How To Cook A Pork Roast - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome back to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making a pork roast and we're giving this pork roast in the oven because you can see I have a lot of roast here and pork roast is a great alternative it's very economical to beef roast these days I bought a whole pork loin and I got these two rows here and about four pounds of center-cut pork chops that you can see here behind me I just cut that right on the middle of my whole center cut pork loin and slice those up I'm gonna fry those but I got all that meat about 12 pounds of meat for less than $20 now you would pay $20 for a four pound beef roast and pork roast fries is really really well so what I'm going to do with all this roast is when he gets done I'm going to cut these two four pound ropes in half and I'm going to freeze three of them but when it gets close to done tonight I'm going to throw in some carrots and potatoes and we're going to have it tonight with carrots and potatoes and the rest of it will be for another night when I don't feel like cooking for four hours because it is going to take us about four hours to cook this it's a lot of meat though and what we're going to do is we're going to start with a little bit of lemon juice and there's a million ways to season pork roast too I mean if this is not to your taste and you want to do something different you go right ahead you can season it with apple wedges and use Italian season just all kind of stuff and I'm probably using maybe two or three tablespoons of lemon juice not much you can use fresh lemon if you want and I'm just going to drizzle maybe at the most a couple of tablespoons of honey over this I think it sweetens the meat just enough to really bring out the flavour I'm not trying to make like a honey glazed ham or anything here I just want to sweeten it up a little bit the pork can black some flavor unless you put a little something on it like I said there is a million ways to season this and you can certainly find a taste or a flavor that you like that's about enough I mean not you don't want to go crazy with it just drizzle it on there kind of get it sprayed around even somebody gets into all the meat and you don't really need to let this marinade either because it will soak into the meat as it cooks and I'm going to start with about a teaspoon of salt and I've got a little less than a teaspoon of pepper if you like garlic you can certainly add some garlic to this garlic powder our fresh garlic I used to use a lot of garlic when I was younger and then I decided that sometimes I like to taste the food into the garlic so I don't use quite so much anymore um I have two medium sized onions here and I'm going to put these on top of my roast and I'm doing that now before the roast even starts to cook because I want the flavor to get in the meat and I also want the onions to dissolve I guess is the word I'm looking are in the liquid that the roast is cooking in and they will I mean they will almost be completely gone when you can hardly be able to tell that we couldn't in here by the time this is done if you're cooking for picky kids you know that's a good thing my kids wouldn't need anything if there was even a spider than any me and my mom I was the same way I guess my kids were paid back but what she would do and I did it sometimes what my kids were little too you can actually put your onions in your roast or if you're making beef stew or something just put the whole onion in there or cut it in half and put it in there and then you take the onion out before you serve it to the kids and you get all the flavor you can eat all the onion and the kids don't even though you cooked with it now I want to add just a little bit of salt and pepper on top of my onions because it'll help bring the flavor the onions out and it I don't know it just it helps blend the flavors more and that's all I'm going to do to this or about two hours except we're going to keep an eye on it if it starts to dry out we're just going to add a little water to it sometimes they do and sometimes they don't it depends on the fat content in it and it depends on how well you have this casserole dish here sealed I'm going to cover this with aluminum foil and press it down really tight this roast does have a good layer of fat on the bottom of it you don't want to trim that fat off of the bottom because that's going to give your roast flavor and it's also going to make it more tender you can trim it off before you serve it but not before you cook it you want to cook it with that fat in there and then when you get ready to serve it it'll literally just scrape off with a fork or the edge of a knife or something like that it's much easier to get it off after it's cooked and you want it on there until it's done cooking because that's where the flavor comes from so I'm just going to cover this with some women of oil I'm going to put it in a 350 degree oven and like I said for at least the next two hours the only thing I'm going to do is check it and make sure it's not drying out and you do want to peek in on it occasionally and make sure it's not drying out because if it dries out it will burn our roast has been in the oven for a little bit over two hours now maybe two hours and 10 or 15 minutes so let's pull it out and see what it looks like I have not added any liquid to this at all it has plenty in it all I've done is peek in the oven and make sure that it wasn't drying out and you can see there it is definitely not drying out let's get a fork and see if it's tender yet well I don't know if you can see this or not but it really takes some effort to get a fork into this and the fork doesn't pull out really easy either now on a meat thermometer it would probably say that this pork is ready to serve but it's just not tendon and I would not serve it this way it'll be chewy if you don't cook it longer and let it get more tender and I've got my vegetables oh you're ready to go in I've got about six red skin potatoes here that I just quartered and I've got a little over a pound of baby carrots that I've washed and I use the baby carrots and the new potatoes like that because you don't have to peel them or spend a lot of time preparing them but the potatoes I cut in big chunks because I do want to add my potatoes at the same time that I add my carrots and potatoes cook a lot faster than carrots so if you're going to add them at the same time you need to leave your potatoes and big chunks like this I'm not going to add these yet this roast just is not quite ready yet so I'm going to cover it back up and I'm going to put it back in the oven for about another 45 minutes and then we're going to check it again and see if it's starting to get tender like I said on a meat thermometer it would probably tell you to go ahead and serve it but if it's not tender if that fork doesn't go and easy and come out easy it's not going to be tasty so we're going to put this back in our vegetables we'll be fine as long as we leave them in water and we'll check on it again in about 45 minutes and you do want to make sure you get your coil back on it tight because if you don't it will dry out and we want that juice in there out of the growth to cook our vegetables always being difficult when I started this I said that for gross was a really economical option as compared to beef roast because you can get a four point so much cheaper than you can get beef well with pork you also have quite a few more options you know I told you that I was going to freeze most of that I'm going to cut what's in there each piece of that in two more pieces and freeze three of them now when I take them out I can cook them with vegetables again with the carrots and potatoes in them or I can fix mashed potatoes and green beans with them and have the same flavor they've got I can add barbecue sauce to it and do something like that with it I can add an orange glaze to it and serve it over rice with steamed vegetables so pork really gives you a lot more options than a beef roast does too and I've done out my food saver to show you when I freeze my cooked meat and cooked meals I always vacuum them now there are other brands of these vacuum bag sealers available now for a long time food saver was the only brand but you can pick up different brands down for as little as like $40 and the bags are expensive if you buy them in a store but you can order them online much much cheaper and this was four pounds of pork chops so each one of these bags is a little over a pound and we'll be a meal for Brett and I and this will take it far less room in my freezer than the uncooked pork chops and not only that when I get ready to take them out I don't have to thaw them in the fridge or foam in a bowl of water I can put them in a microwave and thaw out a little or I can put them in the oven I can put them out pan and warm them up I can completely warm these in the microwave in this bag if I'm in a hurry and they won't taste like microwave meat and they won't taste like frozen meat I know you've got meat meat frozen it and then when you cook it it just doesn't taste quite right you can tell it isn't fresh if you vacuum it when it's hot after you've cooked it while it's still hot put it in the bag seal it up put it in the fridge and let it cool off then put it in your freezer it will literally taste like you just cooked it these pork chops you will not be able to tell that they were frozen at all or that they were leftovers even if i microwave them they'll taste like I just took them out of a pan and I do that with hamburgers on the grill sometimes I'll grill like 15 or 20 hamburgers all at once if I find hamburger meat on sale and you know how expensive it is so if you find it on sale it's a good idea to buy it but I'll go ahead and cook it on the grill and then I'll back you a couple of them together in one of these bags and I can warm those up for a quick meal and you can't tell they weren't just taken off the grill so if you don't have one of these things I definitely recommend it it's it will save you a ton of time and it makes your leftovers absolutely delicious it saves space in your freezer because it's cooked it takes up less room than the raw meat and I just love mine I use it probably three times a week I'll make extra food and freeze it so that we have food for later which means two three times a week I like to cook or if I do it's really quick because I'm just heating up the meat and maybe making some vegetables or something to go with it a roast has been cooking for three hours now exactly at 350 degrees so I'm going to pull it out again and check on it and I'm pretty sure this time it's going to be tender enough that we can add our vegetables to it because we're going to cook it probably another hour and a half after we had the vegetables to get them cameras out steam yep okay you can see that it's starting to brown just a little bit on the edges and I didn't raise this or anything first or brown it because it will get brown by the time it's done and it is definitely tender my fork goes in it much easier it's still not completely done but in another hour and a half while we cook these vegetables it will be I'm going to knock the onions down in the juice where I'm putting the rest of the vegetables so that they'll continue to put flavor into this you can also see too here probably where I poked it with the fork the liquid that comes out is clear and that tells me that it's done and it's not quite tender enough yet but like I said an hour and a half of these vegetables in here it'll get tender and the top of that will get brown now quite a bit browner there's still plenty of liquid in here I haven't had to add any liquid at all and I'm just going to add my vegetables and I really don't think I need any I put any liquid in here it will probably overflow my pan by the time I got my vegetables in and I'm not adding any fat for seasoning because there was plenty of fat on my roast there's a lot of strange things going on in the world these days in the name of political correctness and goofy Supreme Court decisions that have now become the rule of law which is what I heard some politician call it today and people are afraid to speak the truth because it is now the rule of law or the law of the land it's changed but the rule of law or the law of the land any law does not supersede God's law God's law is supreme and the recent decisions are not the only thing or the recent Court decisions are not the only thing that's wrong attitudes have changed Christians are getting divorced now at a fallar mning raids I drove to Knoxville a couple of days ago and I passed four churches that had out divorce care signs now when these people that are in these divorce care classes got married in those same churches probably they took their wedding vows their wedding vows didn't say and they lived happily ever after their wedding vows said for better or worse until death parts you and now because they are unhappy they are seeking a divorce well that's just silly the bible does not allow us to be divorced because we are unhappy I'm just putting a little salt and pepper on my vegetables there's quite a few taters in there and I didn't put that much salt on the meat so I want them to have a little flavor but divorce is a serious matter and not takes it seriously he has not changed his opinion on it just like yes it changes opinion on any of the other stuff that's going on and divorce has just become socially acceptable and politically correct it's just the way things are and that's what's going on with the gay marriage laws and all that other stuff it's just a change in attitude but the problem of the change in attitude is is that God's attitude and God's opinion has not changed at all and I've been reading in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 there's a lot of stuff in there about being wise and about discernment and about judging and verse 9 and 10 really sticks out and the problem is that it's been skipped over and a lot of churches buy a lot of pastors they're taking stuff out of there just they're just taken out they're throwing it out they're doing what's politically correct and pastors and churches are following along the land in the rule of all they're not following God's law anymore and they're saying that the law God's law rocks Ten Commandments doesn't apply to us anymore well this isn't a New Testament for those people who say that and it says know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators not nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God and it goes on to say that that was all of us at one time but we have been washed sanctified and justified in the name of Jesus Christ that's what salvation is and if you are attending a church and you have been saved and you have been washed justified and sanctified and you have put your faith in Jesus Christ for your salvation I want to encourage you to pick up your Bible and a study and to diligently seek God and seek the truth not just what people are saying is okay now because divorce in the church is as big of a problem as this decision on gay marriage it is causing the decay of our civilization the same and we can't throw our marriages away when we got married it wasn't and they lived happily ever after it was for better or worse that's the valley - that's the promise that we made and that's part of what that's talking about if you are saved God's talking to you in these verses you can't do these things anymore if you have not put your faith in Jesus Christ part of that part of being saved is repenting you have to confess your sins admit them to him you have to repent from them you have to ask for forgiveness and you have to believe in your heart that you are washed sanctified and justified in his name and buy his blood if you haven't done that I want to encourage you to do that because we are living in some scary times and knowing that your eternity is taken care of is it's just the invaluable I can't tell you the piece it will bring you when you know but if you haven't been saved once you do that pick up your Bible seek him for yourself look for the truth yourself don't take other people's word for it and don't just go by what's being what's socially acceptable and what's politically correct don't look at the rule of law to be your conscience or your guide our content should be the Bible and it should be God's law because like I said it is supreme over all of their law it's supreme over the Supreme Court so that's sort of my take on what's going on so I'm gonna put this back in the oven I'm going to check on it in about an hour but I'm guessing it's probably going to take about an hour and a half to get those vegetables tender and then when they get tender we're going to make a little gravy with some corn starch so we'll be back it's been about an hour and 15 minutes since I added my vegetables and they are starting to get tender and this started boiling over in my oven at about an hour and I stuck a cookie sheet under it and it was still boiling over so I reached in there and grabbed one of the roasts out because I told you and I was going to take most of it out before I made the gravy anyway since I was going to freeze it and now I'm going to take half of this roast out and then we're going to add a little cornstarch in cold water and make gravy but the roast is really done now and it's been cooking for about 4 hours and 15 minutes now if you're making a smaller roast you can cook this in a pot just like I did the beef roast in a pot roast video but if you're cooking 8 pounds of it I definitely recommend the oven and a very large pan and just go ahead and stick a cookie sheet under it and I still have not added any liquid to this this is just the liquid that was in the vegetables and in the meat and you can see how much I've got here these vegetables are probably going to take about another mmm maybe 20 minutes 15 20 minutes there most of them are pretty tender there's a few of them that are still a little stiff when I poke them with the fork but I want the gravy to make and it will have to come back to a boil when I put it in the oven to actually form gravy what I've got here is just a quarter of a cup of regular corn starch and I'm going to put some cold water at it I just added about half a cup of cold water just enough to dissolve it and you do want to make sure you use cold water and you want to make sure you completely dissolve your corn starch because if you add corn starch to this hot liquid it's just going to make a bunch of slimy lumps and this is the same way that I've made the pot roast gravy in the beef roast videos alright just kind of mix it around in there a little bit don't pour it all in one place and I'm not going to bother covering this when I put it back in there because it's only going back in for about 15 minutes and it is boiling over more because it's covered know in about 15 minutes it should be back to a boil and that'll thicken our gravy and I'll pull it out again and show you what it looks like it's been about 20 maybe even 25 minutes since I put the corn starch in the roast to make the gravy and you can see it is thickened it's not super thick but it that's what you want you don't I mean you're not making paste you just want to think enough to kind of clean to your vegetables and stuff and while that was cooking I put the rest of my roast in my bags so I could freeze it and if you remember that meat when I started was so big that it completely filled this pan and this is everything right here these four pieces and these were about two pounds each precooked weight so it will feed two or three people easy if it's two people will have a little left over for sandwiches or something but these are fries really good they won't take up much room and they'll be really quick to reheat or put a glass at an orange glaze on or maybe some barbecue sauce on for something different whatnot I do want to show you a couple of things here like I scraped all the fat off of that meat that I have already put those bags and I told you not to trim your roast before cook it because once it comes once it's done and you take it out of the oven the fat will just slide right off and you can see there it just slides right off it doesn't stick to the meat anymore once it's cooked and there's not much on this piece so it may be a little hard for you to see but it literally slides off it's no big deal at all to take it off after your roast is cooked you can also see that it got really Brown there which is nice and there wasn't no need to brown it before I cooked it or anything like that braising or anything and this is super super tender so it's not really hard to cook a pork roast and it does take some time it is far more versatile than a beef roast and it is also far more economical so pick up some pork loin next time it's on the sale and fix you up a big pan of pork roast and even fix some extra get a big one and free some of it if you get a smile on though you can cook it on the stovetop you don't have to put it in the oven and heat up the house the vegetables are all tender they look really good when you serve this serve it with a little salt and pepper because some people like a little more and a nice roll or something you can add a little bit of that gravy on there thanks for joining us in the hillbilly kitchen again and I hope you enjoy your pork roast as much as we enjoy them around here don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and we'll see you next time
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 138,219
Rating: 4.793879 out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, pork roast, how to make a pork roast, best pork roast, ultimate pork roast, pork roast recipe, pork loin, best pork loin, how to cook a pork loin, how to cook a pork roast, pork roast carrots and potatoes, oven roast, hands that cook, Pork (Food), Recipe, BarbecueWeb, by BarbecueWeb, Feast Of Fiction, Scoff, Gehm Time, Gordon Ramsay (Chef)
Id: _vKEnJ-5yVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2015
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