How To Crack a Crab THE RIGHT WAY | Crab Corner

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hi guys welcome to crab corner Southwest my name is Mark small and I'm on the owners here crab corner we got a couple new options we're going to show you today and also in addition to showing you how to pick actual blue crab we're going to take our time of day and pull one apart for you we're going to show you some the tools we use and how you can come in and actually enjoy one artstein blue crabs fresh to order we've got a couple tools we're going to work with first and foremost you got your crab knife which is supplied to you when you sit down at every table and you also got your crab mallet that someone's used for breaking up your claws not smashing the body so we're gonna go ahead and take a peek at this and I'm gonna show you guys how to do this step by step okay we're gonna do is gonna show you to pick these crabs today we're gonna start with one we're going to show you the difference first and foremost we've seen two types of crabs we sell here at crab corner southwest so anything a any size location so we'll start off with two fresh teen blue crabs flown in every day this one right here is going to be your male crab this one's going to be your female crab a lot of differences that people look for you can tell the difference in these crabs is actually by the bottom by what we call the apron so this is the male crab it kind of look like two for those who want to cheat don't know much about it you can actually tell the two crabs apart by this one look like the Washington Monument and this one looking like the Washington Capitol so you have two different options on these guys this will be the female crab this would be the male crab now a lot of people would ask why would you sell female crabs we have a couple different options because these guys are I've already made it once they're called hooks or silkies so we don't take any of the virgin crabs because that would be hurting and depleting our source we wouldn't want to do that so the female crabs that have made it are able to be harvested and we keep the ones that haven't in the water to keep them going for future use for later on for for providing more baby crabs for us to steam up so yeah that then you have the males a lot of people traditionally from Maryland won't eat the male crabs because they say the meat tastes different or that it has more meat in it or anything else there's a lot of different options with a lot of lot of hearsay what people complain and make different options they may rave about it but in actuality in the meat is pretty much the same you really can't tell so if you were able to pull the two side-by-side and tell them you'd be a better man than me after eighteen years in the business would be a tough thing to tell the difference so what we'll do is from the show you start by picking them apart and for the first one we're going to use the male crab just put our female back over here can see our our spice we have down this is authentic Maryland crab spikes and bring them from Baltimore Maryland it's made right in town in Baltimore and then shipped out to us right here in Vegas because there's not too many crab places out here we're the only one as far as I know it actually has real spice and real seasoning and real fresh crabs so we'll deal with this guys will actually pick off this little piece of seaweed there so you know it's fresh and then we'll actually remove his legs so this is the first part the two pinchers the two legs right here so we're gonna break that off and we'll make a little pile right here in the center okay and we're going to pick those we're not gonna sell in the way we can move them to the side then we have the actual body itself we flip this over again looking at just our male crab so I'm going to take off his legs the rest of them make a little pile of those now as you take them off you have a piece of meat that comes out this is the most desirable part of the crab this is actually the back fin so this is where you have people going to look at crab cakes that are on menus on sandwiches that says a back fin lump crabmeat this is that back fin right here this is the swimmer fin or the crab has the most muscle and then it relates to actually the biggest piece of meat that comes out for you to be able to eat so that's the most desirable and you can pick that as you're going just take a peek and then pull it off your teeth you'll actually see there's actually some tendon in there right in the center so you want to pull that off but not get all the way to where you pull those pieces off otherwise they'll feel like you have a little piece of plastic in your mouth you want to do that you just want the meat so you leave that guy there put that to the side actually these small swimmer legs these are the legs of the crab walks around with this is swimmer we have these small legs the crab walks around with and you hold stuff with so you're going to pull those off as well and make another pile those you just rip those from the body and separate them over here put them to the side they do the same thing on the other side back fin place that guy there the two other legs three other legs from the body okay put that there okay perfect so you now is going to flip the crab over you look at it with the with the apron facing you you take your crab knife and you're going to pry that little apron up so I'll do it for the camera this way you'll pull that up to get it hold it with your finger then you snap this off you're going to break off these two pieces right here's with the use of two uh to meet with you and remove those you're not going to eat those they go to the side you take this move it over here you set the crab up it's real important to put your two fingers a lot of people come in here and they actually try to hit the crab this point with a hammer which is completely wrong you're going to squish the crab you can squish the meat and it makes a lot harder to pick when you actually do it like that so the best thing to do is leave this to the side you only use that for your for your legs and we're going to show you how to pick those in just a minute but you take your knife at this point if you need it rip up that apron push right the side and then you stay in the crab up on its face what we call the face which would be this guy here you put your two fingers right here where you pulled those two back fins out you grab this right here from the shell and you're going to separate it just like so okay so it opens very easily even do it like that so no sense in smashing it just open it up okay this is the night the meat right here are the top of the shells they're same we call mustard in there people like that to see how the crab is fresh and it's nice yellow it's got a greenish tint to it it's equipment to when people would consider like liver and onion um in a crab so it's delicious people like that you can tell fresh the crab is ours is always fun and fresh every day the night before so you can you can enjoy whatever the best of the crab has to offer also if you look at you kind of see the remnants as well when this guy just let it shed his last skin so when you see a soft crab this is actually his his shell get ready to come out for his new Shelley's get me to create here so and telling the crowd as fresh as well this crime as freshers can be about ready to pop Rachelle change out to a bigger one okay so take this I'll throw it to the side and you actually have your your back fin natural pieces where you pick the best meat from on this guy here you're going to rip off these pieces on the front this is the mouth from the face so you pick it up with one hand hold it and then snap these pieces off and put those to the side that's not eat it you're not going to eat those then you have these these parts right here links the gills or like lungs on the crab this is what allows it to breed so you're going to take these guys and rip those off with a knife or your fingers you just take that put to the side and the same thing on this side a lot of people think that might be meat but you're not going to eat that it's like gills on a fish you wouldn't eat that if you were fish you don't eat that on the crab either so take that and throw it out there some people call devils fingers bunch of different names then you actually have like the entrails with the innards of the crab you can remove that out you can use either end of the night but just want to separate that from the body and knock that out as well that just goes to the side okay so you take at this point what I do is I just kind of tap on the table anything excess will come out for the people who like that mustard that fresh kind of egg you can enjoy that if you want so you can just push to the side you actually finish by cleaning the crab off just getting rid of anything else you're not going to eat and what you're doing now is to prep it so when you do start you know that stuff's in the wet so you turn this crab towards you the mouth mouth towards you you've been in and you been out that'll separate the two pieces and you're going to work on one side at a time so you can see already I got some good meat in here which is actually the back fin meat and it's actually the body meat which is on your your inside of your crab we're going to get that best meet up where those mussels come from the legs so you separate this put one pieces aside and you start by removing all these old pieces of meat and that's the stuff you're actually gonna eat that's your best part of the meat being a lump crabmeat so this guy here you're going to bend this and you're going to you're going to squeeze it when you're ready or something squish in a little bit and you'll feel like breaking your hand but not enough to squish it all the way because if you do then the meat will come out you'll get all over the place you have a bunch of their shells in there what you want to do is bring this so it's actually squeezed and then you break it one more time and butterfly it now if you do that properly you'll get two separate in the four sections and you'll actually be able to have the ability to pull the meat right out so at this point if you do that right you can just kind of flick it with your thumb it comes right on out and you can get all those good pieces of meat that you're looking for when you're when you're eating steamed blue crabs so this right here would be the fastest way to pick it just going to clean all that off and when you're done with each section or a little quadrant it should look like that pretty much clean it's opaque you can see right through it that's what you're looking for that's a clean piece of a crab shell and you say that to the side you're not going to use that anymore and then these guys here the same thing just pull those off look out for those tendons make sure you get that out and then just kind of pull the pieces of meat out as you go for these little pieces they're like the legs which is knuckles just kind of break those off put those to the side and if you break this little tip off right here right through here just going to snap that off your finger and then you can kind of cheat a little bit and just squeeze it like that you'll pull these pieces of meat out you can get most of it out at that point if you really want to get into it you can get it pretty clean but when it's all said and done you want to have that nice piece of plastic looking thing where you get all that meat out of it right so that's the shell that's not even attached to the sides you have a lot of this meat here which adds up when you have these pieces of leg to go with it then if it's the back then that's what you've seen all our crab cakes we picked this painlessly every day for you guys to enjoy your crab cakes we do the same thing but you can have them fresh to order here so the same thing there I'll do this one a little quicker let's roll through this put this inside like that and then squeeze it again separate it again unfold those pieces of meat if you're patient enough you can sit there and make a pile of it or you can put in your favorite dipping sauce or if you're like me to seed as you're going and most people can sit down eat a bunch Newton's I don't know probably bout a dozen in about 45 minutes to an hour if you take your time but eating crabs a very social thing you're gonna sit around and tell stories and talk and visit with each other so you're not going to necessarily to get full quick off it if you are then you can come in and have our crab cake you can just enjoy all this meat picked out for you already and then you don't do any of the work so we're happy to do that for you to care crab corner Southwest so we'll take that that down I'll show you last couple partiers on the legs people always think there's a misnomer there's no meat in these guys through it it's actually some of the best meat in the crabs actually in the crab legs so you have a couple different options on your bigger crabs it gets a little bit easier to pick but you so have a nice little piece of meat that comes out of these as well so let's clean this out so you can see my knees lose exercise okay on these guys you can actually break the leg right past the knuckle and then just cut twist it back and forth like that just a little crack there and then pull with your hands once you get a hang of it you'll come right out that's a nice old piece of meat we pull it off of that so discard that and you take that little piece of meat and set it here that leg meat is actually seen a lot of soup so we put our crab soup has a lot of flavor and then it's also a little bit different colored so for a traditional good crab cake you're going to see the lump crab cake you're gonna see that white meat for your soups you're going to want this dark needs kind of dark chicken same thing is what you put in there has more flavor to it but presents better when you do a crab cake so this is good for our soups we put it over all of our other dishes to require crab so on this also you can break it right past this knuckle get one more piece of small B once you get into it we move a little quicker and then one right here as well so you just kind of squeeze that with your finger that's how I did that pull up the tendon grab that little piece of meat and you keep going now if you're doing the quick side of it you can go like this just get I'll do it that guy squeeze it right there pops right out this guy here squeeze it comes right out big piece of meat right there and the last one the swimmer leg there's actually one more knuckle inside here as well you don't want to miss because this is also a great big piece of meat that's inside there break it right past the knuckle and then pull that out you get a little piece that comes right out if you don't you just kind of squeeze that guy then it comes right out this movie very fortunate to work with us and pop great out of it okay so this is this is our meat that comes from the crab body it's about half of the crab so to make so portion we can get out of that per crab this is our smaller lunch did you get bigger you have more meat and less picking on this one here I'm going to show you how to do the last part which is the crab legs this is where you come up with your pinchers and your meat it comes out of these guys so you want to throw these out there's a lot of good meat inside these so for these you have two of them each crab make sure they all come fresh so for this one we'll show you how to pick these separate it first at the nock we'll just like a king crab or snow crab so for a blue crab you break it right there and then pull that piece apart you actually get a nice piece of meat that comes right out of that it looks like dark meat but it tastes very similar to the back fin it's actually got a ton of flavor so you put that right there and then we use our traditional Maryland crab spices to steam everything from the outside we let the flavor of the crab kind of cook in itself a lot of people will use oils that are from down south it actually cooks the inside and they want to boil the crab for us we don't want to hide you that flavor we want and you want to accentuate it and show it so for us we just want to do anything with it except for just cook the outside let those flavors cook of the crab itself so on this side you have two pieces of debris listen be your pincher so you take this guy and this is where you use it a hammer everybody some weight use the hammer so you take this one you actually hit it on the top just enough to break it but not shoot it all over your neighbor okay you're going to crack that she'll fill that to the side you separate the two of those remember you have that tenant inside there you do it properly just remove always pieces of meat you have that nice piece of meat right there and then just pull that off with your fingers with your teeth you have just that left there that in your pile okay so on the other side you have the backside of the leg which is right here this guy is going to tap it again this anyway separates and then take the piece of meat out this one we got a lot of it come out of the leg so smaller piece there and see if we do this one little chapter okay piece right there set this leg up tap and then pull the meat apart a shell clean it up got your nice oil crab leg there okay and this one here last piece of meat so you can see how we did it today it's a couple different things at crab corner if you any questions please come out will show you ourselves don't be afraid there's somebody some happy staff always here to show you and you can take this guy and turn them into this so enjoy yourself from come see us at crab corner southwest and give you shot thank you
Channel: The Adventures of Hsuperman
Views: 1,030,310
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Keywords: how to eat crab, how to crack a crab, how to crack crab legs, how to eat crabs the right way, how to crab a blue crab, how to crack crabs, seafood, best seafood las vegas, las vegas seafood, best seafood, best seafood restaurants, best seafood restaurants las vegas, seafood restaurants las vegas, crab eating tutorial
Id: YofBk3dfNWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 30 2014
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