Cooking with Kristin: Pork Roast in the Crockpot

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hi my name's Kristen and as promised I'm going to show you how I put together a pork roast now this is not spectacular by any means and actually the reason I'm doing this is just to show you guys that you don't have to know a bunch of things in order to put together something that would be you know quick and easy and ready for you when you get home so I just thought I would go ahead and show you this again it's really nothing spectacular but because I opened my big mouth and said ha ha ha the video I'm showing you so the first thing that I'm going to do is I check my crock pot out here so it's just your basic crackpot typo before and I put this is about a two and a half pound pork roast um this actually we bought a butchered pig with my parents we kind of in a split it up so when I open this up I had to cut a lot of the fat off of it so keep that in mind even if you get one from the stores you know you want to have some of the fat you know in there but anything that's around the edge I tend to like to cut that off so pork roast in there first and then you're going to put in potatoes your choice as far as what kind of potatoes you want I like to use red potatoes because I think they hold up better when cooking in the crock pot I think I've mentioned that before I used to always use russets and peel them and everything but eh it's a little bit quicker because you don't have to take the peel off of these so I suppose you don't have to aggress it see there but anyway you don't have to take the peel off of these and also they just hold up so much better and I think grab on to more flavor so I'm going to go ahead and put those around the pork roast and I like to put them around the edge of that of the pork roast with a pork roast kind of in the middle and then I just have one onion cut up here you certainly could do too and I haven't cut up in kind of big chunks well one thing I wanted to mention about the potatoes is try to get them in chunks that are even so that they cook evenly so that when you get home you know after this has been in your burrito is the chances of anything being crunchy are pretty slim tuna but um we want to just kind of make sure that they are all the same ish size it will just help so the onion I'm actually going to put the onion directly on top of the pork roast and I am not you can do this the night before by the way I just was tired last night decide and do it this morning worth it and then there would be daylight so I could record it but if you do it the night before the juice of what we're going to put in here we'll get into the meat even more and it will be even better so I'm going to put the onions right on top of the meat I want a lot of flavor of the onion to go down into the pork and then the last thing I'm gonna do and I showed this in my grocery haul is you I use baby carrots I use this simply for ease when we when I chop our vegetables during the week for about nine to take in our lunches I like to use real carrot not but not these are fake carrots but I like to scare it 6 they just have so such a much better flavor um these ones however again these you dump these in just as it so I'm gonna dump most of the bag you can see really do all of it but I'm just going to dump most of the bag in there now for the juice that you want to put in there you can do a couple of different things you could do I know that it's important you can do chicken broth with some seasonings in it you can do vegetable broth seasonings in it a lot of people will salt and pepper their rules before they put it in here I don't like a lot of pepper on my pork roast and there's enough salt in what I'm going to use which is why it didn't solve that so this is my Fit and again this is this is easy this is simple quick throw together in the morning kind of thing this is my favorite and this is the crackery gourmet seasoning for pork and I will actually come up and show it to you so it looks like this and I apologize the lighting isn't spectacular I literally have my Packer blanket over my thing they're two blocks anyway so then this is the gourmet your cracker eat gourmet season mix seasoning for pork and I also have one for beef that we really enjoy for beef roasts and it has other things on the back of it that you could do I think I think I just do my own thing as far as what I put in there tells you to put celery in there whatnot but um so I like to use this and you mix it with two cups of water and then you dump it in there and has some stuff in there probably that's not so spectacular for you but it works for us okay so I'm just going to cut this open and you mix it with two cups of water and so I have it just in a pampered chef poof and water going everywhere I'm so special and then I have a whisk and I'm just going to lift it up and it starts out pretty watery and then if you just let it sit for a minute it'll get a little bit thicker if you want to do that um I know you can already see starting to get a little thicker so I'm going to go ahead and dump this over my pork roast all right now all you're to do is put the cover on plug it in raise your hand if you let the house so they'll plug in the crock-pot before yeah and I'm going to put it over on to low I'm going to put my - up I can choose low for 8 hours of 10 hours I'm going to prompt for 10 hours just because I'm going to be gone and then it will go to warm you certainly can do it on high for 4-6 hours I find that the meat doesn't get quite as tender when you do it on high versus on low but that's personal preference so tonight when I come home I will open it up show you what it looks like and we'll go from there so I'll see a little bit ok so it is now 10 ish hours later and I'm home from work and I decided that you know what this is just real life and so my hair is cranked up and I have my comfy clothes on and it is what it is so and if you should use some grumblings back there my husband is folding his laundry so um dinner's done and that's really hot I'm going to show you what I always use to take all anything out of the car cut like this is a slotted spoon and we don't separate it out we just put all of our vegetables into one bowl like this so I'm going to pull these plug these out of here and then I will come back and show you the roast okay so you can see about how much vegetables that are clearly this is way more than Bob and I are going to eat because even Bob can eat this much but um we eat a lot of leftovers in our house so this will whatever's left reheats very well so we will do that for the leftovers and then I'm simply going to use the same spoon to pull out the roast and it might kind of fall apart on you which is just fine and so you can see a nice nails - I'll walk up there so you can see how that just pulls up that it'll just come apart nice and easily it's really nice and tender so you could shred this up if you prefer it that way we just will kind of chunk it up okay so then just a little tip for you is that you know there's lots of kind of juice like gravy in here we will always save most of that and whatever is leftover over the pork we store it in that it helps keep the pork moist when you reheat it or you can also concise it up and have it on sandwiches whatever works for you but that is how we do a crock-pot pork roast again nothing spectacular just very very simple I really like that packet we really like the flavor that's in there but you certainly could look at the back of the packet kind of see what the spices are in there and kind of create your own concoction they would have a lot less sodium and that sort of thing but this is what we do and that's what I wanted to show you so if you have any questions go ahead and leave them below thank you so much for tuning in and watching and I will talk to you very soon bye
Channel: Gehm Time
Views: 176,018
Rating: 4.8049793 out of 5
Keywords: kgehmvlogs, kristingehm, cooking with kristin, over 30, over 40, easy cooking, crockpot recipe, plus size
Id: FJ-ENg_ZYc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2013
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