Make Children Storybooks with 3 Free AI Tools & Earn Passive Income

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do you want to earn money by just creating children's story books in just three simple steps by using three free AI tools so in this video I am going to tell you how to create free story books in just 10 minutes and earn passive income first of all go to chat GPT and ask charge GPT to write a short children's story book for you that contains chapter so let's just ask rgbt to write us a story [Music] so here chart Deputy is writing a story for us that contains some chapters [Music] so here is our short story ready in just a minute how easy it was you can also generate free story using chart GPT now simply go to for generating images I have already given a tutorial for Leonardo wrote AI that how you can generate images from here so after going there you just have to select your image Dimension and number of images after that you just have to write a prompt there so it can generate image I have just simply pasted the topic of my story so now just click on generate and it will generate images for you foreign [Music] so now you can just see my images are ready I can just simply save whatever image I like you can save the image you liked for your story [Music] so I will download this image for me now I will go back to chart GPT and copy the chapter one for me so I can generate its images now go back to Leonardo and paste the chapter 1 story and just write the prompt properly so that it can understand what kind of images you want so it has generated me a different cat images I guess so we will write in the command that we are talking about a mouse so after that just click on the generate button so it can generate our required images so here are the exact images we wanted so just select whatever image you like and just simply download it now after that again just go back to chat GPT and copy your chapter 2 context and paste it in command [Music] so here I will paste my context of chapter 2. and I will simply click on generate button so my images can be generated so here are my images now I will just simply save the kind of image I like after saving the image you would just have to go back to chat GPT again and copy your chapter 3 context now simply paste it on and click on the generate button [Music] so if you don't get the exact images according to your context or according to your story then you can simply change your prompt you can add something or remove something or change the command so it can just simply generate the exact images we want so I will change the command here because I need more relevant images so here you can see after changing the command I have got the exact images I wanted so I will simply download the image foreign paste it over here so it can generate chapter 4 images [Music] now simply I will just select one image and download it [Music] now again repeat the step copy chapter number five and paste it over there and generate its images a very very simple if you don't know how to create an account on you can just simply watch my other video in which I have told a tutorial of I will also mention the link in the description box you can watch the video from there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I will do some changes in the prom because I need an image where Mouse is hugging his family so I will just change my prompt and just again generate the images [Music] now you can see I have got an image where Mouse is hugging his family so I'll just simply download my image so in this way you can just simply change your prompts if you don't get the exact images now all of my images are ready now go to and create storybook there simply choose a template of a storybook and upload your downloaded images here I will upload all my images here and then just simply select the first image you downloaded the beginning of your story the image you created just simply select it now go to chat GPT again and copy the beginning context of your story and just simply paste it over here by selecting a text box so this will be your starting of the story just adjust it over your image [Music] now add another page below and just simply select your second image the chapter one image now after that go back to chart GPT and select the context of your chapter 1 [Music] . now go back to canva and paste it over your image in the same way you have to repeat all the steps you have to add all of your images and all of your context and you have to prepare your Storybook in this way I will repeat the same procedure here you can just simply copy the page also and just edit it in the next slide [Music] foreign so in this way I will complete my storybook you can see it looks so beautiful [Music] [Music] you can also add a page to the front and so you can just simply generate a title of your book title page or cover page of your book so just add a page to the front and in the graphics just search for children's story there you will get a lot of images just select whatever you like and add a text over there I'm just giving you a sample I'm just telling you how you can do this I'm not doing it much perfectly but you can take your time and edit it more perfectly so I'm just telling you the way you can do it [Music] information [Music] you can also add another page and write chapter 1 title and add some images over there [Music] [Music] so in this way you can add separate pages of titles and complete your storybook so so here I have completed my storybook I will just simply click on the share button and download my Storybook in PDF form so let's just check how it looks like it's just a sample storybook that I have created for you guys you can see it looks so good you will make it more beautiful [Music] it looks really good so you can create such story books in your own way and make passive income by selling these story books now I will tell you where you can sell these story books now for selling your images just simply go to Amazon Kindle diet publishing and create an account over there then just simply upload your storybook create a title and description for your book then upload your book covered files over there and set a price for your book and just simply publish and sell your book and you can earn a lot of money from this if you like the video make sure to subscribe the channel and thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: The Future Of AI
Views: 244,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney alternative, leonardo ai, ai, artificial intelligence, amazon kindle, midjourney ai, kindle cloud reader, gpt 3, chatgpt, chat gpt, kdp amazon, openai chat, chat gpt 3, open ai chat, ai chatbot, amazon ebooks, ai artificial intelligence, openai chatgpt, text to image ai, ai image generator from text, ai art generator from text, texttoimage, making money on youtube, make money online free, canva, midjourney tutorial, how to, ai art, midjourney alternative free
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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