How To Create 808 Slides In The Sampler Track? | Club Cubase with Greg Ondo July 14 2020

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all right welcome to our july 14th 2020 club cubase google hangout we'll get started here in just a few minutes i'm gonna just do a quick audio test i'll make sure everything's going through okay and we'll get started here in just a couple minutes we'll let people get logged in okay all right so my name is greg undo i work with yamaha corporation of america based in the us as a steinberg specialist um so i'm based i'm broadcasting from outside washington dc in alexandria virginia and we will get people logged in here in just a couple minutes how the club cubase google hangouts work is they're basically an interactive live q a stream you could ask your questions by entering them in the chat field or you could send them in advance if it's something that may require a bit more setup you could send them in advance to club cubase at and if you could if it's something that makes sense for an email reply if you could include your email address it kind of gets forwarded to me in a weird way so um so if you could do that that's always helpful uh if you're watching this live we'll get started in a couple minutes after people get logged in if you're streaming this afterwards you may want to jump to about uh nine or ten minutes into the stream so we'll try to get through as many questions as completely and succinctly as possible if you have your question you could ask it in the chat field we'll try to go through them chronologically if you ask your question over and over again it won't get your question answered any faster uh it just kind of slows down the whole hangout so i don't have to reread the same question uh multiple times that would be helpful so if we could try to refrain from doing that that would be helpful like many of you i have uh my families at home during this so i will probably have to take a little break at some point and put on a disney film for my son um and my wife is above me working so you may hear her on a conference call or walking so i'll apologize for any interruptions and noises that are going on uh outside of my uh context here so but uh so just want to apologize in advance for that so but let's go ahead and see who's logging into the hangout the index will more than likely be or the index of the topics covered today will be covered should be posted later tonight um so we'll try to get that posted so that people could uh just go immediately to different topics so um so we'll look for that but let's just uh go ahead and we'll have people that are getting logged in so we have more people getting logged in so see some questions see ace uh i think he's from texas all right so we have sub 403 it's kind of back on the hangouts okay so you see jay from connecticut okay okay so to see we have sir robert from atlanta good to see robbie from dallas long time attendee i think he's probably made all the hangouts we've done all right so we have south shields england good to see jason online i think he's been on a lot of the hangouts recently okay so let's just go on all right so we have brazil we have kenosha i believe that's probably from wisconsin the united states just across the border from illinois been there many times okay so we have matt from fort wayne we have iran okay so we have agent k on good to see you on the hangout okay so we have nepal it's very very late or very early there okay so we have spain we have riverside california see gareth kay right so we have pennsylvania all right so we have india i think we have three continents maybe let's see if we get some some all right so we have asheville north carolina it's my very first one of my very first trips for steinberg is going to asheville beautiful city so we have taxi texas all right so we have asia north america i don't think we have south america yet let's see if australia sometimes we have someone staying up very late in australia i think it's like three in the morning sometimes you get some people in australia all right so we have australia 1am in perth so all right so it's scotland yep you see ted pointing out that moog is based in asheville north carolina all right so germany all right we'll get started here with a couple minutes let's more people get logged in all right so more people from india france let's see if we have anyone from uh south america we usually have someone from colombia all right so we have denmark all right wait just a couple more minutes all right so we have calgary all right so we have sweden always wanted to go to sweden never made it hopefully one day we'll be able to travel to europe again as americans i'll be looking forward to that when things settle down hopefully okay we have austria all right so we have germany all right so we have oklahoma [Music] kingston new york norway okay once again just seeing some of the questions repeated a couple times so if we could try to avoid that to be helpful all right so we have buffalo new york mexico romania all right so colorado all right maybe in our 30 seconds and we'll get started brazil all right so we have our south america all right still haven't got anyone from antarctica so if anyone has a friend in antarctica that wants to log in that would be my goal to hit all the continents so all right so new york okay so let's go ahead and get started all right sorry i have a bunch of computers open at once okay okay um okay let me just see sometimes uh some of the questions may get kind of cut off before the hangout starts let's see if i can catch someone in our stream um so it says hi greg hope you and your family are doing well how can i modify sounds in cubase 10.5 hallie in library and save them as a new patch without altering the original steinberg hallian patches so let's go ahead and take a quick look so i will just add an instrument track and we'll just go ahead and add this okay so say i'll just open up halliotron [Music] and if we go to edit uh so just go to the macro editor page so we see this is the dub bra solo says we play so let's say if i wanted to adjust [Music] so i think if i literally just kind of come right over here and um you know choose to save the preset uh that we can so we'll just call this um july 14. so now you could go through and find um all of your user presets so if i just wanted to call up that particular sound let's just say i'll come over here let's get a haleatron let's see if it's if it shows up in here but the original uh is still kind of intact but if we wanted to say just get to our browser then i could just go to my user content then so if i still have that i could now just kind of double click and drag that over and this will be my preset so if i wanted to just go back to edit um [Music] let's just i'll just load up in this slot the original so as soon as i come over here let's just jump back to so we come there we see kind of between the two of them you could just kind of save that as your own preset so just kind of you know come right over here and save as preset uh and then that's that's really all you have to do to save and the original is still intact okay so you see question i can't find a way to import from the project away to import channel settings for vst instrument with multi-outs let's say i have a groove agent with multi-outs i want the setting from snare channel copied to another project insert eq strip and appears to be no way to make the import that works for all audio processes so let's go ahead and let me just remove this track and so let's say if i have a part that's loaded up here and groove agent that's going out to multiple outputs [Music] okay so let's see if we i don't think it's going to carry over on the import track that will just kind of go directly out but let's see if i do if i see my input output channels let me see if i save this as a track archive if that's carried over now let's do new empty project okay and i'll just so we export a track and we import a track archive so let's see if this is going to do the event and the parts so now i place back so try saving that um as try to export a export to selected tracks and then import a track archive and then all of your multiple outs with their processing will automatically be carried over so try that as well okay let's just move on um so see a question hey greg is there a way to midi map the mackie control user commands instead of f1 or shift f1 in the studio setup and is there a way to add to the mackie controls so you know you can't really add to the mackie controls because i think it's pretty much we'll show you what you could do um so say we go to our studio menu studio setup and we have a mackie control um here we could set kind of what functions that the what the user functions keys are doing and you know what the when you hit the shift key for the user function keys [Music] so this is where you would map it so you know if you don't see the mackie control here you just want to click on the plus sign add to mackie control and then this is where you could map which function that each of those keys will do and i think it's about you know 3 000 or so functions within uh the project so you can't really add to that but you know here you could choose you know exactly which functions that you want to accomplish for each of those so we can't necessarily add more functions but that's kind of within the mackie control protocol and that's where you can define the functions for uh the you know f1 and shift f1 keys okay so it says uh sometimes i have a problem with the cubase sampler when i want to make an 808 slides if sometimes doesn't sound like an eye machine for example and i don't know why so let's take a look i think i have a project that's can be set up for this i'll show you how i do it and sometimes you know the speed control can make a difference so let's see if i still so let's say if i have uh just [Music] so i have just my uh my my bass track just set up here so i just kind of put it on to monophonic mode and then you have the glide control here so as you hit a midi key you could adjust kind of the [Music] so let me just kind of turn this [Music] so we'll just uh i'll just revert it to where we were originally but when you just kind of come over there just make sure that a you're in a monophonic mode and that as you kind of just hit play here on this particular track um [Music] so i'd be [Music] so we're going to be faster or slower and you have to just kind of time that to the track so you can just kind of set your glide amount there uh and get it to fit rhythmically with the particular uh track okay so it says hey hi greg jay from connecticut um apologize uh essentially accusing you not responding to my questions uh a second week in a row answering questions in order isn't obligatory my fault for missing response no no worries on that i know it's a lot of topics that come and people may go in and out of the hangouts um so i guess question um does will steinberg have developed a library of foley sounds and sound effects for new audio producers working on shorts and games in nuendo if uh if not in talks could it be requested there is a one a one gigabyte library that does come with uh cubase or it comes with nuendo rather so if i wanted to i think i may have it uh installed here so let's say i just get my loops and samples or let me just i think i may have it on favorites so if i come here these will be kind of different sound effects that you get uh see i think you get it from the steinberg download assistant but it's just all kind of very usable sound effects and these are all be organized and tagged as well [Music] you know so if you wanted to come over here and just search for gun you know you're able to kind of do stuff like that as well um and just be able to kind of search so so look for the download but there is a sound effects library that is part of nuendo that is licensed for you where all the content is available for you to freely use okay says um hi greg i have cubase pro 10.5 and steinberg u r 28 m how do i configure buses so that i can run two stereo external instruments at the same time i.e analog mix one and two out and out mix one and two so really all you have to do so if you have a ur 28 m that's gonna have uh two mic pres as well as two line level inputs i'm just trying to remember i have one in my garage um or in the closet now but so what you need to do is just come over here to your audio connections and define an external effects or an external instrument rather and then you could just say okay my core gam1 is connected into inputs one and two my core you know my montage keyboard is connected into line levels three and four um and then at that point you would just once you have those connections defined uh you go to add a track you'd see add an instrument track you come right over here to external plugins and then you can just say i wanted to go to my montage from yamaha and then that would automatically take you send midi information out to it and then that the return channel the audio outs of the device would be sent directly back into the inputs that you've defined uh having an audio interface with you know i think it's the ur28m is a four in six out so that will allow you to have two different uh stereo inputs um but you know having an interface with more inputs as you have more uh actual functions is helpful to make it a little easier to access more more parts and more instruments as external sources as well all right so i'm just going to kind of scroll through my timeline here okay okay so let's move on to next question okay so you have it would be nice if the cubase sampler would have a note repeat function like mpc or the full version of groove agent so the full version of groove agent does have a note repeat so we'll show you how to access that so this is not the se version that comes included but the full version so i'll just add an instrument track and let's go to full version of groov agent okay and what i'm going to do is i'll just load up a quick kit here so say let's load okay so now i'm just gonna have let's say a number of different parts here let me just on solo all right so when we come over here you'll have a performance tab so we're going to activate the performance tab here and how this kind of works is you could go to different octaves on your uh keyboard so if i wanted to let's just see i'm just gonna check my keyboard range so we see c5 c sharp five would be these different patterns and we could kind of draw in different velocities if you wanted to but i'm just going to let's do a quick um i just want to make sure which octave my midi controller set up so i'll just do a quick midi monitor here okay so i'll just go up one octave okay so as i would hit a particular note here [Music] so if i wanted to come here and say okay i just wanted to take those different notes and as i hit the note i could hit like my g5 [Music] so any source that you hit say i hit the note once here and then so you could set up different you know velocity patterns or you know different midi ccs to change the sound but yeah so it's already kind of included so you'd have one note that would trigger the [Music] and then the other midi note that triggers the performance repeat pattern so once again in the full groove agent just click on perform activate it and then you have full control for note repeat functionality okay just going through comments okay just my chat feel just went way ahead bear with me just a second sorry about that okay so let's see count through say a lot of different questions people checking in sorry so we have from iran okay so question uh how to be perfectly precise with quantize in cubase so let's say if i have um we just take a part i think if we jump back maybe to another part here we have some i think we have a drum part here that we could listen to all right so activate this project all right so probably if we look at this particular drum part as we listen to it [Music] let me just select this so if we wanted to look at this um and let's go ahead and just look at it in a drum editor okay so as we look at this particular event uh we see that some of these are going to be slightly ahead of the beat behind the beat so if you really want it to be so precise with quantizing is you know when we go to your different quantized settings uh and we could access kind of your um your quantize settings here you know you could have it set for um you know iterative quantize which will be kind of percentage based uh you could set however many ranges but it's really if you just say i want this to be straight quarter notes for all the parts and i just hit q you can see everything is now just going to be so kind of whatever let's say if i just wanted to you know undo that and i wanted these to be you know straight and whole notes you know we we could just kind of do different quantization there now where you could get into uh you could disable you know iterative quantization so what iterative quantization is is where you could set a percentage based so let's say if you had it set for a value of iterative and it was within five and you had you set it for 95 it would within five percent it wouldn't really touch that or would move it like basically five percent closer to the beat without actually really doing it so if you want to be dead on precise quantization just make sure that your iterative is turned off and then you could just come right over here and say i want these all to be quarter notes i'll select all and now it's going to be [Music] and if i say okay let's make this all eighth notes and i hit q it's just gonna play all those back together as eighth notes so at this point you know that's going to be just kind of dead on without any feel and you could just have that be precise so if you just disable the inner iterative quantize mode make sure that is turned off then it's going to actually just kind of quantize precisely as you'd want okay so uh all right so we have uh it says a question greg can you show steps uh to assign a slider in a keyboard midi controller to control effects send a mount like a for a third-party delay so let's say if i wanted to come here there's a number of different ways of doing this probably one of the fastest ways is just to use um a you know just using quick control so let's say if i have a guitar part here [Music] and i wanted to assign uh a let's add an effects send so let's say i just want to put a delay on here so just right click we'll add our effect send and let's say i just wanted to put a mono delay so i'll just come right over here okay so we have our mono delay and i want this to be let's say quarter note delay okay and if i wanted to take this send level here and control from the keyboard you know using the quick controls there's a lot of great stuff that you could do so if you go to your studio setup you know map out the the eight midi controllers that you have in your system for your quick controls so just do a learn move the fader and then at this point you could just go to your quick controls and just say okay i want this to be send one level uh and now my midi controller which is set up and defined in my track quick controls as soon as i come here i can now just say moving my midi fader [Music] and that's all you have to do so set it up you know if you do it once because a lot of controllers will have eight quick controls uh you know like eight faders just set those up as quick controls and then you could just assign it here save it as presets and be able to quickly assign it to uh nearly everything in your studio so all right let me just move on thanks for all the great questions okay um okay says okay so we see hi greg what cubase effects tools are there to achieve that mancini 60s vintage string sound you know let's take a look see if we could find um you know i'm not sure like which particular track or if there's a particular song but let's say if we wanted to come here let's just try i know we could achieve it probably through iconica because there's like amazing orchestral stuff but see if we can find something that's uh just included so let's just say we'll come over here and sketch strings okay so you probably just want let me just try a couple of different patches here [Music] um so i'm trying to think of different uh henry vancini song or mancini songs um but you know [Music] so that could kind of work for kind of a classic string song a string sound uh sometimes people can get a little too uh heavy with the strings and raise a lot of the strings on vintage records that we all kind of love you know aren't necessarily um so thick so try some of the thinner strings um and you'll probably have more success kind of fitting it into a particular song i think like this let's just try maybe like the backing section [Music] but it could really depend you know and a lot of that stuff is why the strings sound so great is just uh great orchestration so that that makes a big difference as well okay so let's just see i have a couple timelines all right so let's uh go ahead and move on but uh maybe if you want to depend or if you want to send uh just the actual track i could probably find maybe a closer sound to a particular track okay um okay so we had just a a question can you please talk about voice overs so yeah we have lots of people doing uh voice over work inside of cubase let me just pull over pull up a i think i have a file some dialogue like some radio stuff i did with espn okay so let's say if you needed to do some quick said it's a little too soon to think about that have you you know some quick like voice editing tips that you know people often use is you know just being able you know to you know using kind of the range selection tool uh could be really helpful for a lot of different edits where you need to maybe you know take lip pops or you know be able to kind of do stuff like that so if you wanted to just kind of grab like the range selection tool i'll just take off my snap because a lot of times we're not going to be based to a musical time uh and then just like hitting shift x and you could bring up or down very particular things like if you saw that this was maybe a breath you could just you know again shift x and just be able to minimize or bring up different parts i know some people that you know will just kind of go through here and cut each line and say okay here's probably a breath i want to take this cut and just be able to so let's say okay i want to take uh just this history and where there was a breath there i just wanted to come here and you could also do stuff where you could um have macros for a lot of this stuff so let's say if we had a breath in that particular think about the history there so what we could do i think i may still have a macro that i did which would kind of come over here let's go to macros i think i called it minimize breath so i could just take that and drop that down by 12 db so at that point i could just that you laid down on sunday and uh at sonoma so let's say right here i just wanted to so instead of like having to do that copy it you could have macros which can do this function so let's say if i kind of expand i want to get rid of the lip smack and the breath right there i could just come right over here and just say okay let's minimize the breath macro and that will just kind of cut it split it and drop it down by 12 db or user definable amount and if you wanted to uh see the macro we'll just come right over here to edit and we'll show you the minimize breath macro so you could pause the video to see it but i do this a lot for vocals and voice over work so basically what it's doing is we're doing a locators to selection we're splitting the range we do our object selection tool um it just looks like my cubase misbehaved there on me sorry about that okay so again you can so to see that minimize breath macro so we'll just go to key commands that doesn't like when i do that all right that's strange i have to report that okay so just to show the macro again and so that that's kind of a so i just decremented the event volume and that could drop it down by however many db that you want and select so you know there's i'll just kind of leave this open here and we could you could kind of take a look at it and you could pause the screen on replay after but those are some like handy tips for voice over stuff that tends to work really well okay uh so a question about how to uh reorder tracks in the mix console so currently the mix console uh you can't drag and move tracks there but any track setting that you have here so if i wanted to move a particular track up i could just move it on the project window and then that is automatically reflected in the mix console but currently that it isn't designed to grab a track here and move it to the left or right okay okay so i see a question from ed uh any news from steinberg europe's support i dropped you an email so i submitted it to kind of the the testing department but i didn't pass it on to the support because i know you said that you had already uh reached out to support but i could pass it on to our support department as well but i passed it on to kind of the testing and quality assurance okay okay so i see a question i may have to hold a remote recording session soon but don't know how what is the best way to do this by cubase so the best way is one of the included tools uh that you get is uh vst connect se so the user that the person that you're recording would actually uh download what's called the vst connect performer you could purchase it for ios you could also get it free from the steinberg website for mac and pc for windows 10 and mac os and then what you basically do is you could use your webcams to see each other you can click on create um the vst connect uh and then what you're able to do is to search for the user so you could look up by their my steinberg name or you could choose to so then once you log in you could search for them you set up a headphone or q mix for them you could communicate directly with them uh and then the track is added here and just hit record and you could record them from remote location so there's a vst connect se that comes with cubase pro and that will allow you to record two tracks and if you wanted to record more than two tracks simultaneously like we're doing live drums you can check out vst connect pro okay good to see yon from sweden back after his vacation hope you had a nice relaxing time on vacation okay so question uh when using cubase effect preset uh preset up to patches there's no empty slot to patch to remove presets patch if we decide not to use them i want i went through some patches tests and have to individually clear each one so let me just um so let's say if we have a i assume this is for vst instruments since it's preset patch so let's say if i'm in howie in sonic se and let's say if i have a patch here um so i think if you depending on the instrument but a lot of them you might be able to just right click and here you could say a knit program [Music] or you could just say reset slot so there's a you know a number of different things that you could do here so if you just wanted to cut program as well so say if i did it with retrolog if it's the same functions i'm not sure which uh but if you come here there's also a lot of init for presets so if maybe you just come right over here and type in init um you know at that point you may have presets for that as well so but if you can let me know uh if there's a particular instrument or preset that you're doing uh but sometimes that could be like per instrument set as well but maybe perhaps if you give some more information that'd be great okay uh it says i have to upgrade my pc due to needing thunderbolt for uad could you talk about cpu optimization and whether amd or intel are better or better does more cores mean better performance you know it could really depend you know what type of work you're doing um you know so you know if you're some for if you're doing more synthesis and more audio i think faster clock speeds may uh yield better obviously the more cores the faster you have if you're doing a lot of heavy duty orchestral stuff you may want to consider you know being able to split across multiple cores um there's a lot of people you know for a long time intel kind of reigns supreme kind of during the i7 era but there's lots of people that have gone gone on to the amd ryzen series that have had great luck um you know if you're doing it but with an amd system you might have a hard time getting thunderbolt uh because it's i think there's one or two but it's not as prevalent on um [Music] you know on amd systems because it's kind of an intel technology so you may have a harder time getting an amd processor if you want to run thunderbolt but you know those are some things you do but you could check you know if you're you could check online with other users so if you're doing a lot of orchestral stuff or a lot of live audio tracks with you know different effects you know that would could dictate whether you're doing more cores or faster cores but you know get more more cores get faster more cores and it'll just last you longer okay so okay just going through questions uh can you show how to use a compressor as a gate for instance on this snare drum so let's take a look you know you may not need to use a compressor as a gate because there's you know i would see maybe if you didn't have noise gates uh but you know every part of cubase does have a gate on it as well so let me just check my audio connections here quickly make sure you guys can hear it as well okay so let's say i have my snare so load here all right so let's say if i wanted to so let's just bring this snare up here and i'm just going to turn the there's a gate on here already i'm just gonna so let's say if i just want to go to my compressor [Music] but you know if you wanted to use it as a gate you know i mean i'm not sure if there's a particular need for that but i would just kind of you know use the gate that's you know because every channel strip has a gate with it and you get here kind of we have this gate kind of be frequency dependent as well so just kind of bypassing that gate you know they kind of do different functions uh you know some people will gate like you know the reverb uh you know it's kind of classic phil collins type stuff and a lot of snares from the 80s where you kind of will gate the you know compressor you'll or you'll get the you know reverb but um you know generally the compressor is going to kind of bring or bring down or you know increase the levels and the gate will be more of the threshold so but every channel has a gate that's built into cubase so you could just come right here uh run it as a plug-in or within the channel strip and just be able to access the noise gate there okay so i see from pender why does my cubase pro title menu stay pinned to the top when i minimize the project is it a bug i can see my whole desktop until i maximize back or open um it's just that with previous versions you know when i come here to minimize this let's say um so let's say if i just kind of you know so like i'm let's say i minimized that project it's still the active project here so let's say if i let's close this project okay so and it may be slightly different on mac or pc but when i come here i don't see the um the particular title so let's say um you know when i jump back here and kind of maximize it so that seems to disappear there but you know sometimes cubase can still be open with the project minimized and you have multiple projects that you could choose to open reopen uh as you see fit so something to kind of check out there let me just see all right okay but if yours is behaving a little differently let me know okay let's go through some more introductions um okay so we have question is there a way to even out midi notes say select 20 notes and make them even in time so let's give it a shot so just randomly so let's say if i have just different note lengths here i think there's a couple ways to do this uh let's see if there's there might be one under function um so let's see if i come here and i adjust my note length let's say to [Music] one quarter note all right so i could adjust all those now let's say if i let's go to the logical editor so let's say we want to say length and we can say set to fixed value so let's say if i want these all to be set to one beat long so now at this point if i have done everything right i've chosen to take notes and we'll say the action target is length we'll choose transform and now they're all of the same length so if i say okay let's make this select all the notes and i want to make them you know two beats long come here hit apply all of the notes are two beats long if i want to make them six beats long again select all apply and then you could have fixed length for all the notes or all the selected notes so just choose under function transform go to type is equal to note action target choose length and set to fixed value and then you could just set uh you know by a ppq second samples or frames and that would be measure beat 16th note and division of 16th note okay so it says i use a roland f808 keyboard but it's not in the list of external devices in cubase how do i use the sounds of my keyboard instead of vst of cubase so if you have a keyboard you know yet you know because midi is going to you can send midi out to it without any problem what you need to do is just to take your midi track is just to add a midi track so my son's having a little too much fun uh and then you need to send it out to wherever your roland fa-8 is connected to so this will send midi information like let's say these midi nodes out to your f08 f808 now if you wanted to you know now you need a way to listen to your f808 um so a lot of people would have mixers and you connect your external midi devices into a mixer and then your f08 can listen to that and listen to the output uh of your of your audio interface with your virtual instruments so this way the midi is sent out cubase that you know then the rolling keyboard generates the sound and how you l how you integrate that sound could be the tricky part uh so many people use mixers or you could go to again your if we we could define it if you have available inputs on your audio interface we just want to go to your audio connections and if you have cubase pro you can go to external instruments say i have click on add instrument i have an f a 08 and then hit okay tell where what inputs of your audio interface it's connected to and then you're able to basically bring the audio out of the f808 uh back into cube cuba so when you go to add an instrument track you just choose under external um you would see the f808 and that that way cubase knows the exact uh audio stream that's going to be used and you can see that but basically you know cubase can easily do that but a lot of people miss that you know that the audio being generated from that instrument is outside of cubase and you need to you know merge the two in a analog or digital mixer or bring the audio back into cubase and that's kind of the convenience uh and a great workflow working with virtual instruments but you could definitely use i mean i still have i'm looking at my huge rack about 23 different tone modules uh you know that i still use uh you know less and less over over the time uh but they're still all wired up and ready to go at any time okay so question i still have vst2 and vst3 set up do i need to remove the vst2 what is the best way to uh to set it up you know cubase still works with vst2 plugins without any problems if you have duplicate vst2 and vst3 plugins i would just come over here go to the vst plugin manager and when we see plugins um you know you could actually let me just so say if i wanted to go to my vst effects here um you could see which are vst2 or vst-3 plug-ins and you could create a collection and just kind of remove the vst2 or vst3 remove the vs remove the vst2 versions but you know there's a lot of plugins that are very popular that haven't updated you know after almost you know 16 you know like 12 years to vst 3 you know i think uad is still stuck in vst2 native instruments is still stuck in vst2 so they still work um but it's when you have duplicate ones just go into your studio menu to the vst plugin manager and then you could just remove those from your different collections and see uh so that they don't show up and you don't use the vst2 version when you have the vs the same plugin in vst3 format okay all right just going through more questions here so still kind of going through introductions thanks for everyone's patience uh so from pender uh recommend any daily backup procedures you know if you're careful with your you know files i don't i don't do kind of a daily backup uh but you know if i was doing a lot of productions i would always just kind of you know like in my my personal studio pc you know i have one dedicated hard drive you know when i replaced an ssd from an hd like a normal spinning disc i just kept one of the like hard disks in so for critical projects in my studio i'll just kind of you know come over here and just do a you know uh backup project and save it to my you know big slow hard drive that's not as critical for opening up sample libraries faster um but you know having stuff saved in two places is always good but you know it you know i would say if you're careful with your file management you know do periodic backups you know i know some people that run really fast and sloppy and that's when they kind of run into problems but you know if you kind of understand and have a procedure you know you may not have to do daily backups for your you know for your workflow um so you see a question there's an issue with exports in cubase i get different results every time i export audio with the same settings as i check the waveform of the exported audio i can see the difference um don't necessarily go by the uh you know what you could do is just kind of test i'll do just a quick test here jump to a different project when it's kind of a bit smaller so it won't take as long but let's say i'll just come here and let's export audio mix down so i'm just going to do stereo out okay and i'll just do the same thing again okay so let's just go ahead and [Music] so they do look a little visually different let me just see if there's any changes i i could do some let's just kind of look at it and oh um so what i just did is kind of a classic mistake so why that one looked different is because it included the previous mixdown file so let's say i'm going to mute this and we'll do the export again so i had placed the audio file in this so it included the mixdown file with that so i'm going to mute that and so now we can see that they're going to be uh look fairly identical to me [Music] so let's just make these both larger about the same size just turn off the enlarge selected tracks function so you know they look so make sure that when you do like multiple mixdowns that you don't have both files so let's say if i come here so i know it's a common thing that a lot of composers go through where all of a sudden they you know they're doing multiple stages of delivery and they do the mix down they incorporate the file and then they have their mix down mixed in with the next mix down just like i made that mistake so make sure that's not happening on your end but you should get kind of you know very repeatable results uh so question from pinder uh when recording guitar and bass is it the rule of thumb that it being mono uh thanks greg generally you know most times guitars and basses will be recorded in mono sometimes like when i've recorded guitars and stereo is when the guitar the guitarist has like maybe like you know um like a roland jazz stereo course amp you know like a jc 120 i think the model is where it has the chorusing that's going back and forth between the speakers and in that case i would tend to record it in stereo with two different microphones uh but generally the rule of thumb is you know mono uh recordings because the actual source coming out of the guitar or the bass is mono but if the record if the guitarist has like you know specific effects that they're tracking with to the song you know which is fine um that you know are in stereo and makes sense for it to be in stereo it's fine to record the guitar in stereo okay okay uh when working with large audio files is there a way to compress uh the file for archiving you know i would always try to you know hard disk space is really inexpensive uh i know some people will do an export audio mix down and instead of a wav file you could choose to do a flac that would cut down on the hard drive space as you're doing that but you know i you know i've been doing this since like when we thought like you know um like you know like i guess it's uh you know when a gigabyte was like huge you know you get like a one a one gig hard drive for like a hundred dollars was you know just like the biggest threshold that was possible and unimaginable so you know when people had only you know 200 meg hard drives um you know then it could be more of an issue for archiving but you know i think that storage is so inexpensive um that i would try to maintain the full resolution audio file but you could export it to flack which is going to be a lossless audio compression okay uh is there a way to change c4 to c5 in the midi editor use the american system of octave naming um you know the it's not necessarily american or european or japanese style so it's going to still kind of output you know middle c is going to be defined in cubase and other programs differently and when we do this is because you know you know by certain standards committees you know is based on an 88 note key keyboard from a piano and uh when we deal with midi there's 128 midi notes so that's why you can't necessarily change it so easily but um so there isn't a quick way of doing it but that's why there's kind of two different schools of thought on that okay um hey there i don't know question i don't know how to set the mod wheel and pitch bend in holly and sonic as an automation track okay so open up an instance of halley and sonic so you know some easy ways to do this if you know if you have a you know you know if you want is you know once you go into you know pitch bend and modulation just re-read the question okay so is when you come over here you you know when you have pitch bend and modulation these will be midi continuous controllers so what you could do is if you come over here you can go to your cc automation setup uh and here we can say for modulation i want to use an automation track okay so and okay and let's say for pitch bend i wanted to come over here so now let's say if i record uh modulation here so then it just shows up as modulation data as opposed to midi cc data um so if i wanted to kind of do the same there's a little trick you could do let's say if i wanted to find uh i'll just go to my automation panel settings and let's say i just wanted to automate uh pitch bend i could come right over here i'll hit play [Music] um so now if we have our data here let's see and just move my pitch bend wheel [Music] so now let's see if i just do a reveal see if it just shows up as automation but if we if i wanted to come here let's open up another at this point um we could see more and if you just type in pitch so say channel one pitch bend hit okay then you could just kind of draw in different pitch bend that you wanted to so let's say we're here so we just see the pitch bend wheel move slightly here following the automation so if you just kind of click on the click here you could open up your different automation lanes and when you do that you could just say go to more and then just type in filt into filter you can just type in pitch bend and then what channel and then you could just uh have your pitch bend information just kind of drawn right in there for automation and do it within the automation track okay so to see question um what's the best way to convert a standard instrument such as a piano played via midi into sheet music for something like sheet music for tenor sax using the score editor um [Music] so i'll just jump over to project has some piano in it see it should be in the list here okay so you know if we have a piano part here we could look at it directly in our full score editor and we could make this into our full view and in cubase pro we go to the scores and you know there's an edit mode uh but if you want to see kind of what it looks like on a printed page um you could do that and then you can print that out quite easily um and you know if you have different parts you could come over here so let's say okay i want to take this guitar part and this piano part i could look at both of them and i could just see how they're kind of laid out uh if i wanted to edit this to make it into like a split staff or the guitar part you know we can just do that so you can take your melodies and whatever parts that you have selected here so if you just wanted to print out the piano part or if you just wanted to print out the guitar part you could come here and just print out you know there's different events as different parts uh and if you want to do [Music] like you know orchestral transposition uh for like a b flat tenor sax you could come over here and when we just uh go to the main here you could have display transpose so you could just choose tenor sax and that will automatically do the orchestral transposition so went from c to d major so it would print out in the right key for you okay so it says i want to make 808 glides with the cubase sampler the note c sometimes gets re-triggered after the glide note f or other notes so let's take a look uh i think okay so let's say if i just kind of come right over here let's just select this [Music] so make sure like if you if it sounds something like this let me just move a couple things here so say if i'm doing a glide from like if you hear something like that it could be that the note is still being held so the glide will go directly to the pitch and make sure that you let go of the first note so if you hold the note down [Music] so if you look here when i hold the note down and then we choose where to glide up to and then let go the glide note then it kind of goes back that might be what you're describing so but if i just kind of keep that pitch you you will get that kind of note re-triggered because you're in monophonic mode so make sure that you don't have a note like a note that's overlapping that was kind of like where you started to glide from okay so see question hi greg i hope all as well i used to have a macro to set my midi velocity to 127 could help me recreate that also when i transferred my macros to my new pc many of the macros stopped functioning um so if macros if you find them not functioning it could be that you know maybe some of the preferences weren't weren't carried over and some of the conditions might be different sometimes macros can you know be very dependent upon different conditions but if you wanted to fix uh like all these velocities of these notes to be a 127 so let's just look at it in like our key editor so we have different velocities here so i could select all the notes and we could just go to your logical editor um i think we might be able even to just come here to say if i select all the notes i just go to the velocity and the info line and type 127 let me just do it through the logical editor so go to midi to logical editor and we'll just say um value 2 which is going to be velocity we will set this to um so let's say we're going to take our notes so say val value to let's see okay set to fixed value and then just say 12 7 and now you just hit apply and all the notes velocity so all of our notes that were like that i just say type is equal to note and then i will blow off peter frampton's assistant here for you guys okay i'll call him back after okay so we'll say type is equal to note and we're going to say value 2 set to fixed value 127. so now i do that boom uh so at that point we can just have your velocities fixed to 127 okay uh hello greg i have a question i would like to know how to export my session for another engineer to mix with plugins that i already have in place um so you know if the if the other engineer is running cubase um you would just send them the cubase project and all the plugins would uh that would be carried over in the cubase project if the other person is running a you know different program you know you could export it as an aaf or an omf file but that's not going to uh automatically you know incorporate the plugins you could you know go to the render in place functions um so you know if you do you know if you come over here if you have a number of tracks and just say okay like this has plug-ins on it um you could select you know different tracks or different events and do a render in place and then render settings choose to have the complete signal path and then you know you could do this for multiple parts at once and this will embed the effects probably someone that's mixing it won't want all the effects embedded into it and there isn't a con there isn't a way necessarily to take like plug-in settings from one program to another plug-in to another program and have those carry over especially when the plug-ins are in different formats and different mix engines um so that's not an easy thing to do so but if you're both running cubase or if he's running nuendo you're running cubase or vice versa you can just simply um have those automatically uh kind of carried over just by giving them the cubase project and you know they could always if they don't have a copy you know um they could use a trial version temporarily until they get one but generally like from program to program the plugins won't translate will have to be rendered uh or you could just uh you know that's probably the best way because you know save there's isn't a common way of taking third-party plug-ins and carrying those across different programs um so you see question can we please implement vertical zoom capability via mouse scroll wheel for the next cubase update i will pass it on but you know i don't make the program but i'll pass it on but i see where that's kind of frustrating uh but i'll i'll pass that along okay so just saying from earlier about uh exporting uh multiple outputs says i don't want to have to do that it should work import project like an audio file um so you know it currently that doesn't carry over the multi and this is with the multiple outputs um you know being able to import a vst instrument track with the multiple outputs so you know it doesn't currently carry over the multiple outputs and i understand that you may want it to but if you wanted to get the functionality that's how you could do it now so but i'll mention that as well okay okay so i just see uh greg i'm running uh let me just scroll up here thanks for all the great comments and questions i'm running 8.5 pro why mixer window always resets size i want to stay showing a lot 40 channels and not just preset 15 or 60. so you know what you could do is you know if you have kind of a larger project let's just jump to this one it's kind of a larger project you know and you want the mixer window to be set up you know a particular way so i want to see this i want to see that is you know just store um come here to configurations and just add a configuration so this way you can say you know i want to see it you know more channels and we'll call this you know mr magoo bad eyesight and then you can just simply you know go between you know your different you know configurations here so you know you could try to just switch between different configurations uh and you could also set up you know workspaces as well so let's say let's see if the if i add a workspace here i'll do to project and let's see if there's so looks like it's going to be kind of stays the same let's just give it a shot here so i mean you could try try working with those i haven't done it in 8.5 in a while um okay so let's move on okay so just see question hello greg some backbone presets has an impact uh when you release a keyboard how can you create a preset like this meaning uh one sample on key and another release key so let's take a quick look you know it's kind of a thing you can set up a lot of instruments i'm not a backbone expert yet just had a bunch of other projects let's take a look at some of the impacts or maybe a whoosh let's just try [Applause] so you know when you kind of get into you know like some of the different synthesis options and different i may have to kind of dig more uh into this but uh you know i'm not sure if there's a preset that you could let's you know send me two that has the particular one but you know just a lot of the you know when you have the key follow or the key off you know that could send and trigger different parts of of the sample you know you could do that in halloween or backbone but you know try to just you know maybe if you could send a particular uh impact or a preset that does that that would be helpful all right so just seeing more uh comments from about the you know importing the vst with multiple uh outputs so you know definitely pass it on and it says you know and the point that you mentioned was i bought 10.5 for this particular promise that you could import tracks from project and really all you can do is import tracks from audio sources they should have disclosed that you now it's it's a lot more than just audio sources because you could import groups you could import folders you could import via you know effects tracks but i understand your frustration and i'll pass your frustration along all right good to see ambient dave on hangout okay okay so to see uh are they gonna update this sampler soon with latency adjustments for your keyboard you know i don't think that the sampler itself has latency if your keyboard has latency you may want to sorry about that just hit the wrong key with my backbone still enabled there it's probably a cool robert dude sick sound um you know the via the sampler track itself doesn't have latency if it does have latency let's just say if i wanted to jump here let me just create you know one other thing that you could do is let's say if you have a particular sound that you're looking for you know let's say i select this and then i create a sampler track um you know sometimes people will now and see that you know maybe it's a little latent just because of where the start time is so there's gonna be latency that can be um you know you could adjust the start time so where that sample actually starts you could just move the little s here but you know if it's you know if your your keyboard is latent and late and delayed when you do that try going to you know your uh select your audio interface under studio menu to studio setup and go to your control panel and be able and just adjust your size so the sampler track itself doesn't have latency your your buffers for your audio interface may and you know one thing to try also that could help if you have a lot of plugins like on your master of you know a lot of people run a lot of plug-ins there that can cause latency is try to in the lower left-hand corner of the transport try turning on constrained delay compensation but you know generally there isn't any actual latency with the sampler track but it could be things plug-ins or settings that could be causing the latency or maybe the actual start point of the edit doesn't carry over okay so you see a question does more cores provide better performance than better single core performance you know it could really depend on what you're doing so some plug-ins and instruments will scale better across multiple cores uh and and are basically you know maybe playing samples that don't take a lot of cpu power if you're doing you know 20 different reverbs that could take more processing power where where the faster the processor could benefit you know that usage so really depend on different parts of the program will benefit differently from faster cores or more cores okay okay so you see sometimes when i want to use the new audio alignment feature i cannot select the reference track is it a bug or am i doing something wrong sometimes it works sometimes it's not so let's take a look i've always had it kind of be fairly reliable all right so and what this function if you're not so familiar with it will allow you to do is to kind of align uh different sources so let's say if we have background vocals uh that are rhythmically off a little bit so this would i will open up my audio line panel and you know it could be you know maybe try to make sure that there's nothing there i'm sure you've done this but you could you know just clear that out by clicking on a trash can we're gonna add our reference track we could select multiple target tracks and just choose to align the audio and as we do that now [Music] so i haven't ever had an issue adding um a you know a reference track or a target track um but you know make sure that it's cleared out um but yeah i haven't i don't think there's any special trick or anything to do to kind of make that work for you okay um so i see from i believe it's yawn uh classic question there's a lot of discussion about to count into a middle of a bar we understand it is not possible to get two and a half bars counting we have a workaround so it's no problem but um so so let's say if we wanted to do um so if let's say if you want a two and a half bar counting um i mean you could always kind of manually make a pre-roll so let's say if we're here just a new empty project so let's say if we just start and let's say we have just our count in here um so you know you could like when you hit record and let me just set let's say the metronome setup under transport here okay so let's just sorry i think i may have so you know you could manually set up you know minus three bars and have it done so i mean kind of it's the first time i've had a request for two and a half bars as a count in versus one bar or or two bars um so you know if you have a workaround i think you know that you know that that's probably that's a good way to use it um but i'm not sure if i could see that changing in the future so okay let's move on okay uh i see hi greg is can you make your own album art for your own samples in the media finder uh currently i don't think it's set up we had this question and i checked uh someone who wanted to make their own kind of art like their own tile for different loops and samples like these so currently that's kind of an in-house thing but i think if you write to steinberg that they may you may be able to get it but currently there isn't kind of a user kind of provision for doing that to have kind of your own tiles um but you know so i think as commercial ones are done that they're able to be done but there's not a kind of a way for users to do it currently okay so just seeing uh maybe about the sampler track that it's a velocity adjustment so let's go ahead and take a quick look and not the timing so so we'll add that um so you know when we have this you know it's kind of just you know you have you know you have your velocity control here now and maybe you would um and just gonna re-read it again here um so you know as you do this is really kind of meant to be a very you know quick and dirty very fast way of coming up with different samples so if you're talking about having you know multiple layers like to trigger different samples um you know but since it's a mono sample since there's only one sample per sampler track that's why you may not see like you know controls for velocity switching between different samples but as you get here just you know your velocity is kind of okay so just see a comment uh please tell steinberg to put the note repeat function in the groov agent se version or the sampler so they may want you to buy the full version of groove agents i think kind of what you get with the the groov agent se is pretty you know probably more powerful than probably should be included for free tools so i think we should be grateful that we have that but i understand the desire for that okay so um so more on the velocity i think we kind of covered that just to further comment i mean there's no midi velocity in the sampler like if you make a midi track you can adjust the velocity to 127. so you know again it's just based on the velocity that you input and you saw before how we could adjust the velocities in the parts okay so a question uh audio to midi pleased um so let's take a look you know so all you have to do is you know if you wanted to do this for a more um so we currently do this for like a monophonic part and we do this directly through the very audio in sample editor so let's say if i wanted to take all this and i'll just quickly bounce the selection [Music] so if you go once you have everything kind of configured here we could just go directly to your functions and just say extract midi and at this point uh just hit ok and that will automatically place it uh you know on you could do it with you know notes and expression curve you could also just have that place on the first selected track or you know directly to a new midi track etc so just kind of do it directly from your functions and choose extract midi so it doesn't do polyphonic uh detection so it's kind of designed for monophonic at this point okay good to see creed is in the hangout so okay so uh we had this question i think the last three hangouts is steinberg considering increasing the max number of vca faders above 32 um so it's it's already kind of passed on so um so but we haven't had many requests for it but i'll you know again it's already been passed on so we'll just uh so just so you know okay so i just see a comment from vinnie hello from orlando i'm still waiting an answer from an elevated support on my blue screen of death in cubase only so again it's you know if i was to you know start to try to isolate that it's going to be i would say 99.9 pretty sure that it's going to be a hardware related that's causing it so i would you know start to look um let's start to look at that all right so let's just see i got in there so see uh greg can you explain aes17 so let me just google it real quick and see if it's what i think so i'm not that familiar with aes17 but uh just kind of googling it looks like uh like maybe just a filter for for measuring digital audio equipment but i'm not i'm not an expert in it so i don't know much so i probably wouldn't do much beyond reading a google search for you so i won't waste your time okay so i just see a question from creed uh jazz dude question can you turn off the mouse scrolling faders in the mixer so currently it's um you know we've had requests for that and i've passed it along in the past uh just we have a lot of people that accidentally just you know adjust fader values here and they don't want that a lot of people love it and a lot of people use this scroll wheel as their primary control surface uh but i'll mention that again as you know newer versions are kind of being planned and designed all the time as maybe just a little uh scroll wheel off here for faders um but you know it gets to be kind of a standard function that the mouse controls as well all right so we have someone else from australia from adelaide great to have you on hangout he says it's quite on the night shift so that's good okay so it says uh it's getting back to you know running 8.5 pro my mixer window always resets size i want to stay showing a lot 40 channels i think pretty much like if i saved let's i'll just do a new project and i don't have 8.5 installed anymore in my system but let's just do a test here so let's say i want to add 40 audio tracks and let's say i want my mix console to be saved super wide so say i want it to be saved with 40 channels like this okay so let's see if so when we go into our mix console view we have that um so i will close this project and let's go ahead and open that project activate it then we'll go to our mixer view so the mixer view kind of stays the same as where i left it so maybe if anyone else has 8.5 if depending on where you save the project if it's uh if it that's you know it seems to be where it's actually you know where it was in the project that that information is stored within the project okay sorry my chat time just kind of jumped up let me just navigate back bear with me sorry about that okay so i may have lost um see if i can go back i have two different chat lines going so let me see if i can get caught up on the other one okay just sometimes my chat gets so far behind with all the great comments from everyone okay so i lost uh some of the comments from my chat kind of reset itself uh so i apologize for that um okay so i see um so sorry if i if some of the questions got lost um so it says uh another one uh my transport uh lanes is approximately 15 000 bars so i cannot really use the horizontal scroll bar how can i define the length of a project in bars i did not find that in the manual so i think if you go to project setup you hit shift s or go to uh your project menu to project setup at the bottom and then um i think it's here we could set uh project duration so you know here we get and this will be you know hours minutes frames uh or hour seconds uh milliseconds so you could just so if you have this set for you know 15 hours um you know you could kind of just scroll you know for forever if you want to do that but again if you want to adjust that just kind of go directly to the project duration and then you could set the duration there so i've seen that sometimes i remember working with eric johnson's engineer and he couldn't zoom in like all the way near the sample level and he had it set for he had his project length set for two days or something like that so to change uh the project length from 15 000 bars just go to project duration um and then right there you could set it in the project setup uh it's a question uh hi greg is it okay to move the stock template files from directory uh the cubase puts them into the program folder at the moment they are in the user area windows 10. um yeah it's okay to move it you know just as long as you kind of keep um you know if you keep track of it but yeah you can freely move those around wherever you want so okay uh so question greg i've been doing uh voice over already commercial jobs i'd like to know the best uh you can mix music and voices so that you could hear the music and the voice very well so it's really kind of the same functions let me i'll just do a new project here quickly in and i'll just import like a maybe a backing track here you know it's you know going to be very similar to you know making you know a [Music] all right i'll just not do an adobe update in the middle of my hangout well as a sports writer well listen that that entire experience you know have from the pre-race all the way through you know you could also do ducking so if i wanted to um let's say if i had this kind of split up a little bit so i'll come here and hold down my alt option key and let's say i'll just separate these out you know kind of a classic trick is just setting up like ducking on particular tracks as well so this is kind of a typical like dialogue thing that you know guys will do in movies so they will apply just a compressor on this so let's say and i'll just do kind of an extreme example of it and then we'll activate the side chain and say our side chains coming in from the other track so the backing track gets automatically docked i put a lot of what we've achieved together you know of of the sport then when um track stops out [Music] so when this comes in uh most races won but uh yeah i i don't know i think stats um for me or something so as soon as the voice comes in the backing tracks get docked and the voice stops then the voice comes in right now i feel very very privileged to be on that shortlist well as a as a sports writer nerd i'll just i'll get covered i'll let you i'll let you do that later it's a new dialogue backing track gets up so those are like you know a lot of tricks it's obviously kind of an extreme example uh but that's you know something that's commonly used on voiceovers all right so i see pinder kind of mentioned uh the pink panther from village inn one minute 41 seconds so i'll take a listen to that if you want to ask on the next hangout that'd be great i see other people mentioning sidechaining for music deducts all right so again just kind of seeing people asking kind of the same questions uh repeatedly so if we could try to avoid that that'd be appreciate it so it says i think i found a bug in my cubase when i select a folder track i can't mute or solo the track with my cc 121 so let's say if i put these in a folder i don't have my cc 121 hooked up to my work computer currently but just drag these in to the folder um so i will take a look at that terry if you want to send me an email and i can follow up with you on the next hangout on friday okay um can you please give some tips to manage the best of local multiple vocal takes in vocal recordings okay so let's go ahead and i think if you've done like multiple if you wanted to create kind of like a comp of different takes uh that that is a fairly you know that's a fairly easy process in cuba so if you've recorded multiple passes on the same track like if i come here you know we can go to let's say we have our audio folder here and these have all been recorded kind of multiple takes so just like a bass part but um and so we have as you record different recordings will be kind of placed on top of each other i will click here to show lanes and then once you do that you can select the comping tool which is this little hand tool so once i do that we can now kind of you know break apart different sections if you want to hold down your control you could audition each of the different passes here [Music] and say i want that one uh i want to listen to [Music] then let's say i want this tool so instead of having to split and mute multiple parts i could just kind of come here and select the different parts and come up with the best performance to best take and then once i close that then all those takes can be consolidated into one performance for you so that's kind of an easy way and if you're passing this on to someone else just to make their life a zillion times easier you know select these and go to audio and just say bounce selection and that way you pass on one event as opposed to passing on like you know a bunch of comp files that may not translate to their program if they're not smart enough to be running cubase or innuendo all right sorry lots of calls coming in today okay um hi greg is it possible to select an audio midi clip and do insert silence as uh as you do with the range tool so i think you know if we select a clip here and let's say you hit the letter p that you and let's say we've got a range here and insert silence that'll just kind of knock it over based upon the left and right locator position so if i want the insert silence here whatever i have selected hit the letter p and that will move the left and right locators to that event and then go to range and choose insert silence and then everything will kind of get knocked over to the right inserting that that range of silence for you i see a comment hi greg i made the upgrade to nuendo from cubase loving it and it's great to hear it was a great promotion i think it just ended um all right seeing other people probably to our comment earlier about amd and intel so a lot of people saying amd [Music] so one comment is intel is single threaded focus amd is multi-threaded focus okay okay so i just see a question how do you side chain effects um so there's a couple ways of doing it uh some some plug-ins will just have a side-chaining built in so a couple of methods we'll take a look at so let's say if we're here and i have what did you say [Music] you wished [Music] so one one thing that a lot of people do when old school trick is let's say if i wanted to put like a delay um see if i remember how to do this i will set this to um and let's just come here so if i add an effects channel so let me just go to my sends and i'll just add to send [Music] and then what i'm going to do is just side chain let's say from my duplicate track [Music] what did you say and i think i may have to mute this one let me just see if i remember this process or send it to no bus what did you say um but what i tend to do now is use the so there's a method to kind of sidechaining a duplicated track and i did a tutorial video on it just kind of having a brain cramp um but if we come over here to uh our sends on this one one of the tricks that you could do is when you get to the new multi-tap delay is there's kind of a built-in side chain a built-in docker here so let's say as we're playing around with this [Music] so i'm gonna choose just to do my docker here so let's say i'll make it a quarter note delay and let me just adjust the output back a little bit [Music] what did you say [Music] stop singing [Music] anytime there's a little pause here [Music] and what some people do also is um they will come over here and say okay you want to add let's say if i wanted to do the reverb so i wanted like a really large reverb an obnoxious reverb here they'll go to the effects return channel so let's say um all right so we'll get to the effects channels let's say for revelation and open this up and they'll move the revelation down and put a compressor before and at this point we'll just say let's take andrea vox and use that as the side chain so if we have this set up right you could just kind of take the effects return channel [Music] and use that as a gate [Music] so that that's another method so there's a couple different ways of doing kind of a side chaining of different effects okay so just reading greg my question was for audio inserts when using cubase uh presets for effects some have no way of resetting to no effects after you insert a cubase effect patch there should be a reset patch um okay so let's just try real quick let's say if i wanted to come to this i have an insert so let's say if i'm here and we just wanted to like get rid of that so let's just see if they all have let's see if there's a way just want to see if there's in like an in it or default so yeah you can see where um you know where it won't allow you to i think you know as soon as you let's see what happens when we just drop a plug-in in so i think if you come here you could just change this to you know i'm just seeing if there's a quick way i'll i'll play around with a little more if you want to send an email to club cubase it's to see if there's uh see if there's a way to okay so let's say if i load that up and i right click um yeah so i i think i see what you mean that you can't just jump back to kind of uh default state but you could just hit um see if you hit so let's say if i come here i go to so if you hit like option or alt z that will be your undo history uh it's gonna be linear so it may not do what you want but i think i understand what you mean um so i'll play around with it if you want to email me and include your email address okay okay so i see question um i have my old casio cz 5000 uh with the song it has eight tracks i loaded it in cubase 10 but i can't load the tracks of cz 5000 separately always were merged in one channel can i fix it so if you have um if you transferred everything over and it's in one track of midi what you want to do is uh come over here so you probably have multiple midi channels going on in your parts let's say we have midi track okay so i have midi track here and probably if you go into your list editor you may notice that uh so say if i have a bunch of channels here let's say i have a whole other series of notes all right so say these are on channel two and let's say these will be on different channel three all right so when you go into the list editor so go to midi to list editor you may notice that we'll have you know events on channel one channel two channel three so probably the easiest way to do this to separate the different midi channels is when you come here put this to midi channel any and this is kind of like a polyphonic midi channels and multiple channels can play back from that device go to your midi menu and under and choose dissolve part and separate channels so now when you do that this will be midi channel 2 midi channel 1 midi channel 3 so that will separate the different midi channels into different tracks so try to make sure that the original track is set to midi channel any and then under midi menu dissolve part uh and then just choose to separate by uh midi channel okay so let's go on and if you have learned a new tip or trick please feel free to go ahead and give a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel so so i just say comment i bet greg was a ramones fan in the wild years we used to follow a local band in dc baltimore area called kicks that was who we used to i used to get fake ids to go see in clubs and stuff so uh greg what's your favorite vsti i would say my desert uh vst instrument would be uh hallian just because i you know does so much it's you know an amazing synthesizer being able to do you know playback sample libraries and blend all those things and being able to sample directly into it i've had you know fun resampling a bunch of older uh keyboards whose batteries are slowly dying and are really hard to replace um so i think you know if i had to have one vst instrument i may pick cali and i use groove agent all the time uh and find that just really you know great to play along with and for ideas but if i had that you know one you know like i could get by on so much of my work with just hallian uh groove agent and like you know one retrolog and pad shop is also really great but if i had to pick one and my desert island single vsti would probably be hallian uh so see question greg do you do collabs um yeah i mean i've done a lot of production stuff over the years uh you know i do lots of online tutorial you know consulting and stuff as well for people so uh and help out a lot of different people so all right so we have someone checking in from turkey okay so someone says uh that's cool i was wondering how you could use a logical editor that's great for lengths awesome yeah the logical editor once you kind of get into it gets to be um you could do so much so fast it's really very compelling so seeing comment my son can never have too much fun yeah yeah we're gonna make sure he's happy so he's been stuck inside a lot over the last few months um okay just uh going reading through comments and lots of great discussion uh so you see a question is there a way to open full screen midi editor by double clicking on the midi track like the earlier cubase versions instead of getting the small lower zone editor that you have to click on again yeah it's just a preference so when you go to cubase to preferences and you see editors so you can say double click opens editor in lower zone or opens editor in a window so now when i double click on a part it's going to be just in a separate window just like that so it's really just as easy as going to that preference in cubase under editors so just change that to double click opens editor in a window okay all right so to see more discussion of ambient dave and his modulation control that's kind of not functioning for him sorry about that that's always a bummer when something doesn't work like that and something kind of dies unfortunately uh so it says question uh hope you're well greg yes we're doing great thank you for asking uh going back to external instruments would you add a vst version of a external instrument separate to its midi track for the same hardware instrument you could have it consolidated or have it uh go directly to two different tracks if you wanted to that way you could have it separated just like uh using a midi track going to an instrument rack in cubase it's really just kind of your preference okay um so just see question greg along are you using cubase and i think maybe this is how long have i been using cubase uh i've been running it since 1991 so i got it with cubase version 2 on atari's when i got into it i was in college way back when i'm too old now okay yeah and then uh yes i've been running it you know almost 30 years 20 you know almost 29 years now so still learning new stuff all the time uh so question is there a way to use the note repeat from complete control keyboard with the cubase sampler or steinberg vsts i can only use the note repeat function when i used a complete control plugin i don't have the complete control so i'm probably not the best person to ask but a lot of the controllers if they're just spitting out if it's actually just transmitting the note repeats as midi messages out of the midi connection then it should be able to work so but again i don't have the complete controller so maybe other people could answer if they have that okay see interesting comment from gareth you may start around same time i did my first pc had four megabytes of memory and and that was so much back then it was great um so i see a question how do i use a yamaha modi x and apollo interface on a project so you know all you have to do with your modi x is probably just you know you could connect the modx as an external uh instrument so you know just as we discussed earlier so if you come over here to your audio connections click on external instruments and have the output of the modex connected directly to the input of your apollo so that would probably be the best way then just add an instrument track and then you could just choose like here let's say my montage the audio is then going out i have that track it's going you know and that way you could have kind of treat it like a virtual instrument so that's probably you know if you wanted to incorporate the audio and be able to access all the sounds um so that probably the easiest way to do it okay so i see uh cubase can use with the max 730 sound card you know as long as the audio interface the sound card has standard windows drivers uh cubase could use it and probably what it would show when you come over here uh and i'm assuming it's probably a windows card if you go to your vst audio system you would just choose for this to be um like the you'll see generic low latency audio you may also get kind of better performance by selecting asio for all which is kind of like a third party driver for like built-in audio interfaces that could give it better latency so those are a couple things that you could do so you see a comment from jazz dude wasn't the hard drive for atari like 20 megabytes i think the official atari one which i had was 30 megabytes yeah connected through dma port uh so the the early days of computer music so okay so is he just comment i don't see questions he's answering on youtube questions uh so you know often there's so you know if you go way back in the discussion so we just kind of go through them as chronologically as possible sometimes some of them get lost as the chat gets kind of updated all right okay so you see question greg what is the advantage of a template versus taking a project i like and deleting the events and using that as a template um so when you work with a template the template doesn't have a you know the template doesn't have a folder directory that's associated with it so when you if you open if you save a project and open it all the files will that you record will likely still get stored in that same project folder but when we start a project from a template um you know it's gonna that template doesn't have a folder where the files are predetermined to go because you're going to define so you choose the template and then it's going to place it either in the default uh location or you know i prefer to have prompt for project location um so that way there's not the template doesn't have a record signal a record folder path so that's why it could be a little cleaner because if you take you know a file without all this a without all the settings and you just open that up and you use that as your template and you keep recording all the audio files can still it's very easy for all the audio files excuse me for all those audio files to be placed into one common folder when for file organization's sake you probably want each project to have its own unique audio files folder i'm going to cough real quick and just mute my mic all right i think i'm back all right sorry about that all right so we have someone checking in from italy with respect thank you um so see question hi everyone if someone succeed in making guitar tones using stock vst amp rack i'm a newbie sorry if it's a stupid question uh certainly you could do that so we'll show you kind of example and it's a lot of people's like really kind of favorite uh guitar processor so you know for software based i know michael wagner's you know probably sold 100 plus million copies of hard rock stuff for software it's his favorite uh guitar modeling um and he has like every single amp and he's really into kind of the kemper profiler as well let me just revert this because we have some of the vst amp rack here so it's kind of widely used by a lot of different people so let's just kind of take a listen here i think we have some so in this project so if i wanted to come here let's go do this [Music] so if i wanted to just uh solo the guitars and then let's go ahead and turn off the amp rack then we can come here that's the raw guitar part so now we're gonna get it so sits really well in the mix so bypassed [Music] [Music] yeah i got this project from my friend fred corey and he saw me use it uh in a demo in l.a he's like what did you do to make my project sound so better and i was like oh i muted the original guitar parts and just used a vst amp rack he's like oh wow that sounds great you know and he's turned a bunch of people on into the vst amp rack as well so it's it's surprisingly good and you know probably exceeds many uh amp plug-ins and modeling that you would get from third-party companies so you could definitely use it and get great results just seeing also some combination that the atari didn't come with a hard disk so it originally there were there was an atari hard disk it was an external fl it was an external hard disk a dma hard disk they sold a 30 megabyte one [Music] okay yeah so you see that someone mentioned it had a discussion port so i don't think there's a scuzzy until the tt and the falcon had scuzzy all right so some good atari memories there all right i just see a comment the chat screen shifted to the bottom of the page instead of at the right side so it depends on how big your uh try adjusting the size of your your browser window so it depends on how big the video is all right okay so um i just kind of keep seeing this comment i'm not happy with the sampler because there's no midi keyboard key velocity so you know as we kind of showed before maybe i'm not understanding what you want by the keyboard key velocity but you know it's one single sample that responds to velocity very well okay um so you see question can i import a reaper project file into cubase you may be able to cubase won't read it natively but you could probably save it maybe as an omf or aaf or time-stamped audio files and you could take that into cubase okay okay lots of great discussion okay so just saying matic wave oh it's called midi modifiers that's what sampler needs you know so let's take a look uh sampler track i'll just so as soon as you come over here um so right click and then you have your midi modifiers there so as soon as we um [Music] kind of come right over here there's your midi modifiers for your sampler track so if you were missing that it may have just been disabled try right clicking and then you could have the midi modifiers there so so i think it's you'll probably have it within the sampler track okay so let's say um [Music] so question please greg is there a way of mapping a midi key from an external controller to make a macro to create a new audio track i don't think we have to create a macro let's go take a look um so i'm going to set up a generic remote and go to studio to studio setup i will sorry and let's go to generic remote so we'll have this up for my nectar and i want to i'll just come over here i'm just going to hit a midi note so and capture to learn and now i want this to do um it might be command add track add audio okay so if i did everything right i come here hit the key and then that's how you could do it so you just add track uh so at that point we could uh so again go to your studio setup just do whatever midi note you want it to be learned and then go to fader one command add track audio so now i can just hit that key and it'll bring up the add audio track dialog and hit enter and it'll add the track for you okay so just seeing uh a question on voiceovers um for example doing voiceovers i'm in the booth with a controller i want to make other audio tracks for takes but not keep having to go to the computer um you know there's a number um so you know if you're if you're doing voiceovers in a booth you know there's a number of solutions like if you have an ipad you could get the cubase ic pro and that will do it i know a lot of people that have you know an hdmi cable going to a booth and a wireless keyboard and then they're able to just kind of drive the cubase in there so that hdmi cable for video they just hook up a monitor and a wireless keyboard you know most of them have ranges that are quite good and be able to just do that so you don't have to run to the computer itself but you know there's a number of ways to kind of to do that you know have remote functionality with a tablet or phone um and be able to have like the ic pro for ios is you know a really good solution if you have to kind of record yourself in a voice over area so you know look at a solution like that but you know a simple hundred dollar monitor and wireless keyboard work wonders for people as well okay okay all right so i just kind of more uh questions on a midi modifier so hopefully that will do the trick for you okay lots of great um uh so i just see hi greg but last time about the shared uh copy for audio clips logged in but late today i wonder if i figured out anything with that i forgot to take a look at that but um i'll make it i'll add it to my list for next time sorry about that all right just reading through different comments okay so i see a question hi greg thanks for sharing all your tips and tricks how can i change the bpm of a cubase pro 10.5 project with a key command and our hardware midi controller do you know which brands models so let's jump over to our project here that's kind of maybe set up for this so say if i jump to this one let me just revert it okay so you know if you wanted to set um let me just make sure i have the right key command i think we just go under transport okay so just uh enter tempo so it's just going to be shift t so i mean we could do with the keyboard shortcut sorry for taking so long to find that so let's say if i'm here now we get a shift t so as soon as i hit shift t i can just now type the tempo in so i want to be 88 shift t 112. [Music] so you see my tempo here just hit shift t say 98 shift t the function shows up right [Music] there and then you could you know if your tracks are in musical mode they will automatically follow so while you're doing this just use shift t and say 76 [Music] shift t 112 [Music] so then you could just kind of use it as just a standard keyboard shortcut to do that okay uh what does constrain delay compensation do okay so a lot of times when people are tracking it's pretty common for people to kind of have large plug-ins so say if i have like a multi-band compressor and a multi-band a few multi-band expanders and let's say as i do this um you know we could have let's say convolution reverb some some plug-ins will take more uh processing time than others so when i go to let's say my full screen mix console uh we could look at one of the functions you could look at is the channel latency so as we kind of come over here let's go to my master fader we can see that i have 340 milliseconds uh for 249.9 milliseconds of latency mostly in a multi-band compressor and expander so if i'm recording and i'm recording on a particular track um you know and if i'm here let's say if i leave this open and i'm recording um that chain there of plugins is gonna cause the recording to be delayed so if i wanted to kind of minimize that delay easily i could enable the constrained delay compensation and those plugins will be bypassed so that way i could just kind of come here if i now wanted to have after recording i wanted to have those plugins in the chain just enable disable enable so this allows you to kind of bypass plug-ins that are causing a lot of latency that could be kind of you know affecting the recording performance that's what the constrained delay compensation does okay so uh let's take a listen all right so we have a question uh when i make an effects send pre-fader the sound doesn't pass through in the channel uh with the send on it is muted is there a setting to change this so let's take a listen so say okay i just have my horrible effects chain i put on for high latency so let's just say if i wanted to add an effects channel here so say on my snare okay so say i'm here and let's just fast forward a little bit [Music] okay so let's say we have pre-fader [Music] and so now that i have it on pre-fader i could just adjust okay so so this way my isn't affected but if i have this on post fader just so people aren't familiar [Music] okay so it says when i make a send pre-fader just come back to your question here um the sound doesn't pass through when the channel with this end on is muted is there a setting that can change this so let's say [Music] [Music] okay so now say if i all right so it says um the sound doesn't pass through when the channel descend on is muted is there a setting to change this well you know i think you know by putting it in pre-fader [Music] you know it's going to be if there's no signal because it's muted you know so say if i switch this to postvator [Music] you know because the signal is getting muted before it hits the fader hence that's probably why you're not hearing it let me just see if there's a preference that can help with this i'm not sure if there is um maybe this one say mute presents uh mute presend when mute let's see if that does it so let's put this to pre fader yeah so it looks like that did it so try to go to your preferences uh and under vst unchecking mute pre-send when mute and i think that will take care of it for you all right question uh hello guard keep getting intermittent message saying i've removed my r16 interface and should choose onboard driver have reinstalled zoom driver any suggestions please so generally if you're getting messages like that and that's the interface that you have it's i it would i would think that maybe it's losing usb communication with the computer um you know a couple things to check make sure that a you're plugging you know you could try plugging it into a different usb port uh if you're going into a hub uh you know try to connect it directly into the computer if you're going through a hub with a midi controller and other devices a mouse a keyboard you know like wireless fobs for those you know that may be draining too much of the power also a lot of usb ports if you go into the uh bios settings you know on pcs sometimes the usb ports will be kind of they could throttle the amount of power to save on batteries uh that are going to the usb port so sometimes turning off any power saving or eco modes for the usb ports can make a difference as well but i would try those things uh so you see question greg did you ever use the vst connect yeah i've done a number of successful recordings with it um yeah it's worked surprisingly well so it always helps to run like a wired connection so um so you see a question uh how can i change the panning view like here in the mixer now so it could be with a particular project um you know if it's when you see the panning let me see if i think sometimes this one may open it up a little differently where we see the panning kind of like this if this is what you're referring to this is because there's a this is going there's a 5.1 output bus so when i come here uh in my outputs there is a 5 1 output bus associated with that particular project and that's why sometimes you may see the panning look a little different like on that project but if i got rid of that 5.1 bus in my outputs i could you'll notice that the panning will change accordingly so it could be maybe that so let's say if i remove the five one bust you'll see the panning kind of go back to maybe what's it looks like normally so if that was what looked different that could be causing it just the addition of a 5-1 bus okay so i think matic wave will be happy when he gets when we finally get to the point where we could turn the midi modifiers on for him okay okay okay so i see question hi my new 10.5 license destroyed my old four and five license steinberg and hamburg does not reply to my request so it probably didn't destroy it it probably uh if you upgraded to version 10.5 that's um you know that license you know so your your for your cubase for your cubase 5 license whichever one you had was upgraded to 10.5 but your 10.5 license will go back to sx1 so even though you have a 10.5 license it was still gonna run your cubase you know nine your cubase eight range seven six five four three two you know back to sx so even though it doesn't it may not say cubase five license now you may depending if you're running an older computer you may have to reinstall like an older e-licenser software once you have the 10.5 license but um i don't think you know if you upgraded from like a four or five license to 10.5 it's taken that license and and bumped it up but those later licenses run the previous versions okay okay just and other people kind of repeating just what i said just probably an hour earlier um so just see a comment from matic wave i want to make a tune with sampler only that would be nice yeah there's all sorts of great stuff you could do with it so i've seen uh composers like paul hasslinger just do amazing things with the sampler track uh kind of new and fresh and interesting sounds that it would take a long time otherwise okay just reading through more comments and lots of great discussion and if you've learned a new tip or trick please feel free to uh give a thumbs up for the hangout and if you haven't subscribed to the channel okay just reading through more comments okay so see uh we're in buying them on a hangout good to see you orton uh so will you please use the midi insert quarter use the minor 7th 11th chords play a few chords and show me how to print the notes and see them in the sample editor so let's go ahead and take a look [Music] okay so let me just go to my midi insert of the quarter okay so let me just make sure so let's say the minor 7th 11th chords so so i'm just hitting one note here [Music] okay so let's say i want to just record this so i'm going to click on the record icon here and let's just come here and so just [Music] so we just out making a mistake sorry i have like three computers in front of my controller here all right so try this again so i hit one node it triggers a chord so we can now see our chords kind of laid out for us now if i didn't have that button turned on what i could do is as i'm recording it would just still sound the same but it would just record a single note so when i look at this part i see just let me just make this a little larger so now i see single notes and if i look at this part here i see the actual chords that were generated so uh and if i wanted to take the single notes into the chords what i would do is go to midi and choose freeze midi modifiers and then that would generate the chords for those events and if i wanted to look at it in you know let's just select all and then at this point i could you know just look at it in the notation view so if i want to split this so just come over here say let's do split then apply so i could just kind of see my chords that i recorded right there um so you this way you could print the notes just directly from there let's get a page mode so i could see exactly what the chords i played i could have held it a little longer so it looked a little neater but that would be all i would need to do um so if i wanted to turn this into the sample editor what i could do select a part and i could just do a render in place so i'll just say let's get to render settings and i'll just say render it and now all these events have now been rendered as audio so when i listen to it just grab my play [Music] tool [Music] so that's some different ways that you could work with a quarter to take it into notation from playing just a single note and then be able to turn it into audio in the sample editor okay interesting great comment from gareth k music uh we need more optional options to opt into so all right uh so i see all right so my timeline jumped my chat screen so let me just jump back just realize i have a zillion questions ahead of me okay so you see a question greg how do you stream audio from cubase to obs i recall that you used a control room to do this my current solution is to use a restream plug-in on stereo out what i do um yeah because you see that i open up and close like 100 projects during a hangout um but what i do is i take uh the audio out of my laptop uh and that's going the audio of my laptop's going out to ur 24c interface i take the output of that audio interface and a microphone and i connect it to a yamaha mw12 cx mixer and that's a mixer that has a usb output and then so i use one audio interface my ur24c for uh cubase and i have obs that's seeing the audio only from the yamaha mixer and this way i can change sample rates i can i don't have to have a plug-in that's loaded into every single project or in the control room or you know anything like that so i kind of used two separate devices and i found that it's kind of been the most reliable so okay okay just reading through different comments all right it says i see uh in absolute two and three dark planet hypnotic dance symphonic orchestra and tribe work i used to have them all these plugins i could load them up as if their own instrument now and four i can't do that why it's just all of them were kind of using the same engine inside of howie and sonic uh se so when you go to your vst instruments you know while all you have to do is you know it's going to be treated the same exact way you just launch it from uh howie and sonic se and i think even if you just kind of jump here let's say we go to uh your vst instruments and let's just go to howie and sonic se so here you can see your dark planet presets you could see uh the hallian symphonic orchestra so all the different um you know instruments triborg you know they're all going to be you know directly in here so i could just say tribe work let's just drag it out and then it's going to just play inside of halley and sonic sc so basically when they were their own standalone instruments um you know they were in essence just playing kind of versions of halley and sonic se now you click here and you go to you know select the particular instrument here that you've added um and then you're able to you know just you know see the particular you know macro that you've kind of worked with so it's the same kind of exact thing but even if we now want to just add a hanging sonic se i could come right over here and just say let's go to uh hypnotic dance and i wanted to come here to tribe work and let's come here to dark planet you know and as soon as i come over here and select them they're all the same exact instruments so it's just kind of been consolidated so i know it's a little different uh to see comments speaking of fixes it just might be possible that my long-standing freeze issue on clothes might possibly possibly be solved a lot of times that could be related to like a plug-in that doesn't release memory so um you know that that could really you know check those things out as well sometimes i've uh i've also heard someone that you know was trying to figure out what was causing their you know program freezing on exit and they found an old rewire driver that was causing problems okay just reading through comments um so i see question is there a way to extract plug-in settings if a project won't open due to some issue i have several older projects that can't find a plug-in because they look for an older version um so i don't think that there's a way to automatically you know determine which plug-in settings were used without that plug-in opening um so i'll try to think of some something that but nothing off the top of my head you know i know some people will you know keep notes in the in the project for settings when working with kind of iffy plug-ins in in the notepad so there's some people that do that um i know people that take screenshots of a lot of stuff kind of you know some old school engineers who used to have like track sheets of outboard gear who take screenshots of everything just in case if they're moving between programs as another way but nothing off the top of my head but yeah i'll i'll suggest it as a feature but it might be pretty involved to do that um okay okay just kind of reading through more comments um okay seen our request for the r16 question which we discussed uh uh and kind of dealing with you know older plugins um you see comment from robbie i was thinking the vst 3 plugin came up by default it doesn't necessarily come up by default if you have both of them kind of going okay okay just going through more comments and lots of great discussion okay so just saying comment uh there's discussion about uh license numbers and for older versions installing so i don't think any of the cubase versions had any installation codes or install serial numbers or anything like that so it's just a straight install because the license is on the on the e-licenser itself okay just lots of great comments reading through okay still going through comments um so see a question uh will cubase add crossfades um so let's say if i've done a whole series of bad edits uh there's a couple of different ways of doing crossfade so let's say let me just turn off my snap here quickly so let's say i've done a bunch of edits here and maybe and i want to just increase the volume of a number of different clips here so let's say you know if i listen to just this audio file here and we could hear kind of that click [Music] let me just make these more obvious [Music] so if you wanted to crossfade between two different sections you know if you have them selected like so you can just hit x and that will do a cross face it just acts on a computer keyboard so and you could do that for multiple clips just come here hit x and as you do that that will do the crossfade for you and if you wanted to edit the crossfade you could double click and have different fade ins and you could have independent fade outs that aren't equal to that so if you want you know logarithmic fade out you know we're fade in and you're custom you could save that as a preset and have that there's also another thing that you could do in cubase if you have a number of parts that you want to crossfade in real time if you just select uh the event itself you'll see this little auto fade settings so anytime that a clip comes in you can have it automatically do fade ins fade outs or cross fades so that you won't have to do a lot of crossfades and edits it's just going to kind of [Music] apply those fades during playback so there's a number of different ways of doing crossfades whether they're edited or applied during actual playback okay so just saying a comment from terry dean i've installed a groov agent or cubase for ai on a vista machine but there's no way to activate it because the latest uh e-licensing control center can't be installed on my vista there are if you go to the like i think if you go to there's kind of a whole series of um you know there's a older versions of e-licensor that's that are still available um so you could install previous versions instead of later ones so okay see greg when is my new song release uh i don't have anything in the works so i'm not really i wish i could i'm not a songwriter or composer i'm i'm pretty good at arranging and producing uh in engineering but i'm not really a writer but i could take someone else's song and kind of uh you know make it much better and polish it up and you know present it very well but i'm not one to actually write the song and you know life has been busy as well with you know having a young son and all that stuff so um so i don't really do many personal projects at this time but you know i not that i don't want to but you know i just it's not in my priorities and being kind of stranded at home for you know is you know led to other priorities as well so okay just kind of reading through different comments again so lots of great discussion i wish i could be in two places at a hangout to be in the discussion and not be so far behind okay okay so in question uh in offline processing how do i make it work i load it up first it wasn't loading the plug-in just right now it did but i didn't hear but how do i hear the sound i want to process so let's say if i just come back here and i just wanted to apply um let's say just on this little piano part all right i think my son may need a movie just bear with me i'm gonna see if i get something on for him i'll be right back all right sorry about that i'm back all right so we're doing our offline processing so let's say i wanted to do just on that part of the audio so i'm just gonna select a range i'm gonna hit f7 to open up my offline processing uh i will come right over here and let's say i wanted to do uh something um let's do like maybe just something really obnoxious modulation auto pan so now as soon as we do that you can have it on auto apply and you can press play here um so at that point you could just you know click on the audition and if i wanted to do this and say let's do a mod machine delay on it [Music] audition and let's say if i wanted to change that audition again [Music] so that's kind of really what you do so you know this way it's just applying it and sometimes you know it may shows you may be blank until you actually uh have an event selected um so so that's really you know so you just could um as we let's say if i want to delete all these which you can do at any time you know you select just arrange play right there add your plugin so say we want to do more filter on that and now audition what you play so that's really kind of what you how you can hear it and audition it like so okay seeing terry mentioning he is his old yamaha 01x remember that okay just reading through more comments i know we had some questions that were mailed in sorry for hitting my microphone with my headphones okay says uh greg i've learned so much from these uh thank you on my cubase 10.5 whenever i click on channel settings it automatically goes to the background behind all other plugins how do i get that to the front so let's say if i have just my channel settings here um you probably want to just right click uh either kind of at the top or at the bottom center and there's always on top so now when i want to go open up other plugins here i could open that um and this will you know always kind of remain on top of the settings so if i make this the active window i wanted to navigate here that will always be on top without that checked um you know as i go to switch to different things that plug-in that will just kind of disappear so once again select the event here and then just right click always on top let's just see just comment from ambient dave hi greg have you managed to sleep with all your fantastic hangout knowledge um yeah i sleep well at night so um but yeah but thanks for the comment so okay so i see question is there a way to assign selected tracks the same color parts are easy tracks not so much so let's say if i wanted to come here let's just add a bunch of tracks they're all so say i want every other so i'm just going to hold down my control or command key and let me make these all just a little shorter so let's say i want all those tracks to be the same color i now uh just come to my color tool here and select the color and then you could just very easily select whatever the selected tracks are those will now carry over the color that you select so just select the tracks go to the color tool you could select the color there and no problem oh good to see tony ray jones on a hangout it's probably checked in an hour ago but good to see i hope you're doing well in nashville uh question the fastest way to program hi-hats roles with different quantize settings so let's go ahead take a quick look show you a trick you're doing a drum editor so let's just come here let's add a groove agent se okay so i will come over here let's say i'm in the drum editor [Music] okay so if i wanted to just you we'll see if you kind of drag this over to the right a little bit i can see 16th notes so now as i go to just grab my drumstick i can put in 16th notes let's put in eighth note triplets starting here i want to do 30 second triplets starting there and let's do quarter notes starting on beat two [Music] and i want to put a dot it eighth note or let's say dotted eighth so now you could just kind of come right here and so there's a couple of different ways so you could just kind of switch the rhythmic value for each uh difference so if you want your bass drum only to be in quarter notes or let's say half notes so i could just come here [Music] and i wanted my uh acoustic snare to only be on quarter notes you know i could come here and let's say if i switch that to half notes now um so you know just a couple of things you could do quickly making it a little more interesting to program different rhythms and different quantized values uh i see a question uh you know um so seeing nice comments you know greg is a guru cubase learned a lot from him that's very kind of you tony um greg is the leader and i don't think i'm that so i'm just the guy who uses software um all right there's a bunch of really smart german guys that work really hard to make my job easier so uh okay so i see uh uh db music productions ask recommend a hardware controller for nine sliders knobs and buttons that works out of the box with cubase you know a lot of them work directly with um you know if you want it to be motorized you know a lot of guys love the little inexpensive behringer mackie controllers um you know like i have a nectar p4 in front of me in my office that works really well the one faders motorized the other eight or the other nine aren't um so if motorized faders uh but you know but you know many controllers have sliders knobs are easily configurable so okay uh so greg know anything about the presonus fader port 16 with cubase i haven't really checked it out but i believe it just kind of runs his two mackie controls um so but i you know i think it's you know just uses mackie controls or protocol so uh it won't do extensive like you know plug-in support i would imagine but i i don't know i haven't played with it much so okay so just see comment coming from presonus studio one five and think you're switching to cubase you should i didn't know didn't know that presonus first used cubase in their hardware products so they used to oem which is basically kind of provide like a cubase led version with their audio interfaces and a lot of their different control and different uh kind of you know studio related products so okay so to see uh at cubase i know you probably have a youtube video on quantizing drum timing to the bar what algorithm does cubase have and how does it work uh is there um so you know just kind of as you're doing just kind of you know quantizing you know as you have different elements you could select you know either you know if you wanted to quantize you know different sections you know if it's for midi drums i'm not sure if it's midi drums or audio drums but you could select different sections here and quantize to different values uh you know based on your quantize you know so if you you know just wanted to see you know what value you want so if you wanted to you know so you know but anything that you have set up you could quantize a very you know easily to the bar so it's you know there's not for the midi it's not really an algorithm-based uh type of function okay so quick question is there any update cross grade or discount uh path to absolute four for cubase nuendo owners uh for these products seem to contain a light version of absolute four there's a couple of elements like you know retro log pad shop and um the hallian sonic se they come in both uh but you know those are kind of the full versions uh you get the groove agent essie as well the absolute will come with a lot more in the full version of groove agent okay so matic waves so the sampler needs a midi modifier on the inspector side just time i say it thanks craig i think you'll see that we already showed you where to do that uh all right i'm gonna get to some questions that were mailed in and again if you want to submit questions in advance for other hangouts you could send it to club cubase at steinberg dot d e okay so let's take a look um in the midi expression editor why are some functions active and others not uh can they be activated or are they just not available for the instrument okay so uh what you can do let me just jump to i think i had a project kind of set up for some of these okay so as soon as we kind of go to uh the retro log let's say i go to my editor part here so i'll just choose to double click um so now we have the midi editor we'll see when we get to node expression not everything uh will be active but it could really just you know they kind of give you generic ones but then you can modify it to you know whatever parameter that you want it to be so you could come over here and just have those but these are kind of common to more instruments which is kind of why it's uh you see those set up and not everything not you know if you have a piano sound it's not going to have a resonance control probably for piano samples so that's why you see kind of more generic elements listed for the node expression parameters but you could do any parameter that you want all right so we had a question can notepad export an import text file so it doesn't import text files but if you have a text file you can copy and paste uh the contents in but if we have notepads that are set up uh in the project so let's say if i jump over here to an audio part you know every single track can have a notepad um so you could leave notes i used this microphone i did this you know this is a terrible take or whatever and then if you go to the project menu there's also a project level notepad so here is where i i will have like a lot of lyrics and stuff like that in a project i'll have like you know who played what instruments who was the engineer what studio what the date was what the time was all that type of stuff um yeah i could have as a notepad and then when you want to export it you just go to export notepad data and it will export it as a standard text file that could be imported into anything okay how to connect an expression pedal that is plugged into a keyboard and at least this qs8 to the wah-wah pedal plug-in on one of the vst amp racks so let's say if i have a guitar part here and then we just get to the inserts and let's get to the post effect so and let's say i wanted to have midi control of the modulation of the turn this on so let's say i want my wobble pedal [Music] so as soon as i if i wanted to control that the one little trick is and we kind of mentioned this earlier in our hangout was doing um you know the track quick controls so you know if you have your track quick control set up um so if you come here you can say you know i want this to be on midi controller 11 so let's say your expression or modulation so i just had the first fader on my nectar controller here so i have that set up and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go to the track quick controls and i'm going to click on learn this little l button so what i'm going to do now is just move this parameter and that parameter is automatically put into that slot and now i could move just because i have my that fader set up for the quick control that's going to control that particular parameter so if i wanted to go here and say midi learn and i want that to be this parameter click on another slot and i want this to be the base i could just have my faders kind of pre-configured here so when i say let's come to this slot uh let's learn the wawa pedal so now i could just play [Music] and i think i have two of my controllers set up let me just stop this real quick um so let me just come right over here and let me just so learn and now when we play i'm just controlling that so that's really kind of all you'd have to do is to let me i could just assign a different controller for that let me just erase that quickly let's just assign let's say slot two so that be really all you'd have to do is just to assign that and then you could you know easily control uh your you know different aspects like your wah so have midi expression 11 in a quick control setup to control that particular quick control okay um so can we explain improvements in retrospective recording in 10.5 so let's say i have a retrolog track here so i'm let's just turn off my solo so let's say i'm just kind of playing and i think that's the most amazing theme ever what i could now do is one of the things is there's a retrospective record function right on the transport so now we do that that's been recorded uh directly right where we were so anywhere that i'm at i could now and just click on retrospective record and then those that note data is automatically placed there now each track could have its own midi retrospective record so i could come here and have different retrospective record buffers for different tracks retrospective record can also happen in cycle so if i have a particular part let's say if i'm have this in cycle and i'm playing along and i'm just but i'm not recording so i could come right over here and then uh we go to the retrospective record we could come so say we'll just go to midi retrospective record and i could say i wanted to insert as a cycle recording and now each one of the passes can be on to different lanes so you could uh so you know now you could have kind of larger buffers each track could have its own buffer as well so those are some of the things that you could do uh pretty quickly all right question will plugins in control room monitor raise latency in the qmix yes they can so if you have different plugins um you know in the control room they could increase the the latency um let me just make sure uh so you know if the plug-in is instantiated in the control room for playback that latency will be compensated for where you can run into latency is if we have inserts on independent headphone mixes so let's say i decided to put a you know a multi-band compressor you know or something on the headphone mix that will cause latency during the tracking process but it will play back fine but adding plugins uh on kind of your on let's say your monitor section um that won't increase your latency so you could have your different plugins here and those will be compensated for on playback okay so we had a question uh cubase 7 does not have render in place option how can i convert midi into audio not export audio mixdown but render in place so so it says also would getting cubase 8 solve this note i'm not sure if i can upgrade to this do i want to please no above question more i think and i don't have a version of seven to install i still have a bunch of stuff in storage from a recent move um but let's say if i have a a midi part here and i think this came in version six but i could be mistaken it's been you know seven came out like nine years ago so let's say if i'm here and i have let's say a pad shop sound so i wanted to so if i have this patch up so if i say add track and i say add group channel to selected channel so i have that and i've set this up so that this track is going to the group and on the i added a stereo audio track and i set its input from the group and i think this works in cubase 7 but i could be mistaken but what i'm going to do now is just come here and i'm going to record both the midi and the audio simultaneously you don't have to do that you could take the you know you could do the routing the same way but just for killing two birds with one stone so if i come here uh mute that so i will just come here and as i want to hit record i'll take it out of cycle sorry about that so i will just hit record and it's going to record the midi and the audio simultaneously [Music] so that way you could pass the audio and you could do this through a group or through a output bus and the output bus doesn't have to be connected or defined anywhere so you know so while it's not render in place it kind of gets you to the same place in the end okay okay so it says uh i have updated from cubase 10 pro to cubase 10.5 pro do i need to keep my original installation in cubase 10 or can i delete it without any problems this is just to save some hard disk space if possible so you know you can delete it um you know so you know a lot of times the actual cubase program may not be that big you know what happens is the content is big so and the content that was in cubase 10 is you know can get augmented with new content in cubase 10.5 so you may not save that much space but you don't need it once it's been updated and your kind of settings have been carried over okay uh so we had a question i have a folder and a midi track with two instruments the midi track is routed to both instruments so i wasn't on i wasn't sure how that was set up as part of this uh so if i sew the folder i'm able to hear just this track in both instruments however then muting one of the instruments does not work even though it switches to mute sound still comes out so i think i kind of had this set up here maybe in this so i had a folder uh and let's say i'll just pass like two different synth sounds kind of a synth and then like a string patch so if i come here and let's say solo the folder um those seem to kind of work so here's our two different instruments so that's just that particular instrument so let's say if i on solo now i could have that sound let's come here and sometimes if you hold down control in solo that can kind of overwrite some solo things so now i just hear the top synth and if i hit control or command solo that will just override the solo of the other elements so you know depending on the mute status it may not change so i would try holding down the control or command while you do the solo and see if that helps out okay okay so and we had kind of another uh question about using the drum cat as a controller so it says i have one drum cat pad which when struck makes the cubase project window left lower right zones in view toggle back and forth between the view to the mix console view with the uh successive bits in other words hitting the pad uh i one time in my view changes to the project window to the mix console to the next it takes it back to the project window uh view alternate mode drum cat tech support has no idea how to assist so and i think and another thing was how to it seems like maybe the question is how to alternate to different views hitting one of the drum pads so if it is you know to set this up and i'm not sure if you have it set up and maybe matt if you could uh email your your email address too that would be helpful in future uh because i could probably ask a couple questions but i think if you just set this up for your vs um go to generic remote this will take any midi message that you could learn like we did for learning a particular function here uh and one of the functions that you do like if you wanted to switch between uh like seconds and bpm uh if you come over here you could say it's going to be like exchange time formats which may be under transport [Music] um so you'll see exchange time formats that would switch between the two different ones if the drum cat is spitting out different midi notes every time you hit it you could assign each of those midi notes to do a different function within the generic remote but if you want to email me again uh if you have questions on that you know you can send me email to you know uh club cubase at steinberg dot d e all right so let me just go back because we're almost out of time we've gone almost four hours uh thanks for all the great questions and if you've if you've learned a new tip or trick uh please feel free to give a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe to the channels okay so i see a question from greg real quick how to raise a vocal up a half pitch without affecting uh okay how to raise a recorded vocal up a half step without changing pitch so i think you know raising it up a half step would be changing pitch um but if i wanted to you know do that for a quick uh part on a vocal to show you how you could do it so uh or maybe maybe me without changing length but let's say if i have my vocal here [Music] i could select the event here and just go to transpose we can't go wrong and every number you hit here is just one semitone so it's a half step there how can i feel all right so i see matic wave finally found that we could do the midi modifiers it's great [Music] um okay so let's say just the last question before we run out of time so it's like how to take a file uh and kind of chop it up easily so let's say if i have a vocal here i could let's say if i just wanted to go to my range tool here and after this i'm going to so i could say my range selection so as soon as i go to my range i could then um let's see just take this to a different editor real quick see if i can get it in okay so as soon as i kind of have my range active here i may be running out of time but what you could do is kind of select the range and add ranges and once we have uh and once we have the range uh so you could just add the range and then go into the little portions inside of the pool window and then you could bounce the selection to create individual files i'll try to show that first thing on the next hangout and we're going to wrap up because i'm going to run out of time before closed captions run out i want to thank everyone for joining the hangout and please stay safe and healthy and we'll see you on friday at one o'clock goodbye
Channel: Cubase
Views: 6,474
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Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 46sec (14326 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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