Porterhouse Steak on Traeger Grill | HowToBBQRight

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'm cooking porterhouse steak now this is a man cuts perfect for Father's Day coming up it's got the strip on one side the fillet on the other 24 ounces of goodness I'm also running a barbecue experiment I'm gonna see if I can cook one of these porterhouses on a pellet grill ran all the way up as high as it'll go now to be fair I'm gonna fire up a propane grill and cook the other porterhouse now the pellet grill I'm going to use is a trackerpro 780 it goes to 450 and I'm gonna push it to its max the propane grill is a weber genesis 2 and i'm just gonna hold it right in those temps so everything cooks about the same rate we're gonna see just which one turns out better let's get to cooking I just took these two steaks out of the refrigerator and I want them to come up to ambient temperature at room temperature so they need to sit here on the cutting board for a little while but I want to go ahead and get some flavors on them so the first thing that I'm going to do is put some of this cash cow to them and I love this as a first stage rub it's got a lot of beefy notes to it and it brings out some flavor to these steaks I'm gonna put it on both sides a good medium to heavy coat you want it to really kind of dry marinate the meat and it needs some time to do this so I always give it 10 or 15 minutes so that moisture starts working out those flavors start going in that's a perfect time for us to go check out these two grills so the first grill I'm fired up this Traeger Pro 780 I've got it turned all the way up to 450 degrees and I've got some hickory pellets in there for some fuel it'll be up there in probably 5-10 minutes it won't take it long so the propane grills or weber genesis 2 and it's like any propane grill you just turn the gas on the knob hit the igniter button the flames start up and the tips gonna start climbing we're gonna let it come up to about that 450 475 range same as we're gonna get off the trigger then we're gonna be ready to grill so it's been about 12 minutes the grills are up to temp the next season I'm gonna put on is just some of my steak rub this is just for texture on the outside we'll just gently Pat it in the steaks I'm not rubbing it we're just laying a little more flavor on I like that kind of peppery bite the steak rub gives and it's going to be excellent on the porterhouse we're gonna do the same thing to both sides here with a little steak rub now we're ready to go on the grill all right our trigers up to temperature and I do have some grill grates on here is any time I'm cooking a steak I love to sear on these grill grates they make them for any grill I'm just gonna go right on the right press down a little bit to make sure we got good surface contact and you can hear those grill grates sizzling the steak now I'm going to get a timer set for two minutes on this trigger state and the Weber is running about 475 we've got a set of grill grates on it just to be fair and we're going straight down with our porterhouse on it we're getting that same sizzle the grates are probably just a little bit hotter on this one because we got the flames right under Oh get the lid closed and we're gonna go two minutes on this steak as well all right it's been two minutes time to give our Trager steak a little twist action it's going to go to a clean front of the grill get some more good surface contact get the lid closed set another timer for two minutes now we're gonna give our Weber's take a twist lift right over to a clean side press it down you get the lid closed let it cook two minutes all right time to flip our Traeger steak it's been a total of four minutes and that's what I want to do per side we're gonna take it we're gonna flip it back over look at those grill marks we got on this Traeger if you think you can't see Ron one up at 450 degrees that looks good to me that's good enough for state contests all right it's been a total of four minutes it's time to flip this Weber steak - I would expect it to have some beautiful grill marks look at that that's awesome I mean it looks that looks the textbook steak you know you got the hatch marks on it we're gonna get the grill shut in time two minutes and we're gonna repeat that same process all right after two minutes y'all know what time it is you got to put another twist on this Trager steak this will be the final two minutes they ought to be right where I want it let's get the lid closed and just let it finish you off same things going for our Weber steak it's looking good lift it up put it right back over on another spot make sure we press it down we're gonna get the lid closed and I'm gonna grab my thermapen all right just checking the internals on both these steaks they're about the same we're still about in between 117 118 degrees and both of them still got a minute to go all right we're right at that eight-minute total cook time and these steaks are tipping out right where I want them about a one hundred twenty two hundred twenty-three degrees normally I'd take a steak butter put on top let it cook down or base it with the tops but what I've done today I put some of my steak butter right on my platter and these porterhouse steaks are gonna get a rest I'm gonna take I'm gonna sit it right on top of that butter as the steak stops cooking as it starts to cool down a little bit all that residual heats gonna melt that butter it's gonna mix with some of those juices in the state it's gonna make an awesome dipping sauce for this porterhouse let's get that Weber steak off so I've got the same steak butter in my pan I'm gonna put this steak right on top then we're gonna take it to the board let them hang out a little calm down for about 10 minutes that's about all I can stand rest in these steaks what I'm gonna do now is just kind of transfer them over here to the cutting board and all this juice that was in that pan we're gonna pour it up and that's gonna be our dripping juice it's just a stick of butter mixed with some garlic some shallot and a little herbs nothing to it but it makes it awesome dipping sauce and you could have put the butter on top let it melt down during that last stage but I like having it here on the bottom of the steak in the bowl to dip and it doesn't change the appearance of your steaks now both of these steaks have awesome grill marks I mean I expected this weber steak here to have a little bit darker marks the flames are right under that grill but the Traeger running at those high temps still produce some good searing and we got some good carmelization on it now that's all up to how they taste so I'm gonna have to cut these two steaks up so I'm gonna cut the strip off this one no it's gonna be dynomite cut the fillet off I don't think I'm gonna get rid of that bones that's gonna be some good eating - let's do the same thing for our Weber steak cuts fillet off cut bone get the strip off now we're gonna find out how these steaks taste I'm gonna cut this trigger steak up into some strips throw one out there do the same thing with the Weber State now I'm gonna try both these steaks the first one's gonna be the de Trager gonna dip it in a little bit of that butter dipping sauce it's got to be good for you right hmm the Traeger steaks good tastes like a grilled steak I get the beefiness from the seasonings spices from the peppers in it does have a little bit of a smoky note from that hickory wood burning below it that's a great solid steak now I'm gonna try the weber state it's cooked on the propane grill and i know this is pretty much the standard everybody knows how to cook a steak on a propane grill mmm Weber steaks really good I mean same notes we've seasoned them the same way it doesn't have a smoky element you don't get really get the grill taste but you taste the seasonings you taste the meat nothing wrong with cooking it on the propane grill that's kind of the standard but I tell you what let's take Traeger steak I mean look at that that is beautiful this is the filet I'm gonna try it cuz I gotta be I gotta be fair right you got to try both sides that one's awesome the Trager steaks really good really good I mean I wouldn't if I'm judging them it'd be hard to pick which ones better between the two I mean look at the filet they come off the propane grill a little bit of the steak butter sauce phenomenal so the weber grill did put better sear marks on the steak but the Trager grill tasted better so it's kind of a toss-up this just goes to show that you can cook a steak at high temps on a pellet grill now the common factor was those grill grate so you got to get a set of those and I tell you what I wouldn't be upset with either one of these for Father's Day that's a hint there show but you've got to try that steak butters I'm really on to something with that put it under the steak and let it melt with the steak juices and the heat off that steak and then dip your steak in it when it's done and you got some fine eating mmm hey thanks for checking out the video today if you like what we're doing here at how to barbecue right subscribe to the channel you could catch us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and we shall wrap the week up with the podcast you want to check that out too we'll see y'all next time you
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 529,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, porterhouse steak, Traeger, pellet grills, pellet smoker, porterhouse steak recipe, t bone steak, how to cook porterhouse steak, steak on pellet grill
Id: 8LGFiTblego
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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