How To Create a Realistic Coin In Photoshop

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Welcome back to another very exciting tutorial here at the My name is Jesus Ramirez and you can find me on Twitter @JRfromPTC. In this video, I'm going to show you How to Create a Realistic Coin in Photoshop from scratch. We're going to start out with a basic vector shape, and we're going to simply apply multiple layer styles that are going to help give our coin shape, and dimension. I'm, also, going to show you how to create text that's going to wrap perfectly around the coin. Then I'm going to show you how to create an embossed look from a photograph. Also, before we get started, I want to point out that I have a new Instagram account. You can follow me at JRfromPTC. Okay, let's get started with the tutorial. The first thing we're going to do is to create the document that we're going to be working on. I'm going to go to File, New, and I'm going to Create a Document that's 1,000 pixels wide by 1,000 pixels tall. The background for the document is going to be a dark gray. Then, we're going to Create Guides to help us create our coin shape. So, I'm going to click on the ruler here. Click and Drag that guide to the center of the canvass, and it should snap right in the center. So make sure that you have Snap Enabled. Also, if you don't see your rulers, you can Press Ctrl R, Command R on the Mac, or you can go into View, and make sure that Rulers has a check mark, and that will enable it or disable it. Now create a horizontal guide, and that should snap to the center. Then, click on the Ellipse Tool and create a circle. Make sure that there is no stroke in the fill. We're going to use a light gray, so, maybe, this gray here. Click in the center and Drag. Also, hold Alt Shift to create a perfect circle from the center, about that big, minus 968. Then we're going to rename this Layer to “Main Shape.” So what we're going to use this Main Shape for is to Duplicate it and create other elements of the coin and to use it as a way to easily create Layer Masks. You'll see as we move on how we're going to use it. But for now, we're going to duplicate it, so I'm going to press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac. This is going to be the coin shape, which in reality is the same as the main shape, but I'm just giving them different names so I can easily tell what they are just by looking at the layers. I'm going to double click on the side of the Layer here to bring up the Layer Style Window, and I'm going to add a Gradient Overlay. I'm going to click on the Reset to Default button, just so we're working with the default settings, and you can follow along. I want to leave the Blend Mode set to Normal. I want to change the Gradient to Black and White, and I want to change the angle to, maybe, about 127, as long as the light is coming on the top left here. And, maybe, decrease the scale a little bit, and Click and Drag this down, so this is what we have. Maybe, even, bring the Opacity down just a little bit. So, as long as you have your light source on the top left, and your Shadows on the bottom right, you should be okay. I'm also going to click on Drop Shadow, and you can match the angles if you want—127 degrees. I can do that here as well, so 127, and I can increase or decrease the distance of the Shadow, Size, and, of course, Opacity, then press OK. I'm going to collapse the Layer Styles so that we have a little more room to work with. Then I'm going to add a new Layer, and we're going to add a texture. I'm just going to rename this Layer to “Texture.” So we're going to add Texture to our coin. You can fill this Layer with whatever color you want. I'm going to fill it with Black, which is my foreground color, Alt Backspace, Option Backspace on the Mac, to fill with your foreground color, then make sure that Black and White are your foreground colors by clicking on this icon here. Then go into Filter, Noise, Add Noise, 63% is good, Gaussian, Monochromatic, press OK. Then, go into Filter, Blur, and Blur one more time just to give it a light Blur; then go into Filter, Stylize, Emboss, and these are pretty good, 129 degrees for the angle, Height of 3 pixels, Amount of 45, press OK, and I can, then, bring the Opacity way down, maybe, around 7%. I'm going to Zoom In just so you can see what we did there. I'm going to Zoom Out, and the reason we created this Main Shape is it's always easy to find, and I can always have a place to Ctrl Click, Command Click on the thumbnail icon here, to load it as a Selection, and then I can easily create a Layer Mask on any Layer I want with the shape of the coin. In this instance it was pretty easy, but later on, we're going to have a lot more layers and finding the coin layer may not be as easy. So, in a project like this, I always like to have a main shape that I can easily find, select and duplicate. So with the Texture Layer selected, I'm going to hold Shift and click on the coin shape, then press Ctrl G, Command G on the Mac and turn that into a Group, and I'm going to call this "Main Coin." So this is going to be our main coin. Everything else that we add is going to be built on top of this. Now we're going to add some decorations to our coin, so we're going to add an outer ring and then an inner ring. So let's start with the outer ring. I'm going to click on the Main Shape, and press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac, to Duplicate. Click and Drag this above all the other layers, and now we're going to cut a whole in this Layer. So I'm going to click on the Ellipse Tool. I can come into the Options Bar and select Subtract from Shape, or I can simply hold Alt, Option on the Mac, and when you see that minus sign, you can click in the center, hold Shift, and create a circle. It is going to cut a hole into that shape. So now you just have to determine how thick your outer rings are going to be. So, for me, I think that something like this will work. So now we have this outer ring. I can double click on the side of the Layer here to bring the Layer Style Window, click on Bevel and Emboss, click on Contour, and I can increase and decrease the size of the Bevel here, and, actually, I want the Bevel going up, not down, and you know what? To make it easy, I'm just going to click on Reset to Default, and we'll work on it together. I'm going to increase the Depth, Size, and increase the Opacity, on both the Highlight and Shadows. And you know what? That might have been too much. So let me bring that back a little bit to, maybe, 5 pixels, and, maybe, even bring this to 100%, because I want the Highlights to be very bright, and, also, increase the Shadow. And you can change the Range of the Contour as well to whatever you think looks good for your image. So, for me, maybe, somewhere beyond the 80's, and I want to press OK now, but I want to show you what we're going to do with all the other layers, and I want to make it really obvious, so I want to double click on the thumbnail of this Layer to bring up the Color Picker, because it's still a shape. And I'm just going to change the color to Red. And the reason I'm doing this is so that I can show you that the color doesn't really matter, because we're going to bring down the Fill, all the way down to zero, which is going to make the original pixels on this Layer disappear, and only keep the Layer Styles that we're applying. So I'm going to double click on the side of the Layer here, and you'll see that if I disable the Bevel and Emboss, this Layer is invisible. The only pixels that are visible are the pixels that we apply by using the Layer Style. So that's how we're going to continue to build upon this coin. I'm just going to press OK. I'm going to double click on the name to rename it. I'm going to call this "Outer Ring." I’m going to click on the Main Shape, press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac, to Duplicate, Click and Drag it above the Outer Ring and I'm going to call this "Inner Ring." I'm going to press Ctrl T, Command T on the Mac, to Transform, Alt Shift. Alt, like in drag that anywhere, somewhere around here. So we're going to have Text going around the coin and then we're going to have these ornaments going around in this inner ring. So you have to determine the width of both—the width of the area where you're going to keep your text, and the width of this inner ring, so, maybe, somewhere around here for me, and we'll press Enter. Then I'm going to cut a hole, like we did earlier, so I'm going to hold Alt, Shift, I can direct from the center, and determine how thick that inner ring is going to be. This is my inner ring, and that seems to be a good size. If it's not for you, you can just make sure you have the entire Layer selected, and that is just the inner ring I had selected a moment ago, and press Ctrl T, hold Shift and Alt, and just Scale it accordingly, but for me, that was a good size, so I'm just going to Undo. And, I'm going to keep the same Layer Style I had for the Outer Ring, and you can copy very easily by holding Alt, Option on the Mac, clicking on that FX icon, and dragging it over to the new layer. Unfortunately, that doesn't copy the fill, so we have to Click and Drag that Fill to zero percent. If you want to make any adjustments to that, you can just double click on the FX icon. It brings up the Layer Style Window, and then you can make any adjustments that you want to. I'm not going to make any adjustments now. I'm just going to continue working with this coin. Now we're going to work on the little ridges that go outside of this coin. I'm just going to click on something that is not a shape, so, maybe, here on this Main Coin, because I don't want to add or subtract from any of these shapes 'cause I'm going to be using the Polygonal Tool, and, by the way, before we go any further, some of you, after watching this, maybe, thinking all these steps will be a whole lot easier in Illustrator. And I just want to say that I do agree with you, but this is a Photoshop training channel, and a lot of people who watch these tutorials, either don't have Illustrator, or they don't know how to use it, so I decided to do all these steps in Photoshop. So, with the Polygonal Tool selected, I'm going to go into the Options Bar here and make sure I have Star selected and Indent Sides By 99%, and the Number of Sides is 50. Then, I'm going to click here on the center and Drag, while holding Shift, and make sure that one of these lines here that I'm creating is going right through the center there—the horizontal center—then release. Notice this line here right in the center. Then I'm going to press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac to Duplicate that Layer. Press Ctrl T to Transform, hold Shift, Click and Drag, and notice the Tool Tip, right on my cursor. When you get to 90 degrees, you can just release, and you'll have lines cutting in-between the lines you have there previously. So if I select both of these, you can see what that looks like, and, actually, I'm going to press Ctrl E, Command E on the Mac, to Merge them, and I'm also going to right click on them and choose Rasterize Layer, and I can double click on that Layer and click on Stroke, and now you'll see what I'm creating. I want to have these lines point here along the edge. I'm going to, also, add Color Overlay and use black as my foreground color, because if you remember, the shape was, actually, like this. It might be a light, faint gray line there that I don't want, then I'm going to press OK and I'm going to right click on the Layer again, and choose Rasterize Layer Style, put all on the Layer here. Then I can press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac, to Duplicate, then press Ctrl T to Transform, hold Shift and Rotate the Layer, until you find another in-between area, meaning, the lines that are being created now and are going in-between the previous lines, and, so, somewhere around here, and just press Enter. So, now, we have this Effect here. I press Ctrl E, Command E on the Mac, to Merge that onto one Layer. Then, I can hold Alt, Option on the Mac, on this FX icon from the outer ring Layer, to Duplicate it, Click and Drag it on to the Polygonal copy here, then I'm going to click on the Layer thumbnail here of the outer ring to make a selection out of it, and click on the Layer Mask icon, and I'm actually going to Click and Drag this above the outer ring. So now we have this Effect here. I'm going to click on the FX icon because right now these ridges are currently popping out. I want them to be embedded in. I’m just going to click on the Down button here, and I can bring down the Opacity, Shadows, and Highlights if I want to, and I am just going to bring it down a little bit, and I may, actually, just change the Depth a little bit to, maybe, something like that, and then press OK. I want to click on this Layer and on the other ring. I'm going to select both of these layers and then press Ctrl G, Command G on the Mac, put them into a Group, and I can call this group "Outer Ring." Now we're going to work with the inner ring. We're going to add little tiny circles going around the entire shape, and, again, this is a lot easier in Illustrator, but we're going to do it in Photoshop. And what we're going to do now is use the Ellipse Tool and make sure that you don't have a Shape Layer selected. I mean, you can, but for me, it's easier to just select something that's not a shape, because I don't have to worry about adding or subtracting from the shape accidentally. So, I'm going to hold Shift, Click and Drag, create a circle about that big. The color, really, doesn't matter, just make sure that it's a color that you can see. So, I know that you can see red, so we'll make it red, then Click and Drag it to this area here, right along the guide and center it around the ring. But what we're going to do now is we're going to make copies of it that go all the way around this ring. So, with that Layer selected, I'm going to press Ctrl T, Command T on the Mac, to Transform, and right click on it and choose Rotate. Then I'm going to hold Alt, Option on the Mac, click on that center pivot point, and drag that right to the center, right there. Then, hover over on top of it, Click and Drag that while holding Shift, and when you get to 90 degrees, release, press Enter. Now, you're going to press Ctrl Alt Shift T, Command Option Shift T on the Mac, and press that three times to Duplicate it in that same 90 degree angle. Then you're going to select top 1, hold Shift, select the bottom one to Ellipse, then Copy, Copy 2, and Copy 3—four layers, and press Ctrl J, and hold Shift, Click and Drag on the corner here to rotate and then press Enter when you have eight evenly-placed circles. Now click on the top one, hold Shift, click on Ellipse 1, press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac, to duplicate, and then Ctrl T to Transform and rotate that while holding Shift. And then, you're going to have something that looks like this. Press Enter, press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac, to Duplicate the last set of selected circles, and then press Ctrl T to Transform, hold Shift, and then go the other way one time. So, now, we have all these circles going around. At this point, if you want to get an extra set of circles that are going to go in-between these circles, you have to select all of them, so you can either stay where you're at, or select the top one, go all the way to the bottom one, hold Shift, press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac, and then Rotate that and sort of eyeball that right about there, and press Enter. Now you can select all these circles and just simply pressing Ctrl E, Command E on the Mac, to put that into one single layer. This is still a Shape Layer, so you can leave it as a Shape Layer if you want to. I'll just change the color or leave it at red; it really doesn't matter, because we're going to copy the Layer Style here. Hold Alt, Click and Drag, and release, and we're going to double click on it here to change the Bevel to down and the Fill Opacity to zero. You might, actually, want to add a color overlay, maybe, black, and leave it at, maybe, 27% because it will be a little bit darker in there. You could, also, come back into the Bevel, if you want, and adjust the size and shape, and how these little holes are going to look around that. I'll leave that up to you. I'll going to press OK now. Now, one thing I forgot to do on the earlier shape on the outer ring here with the grooves is to bring the Fill Opacity to zero, because I do want some of those colors to come through, but that might be a little too light, so I'm just going to increase the Fill just a little bit, so it's not as light, so, maybe, at about 25%. I'm going to Click and Drag this layer above the inner ring layer, even though it doesn't really make any visual difference. I just want to have it on top. It just makes more sense that way. So I'm going to click on this top one, click on the inner ring layer while holding Shift, press Ctrl G, Command G on the Mac, to put that into a group, and call this "Inner Group." An Ellipse Tool, make sure you have Path selected, and we're going to create the Path where our text is going to lie. So here at the bottom, we're going to have Photoshop Training Channel going in the bottom of the coin. So we have to think of where that text is going to lie, so I'm going to Click and Drag, while holding Shift and Alt, and think of where the baseline of that text will be. It will, probably, be somewhere around here, maybe, and I can come into the Text Tool and I'm going to use Adobe Caslon Pro. If you don't have that, you can use any other font that you like. Also, I'm going to capitalize all of the characters. So I'm going to click and just type in Photoshop Training Channel. Then, with the Move Tool, I'm going to just Click and Drag that text in here, and I'm using the Path Selection Tool, by the way. We just Click and Drag that text in, and then you'll see these icons throughout the text. Do you see that? There's one here, that's one there, so this is going to determine where my text is going to start from, and I wanted to start here, and go around, and this one, I wanted to end here. So this is, essentially, the start point and end point of the Path. So no text is going to go higher than this point in the beginning, and at the end, there's no text that's going to go higher. If you had more text or bigger text—let me increase the size—it will disappear, because we can't have any text going past that line that we set there. So I'm going to bring that back down, and adjust it accordingly. And, also, notice that I have the Center Aligned button down. If I had Left Aligned, it will align to this line here. But I want it centered, so I want to click that. And now that I'm looking at this, I think that my text is not going to be centered because there's a lot less space here than it is on the top, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select my Path. Press Ctrl T, Command T to Transform, and Scale that in, and my text disappear, because, now, I have less space. So what I'm going to do is just double click on here, press Ctrl A, Command A, to Select All, even text is not showing, and then just decrease the size of my font here to, maybe, 72 points, and now it all fits. Let me see if that's more centered. And, yeah, I'm still not 100% happy with how centered this is, so I'm going to select my path again, press Ctrl T. This tool here, the Path Selection Tool, select it, press Ctrl T, Command T, to Transform, and Scale that in just a little bit more, and press Enter. And now, I think, my text is more centered than it was before; so that's what we did. What we're going to do now is type more text on the top, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on the Ellipse Tool again, make sure I have Path, Click and Drag from the center, but remember that the baseline is going to match the top of the text we had before, and you'll see why, in a moment. So, just match the top of the text, release, click on the Type Tool, and you can type something like "Photoshop Coins," which is what we're creating. So this is the title of the tutorial—Photoshop Coins, and then, Photoshop Training Channel, the name of this channel at the bottom. And we're going to click on the Path Selection Tool here, and then find these icons that we can move around, so, then, this one here is going to go right there, and, actually, Click and Drag it out. Notice that there are three icons—this one on the left, this one here on the right, and this center icon there. So Click and Drag this one here, and, actually, they're icons, but they're more like handles. So think of these as handles—the start handle, the end handle, and the center one there. And now we have Photoshop Coins, Photoshop Training Channel here at the bottom, and notice that by aligning the path here on the bottom, now the text is centered and matches the curvature of the original font, because, now, it's facing up, not facing down. This is how we had it with the other one. Obviously, that would have worked, but if it's facing up, like so, then it matches. At this point I can select both of the text layers by holding shift and clicking them both, pressing Ctrl G, Command G on the Mac, put that into a group. If you have Photoshop CS6 or newer, then you can add Layer Styles to a group. If you don't, at this point, you can apply the Layer Styles to each individual Text Layer, or convert this into a Smart Object and then apply the Layer Styles. Since I have Photoshop CC 2015, which is, obviously, after CS6, I can apply a Layer Style to a group, which is what I'm going to do. So I'm going to click on the inner ring here, and I'm going to hold Alt, Option on the Mac, within the FX icon and drag it on to this Group 1, which is, actually, my text, and that's what I'll call it—"Text." So, now, this group has those Layer Styles, and I can bring down the Fill to zero, and I can click on the FX icon and adjust that level, and you know what? I may bring in just a little bit of that Fill up, just so the text stands out, just a little bit more. You can also decide to add a Drop Shadow if you want to, but I'm just going to bring the distance way down and the Size way down, as well, and the Opacity; so just a very faint Shadow that barely shows. And, I think, it does add a little more to the effect, and press OK. So now we have coin, the ornaments of the coin, and the text. The final thing that we're going to do is add the person that's going to go in the center of the coin. And, like everything else in Photoshop, there's a lot of ways of doing the same thing or similar things. I'm going to show you a very easy way, in case you're a beginner, and you don't have to follow all the steps, and then I'm going to show you the more difficult way for advanced users. So I'm going to open up the stock image of a woman, and you can use whatever face that you want. It really doesn't matter what face you're using. You don't even have to use a face if you don't want to. You can just put in a number or text inside of that circle that we're going to put the face in. But, anyway, first, like I said, I'm going to show you the easy way. So I'm just going to duplicate this layer, press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac, so we have a duplicate of the original, then go to Filter, Stylize, Emboss, and then you can Emboss this image until it looks like a queen would; so, maybe, something like this, maybe increase the amount just a little bit more, then press OK. Obviously, it has color, and we don't want that, so you can press Ctrl Shift U, Command Shift U on the Mac, or you can go into Image, Adjustments, Desaturate, shortcuts here—Shift Ctrl U. And we can use this as the face of our coin, and that's the easy way. Now let me show you a way that's a little more difficult, but you have a little more control, as I like to have control over the Effects I create. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate this original layer and press Ctrl J, Command J on the Mac, to Duplicate it, and I'm going to go into the Channels Panel, and I'm just going to look through all the channels and see what channel gives me the most Contrast; maybe the Blue channel. It will be different channels for different images, so just look through all of them and see what give you more contrast. You can duplicate that channel by clicking on and dragging it over to this New Channel icon, and we have a blue copy. Then go to Image, Adjustment, and Levels, and adjust your channel to have more Contrast, maybe something like this. Press OK. Now, this channel has a lot of detail, which is good for photos but not good for the effect that we're going to create. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to Blur it, but I want to try to keep the details and just blur these large areas; so one quick way of doing it is go in to Filter, Blur, Surface Blur, and Photoshop tries to blur out everything in the large areas here, and tries to keep some detail. So you can play around with the Threshold and the Radius and see what gives you the best result; so, maybe, 8 pixels and Threshold of 18 levels for this image. If you're using a different photograph, then just play around with it until you get something that looks like this. The values will be different for almost any photo that you use, then press OK. Now that we have this, I can rename this channel to anything I want, so I'll just call this channel "Face Coin" because it's going to be the face for the coin, and I'm going to Zoom Out, and I'm going to go back into the Layers Panel, and I'm going to create a new layer, and I'm going to fill that layer with 50% gray, and the easiest way of doing that is by going into the Edit menu, choosing Fill, and in Contents, choose 50% gray, and press OK. Now we have a layer with 50% gray. Then go into Filter, Render, Lighting Effects. Under Lighting Effects, there's an option that reads Texture, and you can select the channel that we created or one of the original ones. So select the one that you created, in my case it's called “Face Coin” and you get that effect there. And you can just select the different types of lighting, so, originally, I had Infinite, there's Spot, and Point, so, maybe, you can move this here, and Click and Drag on this icon to adjust the effect. So my light is coming from the top left, so maybe I want the top left to have more light, and adjust it accordingly; so maybe something like that. And you can adjust the Ambiance and find something that works for you; have Metallic all the way to 100%. For now, I'm going to leave these settings as they are because I think this will work for me, and all the brightest spot of my image is on this side of here, so something like this should work for me, then I'm going to press OK. Now that I have this, I'm going to make a mask out of it, but I'm going to start my mask with the original image. So I'm going to click on the Quick Selection Tool, increase the size of my brush by tapping on the right bracket key on the keyboard and clicking and dragging throughout her face and neck, just to make a selection out of her. And if I made a mistake like I did there, I can hold Alt, Option on the Mac, and subtract that selection. I can keep adding to it, and it seems like I'm having problems here in the hair, and it's okay. What I can do now is press Q on the keyboard, and with white, I can paint those pixels in and I'm using the Quick Mask. I'll just paint this in really quickly and it's okay if I go over the line. I can paint with black and hide those pixels, and I'm going to press Q again to bring back the Selection, and go back into the image we created there and add a Layer Mask. So now we have this here. What I'm going to do is I'm just going to click on this, select the Move Tool, click on the Layer, and Drag it over on to this tab. I'm going to hold Shift, and then release, place that in at the center. I can't see the corner handles, so I'm going to press Ctrl zero, Command zero on the Mac, to go into the bird's eye view, hold Shift, Alt, Click on one of these corner handles, and Drag down to the appropriate size, so, maybe, somewhere around here, and then press Enter, and I'm going to Zoom In. Then we need to create the Mask, so I'm going to click on the Elliptical Marquee Tool, click on the center here, hold Alt Shift, and try to match that inner circle as best as possible, so, maybe, here, and add a new group. This group is going to be called "Person" because that's a person on the coin, and add the Layer Mask to that group. Then you can click on the Person Layer. I'll call this one "Woman," just so we can have a different name, and Click and Drag it into that group. And, now, it hides the rest of the layer that was overlapping the rest of the coin. And the advantage of having the Mask in the group is that we can Click and Drag her around accordingly, so maybe you don't want her on the center, maybe you want her here on the side somewhere or anywhere that you want. For this tutorial, I'll leave her in the center here, and I'm using the arrow keys on the keyboard to center her a little bit better. Then I'm going to change the Blend Mode to Luminosity, and if your Luminance values are either too bright, too dark, you can adjust them by creating an Adjustment Layer, selecting Levels, clicking on this icon here, which turns it into a Clipping Mask. This down pointing arrow indicates that you're only affecting the Layer below it, in this case the Woman Layer, and you can adjust the Luminance values, and make them match the color of your coin, or the gray tones of your coin. So this is how you would get it to match the coin more accurately, so maybe something like this. At this point, we can start adding the color of our coin. Right now we have a silver coin, but maybe you want to have a gold coin. The way you would go about that is by creating a new Adjustment Layer and clicking on Hue and Saturation, Colorize, and make sure that you're using the Color Blend Mode, because we're going to use this Layer just for color. So I can, actually, rename this layer "Color" and, maybe, you want to make this into a gold coin, so I select a golden color, something like this, increase the Saturation, bring down Lightness. I can delete the Layer Mask, and with the main shape, we can control Command Click on the thumbnail, and then, on the Adjustment Layer for Color, click on the Layer Mask, now it applies only to the coin. If you want to control the Luminance values of the entire coin at the same time, just create a new Levels Adjustment Layer, change the Blend Mode to Luminosity, and I'm actually going to delete the Layer Mask, click on this Layer Mask, hold Alt, Option on the Mac, Click and Drag it, and you Duplicate it. So now, all the effects that I apply will only affect the coin. So, I can come in here and just make the coin brighter or darker in different areas. I think we're okay, so I don't need to make any adjustments. I just wanted to show you that option. By the way, you can also use a Curves Adjustment Layer. This time I'm just going to Ctrl Click on the Layer Mask thumbnail to make a selection, then go in to Curves, set that to Luminosity, and use Curves if you're familiar with Curves. I, personally, would probably use Curves instead of Levels, just because I prefer it. But if you're not familiar with Curves, Levels will also help you out. So levels are Curves, whatever you want to do. I'm going to delete the Levels layer in my case and I'm just going to call this Luminance, because this is taking care of my Luminance values and we can make adjustments to that as well. I'm, actually, going to just come in to my Luminance here and lead all those points and just Click and Drag and bring this one down. I think my coin was just a little too bright, so, maybe, something like this. It's still bright, but not as bright as it was before. Then I'm going to create a new layer. I'm going to click on the Brush Tool. I'm going to select a Soft Brush, something like this, make sure that the hardness is at zero percent. With the right bracket key on the keyboard, I'm going to tap that a few times until I have a large Brush, like so. Click right in the center. And, actually, I had black, but that's okay, I can press Ctrl I, Command I on the Mac, to Invert it to white. With that white brushstroke, I can switch the Blend Mode to a Linear Dodge (Add). Nothing will happen. It will look exactly the same, but if you double click on the side of the Layer here in the Layer Style window, and uncheck Transparency Shapes Layer, notice what happens. It looks brighter, hotter, and that's what we want. It looks more metallic. So I'm going to press OK. Now, with the Move Tool, I can place that anywhere I want to, and I want it right about here. And there's several Blend Modes that look different when you bring down the Opacity and the Fill. This is one of those Blend Modes. So if I bring the Fill down to 50%, check out how that looks. And, actually, just so you could see, I'm going to go to the History panel, create a Snapshot; Snapshot number one is Opacity of 50%. When we bring the Opacity back up to 100%, and the Fill to 50, create another Snapshot. So, this is what it looks like with Fill at 50% and this is what it looks like with Opacity at 50%. See the difference? The second one still looks hotter and brighter, and that's what we want to do. We want to use the Fill to adjust the brightness in this highlight. So, in my case, 31% looks good. I'm going to duplicate this Layer Mask. I'm going to hold Alt, Option on the Mac, Click and Drag it on to this Highlight. I'm going to create a new layer, and I'm going to do the same thing. I'm going to paint with white and I'm just going to shape that into a highlight, and put that right up here, so it's really bright. And, I'm also going to remove this checkbox here, so just a little hotter, probably, no real difference is pretty small. So, just place that into position, and, maybe, use the Smudge Tool, and smudge the edges, and a little bit, and that's our highlight. And I can, also, use the Fill to adjust it. So now we have these highlights. So I'm going to select both of these layers, put them into a group, Ctrl G, Command G on the Mac, Call it "Highlight," and now we have a highlight in our coin. And I'm actually looking at the coin now and I forgot to add one thing that's, actually, not really that important, but if I wanted to add it, it's not difficult. In the text group, I can add ornaments here on the coin, so I can go in to the Custom Shape Tool, for example, and if I select All and click OK, I can see all of my shapes, and there's different shapes that I can use to add ornaments to this coin, so maybe like this one here, for example, and make sure that you have Shape. I can come and add something that looks like this. And since I'm inside of this group, it will take that Bevel effect, because it's applied to everything inside of that group. With that selected, then I can hold Alt, Option on the Mac, Click and Drag to Duplicate it and place it on the other side. So, you can add all kinds of ornaments and things like that to your coin; anything that you find useful. And that's it for this tutorial. I hope that you enjoyed it and that you learned something new. If you have any comments or questions, leave them down below. Don't forget to subscribe and share this video with a friend. Thank you for watching and I'll talk to you again soon.
Channel: Photoshop Training Channel
Views: 255,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, Photoshop, Tutorial, Training, how to, CC, CS6, photography, graphic, design, Jesus Ramirez, PTC, PTCvids, Adobe Photoshop (Software), coin, currency, medallion, medal, metal, gold, silver
Id: 9xxygLJw0L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 8sec (2288 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2015
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