Foods You are NOT Allowed to Eat In the USA !

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in case you didn't know already the government plays a key role in the food that goes into our body there might be some foreign delicacies Americans can't enjoy legally whether it's Ron cheese consumed by maggots or mysterious brownies that make you really sleepy here are foods you're not allowed to eat in the US hey guys this is American I bringing you another great video number 14 horse meat burgers this photo here seems to be a normal-looking burger but it's not there's even a fast-food chain called hot horse in Slovenia that serves up these horse burgers all day you won't be able to knowingly buy it here in the US but sometimes it gets in the mix some restaurants have had legend spread that turned out to be true about them serving horse meat at u.s. locations and it took DNA test of the meat to prove it horse meat can often be less expensive than normal beef in some cases and if you thought you were eating beef it would still taste pretty good many people won't even notice the difference but is still illegal to own or distribute horse meat number 13 puffer fish eat some pretty wild fish over in Japan sometimes but this kind can actually kill you puffer fish is illegal to harvest catch serve or eat here in the US and we should probably obey this law unless the puffer fish is properly prepared from an expert sushi chef it has the potential to put customers into a coma like state do the toxin known as tetrodotoxin if too much of this toxin that it's found in the fish's liver is exposed eating the sushi becomes fatal voodoo practitioners have used the puffer fish toxin during strange rituals that kept people and controlled comas for long periods of time so watch out number 12 haggis haggis is a sheep's stomach stuff with grinded liver lungs onions and oatmeal as well it's a popular dish for Scottish people but for us Americans the idea of eating grinded organs is kind of odd you can't eat this in the u.s. because it's banned here by the FDA the main reason the European customary dish can't make it here is the fact that contains sheep lungs which is the legal ingredient if you got a do it just take a quick trip over to the UK number 11 sassafras oil have you ever wondered why root beer was actually called root beer in the first place our roots really an ingredient in this soda or what's the deal well it turns out a long time ago before 1960 sassafras was the ingredient used to give root beer its unique flavor it turned out that it caused cancer and was linked to kidney and liver damage among those who consumed it most root beers and modern chimes have an artificial flavor that give it that distinct taste sassafras has also been used as a spice in Louisiana Creole cookin but also you should keep in mind that it's the key ingredient in a street drug known as Molly which has caused illegal harvesting of this tree in Southeast Asia number 10 absinthe there's no other alcoholic beverage quite as mysterious as absinthe and you might be wondering why it's banned in some places in 1905 a man by the name of John Lang Frey committed some horrific crimes after he drank himself to the point of insanity the drink contains a special ingredient from wormwood which is known to slow down reaction time reduce concentration and causes auditory and visual hallucinations the compound known as Dew Joan is often extracted but the bottle of absinthe is illegal if it contains that ingredient you can still buy absinthe in the US but it won't be the good stuff that you can get in your up that might make you trip out number 9 voila this delicacy is made from the livers of force-fed geese or ducks the liver basically becomes disease and many regardless has a cruel treatment animals the birds can be force-fed anywhere from 12 to 17 days straight many describe the flavor as being buttery rich and delicate although some countries have banned it it remains a protected cultural menu item in France a normal ducks liver weighs about 50 grams but after being fed a steady diet of grains it weighs a minimum of 300 grams before its salt cruel or not is your opinion but this is still a pretty bizarre food you can see in this photo on the Left how F wah grah liver appears before it's processed it's been banned in the state of California and it's quite difficult to find unless you're at a fancy restaurant numerous countries put an embargo on this such as Denmark Finland Germany Norway and the UK number eight shark fin the most expensive soup in the world is known as buddha' jumps over the wall which almost sounds like some type of code or expression but it's actually a soup served in London that contains a controversial shark fin ingredient which is a delicacy in China it involves a cruel process of cutting off the dorsal fin of a shark normally while it's still alive shark fin soup is illegal to import to the US and the year 2000 Bill Clinton signed the shark finning Prohibition Act which banned any fishing vessel with in international waters from fitting sharks as well as the importation of shark Vince Obama signed the shark conservation Act in order to close up any loopholes from the previous Act despite these laws if something is in the man people are gonna try to find a way to sell it it seems to be on the secret menu at some Chinese restaurants across the country and you can probably find it on the black market number seven iranian beluga caviar if you've ever tried caviar before you probably didn't come across the most expensive stuff which is iranian beluga caviar it's been dubbed by the guinness world record books as the most expensive food if you are somehow able to get a hold of beluga caviar which originates from the Caspian and Black Seas be ready to fork up the price many countries have banned this substance meaning that if you're trying to live like an Iranian Prince with loads of caviar you have to be willing to fork out sixteen thousand dollars for a full pound the beluga caviar isn't actually found for beluga whales at all in fact they come from what's known as the beluga sturgeon which is actually a really large fish that is now critically endangered what's kind of weird about this is that no one wants the fish just the eggs the US probably doesn't want any imports from Iran either in any case and taking the eggs from an endangered species just kind of seems messed up number six Mirabelle plum don't get cut acting suspicious around police if you got a few of these illegal plums stashed on you these plums you see here are grown only in the lorraine region of france and people from the US won't get to taste them unless they travel to Western Europe you're probably thinking what's the big deal plums for crying out loud not endangered species or anything it's somewhat of a mystery why exactly they're banned but the answer seems to come down to money of course in order to protect the financial income of the Eastern Province in France most countries have agreed not to sell them it's a little bit similar to how we have the differences between champagne and sparkling wine whatever the reason exactly might be you're not allowed to eat them because we said so number five unpasteurized milk most of the milk we drink and the cheese we eat must go through a process known as pasteurization first before we can consume it the process was introduced by Louis Pasteur in the 1960s and this kills the bacteria and other microbes which would be harmful for consumption not only that but this allows it to be stored on the Shelf longer although some states have allowed the sale of raw milk seventeen states have banned it those who are in favor of non pasteurization typically don't live in the city and claim that milk lives as many of its nutrients once it goes through the process but those who claim pasteurized milk is the way to go state that too many diseases are spread from just raw milk in any case is probably best just not to drink raw milk unless it's from the mom to the offspring number for lazy cakes these cakes are abandoned the state of Arkansas and strangely enough they might actually make you feel lazy brownies are laced with melatonin and are known to cause severe drowsiness melatonin is often found as an over the counter sleep supplement and typically isn't found in your food rumors went on full effect when they started saying that people put in some type of synthetic cannabis substance in there but in any case they will probably make you sleepy many people who sell them don't actually realize that they're not your average brownie and you kind of have to read the fine print to find out number three pig's blood cake who on earth would eat something that sounds this horrifying pig's blood cake has been banned in the u.s. due to sanitary reasons and whatever other reasons they find are fine by me don't need to guess what the secret ingredient is in this one it's basically like a street delicacy food that's been made with soy broth sticky rice and oh yeah pig's blood other ingredients might be used to coat the deep-fried pig's blood on a stick but once you eat it you have to live with yourself so corners of the tree claimed that there is no sanitary issues with a preparation process but it's still banned here nonetheless number two conch Queen this beautiful shellfish becomes actually pretty tasty once you open it up and eat it the conch Queen is a banned food in the US to import mostly because overfishing threatens its existence it's actually more like a giant sea snail which has a very sturdy shell the Caribbean is a main exporter of conch meat to the US and demand for it is quite high and number one purple mangosteen one forbidden fruit that you probably shouldn't eat or should at least be aware of is the purple mangosteen this highly sought-after fruit which is a delicacy in Thailand must be completely destroyed if it's found in the US the problem isn't that it's a rare fruit or anything but the goal here is to keep the Asian fruit fly out this pesky insect is responsible for complete destruction of some crops the tropical species has already wreaked havoc on the state of Florida and we don't want this thing in our country it's Bennett aureus for attacking over 400 different species of fruits and vegetables [Music]
Channel: American Eye
Views: 3,434,398
Rating: 3.9614115 out of 5
Keywords: foods, you aren't allowed, to eat, eating, eat, are not allowed, food, top, best, most, list, facts, strange, weird, bizarre, unbelievable, mind blowing, mindblowing, most bizarre, strangest, weirdest, nasty, gross, illegal food, banned food, mirabelle plum, milk, lazy cakes, conch queen, purple mangosteen
Id: TeLiBBxIbaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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