Blender Day 2 - Editing Objects - Introduction Series for Beginners

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okay guys so now that we understand the very basic  of this software like how to create objects and   transform them i think we can move on to the  next chapter which is creating your own custom   3d objects now before we start making models  it's important to understand what these models   are made of so i have this monkey head suzanne  in front of me and i'll just go into edit mode   and let's discuss what these models are made of in  entertainment industry all the models are made of   polygons okay now these polygons are made of four  edges and four vertices and you can select them   and manipulate them shape your model according to  your need and a face could be three vertices as   well but it's important and it's a very standard  practice to keep your model in polygons to keep   the topology very clean and for the calculation  of many other processes like skinning and uh   shading and all okay and also one more thing i'll  just enable normals from here you can see each of   these faces have one normal assigned to it okay  for the construction of a polygon vertices and   edges are used and that is what we will be dealing  with most of the time but the normals are actually   are used for shading purpose like uh to  calculate the direction of the face each face   have its own normal and it's in the direction it's  perpendicular to the faces direction you can see   all the faces have a normal assign to it even  the vertices have normals you can change this   to like vertices or edges but you don't need  to actually deal with the normals right now or   at the later stage when we are modeling it just  to make you understand that the construction of   the face or the 3d model what all goes into  it okay so to access the vertices and edges   you need to go into edit mode first like right now  we are in object mode and in object mode you can   create new objects like this but once you select  any object and go to the edit mode you can no   longer select other objects or until you are done  with the editing and you you will have to exit the   editing mode and go back to the object mode okay  and the shortcut to enter the edit mode is tab   you can press tab go to the edit mode and tap to  exit again i'm going to delete these two models   i'll press tab and go to the edit mode and i'll  select this vertex now just like in object mode   all your transformation commands work in edit  mode like you can press g and you can move it   into any direction you want you can select  you can select multiple vertices or faces   and edit them i can uh make it uh look  like a mojo jojo from powerpuff girls   i'm just uh trying to explain uh it's not that we  are modeling anything right now so you can use all   your transformation commands like even the local  global snapping options everything just like how   you work in the object mode you can use all those  commands in editing mode okay all right and to   to select a vertex in editing mode you  will have to press one and you can see now   when vertex mode is uh selected if you press do  this will change to the edge mode so now when you   click on the mesh it will select edges okay and  if you press three it will select the entire face   so one is for vertex two for edge and three for  face okay like i said a phase could be three   vertices as well but it's a standard practice for  a good topology you will have to practice how to   keep your model in polygons okay and we will  talk about the methods in some other chapters all right i'm going to create some very basic  geometry now so that you understand how to how   to transform these vertices or edges or create new  faces make your own custom shape so i have this   box i'll go to the edit mode press tab to go to  the edit mode and select 3 press 3 to select faces   now what i want is i want to extend this box and  create maybe a shape like tetris so to extend this   geometry i'll press extrude the short command is  e on the keyboard simply press e and move it in in   the direction where you want to extrude okay press  e again and move this up now you may be wondering   why we have created three subdivisions that is  because we cannot extrude a face anywhere we want   okay there should be some provision for it now you  can see there are four edges available here so i   can extrude this one and make one tetris like  shape now if i just make a cube and if i extend   this in z direction and now if i want to make a  tetras like shape select this one in extrude it   will extrude the entire uh the face okay we need  some cuts over here uh like i said some provision   for a mesh so you will have to keep this in mind  whenever you're modding something you will have to   plan your mesh it's not very complicated thing  you will get used to it maybe in a day or two   so e is for extrusion and this command is  available over here extrude let's say you have   cube and uh it doesn't have any subdivision you  want to add few subdivisions now to do that you   will have to press ctrl r on the keyboard so you  can see now i have this highlighted edge right   in the middle of two loops one is the on the top  and one is at the bottom so in whichever direction   you want to create a loop click to confirm it and  then after that drag where you want the loop to be   you can either place it over here and then  press ctrl r again to place one another loop or   you can simply press ctrl r and before  confirming scroll your mouse wheel upwards   for to assign the number of subdivisions you want  sorry to assign how many number of loops you want   scroll wheel up to add more loops scroll wheel  down to decrease the number of loops so now we   have two loops in the center and now we can create  another shape okay this command the loop cut is   available over here if you want to access it from  the toolbar but like i said it's always better to   work with the shortcuts because it's not effective  at all to work with the mouse so you can see if i   click over here and add a loop cut and then  i'll have to go to this menu to increase the   number of edges and adjust the parameters which  is very time taking i would suggest you just   press ctrl r uh you can remember it like r is  for ring okay it creates an entire ring ctrl r so this is much easier all right now one more  command i want to discuss i'll go to the edit mode   and let's say i want to give some chamfer to  these edges okay like a bevel i want to make   this one look like it has some working  radius so what i can do is i can select   let's say these faces with the help of  shift and if i press ctrl b and drag it will   make this nice bevel on the edges now if i scroll  the wheel up it will make the bevel smooth and add   more subdivisions to confirm simply click again  now you can see your model have this nice radius   on the top edges i'll make a duplicate again like  any other object you can delete the face with the   help of delete simply press delete on the keyboard  and choose faces if you want to delete edges   then it's going to delete the edges which are  selected okay and if you delete these edges   then uh it's going to delete these one as well  because uh the edges can't be just in the air   or the loose okay it has to be connected  it's a very easy process to delete a face and there are many other options available like  dissolve vertices dissolve edges dissolve faces   let's say if you want to delete these edges  but you do not want to make a hole over here   if i delete edges now you can see it makes a hole  but instead if i press delete and dissolve edges   you can see edges have disappeared but it has  created a different face and covered the german   so it's disconnected it's not ideal geometry but i  think you understand the concept okay so i'm going   to delete all these objects now now let's talk  about the smooth modifier all right uh before i   talk about other tools in the object editing mode  i just want to explain uh how the low polygon   geometry works with the smooth modifier so that uh  you you know how to plan your mesh let's say if i   have a queue all the time we will be creating uh  objects in the low polygon uh very low resolution   of mesh you do not want to make your geometry  way too smooth so that you know it looks good   but it's not going to work for the animation if  it's too heavy to do that what we use is we use   smooth modifier it's called subdivision surface in  blender now if i apply this subdivision surface uh   remember i'm in uh modifier properties over here  in the generate select subdivision surface so   what it does is uh it subdivides the geometry if i  disable this now you can see in the wireframe like   e there are total uh one two three four five six  faces uh six polygons okay but if i switch this on   it pulls all the edges and the faces towards each  other and makes it smooth and adds a subdivision   in between okay like each of the fees have now  four if i increase the number of subdivisions this   one viewport it's going to add more subdivisions  and make the geometry more smooth i think two is   enough for most of the time we are dealing with  geometry we will talk about this in detail later   but we will talk about how to make your meshes  smooth uh as we proceed further okay so i'm going   to delete this now so now i'm going to create  a let's say a spoon or maybe a clock or maybe   a table and uh let's just have a look at different  objects around in the room and try to imagine the   construction of these objects how the wireframe  of these objects are going to look like in 3d   so if i take a spoon and try to imagine this in  wireframe this is what it's going to look like now this is just for your own planning you do not  have to do this every time and you will get used   to this and the more you practice 3d modeling so  now i'll try to apply this construction method   and go to the edit mode i have a simple cube in  front of me i'll select this face scale this down   like this all right now we are creating spoon  what i want is i can go to the wireframe   go to the vertex mode and uh stretch these over here and scale them down  like this but what i want is i want some geometry   like this like this so to do that what i would  need is i need i would need some points over   here some points over here maybe extend this  all the way till here so i'll select these   and place them over here and i'll press ctrl r  and create three subdivisions okay i'll click to   confirm now press b and select these vertices  and scale them up like this and select these   scale them up like this select these  and scale them up again like this okay   now i need some subdivision over here as well so  that i can form this side of the mesh and also the   handle of the spoon i'll press ctrl r and scroll  wheel up and place them right in the middle click   to confirm and i'll press b and select these two  move them over here now i can select these two and   move them into x direction now i can press three  on the keyboard sorry three select this phase and   extrude it like this now you can scale this down  and press e to extrude again scale this down   press e to extrude again and scale this up like  this press e to extrude again and scale this up   okay if i go to the solid mode now and i'll  just uh so you will see now we have a very basic   geometry which looks like a spoon but we need some  dent over here so i'll go to the wire mesh again   and i'll select all these sorry go to the  vertex mode i'll select all these faces   or vertices and move them into z direction  like this all right and if you'd like you   can add one more subdivision over here to  smooth it out maybe you can select these one it's something like a bend okay and select this you know this shape of  the spoon and uh this is just to clear   out the concept so now i have just enough  points so that if i use the subdivision   surface now this will smooth out my entire  geometry and if i increase the subdivision   to 2 now you will see this does look  like a spoon okay if you want to edit   this further to tweak the shape you can  press sorry i'll switch on the overlays so now you can see when you are into  edit mode and subdivision modifier is on   all the edges the construction edges are  like what we see in the edges and vertices   and how these are like to create the geometry  smooth all the edges are getting pulled towards   each other and because of that what is happening  is uh we do not have any sharp corners and uh to   deal with this we will have to create a more dense  mesh at the corners okay so that when we apply   subdivision modifier so the the edges which are  closest to each other will not get pulled apart   too much it will create a sharp corner to clear  that out i am going to create one cube over here   if i apply a subdivision modifier  now you see our entire cube have   a very smooth looking geometry but if i go to  edit mode and select these four edges and if i   bevel this one with the help of control b now  you'll see this area is round but this area   is much sharper and have a flat surface that  is happening because all these four edges like   these uh these dense edges actually are like so  close to each other and have enough strength to   hold the mesh tightly like if the two faces are  two edges are very far from each other when you   apply a subdivision modifier they become round but  if the two edges are very close to each other they   don't get pulled apart too much and create very  sharp corners and by default in blender you see   all these geometry faces okay in the shading mode  if you want to create your smooth geometries you   will have to now to make this one smooth simply  press space bar and type smooth shade okay   once i click smooth shade you'll see i can no  longer see the faces if you want to show faces   then type shade flat this is just so that you  can see the construction of the mesh but when   you are rendering you will have to apply a shade  smooth it's not any modifier just a shading method   you can also change this from over here from  the object menu smooth shade smooth and shade   flat to understand this more i'll create one cube  over here and apply a subdivision surface create   two subdivisions okay scale this up and if i go  to edit mode now let's say i'll create one uh edge   over here and slide this right about right just  like right here and i'll delete these faces sorry now let's say i want to  create something like a hat i'll isolate this with the forward slash on number  pad i'll bring one loop with the help of control r   click to confirm and uh just drag this right over  here now i'll select this face and extrude it okay   now what i want is you can see this area is  actually like smoothed out and i wanted this   edge to be like much sharper over here so that i  could see a nice shape of the hat right now it's   getting all mixed up if i select this entire loop  it's important to select the entire loop because   otherwise it will not form the geometry in the  polygons if i only bevel this one now select   this entire loop you can see in the wire mesh i  have all the four edges selected now if i press   ctrl b and decrease these number of segments and  only bring it to one now click to confirm now i'll   press the space bar and shade smooth you can  see this one now have very uh sharp looking   shape over here unlike before so keep this  in mind when you're creating something   uh you will have to plan like uh the first thing  it shouldn't be unnecessarily heavy it should   just have enough surf uh faces so that once you  apply smooth modifier it will give enough control   so that you can manipulate your mesh for the  animation for the rendering process i mean all   these things right now will sound too much but  once we do a quick marathon of you know creating   maybe 5 or 10 objects you will start to understand  these concepts much more clearly and that is what   we are going to do after we discuss the initial  tools in editing mode will create maybe 5 or   10 objects to clear out how to work with the  meshes now i'll press forward slash again in   the outliner you can see i have all these objects  if this is confusing i can just double click and   rename it maybe this one spoon and this one  into i can make this one into mug okay i can   press extrude and scale it down like this for now  i'll just uh leave it as it is now before we get   into the details of editing tools it's important  that we discuss the selection methods because uh   one mesh is made of so many vertices and it's very  inconvenient to select one like multiple vertices   at a time manually so there are selection options  available in blender or any other 3d softwares to   work with the complex geometry to clear it out  i'll just quickly hide these ones and in the   center now i'll create one uv sphere over here  and scale it up now i'll go to the edit mode   to select multiple just like any other normal  selection you'll have to hold down the shift key   okay now let's say if you want to select this  entire ring or entire loop called loop in 3d   in blender or any other 3d software to do that  you have to hold down the alt key and select an   edge now if i hold down the alt key and click  on this edge it will select the entire loop   but if i hold down the alt key and click on this  vertical edge it will select this loop to select   multiple loops you'll have to alt click over  here and then press shift and all click over here   and while holding down the shift you can select  multiple loops and rings you can quickly you know   select multiple loops and move them around it's  much easier to select like this the other way   of selecting is uh you can select one edge and  let's say if you want to select all the edges   till over here so you can hold down the control  key and just click over here and it will   it will automatically pick up the best path  available to reach the target selection   let's say if i go and control click over here  then it's it will take the shortest path so   you'll have to you know guide it around let's say  if you want to cut select from over here to here   then you'll have to click first here then here i  mean guide it like this otherwise it's going to   select the shortest path and reach the ultimate  selection now if you want to study it more what   you can do is you can go to the select menu  over here uh just notice when we are in object   mode these menus are very limited like you select  add an object when you press tab then these menus   will expand and uh there will be much many other  options available which are to do with uh related   to the mesh editing now if you click uh you can  see it's a mesh vertex edge face and also you can   access these by pressing ctrl v for vertex menu  ctrl e for edge menu and ctrl f for face menu   and these shortcuts will only work in the object  editing mode if you press ctrl e in object mode   it's not going to do anything unless it's  assigned to something else and also you have   this shortcut called w which is uh this is a very  special contextual menu and the most important   commands which are related to the editing the  mesh are accessible from here let's say you are   you just want to subdivide this mesh you  press w and subdivide i mean i'll select these   and subdivide these and there are bevel extrude  knife edge most useful commands are available here   and you can also customize this menu you can edit  context menu and we will talk about this later   and i don't want to confuse you in multiple  directions right now and if you are working   with the left click selection i think this  menu will be available on your right click so   we were talking about the selection and there  are several other methods available to select   mesh one is the box select which we already know  if you press b you can select with the box if you   go in the wire mesh it's going to select the  other side of the box as well and if you go   press invert or ctrl i on the keyboard  it's going to invert the selection and now there is a circle selection you can  simply press c on the keyboard and with the   circle you can paint out the selection okay  with the scroll by scrolling the mouse you   can increase the diameter of this brush it's  easy to select like this okay very convenient   and now we have a select random it's going to  select random faces and also each of the commands   we use there is always a pop-up over here related  to that and you can adjust these parameters before   dropping down the before moving on  to the next tool and then we have a   select sharp edges and because we do not have  any sharp edges over here it's a very smooth   subdivided mesh to understand this we are  going to select the edges of the bottom and   bevel this one okay and increase the subdivision  first and now if i go to the select menu   select sharp edges it's going to select the sharp  edges only now you can see these edges are smooth   and at the top it's selecting all these four edges  because these are creating a 90 degree sharp angle   select sharp edges but at the bottom it's  not selecting these edges because the angle   between these edges is very smooth okay it's not  considered sharp all right let's say if you are   creating something like uh maybe a robotic arm or  something which is like hard surface model and you   want to select the sharp edges quickly okay and  you can use this command and create nice bevel   around the sharp corners these are much more like  advanced commands non-manifold is known for uh   you know the faces which are not closed loose  geometry like if you have a let's say i'll press   v on the keyboard to detach these two vertices  let's say i press v then it breaks it again   so now if i select uh i'll select a non-manifold  you can see it's uh selecting all the broken edges   like which are not closed it's supposed  to be closed okay to keep the mesh clean   let's say if you have created any object  and uh there are some broken edges and you   want to fix them because uh it's creating  some problem you can use this command and   use non-many fold now let's say if i have  this face and i create a duplicate of this   or let's say i have this vertex and i create a  duplicate of this now this vertex in itself is   not going to create any geometry okay you can see  this vertex in edit mode but when you go to object   mode because there is no edge or no polygon  it's a blues geometry this vertex okay it's a   it's bad for any geometry like sometimes  you can see these vertices sometimes you   cannot see these vertices to clean to quickly  clean up your geometry you can select this one   loose geometry and then it's going to select  this geometry now and you can dissolve vertices   and i would encourage you to just test these  commands out and try to understand their use   because most of the time we will be creating our  own custom geometry basic primitives are for very   limited use to get comfortable editing an object  it's very important to understand the selection   methods available i think we have covered the  most important commands for selection methods   and now let's move on to the next stage and  we are going to create maybe 5 or 10 models   of different type and use the tools available on  the left and uh their meaning okay all right so   there are a few more options for a selection and  for that i'll just bring up this suzanne model   now if you go to the edit mode press  tab i'll just enable screencast here   so when you select any vertex and press ctrl  plus on the number pad this will grow your   selection let's say control plus for increasing  expanding your selection control minus will shrink   your selection and uh this is just so that uh  if you want to quickly just uh select few of the   faces over here okay just select all these four  faces and press control plus and this will select   your entire area so this is a very handy command  and also now when you're selecting uh when you're   making any selection let's say with a box or a  circle like uh when you're making any selection   uh it could be a bit difficult to select  uh different elements within the object   so right now this i is a different object i mean  within this object there are multiple elements and   uh this one this i is a separate mesh and this  eye is a separate mesh now if you want to just   select these uh different elements you can press  whatever is linked to this mesh now if i go over   here in any mod vertex mode edge mode or or face  mode if i go over here and press l now this will   select everything which is linked to this face  now if i go over here and press l this will select   everything which is linked to this face now if i  go over here and press l now this will select only   the face and not the eyes so this linked faces  is very uh important and very useful when you are   working with the model which have a lot of  elements within the one object all right now   let's talk about the most interesting one here  and this is called proportionate editing okay and   in the first chapter as we were discussing all  these options i i mentioned this one we will   discuss in the next chapter when we are editing  mesh objects okay now i think this is the right   time we get into this one so i'll just uh move  this one and create few loop cuts so that we can   have some smooth mesh over here okay so that  we can have some smooth mesh over here now   what proportionate editing does is if you are  coming from other softwares this is like a soft   selection okay now if i go over here and select  any face or any multiple faces if i move these   these are like a hard selection okay i mean these  are creating some very hard deformation in my mesh   okay now if i move this one now i have this  weird looking uh i mean i i just want some smooth   transition and not just to move one face okay so  if i enable this one see what happens now it's not   just moving my one face it's also picking up it's  also influencing other vertices around that face   and it's working like a brush okay now i can  scroll wheel up to increase this influence and   scroll wheel down to decrease this influence okay  and this is a very powerful thing and when you are   modeling organic objects this is your friend over  here okay now let me tell you when this gets fun   okay now let's say if you want to i'll just uh  create one plane over here and rotate this in   90 degree and move this one over here okay and  create a few loop cuts few loop cuts over here   all right and delete this one now when you are  in object editing mode and let's select this one   okay disable the disable this option for now  so now if i'm moving this polygon over here   if i want to activate a proportionate editing  i'll simply press o on my keyboard okay now   this will enable proportional editing okay  now you see uh i have this brush activated   now i can scroll wheel up and down and move  this thing okay and i can rotate this thing   all right but uh okay this is one of the way now  if you combine this with the 3d cursor this gets a   lot interesting okay if you click over here let's  say if you want to me if you want to make some   some leaf okay or some maybe grass strand  or something then you can use your 3d cursor   and now this will take turn and influence  your mesh from that 3d gesso okay   now let's say if you want to bend this one in this  direction now see what happens okay and you can   increase or decrease the influence of the brush  and start shaping up very organic forms and if   i press this and r z then i can rotate this  one in z direction and create a nice twist   okay so soft selection is a very powerful thing  and uh i would say this will take some time to get   used to but i i don't think it's a very difficult  thing to understand and you will get used to them   by the time we model just to the stuff in this  chapter okay and there are different uh mods   over here and right now we are using only the  smooth option okay if i go to the edit mode   and uh move this one okay let's go to the top  view okay now if i move this vertex okay i'll   just bring up one more view over here tn and just  look at this in perspective okay now if move if i   move this one over here with the soft selection on  now see what is happening only the eyes are moving   and lips are not moving okay that's because right  now it's only working in that particular region   around that vertex okay and if i change this to  project from view then it will project the brush   from the view and it will influence everything  which is happening behind that brush okay now there is one more option over here which  is called connected only okay now if you want   to only influence this one this vertex and  not influence the other elements which are   not connected to this part okay let's say if you  want to only influence the skin but don't want to   touch the eyes then you can enable connected  only now see what happens it will only work   on the vertices which are connected and which  are as a one mesh and this is a very useful one   and there are several different uh methods over  here now right now we are using only the smooth   okay one very interesting one is the random over  here if you pick random and then let's say if i   choose this brush and increase my brush size it  will move all the vertices in very random way   okay now i can use this for scale as well okay  and rotation so this sometimes if you just want   to give your vertices some random behavior then  you can simply choose this command and also if   you want to create a let's bring one plane over  here okay and i'll give it some subdivisions   now right now we are using uh smooth okay   i'll move them in z direction okay now if i change  this to sharp then this will create a nice pointed   deformation and if i change this to linear  this will create a straight out pyramid okay   so get used to this one and uh this is going to  be a lot helpful when you are modeling uh very   organic surfaces okay and this is not a selection  but this is also uh kind of a selection and it's   just a different different term is used in  the blender it's called proportionate editing   but uh this is also considered as one kind  of a selection okay all right all right so   what i'm going to do is i'm going to quickly  go through these tools available in edit mode   okay and try to understand the meaning of them uh  and uh what are the shortcuts for them all right   so the first one is the extrude tool okay and i  think we already talked about this one you can   extrude any face and either move them rotate them  and scale them like if you need to let's say if i   scale this one up and create an extrude over here  and another extrusion and scale this down and   uh extrude this one so this one actually like  it it extends the selected phase geometry   or even it works even with the edges so uh like  you can see i already have a like a hammer looking   thing uh just with the extrude object okay and uh  the each of these uh like most of these tools have   some multiple options available now the extrude  have uh extrude along normals individual or the   extrude to cursor okay and to understand this  one i'll bring up one cylinder instead all right   so what i'll do is uh quickly create  a cylinder over here cylinder 16.   okay i'll scale this down now if i  select each alternate face and uh   if i try to extrude this now it only  works in one direction okay but i want   these to extrude in their own direction so  for that you can use extrude along normals   like this okay so before i confirm it i'm  going to quickly create a duplicate of this   now extrude along normal you know like uh it works  in each face's own direction in normal direction   all right place it over here and now we have  a third option which is extrude individual   now to understand this one uh what  i'll do is i'll select group of two now let's say if i use extrude along  normals for these ones what is happening is   it it extrudes perfectly but it's taking group  of two and uh like it's a keeping them together   all the two polygons and making them a group  okay what i want is i want to extrude them   but then separate them out so for that  extrude individual is a good option   all right i know it's a very bad looking geometry  but just uh to explain the concept okay and   now let's say if i create a plane over  here all right and the fourth option is extrude to cursor so you see wherever you are you click with the  cursor it extrudes okay i think it's the same   option which we used for uh with the control click  i i don't know if we used it before or not but   if you select any edge or vertex or any polygon  and control click in any direction in edit mode   and it automatically extrudes and create  a smooth transition in previous edges   as well okay now you can let's say scale this  up and extrude and extrude this one like this   and you have nice grass looking strand over here   okay so let's say if i create a duplicate  out of this and uh select this geometry   scale it down okay i'll combine these together  and maybe smooth them out with control   one two three r for subdivisions uh once you  press ctrl one or two uh depending on which   number you pressed it automatically applies  the smooth subdivision surface modifier and uh   you can see if you press ctrl 2 it's going to be  two subdivisions if you press ctrl 1 it's going to   be one subdivision so yeah this uh control click  option or the extrude at a 3d extruded cursor   is very useful for quickly creating something very  organic then the next option we have is uh insert   okay okay so i can press i and create a nice  inside out of it sorry i just select this face and   press i and you can see it creates a nice insert  in just simple one step and then after that you   can select these and create extrude and you know  you have some nice looking uh hard surface maybe   i don't know so let's uh discuss the next one you  have to pardon me for this noise in the background   my room is not soundproofed and the next one is  the bevel and i think we have already already   discussed bevel option you can select any  edge and if you press ctrl b on the keyboard   it creates a nice bevel and you can use the scroll  wheel up and down to increase the subdivisions   and it creates a nice bevel or the chamfer  at the given edges okay now let's say what   is the next option over here the loop cut and  uh loop cut is same as ctrl r press ctrl r and   insert a loop cut and use the scroll wheel up  and down to decide the number of edges and once   done you can just slide them where you want and  confirm with the click okay and the next one is uh   the bisect uh sorry the knife uh knife is  actually uh for creating your own custom cuts   let's say i don't want something like a very  straight or uh like a loop cut so i can do that   i can press k on the keyboard and let's say i want  a cut like this and confirm it with the ender okay   so you have nice knife cut over here and you  will have to connect these edges depending on   what kind of topology you're looking for and but  we'll discuss that later all right next one is   uh the bisect tool the bicep one is uh similar  to not similar to knife it actually cuts the   geometry through and through let's say if i  select the bicep tool and select the polygons   you can see it creates a through and through card  now you can use these options modify this option   now if i create bisect again over here let's  say i select all the geometry and create bisect   i can use this option to maybe uh create some nice  looking rocks this is very interesting one okay i have like a diamond looking shape already now  let's say okay i'll press i'll subdivide this   one first and okay don't get confused like what  i'm doing right now this is just to explain one   command which is not available over here i think  okay let's say i create i have a geometry like   this okay i cut whole out of these two spheres  and uh i select these two edge loops with alt   and shift okay now i want to create something like  a dumbbell out of it so to do that press spacebar   type bridge edge loops now it creates bridge  in between two selected loops now you can   modify this one with a number of cuts and  uh like what kind of twist you want and   maybe create a bulge in between so  this one is not available over here   you'll have to either access this one from  face menu i guess or you can simply type   bridge command over here now the poly build is a  a very interesting one and uh this one is actually   used very heavily when you are using retopo like  i'm going to i isolate this one now poly topo   with a control click if you remember we can create  geometry like this okay but uh that is the only   option available but if i click on polytube what  this does is this gives us much more control let's   say if i click and drag from here it creates a  polygon okay but if i control and click somewhere   near the edge it creates triangle okay and if i  control click near edge again it converts that   triangle into a polygon okay now let's say if  i drag this one over here and then i want to   build one polygon over here okay now i'll have  to control and come come somewhere in the middle   so that i can see the both edges working and then  drag from the center it's it's a very useful for   using the retopo like when you're tracing some  very high resolution organic models and if you   press uh shift click it deletes the face and i  will create a cube now the next one is a spin tool now what this does is if i select spin  tool and uh select this one over here   and drag it it creates uh like  it gives it a nice spin from the   uh pointer location now my 3d cursor is over here  okay let's say if i place my 3d cursor over here   and then drag it then it's going to uh take  this in consideration and uh my 3d cursor and   create a nice spin out of it okay so let's  see what are the other options available   once you are done with this you can adjust  the number of steps from here the angle and   you can change the center from here you can also  change the axis after you're done so i think to   understand the use of this what we can do is we  can create a cube and let's say i want to create   a pipe okay which turns like a perfectly so let's  say i i want to make a some round shape out of it   then i'll click over here and then turn it  from here just like this okay and once i'm done   i can uh extrude this one with control clip  okay so and just like that i have some nice   looking you know round pipe the next one is  smooth which like if you have some let's say   some very organic shape and if you want to smooth  it out a bit then you can select these and use   smooth command and it will smooth out all the  edges give you a nice rounded shape it's not   like a subdivision surface it's not creating any  subdivisions it it's only creating the geometry   more smooth and this one is randomized like  the name suggests it randomizes all the faces   now the next one is uh edge slide to  have a more better understanding of this   i'll create a cue and i'll create a bevel  at the top okay i'll create one more edge   over here now if i move this edge normally with a  transformation command i can move this up and down   but you can see it's it's not actually moving  on the surface i mean it's going to create some   dent like like this okay i can use a edge  slide command okay and what this does is   this slides the edge without actually deforming  the geometry it slides the edge in in between   the neighboring edges we have a shrink  and flatten and uh to understand this one   i'll bring the monkey head what this one does is  uh it shrinks the geometry or flattens out like   like all the faces and all the edges are  moving in their own normal direction this   one is a very useful one when you are doing some  organic modeling this one uh is the grip region   which is like uh for breaking the geometry let's  say i want to break like if i move this right now   it's it's connected and it's moving the other  edges as well if i just want to rip this   apart i'll press v on the keyboard and rip this  apart okay now if you want to merge them again   so you can just uh type it out in the spacebar  the search menu just type merge and click on   the merge you can either choose at first at  last center the cursor i'll select the center   and the edges are merged again okay and this is  also available in the mesh menu if you want there   are many other commands which are not available  over here and but are in the menus like for the   vertex edge and face when you feel the need of  some particular command there is always a solution   which is available and you can just have a look  at like that if you have some doubt related to   like a face or edge or a vertex then you can look  at the menu and you will find some like related   commands available within here okay so what i'm  going to do is so far we have been creating some   very random looking and odd looking shapes to  conclude this day what we are going to do is   we will create some like maybe 5 or 10 like good  looking uh 3d models uh which makes sense and   are not like a random looking shapes and uh  we'll use all these all these commands uh   while creating those models okay all right guys  so now that we have discussed all the tools in   object editing mode i think it's a right time  we put them into right hues and use them into   our right context so that we understand the  true meaning of them and how they can work   when combined together and instead of it's always  better to test out these uh tools on actual 3d   models which makes sense instead of just on the  cubes all right so we'll create maybe five or   six models uh so that you we can work with the  different scenarios so the first one is a very   simple one i'll create a pencil and uh to do  that i'll bring a cylinder and make subdivision   change the subdivisions in the pop-up menu from  here now i'll go to the front view rotate this   one in 90 i'll type 90 on the number pad when  rotating and place this right above here so i'll   go to the object editing mode and press 3 and just  move these faces a bit over here and press ctrl r   to add a loop cut over here ctrl r again click  and drag to create a loop quite over here   now this one for the front and this one for the  eraser i'll select this face and scale this down   and now and this partition i can select all  these edges with the alt click and press   ctrl b to make this one smooth like a eraser in  the back now i'll select all these these faces   and uh press shift d just like how you duplicate  object in object mode and right click to cancel it   and scale this up a bit okay and scale this one  and place it over here now in the search menu on   the space bar i just type separate and separate  this selection now this one is a separate object   in the object editing mode i can simply select  all these faces and extrude along region to   give it some thickness like this maybe i can  create some interesting shapes over here like   what you see on pencil i can press ctrl r and  create subdivisions three loops over here and   maybe press ctrl b to create three bevels over  here now if i use extrude along normals now   and you can see i have nice looking  partition line over here okay now   for the front part what i can do is  i can use the knife tool to create a   nice looking cut over here i'll press k on the  keyboard and start cutting out from the edges okay is the shortcut for the knife tool when  you're done press enter and now i can select   all these edges and create a bevel over here and  just like before create a small looking extrusions   extrusion just to give it a separation  line okay now i'm just going to switch on   this cavity mode just so that we  can see the partition lines better   now i can select all these faces in  wireframe mode and separate these as well and apply subdivision surface   and type out smooth to bring the smooth  shading option and scale this up maybe okay so i think you have a nice looking pencil  object over here it's a very cartoonish pencil   it's not like uh like a real one but uh it does  have a good shape okay now if you see uh what   else commands we used we used knife tool to  create cut over here and we used a bevel to   smooth these out extrude along normals and uh ctrl  r which is uh the edge cut to make these loop cuts   just so that we can separate selection i'm  going to separate this one and now if i   select random in shading option you can see i have  this like much more visible view all right so i'll   select all these objects and maybe create one  new collection in outliner and call this pencil   now select all these objects and drag them in  pencil folder or the collection all right now   i'm going to hide this one the next object i  think will create one sandal okay i'll bring   a basic cube and go to the object editing mode and  uh start to shape it up like a sandal what we need   is we definitely need more subdivisions over here  i'll press ctrl r to maybe create uh two loops   over here okay and now i can select this face and  bring this down like this and select this entire edge loop and you can see how this is  shaping up like a sandal already i can   select this face and move this down in edge  selection without select all these faces now i can start adding more details what i  can do is uh i can create one insert over   here press i and create an insert but before  that what i can do is i can select these two   loops and create a bevel like this and then i can  select these two press insert maybe not so much   a little bit delete these faces and then i can  select these two loops and give it some bevel   as well a very little okay now i can press  ctrl r and create a subdivision over here   a loop cut and uh one loop cut over here and  i'll select these two and uh maybe go to the   sorry now you see i i think i messed up  the form of it because i was only working   uh in one view so it's a important that  every time you make some changes you you have   multiple views in front of you and you can  see the form in different angles as well now what i'll do is i'll select these two loops and uh maybe i can scale them in y direction  i'll press s and y scale them up like this   so you can see it's uh giving it some  radius i mean uh instead of a flat sandal   it's much rounded now now what i can do is i  can delete this entire face and select this   entire loop and extrude this like this okay  and maybe you can type uh grid fill and uh   yeah so i i can fill this up like this  okay now i'll create a loop cut over here   and uh just move this out now i'm sure this  form is not a perfect one for the sander   but like what i'm going to do is not really worry  about the perfection right now and just create   some very basic models so that we can memorize  these commands and we can have some fun with   it okay now i'll create an extrusion and move  this down like this create an extrusion again   move this down and another extrusion all  right if i apply a subdivision surface now   you can see it looks like a sandal it's not a  very good one but we can definitely make this one   better okay the first thing is we need to convert  this one into polygon because right now it's   a hexagon or something so i'll switch this off  and uh maybe extrude this one again first of all   so that i have some sharp corner i can delete  this one and select this entire loop now if i uh   press grid fill on this one it's not working  because uh these number of edges are not even   i think they are in odd number yeah they are 11  sides and uh to make grid fill work i would need   one more uh loop cut so i can create loop cut  over here and now if i select this entire and   entire loop and press grid fill now you  can see i have much better looking shape   and these are into polygons you can make this  one a bit better if you want i'll switch on   the proportionate editing so that and with  the scroll wheel adjust the radius of a   brush i'll select connected only and just  pull this out and now i can start tweaking   the shape a bit i'm sure i need to make this one  a bit round like this and maybe scale these up okay and uh maybe i can select  this entire loop of polygons   with the control i can create something like uh border maybe create one more extrusion all  right now i need some sharp corners over here   so what i'll do is i'll select this  uh i'll select this entire loop and uh   press ctrl v to create a bevel maybe just one is  enough i don't want to make it too hard now this   one is uh definitely need to be harder and for  that what i can do is i can simply press e to   extrude it and you can see now this shape is hard  i just want to bring the smooth shading over here   now the for the internal part what  i can do is i can select these faces maybe i can create a duplicate  out of them press ctrl   plus on keyboard to expand your selection of it yeah press shift d and bring this out just delete  these ones and select this close this with a   grid fill here and i can separate  this entire object by selection   and so that i can use this like uh inside  of this handle i don't think i need uh   these i can delete these and uh select this  edge grateful so this one is much smoother now   i can bring this over here and  switch on the subdivision on this just shift this up a bit all right so i think we have  something which looks like a sandal   this is definitely not a good looking one but i'm  just trying to make you understand uh what the   use of each of these commands are you can tweak  this or add more details however you want and   keep on working on this if you like but we need  to move ahead and discuss a few more things well i think it's so the next one is going to be a simple coffee mug  i'll create one uh bring a circle in the center   and change these subdivisions to  something like 18 yeah 18 is fine   and then i'll now this one is a polygon  circle this is not a curved circle now i   i'll go to the edit mode and select all these  edges and extrude these in a z direction okay   now i'll just scale this up my proportionate  editing is on i i just don't need this one right   now i scale this up and i'll select all of these  faces and create one extrusion and scale this down   something like this maybe something  like this and create another extrusion   create one more and scale this down like  this press e and scale this down again i'm creating simple extrusions repeating the same  command over and over now this one i can great   fill okay my grid fill was already in the search  because i just used it uh in previous object now   for this one uh you can either leave it round  or you can add maybe sorry ctrl r and add a   few loop cards over here now i just want to make  this one like a bit smooth so what i can do is i   can turn on this proportionate editing object  maybe i need more loops once again i'll add   this this much for now and i'll select these  two and scale these up because my proportionate   editing is on the surrounding edges are also  like getting influenced a bit i'll do this   one in front view so that i don't mess up the  shape in other views first i'll select this and then these two all right so  i have some roundness over here   i can now what you can do is you can select this  the entire geometry and we can use extrude along   normals to give it some thickness  you can also use a modifier   uh for this which is called solidify all  right so i leave it over here and now to give   this one a bit smoothness let's see  how this one looks right now okay so i want this one to be a bit rounder i'll  press ctrl r add one loop cut over here   and i'll select these two loops with the part and  shift and give this a bit of a bevel okay so that   this one is like not so smooth okay all right now  these shapes be coming around as well we can give   some bevel over here as well uh something  like this all right and i'll just switch off yeah so all these edges are now sharp and   now what we need is a simple handle i'll just make  a duplicate just in case if i uh made any error   you can if you want something round looking you  can use you can select in which access you want   spin tool to work i think uh yeah y-axis i  need spin tool to work in i'll click over here   now i'll start rotating this and create one  nice looking handle okay now this one looks like   perfect but if you want to connect this you  can delete this face and delete this face and select sorry you can uh delete these as well  and i'll select these two loops and just type   bridge edge loops and now these two are  connected all right just select these four edges   and maybe create one bevel so that it's a bit  sharper all right so we have a good looking   mug and uh we can name this one mug if you like  you can create a plate or coaster or whatever you   want i'll hide this one and the next object object  is going to be a headphone something like this one   okay it's a very simple object i'll just go to the  side view and bring a circle from the mesh menu   and rotate this one in y direction okay now  go to the front view and in the object editing   mode select select edges with two and select  all the edges and create extrusion like this   okay now i'll add a loop cut over here and scale  this up and then you can create an extrusion scale   these down the both sides and i can give this  out a bit create one more loop cut over here   maybe yeah move this inside maybe scale  this up i'm just trying to get the   correct form which looks good i'll create an  extrusion move this inside and create another   one and scale it up okay same thing over here  create an extrusion move it inside and scale it   up okay so this is something like the foam part  the outer part of the headphone and i'll create   another circle over here rotate this one into 90  degree type 90 on the keyboard and y for the y   direction you can see uh like it's so much faster  with the keyboard now i'll scale this entire loop   and create an extrusion move this one into x  direction create another one and scale it down   and create another extrusion and move  this out with the something like this   okay and uh what i can do is now another  extrusion scale this down and uh i can just   type grid fill and close this one over here  i can create bevel to make this round and one loop cut over here now this loop  cut is so that we can select this   face and uh create an insert over here and  now you can control click over here to make   it something like a wire okay but before  that i'll uh insert this one one more time now i'll go to the front view control click  a few times so that i have something which   looks like a wire okay i can select this entire  thing and scale this one in minus one direction   we just need uh this part press ctrl plus  to expand your selection and control i   to invert your selection and delete all  these faces now move these inside and   select these edges and extrude this  inside and extrude and scale them up   okay if you want you can add more details into it  i can just select these and expand the selection   and extrude again inside extrude and scale it  down extrude again and move it outside you see   i have another layer of detail over here then and  this one i think i definitely can use one bevel   same over here one bevel yeah that's just fine i'm  going to bring another circle and delete half the edges sorry delete edges and select all  the edges and extrude them into y direction   like this okay and uh i'll select uh all the faces  and extrude them again to give them some thickness and what i can do is i can add some more detail  over here with the circle selection i'll select   these center faces and make a duplicate with  shift d and from sorry shrink and flat with the   shrinking flag i can make this one a bit thicker  so that i have something which looks like this   now i'll move this entire thing in the center and  start connecting the start connecting the parts okay i'll select this face and uh go to the front  view maybe with the proportionate editing on i can   just adjust this one over here  and maybe create another extrusion add one loop cut in the center so that we can   drag these two and make something  like this maybe add another one and select these tiny two faces and match it with  the radius i'm going to pull this out a bit now i   can uh now there's a modifier which actually uh  which you can use to simply mirror everything on   the other side but we will discuss the modifiers  later so i'm going to duplicate this entire thing   scale press s and type minus one on the number  pad and press x to flip it in the x direction   okay and uh yeah actually we are going to use  the mirror modifier right away and what i'll   do is i'll select all these faces and delete  them okay so that whatever we did over here   we we don't have to do over here select from the  modifier properties select mirror and you can see   everything is mirrored and only half of the model  is what we needed now any changes you do over here   are going to like mirror on the left side as well  i'll go to the wireframe mode and select these   faces and switch on the proportionate  editing and i'll select the face and create something like this and i'll select the  face so face over here and uh create something   and bring it over here okay i'll simply bring one  cube over here sorry yeah i'll shake this up a bit i'll give it some radius and now you can see we  have pretty decent looking headphones now you can   but this is just to give you idea that how a few  of these commands work so i'll select these two   i'll press ctrl j and to combine them  and subdivision surface to smooth this   geometry out i can use a subdivision surface  over here as well but i would need some   more loops on the sides so that  these corners are much sharper and i'll select these four loops and press ctrl b to bevel these edges now i'll  select yeah i'll select just the outer edges   and press ctrl v to bevel the edges you  can combine these two as well if you need   and apply smooth shading so yeah we have  some headphones okay so i'm going to create   another connection over here and name this one  headphones and select all these objects and drag   these inside headphones now we'll create one  simple apple now to do that i'll bring one uv   sphere over here and scale this up okay from uh  bounding box center all right now what i can do   is i can start shaping this sphere we have so  i can select these two vertices and uh switch   uh this button for proportion proportional  editing or just simply press o on the keyboard   and then i'll scale these down and i can  scale up the brush and you can see it's uh   it's pulling both the vertices towards each other  and now i can start shaping this up like an apple   okay now what i can do is first of all i can  make this one look a little random now to do   that in the proportionate editing i'll just select  random sorry right yeah so what i can do is i can   select any edge and then and then i can just  scale this up now from here what i can do is uh   i can change the size a bit maybe yeah now i can just uh select uh smooth over  here and uh start shaping this up like an apple   okay just go to different views maybe bring  another one over here this one front and this one   side view we can uh select this entire loop  and bring this down and give it like a random   shape a nice looking uh organic form okay  just select different sides and uh break   the shape as much as possible with the  proportionate editing enabled you can   select one edge and uh just start  sculpting instead of having to select   loops and vertices all right i think uh this does  look like an apple i can select few of these uh   points are the edges and move them down move this  down a bit and yeah this definitely looks like an   apple i will eat it now just share this smooth  yeah you can see we have a very organic looking   form over here now i'll create a duplicate out  of this just in case if i mess up the shape a it   now what we can do is disable this modifier  and uh select all these uh faces over here   and just delete it okay and i can select this  entire edge loop and extrude and scale it inside okay and maybe create another extrusion and   pull this inside again create  another extrusion scale this down   and now what we can do is we can simply extrude  this and start forming up the stem of an apple so yeah i think we have a good looking stem  uh just create an extrusion and maybe uh extrude this inside again make everything as organic as possible  because the natural forms are like very uh   asymmetrical you can uh add some detail over  here as well if you want but i'm going to   just leave it as it is and uh maybe what we can  do is we can create one uh leaf over here okay   you can simply go to the top  view and bring up a plane okay   and i scale this up like this go to the edit  mode and maybe add a few loop cuts with ctrl r   now i can uh just pull this out scale  these down and uh scale these up with   the proportionate editing on i press o for  proportionate editing and scale these down again   so i i am not sure what the leaf of an apple  looks like but this is just to give you an idea   now to bend this leaf what i can do is uh i can  go to the front view and place my cursor over here   and from the transform pivot i can choose 3d  cursor instead of bounding box so instead of   center now my rotation will take place from  here now with proportionate editing on if i   start turning object now you can see it's  rotating from here i mean from this point now   if i increase the brush size you can see my leaf  is taking nice rotation in this view you can see   okay now i'll select this side  and i'll rotate this one like this   and i can select these two sides uh  these six edges and uh move them up   like this i'll reduce the size of proportionate  editing and move them up like this and uh   let's apply one subdivision surface over here and  uh we need some hard looking uh edge over here   i mean i'll select this enter h loop  press ctrl b and give it some bevel   and uh maybe if you want to just stylize this  one you can press v and break this one okay this   is just for fun uh you can uh if you want you can  create another edge loop to make this one sharper you see with a very with a combination of  such simple commands like the edge loops   and uh just the extrusion uh we are creating  almost all shapes possible okay so i'll select   everything i'll create one extrusion to give it  some depth and i'll select uh these two faces go   to the front view and create one extrusion out  of it i know this is not a good looking shape   but i'll see if i can fix this one up okay i'll  change the pivot point to bounding box again and just place it over here scale this down you can combine these two if you want like  uh but i'll leave it as it is for now okay   so i can get rid of this i think  my apple shape is pretty decent [ __ ] smooth now these polygons you can see  because we are in uh we have this cavities   option up on right now if i switch it off you can  see i see very nice smooth looking apple okay so   i'll select i'll switch on the overlays again i'll  make another collection and name this one an apple and move this inside this collection   okay so the next shape i'm going to create  one uh trumpet something like this one   i mean a musical instrument it is okay it's a  very simple process you can just bring a circle and i'm trying to create as many objects as  possible just so that you can follow this tutorial   and get comfortable with how to bring out the  different shapes and feel much confident about   it so i'll with this circle selected i'll create  an extrusion and a scale sorry scale this down and   move this inside like this okay i'll create another extrusion  over here and one more over here   all right now i'll create a duplicate of this  and place it over here and make it like this   and now i can select this entire loop and place  my mouse over here and choose the spin command to create a nice looking round shape here okay all right once you're done now it's important  that you check the axis if the rotation is   happening in other side and weird side uh  you can always flip this okay like in x   y z wherever you want okay i press enter  and uh now what i can do is get rid of these faces and close these two loops i'll press bridge edge loops in the search  form and similarly create another spin over here i press my with the tool  active i'll pick somewhere here and   with the mouse i can always adjust the shape later now these kind of shapes are very easy to  make with the with spline tools as well but   uh sometimes if you're modeling an object with  polygon and you have to bring one circular shape   like this so it's important that you understand  how this one works now i'll go over here and maybe   i can create another spin i don't clearly  remember how the shape of trumpet exactly   looks i mean i'm sure there is some structure i  just want to make something which looks like a   trumpet sorry i think i could have made that  radius much better i can make it like this yeah and press enter and then  i can extrude this upwards so i'll select all these faces and uh just make  sure everything is selected and separate this one   separate selection and i'll  bring the origin to center origin to geometry and now i  can make this one look like   those switches you have in trumpet pardon  my uh knowledge about this instrument   i clearly don't want to get  into details right now so and i'm using the extrude command  and then i can just type grid fill and close this one and what  i can do now is i can use mirror modifier so that sorry i'll isolate this  one you can see it's uh flipping the it's making   the the same changes which we worked over here are  applied over here as well okay i'll exit the mod all right so i'll select uh this  area uh these edges and maybe create   one bevel over here and uh i need some roundness  over here it's looking too flat and i need some   like a smooth looking transition over here  and then you can create one loop cut here and with the alt right click you can select  this entire area and extrude this out i'll shoot smooth this one now there's some problem over here i think  the normals the direction of the normal is   messed up somewhere here so what you can do  is you can select all the faces just type   normal in search menu so what i did was  i i clicked on average normals so that   everything is in the same direction actually i  was looking for another command which is uh called   make normal consistent but i'm not able to find it  over here but i guess this command works as well   now i i'm going to create glasses  i'll bring a cube over here   and place it right here and start shaping the  the border the outer frame of the glasses okay   so first i'll create once a simple extrusion and  bring it over here yeah so i'll control click   over here control click control click over  here and create another one and maybe select   these two faces and delete okay and i'll  select these edge loops where the alt and   type bridge and close this one okay and i'll  select this face and extrude it in x direction so   you can see i have this very nerdy looking glass  frame now i can create a loop cut over here and   loop it over here and i can select these faces and  extrude them in y direction and scale this down   and go to the side view and control click  over here control click ctrl click over here   and give it a nice handle okay i'll select all  these faces with a box selection or you can simply paint this with the circular selection with the c   okay and uh i'll use extrude along normals  and create two extrusions out of it so that   when we use smooth command it doesn't look  very smooth subdivision surface all right   i'll delete this one and uh like before  i'm going to apply a mirror modifier okay   now the mirror modifier actually works with the  origin point so what i will do is i'll place this   one over here in the center and select all the  faces and move them on the left and if you want   you can make more adjustments and maybe bring  a loop cut over here and make this one smooth maybe bring a loop cut and make this one sharp and  you can select now you can select all these faces   like this one you can extrude along normal two  times to give it some thickness okay shade smooth   i'll select these and uh what i can do is i can  switch on the proportionate editing right now   it's set to connected only so it's uh it's working  with whatever is connected to this point but what   i want is i want the bottom area to move as well  so i'll disable this and project from the view   move this in y direction it's something  like this and maybe move this in x direction   and maybe rotate it a bit and you can  select these faces there are two faces   and extruded and if you want you can select  all these faces and use extrude again   two times to give it some thickness like this okay  now to create the the glass part what we can do is   simply duplicate this entire thing and uh add  an edge loop over here okay the loop cut over   here now i can select and duplicate this one with  the shift d and invert the selection with ctrl i   and delete everything else all right now you  see we have only the internal part of the edge   now to simplify this one there are few unnecessary  edges which are not required for the glass part   i'll select these vertices and  press delete to dissolve vertices   now i won't delete because by deleting a vertex i  will get rid of edges as well instead i just want   to dissolve these and leave the edges behind  vertices i'll get rid of these two and i can   delete these two as well okay now if i select  all of these uh edges now and type grid fill   now i think the number of edges needs to  be even so for that i can either add one or   get rid of one so i'll delete this one dissolve  vertex and uh grid fill now you'll see i have   this nice looking glass shape which fits exactly  like the internal frame and i just close the gaps   and uh yeah i think we can select the outer  edges or the all the faces and scale it up a bit   if you want you can extrude it and give  it a thickness but i'll leave it as it is okay now we'll quickly bring a uv sphere over  here and alt g and bring it at the center now   what we can do is we can select this one and  with the soft selection on the proportionate   editing on i can move this up and adjust the  radius of the brush with the scroll wheel   until it looks something like an egg okay so  this one looks like an egg now now what i want   to do is i want to make a broken egg okay so  to do this i'll go to the edit view and start   creating broken edge okay now to do that  i'll press k on the keyboard cut it from some   somewhere over here okay now i'll create a custom  cut which looks like a broken egg sorry about that just keep clicking on the edges until you have a  closed loop and we can go over here if you want uh maybe something like this yeah press  enter now i'll select these faces with circle i press c on the keyboard and start selecting  these all right with the middle mouse i deselect   these and i think this is complete selection  what i can do is i can separate this one separate   selection and i can move this out maybe now if  you want to make it more interesting you can simply make this one into something like this or  i'm just trying to find the perfect angle for this yeah something like this we have something  which looks like an egg so to create a piggy   bank i'll bring a cube what we can do is we can  select this face stretch it out and select all   the edges all the faces and smooth this out like  this okay now select this one and extrude it out   and select these two and extrude along the  normals like this now we can select these   two and insert it inside and extrude them inside  again i'll insert this one and maybe insert this   one more time and we'll select these two edges and  scale them down vertically okay now we'll select   these uh faces and delete them  or you can extrude them inside   now i can select these four faces  and extrude them along normals and if you want you can scale  them with uh in the local access   and if you want you can create a tail  from here with a control click scale   it down scale it down control it click scale  it down over here i'll create another insert   maybe you can extrude it inside and just like  that we have a very decent looking piggy bank   okay i can shade this shade smooth uh this form  could be much better than i mean what i have right   now we need another edged loop over here i'll add  a loop cut with a control r if you want you can you can scale this in y direction with the smooth  selection on make it more rounder and i'll leave   it as it is okay one last object and it's going to  be a banana okay i'll bring a cube scale this down   control click over here with the face selected  ctrl click over here and ctrl click another okay and with this face selected i can control  click over here control click over here and another extrusion just like this now to  make this one uh six sided i'll press ctrl r   and move uh scale them up and uh in global and uh  scale them up and sorry i'll select this entire   loop with and scale it out in y axis and another  loop cut over here and scale this up and z axis   okay maybe a bit more something like this and  now with proportionate editing on you can uh   shape this banana a bit more now  what i need to do is uh i need to   make these edges sharper with the control  b and i can also make these ones sharper   with ctrl b and just one division and uh shade  smooth and now i can adjust the form a bit all right something and what we'll do is we'll select all the faces  yeah we'll select all the faces and press shift   d and create a duplicate out of this and now i'll  go in to shrink and flatten in the wireframe mode   and shrink it a bit to make the inside  of banana now i'll separate this entire   outer object i'll bring my mouse on  the outer edge and press l and the   entire object is selected and separate this  one by selection yeah i'll isolate this one   and uh i'll see if i can peel this off maybe  now to do that i'll select these edges over here and i'll press yeah i'll press b sorry i'll press  v on the keyboard to break these   and now i'll enable the connected only and i'll  start moving this out i'll press my i place my   pointer over here with the 3d cast enable and  pivot point i can move this and rotate this one control plus to increase the selection control plus again and just  turn it out like this okay   now the inside part is a little messed up what  i can do is i can get rid of all these faces   i can go to the wireframe and get rid  of all these faces control plus plus faces and just leave it as it is and with the  subdivision enabled it's going to look just fine now i can select this area and uh make another peel from here okay i'll press v to break this  out and uh sorry about that connected only we yeah so i just broke few edges and  now i can place my pointer over here   and uh place my pointer over here over here  maybe and start unfolding the banana okay   so yeah i mean uh it may be i mean it's not  detailed but it does look like a banana peel   a little alright guys so i think we are going  to stop here for now and i think this is uh   already enough for your first day and it's  okay if you can't finish this in one day   it's going to take some time to get used to all of  this but the important thing here is to practice   how to bring out different shapes and the core of  every software is to get used to the interface and   the modeling okay if you can just learn the basic  modeling and uh the rest of the rest of the things   are going to be pretty easy for you okay now  what you can do is uh just to conclude your day   like how we assign very basic colors to the  first day chapter materials and how we prepared   a render out of it for this scene also you can  simply give it some very basic material okay   now what you can do is first you need to bring  a camera okay and just like i mentioned in   previous chapter don't get into don't get into  any render details or material details this is   just so that you can save a render out of it and  maybe share it with your friends okay so first   uh just uh make sure you have all the objects uh  visible and just prepare a nice layout out of it   then uh i'll click somewhere and press shift a  to bring a camera okay now press ctrl alt and 0   ctrl alt 0 will align my camera to the  perspective i was looking into now i need   to zoom in and out a bit so i'll press n sorry  i'll just enable my screencast so i'll press n   to bring this side panel and click on the lock  camera to view so now i can move my camera okay   all right so this view this view is good enough  and i think uh i can save some good render out   of it and uh i'll disable this again and press n  okay and now make sure you are into cycle renders   or here also you can go to the world properties  from the color of the background click on click   over here at the color of the background and  click on environment texture click on open button   and just go to the go to your blender folder  okay i'll go to my blender folder which is   your default hdr is going to be in a blender  folder data files studio lights word and over   here you can see all the hdr which you see over  here in the viewport okay so i'm going to select   maybe this studio.exr and use this in the void  okay now let's see what is happening in the   render okay so as you can see it's creating some  interesting shadows over here now what i can do is   i can select the apple and create one  new material and give it some color okay   and that's about it that's all you  need to do now select everything and now you can select this apple to make this  active apple i mean active object now press ctrl   l to transfer the material from this  apple to rest of the objects okay   i'll press ctrl l and make links my material  all right now if you render it you'll see   the red color is in all the objects okay  now if you want you can uh experiment   more with the hdr maybe bring one a nice  uh like a hard shadow over here or maybe   interior hdr or what you can do is select the  background panel which we have over here and uh   sorry press ctrl 0 to press 0 to go back to  camera view now i'll select this background   panel and delete the material and bring a new one  okay so that i can create some contrast all right   so just play with the right color settings  and choose your favorite colors and just give   it a nice look and uh you should be able to  render a decent with just these settings okay   all right so i'm going to choose the sunset.exr  and uh and i'm going to change this color to   red as well all right and what i can do  is i can increase the intensity a bit   okay now increase this intensity of the background  to two so that you have more contrast in the image   all right now when you're ready you can click  over here render image and uh from here in the   render output you can change the resolution you  want okay and render your image and uh this is   just for fun and uh you should have something to  look into at the end of your hard working day okay   so this should render your image and once you're  done you can go over here and save your image   okay all right guys so i hope you enjoyed your  second day of blender and like i said if you are   not able to finish everything in one day that  is okay take it slowly but the most important   thing here is to keep practicing until you  understand what is going on okay like uh get   used to all the commands we are discussing and  uh just get comfortable with the software okay   in the next chapter what we are going to do is  uh we will discuss modifiers and just like how   we created objects today we are going to create  few objects and understand what the modifiers are   and what their meaning is they are very powerful  thing to work with and they are a lot of fun okay   so i look forward to seeing you guys in the third  chapter and it's going to be really fun and you'll   see some very powerful stuff in the third day  okay so have a good day and i'll see you guys you
Channel: CrossMind Studio
Views: 420,446
Rating: 4.96241 out of 5
Keywords: Learn Blender 3d, Blender for Beginners, Free Blender Course, Learn Blender Fast, Blender Crash Course, Learn 3d Animation, Learn 3d Modeling, How to make 3d Models, Blender, 3d, animation, 3dmodeling, HDRI lighting, Professional vfx training, Blender education, Get good with blender, how to make money with blender, how to learn blender 3d, Blender Modifiers, Blender Eevee, Blender Cycles, 3drending, 3ddesign, lowpoly, how to make cartoons, blender jobs, how to make 3d animation
Id: cdgJaMGx6XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 18sec (6738 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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