How to create a rug with Hair and Fur with 3DS Max & Corona

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okay so this is my first chrono tutorial and I'm just gonna show you how to do something because I've looked in the forums and everyone says you can't really do it it doesn't work properly and I'm going to show you how to do it so the problem is hair and fur in corona and we're looking at carpet so making it so you can see the texture alright so here is covered in corona forum and people talking about it and they're discussing ways of doing it and here's some one shows a way of doing it but it's not that effective or that great and then in the end and this is December 2019 right so this isn't that long ago Mero here from the corona team he says this was already discussed many times and sadly it looks like a limitation we are not able to overcome however they have overcome it it can absolutely be done and it isn't hard to do here another one discovers our hair and fur map issues and they're discussing it yeah Mary's like the dude it seems when it comes to corona right now it seems it's not possible to texture hair and fur in a similar way using corona materials at least they did not find a way to do it ok so it can be done and I'll show you how and it isn't that hard what you do is I've opened 3ds max I'm just gonna click on hair render setup you can also press f10 and I'm gonna change this to Corona and I'm the closest this just so I get the corona materials and the material editor so I'm gonna have my material editor and if you click on this button here and you get the compact material editor you can just hold and you can choose either compact or slate so let's just open a state one and we're going to go to Corona we're gonna grab a Corona material drag it over here and what I want to do is I'm just gonna get a plane and I'm just gonna put it in there and I want to assign this material to it and this isn't what I would normally do like normally I would get an actual texture and assign it and assign it also to the hair and fur but I'm just trying to make it so we can really see the difference between the background and hair and fur so I can adjust that afterwards and assign the texture to the background as well so now we have the plane what I'm going to do is let's just make this a carpet size let's say with not gonna make it big because this is just a test just to show you and let's try a thousand you know but more like a rug size okay that's good and there's no reason to have for length segments on for width segments so we're going to zero those out and I'm gonna press em again open the material editor and I'm going to come here and go into Firefox and then what we're gonna do is we're just going to search let's just use a Persian rug and it's got images and I don't want any I want large ones so we get tools and size and March all right so let's see if we can find one that we like doesn't really matter that will do that's two thousand five hundred twenty four pixels by 3684 so that's pretty good save image as I just right clicked on it quick save image as make sure that says JPEG because sometimes it comes in with the web page and you have to use a different thing but we're gonna save it here and copy it and we're gonna call it let's go let's leave some of this detail on here it's kind of cool and important and we're gonna call this Persian rug okay there we go okay so I'm just going to open up Windows Explorer and I'm gonna click here on the map so I saved that one out in flooring and carpet and it's right here I'm just gonna drag this and drop it over here and so now it's coming as a bitmap and the next thing to do I'm just gonna close this material aids to briefly so I'm just gonna assign actually let's give this a name let's call this Persian rug and I'm just going to come in here into the modify tab and I'm gonna add hair and fur right there wild space modifier when the press f3 and i'ma press G to get rid of the grid I really don't like it that's just me feel free to leave it there okay I'm gonna top you again I'm just going to set up some basic lighting and I'm just going to sub some basic lighting in a camera so I'm just going to do that and I'm going to change this from spherical to rectangle and I'ma changing tent stage without 200 and I mean this is not even studio lighting right this is just some basic lighting so we can see the texture goatee and Zed for zoom again press f3 so I can see what I'm doing I'm gonna click here on the create tab and they go on the camera and I'm just going to use a standard physical camera for this you can also use a corona camera I'm just gonna do that and that's go ahead camera view here just press C go into the camera view you see it tells me it's in camera view here and I'm gonna go on front view here and I'm just gonna lift this up all right let's go top view again and just swing this around here and we're gonna get this oops just take the target swing now I'm just getting this so it's where I want it to be and just lower this down and take the camera okay great click here again on the modify tab and we're gonna edit these in a minute but basically all you need to do it's come down co styling won't my style anything material parameters and we've got tip color and root color here so what we're gonna do is m4 the material editor again and bring this bitmap and just to put it into that should be able to just bring that over and drag and drop there we go to make that an instance and if we can taken into root color make that an instance what I'm gonna do next is I'm just gonna open this up and I'm going to start interactive render and just go on scene start interactive I haven't changed any of these settings these are all just default out of the box and I'm using corona 5.0 okay so we're just gonna make some adjustments here to get this looking how we want it to look so again open the material editor and double click on this guy and click apply quick view image and we've got this white edge now this is interesting because this is white but this here is coming through as these colors okay and that's that's important so actually before we adjust this let's adjust these so if I make these completely white and I'm going to do that by just taking this value and putting 255 in and taking this saturation making this zero and click OK and you can see this changes and drag and drop that over there and click copy and again you can see that changes and the same will happen again just out of interest if I make this black that changes and if I drag it down you see so you see how much this affects it so we're just gonna undo these last I can't undo them for some reason again the drag and drop the muting color which is white over here and I'm just gonna click on this to just show you see that's white alright so I'm just going to drag and drop that over there and click copy again and now we have this so you get the idea of what is happening is the these base colors are coming through here but we're not gonna worry about that let's drag this over here and drag this over here I'm just cutting off this white edge here there's no reason to have it and drag it over there and drag it up to there and this hasn't seemed to change which is odd should have changed oh hang on having clicked apply you gotta click apply on here and then we'll see it change okay but it doesn't really help much we still have this problem so what we're going to do to handle this is we're just going to click on here and we're just going to click on output and we're gonna turn this on enable color map there we go it's just cuz it's rendering real-time so we can add in a point here we're gonna put it in here and I'm gonna right click and I'm a right-click on this guy and make him Bezier smooth and I'm gonna take these handles and pull them up something like that and then I'm going to click here where this guy is and pull it down and do that and see I've got too much black here I don't wanna have that much black so like that so the next thing is let's adjust this carpet settings so we can actually see it as a carpet doesn't look like cross so we're just gonna take general parameters I'm gonna put this up to 30,000 and I'm gonna come down and make these random scale sea route thickness thickness to tip to thickness make this two I'd probably lower these for an actual production like hello this down to 1 or 0.5 but I'm trying to show you without having too much without taking too much time while it calculates everything so these are way too way too long scale scale set at 100 so let's change it down to 20 and let's adjust the camera so we can see what the hell we're doing I'm just gonna move this over there for a second I'll bring it back I'm just gonna adjust it in this frame just clicking here on the camera and clicking here see I put the camera and the target sights I just want to target and just drag that down and camera again and bring this guy in a closer and target down a bit and just gonna drag the top target over and click here again on this okay so now we have that and let's open this up and let's look at our rug so this is our rug texture and this is what we're getting so rug texture and what we're getting so we need to have again it's still you know more contrast in there more saturation whatever you want to say this is probably slightly too long obviously it's a Persian rug they don't become hairy like this what I'm gonna do is just go back into the material editor and we're just gonna play around with this output actually there's two things we can do for now we're gonna play around with this so I'm gonna take this and I'm the drag this over here you see how dark it looks in here compared to here right now now we have a problem that the gray is coming through from the better background like if I bring this all the way down to here it's still gonna be gray and the reason is is has let's see it's getting like this so the hair itself you can see through the hair party so the gray is lightening the hair so let's bring this back up to like there let's just select the background plane and I've got this material on I'm just gonna put this directly into the diffuse so now we see that and I've got a short in this hair and do some other changes to it so the hair set at 20 let's shorten it down to five and you can see the colors really coming through from the texture itself now and not so much from the hair so we need to get the hair count pushed up so let's try 1 million and suddenly we're into the railway listen to render in five seconds I find this is the biggest problem we're doing the test to get it right it takes rather all right I'm gonna scale this back because even though we're getting it here you can't tell what's the hair on fire and I having done it high enough resolution so you can actually zoom in and see so we need to adjust this and also it's taking too long for my tests so I just double click here this will come in alright so let's take this and take this back down to ten thousand and let's take this route thickness up to ten and tip thickness to ten and this is like one centimeter a piece of hair alright so now we can come back in and just turn back on interactive I'm just thinking let's get this right in the interactive all right let's take this out of here it's on a hundred thousand okay so that's how it's looking so that's where the hair of fair and we can come in here we can click on this plus and I'm gonna go to deep and zoom mode and that allows me to zoom in and this will update without having to remove the camera I'm just gonna use the middle mouse wheel to zoom in here and you can see what's happening here with these massive bits of hair and fair I've put in there all right so that's why I did it large so we could see what was going on and again you can see this is just the hair and fur not the background image so we're gonna come out of town too deep and zoom mode and let's look at the image itself and compare it to this so the brights colors here are slightly brighter I'm gonna take this I've already got this output curve in here and I want to put another output curve in so I'm gonna right click change material map type and I'm gonna go maps general and I'm going to put output on and keep old mappers sub map and the reason I'm doing this is this is now replaced these two here are now replaced by this guy and so that's what the updates doing is just saying ok the output now is in here instead but the upper doesn't do anything right if I double click here all right so we're gonna enable this color map and we're gonna add a point click on here and I'm gonna add two points something put one in here and I'm gonna put one in here and I'm the right-click and by right-clicking it's going to go from add point over to move so right click there right click on this guy we keep bezier smooth and put that up like that and do the same with this one bezier smooth oops just select him and drag the handles and i'm gonna push this guy up and that's going to make the brights brighter and drag this down and a dark starker and that's you know just increasing the contrast in the image there and you can always adjust these these are just rough yeah I've just put them in roughly you don't have to go what's the zig zag exact settings and copy them I'm just eyeballing this and then what we want to do again is just to start interactive and you'll see this will be darker and lighter so we'll get more variation in the texture now okay well it's not done what I expected it's become darker and darker so let's drag this up okay let's check this guy up so that's why I said I'm just eyeballing it we're trying to get it roughly right and that's what I'm after now we can see this and this is quite dark here but again it's also reflecting black I've got no environment so it's reflecting black and what we're going to do is I'm going to right click on this again and change material map type and I'm gonna put color correction so just double click on there keep old mappers sub map again so now again it's gonna just take a second to replace the maps here with this one and then there'll be no change here because obviously I've not changed this little just double-click on this guy and the reason I'm doing this is just so I can increase this I increase the saturation or decrease the saturation if I like so in this case that's just increase it and these colors down will change you can see them popping a bit more and you can increase this more if you like and we've got there and if we look at the original image that's the original image so we can see the original image here and it's coming through here quite nicely so the next thing to do and I'm just going to increase here this hair count let's make these root thickness too and to remembe it in production I like our show you production in production I would make this down to a point five and I'd make this down to I'm just showing you what how I would create this 0.5 I would make this I'd make this I didn't mean to be in sub-object mode there at all I'm not sure where that happened so I set these down to about this this is in millimeters these are now half a millimeter thick if you think of a thickness of a hair and clumping parameters and I'm gonna say this a like just a 100 the maximum strength is one so we can set this a light point 12.1 just make these old you just want some slight slight adjustments flyaway this is again percentage that's just maintenance of five I don't think you hire them one on any of these so this is point one and custom shader this doesn't work so don't bother with that just ease off I've got these in here hue variation ten value variation fifty let's make this key variation I've specular I think that's a bit high coming out of 50 lossy Ness is a bit high let's come down to 70 self-shot on geometry shadow can be left where it is and I'm going to take this hair count and I would either do like 1 million somewhere between 1 million and two million so we're just gonna set this up two million and the rest of this should be fine now if I come into this this is going to take a little while to calculate it's going to take like four five minutes so I'm just going to start interactive okay I think this is going now so we're just going to click here and go into 2d pansy mode and we're gonna zoom in and you can see all the hairs there and the tip length should be different but as soon as I click on that we're gonna you know right now it's like a box on the end and so that that tip length should be different and I need to assign the material to this overall but the point is simply to show you that it can be done and what to do so here if I stop this and it's gonna adjust this it's no reason to the event we make the tip thickness zero let me just look at my map see I've got the gray coming through here so I'm just gonna have a quick look at this one few image and I'm just gonna drag this over a bit I think it's up there coming through I'm gonna track a little things in a little I'm gonna Jack this up a bit and this one down a bit and like I said that's assigned us to this material here actually that's gonna be really dark so I'm just gonna take this guy and take this and can't let go into the output here and I'm just gonna click on this delete point and I'm gonna assign this directly into the diffuse and this can be adjusted in exactly the same way we did with these if this is coming out too tight or too dark you know what it's alright I could go in and work to perfect this that's not really the point I would also not use a plane if I did use a plane I'd fight a native poly on it I'm gonna stake the top plane extrude this up let's come up three millimeters and then I would if we could just put a chamfer directly on top of us bear in mind there's no bottom plane because of the way I've done this from from a plane and I'm going to change this to two millimeter and I'm gonna change these segments to - actually that's even more one and I'll put it over smooth on in a second and then we're going to go top view and pattern edit poly on and go into edge mode and select all these across here Oh square - rectangle sorry and just so you know in my settings if my preferences I've turned on auto window crossing by direction and so I can come in here and just like these ones that's what it allows me to do and then I'm just gonna connect these and let's try it 30 and I'm gonna click these and let's try let's try 15 they're straight 20 I'm just going to make these roughly square and then I'm gonna pattern noise on here and we're gonna go sideways so let's try get your fits at 100 you can see what it's doing I'm obviously not gonna go that far but let's put this at 30 let's put it 10 actually that's if I leave it at 100 and do less so sometimes I'll do this for the scale it's for the earth thousand see that's kind of cool you get a very slight bump 800 you get it's very slight bend in it or wave it about 5,000 like that more and why we can do the same and then you can put another noise on hold on this noise this guy Zedd and bear - only three millimeters high right so let's just do one millimeter let's turn that off you can also turn on fractal and I'll add some more variation in there but then now we'll need to come drop this down to like 50 and 50 I'll see that's probably better okay 30 and 30 that's good and then it comes to the second noise here turn that on oops and sound on fractal and then side this set 10 10 and again 1 so we still know the lowest that's going to be as minus 2 and that set it 100 see that's quite far they're probably I'm on that much so let's try 5 4 5 so we've got this going on and then we're getting go turbosmooth and I might even set that a tattoo but I think one's fine okay so that's how I would make a rug and we've got the texture already on there and applied so we're just gonna go back in here and I'm gonna turn back on hair and fur and now we're gonna do the render and I'm just gonna leave it at this now an important point to realize is these settings are not set in stone right there just rough and so when you're doing this like don't expect to use my settings in your render scene and it expecting to work perfectly but that's how you would adjust it in order to get them working I hope there's also make sense that what we're doing is we're fighting against this white coming through because as Mara says like there is an issue here with this this is not this should not be coming through right this map should be overriding this completely but it isn't so with but and what we're doing by putting in the output and putting in the color correction as we're fighting this white that's obviously going to bleach the texture on the hair and fur all right so let's calculate it again - depends new mode and you can see the hair and fur there and I know a Persian rug isn't hairy like this but that's not really the point of this tutorial and you can see that it's doing exactly what we wanted it to do and you've got all these textures coming through you got all this detail in there so use this with your rugs and then what that's exactly how you get hair and fur working on a rug in 3ds max with corona good luck
Channel: leonleon51
Views: 5,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3DS max, Learn 3DS max, tutorial, education, CGI tutorial, learn corona, corona rug, rug with hair and fur, corona tutorial, corona carpet tutorial, corona hair and fur tutorial
Id: QkruO6bEaJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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