use in your logo you can just paste it onto the page so that when you select your fonts that color is recognized in the document fonts okay so that's very quickly how you build a logo in canva now that has a no color in the background so if i download this i could download it as a png which will have a transparent background a jpeg will put a white background in a pdf think we'll put i think we'll put a transparent background in but if you want a transparent background i highly recommend using a png however to build our brown brand kit we actually need to download our logos as an svg file you can put in png and jpegs but for the best quality i highly recommend an svg file so i would go ahead and click to download that svg now i've already done that to save time so say we take this logo um and it's on a white background and then i go ahead and create some other options where it's on a white background sorry a black background and we have the logo reversed i might go and create um a white logo and all black logo and so on and so forth now i've already done this so i'm just showing you how you do it in canva and now i'm going to show you how to take your downloaded svgs and create your brand kit so again when you're back here on the dashboard if you come over here to brand kit and then you can call it your brand okay and then you simply just add your logo so if i click the plus button there i've already gone and designed and downloaded all of those logos so they're svg files and they're going to upload into the platform with a transparent background now of course you can also download them as jpegs if you want to have a set that have those backgrounds on them but when you're designing if you bring one of these transparent logos onto your artwork it will just sit on whatever's behind so a white background black background a photo whatever it is you've got in there okay so they've all loaded really nicely now i have my brand board which has my color values on it which is super handy if you're working with a designer make sure you get these from your designer before you build out your brand kit now if you don't have one of these i'm going to show you a tricky trick so if you come up to your logos and go extract color palette there we go okay so i looked at the colors in this logo and it's chosen these ones um now i'm going to keep that but i can just see that this logo here is slightly oh sorry this color here is slightly off black and i don't really need that so so far we've got our black our turquoise and then i can just go in and manually add a color but i want white and i want gray now i've got my color value here if i come across them and just copy that i can just paste that in like that and now i just want that kind of lime yellowy green as well and there we have it so if your logos have all your brand colors in them then you can just extract the colors from your logos but if you have some secondary colors like i do in this brand then make sure you're copying them from your brand board or your style guide cheat sheet or your brand guidelines and you can bring them straight into the brain kit now you can add secondary color palettes as well um you can also discover new color palettes that canva pre builds for you if you want to have um you know like a sub brand and you haven't had a designer work on that with you um and then we're going to come over here and add in our brand fonts now if i refer back to my brand board again we've got play fair display uh hammer smith one and hammersmith one as a body font so i'm going to just click the little pencil and then look for play there display and then hannah smith and body is also hammer smith now if you have a brand that has specific brand fonts that you've purchased you can upload them directly into canva you must make sure you own those fonts you can't go and just rip off somebody else's fonts and upload them into canva it's illegal and you could get in a lot of trouble so now our brand kit is set up and that is looking pretty awesome so i want to come back to the dashboard and i want to build out something that is with uh some of these designs that i've created before so to just make life easier i'm just going to open this up and then we're going to pretend it doesn't exist so okay so i need to create a two-week free promotion so i'm going to come over into elements uh i'm going to look for uh cross-fit style photos so i type in crossfit um and then oh look there's the photo okay so i just click and when i click it adds it to the page now you can do that or you can drag and drop and it will fill out the whole background which is pretty cool okay now you would have your copy from your copywriter or you would have written it previously somewhere else in notes or in word so now you just kind of want to either write directly onto the page or get your copy and paste it so we've got get two weeks free on us so i tap the t tool and i get two weeks free on us okay now i want to make sure that that middle font is my hammer smith one okay now we're going to go to our logos and add a logo so because i uploaded it into my brand kit i have the logos available to me okay okay get started quickly and buy it okay okay so just adding in some more text i want this to be hammer smith and i want it to be my lime green color now when i click on colors you can see i've got my document colors here alternatively you can go to the styles tab which i showed before and you can just click through click through and it will actually change some of the elements on your page okay so i'm just going to put that white logo back in just showing you how that styles tab works okay then we've got our tagline which is commit to be fit now i'm going to just copy that font to save time okay and then i want to grab just a little uh rectangle to just put behind that tag line just to create a little bit of interest i'm just going to zoom in a little bit so i can get a little bit more detail sometimes if it's rectangular tool it only goes to a certain height so you have to kind of manually adjust it a little bit okay right so pretty quickly pretty quickly we have designed an on-brand social media post adding the logo and the colors that are all from our brand kit now what i would in uh what i would encourage you to do is make sure you uh name your files each time you design something because it can get very confusing when you have 20 tabs open across the top of the screen so now that our social media post is done you can obviously go ahead and share that out straight away or if you're planning this for a future date you can just leave it in canva and schedule it out later or pop it in the content planner but for now i'm going to take this and i want to change it into an instagram story so i just uh click instagram story now there's loads of preset sizes here for all sorts of things from stickers to presentations and newsletters and email banners and facebook covers and everything you could possibly need in there but for the moment i'll just click instagram story the alternative is if you have an exact size of something that you want to create you can just put it in custom size there now if i press resize it's going to resize this piece of artwork i don't want to do that because i want to keep it for a later date so i'm going to go copy and resize now you can see canva has very quickly and easily resized this for me and all i have to do is just make a few little alterations um now this is an instagram story so you might change that to say swipe up uh to get started or something like that okay and then i want this tag line to be a little bit bigger and there you have it so super fast i now have an instagram story again i can oh sorry with instagram stories you have to download it and upload it to instagram stories directly at this stage you can't publish two stories yet but hopefully that will come soon okay so i'm going to now take this and resize oh sorry i forgot i did this one thing i told you not to do instagram story let's say june so we know what one that's for okay now we can go and resize that and i want it to be a poster so i'm going to search for poster copy and resize and look it's like it's really i nearly don't have to do anything it's so cool i might just increase the size of this text now one thing i do want on my tote on my toaster is have a qr code um use their qr code to get started okay now this is really cool if you come across here and you go to the more panel and go to qr code you could put in the landing page url for your business so let's just put in generate code and it does a qr code for you and it does it in such a way that you can have it on any background because it uses the black and white uh solid box which is really cool so you could just resize that and you're good to go now you can print directly from canva and you can have your posters delivered directly to your door which is so cool alternatively you can download it as a pdf print version or a low res version if you want to email it you can obviously do jpegs and pngs svgs et cetera et cetera as well but you can print the from canva which is super cool okay so the last thing i want to do is show you how to create one of those beautiful presentations which is going to make you look so damn good when you present for your business so um i don't know if you saw me do that but i'll go back and start again so from the home page just press presentations now if you are looking for one of those specific business templates that i spoke to you about earlier today search business presentations because we have 75 built out presentations specifically for business and what i mean by that is these have um graphs and like all the cool stuff you need in business to present boring information in a really nice way so for example uh let's just choose a nice one that matches kind of like this and when you click into it you get a thumbnail view of uh all of the different pages and if this looks good if it's got the type of information and the sort of the layout of the text that you might like in your presentation and you're pretty happy with that go ahead and press apply all 15 pages and you can see there that it's built out the entire presentation now you could go in then and go well actually i don't really need that page and i probably won't use that page and so on and so forth and get it down to this the size and and the type of information that you want in this presentation now because you've set up your brand kit you can come across to the styles button here and start to thumb through the shuffle and find a style that you quite like let's say we like that one and then you come down here and press apply all pages now did you see how it just styled out all of my pages so cool and then you can change it to your brand fonts and apply that to all of the pages and pretty quickly you've got a styled and branded proposal that all you need to do is go and add in say your logo that was not a good example let's try again okay maybe i don't want that in there go and add my logo [Music] add in some branded images go and add your text and so on and so forth so super quickly you can have a really beautiful built out presentation you can present directly from canva i'm using the presenter view at the moment which means i have a split screen and you can also do an auto play one where it just plays and you just simply talk over the top and and you can just present just the screen that you're on as well but you can also present and record so if i press this it will bring up my face in a little in a little circle and i can present and record the presentation to deliver at another time can you record a presentation um without having your head as a little circle yes i think um just correct me if i'm wrong but we have voice presentations either coming or it has been rolled out to some users yes i'm but that's a really really useful thing yeah so that's it for my demo so does anybody have any specific questions around creating a logo resizing presentation uh brand kit anything like that so we do have some questions around the um extracting the colors for your in your brand kit okay does the file that you extract the colors from have to be an svg um and does it have to be created in canberra pretty sure it has to be an svg for it to pick up the exact color values if as a designer i create your logo in illustrator for example and i use a pms color but i save it as a jpeg it's going to transform those colors from a pms into what the computer thinks is the right color values for an rgb file so if i bring a jpeg in and i use the color extraction it might just be slightly off um even using that color extraction as a designer i would still go back and check my brand guidelines to check that that little hex color value the little hashtag with the six numbers after numbers and letters is correct so you really want to make sure that that is correct so that when people are viewing it on different screens that it's on brand for your brand super thank you now one more question uh from wambui color psychology so this is really interesting um do you know about that you know about the forward slash colors yes website about to go there awesome so when boom's asking if i search fun under photos i get fun photos but can i search for say fun colors and know what i should use so here is an amazing tool yeah so go to forward slash colors and you have access to loads of different cool stuff so you've got color palette ideas or color palette generators let's come in here so you can upload an image and it will extract the colors from that image for you like this for example um so if you're really liking um okay so here's a tip so when i'm doing people's personal brands the first thing i say is send me a color sorry send me a photo of your wardrobe because often the colors that people wear are their favorite colors and so what you can do is take that color palette sorry take that photo load it into canva here and it will extract out the colors for you like this uh image here so if you had a really fun image like you said you typed in fun and you found some really cool fun images if you like the colors in that photo upload it here and it will be able to generate a beautiful color palette for you so that's one way you could do it um alternatively you could come into color palette ideas here and just do fun and it will just give you some pre-built out color palettes i mean that's really cool i like that um that's really nice and bold and fun but then i like pink so the other thing you've got to think of too is if you're building a corporate or a business brand you really want to um attract a certain audience you want the color palette and the logo style and design to match your audience's likes however when you're building a personal brand generally the brand is around you and what you like and what you feel and then you want to attract people who are like-minded so they're they're most likely going to like what you like as well so um just a little tip around picking colors but yeah there's some really cool ways to be able to use what's already available rather than having to make it up yourself wambo is also asking is it too cluttered to have a tag line in a logo would you just have more of a symbol yeah this is a big conversation to have so uh how can i simplify this okay if your logo doesn't say what you do say your business is called octagon that doesn't tell me what you do so your tagline might be solutions for finance business owners or something like that or or we make design fun or you know like whatever whatever it is that you do so use a tagline if it's necessary if it's not necessary and your logo really clearly explains what it is and what you do and who you're attracting then you don't really need to have a tagline um i'm not a massive fan of using tagline some of my uh branding clients insist on them and so therefore i make sure that they are easily used in the designs we create like that one that uh wild buck fitness example that i showed you we had the tagline on the artwork but it didn't sit with the logo so really it's a case-by-case kind of answer there i suppose so uh yeah just it just depends how clearly you need to communicate what it is that you do or the brand promise that you have or the result you'll achieve you know so yeah where would you situate authors uh a personal brand or a corporate brand or both oh that is such a good question so i definitely think building a personal brand around that however authors also often then sit with the publishers brand as well and that's a really good example of how when i showed you that gym one before you've got the overarching corporate brand so say the publisher and then using the personal brands to build uh the credibility of that overarching brand so i think if you're an author i would definitely focus on working on building your personal brand first and foremost um and then if it sits underneath another brand by all means work on that simultaneously but focus mainly on the personal brand so one that's been asked a little bit earlier on was about the name of the book you recommended for brand messaging can you let us know what that was story brand by donald miller and so he's got a book but he's also got a course and i think he can do some pretty intensive workshops as well but start with the book i did that's where i learnt everything from so yeah awesome thank you um following on from the question about the um author whether it was the a corporate or a personal brand a question from wambui about how do you do personal branding when you have fingers in a lot of pies so you might have you know a lot of side hustles that you also want to brand yeah i mean that's me um you know whilst i work full-time for canva i still have my graphic design uh studio on the side specializing in branding and personal branding we own the gyms as well so often i will badge myself as an entrepreneur who specializes in branding um i try not to pigeonhole myself into the fitness industry at all however it really helps like today you know demonstrating brands it really helps um to kind of sometimes bring some of those skills together but i think first and foremost uh figure out which genre you kind of sit in the most so um i don't know if you're a a builder in the construction industry and you also do um development sites but then you also own a cafe um i would kind of uh put yourself in the entrepreneur space with specialist skills in uh construction and small business ownership or something like that so um i also recommend then you say if you're speaking at an event you just tailor your positioning of yourself to the audience of that event um and second to that you only say yes to opportunities that are in alignment with building one of your specialist areas so it is a little tricky um and i spent years and years and years kind of mulling over this and the simplest way to put it is either just pick one thing and do that or if you want to do all of them then you need to find some common ground and position yourself as an entrepreneur or a um you know restaurant building specialist uh or whatever it is that you specialize in so i hope that is um helpful thank you um lovely comments coming through so i do have one last question actually which is um can you show again how to change do a global change for fonts in a presentation so you've got a conversation just let me just apply all tool slides one second right here we go yep okay cool so uh go to presentations i choose a template i come across to styles and you have your brand kit fonts already loaded up in here so you just simply press that and go apply all pages so it's the apply all pages which is the time saver because it puts it on everything now if you have a free version of canva you don't get access to your brand fonts in this section but uh canva will give you preset uh fonts and colors and you get them here as well in pro so if you're um say you need to design a presentation for your kids school and and you don't have brand kit loaded in here um but you want something kind of cool and you know perhaps maybe this uh color palette and this font system is similar to your school's uh look and feel you can just use one of the pre-selected ones as well you don't have to use your own brand um kit so yeah you can see there that that's gone and applied the fonts and colors to the entire presentation does that answer your question yes that's great so helpful for productivity doing that quickly yes um marie just uh snapping one last question how many fonts can you have in your brand kit all right good question the most i've loaded is about nine but they were from the same family so when you're building out a brand don't have different nine different fonts have you know two maybe three maximum like you might have a serif sand serif and then a a handwritten font that you use occasionally but within those uh main primary fonts like to say i have played fair display and hammer smith one in this particular one there might be fatter versions or skinnier versions so you might want to add in those different weights so that you have different heading styles and headings subheading body body bold you know things like that um so yeah maybe maximum three font families uh but you can obviously have as many of the um family members of those fonts uploaded so yeah i think i've had nine or ten but i'm pretty certain you can have more than that so i don't know the capped number though so give it a go see how many you can do spectacular thank you so much uh we'll wrap it up for questions there very well so i'd like to say a huge thank you to you rebecca that was a truly awesome session with so much canva goodness and productivity tips and tricks so it was a really really useful practical session thank you so welcome yeah looking forward to having you back for another session in the not too distant future bye
Channel: Canva
Views: 2,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canva, Canva Webinar, Rebecca Flint, how to use canva to create on brand visuals, how to create awesome branded content, How to develop your brand identity, How to use Brand Kit in Canva, How to remove background in canva, How to create a logo with Canva, How to create quick Mockups in Canva, How to download your logo as an SVG, How to create a branded presentation for your business, Where to find trendy color palettes, Canva pro features, Canva pro free tutorial, Canva pro free
Id: jiKBM3SpJj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 21sec (3801 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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