The One MISTAKE Everyone is Making with SharePoint

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now when it comes to moving or storing your documents inside of SharePoint most businesses are getting it wrong and in this video I'm going to show you why you're getting it wrong but more importantly how to get it right but before we start a quick introduction my name is Jonathan Edwards from integral it we help businesses all over the world with a Max of 365 and their cyber security Now for those of you who don't know SharePoint is part of the Microsoft 365 Suite lots of businesses use SharePoint to store their shared company documents now within SharePoint you can have something called a SharePoint site now a SharePoint site is like a bucket or a container where you can store documents but you can also have other things like Microsoft lists you can have videos you can have images now within a SharePoint site you can have something called a document Library now you can have multiple document libraries inside of the SharePoint site when you think of a document Library it's a little bit like a styling cabinet where you can store your company documents now what I see time and time again from working with hundreds of businesses with their SharePoint site is this they've got an IT company and they've got a server in their office that is used to store all their company documents the business decides to move to SharePoint so what the IT company do is come along and they create a single SharePoint site and then the pick up all the documents from the server and then move them all to a single SharePoint site it's a little bit light when you move house and you just pick all the crap up and move it from one location to another now you might be thinking well what's wrong with that well there's a lot wrong with that up and I'm gonna give you the four reasons why you shouldn't use a single SharePoint site for all your company data now the first and perhaps the most important reason is of course security each SharePoint size is like its own security container and the recommended option is to set security on that site at the site level imagine now if you just pick up all your data which includes Finance data Marketing sales operations and you just move it to a single SharePoint site yes on that side you can break the permissions and you can start adding things on a more granular level but the security soon gets messy the recommended option as I've said is to set security at the site level so for example you might have a SharePoint site just for your finance department and all the data relating to your finance department is in the finance SharePoint site and you can easily play with permissions to make sure that the only people who can access that are in the finance department now the second reason a Microsoft 365 groups now when you start to think about your SharePoint implementation properly you must start to think about Microsoft 365 groups which offers much more than just SharePoint so let's stick to our finance team example you might create a Microsoft 365 group called Finance now when you create that group a finance SharePoint site will automatically be created but you get much more than a SharePoint site you'll get a group email distribution list perhaps called Finance ads and all of the people who are members of that group will receive emails since that distribution list you'll also get a finance group calendar so you can plan all of your work inside that calendar you'll also get a finance Microsoft planner so you can again plan all your projects who's doing what you'll get a finance one no so all of the finance team can make all of the no's and then you can start introducing Microsoft teams for group chat and group conversations and you can bring all those applications into Microsoft teams so your modern business is about much more than SharePoint the third reason why you should have multiple SharePoint size is because of the archiving of data I know so many people who have files and folders that are 10 15 years old yes you still might need them in the future but you don't need to be staring at them every day so you could create a SharePoint site for a specific project you could attach that SharePoint site to a Microsoft team and when that project's finished just archive the team away nice and simple no data is deleted but you just don't have to look at it every day now the fourth reason why you should consider your SharePoint implementation properly is because of external sharing now let me tell you a story once upon a time in a Faraway land a company moved all of their data from a server into a single SharePoint site and then one day by accident one of the employees accidentally started playing with external sharing and they by accident shared the whole document library for their business with an outside party now external sharing is a fantastic feature within Microsoft 365 and SharePoint to be able to collaborate with others outside of your organization is a definite plus but it needs to be thought about properly again if you are just dumping all of your data into a single site it's gonna get messy so there's the four top reasons why you should consider having multiple SharePoint sites that is what every business should be looking for I hope you've enjoyed this video but I'll see you again soon
Channel: Jonathan Edwards
Views: 93,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ms sharepoint, how to use sharepoint, sharepoint online training, sharepoint tutorial for beginners, share point, sharepoint online interview questions and answers, sharepoint online permissions, sharepoint online calendar, sharepoint online document library, sharepoint online lists
Id: _PR0_oTwex4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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