Anubis for broadcast remote production AES67/ST2110 (English)

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hello everyone hope you're doing fine welcome to this webinar around Anubis rather about Anubis for the broadcast in remote production which is today since it already but more and more something that broadcasters are wanting to do and [Music] for many different reasons the idea was to make it peer is the concept that there is on the audio side for example the journal is the commentary or a few guests or whatever and who are some where there is not much processed and everything gets fed through the network for example for a sports event and with the audio and the video and this is then management process somewhere else in another location to be aired or fed by the web or whatever it is we are involved now since a while with merging in this type of production also typically for production for example where you need different languages to be able to comment on certain sports game and things like that so this is a little bit what I going to show here to explain you what I have in front of me I have basically an Anubis software emulation so to say this is my hardware Anubis but I have it on the software side which is here on the screen on the left side and so that you can see how this is emulated and how you can work with and I can go through all the menus like you would go through a normal nanos but so you can see how to set it up and what are the functionalities to be careful to be doing this type of remote production on the left side here above me I have a PowerPoint a few pages that will go through and basically to explain how what you can do today how you connected with virtual machines in remote productions and also which we're done see we're going to come to that in a second as well and of course going to explain also what is coming in the near future on the hardware side on an end on the infrastructure side on that aspect before that just what am i clear if you have any questions please use the chat on the YouTube and I will try to answer as best as I can and the idea of this webinar is to really focus on the Renault production now if you have another question about it as much as I can I would be pleased to answer but if it's about those basic functionalities or whatever there are other webinars there are other videos on our channel you can watch as well but please ask a question if you have any obviously good let me go start with this PowerPoint here and I'm gonna make myself just a little bit smaller it's gonna be actually nicer if I just put it fullscreen like this there we go and I gonna make myself very small here so that you see all whoops excuse me gonna make my small myself small oh it's the last webinar of the day I'm not as precise and if oh my god that's not an easy one there we go good sorry about that so let's go to here and explain you a little bit all what is happening so obviously the idea is that you in your new base you have no latency you can monitor you can mix and everything is connected to virtual machines and so on so by OSD 2110 typically year 67 so this is one of the it doesn't need to be exactly like this but this is a bit too country so you have here your four analog it let's to my cue line it's that come in physically into the anoobas and you have here your four analog outputs typically to connect speakers for another output if required and necessary in this case in stereo you can also use five one or seven one monitoring with analog outputs but then you would need or add on one of these headphone outputs or both if you do seven one that means that you have four inputs four analog inputs and basically eight analog outputs you also have a little microphone that is basically in between those two soft knobs built-in microphone and that is obviously used right off that and you have here Denisof knob switch that you can enable it and disable all this of course is then connected via a s67 xt 2110 and goes pilar sends audio or receives audio because you can receive audio for example from the farm somewhere and you then can mix it locally on the Anubis it has DSP inside with then some commentary for example from a journalist and listening to that without any latency that's the whole concept and the whole aim around and then obviously send back a feed and just the microphone for example back via SD 2110 back to an OB band a car or wherever one important thing we have one GPIO so one GPI for example to have as an input to have a hood switch for example to enable or disable the talkback or to mute the microphone channel and things like that or you can have it as a GPIO GPO as an output for a red light for example if still people want to have a light so that to make sure that everyone around them knows that something is happening but this type of production typic I'm not saying that's always the case but typically wouldn't have a technician on location so if something runs wrong or if the journalist messes up because technically he's perhaps not so skilled to know exactly how to manipulate and some are curious and want to change all the functionalities so you have here a web app and this web app with the IP controller with the IP address sorry off you know this can be remote controlled of course locally but can also be remote control from a distance so that means we could increase the microphone level gain for example or you can change a source because the guest doesn't want to hear what the journalist has in his monitoring or even more I could recall a preset if really the journal is screwed up everything in here because he just is a nervous person we could recall from a distance the preset that classic preset that is used for this type of production or that has been stored obviously before you recall it and then then you go and you can start to to work properly again so these are troubleshooting kind of functionalities that are very useful from a distance last but not least this web app or remote control could also be very useful for example to sit next to the Anubis because you can have as if as as it is a touchscreen huh clearly you can have one screen showing up here and something else showing on on your web app so that means that if it's now an engineer for example who goes there he could or she could have some things for example the Mike Reiss showing up under on the iPad if it's an iPad or on the laptop and at the same time on the Anubis I showed the monitoring section or the mixing section so this is then completely up to the ergonomic for the ergonomy that people want to change and to do or to provide in in the South great let me go to the next slide obviously productions today if you just have a microphone and let's say headphone whatever the Anubis would be sufficient with just a natural driver for example that is connected to a virtual machine and it goes off somewhere or rather the virtual machine with the other driver has connection to the SD 2110 stream coming from the Anubis now the thing is that locally you might also want to have some in and outputs from a computer it means that you might have another software and as your software because you have prepared locally some some audio clips that you want to playback or you need a feed coming from YouTube for example or from a web platform whatever that you want to integrate it to your show so we have now this new as your multi client with the end driver so it means that I can have several as you connection within the same driver and I also can have a Windows Media driver connected to it so that means that I have audio bridges directly available in here which is very interesting because that means that I can have this is a shepherd centralized so to say virtual audio type of in and output from my computer from my PC working in as you in Windows Media driver and then sending all of that mixed or not or processed ID Anubis if I want to if I want to add my vocal to H my my microphone or whatever it is mix back to the to the to the to the virtual machine somewhere or somebody else picking up this tree so this is something new that is coming up for those who work in higher sample rates you see how the behavior is when you go higher in some pretty obviously in broadcast most of the time it's 48k nevertheless I can see this very useful also for some multitrack recording in operas and and and music concerts and things like that we don't know obviously how those type of events will be will function in the future so some broadcasting of those events are certainly likely to happen and therefore this is very interesting to have a an understanding how this works in higher sample rates good obviously this is all deplorable in virtual machine environments very important those drivers have a support of st 20 22 - 7 so this is we were talking about SD 21 10 that you see up there this is basically the IP video and audio the SDI over IP basically make it very very very straightforward the SD 2022 - 7 is actually how to create the redundancy and the redundancy can this is after an architecture decision but in terms of the design of the infrastructure but ERT the redundancy can be on a machine pace it can be on a cable base it can be on switch base this this is all scalable but the idea it is complete in that case a complete redundancy and of our driver so that the driver can have two connections via two cards of the C two network cards so that you have two independent wires connected feeding the same material so if one fails obviously the other one takes takes takes the lead and on the top of it we support or we will support this is still work in progress but will be there available very soon we are we will support n MOS for the control and this will also be valid in the audio driver for that we W we've done already for for Mac this is obviously then available in animun so that you can have those different a possibility to connect them with two streams obviously independent and it will be applied in those new drivers sorry the standard drivers that we have already for Koro do for the N Mo's and for a zero for the ed moss and ESD 20 to 20 22 - 7 and the virtual machine possibility under the spec so let me move a little bit towards Anubis and to explain how we can work on that let me just go back to that how we can prepare and work on the Anubis to be able to make that function sorry I'm just gonna have to work there and go back to this one yes again if you have questions do not hesitate so my Anubis just to repeat very clearly I have here my margin button where I can toggle through those three pages I have my soft knobs with my monitors my headphone and mic you okay if I press a little bit longer on my left knob I have now the possibility to go into my settings my settings first of all if I go into general I can set here which sample rate I'm working my Anubis goes up to 192 K because it's that it's a pro version it's not a premium version the premium goes higher up to DSD ADHD then that the sampling rate is changed automatic why not could be interesting and then I go down and first of all I see that I'm in in the you just go even more a little bit down like this so you seen see it more so that I'm working in the a of 67 48 sample latency this is the standard day or 67 as well as the 2110 latency sample latency sorry to be said this is how it can shake but I can see abroad I can go also in 12 and 6 that means that since a while now obviously by the multiplicity of switches or of network devices on the route each time it has 48 examples if you have two devices that's not a big deal or three devices if you have 50 devices it starts to count in terms of a real time production so this is why now it has been how can I say it has been added the smaller ultra-low latency six samples and twelve samples for the device so that we can obviously share it in by four or even by eight in terms of its duration between the energy output you see also I have it in 16 32 and 64 this is in case you work in the ravenna motors so you have IAS 67 by 64 st first 110 but some still want to work in the motor so you can and this is down here then how you deal with your PT so you have if you want to be picky master or no obviously unlikely in in such a configuration and then if it's slave and locked or master on that aspect and a bit lower here this is where I set my IP address of this device and this is very interesting because I gonna go now to manual some of large installation with many IP addresses obviously have defined a range of IP and they come or can come quickly at the end of their range so what happens in so while and this device is now capable of doing it also since the beginning actually it was with Horus and happy that there was an upgrade is that you can change the subnet mask instead of being each time two five five you can go into five four two five three two five two and so on so obviously you can each time use the same range even though it's limited but with different subnet masks so you can actually do multiply your range quite drastically on that aspect good moving on to the other pages meters not much to say about this measuring that you can change and treatments this is very important I was saying earlier on for to be able to troubleshoot in case there's an issue with the settings for example of the Anubis on a remote reduction without any technical people on location this is where you can recall the this is obviously on the device huh this is here on the money but with the web browser you will see in a second that you can do it obviously also from a distance with a file but this is how you can recall installers by creases locally then just below this is how you set up the sources this exists in other webinars so I'm not going to go in detail over here but you create a new source if you want to go in there you say that it's sterile stores for example or five one source and this is how you connect your physical inputs to it so either physical from the analog inputs that are existing on a new piece or over the network because I want to stream something or receive something either from a YouTube B for example or obviously from my from my SD 2110 feed coming from the studio somewhere else monitors same idea same concept what is important to understand is that let me just go to the five one here I think yes so this is now my speaker set number two this is the mode I diamond speaker set in headphone or cue speaker set for speakers headphones for headphones in queue for an output that has a different summing that I can send but I could also connect speakers to headphones it's just the behavior how the mode is functioning and it's different and this is now my five one I have four outputs on the back here but I could use one of the headphone output as number five and six and I have a 5-1 I could even do a seven one if I use my two headphone app but I would have a seven one but no place for a headphone anything and then here this is the physical output of it important each output the left channel the right share the center channel and so on have a delay have a trend and have an EQ so here I can direct we have some room correction in my in my monitoring output so obviously if I move from one place to another because sports games very loud and I'm just working with headphone the EQ is perhaps not very much needed but if I build up remote productions regularly in the same places I could define some EQ and so that I have a better groom correction than the room itself to work with a better comfort good this is now my talks how how the talks are behaving in the sense that sorry what is the input of my chops so either I can use the microphone that's built in or another microphone and then if I go a little bit lower that's what I want to show you is that my audio inputs and outputs and this is we're gonna go to my web app and you will understand something nice so I don't have it here above this is my complete weather web app I just have to refresh this because it's software bears and it's not a real hardware device there we go and I just got to move it here so that you can see better when I'm opening so now I click on this money first of all I can recall and save those five presets I had previously on the on the physical device so that can be done remotely and obviously I can upload presets and download presets so this is where or how I would do it from a distance one important thing I can show preamps and these are now my preamps and I'm gonna just disable this I forgot to undo it these are now if this is now the remote control of my preamps of my Anubis so I have my mic channel one and two and I have my Jack my XLR input basically and I have my line input three and four and this is the game of my microphone input for the talkback this can be done of course locally because it can be open to a screen next to the Anubis but it can be done by remote even more interestingly I go now into the settings into the menu into the audio input menu and I don't a split now my input - and you will see on the screen I will have now two different gain levels for the same input that means that my microphone one has an input sorry my microphone one input has a game for let's say myself with my headphones if I'm sitting next to my own newbies and I'm the journalist so I want to trigger it myself but then in the yoga van or somewhere else where they receive my remote microphone signal they can have a different microphone input because they have a different compression chain or EQ or whatever it is and and so they are independent on that aspect and this makes it very interesting and so these are also two feeds to basically audio over IP feeds and individually in annum and you see that for example you can do that for the input one and two and you can do that for the input three and four as well don't really look at those few meters right now this is just an emulation and it just helps to show how how this works and obviously the last one is the built-in microphone this remains as it is and this is very straightforward what you could do also one interesting thing with his web app is that you could say okay I want to create a group and I put those two guys because it's a stereo stereo analog input and now do you work as a group together and I have though to individual I mean - sorry - individual microphone inputs but with two times an individual gain and on those so I have this freedom to set up to set it up the way I want then I have the trigger page very important this is how I set up my talk box for example if I or a laugh relax it like that and importantly this is how I set up my GPIO that means that for example if I want my GPIO to cough mute my my master phone enters okay and I can see also in my combo it will microphone input cut sorry coughing it basically my input on my first remote control but not on the second one this continues okay so you have many features in there where you can really start to use it independently again on remote production or lovely then one thing I find interesting let me go back to the main idea here the main concept is that you see I have the microwave for example over there on that page so this is the emulation on the screen over here but which is exactly the same as I well as I have on the webpage now let me go here to show you how what you can do and how you can do that with a more broadcast environment because one could say yes but for me their functionalities on the Anubis because it's a journalist I want to keep them as minimum as possible as basically error-free as possible so I just had to restart my web app so that I can show you how this works and now I'm in a basically in a mode same all the same functionalities but now I only have the mixer and the mic input all the rest has gone so what I can do is that I can select a source I'm listening to and I can of course listen to my headphone 1og or to my speakers that won't you this is how it has been decided or designed now I've can I can change it of course I can go into my settings and change all of that but the thing is that I only have two pages so there's no mistake there is no extra question from my journalist about Oh what is this function and all of that and all that so we can do this type of things to make this suddenly much more comfortable on that aspect let me go back to the monitoring mission because this is where we were at the beginning and that gives me the time just to start it again to show it again and to move to something that is very interesting you will see this again let me reopen this page here there we go okay and let me just reorganize it so that it looks a little bit nice sure yes let me minimize this and let's make this again a bit bigger what I wanted to show you is now that we are this is already existing as a product we have a few of them testing prototypes and if you want to make some tests please contact us and we can we can provide you one this is obviously what we call an Anubis SVS it is basically with two rj45 connectors you will see here this is my standard one as a hardware I have one connector power over ethernet and here this is my two connector under this I also have power over ethernet on one of the connectors just the first one and of course it supports straight away SC 20 22 - 7 so you have a dual wire full redundancy on this device the rest of it doesn't change you can have web app remote control you have your two headphones output your four analog inputs your 4 analog outputs for I mean XLR jack your GP i/o and so on and so on and your no latency mixer and all of that but you have this compliance with 2 duo wire a s 67 st 21 10 streams and how does this then look or how can I say behave in my configuration it is very straightforward I go into my settings so I don't have it in the emulator but you will understand it in a second very very clearly is that in my sorry I mix it up now in my general in here I have there we go network interface one as I said before I give my IP IP address for my first wire for my first connection and the same thing below I will have interface to to give my second IP address so now we have we have everything basically we have Anubis that is st 21 10 compliant that is st the new Anubis SPS that is st 20 22 - 7 compliant and we have the virtual machine drivers that are also st 20 22 - 7 compliant fire z21 10 or a 7 and so on so if you have any inquiries please do not hesitate to ask us if you have any questions now or a little bit later do not hesitate to to ask them via the YouTube chat or simply via email if you have our emails and so on so I think I try to explain as much insides of of Anubis in the remote production I hope it helped you and see you soon for the wax for the next webinar take care bye bye
Channel: MergingTechnologies
Views: 266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AES67, RAVENNA, ST2110, audio immersive, audio3D, anubis, st2022-7, redundancy, broadcast, remote production, sport tv production, realtime production
Id: zhCkvxfnVOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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