Your Next Pork Chop Will Be The Best Yet

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[Music] today i'm going to show you how to make a really tasty pan-fried pork chop let's get straight into it now let's go first we need to talk about choosing the pork chop first of all if you can find it on the bone that is definitely preferred just try to avoid those lean pork chops that just have no fat on them they're just gonna dry out no matter what you do you see this pork chop with all that fat all that marbling there's a lot going on this is what we want the next thing you need to do is temper these pork chops tempering just means pulling it out of the fridge a certain amount of time before cooking for these big almost two inch thick pork chops i'll leave them out about 40-45 minutes before i cook the main reason you do this is to help the protein cook evenly doesn't matter if it's duck steak chicken pork whatever tempering is key next step just dry them off best you can moisture is the enemy of a good seer you lose your seer you lose your color you lose your color you lose your flavor remember it now to prevent this from curling while we cook it we're just going to push through that fat cap make a couple big scores next i'm just gonna rub these down with some olive oil that's just gonna help the seasoning stick which is the next step get that everywhere next we season with some of my famous rosemary salt i'll drop a link in the corner right now for this recipe it's just kosher salt blended with rosemary sage lemon zest and garlic season get some of that seasoning around the pork chops all the way around next some finely ground sergeant gilbert that's just pepper now on the way to the other side just dip up those edges in the seasoning you put around the pork chop and then do the other side [Music] bring a pan up to a high heat if you're not sure about what pan to use just find the thickest heaviest pan you have and generally that one is going to be the best just avoid those like really thin cheap pans man that is not what you want so just a little avocado oil we don't need much because there's a lot of fat on that pork this is really just to start the process you see the smoke now we're ready to cook and so first what i'm gonna do is just hold these together and just sear that egg give that two three minutes and then drop the pork cook about four minutes that is what i'm talking about and flip oh yeah cook for another two minutes and add in some crushed garlic at the same time turn the heat all the way down little knob of butter going in when that butter starts to foam tilt the pan back and bake [Music] two minutes of basting then i'm gonna add a little bit of thyme and a little bit of sage so the heat has been low this entire time right and so our butter is nice and brown but not burned at all and it brings out these beautiful nutty almost toffee-like flavors that then get dispersed all over your protein another two minutes of basting then we're gonna rest about seven eight minutes now empty out all the fat in that pan but don't throw it away because this is gold now same pan on medium heat we're gonna add orange juice make sure to scrape all that fond off the bottom reduce by half and then we're going to add balsamic vinegar this may seem weird to you but if you make it you'll understand now we're going to reduce by half again and then start adding cold unsalted butter when that's thickening up and looking almost like a syrup we're gonna start working in our cold unsalted butter that's just been cut into little cubes so keeping that heat low little by little just work this butter in when the first batch is worked in add a little more keep going when all that butter's worked in you'll see it's nice and thick now kill the heat and we finish with a little more black pepper finely ground and just a tiny little sprinkle of rosemary salt sauce done let's plate now to carve up these chop we'll just first take off this bone follow that all the way down and get this other bone that's out now let's take off this cap piece i can already tell it's going to be perfect now we just slice it up oh man beautiful feels unbelievably tender tell you that much the cap oh yeah i'm telling you that is the best piece fork down spread that out a little bit the cap piece is over here and just finish with some of that beautiful sauce a little over and around happy days let's give this a sample oh my god i'm going straight for the cap that's how i roll i've made this so many times and every time i'm shocked about just how well that works the pork has this amazing crunch on the outside crispy fat with this juicy succulent interior and this sauce kind of plays like a sweet and tangy sauce sweet from the orange juice tangy from the balsamic vinegar and the salt from the rosemary salt of course amazing i wish you could try this well you can here are a couple side dishes i think would work very well with this pork chop and this sauce and if you're new around here consider subscribing if you want to learn how to cook because teaching is what i'm good at thanks for hanging out with me today until next time you know i love you and i'm out
Channel: ThatDudeCanCook
Views: 729,263
Rating: 4.9263325 out of 5
Keywords: pan fried pork chops, pan fried pork chop recipes, pan fried pork chops no flour, pan fried pork chops bone in, pan fried pork chops with butter, pork chops, pork chop, how to cook pork chops, easy pork chop recipe, pork chop recipe, fried pork chops, pork chop recipes, best fried pork chop, pork chops recipe, how to cook pork chops in a pan, easy pork chop recipes, how to cook pork chops on the stove, bone in pork chop recipes, pork chop seasoning, best pork chop recipes
Id: ldpo6PlomMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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