How to connect my Anubis / Virtual Sound card / Network (English)

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hello good morning everyone hope you're doing fine this morning I'm here with Ricardo above me just there the idea of this webinar this morning is to first of all if you have comments questions if something doesn't sound right please make comments and we will try to adjust as good as possible or as well as possible and so the idea of this webinar is to explain you and to show you a little bit how easy it is to connect anubis in different environments the the first idea is to explain you a little bit the concept of it so you will see here on my on my right side a PowerPoint with just a few pages sorry the other way like this whatever a few pages that will explain how to connect anubis because it's nothing complicated it's pretty much straightforward and in a point-to-point environment then we're gonna do it in a network environment to show you the principles and and the advantages so that it's scalable also the idea is that you can start with something very simple very basic and extend it when needed and and and then explain the technician it so obviously we are able to connect it in both worlds in the Mac world and the PC world I'm gonna show you the PC world on the other side and Ricardo is going to show you the Mac world on the core audio side and obviously as things evolve and as those two structures or s has two different architectures there are also things that are possible in one and not the other and vice versa and we are coming up at the end of this presentation we will show you that we coming up with a new driver on you virtual soundcard basically that that can emulate so to say what Co audio does on the back side so we try to reach as much as possible both all possibilities on both architectures so on the windows side as well as on the Mac side as much as possible as much as we can great and at the end we're going to show you a tiny bit of anomalous also which is basically our virtual patch Bay to connect Anubis to our computer and then obviously over the network as well so that we can make some more complex situations but we try to keep it as simple as possible great so on my on the PowerPoint you see first of all here the point-to-point connection so it is very straightforward it's one cable connected from Anubis to the computer and this will be to start with the basic configuration so that you will benefit from the analog IOT's of the Anubis of the mix of the monitoring devices and obviously this is to show you the scale why we at merging have chosen to use an Ethernet cable rather than something else because obviously you can carry a huge amount of data through one gigabit ethernet cable so in 1fs one of us meeting 40 for one kilohertz or 48 yards you can carry something like more than 400 channels in bi-directional but that means if you go higher and separate as this is what we do you share it by 2 so it will it will mean more than 200 channels in 96k and so on and so on up to DSD where you can carry 48 channels or even 60 bit more than 64 channels India's the in one cable and that makes it a very interesting solution for big truck counts in high sample rates obviously Anubis is not managing 410 channels there wouldn't be any any first of all physical possibility in such a device so obviously you will have some to make some choices in the channels you want to hear but that's for the 10 channels great so this is the concept of the point-to-point connection so you have one cable you connect it to your laptop for your computer or whatever by rj45 it needs to be a cat5e or cat6 table and you connect it to your movies and for those who have perhaps read that Anubis has also a power over ethernet possibility so for that you need a switch and that would add them second device in between so if it's a straight connecting one point to point from a computer to the Anubis obviously then you will need to have the DC input to be able to power up to the box great recover you want to add something or I can move to the second page I think you can move to the to the second point to be clear and this what you were saying about the multiple channel and if this does have 256 IO and the built-in mixer can mix down 128 if you can count like crossface so that's why the double we split the count by hat so that's why this has actually 128 channels rather now that can go in and out through the mixer and may be mixed within the device itself and then as you say upon all those channel you can decide which one which one of the of those inputs you want to monitor at any time obviously this point-to-point connection allows me only to have two devices one computer and one Anubis and as soon as you want to add a third device or plus plus plus devices then you need a switch and I'm not going to enter in detail about the switch but it has to be a what so called a managed switch and this managed switch has certain types of protocols in there that we provide some very basic standard switches like Cisco and other that we recommend and you can download the config file so that your Cisco switch is so to say ready to be used in the audio over IP a 67 ravenna of environment and they switch suddenly but this you can do obviously at the later stage to add this switch because you have a bigger production and then you can connect different computers to it so you benefit from different computers to the audio quality of Anubis to the iOS to the monitoring capabilities to the mixer and so on and at the same time obviously you can extend your iOS by either switch as well so you could extend it via some merging devices that you see on the left on the little picture in his rack so horus and happy and so on but you totally open to also work with other manufacturers because perhaps you have them already or perhaps because simply they fit in a different budget scale or whatever is required depending to production and whatever you need so you can really mismatch this type of manufacturers as long as they are is as you see it about network AAA 67 as long as they are a a 67 compatible and I could this focus right here because it is compatible on that aspect so that you can really scale it and open it the way you want depending on your project size or budget or whatever is required for your production now one thing perhaps to be said which is a bit crucial and important nevertheless is that when you go on to the al 67 Dante domain then you are limited in what FS so you're limited to 40 41 or 48 Keeler's this is a bit a bottleneck at the moment this might evolve at one point but what is also very interesting is that you see I put a Mac computer and this laptop whatever that is undefined on the top that could be a Windows computer and that means that all of them have access to all the in and outputs and all the advantages of all these devices so if I go back Anubis that means that my Mac would have the capability to be monitored via the Anubis and at the same time my laptop on the top as well and even the streams coming from my focus right will also have the benefit of being monitored or summoned in my Anubis for example so it is suddenly a complete open earth possibility on them nevertheless to now go a bit more in the functionality and start simple again read off obviously what we called a virtual soundcard or driver to be able to connect the computer to the anoobas over the network before going there Ricardo you have something to add I just wanted to say in terms of the switch that we have recommend the switch that we certify that we can they can run properly for long runs on AES 67 and those those recommend the switch we have on our on our constituents that are based knowledge database have configuration files so once you load them you can we can guarantee yourself that you're going to be able to work in such great I Oh counts and also we can provide support because there's so many switch around the world that it's a it's nearly impossible to know and one last thing to say is that if you have an abyss you should consider one of the switch we recommend which is the Cisco with the POS or Power over Ethernet so it means that you can supply your you can power up your enemies simply from the from the network cat cable rj45 and and that's great not only to be hundred meters if you have and this is 100 meters from the switch and can be an in attic or something like that but it's also great if your and this is a few centimeters away on your desk because it removes potential ground looping things that you could have in your wiring in your studio so I highly recommend switch like the Cisco we have and it's one cable less and it's redundancy so you can have both also if you if you have important things so più is actually pretty good thing in in the studio okay go ahead so the thing is I'm going to the next page and you will see here that we basically aligned both windows of both virtual soundcards how do you look like on the left side is the core audio so the mac sound card and on the right side is the ICO basically the functionalities and the possibilities are more less the same now the very important thing to understand and to see is that the behavior of those sound cards of those virtual sound cards are different when you go higher in sample rate this is due to the architecture of the OS so we can't do anything about this this is how it is now the interesting thing is that obviously depending of what type of work you're gonna do obviously people want to do higher than than than four FS they will have to go onto the PC side to the other side and if you want to make very high track counts evening two FS and four FS then you much rather go to the to the mac world so this is the not even not dependent on the DW this is really dependent on the architecture of the system of the of the operating system so on the left side we have actually two drivers we have the normal the ad driver that is free of charge that everybody can download and that has some limitations basically it's one person two FS sorry it's one FS in 4401 and 48k excuse me and it has 64 in annapolis but this is the limitation that all the rest in the premium vad that you see here now the specs on the left side has the same functionality in both cases justice has 128 in an output and it can go up to 192 kilohertz on that aspect and you see that at the basically on the drivers we will open them afterwards record Ricardo will do that on the Mac side and explain the functionalities and I will do that on the PC side and explain the functionalities but basically the main thing in here is that you set up which network card you want to use actually where is your Anubis connected okay because some people might have several cards with extenders or what or converters from USBC to Ethernet and the several things so this is where you select which connector or which rj45 connector basically you use to connect your Anubis and then you can also select the amount of in and outputs you allowed this driver this virtual soundcard to handle this is basically bandwidth management if you have just point to pay point connection you don't really care but when you start to have bigger amounts of off of network you might be limited because if you then multicast it this will multiply many amounts of channels and and the switches might suffer when you come to certain extremes and these two functionalities exist in the other world PC world and in the Macworld great and you see 128 IO in 1 FS for both cases and when you go higher and separate on the gravan on the core audio side on the mac world is 128 iOS in 192k obviously you need a workstation that supports that that can handle this and on the right side you can you would only have 32 iOS in 192k but you can go much higher in sample way up to 16 IO in DSD 2 and 36 or 1600 in PCM 384 kilohertz I got to move to the next page unless Ricardo has something to add I would just say put the IO count in the panel that you are using don't go above the I account that you are using because you will just take bandwidth unnecessary bandwidth that is reserved at that point so if you have a nanny base check the the sampling rate to which you will work with let's say the four physical inputs and you you put according to the the table on the let's say as your side you you select the audio you want and on the VD you could put 8 in 8 hours by example within any base or something like that you would not need to put 32 4 or nothing it was just obviously there's no reason yeah yeah good so obviously that opens you the world to OD aw you use your favorite GW either on a Mac on a PC they will all sorry they will all be compatible with as you I just listed a few here but obviously there many more and you to basically free of whatever you want to use in your application and this is perhaps one interesting thing to look at is that you obviously can work with different workstations because you prefer that one for the recording and that one for the editing or the type of job or you're doing some more pop music work and then the next day you do some post-production and obviously you might use another workstation for one or the other and you have this freedom totally and it all can have access to to those core audio as your driver perhaps one thing to be safe which is interesting if you look at the the old let's say old because it exists since a while or this combination but many people have started many years back with a Logic Pro Tools combination so the interesting thing is that one could think that you run actually both da W is on two computers and you can actually feed if the drivers if the virtual sound cards are installed on both computers within a new beast you can actually feed some multi track from the logic to the Pro Tools so the you know you don't use the summing in the logic you have it in the Pro Tools you do you use your Pro Tools to do that or your son in the anoobas to send it back to the Pro Tools so this makes a very neat nice solution in terms of a music production possibilities good ricardo something to advocate and move to the next one this we're gonna show also in a second this is basically it's it's call it's called animal that stands for audio network manager it's basically our virtual pouch and this has a specific installer in the Macworld as well and in the PC world or Windows 10 well this is basically and I'm going to show you but just briefly explaining you have your devices here and as soon as you select your devices you will have the in an output showing up on the right side and then basically you connect them and obviously when you have a point-to-point device like we showed here on the very first page you will make one for all your connections and you will not open it again because those connections are done but as soon as you have several devices then it becomes very useful because you then can change Oh today I use my focus right as an input and the next day I use my happy or my horas as an input or as an I output vice versa of course the way you want it and today I gonna work the studio a is going to work with the Anubis and the studio based B is gonna work with something else which was straight forward converters so this gives you the flexibility and obviously you see down here it is also open to other manufacturers who have made a little plugin so that those manufacturers have devices that are as well visible on on this platform on this animal great I gonna open the driver unless Ricardo has something to say well I like the fact that you started saying that any man is like a virtual driver if a virtual pata means it's like a patch be super-advanced that can tell you was the status of your devices everywhere so it's a bit like in the studio you will have you have your physical hardware here you have your your system your PC or your Mac with with ravenel in this audio over IP world you connect both together but you have to patch them to decide which interface goes with which drivers and stuff like that so it's super advanced because it gives you also the advantage that one day you get a second database and the other merging device and you can with this Andaman the Anna man you can come either both through this system or a system that's remotely somewhere on the network or you can interconnect them in between them or sends in inputs from one device to the outputs and another device so it's actually a path like a virtual advance patch P that does not restrain you to the physical input dedicated to the physical output of the device because you could have a microphone that goes to to two different PC or to a Mac and to a backup system that's a PC or vice versa so we have a hard time explaining some time to users what what is any man but it's your main virtual patch that can tell you everything about the status of your device and that can support different not only merging devices necessarily eventually we have more things coming up and of course we keep evolving with it but see see it like that is is kind of a good way to start with hope I did not confuse you more but it's it's good now let's go into the functionalities of it I gotta close this quickly and I gonna open and bring over my window of my as your connection so basically obviously I downloaded the driver order installer here just to make clear I'm showing the other side on the window side and Ricardo is showing the on the Mac side and the core side so on the Windows Azure side I downloaded the executive executable from the website I installed it straightforward to click Next Next Next and it's done reboot and that's here and the first thing is that obviously here I have to select what is my what is called the local adapter basically what is the physical network card or adapter I have I'm on a laptop so I have a USB C two Ethernet connector adapter and then I connect this guy over here okay and you see the name of it that it's connected and that it has this IP address I don't do anything about it and this is really all automatic on that aspect I can of course for more complex bigger installation set my IP address for all those devices but we're not going to enter into into those aspects here if people are interested in understanding and going much further further in the audio over IP type of functionalities we have great webinars done by Nicolas terminal who is our specialist about this in French and English for beginners and for advanced people just look on our YouTube channel you will find them and he's done them a month and a half ago and they are very good about this good then here we can choose the buffer size that we want our basically virtual soundcard to have ended aspect and there again it depends the amount of data you want to carry through but by default it's not it's examples let's keep it like this perhaps Ricardo has something to add on this later on but what is then very important is that we have here the latency what we call the latency it is basically it is basically that in the network how can I say architecture each device has a latency to be able to work together so that means that if now I have one big machine sending multi-channel feeding multi-channel over the network obviously some of those channels will take this path some other ones this path and so on and so on so that basically the latency of all those packets going through the network arrive at the same time so that we don't have different variation that channel 23 is delayed compared to travel to all the other channels which you don't want to obviously so this is why we have to have a fixed latency which is the same I insist on that on all the devices so if one you put here in a l67 which is out of 612 or 48 samples and you put other devices here in 16 32 64 this will not work so you either have to decide to go on to a 67 like here or to go on to the other one which is actually the rabbana now the thing is that again once you install it this comes by therefore I kept my driver with the default installation so you don't have to think about it the anoobas as well is by default in a a 67 so once you put it out of the box you install it it's there you don't think about but you can change it this is basically for advanced applications that you can fiddle around if you wish to but for the basic point to point or basic network you just put it straight for it straightforward the way it is it comes installed and then here what we're talking about it these are the numbers of channels so obviously I can go in one FSM of 228 each time by 8 channels and the same thing for the outputs and obviously you have here the indication of how this behaves when you go higher and separate so obviously if I go now to 104 so I will have to I will be able to record or input 13 DSD chance or PCM 8 times so 384 kilohertz on that aspect and and then you have your status running so this is saying running it's in 48 kilohertz because in my work station I set it up to be 48 kilohertz if it would be 96 it would be night 6 and so on and the status is running it means everybody is happy and it works obviously if it's red here it will say it will give me a message that something is not functioning perhaps my just my workstation is not up and running or physically my card is my device is not connected so this once it's done it's done it's happy and it's all fine one perhaps important thing you see here on the top right you see the version and the build number so in case with with our support you need to communicate because you think something is not functioning or whatever please refer to this number so that our support knows exactly which version you have and in case you encounter perhaps an issue they can refer to Oh actually that has been solved in the next in the next version or or it's not an issue it's just a setting or whatever it is but it's much easier for our support to know which version you talked about great I think I talked about the as you car go I make you a bigger window so that you can share your screen sorry a quick word on the SEO it's very important to have a one gigabit network interface the buffer size as you say it can vary between people's work but we have a tendency to like pretty much pretty low buffer size but if I have an abyss I I would probably use like 256 or something like that but of course it depends of of your workflow and the project if you're in mixing situation if you're in recording situation you must well you probably all know that the enemies has a built-in mixer ultra-low latency so you can always have the fallback monitoring for the musician the artist that is an ultra-low latency despite of the buffering you can have DirecTV and put monitored with the summation of the DAW so anyway so and the rest of the parameters of course as depends of the IU account you will do that's it if I click in directly and just go on the piece I just make your window a bit bigger yeah it's all merging stuff but basically we well we have the VAD that's available in download actually we have to flavor for the VAD a standard version that can be used with non merging devices but that Ras 67 compliant devices and we have the the same kind of same version that's in premium available for free for users that have emerging devices so basically if you have a merging device we on we unlock things and we can guarantee more performance and more features more iOS and more specific greater specifications so the panel is here very quickly you have the interface that you selected I must say something quickly on the interface we noticed that the recent Macs are 10 gigabits interface and we have currently not this support for further for the revenue VAD so I warn user to really check the network interface they have and if there's a problem you can get a small adapter USB C or Thunderbolt or and connect it on on your Mac and still use the BD with a recent Mac of course then we have the latency if you have the standard you will be only available in 48 so it's like basically the standard for AES 67 and then otherwise we have greater and smaller latency here frequency with the standard which is non merging devices you will be locked to 48 but we can do all the way to DSD GOP so if you have an an abyss Pro you will go to 192 of course and if you have a premium you can consider doing DSD 256 and use if you capture recording you can use a vinyl record and there's a other application you can use that do these on the back the audio count depends also of the version you have with the standard we can go all the way to we can go to weight and the non-standard we can go to one the premium 128 then we have the status of the driver here the PTP is dark actually if you if you happen to have a 10 Giga pic interface you might see the PTT not able to not that's a symptom we we know about so and then here you have basically the discovery part so I can click on my enemies and all minor in this I can have the remote control of the enemies here so without going to the end of this physically I can decide what I I'm on être and I saw I also have here the preamps control remotely from the web browser of the of the enemies so we have that here so basically that's the that's the panel I can I can launch any man I have it open here now I have well I have stuff in development so you see but basically I make sure I connect my dark correctly to the coraggio and and I connect as well the inputs I want to use as now I'm using it with like voice actually I've renamed and then you base my physical input so I my force my guitar my base my percussion so this is my for any base input that I connected here so basically quick overview here and then I can lodge the the door of my choice I will do reaper now because it's right there and you could use logic you could use Pro Tools you can use also high five players depending of what you do and stuff like that so it basically we support all those application we like so here you see I have my any base mic preamp that's coming in right here so I can have I can immediately start to record here as long as I have selected in the devices of Reaper that I'm using actually I did the setup aggregate for a test early on so actually I'm using the aggregation because I was testing here the the Pro Tools another Pro Tuesday the sound flower that allows me to record back the YouTube signal in in the application here so basically it's a special testing config here as we test all the time but you can see that I still have my inputs coming in with Pro Tools I have the remote preamps the McRae avid based on the protocol avid prey so we can control the remote of the endless preamps from the Pro Tools track either in Reaper you will have to use like I showed you just briefly before you can control the preamps inputs you so if I cut my mute you see I cutted my microphone here that's group with the bass but if I uncut just a microphone here stuff like that so with Reaper I cannot immediately control or control my my preamps also remotely from the web access and that's pretty much it so I connect the dots with the output and on any base I said like the door and and I'm up and running so I it's not too complicated that the new thing for many will be just to understand that they need to connect the the IOT's in in an ax man and be sure to as we say all the time to make sure that you have we recommend that if my latest is 64 here by example it's better to have 64 low latency on the enemy side by example so I think that's okay so let me just Thank You Ricardo let me just move this back here and I just want to show two things the first one being so let me just sorry arrange the screens that takes always a bit of time there we go and move you back like this and I gonna open I gonna open Anna man on my side now because I prepared it as it is completely fresh so to say a default install and so that you can see how it looks like on on that aspect so anima basically here this is how it would look like and you have three windows this is basically my view window of the different devices and you see here my computer with my virtual soundcard this time in PC online back on the windows side and my Anubis and first of all you'll see here I used the mouse wheel not to go in and out and you see here the little watch there the swiss train watch which is basically telling me that this guy is my PGP master so he's providing the clock for the moment to everything what is on there and if I leave my mouse there you tell it gives me also some information it's euro number of the version of the firmware and so on this is I mean interesting for advanced functionalities but for the basic point to point you don't really care about us now when I select one of this guy or when I select both of these guys you will see on the right side that they show the in and the outputs I gonna come this into this in in one second just before down here I have a list of those devices the same way as they represented here but just in a list and I can have different informations that are shown up on the right side of that of course if you don't like it you just close this guy and you don't have any more you do the way you want now the first thing you see here if i zoom there you have a world and you have a pin basically this is the what we call the world view and the pin to you so when you're going to use devices all the time you can take them and you just move them up so it will remember its connections the time you switch them off you switch them on and so on Sara's due to seven days you don't want to make those reconnection each time so you move them in the pin view and now it's going to remember its connections and I gonna do with you first of all here so basically these are the outputs and those are the inputs we have here some already made connections and those are basically that is basically the patch within the anoobas because as i have in an output in you notice and i want to connect physically for the moment for example my what I called my main outputs for the monitoring for example physically to my excel are 102 so this is what is connected here for example my main output is physically connected to my XLR output and so on and so on so I could disable them I could change that if I want remote I leave it the way it is and I could then change it when I start to get more accustomed but what is very important to me is that my Anubis comes with sources by their phone so they make inputs the instrument input and one called eaw and one code string so the DA W is two tracks and obviously that would be the stereo output of my TW that I want to hear and now I say here as you output one or two and obviously you see that now it turns green so if I'm in areas that I'm not allowed to connect it's right why I'm not allowed to connect this because it's taken already by somebody else this is why it's ready it says here if you see there where my mouse is suddenly it says how output is already receiving something great if I go here now this is green and I can make a connection and I can make a second connection there and once this is done I just have to apply it multicast or unica's to make it a very clear basic understanding between multi casting and unicasting something is that I have a microphone at the stage and if I wish to record this microphone in two workstations I have to multi cast it because it's gonna not bring it only to workstation one but also to multiple other workstation to three and so on which is great redundancy and all of that but it eats up some bandwidth on the network so this is then a scaling issue if I use unicast it will only bring it to the workstation I decide for example workstation one but workstation two and three will not be able to get this signal because it's a unique connection a unique connect with us so you decide I to the purple color or the dark blue color and it will make my connection and now my connection is done and I can work and as soon as I will select the source in my in my in my device I can also double click here and it will open my web browser with opens on the other screen so I will bring it back to this screen here so that you can see it now it shows my just make it it's smaller so double clicking on the device opens also my my my web browser my web app as Ricardo was mentioning it before and now I can choose my main output I remove the Sun I choose da w and I can listen to my da W playing back myself straight away while I'm not playing anything but I can and there we go okay so we'll see move and this is how I made this basic connection this basic collection has been done for my outputs over here and obviously I can do the same with my inputs now the other way around these are the inputs of my workstation and these are the feeds coming for example from my combo input 1 and 2 of XL are back on the Anubis so this is basically what an ax man is about then you can go much further but let's keep it simple for now and that was the explanation I just want to go thank you for covering more in details that's that the same applies to to the VAD users with any man sir but you went more in the details but you will just see the chords you listed the VAD listed instead of Diaz you here for for the Mac side but it's the same it's the same principle thank you you're welcome so just to finish very quickly this is something new coming as for Mac users you are certainly familiar with the fact of using the aggregation of different devices or different virtual sound cards that are connected and as Ricardo was was kind of saying or displaying it in Reaper before he could record the YouTube coming from the computer and at the same time all you know that this is because the OS the architecture of the OS in the Mac world includes the core audio driver with the aggregation possibility of different drivers and this in the PC world doesn't exist and for people that would like for applications various applications for doing the same recording a YouTube feed for example but also for gaming or for other possibility would like to use the vdm driver so this is then the the so to say certified or natural driver of windows the windows what what does it stand for already windows driver me here or something like that I don't remember wgm whatever who cares WDM driver and and at the same time to have multiple as your drivers because for the moment as you is unique to one connection so what we created now is a new driver that is here that will give the possibility at the same time to connect the azure as we used to to an Anubis for example but at the same at the same time to interconnect some vdm in and outputs for example YouTube because what we are doing now for example using the Anubis I'm using here a little microphone on my headset Ricardo is using the little microphone on his headset as well if we would like to use for example our Anubis connected to a proper Michael a professional microphone and then fed into my dis YouTube broadcast I could use this driver doing that and at the work at the same time having a workstation laying back professionally even high separate if I would like to so this gives a huge amount of possibilities using this driver in this is still new it is still on the beta but it will come very soon to to you and you will be informed when it's available and how it will be available to you because when I add something to that well indeed it's it's in better we're writing into this this new device [Music] it's basically to provide new new features and new workflow possibilities for force well we specialized we especially we're targeting the enemy's users to do home project monitoring so you can you can with this record your Spotify feeding in the dog your choice and at the same time in parallel have an otherwise your device running and you could you could well by the typical example is you use your dog and you want to check your mastering or a snare sound that you really like it's on your laptop you just double click the snare sound or the mastering you did of it or somebody did and you can compare quickly and monitor it all with the enemies and basically record back play get over YouTube record back in the door use the noise or application at the same time running in parallel with your DAW and stuff like that so basically it's a very good thing and as merging is one of the few companies that develops its own drivers and we don't have third-party Alliance for that we can you can evolve it and then we can guarantee a good support well great and as you can see the functionalities on the driver side are the same as the one that we've seen for the Mac in the Indy and the windows basically the buffer numbers of channels etc and of course it brings down the bridges and all of that on the top of it good I think we we we discussed everything we wanted to discuss Ricarda you want to add something or we say bye-bye I think it's fine it's fine for me people should know that if they want to go more into details for some of the points we've talked about there are tutorials on on the first on the andaman by example connections and stuff like that you did some morris and we have some done by Domenico so so people can can refer to that if they want more detail and there's also our knowledge database that's been that's been online and well maintained by David and I in our people that at merging so it's worth checking with with this before contacting support you can you should check the knowledge that the base before contacting support and job D there's anything thank you this was just ready to show you that then we went a bit more in the complexity of the network but the basics point-to-point connection of the anoobas is very straightforward you have a cable network cable driver that you install either on a Mac in the PC at the annemun if you want to make some patch connection and that's it and you're a new dog so very straightforward have a great day and and see you for the next there's also our sales partners that are there to help you in the region where you are staying so thanks you bye bye bye bye thanks
Channel: MergingTechnologies
Views: 1,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AES67, RAVENNA, ST2110, anubis, audio monitoring, high quality converters, network connection, dante, aes67, mixing audio, usb, thunderbolt, rj45 audio
Id: ID8hL50T_os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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