iPhone X 3D Model - Cinema 4D Tutorial (Part 1)

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[Music] hey what is up guys Eli for mow box graphics calm in this video we will be modeling the iPhone 10 or iPhone X as most people called by now and by doing that we will be covering a lot of different techniques so let's get started the easiest way to do this is actually searching a blueprint image of the iPhone on Google Images for example and we will be using that as a reference background in cinema 4d to set up this image as the background you need to open the different panels in the viewport and let's start with the front panel for example you need to go to the options menu and then go to configure and then the back tab which could be open by default you have to go to the image field and just enter the image of the blueprint let's also increase the transparency so it is easier to see the geometry we will be making let's also do the same thing on the other views but I'm going to speed it up for you okay when that is done let's start and use the front view and we will be making the overall base shape of the iPhone which is the front-facing image so what we can do now is actually using a rectangle spline instead of a cube and you'll see why later so let's get that one and you can see the image at the background isn't exactly centered with the rectangle and it is easier to keep your geometry Center to the scene and just move the image behind it so what we can do again is going in the options and go to configure and here at the offset you can change the position of the backgrounds so let's make sure it's kind of centered with the cross in the middle of the screen so when that is done we can go back to the rectangle and scale it so it fits the rough shape of the iPhone because we were using the rectangle instead of a cube it is really easy to get these rounded corners you can just select the rounding option down here and adjust the radius until it fits the drawing 35 centimeters seems alright for this one in the perspective view you can see it is just a line right now but we want this to be a solid shape which we can do by going up here and using the extrude object and dragging the rectangle inside of it now by doing this we also have the nice feature when we go to the extrude object itself you can go to the caps tab and you can swap the regular cap for a Filat cap on both options that way we have nice rounded edges right now it is not smooth enough to be like an iPhone but we can do that by adding some steps on both sides something like five will do and then we need to increase the radius as well something like ten centimeters seemed to work pretty well for me now if we go back to the front view you can actually see the iPhone got bigger one thing we need to do to fix this is checking the constraint option down here this will stop it from growing but on the other hand on the right side you can see it is also getting quite thick so when we decrease the radius you can see it is actually shrinking this makes it kind of hard to make it exactly as deep as the image on the background but first we will need to set up this image anyway so let's go back to the options and configure and we will be using the offset values to make it overlap each other so right now you can see this actually way too big so let's go back to the object type of the extrude object that we will be decreasing the extrusion to something more like probably even three centimeters or something so let's see when we move the background image back in place I guess this will do for now another thing I want to do before moving on is going back to the extrude object going in the caps tab and we will also be checking the create single object so when we make it editable later it is just one single object instead of the caps being a separate object of the shape itself okay last thing I want to do now is setting up the top image which should be just moving the background image as the scale of the iPhone should be alright right now so let's do that okay now could be a good time to make the object editable by pressing C and you should end up with just one object the next thing I want to do is making the extrusion on the screen or the inner extrusion to be correct so what we can do is using the polygon mode and selecting this front polygon that you can see there is an inner line right here which is the actual outline of the screen so what we can do is pressing AI for the inner extrude tool and making an extrusion all the way so it hits the top line here at the knotch so what I would like to do now is cutting out the notch this can be done by using the knife tool which can be accessed by pressing K and K again and you can keep the visible only option turned on and I'm going to start the cut right here at this point so the intersection of the notch move down while holding shift and try to make it line up with this horizontal line click again hold shift again make it line up with the vertical line right here click again and make it end while holding shift again at this top line now you can press escape to anti cutting and it should be just like this right now the next thing to make the curves that these sides here is going to the point mode and select both the bottom points by holding shift right click and use the bevel tool and when we increase these subdivisions it should be quite smooth like this so 5 seems to work pretty well for us now let's also select these 2 points at the top and this curve will not need to be so big so we can use a smaller offset for this one you maybe also want to select the limit option so it isn't intersecting with the other curve okay so that is done now but in the perspective view you will notice there isn't actually anything visible of the screen but we already made the cut so when we are adding the screen material and so on it will be a lot easier for the next step we will be adding the buttons and the cutouts for the buttons so they are actually inside of the iPhone and not just laying on top of it the easiest way to do this is actually using the bull objects I know it is not very popular by modelers because it often creates some weird geometry in the polygons but for this it seemed to work quite fine because it is just a rounded cube so let's already drag the X through it inside of the blue and now let's start by creating our first button I'm going to do this at the right side here so what we can do is actually using another rectangle spline and try to line it up with the image you will see it is not perfectly centered so you might need to move it a little to the center of this polygon and we also need to scale it down a lot of course and when you're done you can check the rounding option again and try to increase the radius to its maximum value so that's to perfect rounded ends also a quick tip to keep the polygons around the button smoother when we will be cutting it out it's making sure the rectangle is inside of a polygon so you want it to be rather close to the left side of the line here instead of the right side of the line okay let's go ahead and make this a solid object by using the extrude object again and drag the rectangle inside of it and you'll see there's some kind of sketchy extrusion going on it seems to go sideways even so what you need to do is going in the extrude object and let's remove these 20 centimeters on this side and I guess this only 1st value you can make it large enough because this will be the cutout object so not the button itself so what we could do now is making a group already with the extrusion inside of it and drag it under the bool objects we also need to make sure the iPhone is above the extrusions of the buttons let's also rename this so we know what this is and if we move the rectangle back in a little you will see we have a nice cutout I place this extrusion inside of this no because a bool object will only calculate the intersection between the first and the second object so if we added 10 buttons under this it would only cut out the first button but if we place it in a group it looks like one object for the bool so what we could do now is going back in the side view and just duplicating this extrusion to the bottom so it overlaps the second button you can also see there are a lot of lines and this makes it a lot harder to see what we are doing so go to the bool object and we want to hide the new edges you can also check the create single object for later on and maybe even create fun breaks at intersections okay there was someone more cutout at the top here but this one is a little smaller so what we could do is duplicating one of these buttons to the top and we will go inside of it to change the rectangle its shape which will need to be a little smaller at all so the ends don't need to be perfectly rounded just a little less so I guess two centimeters works for this one so let's take a look at the perspective and that seems to work pretty well you can see there are some rough edges right here but we will see if we need to fix them later on it is the best option to add all the cutouts and then see if we need to smooth out some things now we want to add the actual buttons which can be done by just copying this cutouts group and paste it outside of the boo we will also rename this two buttons of course and you can already see the buttons but we want them to be just a little smaller so we can see a gap right here so let's do that individually by going to the rectangle itself and decreasing the size by something like 1 centimeter I guess we can also do this with the other one as well and move them together so they are exactly lined up with each other and the last thing we need to do is going to the extrude object of it and going to the cab's option so we can add a fill at cap let's also make sure we add the constraint option and I guess for these it is the end cap which we need to modify yeah like this so we can even reset the original start cap right now this glitched because of the big radius so let's decrease that to something like 1 centimeter and we will use 2 steps to make it a little smoother that looks like some nice buttons for now let's do the same thing with the extrusion at the top here but this one is a switch another button so we need to make it a lot smaller so let's go and make it something like 2 or 3 centimeters I'm also going to move this in again and also move it to the side so it is switched to one side of course make it less tall one centimeter seems alright and of course we need to add the end cap don't forget to check the constrain option and for this one because it is such a small switch we can even use a value of 0.3 for the radius and also add two steps to make it smoother so that is how we can make some buttons on the iPhone I am going to do the same thing on the other side but to do that we need the reference image again but you don't have the left side set up already so I guess the right side is done for now so I'm going to switch the camera to left and also change the offset of the background image so it overlaps the left one okay so I'm going to do the same thing with this button right here on the left side and I will speed this up because it's just the same technique okay so that is that bottom right here you also have something that looks like a button but it isn't this is actually the sim card slot so it's just flush with the whole body and we only need some kind of edge cutout on this line right here we can do that by creating another rectangle and resize it so it fits the image also enable the rounding but we are not going to extrude this one we will try to make this line to be a solid shape itself so with a cutout in the middle as well the easiest way to do this is adding another rectangle and scale it down until it is small like this and now when we add a sweep object and place those two rectangles inside of it we can take a look and see if it works and you might have something that looks like this which is not correct that's because we need to find the small rectangle so that's the upper one and we can set the plane orientation to something like XY to make it work that looks like this we were still a little large so I'm going to scale down this top rectangle even more also you don't want it to be uniformly skilled you want the height to be quite large so it is deep enough to cut out the shape and the width can be really thin so let's drag this under the cutouts and move this rectangle in a little so we can see what is cutting out and it seems alright I'm going to scale down this top rectangle even a little more so it's really thin and I guess that looks alright I also feel like it isn't perfectly centered so that is also something I'm going to fix by selecting the buttons and the extrusions and the cutouts now let's take a look in the side view I'm going to play some something more like this that looks better one last thing we need for the sim card slot is a small hole at this spot this is an easy one and can just be done with a small cylinder which we will rotate and scale down and then we can put it in the cutouts group okay so that are the sides one last thing we need to cut out is the bottom which will have the charger ports and the speaker grille so for that I'm going to change the top view to the bottom view so go to cameras and bottom and I'm going to change the offset of the background image again something like this so let's start with these small holes right here on both sides as you could expect these are some cylinders again so let's drag one on there to define the shape and the size and after that we will create a cloner object and drag that cylinder inside of it and we can keep the linear mode and we need six of them for each side so let's set it to six and I'm going to drag the first one in place right here and right now it is making steps in the y-value so we can't see it in this view it's going up the phone instead of to the right so let's turn this back to zero and we wanted to move on the x-value I guess and just play with the values until it fits over the circles seven point five is the value I will be using so now I can just duplicate this cloner to the other side and it will also fit just fine while we're at it I'll also create some cutouts where the screws will go right here next to the charger so I'm just going to duplicate one of these cylinders place it on top and maybe even scale the below and also drag one to the other side let's make sure we also drag them inside of the cutouts group like this and let's take a look if it works we need to drag it to the bottom of course like that and now we have some nice cuts down here one last get out we need SD charger port which will also be a rectangle again so scale it down and a T rounding on the corners again make sure your radius is set to the maximum value and we can use an extrude object again so we can place a rectangle inside of it and making sure the extrusion is going in the right direction like this let's drag it under the cutouts again and the actual charger hole has this kind of rim around it that makes your connector stuck inside of it so it doesn't escape and we will be doing that by it selecting this last rectangle we made and copy it and paste it outside of the boule again and we will be making a sweep on this again so let's get another smaller rectangle it can be really small again also make sure it is in the right orientation - on the XY orientation I guess this the XZ orientation I need we can also add some ground into it because it is a soft shape and now that's at the sweep object again and drag both of these rectangles inside of it and we should have something that looks okay let's see if I need to rotate this small rectangle and you can see the X Y value gives the best result again I'm also going to increase the radius a little so it is even softer I think point three is a good value for this and now we need to drag it in place so it actually fits in the charger port of course we also need to scale this down a little I forgot that one last thing we can do at the bottom here is adding the screws right here what I'm going to do is using these cylinders we used for the cutout so let's find these back again and I'm going to duplicate them outside of the boo we can also scale these down a little in the height so it isn't that at all anymore and I'm also going to add a fill it on this gap so it is more rounded like a screw is the radius can be a little less rounded so it is still somewhat flat like this okay so what we can do now is selecting both of these cylinders and group them together and place them inside of a pool object so we can make this kind of star shape a test inside of it we can do that by going up here and selecting a star spline and I will also need to set the X Y value to X Z I guess let's go to the bottom of you to make sure it actually fits we can already Center it to this cylinder here and I'm going to scale it down quite a lot so it fits and of course it doesn't need to be this sharp I'm also going to decrease the points to something like five points and we can increase the inner radius something like this let's scale it down even more now we need to add an extrude object again so we can make it a solid shape make sure it is extruding in the right direction and now we can drag it under that new bool object we also need to drag it down a little so it intersects with that cylinder and I also need to change the order inside of the bowl to make it work let's make sure it isn't going too deep because a screw isn't like that and I'm also going to make a group of this by pressing LNG so I can make a duplicate of this star inside of it and drag it to the other side of the bottom so this way we have two screws with the star shape inside of it okay we are getting real close now some of the last pieces we need are around the camera at the front and the camera at the back we need to cut out the shape for the speaker grille right here and also for the front camera it is just the same technique again we will be using a rectangle for the speaker with some rounding on it and put that inside of an extruder object now make sure it is inside of the cutouts group we've made earlier and I'm also going to make sure it isn't cutting as deep as this another thing I'm going to do is duplicating this extrusion outside of the cutouts and make it a lot less tall so I can apply a texture on this later on the next cutout we needed was the camera which is this little circle right here next to the speaker on the right of course this will be just another cylinder again and we will also put this under the cutouts group again make sure it isn't going too deep or decrease the height of this cylinder it also looks like my camera is mirrored or something because the camera hole is at the left right now while I did it at the right right here and that is because on this front projection something seems to be wrong because these buttons at the right here should be at the other side I hope this didn't happen for you but what I'm going to do is just change this camera from front to back to fix this I know the name isn't corresponding with the actual view but then this fixing this for me right now so let's remove the cutouts right now and that is much better I'm also going to duplicate this cylinder outside of the boule again and I'm also going to apply some lines on this we can see what I will be modeling and what I actually want to do is making this cylinder editable so I can select all these front polygons that make an inner extrusion like this move it in a little so we get this kind of dome effect and now make another extrusion outwards again which will represent the lens of course and with the battle tool we can make some rounding on this to make it look something like a lens maybe I will even undo this and move it in a little again before making the bevel so it isn't a stall like this for the other sensors you can see at the front here I will just use some disk objects which we can do in this front U or back view as it is called in mind and just put them in place and scale them down until it fits before moving on we need to make sure they are actually on top of the iPhone instead of inside of it and that is all the modeling we need to do for the front I also see the notches cut out at the wrong side in my case so I'm just going to select that base shape under label objects and I'm actually going to merge these new polygons we made together again to get rid of it and I will just redo it on the other side so these are basically the same steps as we saw earlier in the video okay so I quickly fix this for my model let's go ahead and make this back camera and wrap things up I'm going to change this bottom camera to the back camera I guess I will need to set it to the front camera in my case but for you it should be the back camera and I'm also going to change the offset again of the image and once again we can start off with a rectangle young dragon in place resize it and add some rounding on it now we can place this under an extrude object again and let's go in the perspective view to see what is going on we can add a fill at cap on this and also make sure the constrain tag is selected again and this time we will not select create single object because I want the caps to be separate you will see why in just a second the fill it seems to be all right if you look at the front view or the back view in your case you can see the line is matching the drawing let's check beside you and make sure it is not sticking out too much maybe it also doesn't need to fill it Kappa see this just a straight line so I'm actually going to disable it again and make sure it is tall enough again now let's make this object editable and search for that front cap so in my case cap 1 I'm going to select this front polygons that make an inner extrusion to fit the drawing like this and maybe we can just move this little outward so there is some kind of bevel to it and now so now we can start and make the holes for the camera and at the lenses inside of it let's go to this view again and add a cylinder again rotate it so we can put it on top of these circles the center one is a little smaller let's group these and we will need a new bool object for the camera drag this extrusion which is the camera and the nunal inside of the bool object I'm going to select create single object began hi new edges and we need to change the order again now we have a cutout for the lenses for the lenses I guess it is just the easiest to just find this one at the front and copy and paste it so we can rotate it around and put it in place for the centerpiece it will just be the flesh so I will search the cylinder we used to make the cut out and paste it outside of it and this will be texture later on to be the flash object okay one last thing before adding the materials to this is making some cuts on the sides so we can apply the antenna material on them so I'm going to search for that base objects in the extrusion I'm going to call it lazy and do you want to select all these polygons at the side also on the other side now in the back or front view you can go ahead and look here and we only want them to be selected up to this second black line so what we can do under the live selection tool is these selecting the only select visible elements and while holding ctrl or command D select the polygons we don't need and also do the same thing on the other side okay what we can do now is press in K and L for the loop cut make sure restrict to selection is turned on and now we will make some cuts where the antenna line should be let's also do the same thing on the bottom this way we have the geometry to apply the materials on let's also quickly fix this right here and that way we made it to the end for the iPhone model I hope it wasn't too confusing because I switched the front and back view but I hope that didn't happen to you if you want to see how to setup the materials for this iPhone and the lighting studio to make look like shown on the Apple images that make sure to check out the second part of this tutorial I will see you there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MOBOX Graphics
Views: 107,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion graphics, after effects, mobox, after effects tutorial, after effects animation, animation, iphone x 3d model, 3d model, free 3d model, free iphone x, iphone x, iphone model, iphone 3d model, model, 3d, cinema 4d, cinema4d, maxon, free cinema 4d, after effects 2018, free iphone model, iphone 3d cinema 4d, how to model iphone, how to model, how to 3d model, apple iphone model, apple iphone 3d model, how to model apple iphone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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