Modeling a Bean Bag Chair in 3ds Max

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hey everybody in today's video we're going to take a look at how we can model a bean bag that's one of those beanbag chairs that you can see in a lot of interior design renders and this is what I actually mean when I say this so something like this see these guys so they're basically a bag filled with something else and it's very comfy to sit in alright so we have but this is another one but this is actually a different type of a chair and this is what we're going after here so this or this alright so I'm going to put it aside so I can use it as a reference and all right let's start now initially I was when I was starting this the idea for the video I wanted to go ahead and build the chair within Marvelous Designer but then I actually came to the conclusion that it would be faster and easier if we just stick to max for the initial draft phase all right so here's how we're going to do this I'm going to use a plane as a ground and I'm gonna take one sphere all right something like this I just let me get my plane to the middle just Center it and I'm gonna use one sphere something like this and let's just you get it so it's I don't know 40 centimeters that means 80 Deana tur all right it's gonna work alright pull it upwards a bit and zoom in towards it okay we're going to change my shading to shade it and on top of this I'm going to put an edit poly and delete the top at the top and the bottom vert vertex well actually before I do this I might want to decrease the segment so let's go to 16 you'll see what a why in a minute all right so this and this delete them both and now I'm going to select my border here then select edge so I have them all selected deselect one of the edges on both sides and bridge this is going to leave us with a nice quartered top so we don't end up with triangles so the same thing down here border select edge deselect one of the on the opposite sides and bridge alright so this is gonna leave us with this kind of a look alright so now what I want to do here is I want to get the details that I lost when I decreased the number of sides so I'm going to put on a turbosmooth on top of this and we end up with something like this now this is not the most ideal for the top but it really isn't a problem as we are going to use the cloth modifier to help us shape the general shape of the chair all right so I'm going to go ahead and and isolate all right so I'm gonna go and from a modifier list I'm going to choose the cloth modifier in case you don't know how cloth modifier works actually have made a video about it free in one of my previous videos so feel free and check it out all right so we're going to open my cloth actually my object properties and in here in the object simulation I'm going to add one object and for that object I'm going to choose my plane so basically now I have both of these objects in the simulation now the thing is max sometimes no has a tendency to actually screw up what we do so once I add this I'm going to press ok and now I'm just going to reopen it and now I'm going to assign what these objects are going to do in the actual simulation first of all I want to select my plane I want to make sure that the plane is going to be used as a collision object so we want it we want the plane to be uses the ground plane and the sphere I want to use it as a cloth I'm going to choose well let's go with silk that should work and once we have all of this done I just want to make sure again this is collision this is cloth I want to give it a pressure of let's try something like 3 and press ok all right now if everything works we should get a nice simulation so let's see like I said if everything is working fine we're going to get a nice simulation otherwise you might get some issues so let's try it all right issues tap all right all right let's go ahead and try this with a simulate local dampened again I think we're having some issues but it's slowly sitting in all right so I'm going to reset my state I want to go down to my turbosmooth and I'm going to increase the iteration so it's going to give us more geometry to work with and hopefully that is going to help us resolve the issue with what we have here so again let's go ahead and try to Sam you see simulate local dampened and it's slowly sitting in I'm going to reset the state one more time turn off and I'm going to go ahead and add one more iteration on here all right this should give us even more control over how much RS so let's see simulate dampened it takes a bit of time until it sets down what we want to achieve here is we want this ball to basically come down on itself wanted to have some wrinkling happening here but that wrinkling being the effect of the actual weight of the ball and let's see if that is going to work now alright that's similar local now as you can see it is starting to fold on itself but the problem here at the moment is that the pressure that we place here on the sphere is too low so let's go ahead and try a six similar local they should help reinflates although still too low all right let's go even higher then let's try twelve all right it's ring fighting okay now it looks like a balloon so again as you can see it all kind of boils down to trying to get that perfect pressure alright let's go one more time all right we can work with something like this so I just want to have that rough outline of the actual ball all right the bottom is not really that important okay so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to put a added poly on top of this so I can start working on it now if I take a look at my bag over here I can see that in the middle we have this indention which is basically the place where you would sit so in order to get that shape all I have to do is get over back to the modifier list put on a FFD modifier three by three by three and select so press onto one control points and select a few of the points pull them inwards like this just make sure you're pulling the right ones then go with both of these just move them around until we get it to the point where it conforms to the shape that we want it to so again like this now I want these to go upwards pull upwards like this alright let's see one more time so I'm just trying to get it to a shape where it would be more or less usable all right this wouldn't be okay well let me just take some time to like tweak it in shape and I'll be back as soon as I have it in the right position all right so here we are back what I actually did is on top of the FFT modifier I placed an additional FFD modifier 4x4 I just pulled some vertices until I got something that would make make me get this shape so you could get a different shape it really isn't that important I'm just trying to get a general idea on what kind of a chair I would like to achieve it kind of got to this point where I get this alright so on top of this going to put another edit poly and now I just want to fix a few of the issues that you would probably get when you you when you use the cloth modifier for a simple shape that would collapse on itself and that is the actual gland of the shape if you take a look at the base you're going to notice that you have a lot of geometry it's it's basically folding on itself and it might create an issue but since this is going to be on the bottom it won't be visible you can leave it if you want but you can also choose to go ahead and take the paint deformation here and choose the relax with the relaxed just go over on the bottom make sure you don't have any nasty surprises waiting for you there so let's go ahead just click and drag until you relax the as you can see that mess it's slowly unfolding and it shouldn't create any issues like but again I'm going to say since this is going to be on the ground it will not be visible so it's a really good chance that it won't make any problems but just for the sake of it I want to have this be relaxed a bit so it doesn't do any kind of issues when we later try to put some maps on it and we end up with a problem with the UV but I think this is gonna be okay all right this is okay everything is fine all right so now I can use this as my base in which I can start to add the wrinkles but before I do this I want to make sure that I have a proper UV unwrap on this chair now in case you don't know how to do the UV unwrapping I have a video for that as well I actually I made it I think it was a week ago so feel free and check it out all right so let's see how we're going to unwrap this chair so I'm going to go UV unwrap clean so we don't have any leftover UVs and I'm going to put it unwrap UVW all right so we have a clean unwrap UV all right the general idea is when you're unwrapping you want to make sure that if it's possible to place the seams somewhere where it would be the natural folding place for the chair for example if we take a look at this chair let me see that the seams for the chair where it's stitched it's on the sides so I can try and get it to be that way so let's go I'm going to first of all I'm going to take the edge and I'm going to select the edge going down at the bottom so this entire edge even might take this one let's let's call the upwards now I'm going to stick with this one so loop that one and make it a C alright so the second one I can actually choose to go around the cap over here but since this is going to be the place where we're going to have the sitting folds I really don't think this would be ideal but let's go ahead and try it like this like go around all right selection just seems and then go all over oh whoops that's not going to go that way all right so I'm going to use control and basically well I just go and do the point-to-point seam so point go downwards to here all the way to the bottom I'd click convert to seam and this should help us with opening up this chair all right so first of all select the middle I see everything is fine I'm going to use a quick viola for it put it on the side so this one quick peel put it on the side bottom one quick peel put it on the side select all of them make sure they get the proper size rescale elements hold down the options here put the amount one and relax them first of all I'm gonna actually try and relax them by edge and then switch over to polygon this should help average out the size of them all right stop the relax and apply all right now click here back custom so we have all of them in the 1 to 0 UV space I'll just try and get a bit more texture space and see if this is going to work all right just the tad bit optimizations so we can get a bit more texture space out of this alright again put on here the next here there we go we have this cheer unwrapped alright so now what I'm going to do is with everything selected I'm going to go ahead and export what I have select and I'm going to choose to save it as an obj file and call it bean bag well let's call it base and save I'm going to leave everything as it is and I'm just going to export it done alright so with this we have the base for our chair in the next part we're going to go over and we're going to add all of the little details the wrinkles and everything else that we need so I'll see you guys over there
Channel: Denis Keman
Views: 35,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max, zbrush, vray, modeling, 3d modeling
Id: k2ouLaeYhg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2015
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