How to Grow FAST on Etsy as a Beginner [New Etsy Shop Makes 1,000/month Selling ONE Digital Product]

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the market is not too saturated and it is not too late to start your etsy shop you can rank page one make daily sales and become a best seller in your first month on etsy what's up guys welcome back to my channel if you are new here my name is alyssa and this channel is all about starting and growing your digital product business and making passive income online if you're interested in that definitely consider subscribing so almost four months ago i created a digital product and i listed it on a brand new etsy shop so i didn't leverage my existing audience and i didn't leverage my already successful pinterest account i started from scratch and after you subtract ad spend i made over three thousand dollars in my first four months on etsy with this one digital product so though i didn't leverage my existing audience i did leverage something else and that was the etsy algorithm because once you understand how the etsy algorithm works and why etsy ranks certain listings higher than others then you can use that information to your advantage and make sure that your listings are aligned with etsy's expectations so you can rapidly increase your traffic and sales on the platform this is what i did with my brand new etsy shop and this is exactly what i'm going to be teaching you how to do today in this video so i used to think that etsy seo was the way i got found on the platform and though etsy seo is super important you can have amazing seo and still be buried underneath a ton of competitors even if their seo isn't as good as yours also being found in search is not the only way to be found you can also be found in competitors listings in the suggested section or you can be found on shoppers home pages if they recently were looking for something that was similar to what you're selling but if seo is only a piece of how you get found and rank higher in the algorithm then what is the other deciding factor how do you actually start your rank in search and in the other places on etsy well it goes without saying that etsy is a business and the goal of etsy is to make money and when you make money etsy makes money so naturally if your listing is converting it's making sales then they're going to want to show your listing to more people so over time if your listing keeps converting etsy is going to give it a positive rating on the back end and that just means that it's going to populate it higher in search and in those other places on etsy but with thousands of other sellers how does our brand new listing start to rank well the great news is that etsy understands that you could be a brand new seller and still have an awesome product so what they do is when you list a new listing it has a temporary boost in the algorithm and the reason why etsy does that is because it wants to see how shoppers are interacting with the product so they can gauge how desirable your product is and if it does start converting a lot then etsy is going to start ranking you higher in the algorithm but if your listing is not being clicked on or it is being clicked on but people are bouncing off and it's not really converting then eventually over time etsy is going to start to drop that listing in the algorithm making it harder for that listing to get found because it's not proving to etsy that it's something that people want and it might not be because your product isn't any good it's just that there are some things that aren't aligning with the expectations of the consumer and of course etsy so for example if you have a product that is perfect for a specific target audience but your keywords aren't relevant so they're not finding you because they're searching other keywords then your listing will eventually drop in the algorithm or let's say your seo is good but your listing photo doesn't catch people's attention so your target audience isn't clicking on the listing well they need to click on it in order to buy it so it will eventually drop in the algorithm or maybe your seo is great and your main photo is clickable but when a shopper clicks into your listing and it's not what they're looking for if no one purchases it then eventually it will drop lower in the algorithm so what does this tell us well number one it tells us that we want good relevant seo and we're using keywords that shoppers are actually searching for number two we want to have a clickable listing photo we want our photo to attract our target audience and then of course we want our offer to be amazing we want our offer to be irresistible to our target audience so we can convert as many people as possible to get that positive rating score and then we can start ranking higher in the algorithm on a go forward okay so first let's talk about etsy seo what are the important things to think about when crafting your titles and your tags well i always say that your keywords should be relevant diverse and descriptive you don't just want to use search terms that have low competition and high search volume if they're not relevant because then the wrong people will find you and if the wrong people find you then they'll be scrolling past your listing or they'll be clicking on it and they won't be purchasing it so that's not going to help you rank in the algorithm long term so what about diverse well you want to use diverse keywords and keyword phrases in your titles and in your tags because there's not just one keyword phrase that your target audience is searching for to find a product like yours so if you can find those keywords and it's different ways that people are searching for your product it's going to help you get found by more people and the right people as long as it's relevant and lastly descriptive so a lot of people try to rank for broad keywords because there's a lot of search volume and that makes sense most people will search for a very broad term at first and then narrow down their search as they're finding what they want but it shouldn't be our goal right now to have our brand new listing rank for a broad keyword but what you do want to do is make that keyword descriptive so you can take a broad keyword and then add on more relevant keywords to that broad keyword and you'll be more likely to be found for that more niche or more descriptive keyword for example planner turns into business planner and business planner turns into pink business planner and then the goal is when you start getting found by the keyword term pink business planner you'll eventually start ranking for business planner and then eventually possibly you will rank for the keyword planner i have a couple other videos that will help you understand etsy seo a little bit more so i will link those down below in the description box okay so now that you have your seo all set it's relevant diverse and descriptive we need to make sure that our listing actually gets clicked on because if it doesn't get clicked on it's not going to get favorited or purchased so you need a good main photo so since every niche is different and maybe what worked for me as a main photo won't work for you what i suggest you do is just head to etsy type in the type of product you're selling and see what's working for other people so of course don't copy it but use it as inspiration so you can understand what types of main photos are really working in your niche another thing you can do is a b test your main photos so you can actually duplicate your listing and then don't change anything about your product or your listing except for the main photo then over time you can see which one is getting favorited and which one's getting purchased more this also gives you more opportunities on etsy to be found what i do is i actually run ads for a little bit so i can actually see the click rate of course you don't have to do this but i like to do this because i like to see how much better one listing photo is doing than the other so it just helps me really gauge what is working super well with those my target audience okay so you got that temporary boost in the algorithm your seo is relevant diverse and descriptive and your main photo is killing it so what's the next step well when someone clicks onto your listing we really want them to purchase it so we need to create an irresistible offer for our target audience so it's not about meeting the needs of everyone but it is about meeting the needs for that relevant shopper that you are trying to sell to so what can we do here well if we're brand new to business and we're not quite sure what our target audience wants we can look to our already successful competitors so take a look and see if there are any patterns in the most successful listings in your category so for example what colors are they using are they including certain types of things in their listings like let's say you sell a planner if they're selling a letter size sheet are they also selling it in a half letter size sheet so you really just want to look at the best sellers and see what patterns are there if you're interested i go a lot more in depth with how to map out an irresistible offer in my program passive product payday it's a 27 program i will link it down below if you're interested in discovering your most profitable niche your most profitable product idea and mapping out an irresistible offer so i'll link it down below if you're interested in figuring all of that out okay so how did i do it how did i make sure that i was going to see success with a brand new etsy shop a brand new listing with zero audience well i made sure that my product was in demand then i made sure that my seo was relevant diverse and descriptive so the right people were finding me and then i did my research to make sure that my main photos were going to be something that my target audience would actually click on and i tweaked some things and a b tested those main listing photos so not only was i expanding my presence on the platform but i was also understanding what was really working well with my niche as it pertains to them clicking on my listing and then i made sure that i had an offer that i knew my target audience would really want so once i had all of that going for me i was confident that this was a listing that would perform well so i ran a sale to incentivize people to actually purchase because there was a discount and then i also ran ads so i can get more people to see my listing in front of them and since i had my good seo a clickable photo and an irresistible offer my listing started converting and because it was converting it was getting a positive rating score on the back end of etsy and then etsy started boosting that listing higher in the algorithm so when the temporary boost was over and i stopped my sales and also lowered my ad budget significantly i was still ranking in the algorithm i was still ranking in search and suggested and on relevant shoppers homepages because i had that positive rating score from those initial conversions so again if you're interested in learning how to map out an irresistible offer so you do get those conversions i will link passive product payday down below so you can take a look and see if that's something that you think will help you so there was one more strategy that i used that was outside of etsy that helped me get an influx of traffic and the platform that i utilized was pinterest so i started a brand new pinterest account from scratch i created i want to say about 12 to 15 different pins that were promoting my product directly or indirectly and one of the best things i did was i created idea pins so ideapins is a new feature on pinterest and right now it's on a loose algorithm meaning that if you were to post an idea pin it's going to get more traction than maybe it will in the future because it's a new feature and that's pinterest's way of incentivizing you to use that new feature so i have a whole strategy that i use for my pinterest idea pins and i'm going to share that with you but we're going to do that next week so if you are interested in learning about pinterest idea pins and how you can use it to drive tons of traffic to your new or existing etsy shop or website then definitely subscribe to this channel if you're not already so you don't miss it also don't forget if you're looking for a strategy to map out an irresistible offer down below i'm going to link passive product payday it's a 27 program if you're interested it's helped a lot of people figure out their niche their most profitable product and of course map out their irresistible offer anyway guys thank you so much for watching i hope this video was helpful if it was give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to my channel and i will catch you in the next video bye guys
Channel: Alissa Rose
Views: 73,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Grow FAST on Etsy as a Beginner, etsy shop for beginners, etsy business, selling on etsy, etsy seller tips, digital products, etsy algorithm, grow on etsy, etsy tips, etsy beginners, new etsy shop, increase etsy sales, etsy shop tips and tricks
Id: C9OxKAxi7kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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