How to create old metal materials in VRay - brass, copper, gold, bronze, blackened steel

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so we can quickly create some old metal textures here sometimes you don't have time to get into all the details but you need something to look quickly good and you need to be done fast so we're just going to do that quickly and I've googled some different types of metals here and we're just going to go through each one of those and we're going to keep this short now what you need to do if you're looking for any any material is you need to look if I have a reference image of what you're going for and what it looks like and then you need to have the textures which you're gonna work for work with so if I click on images here I've googled old brass so reference image will be something like this or this okay so those are our references and now we need some maps to work with so let's take a look see what we can use we could use this use any of these you can also Google brass texture hey we're gonna use this one we've got brass one and brass too let's see what these look like so we've got these two and really the simplicity when I work in max I'm working fast is I really take this texture and drop it in it and then I'm just gonna make it so I can see what's going on here is it in - I'll sign it - here and double click on the material get the diffuse make this black turn off for now take this bossiness down a bit and we're going to plug this actually into glossiness and then what we'll do is we get a color correction in and you want it to be a bit more glossy than that so let's get a color creation in here Maps general color correction is right there and just drop this in now realize you know I could take a lot more care in creating this but I'm just trying to get this done fast you and trying to make this work let's put it into the bump as well and reduce that down to two and I'm gonna reduce this blur basically if I click render now okay that's the old brass as we have it so I'm just going to increase this like push this up to about four and then let's try that again okay so if we put the bump on here and we set this up at five you can see that everything is being blurred just save that out then if you set this back at one and render you can immediately see that you're getting more detail in there okay so what you need is you need that detail but you don't want this artifacts occurring because of the blur so we're gonna have to take this and make this just make it duplicate plug that into the bump this one can come down lower than one and go down to point one or even point zero one but then for the bump you know you can push this up make this three and then when you render it you'll see the detail but you won't have that weird bump weird bump effect going on and you can see how far down you can reduce the noise on the bump until that starts coming in we saw it at one so let's try to okay you can see it's not to come in here on to so we'll leave that Blaire at three and that's quick and dirty brass so the next one we're gonna do aged copper if you just google copper aged copper and T copper anything like this you can click on images see what you get we need a reference image for copper so let's take a look something like that perfect that's what we're looking for an old copper antique copper but we don't want it really tarnished so we'll come in here reference images and we'll just call this copper ah all right so we need this tarnish data here and to do that we need an old copper image something like that you all that perfect that's that'll be great let's go back to maps so that in there and like I said before when I'm in a rush I don't have much time I'm just creating these as quickly as I can because there's a lot more to do and there's clients waiting something so fun so again we're gonna come on here just turn these on make this diffuse back push reflection all the way up turn off for now get this map in here just drag drop it straight into reflection straight to reflection glossiness there needs to be a brighter and reflection glossiness come down here general color correction check it in advance by 5:00 great okay it's just click on options make sure propagate material to instances isn't on all these Bulls instances I don't want this material going on to all of them so we're gonna do that we're gonna drag this again and we're gonna put the same one into bump and I'm just gonna take this blur and put this at three okay and let's assign this there by clicking this button assign material to selection and do a short quick render stop that there just read in here Brenda that's it fantastic that will do if I need to add more detail I can but I'm just trying to show you some quick and dirty renders here quick and dirty materials so the next one which we're going to take is old gold click on images again let's find a reference for this you know if you look at gold there are many different types of old gold materials here so we really just want something like these and so what I'm going to do let's just take this could take that and see what else there is it's a bit bright the problem with this one is it's got white here and I don't want white I want a gold car you've got this one which we can use there's something I'm not so happy with about it so we're just gonna Google gold texture and that's better that's better that's like gold leaf so if we grab that we just put that into maps that's gold and just drag that map put it in again we need another v-ray material so just up here under materials double-click the raw material began open this up turn on show background in preview plug that into the reflection slot turn off for now plug it into reflection glossiness make the diffuse hair black okay let's assign this to the third one here and let's see what we have what it looks like it's looking pretty good again I think I want to increase the the glossiness here I can increase the reflectivity we'll have a look at that if you come along here and you grab the general map and you just go color correction again drop it in there you can also edit these in Photoshop but I said I'm trying to do this quickly and there's now I do when I'm working fast so as I push this up it just gets whiter and whiter I don't really want that it's really the gold color that I want and this map is a pretty nice gold color going on so I'm gonna leave that directly into reflection but I'm gonna take this and put it into reflection glossiness and so we get some lovely reflections going on there and then I'm gonna take a duplicate of this and again actually for this one for the I'm gonna just right click there on the blur you know for the reflection and reflection glossiness you won't go get those artifacts there but here if I put this into the bump I'll then set this blair up three see if we get rid of those artifacts i mean you can even see them here right if i go open preview window of this bring it up you can see them clearly there and if i bring this up to five you can start to see them disappear I bring this flare up to ten you can see them go almost completely but I don't know if I wanted up that high let's try five if it's down at 0.7 0.9 scumming in you see and that can be a problem so even at point two you still get a lot of noise even at one a lot of that will go but a lot of it still remains so as you come up you start seeing that noise disappear so we'll try this and let's see how this looks actually for the sake of this I want to push up this reflective glossiness here let's try this at 10 and then let's render that and you can see the details they're going on and if we look at our reference image these aren't so glossy so I'll probably bring that down again really I was just more curious that's definitely not glossy there's not a lot of reflections that you can see it's just blurry these ones have no reflections there's no nothing there it's just blurry again so even though I like it we'll bring that down let's bring it down to three it's still fairly high and I'm gonna put the blue on this one I'm actually put this all the way up to 10 and that'll pretty much disappear but I'm hoping you can see the blurriness here and I'm hoping most of that will disappear in here too okay it's still too glossy try 1.5 so that'll do we've got two more materials here quickly to do I've got antique bronze which I googled if you look for an image here we've got something like this something like this these heads are pretty good okay so we're gonna go for this kind of texture probably not with this blackness maybe with that and we'll take a look we just call this bronze we have this which you might use oh we have this one we found earlier this bronze so from the material age to let's get another viewing material click here make that double click on this may be the diffuse black turnoff for now bring the reflections all the way up go to reference images just bring in a bronze texture fill that straight into the reflection slot just put that straight into reflection glossiness and let's assign this to the fourth one and let's look at the previous window let's change this we can see that in this render okay so we want some more reflection going on here so again instead of creating a new map in Photoshop I'm just going to come along and I'm going to go color correction general color correction drop that in here advanced push up the gamma to make you brighter one I can do this as well like if I come in here and I think that needs more color you can just come in here and click saturation and just increase this and they'll change the color and then you can change the hue if you want you know so you can make this color quite gold if you like I'm gonna maybe increase the saturation slamming I'm not gonna make anything perform all right let's see how this comes up fantastic we'll just add in a bump to get some more details coming on so again I'll take the same map and I'll put that straight into the bump and let's right-click on both of these and just see what we get yeah complete mess open preview window now the blur here the amount on the blur depends on the resolution of this map this map is very high resolution you shouldn't have to worry too much about how low you go on this blur you should be able to get much sharper lines without bringing in weird artifacts you you you kind of really want to go until these bumps disappear you you and you can't really see 100% alice is going to look but if we render this out she look nice I'm just gonna come in here and raise this up a bit higher let's try three right and let's take a look at the reference image okay these are quite a bit darker darker brown so I think what I need to do is this has got a bit gold so that's desaturate this a bit more let's try again that's much closer to the reference image here so for this purpose I think that will do we could tweak it slightly to get it more accurate and more exactly along these lines but that will do so we've done four of them we've got one last to do here which is black steel okay I've got these references for black and steel something like this all that all that even so if we use this as a reference and we just recreate that if you google black steel reference steel texture okay great we use this also use that one yeah we use that we'll get rid of a bunch of the color in it so basically just put a box over here so again we're gonna do the same we're gonna grab materials for your aviary material bring it over double click on it make so we can see the background so we know what's going on make the diffuse black and turn off for now and then we're just gonna grab this map and drop it into the scene but the straightest with diffuse slot sorry I put the straight as a reflection slot and reflection glossiness and what we going to do is just grab color correction and we just put this straight here in the reflection glossiness and we're just going to bring this up you and I gotta have another color correction going on here there's too much color in there this is like we said before this is bronze and we want black and steel so we're just gonna actually I don't need to do that but here we're gonna take the saturation down right 10 on this camera and let's render this now I better sign it first and that's render it's looking pretty nice again I still want to push this up let's try 20 now we're just getting a lot of reflections more than we had in a reference image there wasn't a lot in that there was quite a bit in here but we're getting more than we need here so let's bring this back down to ten or eight even and let's push this up push this up to five mm maybe not to maybe one point three okay let's try that I think what we have to do is bring this down and the reflection glossiness bring this down to five and then push this up to two and then render yeah that's looking pretty nice but it's not coming out as nice as I was hoping so I'm just gonna double-click on this map let's move this over so you can see what we're doing I'm gonna change this for the other one that we have let's try this one and let's render that okay again now you're gonna have to push this up to ten I think we're getting there here let's take the same map let's reduce the blur let's render that getting all the details lovely details going in there and then what we're gonna do is just take this down see let's take this and this one down shift and drag put that into pump and take this and make this three okay fantastic okay so here we have brass and we have copper we have gold we have an old bronze and we have an old weathered steel an old black and steel so these are some fantastic textures this is how I create them if I'm creating them quickly you can create these with more realism if necessary you can add fall-off so you can go into use OSL in order to do it there's a lot of extra data you can add in to these you can add fingerprints and everything else and we're going to some of that in detail later on but here I wanted to show you quickly how if you're push for time and you need to get the result quickly you can get an awesome result in a very short space of time just by having a reference image and knowing what you're doing I just want to check one thing I'm just not so happy with that copper there that's what I'm expecting and even though it's close I don't really have this in that copper bath see this this has got too much pink in it so let's take this I'll bring a color correction in here and we're just going to desaturate this slightly and we might even push the brightness up let's just check this okay for this purpose I think that'll do where they could be further tweaks but for getting these done quickly that's good enough for me so here we have brass copper gold bronze and black and steel awesome
Channel: leonleon51
Views: 45,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3DS Max tutorial, V-Ray tutorial, vray brass material tutorial, vray gold material tutorial, vray bronze material tutorial, blackened steel material tutorial, vray copper material tutorial, old metal tutorial, vray shader material, old metal shader tutorial, tarnished metal shaders in vray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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