How to create a realistic looking coin in Cinema 4D

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[Music] hello right we're going to do a tutorial today on cinema 4d this is something that I've been wanting to play about for a while because I wanted to create a realistic looking coin in cinema 4d and I had a hunt around for some tutorials didn't manage to really find anything there was a lot of kind of you know Arkady style coins and the sort of thing you'd see on games on your phone and that sort of thing but there was nothing that created like a a realistic one so I I had a little play to try and work out how to do it myself I will just point out that I am well and truly a beginner to cinema 4d so this is me just trying to sort of learn it as I go and obviously if I can help you as well then that's brilliant I won't wrap it on too much so I'll just show you a few of the things that I came up with and the first lot that I did I kind of came out of that and I didn't like that that was sort of shiny and a bit manky so I I went back and managed to get something a bit more like that that's not so bad and then I think this one was a pretty good one my my main trouble always how is the edges I never quite get the edges how I want them and I'm still not completely happy with how I've done it I'm pretty sure I'm along the right lines but mmm maybe someone can help me but further for the scheme of things when you then look at like this shot for example lots and lots of coins the edges don't really matter it doesn't seem so important than they're you've got tens fives pounds and all of that but also they work quite well with animations so I have done a couple there's one here which is a bowl filling up with toys which I think I can I was really cool I didn't spend too much time on the lighting but it took quite a long time to render that one out actually to be fair I'm running on this I'm on a slow PC today so this isn't so great but that looks pretty nifty I did this one which is a spinning coin again I just did this using a method that I just literally just thought of which I'll actually cover in this I'll show you how to how I did this because this might be of some use to you perhaps maybe they'll coin toss thing right so on with the fun first of all I start off with a cylinder I'm going to assume you do have some knowledge of how to use cinema 4d and that you're not completely starting from scratch but yeah here we go so we're gonna just get this sitting if this is a pound then pounds quite fat I will point out obviously as I'm sure that you've worked out this is British currency that I'm working from because that's what I had now depending on how close you're going to want to get you're going to want to watch these segments because if I just quickly render that out that's controller just to quickly render that out you can see that you get these kind of jagged edges so if you want to clean those up it's just rotation segments here just up those obviously the more you do the the cleaner the aged but obviously at the same time it kills your render time so for what we're doing that will do that's that's that's not too bad okay so that's it for the shape what we're now going to do is make it editable now you can even do that by clicking this area up here or you can just press it on the keyboard and you see that the icon changes we're going to call this pound I need to select the polygons here so over at the side here you have your selection tools so we select polygon selection tool and make sure you've got the selection tool selected there couple of ways you can do this one is to just do that but perhaps if you don't want to do it like that you can press U and then L and that will give you a loop selection and that selects it as well this is a pretty cool thing here but we just we got to select them of your set selection like that and we now have a selection of polygons I'm just going to call that heads okay and now I'm going to make sure I deselect this by clicking elsewhere because if you have that selected a new trial create a new selection it overwrites that one and it's really frustrating so select the pound again we want to get the bottom here so you L we've only got that selected so that's great we haven't got that selected over there we go set selection bomb and we call this one what I call the last one I call the last one forgotten yeah I call the last one hit so this one of course house okay that's brilliant right so that's now really for texturing again I hunted around for some pictures of coins and didn't manage to find sort of anything I particularly liked so I took my own pictures I set up the little tripod a little lighting system I think if you saw one of my posts earlier which actually showed you what I did but I came up with all of these guys here one thing to know is I haven't actually tried doing the 50p yet I reckon that that's going to be a little bit more tricky and need a little bit more time to getting to get these sides there is a spline called M where are you where I inside and with that one you can choose the mattes the sides and then extrude it so I will have a plate at some point but I don't know I need to need to have a look at that but for now yeah we'll just construct some of these so that's my pounds one and I'll put these up for download on links with the tutorial so that you can grab these if you wanted to use them right so next create a new material just double click on the area down here creates a new material alright let's have a look so under color texture just click it there and then go to little drop-down box and do load image here we can see my images so I'm going to do this one as heads it's not in the project path so yes and then just in this particular name that heads so that we know what we're doing actually we're going to pound heads all right that was simple enough our Queens are quite shiny obviously and so I'm going to add a little bit of reflection but not too much literally sort of about right down and then finally a bump I'm going to put the bump mapping channel on and if you go to bitmaps you can see the the the ones that you've used in your projects that will just select that for there as well now 20 is possibly a bit too much I only want this subtle so I'll just bring that down just a little bit and we'll have to sort of play it by ear and see how it comes out right so that's my heads done I'm going to drag it and hold ctrl and make a duplicate of it double click it and call this one pound tails excuse me I'm then going to load image we're in the bump mapping channel now but it doesn't matter we've got to do it anyway so load image and we choose the tails one and then yes okay and we go over to a color and again we can do bitmaps and then we can see that tails in there so we've now created our two our two textures for the face and the underside the next bit will press the middle mouse button there the next bit is the like I said I always find a bit tricky and I didn't really work out exactly how to do this but what I came up with I'm definitely there is a better way of doing this but maybe someone can let me know put it in the comments if you know a better way of doing this bit because I would like that so I created a Photoshop file and I'm going to put it into the bump mapping channel I'll show you what I did with it I won't do a new one I'll just use the one I used before pound coin edge this was it done pal quite if I do edit image you can see what it did here should just load up Photoshop like I say I am on the slow PC today so you're gonna have to forgive me loading and render times etc okay so this is what I created here it's a bunch of lines it's all in great this is actually the letters the lettering that kind of goes around a pound coin and as you can see I've just kind of done a bunch of letters or didn't mean to zoom in that much with lines in the background with some sort of smudges here and there and that just kind of gives us the the lines that you get on the side of it I've done it in grey because I'm only using it in the bump mapping channel so if I go back to cinema so it's only in the bump mapping then in color the way I found to do this was actually using I think I did this with layer and then in layer I did a shader noise alright before I do continue I do need to apply these other ones because I need to use colors from them so you'll see what I mean right bear with me right so let's start by putting the heads on obviously that I just press controller to do a quick render it isn't exactly what we want we've got heads on both sides so what we do is we find our heads tag we make sure that this tag tag here is highlighted find our heads tag and place it there and then that has only placed it on the top if I then add the tails one same thing again find the tails tag and drag it down to there as you can see we've now got tails on one side and heads on the other so that's getting there definitely getting this and look like a coin the bump mapping doesn't look too bad it looks pretty real my edge I'm literally just going to drag it onto it now as you can see that's not quite what we won we've got the right sort of thing along the edge here but I just need to put this in front of these guys and then that allows it look what did I just press feathering that allows it to sit underneath it's going to zoom out just a little bit okay now this is the tricky bit the way I did this which is definitely not necessarily the right way and it's probably not even slightly the right way is my color one I selected from in here kind of found a a lighter color and then my color too I selected from in here and I chose a slightly darker color which gave me this and then my global scale and not right down and then my turbulence I whacked right up I'm just going to make this darker one just slightly darker you can see there's like some streaks if we just have a look at that control I'll just render that out yes it's kind of kind of alright and it's possibly a bit too clean let's make that just a touch darker okay and then if you click on color you go back you can click on your layer and add another layer I just did another noise it's sort of similar to the first one put the opacity right down and then just chose a couple of different colors again at a lighter one and that's slightly darker one bring it down just a little bit and then sit that over the top yeah that's not too bad like I say oh I've never been completely happy with with the edges but that'll do for the time being okay so that's a coin made and now just so that we can see what it looks like with a bit of lighting I'm going to quickly add a floor drop you down a little bit and I'm going to lift the core make sure you're not on polygon selection right so we're back to item selection right there we go so I'm just going to raise that up just slightly if you've got the mograph you can actually use rigid body and a Collider body just to really quickly get it on the floor there we go it's just a bit easier than lining it all up so next going to create an area light and let's have a look so we raise that up just a bit move it off to the side if you press R it's a nice shortcut key just give you rotate just name that down there at that a little bit if you go to the light properties you can actually set some shadow and if we just have a look at there that should have improved that just a little bit already excellent something I do like this is going to hurt my rendered a little bit of ambient occlusion it just adds a little bit more detail in the darker shadows where things are coming in contact with the floor so we just have a look at that so again that's pretty good as we're also working with circles around the edges it's best it's a good idea to put anti-aliasing on best we just haven't have a quick look at that so that's not looking too bad at all I'm just going to take another one of these lights rotate it the other way move it over here bonbon like something like that spring it this way just a little bit okay the lights let's just add a little bit of color so we maybe go for a little bit of a warmer color over this side and just to be interesting we'll go with a colder color over this side that gives you some interesting looks all right there's that render time so that's looking pretty good I'll just grab another one by holding ctrl and dragging it creates a second one I'm just going to place it just above it and over to one side are to rotate and just place it there and just plain out bounce down together and then we can just move the camera a little bit we've got a couple of coins so that's the basics on how to put a coin together now the thing is to obviously do some interesting stuff with it and I'll just show you a couple of examples of what I did so there you go say that's not too bad we've not too much effort that's not too bad really okay let me show you this go back to number one we'll just get rid of this guy use the pound here we will make a duplicate of him again pressing space returns you to the I think it's the last tool you used that's really nice little tip okay so if we were to make a two pound coin to panel our coin is a little bit larger but it's also a little bit thinner than a pound coin so we'll just squish that in a little bit there okay now in order to do this I'm going to create a couple more textures I'm going to cheat a little bit I'm going to highlight these two drag them and hold ctrl make a copy grab this one and coin call it two pound heads and I'm going to swap this image out with my two pound heads the two that I really do like the way these look because of the obviously the difference in the silver in the middle let me just load up that one into the bumping channel as well mustn't forget that was that'll give you the bump of a pound but with the image of a do pal so again for the tails load image two pound tails so that's the bump one done and then we just do the same with the color bitmaps two pound tails and we better call it too pastel so I don't get confused over here we'll call this one two pound and now just swapping up these textures really easy grab your first one which is heads and drag it over the heads grab the tails one drag over the tails now the the edge is actually slightly different on the two pounds it's different words it something about standing on the shoulders of giants but I'm not going for now I'm not gonna worry about swapping it over because if we just have a quick look that's it kind of does fit it doesn't match it and that doesn't look too bad okay right so now we've got a pound in a two pound let's do something here so just move out just a little bit so we can see one thing that you I like I showed you earlier was the spinning coin I'll show you how I did that again it's not necessarily the correct way but I thought this was actually quite good way to do it with a pretty natural look so basically we're going to put the pout the two pounds just on the floor there and we'll create a new cube and I'm just going to position that above the two pounds like so it's a little bit big we can soon fix that right there we go that's what we want to do cut that perfect all right now I'm just going to turn the floor off so I can see what I'm doing here if we look at the YAC segments I want to get two segments on the Z so that that's sitting either side of the coin and I want to get that was three segments sorry three segments like that so that's great that's exactly what I want I then highlight to the cube and again you have to make it editable so you either press C or click the button over here and now with the polygon selection tool you can now grab save this one here if you now press D it gives you the extrude tool and I'll just show you also though under mesh you've got extrude in there under mesh create tools you've got all the of your bevels and you extrudes but D is the shortcut so we'll just grab that and whip that down there and then over here we'll grab on the other side and whip that down there simple right and we go back to object select right now here's an interesting little thing in dynamics we need to give this cube a rigid body tag all right now a couple of important things here if I just leave it like this it's going to do that that's not exactly what we want if you see that's just bouncing off and the the reason for that is because there's standard under automatic shaping this is a entire cube but we want it to be a mesh so what we do is go to shape with with the tag selected and we select it's a moving mesh and now that will actually take those areas there into consideration and as you can see that I'll just sort of sit there on the top before gravity kicks in and then pulls it over just going to grab myself a couple more frames here there we go Bom so that's pretty silly just turn the floor back on a handy tip if you're on a hide or show something hold alt and then click on these dots here and that just take that away for you but we brought that back okay now it's worth noting that when you do that this is quite important point of what we're doing when you do that the the the presence of the item is still there in the physics world even though you can't see it which is exactly what we're going to utilize here okay so the first thing we need to do is on our cube one we set this to dynamic off now now that doesn't make a huge amount of sense but all that means is that it won't be affected by gravity so it is still dynamic but it just won't fall to the floor because we don't want it to we're going to use a couple of keyframes to get this going for us I'm just going to double check is whether to pound I want that to be a moving mesh as well because always that will be a square so I'm moving mesh for the two pounds as well all right and the cube so on say a couple of frames in start with say eight frames in we want our cube coordinates to start to spin I think it's on the notes not on Zed it's not on the X so it's on the X that's the one so we want it to spin like that okay so I'm going to hold ctrl and click this button here which basically gives it a keyframe and I'm just going to come forward a few frames maybe up to 15 because we don't like to kick in too much so we'll just slowly tilt just a little bit and then control click to make that a keyframe and then we'll go forward just maybe a couple of frames like so you see it's already starting to work but what we now need to do here sorry I forgot this go back to this room you also want to grab a keyframe I think it said yeah put a keyframe on sale at that same point and then when you come forward a couple of frames spin that quite fast now obviously depending on how fast you spin this depends on how fast the coin will spin so we'll do that one there and we'll just lift this off so it's out of the way maybe not so quite a high there we go ctrl-click right so in theory if this has worked that causes the corn to spin there we go so perhaps if you want like I say if you want it to spin just a little bit faster find your keyframe with the spin and just do it a bit more control click start the beginning and one like that and that's how really going some yeah okay that was quite old that's maybe a bit too fast and doo doo doo doo doo that down just that touch and there you go that's not too bad but yeah that's that's what it's all about it's all about experimentation but I like this idea and now the point I was making earlier about hiding this is that you can actually click on that without and now as you can see the motion still there but it's the coin is spinning but it's gone I'll just load that let's see coin spinning open with time out sorry about um here we go boy I'm pushing this PC a little bit too much I think so yeah so when you render that out quite nicely it looks pretty good I think so yeah I'm Bob another thing you might want to do just real quickly I'll show you something that maybe uses the cloner because obviously this is quite a popular idea if you go to mograph and then clone a hold alt it automatically puts it in there if we just do that like that on bond there's a little stack of coins we just move this that's looking at that but obviously you can ramp this up if you click in clone and go to object we're on linear at the moment you just rent those right up say 25 press play ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba um now so they're all going to fall off because it's a maybe it's a little bit bouncy then perhaps on the pound we go to the simulation tag yeah the bounce is currently set to 50 so coins are particular balance you so set that to zero friction they're quite coins that slide no those kind of do longer so that's about 80 and that's a good point is the floor it's very slowly as standard and very bouncy so we'll set the floor to none and the floor friction to about say 90 let's just have a look at the difference there boom oh oh oh it's full of boom so I'd closer maybe if you go to the cloner you can reduce here you can reduce the distance between the coins so they don't have so far to fall or maybe pause it there and you've got yourself quite moody looking stack of coins that will take forever to render on this machine but there you go so there's a few ideas for you maybe like I say if you can come up with a better way of doing the edges please post it show me tell me because like I said to start I'm still learning this I've been doing this now for coming up to about I don't know eight months or so I've been playing with cinema and having great fun with it but yeah let me know if you think ok Cheers
Channel: Rate My Funeral
Views: 51,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How-to (Conference Subject), Cinema 4D (Brand), Coin (Collection Category), New, tutorial, Tutorial, rate, my, funeral, Comment
Id: WTv31eoBBOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2012
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