King of TRI-TRIP STEAK!! 🥩 Unique California BBQ + Thickest Steak Ever!!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm on the beautiful coast of california just north of los angeles and today we are gonna go on a california barbecue tri-tip steak tour here i am face to face one of the great tri-tip grills of california we're gonna go to a legendary place for their tri-tip sandwich it's a part of the culture in this area of california we'll be eating at a legendary steakhouse for some of the thickest steaks i've ever seen and then we're i think we'll probably the next day go to one more place to eat another massive tri-tip sandwich so big it's massive like like leg sized i'm gonna be hanging out with some friends and i'm gonna share all of the food with you coming up right now in this video [Music] cold spring cavern the old stage stop we're on the middle of this mountain road up the mountain from santa barbara bikers there's just a group of people on the side of the road at this old wooden and stone tavern and along with the smell of nature in the trees i can smell the tri-tip on the grill oh man where are we where are we it reminds me of deliverance the movie what is this place jeffrey it's a biker paradise in the middle of the uh santa barbara foothills i've not been before so we're on a new adventure for both of us something new for you too but trendy eats is here we gotta find them oh okay oh we're meeting somebody here oh trendy it's a legend they own oxnard and ventura raquel and her hubby there's a bomb plot mexi what do you think mexi papa's here too it's an oasis we were driving right to the mountains i was asking jeffrey where are you taking me and then bam built into the side of the mountain surrounded by nature band is just setting up they're starting to play right now the harmonica what a chill spot mark wiens i'm fine very nice [Music] trendy eats so cool to meet up with you okay so what's the story of this place so back in the 1800s this place was kind of a hidden gem out here in santa barbara and then in 1941 a woman named adelaide bought this house for two thousand dollars to make a living for herself and her daughter because her husband had just passed and so adelaide she was the one who would run the business and then audrey her daughter was a decorator so it's kind of cool two thousand dollars you buy a home made a living and it's still here standing wow it's really cool what is the thing to come here for the sandwiches the sandwiches especially so good okay like very like meaty and juicy like you will not leave with an empty belly here i am face to face with one of the greatest tri-tip grill oh thank you i'm grilling one of the great tri-tip grills of california the legendary tri-tip fire is raging it smells so good you hear that slow sizzle how long does the tri-tip grill for 30 minutes oh 30 minutes okay now would also be a good time to explain what exactly tri-tip is tritep is this slice of meat which is kind of like a tri-angular shape which comes i think it's from the bottom of the sirloin bottom and sirloin tip roast man oh yes sliced fresh tri-tip thank you oh and what's your name come here tom oh thank you cheers vertical [Music] so juicy yeah smokey i like that crushed you guys did one bite feel like a wimp what i love about that tri-tip is you just taste the purity of the beef flavor the juiciness the naturalness of that beef it's not covered up in a marinade tastes like just salt fire smoke and just nature that goes into that tri-tip it's so good [Music] reported side effects in clinical trials and through different video anorexia yeah [Music] [Music] so again they have the main restaurant over there but up here at the barbecue grills what you do is you pay for your tri-tip sandwich you walk your receipt over to big tom and he makes it can you do it though the way you like it oh look at that girl mark [Music] bread the one who get it down [Music] [Music] thank you very much he doesn't even slice he just like lets the knife glide through that tri-tip skills too just perfectly even slices of tri-tip man like the perfect thickness the perfect width beautiful thing and no sauce is included when you order it although they do provide the horseradish sauce plus that salsa uh that you can apply yourself oh thank you salsa me all right good oh yeah i'm sauced i'm sauced i'm juicing [Music] okay here we go first bite of the real tri-tip sandwich cold water springs the texture of that boob horseradish is insane tri-tip should always be paired with apple horseradish no bite should go on the horse agreed on the horse horse me [Applause] amazing about the sandwich is the purity of it i mean normally i'm a topping guy i want the onions i want the tomato i want pickles i want everything on any sandwich that i ever eat except for this all i want is the tri-tip and the horseradish apple horseradish i mean this this is like a pure glorification of the tri-tip man it's good i think it's just a slight pepper crust on the tri-tip itself but not not not much seasoning [Applause] shout out to big tom at the grill for cooking for sharing with us about tri-tip okay from here we actually got a table to sit down at i think we're heading in the back to sit down and order to actually sit down and order this time and eat the restaurant kind of winds its way into the valley within the nature surrounded by i mean covered with trees it's a beautiful restaurant it's a such a peaceful relaxing nature-oriented environment those are massive i think i think maine might have some competition jeffrey i'm going to go ahead and say that that might be the single largest largest onion ring ring single ring i've ever seen i think i'm thinking i'm thinking we might have to pour we might have to pour it i think that one is i like the way you think okay the size it's like the size of my face yeah you could do a hula hoop with this [Laughter] thank you very much okay good awesome hula hoop onion rings here we go all the crunch mm-hmm it's like a crunch and then like a squish and like juice and crunch of the onion as well it's not overcooked it's soft soggy it's yeah it's soft but it's juicy and crunchy and sweet on the inside too yes oh man it kind of reminds me of like tempura when you get tempered veggies but just a tad crispier not too thick not too thin from the inside man i love onion rings dip it in that ranch come on in you gotta try this i'll put one layer here by the way i just got invited to the party go ahead and grab some rams these are huge right it's like the size of your bag look at this do the hula hoop do it with that i'm just gonna transfer over here i love how these are just old wooden chairs just in the middle of this beautiful nature and one more half of the tri-tip sandwich yeah that's good so good so meaty you've got the smokiness of the tri-tip you've got the crunch and smokiness of the toast it's a treasure this place is truly a historical destination [Applause] actually i think that first tri-tip sandwich that we had standing at the grills i think that was the highlight this one is good but that one you can taste the extra edge of freshness mustard horseradish apple horseradish [Music] just like we used to do i'm always [Music] [Music] the mosquitoes [Music] what an absolute gem of a place with such a cool unique atmosphere from here we're driving it's going to be about i think a little over an hour drive to a place called pismo and we're going to another just a legendary california steakhouse [Music] okay so what we did is from coldwater springs then we drove down to the pismo beach we hung out there for a little bit beautiful sunset and now we drove over to capital of central california barbecue so we're at a restaurant called jaco's this is one of the legendary steakhouses of california the world the world jocko's it's like just quiet around here but you get out of your car you can just smell the meat [Music] we are out bass at the pits where jocko they grill up these gigantic steaks on this chained grill over a roaring hot fire and they just salt them onto the fire i love he just like uses a pitchfork almost just to stab them and move them around the grill and onto your plate it is absolutely amazing it's such a cool girl it's such a cool process it's so incredibly rustic and so cool [Music] that's one of the coolest steak tools in the history of steak cooking [Music] [Music] red oak oh that's why you're saying the red oak is so important it's sacred the history of jock over here the spencer the 20-ounce spencer it's actually a pretty large dining room but you can feel the heritage here uh go straight to the steak menu what jeffrey has instructed us that we must order the double spencer all jocko's steaks are aged and hand cut cooked over red oak so the red oak wood that they blaze is strategic and important and just that's what they grill on as long as the linguine red oak grilled linguica sausage unmissable wow [Music] yeah that's really good it's progressing a salad italian thank you the the double spencer's actually the surprise xl spencer is on the way but salad is the next course it does feel great to eat some vegetables and what is it please steaks should be here soon but we got the bean course oh yeah oh it's so good i just drizzled bean juice down my shirt but yeah soft and tender and starchy and so much flavor oh my god cancel the spencer chorizo the airbus 380 is landing oh at the juices oh my god [Music] that is the most perfect circular stick i've ever seen really it is huge i love that char that crust on the steak the juice is just pouring out of it oh look at that juice it's the thickest steak i've ever seen on a plate oh ho ho look at that center oh man ripping down my arm oh look at that [Laughter] yes [Applause] oh wow the crunch on the outside that crust that char the saltiness and juiciness [Music] what's your normal steak medium well that's what i get but um the pressure's on for me to try this rare the rarer the better you can do this you look unconvinced here we go [Laughter] i was doing that to suckle the juice out very very juicy you couldn't contain the juices okay look how much juice is on the medium-rare plate go go go dunk it dunk it don't get it dunk it and squish it i wasn't convinced and then i tried it and it changed my life wow so the thing is if you're in a crowd we're happy to be here to have witnessed that [Music] moving back into this massively thick buttery ultimate steak it's so salty it's so smoky it's so crusty oh man come on grab it with your hand grab one you got to get one of these grab grappling with going to me man come on join me [Laughter] [Music] oh totally way more flavorful than i was expecting portuguese chorizo sausage some kind of incredible so fatty juicy and the chili oil [Applause] oh that's extraordinary really good yeah it's really good all right the steak is good but don't miss out on the sausage when you're here [Music] all right come on get a bite of steak on this wow get some steak with your linguine that is good double oh wait [Laughter] just completely submerged in meat juice this is why you're a star the combo flavor everything together in your mouth at once the meat juices are out of control the loaded potato bacon sour cream cheese oh it squeezes that squeeze on the potato i'm sure the potatoes are in the fire the redwood oak wood fire too [Applause] [Music] fully dressed you taste the bacon i think there's bacon on there sour cream cheese green onions [Music] that is so juicy [Music] good morning from pismo beach we had a great night stay just about 15 minutes away from jaco's after that incredible steak i just like fell asleep immediately after that meal but it's a beautiful morning we're gonna start driving back to la but we're gonna stop off for one more unique and gigantic tri-tip sandwich [Music] we made it to oxnard raquel where are you taking us to and raquel's the one who arranged this she brought us here she recommended this place yeah so we are at the hickory house barbecue and we're going to be trying a massive barbecue tri-tip sandwich how how big is massive it's like this big like like leg sized like like my legs oh good because my hunger is this big perfect so that will match but we're going to have a chance to see how z makes it [Music] there it is well it's literally an arm-sized length piece of bread that he slices into half he brushes it paints it with butter then onto the fire to roast to smoke to toast oh that's gonna be huge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow that is a beautifully constructed sandwich takes that tri-tip slices it with a knife finally perfectly you see the juices in the aroma of the tri-tip coming out man then he just arranges it onto the bread perfectly puts on an entire cup full of the signature barbecue sauce that smells so good [Music] he's taking it to another level with the size and the quantity look at how the the tri-tip is just hanging off the edges and this is just a half of it baby back ribs [Music] all right so this is it this is the final meal on this barbecue trip and a pickup oh i love how this one is just like hanging meat and it's only a half that's just a half man cheers this is a sandwich you have to put your face into all right [Music] that is extraordinary right just the quality of the steak the tri-tip and that nice like smoky barbecue sauce sweet and tangy oh and then you feel that oh yeah a little bit of that chili yeah spicy it almost arrives late to the party yeah it's like the final final taste that you feel it creeps up on you says i'm here nice move there raquel the the sliding waterfall of barbecue sauce yes can't get enough of the salsa spicy and look at our faces look at our faces here yeah everybody's doing it [Music] it's so comforting this is warm luscious meat torpedo and it doesn't fall apart [Music] juicy the crispiness on the outside and the crispiness on the outside yeah slightly smoky and gooey but the fat is melted out so price factor for me frenchiness on the outside [Music] okay the barbecue sauce is amazingly good but the focus is the tri-tip and it's also just awesome how big it is i mean it literally is a an arm-length sandwich [Music] [Laughter] that brings us to the end of this barbecue southern california barbecue tri-tip and steak just a meat feast tour in southern california amazing fun to hang out with friends jeffrey marahu from heroic italian my friend mexi papa from mexi papa adventure and his videos and then also raquel from trendy eats they make great videos on social media and i'll have all their information in the description box below and that's going to be it for this video i want to say a big thank you to you for watching please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish goodbye from oxnerd and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,880,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: California, food, tri-tip, tri-tip steak, meat, bbq, California bbq, Cold Spring Tavern, American food, best American food, things to do in California, Mark Wiens, food tour, American food tour, things to do in USA, best USA food
Id: eWHAiqp3S8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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