How to build a SharePoint Knowledge Base | SharePoint Site Designs in 2023

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hi it's Dougie wood and in this video I'm going to show you step by step how to build your own SharePoint knowledge base what I mean by a SharePoint knowledge base is an area which has actually got sub layers to it now you could actually build this out with as many layers as you like but the way I've built mine is I'm going to have a department-specific layer like this and this is allowing me to choose my first sort of uh Department category to move into finding specific uh content and articles related to different departments so it could be my support department my Development Department my project management department or I'm actually just going to select on my Consulting Department within the department I can then see um core knowledge articles relating to things like how to run a requirements Workshop or how to give proper estimates to potential clients or how to deliver presentations or public speaking so these are all knowledge articles have been created to help the staff around my organization do their job better and follow kind of correct best practices so I'm going to click on how to on a workshop and within here this is a templated knowledge article now so all my knowledge articles are going to look the same there's an image of it a title across the top um there's a useful contact as well across the top right hand corner as well as a bit of text to say what is this knowledge article what's it contain what you should use it for and what it is not so again a bit of text maybe just to sort of say um it's not related to training workshops for example so maybe click on this link to go to the training Workshop page I could list also some other related pages on here if I wanted to as well as some useful links which might be on a third party website which could be useful as well as some FAQs to help answer any questions people might have and useful documents things like forms that might relate to the particular knowledge article so essentially these knowledge articles are going to really help our organization share information and understand how we work so let's take a look at how we start building this so the first thing we're going to do is we're actually going to go and create our SharePoint site I'm going to do this by going to which is the home page of Microsoft 365 searching for SharePoint in the top bar and selecting the SharePoint app from this page I can create my SharePoint site by clicking on this button here if you don't see the button here it means that you need to be able to create the site from a SharePoint admin Center which you would need the share for admin role first to be able to achieve so I'm going to click on the create site and then I've got two options of Team site communication site now I would typically create my knowledge base as a communication sites the reason being is communication sites are much better at creating portals for subject-specific uh content rather than team sites which are specifically more for collaboration of teams and they don't have the same range of layouts options that we're going to be looking at today so I'm going to encrypt my communication site and it's going to ask for a site name so I'm going to call this Mike knowledge base that's just double checking that the URL exists um or not already and it's fine it doesn't exist yet so I'm now going to click on finish which is going to create me my knowledge base site now what this is going to do is automatically going to create me um a standard issue SharePoint site which just has the basic kind of templates applied to it we're going to come back and we're going to edit the home page later the reason being is that it's much easier to create the home page once you've got a little bit of content some actual Pages which sits underneath um the the actual home page so the next step I'm going to take is actually create my department page template now the department page template is almost like if you imagine the layers of this is going to be the knowledge bases like our home page the next uh and that's where you actually select the department the next sort of layer down from that is actual Department page in which we're going to have our our sort of buttons which are going to take us to specific knowledge articles so we want to create this as a paste template again because we're going to reuse this multiple times for different departments within this specific knowledge base so to do this I'm first going to create a page so I'm going to click on new I'm going to click on page and I'm actually just going to start from a blank page template just because I want to create this completely from scratch and I'm going to choose a sort of layout which is going to look um quite nice so I'm going to click on the pencil across the top and I've got a couple different options up here so we could change the banner across the top to be maybe uh something like this so we've got a title that completely overlaids image it could be complain if you didn't want to use imagery here a color block or even an overlap as the standard now I'm going to choose color block because I think this actually stands out a little bit better and it will really make sure that it differentiates the difference between a department site it's a part of the knowledge base and your knowledge article So within uh the sort of title up here so this might be the name of the the department um so we might want to put up here say human resources um and then beneath this um we can then start building out a bit more of the content of the page so I can actually build this out a bit more of kind of um a little bit of text um on here and then I have links underneath that's actually going to take me to my knowledge article pages um so what I'm going to do actually I need to get some uh Laura MIP some text so I've just gone to Google taped in Laura mips and Generator and I'm using the uh the just to generate a little bit of text because as we're kind of padding out our Pages it's great just have a little bit of Laura mips and um so it's got a bit of fake text so we can see what the page looks like as we're starting to build out so back on here now this might be say like a little bit of welcoming text um quite often with a knowledge base especially the department areas you might want to include a bit of text to say what you can find here or something like that so it's a little bit about what the actual knowledge base for human resources is going to contain now that paragraphs a bit lengthy so I'm going to Shorter that down a bit and I might just change the background color of this section as well so sections you can change the background Colors by click on the edit section button here on the left hand side and you can see some predefined colors based on the color palette of your SharePoint site I do actually have a separate video which talks about changing the color palettes of your SharePoint site if you would like to do this but it's just the stock one for now so I'm just going to click on green just to make it a little bit well it's going to stand out a bit better so there we go so now we've got our title of a page a little bit of body text and actually then beneath this I'm going to add in my navigational links so to do this I'm going to click on add new section and I'm actually going to use the full width section the reason being is I want to use the hero web part but rather than having them as sort of um tiles like this I want to use them as layers so underneath here I've only got the layers which are these are going to be linking out to my individual knowledge Pages now there's all sorts of other ways that you could actually link out to your knowledge Pages there's this hero web part but you've also got things like quick links as well so you could have quick links as an option here um if you want to link up to uh specific uh areas there's also other navigational ones uh we've got things like call to action so these are essentially large kind of buttons or you could actually just add in there is actually just oops a button as well so each of these three you could actually provide navigational links off but just to keep this looking nice and making it nice and simple and easy with large kind of options I'm going to use these hero tiles in a tiled view beneath it sorry in the in the layered view beneath this so before I actually go off and create this as a actual page I'm going to click on publish and I'm actually going to want to create this as a page template the reason being is I want to be able to reuse this multiple times I want to be able to have one of my Human Resources I want to have one for my it and maybe my marketing and so on so on for all my different departments so I can click on save as page template because this is now my stock layout I need to give this uh template a name so I'm going to call this my department uh page and then click on save page template now that's created me my page template ready to use it looks pretty blank at the moment that's because there's no content other than this Tech that's just padding this out um for the time being so the first thing that I'm going to do is I need to go and actually create now my department pages from this page template so if I go back to the home page I can click on new and then page and then I've got my department page template here so I click on Department page then click on create page and now this is where I'm actually now starting to create physical pages from the paste template so say for example this is going to be my human resources page and click on publish and now we've got a page that's created now I can start populating this so now I might want to actually change the background image for example up here so I'll click on this um sorry this change image icon here click on stock images and then let's just find a picture of uh say people in an office for example um there we go so we might choose this picture click on insert and there we go we've got a nice sort of picture statuses off here now I want to start creating these are going to be links off to um my knowledge article pages in a second so what I need to do is I just need to republish this and what I suggest we do is to make sure it's nice and easy to find this page again in a moment I'm going to click on the promote button here and I'm going to click on sorry add page to navigation now what that means is I can quickly get back to the human resources pages to add in knowledge articles underneath it later on so now I've done that I'm going to move on to the next bit the next part of this is actually creating the knowledge page itself so again thinking about this layer we've got the the very top of knowledge base which is our home page which is going to help us navigate to either knowledge Pages or the second layer down beneath it which is a department page so the layers would be the home page the department page and the knowledge Pages which is underneath the department page so let's look at creating the knowledge page as page templates as well so back on my site I'm going to go back to the home page and when I click on new click on page I'm going to click on blank so I want to start from blank again now this is going to be my knowledge page now again what I'm going to do is create a draft version of it save it as a template and I'm going to start creating knowledge articles from that going forward so let's say um I'm going to style this on thinking about and when you're creating a template it's good to think about a realistic scenario so so a real knowledge page you don't need to fill out all the content of it as we've kind of already realized with that the page template but it's good to kind of make you think well what is actually going to be on this template typically knowledge articles contain a bit of a bit of text bit of information about what the knowledge article is about it may contain quick links so useful links as well as useful documents sort of documents templates things like that which maybe um uh actually fit related to that knowledge article there's often FAQs so freaking ask questions about the knowledge article to help people understand it quicker and let's say we're going to template all this up so we can reissue this multiple times so again with the the top layout I'm going to choose to edit this and just to make it stand out again I'm actually just going to use this image and title so it's slightly different than the normal page so you know that it sort of customize it and it is actually a non-geographical page but it's different to using the same header as a department page and the home page so that we actually know that when we're transitioning between the different areas we've got a level of consistency of what is the home page what is a department page and what is a knowledge article page so this is where I might say for example it's going to be how to run a workshop so I might be thinking for my consultancy department how do we run a workshop with a client so again I've given it a title I might want a little bit of text area across the top just to explain uh what actually this is oops don't need to add that I've got it in here so again I'm just going to go into my alarm ipsum I'm going to copy in so much text now use your knowledge article you would expect actually um that there would be quite a bit of text to start off with so I'm going to sort of break this out to make it look a little bit more like it's real text because I think it's always worth having a little bit of Laura mips in there because it helps people understand how much text you actually anticipating them to provide um and it sort of make sure that you know what the page layout is going to look like eventually um so there we go we've got a nice bit of text in here again I'm just going to change the background of this section so by clicking on the section here click on the edit section I'm just going to change this maybe to this slightly lighter green color again if I was to go with a solid green it may confuse the kind of user experience about the difference between a department page and a knowledge article page just before we go any further if you are enjoying this video please do subscribe to the channel you don't realize how much it really does help the channel grow by subscribing and liking commenting on my videos it's really helpful I really do appreciate your time doing that so then within our knowledge article the other thing that we would typically have is quick links because you might be linking out to other knowledge articles which may be related so you could have related knowledge articles you might also have um links which go externally as well so it might be things which are going elsewhere so over other websites and things like that so let's take a little look at adding the quick links web part to our page now there's a couple of different ways you can add this obviously there's loads of different layout options but I'm going to show you a very commonly used knowledge base article layout so to do this I'm going to add a new section I'm going to click on vertical section which is going to give us secondary area here and this might be where for example that we do make this a solid color just to make sure that it stands out against the content on the left hand side just to make it obvious with this text I'm going to put in here and actually as part of a Playbook that I worked on with um an American client last year what I really liked is they actually went with an option what they said what it is and actually that text described what is the knowledge article and then also what included was what it is not so sometimes with with Play books and knowledge articles and things like that it can be a bit confusing about well what is it what isn't it and maybe in the what isn't it section you might link off to something else if someone was thinking actually this was related to a training Workshop rather than a requirements Gathering Workshop maybe I should be a bit clearer with my title here um actually I could say actually this is a requirements workshop and it's not a training Workshop if you're interested in training Workshop then click here and then there are links to the other page I might set up later called training workshops for example um so quick links then I would typically add on the right hand side it's a great area for a little navigational bar so I'm going to click on the web uh part area here and I'm going to just search for quick links and select quick links in here now there's a couple of different layout options in here but I find that the button layout works the best it looks quite nice and Slick here now quick links I might want to rename and say useful links or quick links or anything like that but let's just say this is going to be called related links um or actually I should probably say related pages so these might be related pages so all the types of workshops and then I'm going to duplicate this web part and this is going to be my useful links so this might be external websites and Pages now to add links is really easy and I'll show you this once we've kind of templated this we'll fill out the content and we'll add some links into this but this is now remember we're still just building on our templates at the moment we're not building up the true content so we've now got our related Pages our useful links in there as well so the next thing we might want to add to our template is useful documents so useful documents may be things that you might want people to fill out forms or there might be PowerPoint presentations if it was related to say sales or something like that and use that here is a bunch of sort of presentations or if it was um like I'm doing uh a knowledge article for our staff to know how to run requirements workshops we might give them um templated documents like here's our requirements Gathering documents now I find the best way to do this and again there's a couple of different ways of achieving this you could do Dynamic kind of roll-up of content based on tagging but that's getting quite Advanced I want to keep this as simplistic as possible so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add in a uh another document sorry another web part by click on this webpart area here and by typing in documents you can see we've got a web part here called document Library so this is going to show me what document libraries we've got available so I'm now going to click on the documents option and within here I'm actually going to change the web part to say useful documents um I don't think we need to necessarily see the commander bar so I'm going to remove that um and I don't think we need to see the CR button either um so I'm going to remove that so it keeps it nice uh neat and simple what we're going to do is later on when we actually create a knowledge article page from this what we will do is we will actually um jump directly into a folder for this useful document so I'll show you that once I come around to actually creating the content and then the final thing that I actually want to add on to the page is FAQs now FAQs are frequently asked questions is a great way of quickly um identifying to people things which commonly are asked and it's including the content in there so that people don't have to go and then ask a colleague or their line manager it quickly sorts that out so people know exactly what to expect from this knowledge article there's a couple of different ways to achieve FAQs inside of SharePoint I again um selfless plug I do have another video which goes into a lot more detail about frequently asked questions and how to embed them into SharePoint but I'm going to show you my favorite way of adding frequent enough questions into a SharePoint page so my favorite way to do this actually is to add in multiple sections onto a page and make them collapsible so to do this we click on the plus option here we click on one column and again I might want to make this a slightly different color just so it stands out from the rest of the page and make it gray I'm also going to choose that actually this is going to be a um one third left option so I'm going to put a little image in here I'm going to put my text of my free class question in here and I'm going to make this collapsible the reason being is a it makes it much neater to be able to sort of make this Tangier on the page but also it gives us a section name so this is what our question will be our frequent last question and then this will be an image related to it and this will be a bit of text that's related to it I can choose whether or not the icon to expand this is on the left or the right hand side um I think actually it looks quite nice just on the left and I can choose whether it's going to be expanded or not now typically what I would do is I'd build out one FAQ duplicate it a few times for the template and only the first one I'd have expanded I wouldn't have them all expanded just to keep them these knees entirely on the page so just because this is a template again in the future when I create some content I'll show you how we add some additional questions but actually um just keep this sort of like some Laura mipsum type question so how do I X y z let's add in an image into here again it's just placeholders at this point in time and we're going to add some actual content to this later on so let's just add in some generic pictures of an office for example again we're going to add in some text so just add in a text web part I'm just going to go back to my alarm ipsum and I'm just going to copy of Laura mix him just to fill out this kind of space so we see what it looks like again I'm just going to add in a couple of line breaks just to sort of see what this would look like in reality usually be something like this um there we go cool so then what I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate this now a couple of times so duplicate them and change the question so something about when do I one two three and what I'll then do is I'll just change this to be expanded to collapsed so actually when we publish the page this would automatically be collapsed again I'm just going to duplicate that section all the time How will I know when ABC and there we go so that should then do us for our page template so now if I click on publish that's just I'm going to create uh this first page but then I'm actually going to click on save as page template because this is going to then be my knowledge article template so I'll just give it a name so knowledge article then click on save page template so now that's my page template created so now all I need to do is if I go back to my home page I'm going to click on new and then page and then now I've got my knowledge article page so I can select my knowledge article page now this is actually where I'm actually starting to create my page uh page my knowledge articles now so this is where I would then say for example um how to run a requirements Workshop okay I might change the top image up here to make it look like it's a meeting related requirements Gathering workshops so we go select an image like that now if you're not happy where it sits on the page you can always click on the set image focal point to set this somewhere like that so we've got some sticky notes on here um and then we've got our content in here so again this is just what we would update the text so if I was just to regenerate um a little bit more fake text um there we go um I'll just copy this like this so this this would be then me replacing the placehold text imagine I know it's more placeholder text but let's just imagine this is me now filling out the page with actually what this how-to requirements Workshop uh is about I'm not going to add any related Pages um to this so if I had some other Pages already created I might sort of create a much link to other Pages obviously something that you want to come back to later down the line once you've actually created some additional Pages at the moment it's just this page that I've got created so I'm just going to add this in a couple of times I'm able to change the icons so you can change icons nice Easy by clicking this icon button here and this is where you can actually choose all sorts of different icons Microsoft have hundreds if not thousands of different icons so you can come into here and just find ones which you want to use like so another little design top tip I would just say if you choose between either having solid or the kind of the lighter color instead and that just keeps a level of kind of consistency you tend to find the icons are either kind of thin and kind of um not colored in not shaded in or they're solidly colored um so there we go so select them like that and that looks much better like that again useful links this might be linking out to third-party websites let's just say for example if there was uh any sort of requirements uh Gathering guidance for particular sort of sectors or something like that there might be some other websites we might want to publish and say take a look at this so let's just put some links to some third-party web pages in here there we go we've got some additional useful links in here and again we can change the the icons of these nice and easily as well um then again we would update the kind of the FAQs just by changing the text in here and the images if we wanted to I'm not going to waste time by by doing that because you've seen me changing the text across the top as well now the final thing is we just need to change the useful documents that we actually are looking at documents which are related to this so what I'm going to do first is I'm going to click on publish the page so we've now got this page I'm going to click on ADD pay to navigation to make sure I can get back to this nice and easily across the top and then I'm going to come out of here now I need to go to my documents of um this site from documents and what I'm going to do is I'm going to create some folders so I'm going to create a folder for maybe each one of the Departments which I'm going to be working with in here so my department I'm working at the moment is Consulting and then within this I'm going to create a folder called requirements Workshop click on create and then what I'm going to do is add some documents into this so click on upload click on files I'm just going to find some test files bear with me two seconds whilst I'm just opening up my test documents area So Okay cool so let's just say I'm going to have these forms click on upload so I've got multiple forms now that I recommend that people use as part of the workshop so now all I need to do is go back to my page click on how to run a requirements Workshop and I should actually mention if if you if you forgot to add this to your top link area and you can't find your page at this point just click on site content across the top or click on the Cog and then cite content and then just go to site pages and then you should find the page um that you've just created here so all the pages you've created so far here the templates you've created if you ever want to edit the templates by the way are also in this folder so you can find them in there so we go back to our page in here click on edit page and then further down so you can see it's automatically now looking at what the the folders that we have in here so what I'm going to do is say well I know it's in my Consulting folder and then it's in my requirements Workshop so adding the folder path in the folder here so under Consulting requirements Workshop then click on apply and there we go we can see the documents straight away that relate to this particular page so that's all my content now created I click on the republish option in here so now I've got my how to run requirements Workshop what it is what it isn't the FAQs across the bottom of the page um useful uh documents for my requirements Workshop the useful links and the related Pages a little thing I've just noticed here is a little bit of a kind of glitchy bug is that often when you provide the folder name it changes the name of the web part so we might just want to put this back to say useful documents there we go click on republish there we go cool um the next thing we need then need to do is go back a step and actually add this page to our human resources now one step I'm going to do whilst I'm here is click on the edit option and I'm just going to make this page is subling under Human Resources um just so it actually sorry that shouldn't actually even be human resources let's just um we'll change that back in a second so this actually should be let's take into a human resource page okay I made a little mistake there click on promote some link click on save so it brings that back I'm going to create a Consulting Department site now and then link to this particular page so if I go back to the home page and then click on new click on new and then page and click on Department page and then this is going to be my Consulting Department page I'm going to click on change image click on stock image I mustn't have saved I thought I'd create before the department page but maybe I didn't save it click on type in office just to get some office kind of related images and then we're going to just put this into my last image click on insert so we've got our Consulting department now page and down here this is where we're going to start linking off now so what you can find here with this is just say a little bit of text to say this is some text about what you can find about the Consulting Department how we run workshops and capture requirements exception so yeah something along those lines um and you might want to bolster that out you might want to pad it out just a little bit um so let's just put that into a few rows like that cool so now what we want to do is we now want to start linking out this hero content to our pages so we select this here and we can see recent content um if you don't see it there you can always go to site then site pages and then find the page that you're looking for so how to run a requirements Workshop select that there and you'll notice it'll automatically pull through the image for you as well as the title but we can also change this a little bit and put a little bit of of a kind of Laura mipsum type of text inside as well as a little summary so just copy and paste that from alarm option generator you can see it will cut it off and give you sort of like dot dot at certain points so it might just be worth kind of cutting it down to a point where you know where the text will actually fit you can actually change the topic header so you might want to change this to say Consulting so we can see that this is actually Consulting related or maybe we want change to say that it's Workshop related so that we know that it's sort of Workshop we might have multiple ones which relate to being workshops further down um we can change the call to action so continue reading or we might want to say discover something like how to capture requirements like something like that um and then that's ready to go so all we now need to do is click on publish and that will then publish this page and you can see we can now click on to how how to run requirements and that will then take us through this page but first thing I want to do is just correct this mistake up across the top that's not human resources Consulting that we're using so I'm going to click on promote I'm going to click on ADD page navigation so I've got my Consulting Department across the top and then click on edit I'm going to remove Human Resources I can't remember why I even added that and then click on move up and move this up oh hang on they might need to refresh for that supposed to appear there we go so let's just remove resources move up Consulting and make this a sub link so now we've got Consulting Department um how to run a requirements Workshop is a knowledge article that sits underneath it like so so now from this page you can see I can click on how to draw requirements and that takes me straight to this particular page um by clicking on Consulting Department takes me to this layer now the final layer is actually then updating our home page so this is where you might have the most variation is actually updating the home page of what do you want that to look like you might include all sorts of different things into that kind of functions of news and things like that and roll ups and and that sort of thing um but let's keep it nice and simple essentially what we want to be able to do is select a particular Department to navigate to the Department page from the Department page we then select our knowledge pages so let's take a look clicking back onto our uh logo up here we can take it back to the home page of the knowledge base and again it's nice and easy to change I'm actually going to keep this really simple I'm actually just going to use a tiled option again so I'm just going to remove all the other sections beneath this I'm going to make this a layered option and actually then what I'll do is I'll change this uh to be linking to my department page so actually my department page I can find by going to site site pages uh and then selecting on Consulting Department and that'll then take me directly to that page it just take a couple of seconds just for it to pull through the image in fact I just remembered because this is the out-of-the-box web part um what we need to change is click on this pencil option here and then click on background image and it'll be set to Custom Image at the moment but we want to set this Auto selected image so it's going to automatically pull it from the page and then I'm going to select a a title so it might be actually further down on here we might want to select the options of show topic header and this is where I typically put the name of the department and then the tagline might be more something like um discover how our requirements and training department operates for example um you can give a little bit of description in here um so this is a little bit secondary kind of text area again just for now I'm just going to pop in a little bit of Laura mipsim just to fill that sort of space out and then I'm going to leave a learn more here which is just my call to action so now you can see this is how I've simply created now my knowledge base so there's my top layer area by clicking through to this it's going to take me through to my department page from my department page against my knowledge page it is a little bit of kind of like best to build this in Reverse so kind of build your knowledge Pages then build your department Pages then um your home page just so you've got a bit of content just to start linking things through so for now click on republish you can now see I've got this option of clicking through to Consulting from Consulting I can then say how to run requirements Workshop and that's then taking me through to my actual knowledge article about how to run a specific Workshop so there's a couple of additional things that some people add on top of this I should mention sometimes people add in things like a little web part say a useful contact um so that might be a particular person to reach out to some people add in like a back button um but that starts adding a little bit more additional navigation that you've got to add the the the link back to the relevant Department page and things like that um and also from things like the home page it might be that you might want to add a little bit of text and sort of explain what the knowledge base is how to use it what type of content you might find on here you might even want to add in your own kind of quick links on here to go to specific knowledge pages that people want to jump start directly to um what I would recommend as well the top layer is you might want to also create a layer up here for uh label for departments so it might be that actually these are departments and then we'll add this make a sub link so now we've got our Consulting Department in fact actually I think it looks better just called Consulting click on Save and then we've got this option here so we can see Consulting so as you start then adding more layers to this so say for example we might then have a HR just promote that we might have a t as different departments click on save you can then see we start building this out and then we have links that take us directly to this because everyone's probably heard that concept before that you don't want to click more than three times to get to content and that really speeds things along by actually um jumping directly to those links rather than having to click on departments and Consulting we can go directly to maybe some commonly accessed knowledge articles you can also find out how popular a particular knowledge article is so if you navigate to a particular knowledge article and this works for any of the pages you can click on the analytics button and you can actually see how many times that page has been viewed the page traffic average time spent on the page and that gives you an idea of how popular things are so you might want to only include the very top five most popular knowledge articles for example underneath here and that gives you a good idea of which ones are popular I hope you enjoyed that video all about how to build out your SharePoint knowledge base and if you did please do like the video subscribe to my channel and if you've got any questions comments anything like that use the comments box below and I'll be happy to help you out thank you very much for your time for watching this today and look out for future videos as well all about how to get the most out of SharePoint online
Channel: Dougie Wood
Views: 4,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sharepoint, knowledge base, knowledge base software, sharepoint online, create knowledge base in sharepoint, what is a knowledge base, sharepoint intranet, knowledge management, sharepoint tutorial, knowledge base management, how to use sharepoint, knowledge, internal knowledge base, create knowledge base, knowledge base wiki, knowledge base video, knowledge base for enterprise, company knowledge base, knowledge base for business, Dougie Wood, how to create a knowledge base
Id: -s94NrGV-Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.