C4D Tutorial - How to make a Bitcoin using UV Mapping

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how's it going everyone and welcome to another awesome tutorial my name is nick and today we are going to be creating a bitcoin using cinema 4d octane and photoshop so the purpose of this tutorial is to learn the importance of um uv mapping and how useful it is in 3d product renders and other objects i'll go over on how to set up a uv map preparing the uv map in photoshop and we texture light and render the bitcoin in the end so the reason i was excited in the previous tutorial it was because of the photoshop component and how photoshop will play a huge role on this but most of the work we're also going to be doing in cinema 4d setting up the uv map so let's get the show on the road shall we so the first step into starting this tutorial is setting up the settings or the cinema 4d settings right uh so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the render settings here and i'm going to change it to octane render so then i'm going to change the width and the height to match 1080 by 1080 so already we got the setup and one thing i want to do as well is to uh increase the opacity of these borders so by pressing shift v we can go to view and then by going to the opacity and change it to 90 now now we increase the opacity on the borders now one other thing i want to do before i get started is set up an hdri so this is where the lighting comes in so i'm going to go to objects hdri environment go into the square box over here because if you don't then it's going to be blown out and then we're going to go to artist workshop that's usually my favorite one it gives pretty good lighting and then the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to grab a cylinder so this is where we're going to go and make the coin now the first thing i want to do is i'm going to decrease the height by dragging this down so i think this is like a at a pretty good level and then another thing i'm going to do as well is i'm going to press t to scale and then decrease the side by dragging it to the left and by cl going closer we can already see so i just want to make it almost to the same size of an actual coin so it's about like two inches so something like that is fine so right away when you look at this thing this thing is really jagged and we gotta fix that so we're gonna go to display grout shading so that way we can see our segments and our lines and our polygons uh and one thing i want to do before we make this editable is go to the height segments change that to one so this becomes one and then the rotation segments i'm going to make it into 150. you can go above 150 if you want if you want to make it more detailed you can go right ahead and do that i encourage you guys to play around with this thing because that's what learning is all about so it's about experimenting and having fun at the same time uh so i'm going to turn on my octane i'm going to fire this up and right away we're getting some really nice shadows just from this and i'm gonna change the direct lighting to patch tracing because i feel like you get more realistic lighting just from that and i'm just gonna change a few things from my render settings and i'm gonna change the max samples to like a thousand well not one but one thousand and then change the gi clamp to one as well then what i'm gonna do is i'm going to bring a plane and then i'm going to lower this so that way it's uh sitting below the coin and by pressing the middle mouse button you can change uh the view port just from that so you can go to perspective top right front and you can just easily press that middle click button to easily change uh to any uh view you want so i'm just going to go a little closer by pressing two and just doing that and voila now we have it planted onto the bitcoin now it doesn't have to be exact but i like to be precise on this stuff uh what we can also do is maybe increase the plane to like a thousand by a thousand maybe [Music] make this the width and the segments one and call this floor and then call this bitcoin cool so now i'm just going to change the perspective uh of the camera angle so that way we can just look at our coin right now it's just a white coin there's no texture on it whatsoever uh now usually once we make this editable you're gonna see what happens so by pressing c look at that this already made a uv map for us or a uvw tag uh so before we delete this thing let's just set up our coin before we start uh uv mapping this thing so what i'm going to do is press on polygons and you can see you can just like select the polygons but to do this a lot easier and quicker what we're going to do is we're going to press u and l so that way we can select things so much easier and i'm going to go a little closer so that way we can see what's going on and the first thing i'm going to do is select the two circles and the reason why is because i wanted i want to easily select this when i need to so i'm going to go to select set selection so like let's say for example oh uh now i need to you know i made a mistake like i need to go back to that to those circles i could just easily just double click or double left click and i'm already back so that's really good to have and now for the corners this is where we're going to bevel it so what i'm going to do is use the selection the loop selection tool to select everything and then by pressing i as a shortcut we can just go closer now if you have preserved groups on you're gonna get all of them at the same time however if you turn this off you can individually change one at a time so i think 0.1 is good i'm satisfied with that and because we have this already selected we're going to press m and s to bevel so now we have everything selected that we need to select and we can just bubble this thing just like that so now we're getting some really nice beveled corners for the coin and so here you go now we have uh untextured bitcoin now before i do anything i'm just gonna raise this a little bit just so [Music] you know it doesn't really go through the floor so now that we got our thing set up i'm gonna delete this uvw tag so what i want to do is i want to change the interface of this thing and make it so that we can have like a uv map uh workspace so what i'm going to do is go to layout and then go to bp uv edit so by going to bp uv edit automatically you have no uv whatsoever so this square right here is where all like this is called the uv island so once like you set up the texture over here then it's gonna appear here so what i'm gonna do is select this so see how it automatically selected that for us without having to like do that again we're going to go to this thing called paint setup setup wizard and look at this so now we have two check marks so what does that mean so when you set this up these two are going to be on the same uv island but we don't want that we just want the bitcoin so all we have to do is just check this off go next i don't really mess around with this so go next and over here i'm going to set this to 4000 by 4000 and then when we finish boom now we got a uv uv map i'm going to delete this texture uh so what i'm going to do as well just to like make a new texture so that you guys can see how i do this um so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to make a new texture by double clicking on the left corner click on this and then you see that x right over here i'm going to double click that and i'm going to choose like a red background i'm just going to make it a little darker so that way it's easier to see and already you can see that we have a background for the for the uv islands uh the thing is now we need to uh we need to color the polygon so that when we take this to photoshop we can edit it so one thing before we do that we can go to optimal mapping so that way we can play around with the um with the settings so i encourage you guys to like play around with this stuff get some different results and if you go to realign you just have to like keep applying so see because i don't want this to be in the corners and one thing you can also do is like let's say in the future you guys are working on a project whether it's like packaging or 3d product renders you can also choose these projections right here like box flat frontal so you get like different results but i don't want to do that i just want to go back to what i already have at the moment so if we go to our layers we have our background uh so here's what i'm going to do now so we're going to since we already have the polygon selected we're going to go to layer new layer we're going to call this uv map and then we're going to color by going to layer fill polygons we don't really want to mess around with this stuff but we do want to mess around with the coin itself so that's what we want to do so now that this is all set up we can go to file save texture as it's going to turn into a tiff and we can choose the file name we can call this bitcoin uv so this is good and yeah so now we can open up photoshop so let that load okay cool so now we're going to open uh choose our bitcoin uv and since we only focused on these that's what we're going to focus on the one thing i want to do is change the background to black so since i'm already in black and white if you want to restart it i think you can press d to like go back to the color so if i choose this and press d you see it goes back to black and white uh so just a shortcut for you guys if you want to like easily change a background or change any color whatsoever if you press alt and back that's how you can easily change your background so you don't have to like get the paint bucket tool and just splash that thing all over so it's just a lot easier and i'm going to call this bg for background uh so now what we need to do since we have this all set up for us so i'm going to file open cinema 4d cinema 4d we're going to go to personal projects let's go to 3d product cryptocurrencies reference okay so this is going to be our reference so you can find a lot of these images online if you guys are making cryptocurrencies and stuff like if you're planning on making any nfts you can just go on google and fight like uh try to find like a black and white version of a bitcoin uh but i'm also going to show you how to basically crop it out and like get it all set up so first thing i'm gonna do is unlock this call this bitcoin i can't spell bitcoin for the life of me okay there we go so now what i'm gonna do is i don't want this but i do want this coin so i'm gonna press c and changing the ratio to one to one square and then let's kind of bring this together now you can also delete the cropped cir pixels if you want but you can check this off in case like maybe you make a mistake so by holding alt and scrolling inside we can go a little closer i don't want this to be too perfect but just good enough okay cool so now i got it so now what i want to do is there's several ways you can remove a background so if you have the newest addition to photoshop all you really need to do is remove the background and it doesn't work for you just like that like it's like magic the ai is insane so if you don't have the new photoshop uh what i can do is show you various ways to go about it so you can just delete this so i can show you guys so what i want to do is i want to get uh some sort of layout or grid so that way you guys can see what's going on uh so that way you can easily use the marquee tool to like uh select everything else so by going to view new guide layout and already i have it set up so all i did is a two by two row and column i press okay i guess i'm going to eye that on this one so what you could do is basically hold alt and shift and just basically remove it like that so that's one way you guys can go about it uh you can also use the mag not the magic wand tool i wouldn't recommend that but you could use the quick selection tool as well so if you wanna click click on everything i wouldn't recommend this because look how difficult this is already just to try to remove a background so what i encourage you is just use the marquee tool set up the lines and then just easily take it out just like that so what i'm going to focus on is the one that i already just removed so what i'm gonna do is take this actually because you see that um you see that you see that line that was there before i have to remove delete the crop pixels so i'm going to do this again now remove the crop pixels i don't want to do that and just drag it by holding shift oops there you go so now i brought this here and now i'm going to align it to the uv island so i'm just going to align it properly [Music] by holding alt maybe move it here i'm also going to show you guys uh how to edit it and still like reload it in octane so that way like in case you like messed up you don't have to put too much time like doing it all over again so i'm gonna duplicate this by holding alt and shift and just bring it down here and also make sure that i align this properly as well yeah something like that uh but like i said for the tutorial purposes i'm kind of rushing this so uh if you want to take a lot of time to putting this together you may do so so i'm going to call this one bitcoin can spell bottom and then bitcoin top and the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to group these and call call them bitcoin coins and then the next thing i'm gonna do so just to get more detail out of this uh texture that we're making uh so i'm going to go to levels where's levels here here it is so i'm going to go to levels set it to the bitcoin and then i'm going to bring this down so that way we get more detail and then you can also do the wipe but if you do that you see those those lines you're starting to lose those so we don't want to lose those lines but we do want to make some parts darker than other parts so that way we can get more texture and detail from that and so i think we are set and we are ready to load this into our texture so photoshop photoshop and then uh yeah save it here and then now we can open up our cinema 4d again we can go back to our original layout and so you see these things we no longer need them no and i'm gonna fire up our octane over here and the next thing i'm to do is i'm going to make a octane material but i'm going to use a uh metallic so i'm going to set the metallic already now already like it's very reflective at the moment but don't worry we're going to fix that so we're going to go to the octane material call this bitcoin and then go to the node editor now i want to raise the roughness a little bit so that way it's not too too shy so 0.1 is fine and then what i can do is bring an image texture this is where we're going to set up our bump and this is why we made the uv map in the first place so by selecting the uv map and set the bump now you can see it's all set up and then maybe we can increase the roughness a little bit so that way we can see it a little better and look at that now we got our bitcoin i'm gonna like lower the reflection a little bit because this is way too much see here or the specular a little bit too oh yeah that's one way you guys can go about it and so i'm going to invert this thing because i like it to be inverted you could also do the displacement as well and do it that way as well so by making a copy by holding ctrl so if we go to displacement you can probably get like different results from doing this like see this is already looking insane so make this into 4k so something like this you can get like really different results so let's say if you want to see the difference so what i can do is go to store render buffer go back to this take this off and set that to the bump and then if we scroll now you can see like there's a huge difference here i i'm i think i like the bump a lot better i like the results of that so i'm going to keep that one thing i also want to do too is give a color so by going to the rgb spectrum and go to specular i want to change it to like a gold so maybe something something like this is totally fine uh and i also want to bring some fingerprints just to kind of give it a little bit of a more realism so by deleting this let's go to image texture let's go to roughness and then by going to the roughness channel i'm going to my textures real quick i'm just going to try to pick it pick it out really quick so here it is so yeah you'll get something like this and i think this is looking really gnarly so i'm i'm really liking how this came out and so i want to show you guys you know how to reload your texture in case like you mess up so you see this like i could probably improve that right so i can go to my photoshop file let's say i can go to the top one maybe move it right and move the bottom one as well maybe make it a little bigger right and so is the other one so maybe i what i can do is duplicate this just to save time and just align it accordingly something like that like i said i don't want to spend too much time but i'm going to show you this as an example so once you save it right now automatically you're not going to see the results but what you can do is you can reload and see you you see the difference so let me just turn this off so that's how you can easily change in case like if you mess up on something you can always go back to it and fix it so one thing i want to do also is to maybe not put too much fingerprints so what i can do is bring an octane gradient put this into the image texture now octane is not really friendly when it comes to like metal materials uh so you can solo this so what i do is i go to basic and i go to diffuse you're not gonna see anything but if i go solo now you can see the texture so what i can do is transform this a little bit so let's make it smaller so that we can see right like this so maybe something like that and then we can disable it let's go back to not specular metallic and see now we're getting a little bit of that shininess uh from this so i'm really liking that if you want to like do some trippy stuff you can also play around with the film the film uh film layer so you get some really trippy results just from doing this so if i want to like go 0.1.2 it's really cool stuff okay so i don't want to play around with this so i'm just going to keep it the way it is let's refresh this uh so now i'm gonna set my camera and then what i'm gonna do before i set it up i'm just gonna bring a cloners because i want to clone so many of these so i'm gonna go to cloner make make it into a child i make the bitcoin into a childhood cloner and then i'm going to do a honeycomb array make sure this is y and decrease this to like 20 by 20. i don't think we can see it where'd it go oh there they are okay so maybe i can make it to five by five uh maybe yeah something like that uh just give it a good angle so to get a really good angle for me what works best is to set the camera to telly and then just zoom back and then now you already have like a really good angle and you can always play around with the um with the cloner to get like different results and so hmm i think i like this but just want to make sure before i do anything um see it's not even touching the floor so what i want to do is set a protection so by going to rigging tags and protection now no matter what if i move around it's not going to affect the camera so i'm going to go back here go to the different viewport and go to gotta bring it down here so something like this is fine and then uh if you want to like change some stuff if you want to move the camera around you can also do this one thing i like to do to like really set a really good composition is by turning on the grid and also doing the goldings golden section and setting the crosshair uh or the crosshair and just setting it like this is really good and just playing around with the settings so something like this is really good and let's say if i wanna like rotate the um the hdri you can also do that as well so i think i think this is fine uh yeah so if we lower our camera then things are oh wow that's weird i don't know how that increased so i think this angle looks perfect let's try to zoom in a little bit just so we can get more focus on the coin and let's focus on that individual coin itself and then what we can do is put this back in case we mess up uh change the f-stop so see as i change the f-stop this is going to blur everything else so what i want to do is focus on this but i want to increase the f-stop to maybe four or five or maybe even eight because i don't want to blur it too much like a different angle now that is looking really good i'm really liking this so far um okay so now what i also want to do is uh give texture to the plane so what i'm going to do real quick just not to put a lot of time into it i'm just going to bring an octane glossy material and then bring the diffuse to like a black so something like this and then just go to the roughness get an image texture real quick uh set the roughness and then bring like i don't know let's bring a fingerprint out too and now it's starting to look really good and instead what we can do with this one is make this into a box and then if we solo this then we can see this a lot better and we can uh bring down the scale i don't know if you guys can see this but you can see like we're we're affecting the scale just like that so that's already looking really gnarly i'm really liking how this is coming out very satisfied uh the next thing i'm going to do uh this is usually where the form parts usually begins is when we enable uh the enable the camera imager and then the post processing and i love giving this a lot of bloom just just to give it a lot of light and maybe increase the glare amount to maybe four and increase the blur a little bit by maybe like 0.03 and also the cut off is really good too if you don't want too much uh bloom so maybe like 0.1 or 0.2 is usually how i mess around with this stuff and then for the response you can really play around with this stuff uh there's a lot of like cool selections here like this one in particular is usually my go-to but if like let's say i want like something different like this one looks really good as well so you can play around with this stuff and you can also change the specular color so like let's say you want more of that specular and then if we reload but then you also want to change that color maybe make it more orange so we can do that something like that looks really good all right and so before we render this out i'm going to go to my settings again go to save uh turn this into a 16-bit channel because we want to make this high quality and then let's go to i'm just going to put it on downloads for now because this is a tutorial and i'm just going to call this bitcoin tutorial i don't want to replace it but let's make it 01 so i'm going to put this here then we're going to render it now you can also increase the settings here if you want so for example if you want to max samples of a thousand six hundred you can do so if you want to spec a spec specular depth of 16 you can make that into 20. but like i said the lower the the numbers the faster the render so just to keep that in mind and then if we render this out there you go so not only did you just learn how to uv map we also played around with photoshop and how to prepare the uv uh itself and then we brought it back into cinema 4d set it up into octane render and we played around with octane render just to get different looks and i'm loving it like this is really cool i had a lot of fun putting this together again so like i said i hope you guys learned something from this uh tutorial thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and i hope you guys have an awesome day take care you
Channel: Nick Kyriazopoulos
Views: 5,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinema 4D, C4D, C4D Tutorial, Octane, Octane Renderer, Octane Tutorial, UV Mapping, Texturing, HDRi, Adobe, Photoshop, Photoshop Tutorial, 3d, art, design, render, animation, cgi, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, dogecoin, crypto, blockchain, btc, NFT, NFT Art, Crypto Art
Id: J1xr8Hj_bFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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