How To Make A Digital Product For Etsy - Creating, Listing And Setting Up A Digital Download

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today i'm going to show you a side hustle that can pay you over and over and you only need to do the work one time best of all no experience is necessary this topic went viral on tick tock recently and a lot of people were asking me for a longer format video so here we are youtube so today i'm going to show you how to find a product create a product upload that product and then also create a thank you pdf for that digital download so that they can get their product and put it to use but also refer you to their friends and family which will also help you generate more sales later on down the road let's get into today's content now all right so into the computer we go and what we're doing is we're going to come over here to etsy and we're actually going to be looking for digital products that we can create so you can use the abc method which is type in digital right and you'll start to see a bunch of things showing up and then you could start with a yeah and then backspace and you go b and you go through all of these different things right here and you're just looking for different ideas of digital products that start to come up and then you can use that as inspiration right so we're looking for a digital baby announcement which is what i had done on tick tock and we could search that and you can see that there are tons of different ideas on what people are doing right this person right here has something that's kind of like fall and halloween inspired um you might want something that's you know maybe just uh evergreen which you can use throughout the year all the time but you know why not make these and then they give you a template yeah that you can insert specific names you can put in the delivery date or the projected date uh and maybe even like that right here insert a little picture of the ultrasound yeah so what you want to do is just get some ideas and inspiration to see what people are doing as far as creating digital baby announcement products or any other digital product and see what catches your eyes what do you think you could do differently what do you think you could do a little bit better than what's out here right so these are all ideas but you can see right the pricing ranges uh nine dollars twelve dollars right some of the nicer ones probably at the top 14 and 12 right and these people have you know 840 sales of this uh twelve dollar product right here right so thousands and thousands of dollars generated right this person has 7 500 sales of this one right has sold this product that many times at 14 right now this isn't going to explode overnight but if you're looking to get into the digital marketplace or just into the online marketplace and making money on online right you got to get started somewhere everyone always starts at zero so with that being said now we've got something here we've got some ideas so how are we gonna make a digital download file so we're gonna go over to canva and up here right everybody uses canva now so i highly recommend it right you can come over here and look uh and search for a baby announcement okay so we finally get some results here baby announcement just to get our ideas going right so there's all these templates that canva can provide for you just to get things going and depending on what you saw on etsy that you feel is inspiring you and you can come over here to get things going right these are you know some of them are simple some of them are actually really nice i do like these like this is kind of cute right um so let's just pick this one right here and so this is gonna open up and uh it'll say welcome my baby right and you can you can see how as i hover over each of these right i can put it in there and it can be like baby willy wonka right and you can put the different date in there and you can change it right and this is exactly what's going to happen for your customers and you can also see that there's a little photo box here and if you double click it right you could drop a new photo in there like an ultrasound or whatever the templates you can use them as is or if you want to put additional designs in here like you come up to the elements and you can search over here let's just say like a rubber ducky yes right and then you could click that and you could add this and you can put it in here and you can shape things and kind of make everything however it is that you want to if you want it to be like that right or you could see if there's anything in here for a newborn i have no idea right we're just searching right yeah there's like cute little images right here um you know and so you could put different things like this in here okay and so you doctor this up the way that you want it okay it's not rocket science so you get it here and then you're ready to go and then what you're gonna do is you're actually going to share okay when you click on that it's actually going to have some different options for sharing the link okay you want to share a link to use as a template okay it's important yes and then you're going to copy that link okay so that's the link that people are going to get when they purchase your product so what happens is they're going to take this link i'm going to show you right now just what it looks like when it pops up but we're going to talk about putting everything together so it'll click on this link and it'll say a template was created by acro brandon was shared with you write my personal account right go and use the template and when they do that canva is going to open so you do need a canva account but it's free for everybody i do recommend the pro account but now they can come through and they can start to edit this template to their liking and it won't affect the original template which is the why you want to click on the hole right share the link as a template right so if you share link to edit right every time somebody would edit this it would look completely different you don't want that right so they want to have a one-off template okay so let's go back over to etsy and let's look a look at how to create a listing in general and then we'll talk about creating this like pdf digital download thank you file okay so you do need to have an etsy shop obviously i'm using my bearded dragon shop that i have here for uh one of my lines that i have in the water but you can click over here and add a listing okay and you can add a photo or view right but it's just a digital product so you'd probably only have one photo that's right here okay you could add a little video if you want to but i wouldn't put too much thought into that uh the title right this is going to be a digital baby announcement fall or digital announcement spring right so even though today is october 17th you know you might be thinking like how am i going to create something now think about the future right what upcoming trends are gonna be coming up in 2022. what's hot what's good for the babies right uh spring fall right you got four seasons maybe you have a baby that's gonna be born january february march april may right like what theme might there be for those particular months right so you'll put the title in here uh about the listing who made it i did right okay what is it it's a finished product it's a supply or a tool to make things right so i would just say it's a finished product uh when did you make it right whatever i mean you can put the stuff in here if you want to okay so then the description right and then you're gonna put in here you know um looking for a baby announcement to send via email don't mind my spellings or post on social media right and then you can put different information in here that you want to put to kind of help sell your product right and then you're going to come down here we're going to put our price let's just say it's 8.99 because everybody likes a 99 center because it feels like they're paying less quantity if there are variations shipping none right because it's here and then you come through all of this stuff and well there's actually going to be a point uh where is it right here that we can put in for it being a digital product so i skipped over that yes so you'll be able to have a digital file that buyers are gonna download okay and we're gonna get to that here in just a second um so let's go and look right so here's the digital file section where we're gonna upload the file okay so you don't wanna just give them a link because that would be boring okay so we could go back to canva right and we could go back to creating a pdf in canva and i'll show you that right now okay so option one might be to create a pdf or a file here in canva um you could also do this through pages you could do this through google docs right it's just a document if you wanted to do it here you can i would probably do it through word but we'll use this right so if we would create some text or you can add a heading and i'm going to say you know thank you for your purchase right boom thank you for your purchase right and then we put this here and you can pick whatever font it is that you want this one's okay it's not my favorite but i'll use it um thank you for your purchase and then we'll add some like a subheading here right that's going to say something to the effect of how to use your digital product right and then i'm gonna type some stuff really quick and then skip ahead okay so i have this typed up really quick like right so how to use your digital product one click the link in canva will open two edit the template you can add pictures change dates and names you can change color profiles of any element three download and save to desktop or device and then maybe number four would be like share with the world right okay let's put that in there why not yes for share with the world yes right so you've got these things right here boom and then we've got this and maybe you put it in here up here really nice and then we'll put like the actual link which hopefully is still saved booyah god look at that that's so good now if you wanted to make this even shorter because this is like a crazy long link right here so what you can do is go to tinyurl right you can just google it and then this pulls up right here so if we take that long link and post it right here right we can click make a tiny url and now you got this cute little url here which will take them to the same place or watch so if i v nice that looks super nice and pro right so and if we try that little url right here right brings us back to the same thing perfect okay so that works we'll close this out good so now we have this url and you know i'd put it right here right click link and then we can put a little we'll duplicate this okay by command d and then i'll put this above it right and i would say something here like click link to access your product right and you can change all of this format right you can make it right bold by making it here where is the bowl that it's up here somewhere oh both because i'm in here okay so you can take that and you know change it make it look nice modify it however you want to right maybe you want to make this a little bit bigger so it stands out okay so this is the first part and now we've got like a nice little pdf okay now the part that's actually going to generate some additional recurring sales for you is to create a coupon code for them okay so what we might want to do here and i used to get guard coupon codes on my ecom site and then i got smart about it and it was like i should be offering them 10 to incentivize incentivize them to come back but more importantly if they could share that coupon code with anybody why do i care because you need to look at it from the big picture here right if you use my coupon code and give it to a friend who buys something sure i might be losing 10 off of that sale but i didn't even know your friend right so you're advertising and marketing for free for me and if i'm taking a 10 hit that is still more money in the pocket i wouldn't have had had i not shared the code okay so you should be making you know 30 40 at least on products if you can but if i give you a coupon code you can share with your friend that's even great so let's type in coupon code or something and let's see what we get here right so coupons coupon maybe it's coupon code let's just try coupon and see what we get here right boom boom boom coupon code right any of these will do let let's do this okay cool so we'll put this here right and i could put something here and i could put you know like whatever we'll make this coupon really big yes and then i'm going to put some text over it right what's going to be here and it's going to say save right save 10 on your next order 10 on next order just typing really shorthand because you guys get the point right and i don't like this font so let's try the gal again because that's always my favorite and it's kind of cool right and then i'll put this here so you get the idea right and then below this right you might put something to the effect that you get this all set up really nice right here and actually if you have two pieces like this you can link them group yes so that way when i move it i they both move together okay and then under here it's like save 10 on your next order ps you can share this with a friend great so now let's save this right we're going to download it and we're going to switch to a pdf okay and then we'll download it and the reason you want to save something as a pdf is because when a pdf opens on any device it looks the same so if you've never noticed before that like somebody sends you like a doc file and it comes from mac and uh you're on pc or vice versa like the formatting gets all weird right so you have this pdf which they can open and click right and we have the link right here right and they can click on this link and you see it took them right to the page so it works okay so that's the basic part about creating your uh digital product and then as well if you want to make this pdf look even nicer by putting a colored background or some like design behind it you can do that and then eventually right we come back over here we're back into etsy now we get to upload our digital file boom and this is going to start to upload here now i'm not going to publish it because etsy is going to charge me a 20 insertion fee not that that's changing that just to drop in the bucket but this is the general idea of what you need to do in order to create a digital product for etsy and then hold on let me switch back to the front camera and then what you need to do is start marketing your product now the allure of doing etsy is that etsy is a marketplace that generates tons of traffic right people are shopping on etsy just like they're shopping on amazon that's why people promote and sell on amazon tons of traffic comes in even though your margins are slightly lower now you want to create tons of content okay so you can also list this digital product on facebook marketplace which doesn't cost anything right you can put it out there on different places you could post it up onto pinterest which is free and drive free traffic back okay but if you really want to pursue the digital creation right if that's what you really do and you're a creator and you want to actually build a business out of creating things what you might want to start doing is creating your own personal profile on different social media outlets just like i'm doing on youtube and tick tock and instagram and teach people or show people your process in digital content creation and that will drive them to your products and the same thing happens is you start to grow a following and then that following becomes monetized later on down the road so that's like a slightly bigger talk that's going to come later on down the road hopefully you enjoyed the video don't forget to smash the like button or follow me if you have any questions comments or concerns feel free to leave those down below and i will see you in another video
Channel: Brandon Kyle Online
Views: 2,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital products to sell on etsy, digital products to sell on etsy 2021, best digital products to sell on etsy, how to create editable digital products to sell on etsy, how to make digital products to sell on etsy, how to find digital products to sell on etsy, how to sell digital products on etsy using canva, digital products to sell, digital products to sell online 2021, digital products to sell online etsy, digital products to sell on ebay, etsy, etsy digital products
Id: Ero1ZUxCj9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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