November 23rd 2021 Club Cubase Live Stream

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hello welcome to the november 23rd 2021 club cubase live stream i'm going to do a quick audio test make sure everything is coming through as expected and we'll get started hello welcome to okay everything sounds fine on my monitoring computer my name is greg undo i'll be the host for the live stream today if you have not attended a live stream how it works is it is just a question and answer session so you could ask questions either by submitting an email in advance to club cubase at steinberg dot d e or just by answering your question in the chat field we'll try to get through all the questions in chronological order as completely and as succinctly as possible so but a couple things when asking questions sometimes it's helpful if you could specify which level of cue base you're running whether it's elements artist or pro or whether you are running it on mac or pc which version so is it version 10 10.5 11 that information is often helpful i may not be able to get to your question immediately but if we could try to refrain from asking the same question repeatedly that would help me get through more questions and kind of speed up the whole process we will probably have all of the topics covered in the live stream tonight uh posted uh with timestamps uh pinned to the top of the comments field and if you wanted to search uh for uh club cubase live stream topics i think we've done over 14 000 questions you could go to and yan from stockholm is kind enough to uh compile that site for us um so i give special thanks to yon also some i want to give special thanks to jazz dude and agent k who do moderation for us they're not steinberg employees they just kind of come directly out of the goodness of their hearts to help out the community so and uh i'm sorry i just had a call coming in so uh and another wonderful resource of steinberg information you could go to the cubase nation discord i know jazz dude does that so special thanks to all those people and everyone for making it such a wonderful community um just a note i know it's not uh thanksgiving throughout the world but uh so on friday it is a holiday in the united states so we won't be doing a live stream but we will be continuing on next tuesday so once again no live stream this upcoming friday it's a holiday in the united states i'm going to try to take a holiday for once so we'll kind of be just looking uh for the particular uh end of month live stream on the upcoming tuesday so we will spend kind of do a shortened live stream starting on uh you know starting tuesday and then have a zoom meet up where me people could actually meet each other and those are always a lot of fun so i know people are looking forward to those all the time but anyway so let's go ahead and get started with uh some of the questions so break away my chat field here and if you learn a new tip or trick make sure that you do subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that and also make sure that you hit the thumbs up for a like button and that allows us to continue doing these live streams and once again my name is greg undo i'm gonna work for yamaha corporation of america as a product specialist primarily focusing on steinberg products and i'm based in the united states outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia and if you're watching this live stream introduce yourself and tell us where you're from okay so we have question um hey greg i noticed that when i load in 808 in the sampler track is not the same i need uh uh the sample is not the same i need the internal drive and clipper to get close but still not the sample i loaded in it what should i do here so let's go ahead and find i'll just find maybe kind of different drum samples here okay just let me look for all right so let's say we're just looking for kick drums [Music] just [Music] all right so say if i wanted to do this i'm going to now come over here and create a sampler track uh so once we've done this i will come over here all right so we that's our sample [Music] so it sounds the same to me so i'm not sure if where the 808 is coming from if it's just a sample but if i preview this [Music] so sometimes you know as people are doing this depending on where they're previewing for if there's additional gain you may have to come over here and there is a normalize function within the sampler tracks that sometimes people may have it on a track that has additional gain and processing but just kind of taking a particular sample here and triggering it seems to be the same on my end but also make sure if you're clicking here um you know you might be having different velocity levels so if you hit it from a midi keyboard but it sounds uh pretty much identical here so let's say [Music] so i don't notice any like differences in sound that would require it but make sure that when you do it you know maybe if you normalize the sample here and make sure that you're uh sometimes also if you have the previous gain all the way up uh that may affect it so make sure that your preview gain is at zero db uh and then that won't add any gain during the preview process of the samples so if you give that try let us know all right so we see a question also in the sampler track why does sample track does not accept audio file from inside a project so if i wanted to just kind of drag and drop the audio into the sampler track here we can just go ahead and trigger directly there so it could be um you know check to see if you're running it as an admin or not so try toggling the status of your admin rights and that could have the effect on dragging and dropping directly into the sampler track all right so we see dallas larue from las vegas and robbie bowling from dallas okay so we have a question uh from uh stockholm from benny uh tips on how can my plugins load up faster than they do have a strong computer and a lot of ram memory but i think it takes a little too long sometimes using nuendo 10 thanks so you know often you know as cubase is loading up it could really be contingent on how fast like if you're doing lots of sample libraries that all of the sample libraries you know each sampler will load up its own samples and how fast each instrument loads up their samples is contingent upon the instrument so sometimes people will be running lots and lots of samples in different samplers and those take a while to load up within the samplers and it takes the cubase project a longer time because it's waiting for the particular instruments to load up so sometimes you know in if you start uh one thing to try i've seen this online i think especially you know that may have an effect is you know as you start is when you first start up maybe having a higher buffer size for your audio interface may make a difference i know some people find that if they're exporting audio if they raise the buffer size before exporting that that can make a sense it may have a similar effect uh as the project is loading up if the pro if you have the capability to purge samples basically to you know have the instrument if you're dealing with a lot of sample instruments like in how you know i think contact has something similar where basically you could say you know these samples aren't being used in the project so don't load those particular samples up that could speed up your process as well okay so we have a question from robbie bowling greg what is the best way to set the cursor i guess positions i was dealing with that this morning and now everything is moving at hyper speed i don't know how to fix it uh it elongated everything so robbie what it sounds like is maybe things got zoomed so let's say if i open up this project here so sometimes if we have stuff kind of zoomed in i hit play and i'll just have this activate where it seems like it's going super fast so try just hitting like g on your computer keyboard and see if you zoom out maybe it sounds like it might be just zoomed in really far excuse me so if all the parts are kind of whizzing by too fast just try hitting the g key and see if that kind of resolves the issue for you and then i think it sounds like maybe you got zoomed in but let me know if that makes sense all right so we have turbo nuclear war from serbia and we have uno memento from finland who's had their first snow today all right uh is there going to be some special offers at christmas time say wave lab 11 elements upgrade to full version for half price um so generally i don't i don't really have the ability to comment on specials before but you know there might be some stuff coming you know for a popular sale season that's usually right around this time in the u.s so you could check that out very soon alright so we see yan from stockholm and we see jazz dude on the live stream all right and we have david from in wales in the uk and just he's been immersed in a project in cubase artist all right and we have soren in sweden all right so we have a question when a new version of cubase is going to be released so steinberg has announced it will be released in 2022 so just kind of keep your ears out for more information in the new year all right so we have a question uh anyone know when the dongle is going one less challenge an update would be great uh 10.5 pro on mac so steinberg has announced that uh cubase 12 the next version will not require a dongle and we'll use a new uh cubase uh license management system so look for cubase 12 and early next year and that won't be utilizing the usb e licenser all right and we see david griffiths giving props to yon from stockholm for the cubase index website so well deserved thanks ian for providing that we see taylor from um [Music] pine grove pennsylvania [Music] okay so you see uh can more than one dithering option be added to the export queue so i'm not sure if it's when we do um you know if we wanted to do the export queue here so let's say we do our export audio mix down so if you wanted to do different uh you know sample rates or bit depths you could just say okay i wanted to do my stereo out at 48k i want to do my stereo out at 44.1 k so we could you know have it do its internal dithering to do uh the sample rate conversion there in the export audio mixdown uh but if we have a different you know if it's the point where if you're referring to dithering as uh employed by the like the uv 22 hr plug-in that this would be contingent on whatever wherever wherever this plug-in is instantiated in the signal flow so if we wanted to do our export audio mix down and you know we choose to uh like when we do multiple you know we could choose to have this automatically do them you know if we put that plug-in onto groups we could have it applied to the groups different amounts or we could have it applied in the master section as well so let me know if that makes sense taylor for what you want to do but it's basically and you could have different instances of the uv 22 hr and and bypass if necessary all right so we have sergio checking in from st petersburg all right we have john kostigan who'll be in and out today thanks for being a part of the community john okay so we have a question uh from taylor sapp uh says when you enter according to the chord track via midi input will the chord maintain the voicing inversion that you played so generally it will pick that up so let's go ahead and give it a quick test here so add a chord track okay so i'll just play an f major chord and let's say i'll invert it where i'll play ac and f so then it's going to be an f over an a which is correct so it will automatically uh you know to the best of its abilities just kind of come over here so let's say if i do a c chord and then let's say i do a c chord with the g in the bass we'll see that it'll automatically the different inversions will automatically be taking into account okay so you see why are open back headphones recommended for mixing when closed back uh give better isolation from external noise so generally i think a lot of people you know open back headphones may interact a little bit more like speakers so it's not so isolated uh and generally people for mixing purposes prefer for ear fatigue i prefer open back headphones and often when people recommend kind of uh closed back headphones that's for you know primarily used recommended for tracking purposes so that like a backing track won't be bled into a vocal mic when recording the vocal all right uh so we just see from uh taylor did any cubase 11 updates include triplets on the grid in the editor window so i think in the midi editors that we could do it so let me just go to a midi track okay so what i want to do is to set my grid and um i want to let's we'll just say we'll set this to quarter note triplet so now as we see here the grid can change uh the grid line emphasis can change to quarter note triplets or if i do eighth note triplets we'll see eighth note triplets so whatever the quantized value is set to so if i go to eighth notes we'll see that that will change so you could do that quite easily in the midi editors in the sample editor i don't think it works that way but the media editors do all right we have trance 20 20 20 from berkshire uk all right uh we have a question uh when should asia guard be turned on or off or set to high medium low so it could really depend on if you have like a larger project so generally what azio guard allows you to do when you can set this up in the audio system is like if we're running at a lower buffer speed so let's say if i'm running my buffer currently at 256 and i'm only actively recording on a single track um i may not have to have the buffer for every track let's say i have 32 tracks and i'm only recording on one track i may not need the buffer to be running at 256k for tracks that aren't uh going to be recorded on so what azioguard allows you to do is to run the currently active monitored or record enabled track at the lower latency and to run the other tracks at a higher latency so that we can get more performance so generally you know you know it's a good idea to have it activated and you have low and you know meet normal and high these will be just different uh multiplication values so that you could you know get more performance when you're working with this so if it's low the interval between the record enabled or monitor track versus playback tracks will be closer and then normal will be a particular factor and a higher factor for high so but most of the time if you just leave it on active and normal that will give you a significant benefit performance wise on larger projects and if you needed more cpu try just to simply move it to high uh so we have a question is it possible to see a drum map in the in place editor so the in-place editor is only going to be a set up for um [Music] you know for working with the key editor but a lot of people may not need it as much because we could look at the drum editor in the lower zone and have the two synchronized quite easily but the in place editor and you get open that up with command shift or control plus shift plus i is only going to be showing the key editor we see sergo just saying he loves yamaha corporation products they do a lot of great stuff proud to be an employee all right we have nico from belgium and sargo once about yamaha thr amplifier see peter just saying i sound a little congested today so i am getting over a cold i had over the weekend so i'm feeling much better but you may still hear my voice i may kind of mute my microphone for a cough a bit more frequently than usual all right happy to have graham stop by real quick sorry to hear that you had your mom's funeral today so you'll be in our thoughts all right we have rob checking in from montreal and jeff sebelski from chico california okay so i see a question um in the project logical editor you can use date in parameter one when action target is set to name where is there a list of all possible editor variables that could be used like this so i think if we wanted to [Music] let's let's say if i wanted to come here to the project logical editor and i wanted to just set name or let's we'll first just kind of set our action target here so let's say uh container type equals track and then we could say under name um so we could append and then once you kind of come over here you could say you know once you see these different uh naming conventions so say if we come over here to name you know we could choose to uh you know replace and then if you're looking for all the different uh functions you know we could append to different things so let's say if i wanted to do the date so okay so this is the date so at this point we could come over here so a lot of times um so i don't see a particular list it may be specified in the manual as to different parameters are available in the naming conventions i believe all the different options uh would do show up there as opposed to uh but you see where that could be problematic if you didn't know to type in date uh there but um but i believe it's going to be specified in the manual for available parameters under the naming conventions but i could check afterwards if you want to send me an email and just so you couldn't find anything uh with the date variable and the documentation so i'll i'll do another search and see if there's any other like little hidden things as well okay reading through and just saying kind of a further comment on the 808 samples and the difference in sound if you have a particular sample that you want to share with me that you're able to share i'd be happy to kind of take a look at it you could email to me at uh club cubase at steinberg dot d e all right so we see from david griffith's uh question i've recently bought a trackball mouse which can have uniquely assignable buttons how can i assign those to specific actions in cubase thinking about zoom and play stop etc so usually most of those would have most mice that you have like that would have a little uh like a little applet or a little app that would say okay when i hit this button it triggers this particular keyboard shortcut so generally those are going to be set in the particular app uh if you want it to come over here it may also just kind of transmit like a keys like a keyboard shortcut you could try to select the particular function here so let's say okay i wanted to zoom uh so i wanted to undo zoom try coming over here and you could say type in key and then you may be able to just hit the button on your mouse once you have this field active and see if that transmits a key but most of the time it's just kind of like transmitting a key on your computer keyboard so you could assign it in the control panel software to do the particular function or you could try to just assign it directly inside a cubase as well all right so we have peter from montreal all right so we have a question for me uh are you going to miss the dongle um so i i don't mind the dongle i like having everything always you know as someone who's had to swap out their computers i don't mind uh the convenience of the dongle but i think the new system will be good for a lot of people so uh so uh you may want to ask me in a year but um you know i i've just even since the atari days i plugged my dongle in and i don't think about it too much and i would always be the one who you know would travel you know pre-covet i was doing 120 flights a year i never lost a dongle in all my travels and stuff like that so it never really bothered me so but i think the new system will be good and help out a lot of people all right so we have a question from rob uh do you know if we'll be able to use older versions without the dongle once 12 releases so the older versions are going to be tied you know pretty intensely to the e-licenser software so it will be all the previous versions to 12 so 11 and before will all still require the usb e licenser and to use a new license management system you're going to have to be using cubase 12 or higher all right we have matthew ellison checking in from london thanks for joining the live stream and we see michael pierce is also on okay so we have a question uh what do we do with our dongle when 12 comes out will they be useless no you know they still will have you know your all of your old cubase licenses so if you wanted to run uh you know older computers and it's not uncommon like i had to uh you know get together some atari dongles for junkie xl so you know so he could do a particular project so you know your cubase 11 license uh you know will still be functional on your your usb e license or you could run that on i think you should be able to run it on a separate computer than your cubase 12 if you wanted to so so i would keep it and utilize it for loading up projects on you know previous generations of computers or uh you know previous uh versions of cubase when needed we see peter is just uh mentioning that he's done some button assignment on his kensington trackball uh so we see is cubase taught at universities so yeah that's yes there's a lot of colleges that teach cubase uh you know like berkeley college of music and their whole film scoring is done on cubase but we have a number of colleges in the us and throughout the world that teach cubase but a lot of people you know will choose to learn it kind of independently on uh using you know wonderful resources that people could find on youtube but yeah there's a lot of colleges that you could go as well all right uh so we see hi greg how can i set the grid and click time back to the defaults it was at the initial cubase installation so it sounds like maybe uh when we're here let's say if i turn on my click track so if you have the click track active here um you may notice that if we just go to the right of it we can see our our click pattern and then you may have like half tempo or double tempo or if you want to do six eight so but if you just come here to the default uh you'll have just a setting for default if you don't if you can't get that going on the uh main transport bar you could just add a signature track and then double click here and then you'll see from the info line where you could just change it to the default default times let me know if that is helpful all right reading through comments all right so we see that michael teams is on the live stream so and he wants people to whack the like button alright and we have theodore checking in from london all right and pablo has made an appearance so we have three quarters of hot mess here okay so we see is it possible to apply separate direct processing to different clips within an audio part um and to the audio part as a whole as well i get crashes when i try to do this okay so let's say if i wanted to take uh the bass part here so let's say we listen to it just okay so i will process just the uh the entire file so i'll come over here to direct offline processing or hit f7 so i will do [Music] let's say something obvious let's make it a flanger so now as we play okay and let's say right here i just want i'll just grab my selection tool and i want to do just a delay on that section so we'll have our flanging and let's say i want to take this part of the base and reverse it so here's delay now we should hear the reverse so and let's do one more process here let's um do fade out so all those processing on individual clips or globally or on selected sections doesn't seem to have any problem uh so if i wanted to undo all that we could just delete all and we're right back to where we were so let me know if that you're doing it the same way everyone's always happy when pablo is back all right so we have thiago checking in from brazil thanks for joining okay my timeline jumped on me let me just okay so i think i'm back all right all right so we have a question um from jay from connecticut uh i'm trying to figure out for my nephew and a couple others uh without mic setups whether cubasis allows audio into phone uh also will cubases inter-operate with cubase desktop okay um so you could just record directly into your iphone or android phone using cubasis uh using the microphones uh you know the phone microphone if you wanted to so there's no problem with that or if you have an audio interface that will work with it that's ios or android compatible that will work and so in the second question will cubase interoperate with cubase uh desktop so cubasis they don't necessarily operate together but you can take your cubasis project and come over here to and import it into cubase but the two don't work together in sync they'll kind of run uh as separate programs and then you could take your cubasis project and import it into cubase to do more work on it if needed all right so nick has gotten pumpkin spice ice creams a very seasonal choice nice nice selection michael teams all right and we have jola media productions checking in from desoto texas thanks for joining so we see uh just michael pierce just saying one of our artists spent last night in york in the uk with bose and yamaha playing expensive acoustic guitars he was hoping he gain sponsorship so yeah good luck so maybe if he played through yamaha uh stuff if he's looking for a yamaha sponsorship that might have helped but but we hope he gets signed on you see jazz dude saying he has yamaha ns1000 monitors and his high-end audio collection uh great times for the for yamaha's end of the 70s yeah last time we saw ns1000 was in uh allen holder's studio all right so we have felipe from portugal thanks for joining and we see kywin franklin is on okay so i just see uh anytime i record my tempo is always off um so i'm not sure if you know you're recording to the click track so sometimes people will uh record you know and maybe the tempo is set to default uh when we do a new project of so i'll just come here let's do an empty project we'll create so sometimes people will turn the click track off and record an audio file and let's say they record at 96 beats a minute or whatever tempo that they're recording at uh and then they turn on to click track and at that point realize that the tempo that they recorded to might not match the the recording of the click track so if so if you could let us know if you record it with the click track um enabled to set the tempo or if you turned on the click track afterwards so that would lead to kind of a you know the two of them being not related to each other if that's the case what you could do is select the track and then go into your project and do a tempo detection and then cubase could do a detection of your tempo but if you give us a little more information that would be helpful all right so we have marco's checking in from brazil thanks for joining all right so we have a question uh greg what about the programs like groove agent and howie and six will they use a new security in cubase 12 so if you have uh you know generally the catalog will you know as the next versions are released or there will be updates kind of getting the whole new system into uh the new license management system so once i think the first program is going to be dorko the second program will be cubase so it might be that you may be running cubase 12 without a usb e licenser but the usb e licenser may still be needed for some plugins like you know the full version of groov agent uh the full version of hallian uh but like the instruments that come with cubase will be able to run without the usb e licenser and the other ones will eventually get updated so it'll be kind of gradually rolling out so that all of the steinberg products will be utilizing the new license management system all right so we see is there any way to enlarge the text in cubase i have poor eyes if not is there a program i love cubase but find myself using other daws that have this ability so it could really depend on what you know the text could be dependent upon the screen resolution that you're running so sometimes people you know looks really small until you go to like a high dpi you know may look really small and then if you're on windows try to go to you your preferences and under general you could enable high dpi and then you could have like the application scaling set so try to do that if you're on a windows platform but it's using kind of whatever uh you know the text size is going to be dependent upon the screen resolution that you're running all right so we see dave mckay he's just talking about uh belmont in nashville running cubase so great to see you on the live stream dave hope you're doing well it's a wonderful program in nashville all right so we just see hi greg what does the second panner do uh do i use it so i'm not sure if it's um sometimes we'll get a let me just add some audio tracks here okay so when we go to add audio tracks we could have uh just on if it's with this panner we could have it serve as a balance where i could take a stereo track or a mono track and just you know apply you know move it over to the left or right kind of a traditional balance but if it's on a stereo track we could also have a stereo combined panner and this would allow us to set different amounts of the panning to the left or right so if i want it more spread to the right or more spread to the left or if i wanted to invert the panning settings we could just kind of keep going up or down and invert the panning like that i also sometimes get this question on some of the projects when i go to my audio connections and i add a output bus let's say it's a 5.1 then the panner can grow to accommodate kind of uh like my 5.1 panning but if i just have a stereo track it's still going to only allow us to pan to the left and right channels so let me know if that is makes sense and once that bus is removed i get my traditional painters back all right uh so we just see uh from kaiwen franklin um does howie and six have any instruments that use expression maps or key switches i have been learning about expression maps at least trying to learn so yeah a lot of the instruments will do it so many of the instruments that you purchase will do that but um one easy way to kind of look at some of the sounds that will utilize key switches is you may see an extension for vx the letters vx i'll just come here to all and let's say if i just want it to come over here in my name field search i'll just do vx so let's say i want a nylon guitar vx so now we can see that this one will have key switches or if i want to do large strings vx now if you want to automatically once it's in how you know one of the great things with alien is if i have a part that's created here we could go directly into our expression map and if it's created and how you know we could just say import the key switches so at this point we could say okay now i'm playing we could have normal or you could choose to we'll look at our articulations and dynamics here so we can now switch to different articulations just make this a little larger so it's easier to see so now if i wanted this to be legato strings so let's say if i want this to be legato i could just we'll just kind of have it send its key switch now [Music] and let's say i want it to be spicado starting right here [Music] and let's say i want to do tremolo starting right here so as i play a note [Music] and let's say okay i want to get it hard [Music] and too soft [Music] and let's say two ensemble here so the import key switches for howie and instruments great feature [Music] so so give that a try but look for instruments that uh you know just to kind of search just based on uh suffix of vx and you'll see a number of onboard and then if once you get into like the orchestral instruments like iconica or howie and symphonic orchestra those will be lots of key switches and that are automatically included so many of the libraries will also take advantage of that all right wonderful to see cedric on the live stream just lost my spot let me just find it again okay so we have a question can you tell us what is the best way to use supervision in order to finalize uh slash master a project i'll play a little bit of cloud castles here all right so um a lot of times you know what you could use supervision for is just to kind of look for like phasing issues is kind of a really good use of it so let's say if i'm just kind of playing back a particular track [Music] so let's say if i take the base part here and i flip the phase [Music] so often if you would see [Music] so with a lot of phase stuff if you see this gonna be wider at this point that's a good indication of phase relationships and as you look at this we could actually see different phase problems and frequencies that could cause phase problems [Music] so this is like a really good example where there's we don't have lots of frequencies that are causing phase so you know i mean we have a lot of people use it for doing you know levels so levels are really important as well so make sure that we have kind of an even frequency distribution that we're not too hot level wise you see our loudness kind of our intensity of frequencies [Music] [Music] and then if you're really good you could actually um just kind of take one of these and you could turn it into and play pong if you want so that's really good if you get paid by the hour in the studio um so there's a special trick for that but you could actually have it play pong and enable game mode with a special secret but mostly for i would uh just use it for primarily phase and levels uh just to determine like what particular frequencies are causing phase problems and then you could kind of fix that within your mix very easily all right so just see uh greg i switched to a new pc cubase 11 pro windows 11 pro i found out with the new microsoft mouse it's impossible to press the left and right mouse button at the same time so i can't use the pointer selection uh any ideas i haven't come across that especially with any of the microsoft mice um so i'm so but i haven't you know and i usually i have one on my studio computer or microsoft mouse and i haven't had that problem but when you say the pointer selector so i'm not sure if it's just uh but let me know what you want how you're using the pointer selector as well and just maybe i might be able to help out a little bit more all right so we're seeing christmas themed ice cream so agent k has gotten three scoops of eggnog ice cream see that john koskin's neighbor's wife hunts turkeys all right and we have yash checking in from sussex in the uk okay so we just see uh what's the most efficient way to take a song with several tracks and while keeping the same tempo apply it a click track okay just um okay so i'm not sure if like if it's a recording that's already been done without a click track so let me just open okay so let's say if i have a multi-track audio recording here and i turn on my click and the click isn't aligned with the tracks i could just i'm going to like select one of the tracks maybe like an overhead drum track [Music] and just go to tempo detection hit analyze [Music] and then cubase can automatically kind of do a tempo detection of the audio file itself so as we kind of play so the audio is the same tempo but now we've extracted a tempo map from the audio performance so let me know if that's what you want to do to make a click track from that okay so we have a question from marcos uh if i use cubase with excuse me with analog gear uh would be great only printing or offline is the same about quality so you know if you're um so you know you would have the same quality you know if you're you know if you're utilizing it as an external effect processor um so let's say if we come over here to uh your audio connections and we have it defined as an external effects where we're going in and out so you know that would allow you to utilize the outboard gear without any problems and you could delay compensate for it uh so i'm not sure you know so there's no problem there and if it you know it might sound slightly different if you're doing it as an internal loop versus just kind of playing through the outboard gear and a way out just because the signal isn't being converted again so depending on your converters i think you have the ur-22 those are wonderful converters as you kind of have discovered that you might benefit from bringing it back in and converting it for after going to the out out you know the to the external processing so so i think you will probably benefit using it as kind of an external process inside of cubase all right so we just see um another question on the new license management systems i hear quite a bit of discussion regarding cubase leaving e-licensor however i hear none about nuendo and absolute uh vst etc am i overlooking so it has been announced that nuendo would happen after cubase probably with the next generation of nuendo and uh then i think we'll start seeing virtual instruments uh migrating over to the new licensing system so the intention is all the products will eventually be on new license management system and they'll be kind of staggering in and the first program to do it will be dorco four so see michael pierce is his uh client was already using bose stuff and yamaha has been sending guitars that's great i know that the uh they have a guitar group in the uk that does a really wonderful job and we're seeing michael pierce just saying um that the yamaha acoustic guitar has recorded really well too so yeah i've always had wonderful experience like even the you know 199 yamaha guitars are kind of way better than their uh their price point would would lead you to think so and they're able to offer such great guitars because they make more acoustic guitars than any other company in the world okay um so we have a question i i added an extra pre-count bar uh to start at bar zero how can i change it back to start at bar one as it was when cubase was first installed all right so let's say if i'm looking at my project here we're starting at measure one so if you go to shift s we get to come over here and this would open up the project setup which you could also access from the project setup menu from project setup in project setup so right now it's pretty set to display bar offset of minus one so if we do this we'll have sorry let me just set this to one and as we do this we'll see a measure zero so you have a little bit of pre-roll so just go to the project setup and set the display bar offset to zero and then your project will start at measure one um so we just see do steinberg plugins use over sampling i think some of the plugins do but there's also kind of what's can be more important is that the resolution of the processing can also be changed so if you wanted to come to your studio setup um you could actually do the processing precision for all the internal plug-ins could be done at 64-bit floating point so at that point you could have double the precision so that's another way to uh you know have more precise precision but i think some of the plug-ins will do it with sampling rate but i think you probably get more benefit from uh and more resolution from the processing precision set to 64-bit floating point all right so um all right so we have carmen checking in from australia giving us a good day from australia so my one of my favorite countries i've ever been to thanks for joining us and it's really early or really late there all right uh so we have a question from denny uh is it possible to to click turns on automatically when i press record and have record highlighted all right so let's come over here to the transport and go to the metronome setup um i think we could have a click during click while recording so now that i'm playing i don't hear the click and as i hit record that the click turns on and we get out the click turned on in the pre-roll so again go to transport to metronome setup and you guys have in the click options under the general tab you just have click while recording enabled and not while playing so i think that will get you what you want to accomplish but it's not when record is highlighted you see nick is giving everyone a virtual pot of coffee that's that's not fair so now i want a coffee and i have another hour or two hours and 50 minutes to go but thank you for the gesture for everyone else all right so we just see uh please can i get a vocal effect template for mixing in cubase 11 so often templates are more for entire projects but if you wanted to do you know vocals you know come over here and if we'll go to media and let's go to uh we'll see presets and you'll see track presets for audio and then you could just say lead vocal and then you have a number of different presets here and you could just drag these over so let's say okay i want this i could just drag this over to the particular channel so let's say okay i'm on my snare track i want to try this so try using not necessarily a template but track presets and then you can modify and save and drag over your own vocal presets as well without having a template which may be for the entire project so try to utilize the built-in track presets for vocals you all right so we just see um so question there are two panners in the automation lanes what does left right to do so sometimes that could be associated with surround but let's go ahead and just give it a shot okay so i'll just start a new stereo track on the stereo audio track okay so we'll look at our automation here all right just turn off my grid here all right so linked panner i think will allow us to go all right so let me just open up the automation parameter to reveal parameter on right i'll automate this okay so that's our standard panner okay so you see the panning automation here so i believe that this is going to be maybe if you're doing left and right surround that this would be your surround as left to right too that would be this around panners all right so we have a question uh when will we be able to move our tracks into mixer freely without moving the tracks in the arrangement window it's about time so i know it's a long standing feature request uh i know that the product planning and development teams are aware of it so we'll have to see if it gets implemented soon but i know that it's uh you know everyone is aware of it but it may not have the highest priority over other features that people want but i'll make sure to reiterate it again it's just trying to find my place my time field jumped all right so we have a question uh why does cubase load settings from the last opened project uh example loop points metronome open windows into the next project is there a way to load a project with all settings as saved i believe that some of the settings that you may activate you know there are some settings like you know when you do the control room that's that's kind of saved globally that's kind of saved at the cubase level and not necessarily associated with a particular project so some settings and parameters that you may adjust are going to be almost not project based but like globally based within your cubase environment because every time if you once you have your control room set up you probably want that to be the same without having to reconfigure that every time you load a new project so i think that those parameters are ones that are uh you know global based instead of project based and that's why they will stick all right wonderful to see sable on the live stream hope you're doing well all right so question uh is there a backup folder in cubase so generally you know if we have your projects that are backed up and we could have this by default every 10 minutes it's going to get backed up at the same level uh at the same kind of directory level as the project itself so it doesn't go into a backup folder but goes directly to the same level so that you know exactly uh where the you know so the same area that the project is at that point you'll see like a bak file and those are the backup files so it's not in an independent folder it's at the same folder as the project level okay we have a question greg i notice your project screen gets a grid reads like use quantize my screen shows 1 000 milliseconds how do i change mine like yours so it depends on what your master time is set to so if i switch my master time here to be seconds i see this represented in thousand milliseconds one millisecond if i switch to bars and beats i could use quantize bar beat or adapt to zoom if i go to samples or let's say time code i could have it based on frames so just right click in the master timeline to bars and beats and then you can set your grid based upon the currently active time display format all right so we have alexander from moscow checking in thanks for joining seeing nice comments on cloud castles michael team singing and wrote that all right so we just have someone saying i need to say cubase is amazing was eight years in logic in three years in ableton so that's great welcome to the steinberg family all right so we have a question from chris hallum uh do expression maps need to be recalled for each project or is there a way to view your saved expression maps within cubase by putting them all in the same folder so the you know if you have created your own expression maps like if you're using an instrument that's not like hallian the expression maps can be stored anywhere some people may choose to have like one common folder uh other people may store it i think you could save it within a track preset so you say okay let's go to you know this string library and then the track preset has the expression map automatically configured so that when you load the track preset the expression map will be there and many times people will save it within a template so that every time you start you know many composers will start with a particular template and any time that they you know go to that particular track all the expression maps will automatically be there so that's what most people will do all right so we have a question uh is there a recommendation for headroom i should leave before the master doing modern pop tracks so it could really depend on if you're the final person or you plan on sending it out to mastering so i know a lot of people some of my friends in nashville they're really highly regarded mixed engineers will aim for -6 and then back everything down to give themselves about minus 12 db often before sending it out to mastering if what you're doing is like your own project and you're kind of delivering it and not sending it to mastering you know aim for around minus six you know maybe for like a pop dance thing where it needs to be really hot you know maybe just a little bit hotter but you know realize that sometimes when you get too hot the different platforms will apply compression and can you know bring it down so you know many times you could also use loudness units so if we go to the meter here and we look at the loudness you could you know if it's going to be something that's going to be played on spotify you know i think they aim for -14 luff's if it's you like for broadcast in the united states they aim for minus 23 luff's so you know give yourself more head room if you're you know sending it off to someone else to be mastered but if you're doing it yourself you know you don't need as much okay so just see from sergo from the cubasee club can you make the cubase family so i'm not sure if i understand but uh let me know if there's a question in there okay so we see question how can i quickly disable all sends and inserts in a project okay i'll try this okay so let's say i'm looking at in my main mix console window here um all right so let's say we have a number of sends and inserts okay so if i wanted to disable all of my inserts we'll see here at the top where you see inserts uh eq sends uh and channel strips so i could come right over here and you want to hold down the alt or option key and then that will bypass all of the inserts and that will bypass all of the sends directly from the main standalone mixer so right at the top hold down alt or option and then you could bypass all the inserts and send just there like that very easy all right reading through comments and getting lots of phone calls today all right so we see hey greg is there a way to have the main project quantized grid also shown in a free warp window i can't figure out how to change the grid size in the free warp window all right so let's say if we're here and we're doing free warping so it doesn't carry over and i think that the grid in the free will in the sample editor like doesn't allow you to do triplets um so let's say if we're here we're in the sample editor and we wanted to do you know free warping of the event we could kind of see it in 16th notes but that's kind of how the grid is done within the sample editor hopefully we'll see some changes of that coming where you know the grids can be interchanged but they're kind of different where this we could set to triplets but we can't do the warping here only in the sample editor and here we can only be limited to 16th notes for the grid so sorry about that all right so we see from murray any news of what's new slash better in 12 so the only two things have been announced will be uh mac m1 native processing and the new license management system so generally um steinberg doesn't you know necessarily you know reveal features months in advance so i'm surprised that we even learned that um but you know so generally as a rule of thumb and it's not that they're trying to be difficult things could change at the last minute uh and some features may get pushed back so you know when it's out is when all the features will be revealed but those are the two things that have been revealed on the steinberg forums okay okay so we have a question excuse me i just clear my throat all right uh it says when i have midi mini midi tracks i often have them quantized to different settings uh do you have any tips on keeping an eye out on what has been quantized to which setting so i think once we're in a larger midi project so let me just get a one here as find one i'm thinking of okay do this so i think once we actually come over here i just uh just see something that says where's the sound gone i'm gonna do a quick monitor test bear with me for a second make sure everything is coming through so i think once we actually come over here all right it sounds like sound is still going on sorry for that just want to make sure it's bummer do a whole live stream if no one can hear me talk or hear the audio so i believe that once you know we quantize an event it's just going to indicate that it's quantized but not necessarily to what the quantization value was so it's only going to indicate that you know a particular event was quantized or not and we can see that in the undo history so if i have this set to eighths and i quantize and we go to our edit undo history yeah so it doesn't i'll look one more place yes it's not going to indicate what the quantized value was just that it was quantized sorry about that but you could always go back to the original quant you know whenever you apply a quantization to the part it would always do it from the original part so it wasn't like if you quantized it to whole notes and then you wanted to quantize it to eighth notes it doesn't quantize the whole notes to eighth notes but goes back to the original data and quantizes that to eighth notes all right so we see from sergo there are children here are they interestingly able to master cubase so you know uh we have lots of kids that run cubase very well so and we have lots of blind people and you know the also run cubase and you know price stevie wonder is one of the fastest cubase users i've ever seen okay so we have a question uh hi on midi editor how to change the velocity of a specific note without changing others when you have many notes played at the same time many notes in one place okay so let's look at this and let's say we have a chord that's going on and we wanted to just change the velocity of just this particular note so i think it's just uh control or command plus shift and then you could just as you hover over a particular note within a chord you could adjust only you know when we get to adjust the velocity here we don't know which they're all playing at the same time we don't know which so just hold ctrl or command plus shift and then you could just kind of hover over different velocity values here that's really all you have to do control or command shift and then you can adjust the velocities within a chord individually all right if you learn new trick make sure that you do hit the uh do hit the like button or you see randy lee's join the live stream thanks for being a part of the community again all right so we have question uh can you make pre-roll longer than two measures all right um [Music] so let's come over here to our pre-roll settings okay so now when we come over here we could set our pre-roll amount so let's say i'm at measure 97 and i wanted three measures a pre-roll so i'm just going to come activate pre-roll and let's say i wanted three measures a pre-roll so now when i hit play it goes back so let's say i start at 95 and now if it's three measures i'll just say 3.00 so let's say we're at 98 so it should pre-roll from measure 95 but you may have to once you activate pre-roll directly from here you might have to just where you see kind of the pre-roll settings you may have to just kind of make sure that that is visible here so that could be hidden so you may have to just where you see the three vertical dots you may have to kind of extend that over to see the pre-roll amount and then you could set that to various levels right there all right so we have a question uh will steinberg ever bring back wonder verb which is a beautiful reverb from cubase three so i haven't heard of any plans for that uh i haven't thought of wonder verb in a long time so i guess that came out in vst i think it came out in vst 3.7 um interestingly enough i believe that the wonder verb was actually developed by one of the guys who co-founded propeller heads so i i wouldn't anticipate it uh you know being reintroduced it was a very simple reverb but it did sound really good uh so but i'm not sure if that code is still around or uh but i wouldn't anticipate it but i'll mention it all right so we have a question um how do i get automation to move with the track if i move the track okay all right so let's say if i have automation here um so if i move the track you still see the automation carried on you know with that particular track now if i move the event in time what you need to do is just go i think it's in the edit menu just check automation follows events so now as we move an event the automation will automatically be moved with it you don't have to worry about it so once again just make sure that you have and i believe this is on by default but if not go to edit menu to automation follows events and then any automation you have will just automatically follow the event as it's moved in the timeline so if we move it in time or move the track it'll be moved right along with it so you don't need that as you move the track up or down but let me know if that helps all right so we see uh can i use uh two lanes in the midi track to edit a left and right hand piano score assign a lane for the treble clef staff and another lane for the bass clef staff um let's go ahead and take a look thanks for all the great questions all right and let me just all right so i'll just do a quick midi recording here [Music] all right let me just set my click track settings here [Music] all right and let's come here and i'll do [Music] all right and if i hit record this time it would help all right [Music] all right so i have both of these events here let's look at them in my score editor so i just selected both of the events and as we do this i go to my score editor and i want to come over here and double click to open up the score settings and let's set it to a split point at c3 and at that point you could just have it automatically just kind of mapped directly out for you so let's say if i wanted to transpose all these notes here so that way you could have it on the grand staff just like that so and i'll show you the record mode so i just put it into stacked here and selected both events uh and under i just did a quick cycle record even though i didn't loop it and then both those events will kind of automatically show up in the score editor okay reading more questions and comments okay so we see am i able to use the nectar impact midi keyboards mod wheel to control the expression of stock vsts like hallians strings so it depends on the instrument and how it's set up so let's say if i wanted to add um so say if i'm in howie in six you know let's say i already have it loaded up here i will open up the instrument so for instance if we go to the howie and symphonic orchestra and then we go to the macro you could actually see kind of the expression controllers it's really depending on whatever the instrument is set up to so a lot of orchestral instruments you could configure what controller like your modulation wheel is controlling it so that's often how it works is just many times it's user definable so you could have kind of a common set of controls across different libraries uh so we have question is there ever a reason to produce electronic music at 96k so most people tend not to use 96k uh for edm music uh you know it can be done it's not gonna hurt anything some people may have certain plugins they they think may sound better at 96k some people you know many of my kind of you know famous edm producer friends that are cubase you know tend to do everything at 44.1 so you're not going to hurt anything doing it in 96k but you know so you could try the same project and just kind of switch and see if there's any sonic difference to you and it may you know depending on the instrumentation and with synthesizers and you know the mix how it's going to work all right so we have a question uh from kai uh it says uh in order to use expression maps doesn't the vst instrument have to have some built-in expression to use i'm confused am i missing something so often the expression maps are going to be uh switching between different articulations so if i wanted to come over here to uh you know a string patch so let's say if i'm looking at um trumpet combi so now when i would play this particular trumpet patch there would be different articulations to kind of just play the trumpet [Music] and if i hit this key [Music] you would probably just get you know different articulation so if the instrument is not set up to do key switches then the expression maps you know won't make much sense and you won't get much benefit of that but you know many instruments will you know you hit this key switch or send this midi message it will switch to sound and it's often in trying to work with you know different orchestral or like violin sounds so if you wanted to uh come over here to let's do like a cello so i will come here [Music] and then if we hit a key switch that we could come over here and just say okay now we're doing we could just say okay let's do tremolo uh so this would allow you to switch the sound as you play the keys so if that doesn't exist in a particular uh preset then you know the expression maps won't make much sense but it's to kind of unleash all these different sounds are available with one instrument that it's often elusive and that people don't do when the developers have come up with all these different samples for this particular area so that you could have more expression on a particular instrument so this allows you to kind of utilize the different sounds that your instrument has easier um all right so i just see hi when i import an audio file into cubase it imports but starts directly at the audio the empty portion is left out so let's go ahead and [Music] see if i could recreate that i don't think that there's anything that cubase is doing for that but let's say if i move this particular audio file here all right so we'll have just measures of silence of and then measure then silence before and after the event so let's say i'll export this audio file so i'll do an export audio mix down all right and i'm going to save it okay and now i'm going to import that particular audio file oh i had that record enabled sorry about [Music] all that so just call this a silence [Music] okay so let me just change my color here of this event that's what the problem is so as you can see there's the beginning and audio and the beginning silence and the end so i don't think cubase does anything to automatically kind of clip you know truncate the audio file if there is silence uh so check maybe the file if it's you know where it's exported from or play it in a different file but you know i don't know of any setting where cubase would automatically just say there's it's silenced there if it's part of the audio file whether it's silence or not cubase will import it so i'm just going to adjust my color set up here sorry about that all right so yeah um so check to make sure that the file you're importing maybe it was truncated when it was exported from a different program all right uh so i just see another question uh what button can i press in cubase to make the ssl uf8 show the current selected track so i don't have an ssl uf8 i know sometimes with mackie control you know depending on what track that you have selected uh sometimes mackie control protocols may not kind of go both ways with that um but i don't have a uf-8 so i'm not that familiar with it unfortunately sorry about that um but there should be maybe um so if you wanted to show the currently selected track see if there's something like an edit channel settings you know i think most controllers will have that so if you wanted to see this particular track there should be something like an edit channel settings or come over to your studio setup under your mackie control and then you could probably just come over here to [Music] edit edit channel settings and then once you do that that should uh when you hit that user assigned button you should be able to see the the con that the selected channel if you wanted to see you know so just come over here to your mackie control make sure that you have this defined and under edit edit channel settings but sorry i don't have uf 8 to test okay so we have a question uh i bought a new ur-44c now when i try to pre-listen to samples in the media tab and loops and samples i do not get any sounds through my speaker what has happened to the audio routing is it wrong so probably come over here to the uh studio to audio connections and go to the control room and this may seem counter-intuitive at first but set your outputs to not connected go to the control room and set this uh like add a monitor and then set up like i have my ur 24c here in the control room and now as you go to audition different samples you can hear it directly and that gets routed through the control room so try activating that make sure you're going into the control room all right so we see is there going to be a black friday sale this year um so it may not be called black friday sale evidently someone in germany has black friday as a trademark but there may be a promotion coming up very soon maybe check uh 24 hours from now or so so but i think there'll be a lot of good things for people to check out all right so we see uh hi greg i have a plug-in on track one and a plug-in is visible uh then i put the same plug-in on track two and i go from track one to track two the plugin of track one does not change into um okay so i was just going to add tracks here okay so let's just say we have a mod machine delay okay all right so if we so it says um so it says i have a plugin a track one and the plugin is visible alright so we have this visible then i put the same plug-in on track two uh when i go from track one to track two the plug-in of track one does not change in two you know because what you told the program to do is to actually look at this particular plugin so now if i'm looking at this i need to tell the program to look at this particular plugin so you know you're not saying look at the look at insert one you didn't open insert one you opened up insert one on this particular channel so sometimes you know it may be annoying if you're um you know tweaking the parameters of one plug-in you have another track selected and maybe you're adjusting the eq that the plug-in that you were adjusting and tweaking automatically changed based on the selected channel so the concept is whatever you tell it to look at that is the plugin that's visible so it's not going to automatically open up that particular plugin so if you have it in like the channel strip so let's say if i'm here in the channel strip and we have this open and let's say we have eq and then i wanted to just go to the next channel at this point like the channel strip since this is going to be common between the two programs and this is kind of part of excuse me of the program i could go up and down here and see this but if you just come over here and want to see you know the plug-in change as we come over here it's going to be based on what is selected so um so not by the active channel selecting but what plug-in and what track and if you do that for 16 inserts on different tracks that's when you get into all sorts of problems so we see randy lee just asking who gave a thumbs down so we can't make everyone happy but we try to give some free knowledge all right so we see hello how how do i change my right click toolbox in cubase 11 in earlier versions i can hold it and resize it so you know some of the functions are different since version 10 when it went to high dpi so if you wanted to just come over here we could get the additional functions here you could also hold down the control key and click and get you know different context sensitive functions but it doesn't it's kind of a fixed size since version 10. here we see michael teams wants people to whack the like button okay so we see from a question from kai wen franklin is it possible to highlight multiple midi notes and use this scissor tool to split them all at once i thought it was possible but could not figure it out so let's give it a shot all right so it's just all right so let's all right so if i wanted to come here and split these notes um i'm just gonna set my snap off and i'm gonna hold down the alt key i think so i thought the alt key might do it uh let me try some different shortcut combinations you yes i don't know a way of doing it with the scissors tool but let's see if maybe if we could do maybe in a logical editor yeah so i think you might have to do each one um i could play around with that kai if you want to send me an email see if there's some other trick to maybe do that let me just look at one other let's see if there's maybe a macro approach so you could kind of you know if you wanted to kind of nudge um you know you could do kind of a macro so let's say if you move your playhead position and i know this isn't um so let's say if i'm here and if i wanted to split uh let's say if i want and i know this may not work for your particular needs but let's let's see if we can make a macro maybe to speed this up you you all right let's see if we could get this going quickly okay excuse me get some drink uh let's see if this will do it i may have to work on this and i'll do a little more playing around with that guy if you want to send me just a brain cramp reminder email we could do it for uh next tuesday's live stream sorry about that i thought it would be kind of like a shift type of function all right great to see jvi in the live stream okay reading through comments all right okay so it says hi everyone when i use monitoring with my guitar i can barely hear myself playing any ideas um so this could really depend on your audio interface if it's like a two in two out interface without dsp you may have like a little monitoring knob and we see this on like our original ur-22s where you have just a knob that goes to the middle so depending upon the position of that knob that allows you to monitor more of the signal coming from the computer versus the input signal so it could be just like a monitor knob so if you could let us know what audio interface you have if it could be just like a little monitor knob that you may need to adjust on your audio interface all right so we have donald checking in from south africa thanks for being a part of the live stream today uh so we have a question is it a known issue that cubase pro sometimes does not remember when you have made a track sticky uh visibility to the left or right of the mixing desk so i haven't run into that but if you're not familiar with this concept let's say if we have a number of audio tracks for those who aren't familiar with it maybe other people could comment if they've run into it if we click on visibility and then zones we could anchor particular tracks so say if i always want the right the master fader to be on the right hand side regardless so my projects that i've had set up like that for years i've never had an issue with uh if i wanted um you know let's say you know uh this particular track to always be anchored to the left that you know we could kind of basically create our own split console where we could have tracks automatically on the left or right hand side so sometimes people can get confused if they set it up here in the lower zone mixer and then they go to [Music] the uh you know to the mixed console to large mix console those zones that are set up are independent so if you wanted to go to visibility you could have you know different zones set up in the large full screen mixer versus the lower zone versus mix console 2 or 3. so maybe it's set up in the lower zone and not in the mix the larger mix console but those can work independently so just just make sure it's not something like that all right so i just see i have a big problem with my groove agent 5 and cubase 10 pro i have lots of missing files in production gurus and other agents and i have installed groove agent 5 many times over please please help so check when you come here you know you could download a little utility i think this came around version 10 called the steinberg library manager so if you come over here go to the steinberg library manager and then you can see groov agent and then what you want to do is you know make sure that you see all of the content here and you know you could see the exact folder location if you go click on details you can see you know all of the different contents as well as their location so if you seems like you know you're missing some in you know particular libraries you know go to that folder and then you could right click uh and then you know just say or double click on the vst sound file and make sure that we have the actual you know that that makes its link also you could go into media bay and come over here and say okay you want to go to vst sound and you know if you go to [Music] uh vst sound we can say okay go to acoustic agent try to right click and just say rescan disk excuse me for each of the different sound sets and see and that should make the link for you even on previous versions so give that a try all right so we have a question from uh ted springman thanks for joining uh says can cubase be set up so that uh note and cc midi data from a single keyboard controller gets translated to 16 hardware since each listening on its own channel so yeah we could do that i'll just do new project here so i'll add 16 midi tracks and i'll make sure these aren't all going out to my iac all right so now if i wanted to come here let's place all these into record and then i'll play notes i'll move midi ccs and now we'll look at each of the parts sorry sometimes but it will just record all that data to the 16 different channels so and that's really kind of all you have to do is just put it into record and then we'll see the notes plus the midi ccs will all be recorded as kind of normal parts here sometimes when i send it to no destination i'll get this so yeah no problem with that so if i wanted to [Music] look at this one particular part with midi ccs so that's all you have to do is just place them all into record all right so i just see a question let me just see if i could just send a bunch of midi data out i'll get this sometimes if i have a iac driver let me just see if i can force quit really quickly here all right um okay i'm just going to restart my mac really quickly hang on just one second just bear with me i'll be back in just a minute my mac with my it stuff from yamaha takes a longer time to boot up i'm going to reboot here quickly bear with me just a second foreign all right sorry about that let me just get this configured here really quickly i'll do a quick test make sure everything is coming through all right sorry about that all right so audio is coming through sorry about that all right so all right so next question we had okay um [Music] so it says howie it always starts with an instrument hexagon how can i get rid of it so that any project calling starts with no instrument at all okay so i think so when we load up hallie and it's going to go to i'll let up hexagon as a preset all right so i think that all you have to do is [Music] is just to come over here and save the particular sound as startup so i think that's all you have to do is just to come over here uh and save the sound as startup and then it won't load up hexagon for you so i think that's kind of what i had done in a previous one so you could just as you wanted to come over here so when you go to so just try saving and then like you could just save as default preset so uh so just kind of click right here and then you could load up nothing and then just click as save as default preset and then hexagon won't load up all right so we just see uh from andy lane hi i want a proper sound font player for the next cubase um so if you do uh have hallian hallian will uh play sound fonts you know sound fonts really haven't been as popular for the last 20 years um they're really popular like in the late 90s but i know there's a lot of content available in sound font format but hallian can automatically load up sound fonts for you okay so we have a question uh is there any way to make the marker bart up at the top of the project window start at zero a few bars into the song okay so let's say i want it to be this to be and i'll just set this i'll add a ruler track and let's set this to seconds all right um so i could just come here and i think we go to project you could do the set time code at cursor so set time code to cursor here and i'll just say let's set this to zero point zero point let me just 0.0.0 [Music] and then right there we could just uh so wherever you want it to be at zero just just move the cursor there and just say set time code cursor at and where the cursor position is so if i want this to be one hour i could just come right over here set time code cursor position at and you could just type in so you have your frame seconds minutes hours so say okay we want to do one and now we'll just come here and then we could start at one hour or whatever that you have so wherever you have the project cursor just say set time code time code at cursor and that should do the trick okay so we have a question uh is there a quick way to grab the loop of the independent track length and uh laid across the timeline instead of manually going into the region and cutting and copying and pasting so let's say if i have just a quick loop here like you know if i wanted to just take like just a portion of it i could just use the range selection tool if if you're in a combined mode here i could just select from the top and then you know if i wanted to move that or hold down the alt or option key i could just make a copy and then if you wanted to duplicate that so that way you don't actually affect anything we don't actually this is all still contiguous so try using the range selection tool so again you could select the range here if you wanted to copy and then you could just hit control or command d and just take the selection and duplicate so it's pretty fast away and the original file is completely intact without using any cuts okay so just see question uh greg do you use a rear bus in your project so if i'm doing something in five one i do but uh if i'm just doing stereo then i i don't use a rear bus so or if you're you know i know many composers will compose in quadrophonic where they have left or right front and left right rear they generally don't get to go into the center channel excuse me where the dialog is so so generally i'm most of my projects i'm doing i'm in stereo but i i have a five one set up as well all right my timeline just jumped to me alright so i think i'm close to where i was all right so just see uh so ash will send this question with the uf8 all right so again yeah you send it to club cubase at okay so we have a question um can you show examples of navigating through midi segments uh on top of each other how to grab and cut certain ones okay so i'll just come here and let me just create a quick all right so i'll just do a quick audio recording here or midi recording rather so i'll just kind of do different ranges of notes [Music] and i'll put it into a loop this time sorry about that [Music] so [Music] all right so i have all these parts and we could depending on your midi record setup you know we could have these be stacked so that everything can show up in lanes automatically now if you have all these parts that are stacked we could also just if you go to the bottom center of the parts at this point you could just say okay i wanted to play this one and now i want to play let's say the lowest one or the highest one so these are all kind of stacked on top of each other and if i wanted to merge these uh i could grab the glue tool and just hold down alt or option and now as we play it'll just we could just have them all and all of the parts will be kind of merged in one so you know but try playing around you know with this but you know here's a great little tip to navigate between different midi parts when they're kind of or audio parts when they're kind of on top of each other just get to the bottom center so let me know if that works for you so we see from jvi no friday hangout yeah so in the united states it is a holiday after thanksgiving so we'll be doing the next one on tuesday and then we'll do the two-hour live stream and a two-hour zoom up next tuesday a week from today so looking forward to seeing new faces there and people have been on the previous zoo meetups are always really informative really interesting all right so we see uh greg can i put my own plugins in the cubase channel strip so no it's you know the plugins the plugins are really in the channel strip are uh going to be fixed to those particular plugins so so the intention is that way it's kind of like a channel strip that you would get on a large format console like an api an ssl or neve but you could just add all of them to the inserts all right so you just see uh question how do i change the scale in very audio that will always be on on a minor i guess or am i so or so you know if you wanted to like if you're working with very audio let's just jump over here quickly show some very audio stuff you know the scale will be actually determined by the chord track so if i wanted to like in this instance i have the piano part and i want to go to the piano part and let's set this up so i'm going to go to the project menu to the chord track and i'll say let's create the chord symbols and now when i go into very audio we could choose to have uh the chord track so as we look at this we'll go to very audio and then we could colorize based on the chord track so that way the scale is actually derived from the chord track so if it's if this note is out of key uh you're not within a chord or not within the scale be red if it's within the particular key but not in the chord it'll be this this color and if it's in the chord it'll be green so so the scale is really just derived from the chord track for the coloring um uh so just see a question from sable winters uh are we doing friday stream and zoom so i'm going to take the holiday off so the next live stream will be on tuesday so in the united states i know we have lots of international uh viewers but in the united states it's a holiday so all right so we have a question uh when using a mackie control fader and making automated volume adjustments in right mode after i finish cubase deletes a lot of the dots when i have finished so this could be uh just a quick setting so let's go to your automation panel and you can do this by hitting f6 and under settings excuse me under settings we can come right over here and we'll see the um to the reduction level so let's say if i set this to 50 percent that as i do automation let me just automate the volume here [Music] so if i just kind of go like this it will then kind of get rid of 50 of the data so if i do this we can see lots of dots and then it will get adjusted so try just setting the reduction level here so let's say if i set this to 10 percent [Music] that uh i think that's let me just yeah so just try setting uh the reduction level there and then you could get more dots so give that a try okay reading through comments seeing cubase junkies wants to get some yamaha monitors excuse me so question before upgrading to 12 pro will i have to back up all my saved presets or cubase migrate them over so generally cubase migrates them over uh if it doesn't all you need to do is go into your cubase 11 go to the edit menu and go to profile manager and export your profile and then import it that would give you just like a data file that you you could save to a flash drive or somewhere in your computer and then import that into cubase 12. all right so we see pablo is back from dinner okay reading through comments thanks for all the great questions and again if you've learned something new make sure that you do hit the like button okay we're doing well on time all right we see that gareth has made the live stream so the whole hot mess contingent is on the live stream or was at this point when i was reading you see gareth is very excited that pablo's on the live stream okay reading through comments all right so i see a question um if you apply processing to those parts you just posted does it affect the original part so you know if we do offline processing like the direct i think this might be in relation to uh the direct offline processing so the what that'll do is it'll create a new audio file with all the processing and the original file is always intact so you can always go back at any time you know 10 years later all right so we have a question does render in place copy the automation over uh or just a wav file data so it depends on the settings that you have for the change so let me just do a new project here real quick just to show this easily [Music] okay so let's say i have this file in here uh and i just wanted to just make it larger here's it okay so let's say now i have just a fade out going on okay so now at this point uh i think if i go to edit i'm going to select the event and we go to edit to render in place let's go to render settings uh and then i want to come over here and i think if i choose complete signal path that once we do this just try that again see if i had okay so so complete signal path that we will now see the automation automatically carried over but if i didn't have if i changed the settings here and i think i just did channel settings sorry let me just so say channel settings that would do it but i think if we do the the top option like dry that that wouldn't carry the automation over i don't think yeah so so if you have dry chosen in the settings then the automation won't but if you have channel settings carried over then that will include the automation so we see michael teams has a murat's power amp used from led zeppelin's side fill stage monitors now now he's just bragging so it sounds like a great setup michael all right so we have another question so if there is some dc offset or click pop in the crossfade will render in place copy that so you know it's going to render it just as is so if there is a click in the crossfit you know in if it's a bad crossfade edit that has a click an audible click that would be carried over because you're telling it to do a you know a recreation of that so it's not going to automatically fix that but often you could fix it quite easily by doing a dc offset from the sample editor so if you get audio to processes to remove dc offset and if you zoom in on the sample editor let's say i'll just come over here you know we could just draw out a popper click um or draw one in right there but if you're telling it if you're telling cubase to uh to render in place an event that has that it will render it in place because it's doing exactly what you want uh what you're telling it to do so it's not going to selectively fix things without you telling it to all right seeing discussion of old atari computers and gareth with the vestax i remember that unit used to run by midi machine control all right so we have a question is there a way to drag and copy sends from one track to track as you can do with the inserts uh the click all button does not work so usually you know let's say if i will go to a project here i'll add a send all right so let's say i have a ascend on my snare track here so let's say i just come here and i want it to do and if i wanted other tracks to just follow that like to two guitar parts i could just come here and since these tracks can just go to descend i'll just hold down alt or option plus shift and send both of them to excuse me so now all any track that you want is going to the same send so you don't have to really do any you know copying because it's going to the same destination so i can say hold down alt control or alt option and shift or just turn on quick link and now i can just turn these on for all of them and turn on so now my toms will have too much reverb so that's why it's kind of handled differently because you're not copying an actual part you're just sending it to the same destination so that's why this sends and inserts will be different where the inserts are dedicated to the particular channels and the sends are shared between different channels all right so we see a question from john costigan um at what point or point should i check for dc offsets uh so you know usually like before i do my final mix down uh i will just kind of do you know before sending it off after i do my mix down maybe pre-mastering is when i would just do a dc offset test um so you don't have to kind of do it throughout the whole thing you could just kind of catch it at the end so um so it's not like often it'll be you know you don't have to check throughout a project just you know before you send it out for mastering or do something you know or at the final stage check then it says uh john also just says hope you get well soon so i feel fine it's just talking four hours straight you know it's hard on a voice so but hopefully i'll get some time to rest up over the holiday so looking forward to that but i feel fine thanks all right just reading through all the great comments see ash rebel hen studios just saying thanks for your time answering my questions today greg that's so kind so that's what we do um you know and i think that's what makes it such a great uh community you know we're just getting people their own questions answered so okay so we have a question uh which functions of signal flow comes first direct offline processing or extension or clip gain so the clip gain would come first and i think the direct offline processing and extension they're not necessarily considered in the signal flow but are being processed to the audio file so i think that those would be kind of at the same time but the direct offline processing i you may give an edge to the extension because it will be kind of you know affecting it in real time whereas the direct offline processing is actually you know processing the particular file and not just running it through editors but often the extension is then rendered all right so we see john costigan has a buddy who hopes to do a session at ocean way with leland sklar and jim keltner so that does mean you're somebody so i got to meet jim keltner at a event he did at yamaha just showing i think symbols so that was kind of fun it's him in abraham liborio it wasn't a bad afternoon at yamaha see michael pierce's producer he's working for just swears by oceanway nashville so yeah it's that's pretty cool studio is actually an old church on music row that they converted into a studio it's a nice room been there many times okay so jazz dude saying we need 100 likes so please smash the like button if you haven't alright so i see we're at 99 so alright see how we're doing on time i think i may be almost caught up okay so i think i'm caught up and i know we have a couple questions that were mailed in advance so let's go ahead and take a look at them sorry all right so let's get started um it says i i can't use filter automation like a low pass filter straight ramp from 200 hertz to 20 hertz on a two bar long sine synth chord or saw synth chord with the frequency plug-in because it sounds grainy and not smooth at all um [Music] the issue seems to almost disappear when using a 16 sample buffer size but obviously you get cpu overload then it says i use lfo tool vst2 64-bit instead as a solution is there any solution or specific settings to apply to solve this problem um and this from uh nicholas dubois so let's take a look i think i may have kind of a project set up for this all right so say if i have just kind of like a synth sound here [Music] okay so that's i [Music] so i think you know one of the you know a great tool for this you know that you may want to utilize instead of an eq is maybe just kind of you know i would try maybe a filter plug-in so let's say if i come here like the dual filter plug-in so let's say if i just wanted to uh let's say we'll listen to this [Music] so and let's say if i just wanted to take this sounding [Music] so you know instead of utilizing an eq and while an e-cube could be a filter but you know it's probably just [Music] being able to utilize you know something very easily like a dual filter [Music] and you could of course just kind of automate that particular parameter so let's say we'll show that automation slot and let's go ahead and just kind of draw in automation you know we could just now come right over here and just [Music] so uh so if that's kind of what you want to do maybe check out you know and you could see this plug-in under uh under the dual filter so if you go under the filter section just come right over here and then you get to see dual filter and there's also morphing filters [Music] so you know this may be kind of more [Music] you know more appropriate filtering tools for what you want to do but let me know if i misunderstood okay so we have a question uh is it possible to create random modulation on an automation track uh not mid ecc would be kind of like a sample and hold so you know you can kind of do this with the auto lfo tool so let me just open up a particular project maybe i do just a little bit of tweaking okay so let's say if i wanted to come over here and i had um just different lfos so let's say i have just like a really boring part so often we use alphas to kind of change [Music] particular sound so i could do it in instruments so if i wanted to look at this instrument i could say let's come over here to my midi inserts and i say okay let's take this really boring pad and i wanted to do panning so we could set up an auto alfo to adjust the panning and then if i wanted to do kind of like volume changes [Music] and let's say now we'll do this with our synth like the base so if i wanted this to do kind of like a wobble [Music] i could come over here to this lfo and i'm just going to adjust the cut off and let's say i have just drums and i wanted to kind of do this to control maybe like the position of the filter to you know have that playback so at this point i could create a track and i'm just going to create a midi track here and we could have a loopback which is just a little utility you could download and install it if you have uh if you're running mac you could do it through iac let's go to the studio setup and i'm going to just add a generic remote control and what i want to do is just set this to my iac bus my loopback and this is a way of sending midi data within the program and i want to just come over here and i have this midi track here this midi track will be routed out to the iac bus and when i go to the generic remote setup what we want to do is to just do a midi learn so as we play we can basically have this particular midi uh part so i'm gonna click on learn here so this lfo plug-in is going to send that midi information and what i wanted to do is to take that particular setup and i'm going to go over here to to the mixer and we'll go to the particular channel so this will be our glitch drums track all right so all right so i'm going to take this track and then i want it to go to my inserts and then we'll go to our dual filter and then we'll have it adjust the position so now when i come over here we could have this particular lfo just automatically adjusting this and you could adjust kind of you know the tying positions if you didn't want it to be synced so this way you could have like if you have you know automation that isn't being controlled you could just come over here and kind of have that randomly controlled so try experimenting with some of the lfos with the loopback all right so we had a question uh how to copy channel settings from one channel to multiple channels at the same time okay so let's jump back to different project okay so let's say i have like an insert on a number of tracks let's say okay so let's say i have these uh inserts and i wanted to copy these channel settings from this track to a number of tracks that are selected so if we right click on the bottom of the channel name in the mix console we can come over here and we'll see this uh copy first selected channel settings and now i'm going to select a number of channels here in my mix console now i could right-click and i'll say paste settings to selected channels and then those will automatically kind of be carried over that way so try right clicking to uh copy the first channel settings and then pasting to the selected channels give that a shot all right next question uh could we have frequency 2 replace the default channel eq and also be visible in the mixer eq window um so you know when we do this if we wanted to see uh the frequency eq here you know there's you know probably billions of cubase projects that you know are utilizing the older uh you know the the standard channel eq um so we don't want to necessarily change the default eq settings across all of the different channels to a new algorithm you know we have a lot of customers who would be unhappy about that but i'll pass it along as a suggestion i know it's been sent in before um but you know even though the the frequency eq is fabulous don't underestimate this you know like elliot shiner this is you know is probably one of the most you know prominent mixing engineers in the world this is still his favorite uh eq that he works with is just the built-in channel eq all right uh another question that was sent in um are you working on something like continuous play in other programs so i tried to get uh an idea what this was um so i was just wondering if continuous play is maybe what we call a stationary cursor so let's say as we're playing so let's say i'll just choose to follow that this that my timeline continuously plays um if that's what is meant by continuous play so as opposed to redrawing at the end where the it's constantly visually playing and the cursor is staying at the same position i didn't get a confirmation back before the live stream uh but let me know if that's it if that's what you want to do just you know come over here and just enable stationary cursor and give that a try all right so that was the questions that were sent in let me go back to our chat uh just want to thank let's see how we're doing [Music] get the same position come back over here alright hang on one second my son is knocking all right i'm back sorry about that okay so i just see a question uh why is supervision always on so i like to have supervision on in my control room so at this point i could just kind of jump uh to see what's going on in my control room uh monitoring path so that's kind of what i usually do um so i just have my control room i have that set up so if that's why you see it in the control room just so that i could always have it available you see michael pierce just saying it was hilarious taking he was sitting in our little room he's been doing gospel out there yeah i mean the church the ocean way is kind of a ridiculous studio but i mean it's it's kind of a classic you know nashville church that got turned into a studio but it's mostly being utilized for i think belmont owns the studio so it's a way to get belmont students kind of involved and do internships at a real studio okay reading a few comments here all right so we see a question uh midi presets are empty menu in cubase 11 how do i fix it so i assume that this is going to be is this in the midi logical presets so if you come over here if you have a previous version you can um not go to your web browser but sorry about that all right but if we come over to um let's say you're finder so if you're on the windows platform you could go to your start menu go to [Music] all programs go to steinberg cubase 11 don't start the program from the little start menu or whatever they call it in windows 10 but you'll see a user settings and data folder underneath that open that up on the mac we would go to the library to preferences and if you're on the mac you may have to hold down the option key apple is too afraid you might find your preference folder so it's a little trick they do so we'll come over here to library and go to preferences so if you have it if you have it on a previous version you can come over here you'll see a cubase folder and then you'll see presets and in here you'll see the logical editor presets so you could just go to cubase 10.5 copy all these logical editor presets over and then drag it into the cubase 11 and that should uh take care of it for you you could also try say exporting a profile from the edit menu in cubase i believe it's going to be carried over that way as well so if you go to your profile manager export a profile and then import that profile into version 11. all right so we see a question uh is there a way to make a mono track into a stereo track so you know generally they're going to be mono or stereo um but what you could do like if you wanted to do it for like an effects is you know you could add an effects channel to the selected tracks and then you could add a stereo uh like if you wanted to add a stereo delay you could do that you could also just send it to a group channel if you needed to do it for routing so if you wanted to send that to a group and if you wanted to make a mono channel sound wider if it's just for sonic uh type of thing go to an insert and you could go to under spatial in panner just come here and go to stereo enhancer and you can make it sound wider more stereo or if it's a stereo track you want to sound more mono you could just go down to zero percent for that so those are a couple of options but just kind of for signal flow routing you know mono and stereo tracks just like they are in consoles will be treated a bit differently all right so we have a question uh what is the easiest way to insert two bars into the middle of a large project so that one does not ruin automation and two splits the wav files okay so let's look at this project here i'll revert it quickly okay so let's say i wanted to add i'll just hide the lower zone uh two measures starting at measure 25 so i will come over here i'm just going to select kind of my range and if i wanted to do this globally i think it's uh control shift so or control or command plus shift so and let's say i had automation going on here so all right you may hear my son playing figuring out cartoon [Music] themes in the background on the piano all right so let's say i wanted so i have this range selected so what i could do is go to my edit menu to range and then we're gonna say insert silence and then it will just move everything over set by the amount defined in the range time and as you can see the automation is carried over so if i undo redo we could just see that effect right there so select kind of the range and you could do control or command plus shift or just globally kind of select the range like that and then once again go to edit to range to insert silence and then it will give you that space and move over the automation and splits the wave files see kind words from sable just saying take care of myself this week so yeah i've been resting a lot so but looking forward to having a couple days off but thank you sable all right so we just see uh greg it could be so cool to have the native instrument complete control s49 slash s61 use chord track scale value without having to have complete loaded on the track so you know you could do it with any midi controller so you know if it's a function of i don't have the native instruments controllers um but you know for the particular tracks you know you could come over here there's a number of ways of doing it you could go into uh like for a midi track so let's say if i come here you know you could just say okay i want it to be global and i only want it to filter notes so and at this point i could just say where value one is set to a fixed scale and i could say okay let's make it you know c1 and at that point you know we could just come right over here and you know let's say or let's say we'll just set this to c uh i'll set it to transpose to scale rather so i could say okay i only want every note that i play to play in d major and we could just set that up there we could also do within the midi editor we could do a snap to scale as well so let's say if we have our midi events we could just say snap live input to the particular scale we could do it based on a chord track or based directly from the scale that we have defined here so if i say i only want it to snap to my live input to the key of f so you could do it without having the complete you know or any software for the controller activated in a couple of different ways all right so we have a question is there a way to stop the loop feature activating when clicking on the top bar window can be annoying so when we come over here we could you know turn on and off the loop so a lot of people wanted the ability to never have that so it's fine there is a preference for this uh so let me see if it's it just could be under editing i think um okay so if you go to transport so go to preferences to transport and then so you'll see a preference clicking locator range and upper part of the ruler activates cycle uncheck that and now when you do this you can't uh turn that on or off by clicking so but if you wanted that on go to uh preferences and go to transport and you'll see clicking locator range and upper part of the ruler activates cycle so you could activate and deactivate that particular function right there with that preference see michael pierce has no questions this week he says he spent a weekend in pro tools and it hurt his head do you have a solution for that it's like just use cubase it's great all right so we see question um how do i scrub tool how do i work with it all right so if we have the play tool active i can just kind of play different parts and if i wanted to switch to the scrub tool i can now and when we do this this gets routed through the control room so if you don't hear it try going to your studio to audio connections and make sure that you have the control room activated and the settings set right there all right my son's knocking a door give me one second yeah ryan ryan stop i said 40 30 i have 25 minutes okay stop hitting the door all right i'm back sorry about that all right uh so i just see but i can't turn uh supervision off of my control room is that supposed to be that way so if you just so say if we open this up and we bypass we turn the plug-in off we could you know so try just opening up the plug-in and then you could turn off the power to the particular plug-in let's see if there's maybe at the hold down alt so try holding down alt or option and then you could turn it off in the control room right there all right so we see uh greg why do deactivated plugins uh still cause a delay is there a way to to circumvent this other than clicking the delay compensation button the delay compensation button will you know basically be the fastest way of doing that but let's say if i go to my mix console and we'll look at the uh channel latency settings so let's say i'll just add a couple of latent plugins here okay so we look at our channel latency now we're at 246 um all right so if we come over here and bypass the plug-ins you know so there's a difference here if we bypass the plug-ins they're still taking the latency so that you could turn it off and on really quickly but i think if we hold down um all right let me see if there's a but there's a way to instead of bypassing to deactivate i'm trying to remember what the keyboard shortcut is here so let's see if i come over here to trying to remember what the function is off top of my head i'm just having kind of a brain cramp with that um maybe it's on the inspector here okay so sorry just forgetting what the uh but there's a way to bypass which would you know deactivate the plug-ins and turn off the and minimize the latency i'm just forgetting what the keyboard shortcut to do that globally is um but the quickest way is just to you know if you come over here that would do it and that would do it globally for all the tracks minimizing your latency and the reason they make that distinction is that you know you may want the plug-in to turn on and off uh without having the latency to be reset during the the play down process you can turn the plug-in on without any interruptions or hiccups okay so we just see uh question uh sometimes when resizing multiple tracks the speed of the resize can take off and become massive so i haven't really had many problems with this so let's say i select a number of tracks and then you know if you wanted just to hold down like you know the control key you could just you know come right over here and just kind of resize pretty efficiently i think so you know give that a try just you know selecting the tracks and then adjust one down while holding down the control key and that will do it kind of globally for all the tracks so we see michael pierce and things about oshawa nashville oh so that's really cool school a school owned such an amazing studio i can't imagine the course prices i think it was basically the studio may have needed some financial assistance and figured it was a good way to get uh interns that they wouldn't have to pay so it worked out well and it looks like a really cool thing for the schools like look you could work here it's a great thing for parents to see okay so we just see um how do i color the fader paths like the tracks so when i see kind of my mixer here we can see that these will be colored using kind of the colors from the tracks and this is going to be a preference so go to uh preferences you'll go under user interface to track and mix console channel colors and here you can see his preference for mixed console channels so i'm going to uncheck that and we'll see that this is how previous versions were and now when i activate this and we could set color strength and intensity and brightness and then i could just hit ok and that will now colorize based on the track colors the mix console all right so we see a couple people didn't know about the inserting silence with the range tool all right we see nick has to head off a little early all right question from gareth i don't know if this is just in my imagination but is it possible to make the color palette floating and permanently open so i think if you hit alt control c no it's not that oh ctrl s let me if we just come over here let's get to the project um [Music] so i think command shift s let me see if that's it no i may have remapped that now if we have uh like the color palette set up that this can uh let me just so i think if we just do the project colors set up to see if there's i thought that there was like a little floating let me just take a look again here you're looking to key commands because i think there is maybe like a floating okay so if you hit uh option or alt or option plus shift plus c then you could have your floating color temp your floating color palette visible so so again alter option plus shift plus the letter c and then you could have that as a floating window if i don't hit the wrong keyboard shortcut again so do that gareth that should do the trick all right so we have a question uh how can i recolor multiple tracks when selecting multiple tracks and using the color tool and the inspector it only colors one track so all you have to do is just select your multiple colors here you could now click onto make sure that you don't have like an event selected so let's say if i have all these tracks selected i can now pick a color and they will go or i could just come if i have this closed i could say all these tracks are selected go to the color tool and just select a color just like that and you could colorize multiple events just like that but make sure if you have an event selected the event will get the priority so if we come here this event is selected i have that i recolor just that event is selected and not the parts but if the tracks just that event is selected but if only at the track level is selected then we could re-colorize all the selected events using the color tool right here all right thanks for all the great questions be a long index tonight i think all right so we have a question uh could you talk a little bit about the relationship between automation and mix snapshots so you know the mixed snapshots don't include automation so you know and you know because obviously automation is going to be a dynamic event that evolves over time and a snapshot is really intended just to have all of the settings uh set you know and recalled so a lot of times people may use like i may start a project before i have a lot of automation and you know one of the things that's always really handy that i miss from kind of old you know old school mixing is maybe you kind of start a mix and you're getting the static values set and then let's say everything you did was you know you're listening to it and you know at this point you hate every single thing that you just did so you may say okay but there could be something redeeming and now at this point i could say i wanted to take all these tracks and start over and i'll link these and say okay i'm gonna build a mix from scratch again so i build another mix from scratch all right and let's say okay this is my perfect automation mix so now i could say okay what was my first stab at doing this and i could recall that and okay maybe i want to listen to mick snapshot 2. okay so you could say wow i really like the guitars of mix snapshot 2 but i wanted to take the drums from mix snapshot 4. so i could take the selected channels come over here and let's do the recall so i could say we're going to do selected channels and i just wanted to do the pre the inserts the eq but not the channel strip and i wanted to recall from track snapshot four so i could just come right over here and that would do that but not affect the other channels so since this is like a still image it's not going to include dynamic events like automation so when i'm using mixed snapshots i kind of do it before there's a lot of automation going on and then have all these decisions made and then automate but the mix snapshots you know think of a still picture not playing back a movie is you know and that's how how it is so you kind of use it for like traditional workflows that many analog engineers have done over the years okay reading through comments thanks for all the great discussion see michael pierce saying he loves it my son's playing cartoon themes when he plays the simpsons we're all in trouble so i don't think my wife wants him to see the simpsons yet so he might be a little irreverent for his age but uh i i like it uh but he could probably he's pretty good at hearing something and being able to pick it out in the right key so he could be i mean i think he could probably do the simpsons if he heard it so and sometimes it's interesting he'll look at the keyboard or look at a guitar for a couple minutes and then he'll pick the first right note it'll be like the right note in the key of the piece he heard so it's interesting to watch all right okay reading through comments thanks for all the great discussion you could see all these cool revelation amazing and then i'm so delayed i don't know what it was so let's see john coskins saying when i showed him insert silence or the range selection his hair started to grow back so that's good merry christmas all right so just saying comment on the coloring but you can't change the color of multiple tracks using the color options in the inspector so when you're doing it from the inspector the inspector is only for that particular selected track so it's one you know you may have multiple tracks selected but it's only one inspector so that's why the coloring is only for one track at a time from the inspector all right so we have question um is there a way to don't accidentally click on the mixer and change a fader in settings if you do you know there's a separate undo history for the mixer if you just kind of click here so let's say okay you know i did three bad moves when i was just accidentally moving you see this undo history for the mix console so you could just come right over here and have an independent you know undo history for the mixer so even if i'm in the larger mix console um you know i could see okay i move this adjust this i adjust the pan i adjust an eq i adjust a plug-in parameter all these can be stored in their own uh you know mix console history so it's an undo history for everything in the mixer so you can always do that all right see how we're doing we have about three or four minutes left all right so i think i'm at the end of the questions i see nice well wishes from michael pierce thanks and look forward to hopefully everyone can make it to uh next tuesday's zoom i'll try to get someone lined up an interesting guest that could share some unique insights uh but we'll just wait another minute and see if anything else uh comes in and there's usually a little bit of latency but we'll just kind of wait and want to thank everyone from joining from all over the world so once again no live stream on fridays it's a holiday in the united states but tuesday we'll be doing it and then we'll do two hours and then a two hour zoom meet up so we look forward to seeing everyone on the zoom and with that we'll give it another 30 seconds or so see there's any last minute questions and it's great to see new users on the live stream and many people that are uh loyal attendees it's always great and it's wonderful thrill for be able for me to be able to help people and share some tips and tricks and always feel good if i get a revelation for some people so all right and with that i will go ahead and wrap up thank you so much everyone if you're in the united states have a wonderful holiday celebration check the steinberg site in the next couple days there might be some exciting stuff going on this time of year so please check that out and take advantage of some of the opportunities that will be available all right so with that we will go ahead and wrap up thank you so much and everyone have a great holiday weekend if you're celebrating thanksgiving united states and we'll see everyone back on tuesday
Channel: Cubase
Views: 6,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: iBx8ZJUqN8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 24sec (14064 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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