How to cook Porterhouse Steak (6 Step Guide)

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hello and welcome back to cooking with Sonny I've got a very very important video for you today because today we're making steak and I'm gonna take you through my step-by-step process it's a six step process and how I perfectly execute a steak and if you found some value in this video consider subscribing for more weekly videos just like these let's dive right into the recipe okay so we're gonna oil our steak just a tiny bit just rub that in this is really just to help the seasoning stick to the outside of the meat so make sure you get both sides by the way we're using a porterhouse today but you can use these six steps for any steak it's all gonna work step one is going to be to find a good steak do you have to spend all the money in the world on a steak from some Kobe beef that was massaged by a thousand monks and covered in Saki no here's what you need to look for if you go into a supermarket right say there's sixteen rib eyes in front of you one of those rib eyes this is a fact is the best one look for the steak that has the most fat marbled into the meat and get that steak and bring it home alternatively maybe you're at a butcher so just ask your butcher tell them that you want the steak with the most fat marbled into the meat and they will find it for you this is the first step and maybe the most important so do that one right step two is going to be to temper your steak we're gonna do this mostly so that steak will cook evenly it's an important step so pull your steak out of the fridge an hour before you're gonna cook it step three is gonna be to season your steak I'm using my homemade rosemary salt on this love it but if you don't have this just use whatever kosher salt and Maldon salt will work but if you want to learn how to make this click that link right there it'll take you over to the video so from up high just start spreading it around nice and even look at that beautiful fresh ground black pepper take your time with the pepper really it's just gonna make for this awesome a little bit spicy crust I mean I can barely see my steak anymore and that's the way it should be right now with the fat cap there right this is a porterhouse so this is New York Strip this is tenderloin we have that nice fat cap along the edge just dip that straight into the seasoning so that's all all the way around the steak flip other side step four is going to be to cook your steak I'm using a hot cast-iron pan if you don't have cast iron that's okay just find a pan that's thick the thickest heaviest pan you have and use that and while it's heating up you can go and order a cast-iron pan on Amazon cuz you're gonna need one this pan has been on high heat for literally ten minutes it's ripping hot now I'm gonna add I'm using peanut oil right it's got a high smoke point neutral flavor just like two tablespoons to start the process we're gonna let that heat up another minute and then we're gonna start cooking our steak okay that oil has been in for a minute that pan is ripping hot now if you're making this at home and you you put your steak in the pan you don't hear it searing just take it out don't ruin that piece of meat and start again heat it back up here we go hear that boom that's what you want to hear so that's cooking now we're gonna do it about three minutes on this side high heat just keep that heat high yeah already smells so good so because we have a New York Strip on one side this pan is perfect for it it's got that fat cap right here tilt your pan back and just allow that fat cap to kind of almost deep-fry in the back of the pan okay so our steaks been cooking for about three minutes on this side we're gonna go ahead and flip it keeping that heat ripping hot oh my god is there anything more exciting look at that continue cooking on high heat for this side another minute or two that five is gonna be the base your steak you're gonna take your steak from here to right about here and that's what you want man all that butter garlic shallots thyme all that extra flavor coming into your steak is really gonna kick it up the final notch this is so important face your steak so we're gonna add our shallots right into the oil no butter yet start with your shallots just crushed garlic peels on is fine and your time straight in here that listen that's what you want for any time now the butter right in on top of your herb now we're gonna turn the heat down to low [Music] get all your ingredients on top of the steak and just start facing it you want to base this like a hundred times it's like a meditation this just stand just face your heat flow it's all good okay so three minutes on each side steak out of the pan spoon underneath so it can rest go ahead and just put your shallots garlic thyme right on top of there let them hang out oh my god let's let it relax and just a little more butter right step six is going to be to rest your steak as a good general rule of thumb is you want to rest it for half as long as you cooked it so if I cook this for seven minutes I'm gonna rest it for at least three and a half minutes follow that rule it would be such a shame to cut into the steak after all the money and time you spent on it and have all the blood and all the juice running out it shouldn't be on the board it should be in your mouth so rest your steak so guys I baste it this with time but if you like rosemary try rosemary sage do that sometimes I do it with basil and the basil drapes over the top and turns translucent but you know do it with whatever you like so remember a steak is a muscle and as it cooks all those muscle fibers are shrinking up you rest it so they can all relax back out right and get to that point of tenderness that we want that is why you arrest meat and it's a very important step okay guys now we're gonna slice up our porterhouse I wish you could smell what I'm smelling right now this is insane right so let's start with in New York we're gonna follow the bone straight down turn the corner here at the end at least the bone here's our New York we're gonna remove the fillet same deal on the other side oh my god right bone down in the middle of the plate raw beautiful mmm this looks incredible folks put the New York back into the bone now we're gonna slice our fillet mmm oh my god looks incredible into the bone you can do some of your shallots and your garlic around to decorate the plate that butter we use for cooking the steak has full of so much flavor it would be a shame not to just drizzle some right back over your steak okay I'm coming in for a taste on this the smell I'm sorry that you don't get to be me right now because I'm drooling I'm wandering New York Strip first filet New York Strip plate I'm gonna try the filet first what more do you want I really want you guys to make this and let me know in the comments did you blow your own mind because I'm blowing mine right now seriously this is incredible I'm enjoying this with some of my mango papaya coleslaw awesome recipe you want to learn how to make it click right there let's try the New York it's so good but really so that is it for today if you liked the video hit that subscribe button below and I shall see you next week
Channel: ThatDudeCanCook
Views: 259,618
Rating: 4.9109621 out of 5
Keywords: how to cook porterhouse steak, porterhouse steak, porterhouse steak pan fry, porterhouse steak recipe, how to cook porterhouse steak on stove, porterhouse, how to cook porterhouse steak medium rare, porterhouse steak cut, porterhouse steak medium rare, how to cook a steak, how to cook a perfect steak in a cast iron skillet, cooking steak step by step, perfect medium rare steak, easy steak, steak guide, best steak, steak cooked in butter, best way to cook a steak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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