How To Make Social Media Templates

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are you a designer wondering how to create editable social media templates for your clients or are you a business owner wondering how the how to even use social media templates keep watching this video for some good content all about this so my name's abby and i am a brand designer from the uk and i have worked with many a clients using many social media templates therefore i thought i would show the whole process of creating social media templates and making them editable okay so what are social media templates and why do businesses need them so they are there to keep your brand recognizable to your audience they're also there to keep everything consistent across all social media platforms it's also such a time saver to have templates there ready to go for when you need to create content so in today's video i'm going to be creating my very own social media templates for a brand that i actually created on this youtube channel so who remembers me going into my house grabbing a random object and rebranding it so i'm going back to that product which was the sunscreen and suntan lotion called soleil i think it's called that and i'm going to be creating these social media templates for them and making them editable as if it was a client so i'm firstly going to be designing them in adobe illustrator and then i'm going to head over to canva yes canva to make them into edible templates for the client so i actually love using canva with clients because it's such a super simple and easy way for my client to be able to edit text edit images whilst keeping on brand so there is actually a link in my description for a 30-day free trial for canva pro this is the premium version and gives you lots more benefits than the free version so if you are a designer kind of wanting to play around with creating templates for clients or a business owner just wanting to get the hang of it then make sure you check that out another good software to use if you don't like canva is adobe xd this is such a good platform for creating social media templates so if your clients are a little bit more tech savvy then this might be a better option for you so before you design absolutely anything for your client it's really good to get to know exactly what type of content they're going to be putting out so you can start designing in mind for that type of content it's also good to know that not every business will need social media templates so for example if a business was more photography based and product based they might just want to use products and photos so for this brand i'm going to be designing social media posts and instagram story templates for this type of content which is text heavy and educational posts product features and then we're gonna do some behind the scenes and sort of video based content okay so we are in adobe illustrator right now and i have set up my artboards and everything that i would need within this document ready for me to start on the template so before i actually get started i like to have the color palette at the top the logos that are going to be used and then the fonts so then i've got everything i need to get me started so the artboard size that i use for the instagram stories are 1080 by 1920 pixels and then the social media posts are 1080 by 1080 pixels so when creating templates for my clients i like to create around three to six different options for each category this just gives them the variety and the ability to switch up their content and their template so the audience doesn't get bored so for this one i'm going to be showing you how i create the social media stories and the posts for a text heavy story so with the text heavy stories i am constantly thinking about the space where the text is going to go so because i know that my client is going to write a lot of stuff a lot of educational stuff about their products they will need the space to be able to do this so having these stories and these social posts with a lot of space and not that much going on around so that the text is the main focus is the key here so the next template i'm going to be creating is for video so for example if they had a team member doing a behind the scenes we want them to be able to sort of use kind of like a filter but just a template that they can add on top of their videos so it keeps the brand consistent so that is the design for the story templates and they are basically there to sit on top of the video so as an example i've actually filled myself on an instagram story and i've exported these as a png and puts it on top of the story so as you can see it looks so pretty it looks so branded and it just stands out if you are tapping on the stories it grabs your eyes instantly because it's something different so the last thing that i have designed now are the product features so the product and the photography are going to be the main focus for these stories and the instagram posts so therefore i've left a lot of room for my client to add in whatever photography or whatever they need plus a little bit of text if they want to explain the product so you'll probably notice that within all of these designed i've actually used a lot of textures and a lot of shadows so i wanted to create that effect to remind you of when you're in the sun with the shade and just some really nice texture to sort of represent the sand element and it works really nicely because it is something a little different it grabs your attention and it still keeps that focus on the product which is the suntan lotion and the sunscreen so i actually got the elements of the shadow kit and the texture from envato elements i will leave a link in my description if you want to check those out but adding just subtle things like that can really really up your game when creating social media templates so that is all the templates designed now and i'm gonna get them ready to export so to export i use the asset export which is an incredible tool if you don't know about it it basically allows you to save each element individually so i'll show you exactly what it does so when using this you have to make sure that everything is ungrouped and on their own and then you can simply just drag over your artwork to the asset export panel and it will literally just make everything individual then you can head over to the format change it to png which then allows you to upload each element to canva so the templates have been exported and we are now ready to go over to canva i do have the pro version so we'll be able to upload my own fonts and do some other fun things on there so when i actually design them in canva i like to add in the color block on canva instead of just copying an image from illustrator and adding it in this just means that my client will be able to then go in and change the color to their other brand colors if they want to switch up the templates so we are heading over to canva and i'm going to create exactly the same size artboard so 1080 by 1080 and 1920 by 1080 as well and i can start creating the templates and making them editable [Music] okay excuse the outfit change but it was getting so hot in here i think we're having a heat wave in the uk and it makes it good whilst i'm doing these templates because this is towards more of a summer brand so i'm getting in the fills of this but the templates have now been done on canvas so i can go into them and basically just go in and type exactly what text i need all the colors i can change and it's just such an easy way for my clients to be able to edit their templates so all i have to do now is go up to the top right corner press the three dots and you can share the link so you can either do it as a view link to just show your clients what it would be or once you're ready to send them off to your client you can actually send a template link where they have to sign in and then they'll be able to copy the templates and edit them themselves so the last thing that i do when working with clients is i actually send over how they would look in the real world so i wouldn't just send them over with text goes here i would actually just send them a document that shows all of their social media templates in action and exactly how they would be able to use them differently hopefully this video has given you an insight into how i create editable social media templates by using adobe illustrator and editing them on canvas so clients can edit them too if you have enjoyed this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you want to see some more content just like this you
Channel: Abi Connick
Views: 36,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial for beginners, graphic design, social media marketing, canva tutorial, content creation, social media, social media template, social media graphics, canva tutorial 2021, canva tutorials, content calendar, content creation tips, content creation strategy, content marketing, graphic design software, abi design, social media graphics illustrator, instagram templates free, instagram templates on canva, instagram templates for business, canva templates tutorial
Id: w5BN3Cpu91Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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