How to Create a SharePoint Site for Projects (2024)

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SharePoint the word itself can send a shiver down the spine but what happens if you need somewhere to store all of your important documents and files on a project and you don't want to use Microsoft teams well don't go near the desktop instead we can consider SharePoint and create a dedicated project site for you and your team where you can store your files and more but I know what you're thinking how on Earth do you create a SharePoint site well not to worry I'm going to be showing you how we can exact do that and not only delivering you a place to store your files but also using brand new template capability you can use today we can also get a project tracker and an issue list Straight Out of the Box making you look like a SharePoint wizard when it comes to creating your new project site but before we dive in if you're struggling with SharePoint then I know how it feels over a decade ago I got started out using SharePoint and didn't know where to turn and that's led us to to create our brand new under masterclass over 50 video lessons cheat sheets quizzes and a companion ebook guide we've put all of our knowledge of SharePoint into that course to help you manage your SharePoint site and your files in the best possible way you can find out more information below in the comments and get enrolled on our underman masterclass to succeed in SharePoint and teams so let's dive into SharePoint and create that new project site to get you up and running and get your project off to a flying start so to get started head to in a web browser and once you've done that you'll see your office homepage with all of the content you've recently accessed it's a great place to keep on top of all of your work but here we're interested in SharePoint so from the app launcher in the top left let's go ahead and then select SharePoint now if you don't see you can click on explore all of your apps and then also find SharePoint there but I've got it here in my app list when I open it up here inside of our browser window you again will see all of the recent content and sites you've been working with but we're going to be creating a brand new SharePoint site so we're going to go up and select create site in the top left if you don't see this well you can speak to your it administrator who can also help you out with this as well but let's go ahead and click on create site and in here we're going to choose a type of site we're going to need need now in this scenario for this tutorial we're focused on a project site being a team site so I'm going to go ahead and select team site now from here as I mentioned earlier we're going to need an area to store all of our files for our project and the great news is that Microsoft give us templates that we can use and select from that come with preconfigured objects and elements that can make our life a whole lot easier now the good news is that one of these is actually for a project yes let's scroll down and find the project management template by left clicking into this you're now going to see a preview of your SharePoint site that's going to get created but also as we can see it's going to include some additional components yes it's going to include the homepage the two lists a page template and enhancements with power automate that sounds fantastic right so let's go ahead and then select use template now we're going need to give our site a name so here give it a name of your choice to align to your project with that done I've also given a site description so people can understand what this site is for now I can go ahead and click on next now here I'm also going to need to make a choice is my site going to be private or is it going to be public now don't worry public doesn't mean available to the general public outside of your it environment it actually means publicly available in your organization so if you're a project doesn't have any security considerations and could be accessed by anyone in the company and go ahead and slep public but in most cases you're going to want to control who has access to your data so you're going to go ahead and select private which means only name persons that you invite into the site be able to actually work with the content that you have inside of your SharePoint site most sites well will fit this bill let's go ahead and select private we're going to leave the English language here but of course you can override that to a language of your choice then go ahead and select create site now behind the scenes your site is now being created but you're now also going to be asked do you want to add any other owners or members into your site now there's a careful consideration here if you need to work on your site to make it better before people start using it well you may not want to add anyone here and instead just go ahead and then click on the Finish button but equally maybe there's a colleague that's helping you out with your site and getting it ready to go in that case I could then type in my colleague whose named Megan select Megan from the directory and now Megan would also be granted access to this brand new SharePoint site but equally Megan well she needs to also maintain the site so we need to ensure that Megan has the appropriate access rights to also maintain our SharePoint site by adding and removing other people and also making changes to the site and as you can see under Megan we have this drop down for member or owner now member that only allows Megan to interact with a Content she could upload files edit them delete them but she couldn't add or remove others to our SharePoint site or make fundamental changes now of course I want Megan to do that so I'm going to Mark Megan as an owner once I've done that I'm going to go ahead and click on finish and don't worry I'll be showing you how to add others later and also change their security so welcome to your new SharePoint site you can see behind me that the new site has been created and the great news is because we use a template well it already comes preconfigured out the box for us so as an example here on the left hand side we have an issue tracker list by left clicking into our issue tracker we can see it here on the screen this list allows us to track issues that are happening in our project and it's powered by Microsoft and SharePoint link I can click on the new button and you can see all of these fields available for issue tracking you can now use to begin tracking all of your issues so that's a great way to build a very quick issue tracker inside of your site that you and your team can access and also begin building out for your own needs but alongside that as I mentioned we have a project tracker list in here it also comes with a preconfigured workflow in power automate as you can see a due date reminder could here be set up that 3 days before an item is due the power automate flow will send a reminder to the owner of the item now if you did want to configure these you can click next and go and turn it on but I don't want to add these features for now so I'm just going to mark that as we won't add those features and therefore we won't have that workflow operation but in here in our project tracker list well here as you can see it's very much like a mini project plan we have our Pro ress of the activities we have categories to which they relate to we have start and end dates and who they're assigned to it's a great way again to use your project site and begin using your project tracker list straight out of the box that would have otherwise taken possibly hours to build instead the template has done all the hard work for you but not only do we have those two lists we also get areas like a shared calendar and because the site is powered by a Microsoft 365 group we have a a shared calendar and also a shared email address we can use for your SharePoint site and this here is showing you've got access to go and begin creating all of your calendary entries within your site that you can share with a wider team inside of Outlook and not only that you're going to want somewhere to store all of your notes well once again in SharePoint much like Microsoft teams you're also going to have a shared OneNote notebook that's available in SharePoint and shared with members of your team St out of the box so you can begin to create sections and notes and add all the content in regards to your project and all of these components are delivered straight to you straight out the box with your project template making it a great way to get started with a project site that would have otherwise took hours to build has taken minutes making you look like a SharePoint wizard so there's probably something you also will need to change in your site and that is the homepage yes when your team look at this page well it's not exactly showing it to be very professional right so how can we change this page in SharePoint well if you're one of your owners in the SharePoint site as you created it you certainly are you can go over and click on the edit button to the right hand side and now you can begin to make changes now the whole page here is also set out in different sections allowing you to make changes to it so as an example here well I may not want this information same project track list how could I change this by left clicking in you can also see a pencil icon appears just above the picture go ahead and click on that pencil icon on the right hand side you'll see we're working in what's known as an app part and that app part is called the Hero app part and we can now set it to only show one tile or three tiles or more but I'm going to mark it as one tile and on here I'm just going to click on the x button to the right and we can then click into this this image then we can click on the pencil icon and now we can begin to link it to other content for example the title here might need to be adjusted let's add a short Welcome to our project inside of this title with that done we can now see we've all to the title that now looks a lot more professional on our site but also we need to consider while the image isn't relevant we're dealing with a green space Urban Rena I'd like to something a little bit more green so let's go to the background an image on the right hand side and we can then change the image to something else and in here we can select stock images and Microsoft provid as a whole range of images that you can use inside of SharePoint that have been taken professionally let's go ahead and search for the word trees we can see a variety here on the screen let's go ahead and choose one of these images that more suits our project and select insert once you've done that we' now got a new background image but you're probably thinking well I'd love it to link to a document or another page may you created later you absolutely can do that once again on the right hand side you can see a change that's under the link option by selecting that you could link here to another SharePoint page or one of the files inside of your site such as a project scope document all you would need to do is left click into it and select insert and once then someone clicks on that image they'll be diverted to the content that would like to share with them so that there is a small change we can make that can have an overall drastic feel and Improvement to your SharePoint page but let's go ahead and close down this Hero app part I'm quite happy with that here on the right hand side well I've got a countdown timer and well there isn't anything to countdown towards at the moment now when I left click into that I can also delete and remove app Parts on our page by clicking on this trash can icon let's do that here and now it's disappeared appeared allowing me instead to have my project Milestones well that's great I'm going to leave it in there and I'll add some events later but also there's some handy links here there's some to Team Tools once again I can double click now into this app part and I can over type Team Tools I'm going to use Quick links as my example here and under each link well I can left click in click on the pencil icon I can give it a thumbnail a name and a link to also additional results resources building out my projects tools and quick links to make the team even more efficient when it comes to using all of my links and with a bit of magic you can now see all of our links have been updated and as we go down well here's a project contacts that's a great way to keep in contact with all of your project team let's left click in again and we're going to remove the sample content wording and update the case of project contacts and once again we can also change these people we can can left click into them we can see this is Lydia holay maybe Lydia is the wrong person I'm going to get rid of her by removing the profile on the right and I can also add in Megan she's helping us out in the project by typing in Megan's name in this field here I can add Megan as a project contact nice and easy to add all of your contacts now with that in mind I can go and tidy up the rest of our page let's remove our site activity and let's also remove the news we don't need that here we also have a documents area here which has a quick link to all the documents we work with in our documents library in the site let's again remove sample content to tidy that up and put documents for Green Space nice and clear for the rest of the team but also you might be thinking how can I add other app Parts well here is one of our empty sections let's click on the plus icon what we can now do here is we can add in another app part maybe it's a YouTube video a piece of text or other content you can see a whole range we can use here inside of our app part that's a great way you can add other content in well I also know that the team they're going to be working Outdoors quite a lot let's add the weather and in here I'm going to add the location as London in the UK and once I've done that we can see here I've got the weather appearing but also they might be doing some work in Manchester let's search for Manchester and add that in as well we can also give it a title and I'm going to put weather locations to make it nice and easier and with that done we've now got our weather locations so we're all set and ready to go I can now close down and also click on the republish button to the top right so the whole team can see my changes are made to our page and there is our brand new SharePoint site greenspace urban renewal with a new header calendar quick links what locations and a place to store our documents but with your great news share point site you're probably wondering how can you add other people or even remove them from your site well that's nice and easy once you've got your site up and running on the right hand side you'll see a members icon here there's two members that be myself and my colleague who is Megan when I left click in here as a site owner I can click on ADD members and type in of colleague internally for example Nestor may be helping us out by typing in nestor's name I can left click and we can see I can click on Save and add Nestor as a member but equally what happens if Nestor should be promoted to become an owner maybe he also needs access to maintain our site well we can click on the drop down and we can Mark Nestor as an owner as quick as that Nestor can add and remove others and also maintain our SharePoint site but I know what you're thinking well what happens if Nestor or Megan leave and you need to also remove access to them from your SharePoint site well it's very straightforward to do in this example for Nestor in the drop- down as I'm an owner of the site I can also see removed from group if we left click on that option it'll remove Nestor entirely from the site all of the content he had access to is revoked he won't even be able to see your awesome site homepage and as simple as that that's so you can add and remove other in your SharePoint site so they can work with your file securely so as we wrap up this tutorial on how we've created your brand new SharePoint site I hope you feel a little better about the overall process because you've now got an area to store all of your files securely and share them with your colleagues remembering that the skill you've learned today well is just one of many that you can apply in SharePoint and even in Microsoft teams and if you're Keen to dive deeper and master SharePoint then check out our underman masterclass where you can succeed in SharePoint and teams across those 50 video lessons we look at range of topics how best to share your file securely with people outside of your team how you can manage your document versions in a better way and also how you can synchronize all of your SharePoint files down to your desktop for easy access there just a couple of areas that we focus in our on demand master class and it's been a hit with our Learners so confident you'll love it too so head to the comments below to find out more otherwise I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I'd love it hit that like button and subscribe for more great content like this I look forward to hearing in the comments what you've been doing in SharePoint and if it works for you otherwise I look forward to seeing you on the next [Applause] [Music] one
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 10,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft sharepoint, sharepoint tutorial, project management, how to use sharepoint, sharepoint site, create sharepoint site, sharepoint online, how to create a sharepoint site, how to manage a project with sharepoint, sharepoint project site, create a sharepoint site, microsoft teams, microsoft 365, office 365, sharepoint project management template, sharepoint project management, ms sharepoint, tutorial, 2024, Your365Coach, sharepoint, sharepoint tutorial for beginners
Id: PwrqPJrPop0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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