Creating Rugs in 3ds Max with Hair and Fur modifier

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hey everybody welcome to the second part of making rugs in 3ds max if you still haven't seen the first part feel free to check it out we explain how we can make some interesting-looking and realistically looking rugs interview by using displacement maps in this second video we're going to try and create a bit of a different kind of rug namely I'm going to try to make something like this or here's another one so as you can see it's a interesting looking rub let's put a full screen so you guys can see it better is it here's another one that's on the floor so all in all it's a interesting looking rug and if you wanted to recreate something like this and you try to do it in the first way that we did it with a displacement map you're going to have a less than optimal result so for results like this when you happen when you want to make something like this let me close these I'm going to put this one on the side so I can see it you want to make something like this you have a couple of different ways you can accomplish something like it the first thing would be to go ahead and from the modifier list like I'm using the same exact rug geometry from the first part so from the modifier list I'm going to try and find my hair and fur modifier it's in the world space modifiers so hair and fur as soon as I click you're going to see something like this in your viewport now it's kind of looking like it's grass so let's see what happens when we actually render this so I'm going to click on the render and as you can notice we actually don't have anything here so what gives why is this the issue well the thing is when you want to use hair and fur modifier you have to add it as an actual effect the way to do it is quite simple all you have to do is go over to rendering and then you choose effects from here it can press 8 in the environment and then just click on effects over here so for the effects you have to just click on hair and fur and from here you have over here with this hair and fur you have this drop down menu next to hairs like by default this is left at buffer so if we want what we are seeing here to be seen in our renderer we have two options we can click down we have geometry and we have mental ray prim for now I'm going to click on the mental ray prim and explain the difference between using the prim and geometry in this video all right so I'm going to click this we have the mental ray voxel resolution which is going to be the quality of the voxels but that's really not important for this rug so I'm going to close this and just remember we have this a mental ray prim all right so now let's rerender and see what we have so as you can see now because we have that mental prim in our render whatever we are seeing in our viewport we can see when we press the render button so since we have something to start with we can start explaining how we can modify what we have here like if we just take a look at this we're going to see that the hairs are way too big so the great thing about using the hair and fur modifier is that you have a lot of control over how your rug is going to look like especially the fibers the way to control how those fibers are going to look like is through the general parameters tab over here on this side you have come of different things that he can change the first thing that we would like to modify will be the thickness of the actual strands we just closed this for a second the difference is controlled primarily from the rooted thickness and the tip thickness in our case if we take a look at our image we can see that the tips are sharp to the point where they basically just stop so we want to have where we want to keep our root thickness at or the tip thickness at zero while we're going to decrease the root thickness by decreasing this we're going to make the roots a bit smaller so let's try with something like five yeah this is going to give us smaller roots and now the next thing we want to fix would be the actual height of these fibers they're way too tall the way to do it is quite simple again just on the scale factor here decrease it from 100 to something like maybe like 20 or 30 you can see right away all of these fibers are smaller so before we start playing around with the other parameters let's see what we have here now so far and as soon as the render is finished we can notice that we have a lot of smaller strands but now we have we are faced with a different issue the fact that we have way too few fibers and we can see a lot of the base so now we need to add more fibers this again is very fairly easy to change all you have to do is increase the hair count so from the 10000 we have now I'm going to go ahead and try a 50,000 and just as a test start I have to wait the whole thing I'm just going to render just one small region and as soon as that region is finished we can see a really really big difference between what we have previously will be half so as soon as we have the next iteration I'm going to render the whole thing you're going to see everything so the next thing that we can change here is the how the actual fibers are going to look like what does it mean well if you take a look at our image you're going to notice that if I leave it off like this and I render out the whole rug it's going to look perfect with all the fibers going straight and it's going to look a bit like maybe some uncut grass we don't want that we want to have this kind of effect where the actual fibers are twirling around twisting and they're like going all over the place now luckily for us we have a few built-in options that can help us with this now the first thing that we have to do is just scroll down down here and we have here three parameters we have clumping frizz and kink these parameters control how our strands are going to behave for example if I go over the clumping and we're gonna go ahead and rotate like this we can see it better when I increase the strength of F something like zero point six and now as soon as I start adding clumps you'll notice that all of the fibers are starting to move around and you can notice as soon as I increase the number of clumps it's starting to give it more places that the actual fiber is going to start to clump at so you go let me add in something like eighty all right awesome all right now I'm going to render the whole thing so we can see what kind of effect we have achieved and as soon as the render is finished you can notice that now instead of having just straight fibers we have some nice clump some fibers fact the next thing we can change here would be to change the frizz and the frizz is basically going to give it a bit more randomization like the fibers are going to be bent downwards you can choose to frizz the tips only or the whole thing and the other one is the king and the king would give us a bit of a twirl in the actual fibers so you can see that they start to turn all the round or twist around and we can get a more used up look so that's one more time let's read renders you guys can see it again so we render and as you can see here even with the procedural parameters that we had from our kink frizz and clumping we got a really interesting look and if we compare it to our image over here or better yet this one we are notice that we have a lot of similarities between what we had previously and from what we have right now with the original one so let's see a few more other things that we can control here that are directly going to influence our and a finished look is going to end up what I mean by this is the actual color so if we take a look at our original one if we want to replicate this kind of a look we won't be able to do this with this yellow color so we have to change a color now changing the color for these fibers is not done with in the material editor instead we have to go I'll actually have to mention this the color is changed in here when you go over to the material parameters if you have Mr prim or mental ray print set up as your effects so here you have two colors you have the route color and you have the tip color so let's just take a look at our image for a second if we can notice that the roots are a bit darker color than the tips so if they have a bit of a creamy color while the tips are more towards white so we can change that to reflect our image so I'm going to go over for the route color click here choose some something like a creamy color something like this and I'm going to make the tip color white or nearly white and another great thing that we can do here is if you've ever seen one of these rugs you're going to notice that not all of the strands are the same color from a certain percentage like if you present a percent of the fibers are going to be either darker or lighter than the rest of them so we can compensate or make that into our scene by simply changing the mutant color like over here if I go in I can choose and make a few of the strands look let's just put them up as something like this color and the percentage over here I'm going to put it like five percent that means five percent of all of the strands are going to have this color so as it is right now let me rerender so you guys can see exactly what what I'm what I've done and how that thing is going to affect our scene so I'm going to render as soon as the render is done you can notice that now we have our scene that the render is really starting to look like what we have in our image over here all right so we saw how to get this effect but the beauty of using here infer modifier doesn't stop here it gives you an even extra amount of control over how your rug is going to look like by giving you the ability to manually brush those fibers and what I mean by this is if you just got like scroll upwards to over here you have this button where it says style here once you click it you're going to notice that the entire scene and just zoom out a bit just so I don't see all of these the lights I'm going to press shift L that's going to hide the lights shift C to hide a camera and I just focus on what I have here as soon as I press the style here you're going to notice some orange lines now these lines are basically splines that are going to control how your actual strands are going to behave as it is now they are normal to the surface of your mesh but as you can see we have this really big green circle in our around our mouse pointer that's circle is defining the the area in which as soon as I start clicking I want to start pulling these lines and so as I release you're going to notice that all of the little fibers are going to start to follow those lines press ctrl-z for this and the way to control the size of this green circle is simply just go over here you can either decrease or increase that size now in this case I want to go ahead and just take all of these lines over here and just move upwards because I can see some of the fibers here are going through the floor you'll notice that as soon as I start combing up those fibers they're no longer gonna be going up to the floor that should fix that issue for and the great thing about it is that you can even choose to like comb Bob these guys in the middle to something like you would prefer you can choose to take some from the side pulling inwards and get a more custom look to your rug so as you can see by just using these finishing stuff these styling brushes you can do a lot of changes now you can change for example here it's translate is basically moving it you can choose to clump up as you can see here when you click and drag downwards you're clumping up all of the fibers towards that point you can choose to have to rotate it you can scale it outwards or inwards you can rotate twirl them on each other like you can do a lot of different kinds of effects and the thing is as soon as you're finished with everything so just check out these options that you have the utilities over here just a bunch of different options that are going to give you a different effect in the end you just have to be careful so you don't do something like this I wasn't really paying attention so as you can see I've pulled them downwards that means that these are gonna be a problem is they're going to be protruding through the actual drug I don't want that happen just move it up so as soon as you're finished with something that you're happy with just press finish styling it and your carpet is going to retain that final change you did so again now let's rerender and from what we change we can see that our final result is looking really realistic and interesting so let's just compare it with what we have here or better yet then we have it on the floor - what we have over here so as you can see it's fairly close now the only thing that I want to mention before I finish with this video is that you don't always have to control the actual color through the material parameters from here you can control it if you choose to through the material editor so for example I have the color set from here this is the material I've added to the actual rug if I want to control the color of our rug from here I have to go back to rendering and effects and from here I have to change my rendering options from Mr prim to geometry this way Max is going to take all of these fibers and treat them like their geometry so they are going to actually inherit the parameters that we have on the actual rug so that means that for example if I take the color from the first video that we made so I'm just going to copy and paste it in our diffuse color over here now we have that the same color on our base and when we render we're going to get a whole different look let's see all right and now we can see that all of the fibers are taking the color from the base in this case though unlike the previous rug which it looked fine in this case I guess I would probably if I were doing this for a project I would probably make the scale of the fibers smaller like 15 or so and then just increase the number of hairs so we don't have any lag here so seventy thousand and if I render out the final render this should give me a whole different look or a whole different drug by just rendering out one final results so let's see that and there it is this is what we got for our final result so I really hope you guys liked the video also you managed to learn something new about the hair and fur modifier and if you would like to me to make more than like it on Facebook and like it on YouTube subscribe comment and share it around so you can reach more people and hopefully help them the same way to help you so take care for now and I will see you all in the next video
Channel: Denis Keman
Views: 280,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk 3ds Max (Award-Winning Work), tutorial, v-ray, dkcgi, modeling, 3d modeling
Id: MnJhmI35554
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2015
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