ANEMAN, your virtual patch for Merging products. How to use it ?

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hello everyone uh welcome to this webinar about anime above me over here is dennis who is in east coast us in the morning and i'm here in europe uh in the afternoon so that's why he's fresher and that's why he's above me good morning um so the idea of this webinar is a little bit um first of all like like always if you have questions if you want to to uh you think that they're things we haven't covered or whatever do not hesitate to uh to uh to use the chat and to type your comments about it so the idea of this webinar is a little bit to explain and it was on the request of dennis and of others but uh we do it in the with dennis so it's in english um uh uh to answer some basic question explain what animan is as it is one of the centerpiece that will go with our our hardware devices such as happy horrors or anubis and it's the tool basically the virtual patch to be able to interconnect all of those together with your workstation either on a mac or on a pc so we're not going to talk about mac pc or versus one or the other because it in terms of anaman it's really exactly the same so i'm going gonna spend a few few minutes explaining the basics uh explaining the graphics also so that you understand where two things are what those signs mean and so on and uh then den is gonna go a bit more in depth and ask questions of what i wouldn't have covered or perhaps things that to go more into detail and of course your questions are also very welcome good so let's start with this you will see the screen here i move my mouth over it and not my mouth my mouse sorry over it and uh first of all i do i use the the the trackball uh in the middle of this mouse um with this drag ball i first of all can can zoom in and zoom zoom out of what i have on this general view and this is just a graphic display about what's happening here so i have and you see it with the camera here i have two anubis devices one of them where i'm connected this microphone and this headphone so that i can talk to you and here here dennis for example or here myself to broadcast so i use them at the same time but i have two devices so that they show up here uh anubis one and noob is two and for the moment it's the serial number that is down here but i could change the name of the device and uh it could be anubius room one anubis room two if i want to and i have here a workstation on a pc as it is an azure driver that is connected there is already a zone there is already things but you you're gonna understand it how to set it up in a second so if i zoom a little bit out the first thing i want to explain is that you see here a planet down there this gray area this darker gray area and a pin this lighter gray area so basically i have two main zones the pinned area and the and the the world zone with this planet if i move this device down here it's now in the world zone and this is the first time i launch anime and this is how it happens it will be in the world zone or the world view if you want that means that i can use it i can make connections i can do things with it but the moment i will close my animan i will go home in the evening and i will switch off the power and disconnect uh all the power of all the devices the next morning i i come back i will have to redo those connections uh because it doesn't remember those connections it's basically a constant refresh in the world zone this is why as soon as i have a device and i know i'm going to use it regularly i just can bring it into the pin zone and that means that indoor in this case for example with those three devices i might make some connections and i might switch off this anubis because i use it somewhere else in another studio not in this network then i have some connections that have been done and i will switch it on back in this network and it will remember those connections okay that have previously been done with this device on that network so it's a form of a memory that is kept with animan and with those devices and so that once you reconnect it on the network you don't need to redo all those connections each time so this is why at the beginning once you have a device that shows up here and you know you're going to use it regularly just bring it up in the pin zone and then you can work with it and the memory will be in use on that aspect uh do you want to add something with that dennis or let's continue yeah the only uh the only one thing that for users that is really helpful uh is that if you have a device in the world zone and it turns off uh or disappears from the network it disappears fully from anime and you won't actually see it if you've moved it up into the pin zone and it either gets turned off or drops off the network um it kind of ghosts uh the icon stays there but it kind of goes translucent so it's a it's a way of um kind of noticing hey where is that asset it was it was on my network uh but now it's gone kind of translucent um and i've lost the the connection so um another main difference between the two zones exactly i forgot this aspect and i'm just gonna do it now actually i'm gonna disconnect my anubis uh my second anubis and it's gonna disappear in a second now it's gone you see it's exactly what uh dennis was explaining i switch it back on again but it means it is still here you still can see okay there was a device this device xyz from room two and it's perhaps with my colleague because he went to to record something physically i mean you want to record something outside but as soon as i will reconnect it to my network and it will be switched on it will show up again and this is and its connections if there are no connections here in that example for the moment but if there would have been connections made when it was available it will remember those connections when i will switch it on back again and this wouldn't happen if i would do it in the view down here you see now it's back on it it it switches on and it's back here now if i would have switched it off sorry if i would have switched it off down here it wouldn't have remembered i mean sorry it wouldn't have been grayed out while i switched it off and it wouldn't have remembered the connections if i would have made some connections good let's go a bit further now uh this is the world view the world view sorry and the pin view there is a zone i'm going to come to this zone a little bit later where it's written sample rates on the first thing is here when i click on one of those device first of all if i leave my mouth on there my mouse on there sorry i see the the the name of it what type of device it is the serial number i see the version also obviously all those devices have uh firmware and um logically one would want that they all at the same level within the same network so that they can talk together uh so this is also a quick way to check oh this one hasn't been connected for a while and it's not the same version it's perhaps a good way that i can uh update this version and i can right click and go to the to the proceeding of uh updating it via web page and then below basically the ip address the separate it's and it disappears after a few seconds uh the sample rate it's in the ip address and that the status is okay basically and the machine or the device is working properly um as you will remark as soon as i click on it on the right side dynamically of my screen it shows its io and if i do that now with two devices like this it shows both devices okay it shows both devices it shows also the serial number again or the name if it happened and it shows also this little square here it has a green square here it has nothing it could be a red square for example and that means that if there's a rinse green square sorry it means that all the connections are fine if there's a red square it doesn't mean it doesn't work it means that some of the connections perhaps also some of the connections that have been done to a previous device but because the device is not there so those connections cannot work so basically it shows that streams are not working on this device there's nothing because there's no streams or connection that had been done yet we will do some and obviously it shows here and i can move a little bit further down the road there it shows all the in and outputs of the device and this is of course then dependent on what you set up on the device i give you one example on my anubis one you see i have a connection called vdm this is actually through the connection i'm talking to you i have a connection called daw1 daw2 and so on and here i have other connection there's also a one called daw but there's one also called stream so whatever i'm doing i can really change those things it means that let me do that here is that i'm gonna add a new source on that device create a new source source five it's called good and now if i go here i will see it will have added this source five where is it uh sorry there it is source five it's a bit silly because it's in mono let me change it and i will put it into something a bit bigger so that you can see that it's real dynamically changing what happens here there we go source five okay now you have those four connectors available so dynamically it shows constantly what happens on the device and what is available so it means if an in an output or a stream is not available it won't show up and now obviously you can connect the in and the outputs of those devices so here on this side it shows what are the available basically uh inputs of this device so it means that here i have now my com of this anubis i have my what we call the combo one and two which is basically the xlr one and two that could be either mic pre or it could be a line input and the same on the other one so now i would like for example to connect the xlr input 1 and 2 to the output xlr of my first anubis so simply i would make those two connections and here it shows me also in green that i can make this connection if i would do the same over here it shows me in red i cannot do this connection obviously or in gray here where it's a irrelevant connection basically it's a nonsense connection now while i'm moving my mouse over here i see it in green it's all happy up there you see the top corner here it gives me messages so here it tells me okay connecting the combo 1 to xlr1 in 48k everybody is happy i could do it i will do it in a second and if i move back onto this red one it will tell me something it's tells me oh output is already receiving that's why it's red actually it's an output that is already used and if i look a little bit further up here under this vdm i see that there's this square here we come to the color coding in a second but it tells me here this is used i cannot use it because there's already a connection i don't know where for the moment that there is one that's why i can't use it so if i want to come back to make this connection here i click there and there for the moment the connection is not done for the moment the connection let's let's say it's initiated okay because i could do several connections i could do this and i could do also that for example and move around and then click once for all to make all the collections in one go and where do i click it is up here so basically you have apply multicast apply unicast and cancel changes cancel obviously says it all but apply unicast it's basically make the connections in unicast sorry make the connections in multicast made the connections in unicast and the difference is basically multi says it multi so you make the connection but you can also use the same connection to connect another device that's basically a a network based and exactly what we're doing now we broadcast something you can all the viewers receive it at the same time not one at a time but all at the time the unicast would be only one at a time okay and this is the basically the difference between multicast and unicast and the same here in an audio stream now one has to be aware is that doing the multicast is is the beauty of the network and it's fantastic but it's also hungry in bandwidth so if you have two channels in a small network that you multicast everywhere that's all good but when you start to work with 64 channels and you have five studios and you want to multi-custom everywhere it means all the switches in between have to do five times 64 channels and that can block without any need the bandwidth of the network or your available availability of the network so when you know exactly where to go to the unicast makes total sense because you can make a connection over it and uh sorry i i i guess i lost it now it's there you can make a connection over it and connect those two devices together in unicast or in multicast interestingly now i have made those connections there and if i make another connection here for example and this time in multi in multicast you see that now here i have made those connections together and they behave there of course the color will then be different if you use let me do a third one let's do it between this device and that device sorry like this up let me do a connection over here so that you see the other color if i do that now in blue i have now those connections over there [Music] over here like this and multicast okay it doesn't want to make it in unicast in multicast okay cancel those connections and let's make it like whoops let's make it like that together so you see that now all those colors will show up here when it's connected and because i made all those connections you see now on the left side of the screen also that let's say strings have been or arrows have been made with the numbers of channels that have been connected between one and the other okay and all those connections are valid that's why also they have a simple arrow if they would be an arrow with some red around it means that there is a connection but that is not valid for whatever reason one of the reasons could be because the two devices are not in the same sample rate for example okay we come to that in a little second so remember you can dynamically change the selection of the different devices you have here and they will show up right away on the right side and that means that you can connect them together as long as they appear here and as long as the receiver here is not used already which is the case here so here you can right click and you can then delete the receiver to be able to connect it again in this configuration but it means that [Music] if you connect it if your colleague for example has connected it into another network environment he will have lost its connection because there's only one connection possible last but not least you see now here the green arrow on the top of those anubises and they are now green in both cases you remember when we started the webinar there was no green arrow on this one because there were no connections established and this is now the difference good do you want to add something to that dennis or the easiest way to uh for users to remember um what multi and unicast is so multicast would be if you wanted to take your you know stereo bus out of your daw and send it to the d to a outputs um to go to your speakers but you also wanted to send it directly to the headphones also without having to make another bus in your daw so it's basically a way of malting um outputs um to multiple places exactly and and i mean i i always explain it also with a microphone i mean you have a microphone on stage and uh or several microphones on stage you want to record them into one device so you make a unicast you want to record them in several devices so you make a multicast and because you demultiply the the numbers of items that can that can that can be reached basically let me go back to the left screen and the screen or the part that is below when i say screen basically it's a bit wrong it's parts because i can move them i can also somehow bring them to the top left bring them to the bottom down i can really organize my animen the way i want it but i organized it here as it is by default one thing that i wanted and if you if you um if you lost it you can go back to here and then bring it back wherever you want into a place on the right on the left and so on so one thing i wanted to show here are the different devices you can also select them here this is basically the written side of what you see on the left side here but here is that i have my azure driver basically my computer my anubis one and my adobe's two what is now interesting to observe is that here on the written side of it you have the ip address of them and if you go a little bit further you have some other informations that are interesting and one information that is important is that you see that you have a little swiss watch on this anubis here and this is where i'm referring now to the ptp down here so again this is on the view and you can enable or disable what you want to see so the matrix view is obviously the the patch pay the devices is just the window we saw and the ptp is the one below here and the ptp basically it tells me now so for those who are not aware it tells me now which one is the master in terms of the clock the network clock huh we agree it has nothing to do here with word clock or whatever is that in my network we have a clock that is called ptp for precision time protocol and this is distributing the clock to all the devices that are on the network and basically there is one device that is the so-called grand master clock and for the moment this is device this is the device that is the grandmaster clock in my case uh if i would switch off this device or for whatever reason this device would disappear it will then automatically elect another device that is a grand master clock and this device will then receive this little clock here and move to that place we see it down here in the ptp that there is one device that is the grandmaster clock and the other one is the the the slave so to say on that aspect good let me close that here again and let me make me this a little bit smaller so what is now great is that coming back to before i can select all the three devices and of course now if i make a smaller window here i can have more devices to be able to interconnect the way i want okay but now it becomes of course a bit more complicated especially thinking of that you might have several devices on the same network and therefore you might say okay i have several devices but i have also several rooms let's say or several studios or rooms or floors and so on and i would like visually to move those devices a little bit together so that i can visually manage them in an easier way so if i unzoom a little bit i have here the possibility of creating what we call logic zones and sample rate zones so a separate zone i have one already here this is one that i created before starting this webinar i can create a second sample rate zone if i wish but for the moment i will just create a new logic zone and this is basically a new square that is here holding shift allows me to to move uh the size of the square and right clicking on the little corner here where the question mark is allows me to change something so i prepared a little slide pic that's a little bit unfortunate is that because of the of the broadcasting here what i'm doing in terms of youtube i don't see the full contextual menu that i'm supposed to do that's a graphic issue so this is where i'm prep i prepared a little slide behind where uh you can see it straight away so this is now my little slide and clicking on those right contextual menu on the right side here brings me first of all to the possibility to change the color if i want to have it green yellow or whatever it's also i can have several layers so i can have zones in zones or sample rate zone in zones for example or sample rate zones in logic zones and so on and i can finally remove the zone if i don't want it anymore for whatever reason so once i'm in here i can say okay this is a logical zone and i can place devices in this logical zone so i could make it even bigger like this and i would say okay this could be for example my entire studio and then i will create two separate zones that i will bring in uh in here for example so this is sample ray zone one and this is samperate zone two a separate zone is basically that you have to have a device that you elect as a king and the or queen if you prefer so this is now my separate master of all the devices that i will put into this zone that i will move into this zone now none is in there but if i bring this one in here i will this one will now follow the sample rate of this device and not anymore of that one okay so this is interesting let's say i have two rooms and or two studios and those two studios are sometimes sharing their devices because of bigger productions their resources and sometimes one is working let's say in 441 and the other one in 96k so i can create two zones and i've just put the right devices in the proper zones with the proper master or the the the the queen or the king of the separate that could be a hardware device or software as i want and then changing the sample rate of this very device will then change the sample rate of all the devices that are in this zone so instead of going from one machine to the other it does it straight away so this is the idea of the sample rate zone and of course here if i look a little bit closer now it tells me that this sample rate zone is in 48k because this device has been put into 48k and this one is waiting for the master because it hasn't had a master yet okay good so now i put them all back into this zone again and this one could disappear if i want the logical zone that is behind is actually only visual it means i could for example have different devices that behave here that are independent but so i can see them part of my environment but i don't put in i don't put them into a logical zone because i just want to see okay this is my floor one and the other one the other logical zone for example i put here to the side is my floor two okay so i can make this bigger and this is floor one this is floor two i could change colors so i could define them so the logical zone is only to visually basically define things where the sample rate zone you can of course define it visually as well but specifically what is the most important you define a king or queen for the sample rate master and then all the devices that are within this zone have or changed their sample rate uh on that aspect dennis do you want to add something yeah the with the sample rate zone um it's important to remember that it's just uh it's just for samplers just for ease so that if you change sample rate in a project it changes sample rate on all of the devices in the same zone um it actually has nothing to do with clocking that's something that users get confused with sometimes is that it this aspect of it is just just for ease and you can still have uh multiple devices or other devices that are the actual uh ptp master for for your network um and the the the crown or whoever's in the crown is just to define to the rest of the devices what the sample rate is yes again to be very clear um and perhaps to add what dennis is saying is that uh just to make clear about the clock this is why i was talking about this little watch here so in the in the in the sorry in the ip domain or in the ip world let's call it this way of course you could have a device i don't have one here now but you could have a device with digital inputs and so you would have a work clock for example so that this device would be from an external input b clocked to a word clock or be slave to a word clock but in the in the ip in the ip domain in the ip world the audio of ip world you have one device that is the ptp master so there is no word clock it is the ptp that is distributed independently of the sample rate in the ip world it has nothing to do with the sample rate the devices can all be on different sample rates and nevertheless they are clocked together okay this is why you only have one clock and you could have multiple sample rate zones but they're all happy and behave together and also they don't need to be connected in terms of audio streams together to be able to be clocked okay so it's because they are visible here they are together on the same network that they are clocked together that's it one thing as we're talking about network which is also interesting and important to understand for those who have used already animan and i'm going to go back to something very basic here out of those zones you see that i have my three devices and they all have a little yellowish salmonish orange color around this is basically and you see it when i pass my mouse on it you have the ip address and below wait that it appears again and below we have a net mask this is basically the subnet mask in which my oh in in where my lan is existing on the network and you've seen it for some of you perhaps that you have sometimes two five five two five five zero zero sometimes you have three times two five five and so on and this would be another subnet mask that means also that if i would put this device in two five five two five five two five five instead of only two times but three times then it would behave on the same network but not on the same network mask and so i wouldn't be able to interconnect my devices this would be interesting for bigger infrastructures but in terms of visibility of my animal this would then change color this would have a different color than my others that would remain with this yellowish salmonish color and so this is visually to understand that my device is on another network mask um then i can change it of course or not because that's something i want so this is then in terms of management do you want to add something dennis no i think that uh that sounds good i think that um with those colors people get confused because once uh once it becomes another color is on another net mask you still can bring up the the router and everything but of course it won't allow you to route to it um so that's and it also will will tell you that it's on a different uh in the world view will tell you that it's on a separate um yeah exactly so we have two questions here i'm just gonna try to understand it um would you be able to show how to patch a traditional hardware insert in pro tools with animan i don't have a pro tools here now but it's not really relevant if it's a pro tools on other pro tools it is just that um let's say that we have here this is a basically it's a it's not a it's a it's a pc so it's not a mac so but it would be core audio instead of azio but it's literally exactly the same so basically we would have here our two devices and let's say that you use the output 19 and 20 or let's say 21 and 22 as the output of your pro tools bus you would connect this one to the output for example that i have here of my jack 3 and 4 and then i would apply the connection boom now this is done and then i would have to do the same with the input so my input would be for example i would choose for example i don't know 13 and 14 over here and i would use now this input to be able to connect it over here and this would be my main input which would be then the connection of my hardware device back into the insert return of the pro tools and i have to clearly apply the multicast or the unicast to be able to make this connection and then i connected my insert in pro tools so basically it's connecting ios in pro tools with the channel insert and when i say in pro tools that is also valid for any other daw that has inserts on a bus structure and the second question is what if equipment is moved between a studio [Music] can you save logic zones yes we can let me come back to this picture here that i had on my over here is that we can choose here under contextual menu different possibilities first of all to clear errors also to change the color to change the names and so on and you can change you can right click and save different connections on it or you can literally recall and save entire [Music] network connections so what i would advise i'm not saying this is absolutely necessary but what i would advise is typically if you have a few devices and sometimes you have less devices and another routing and you go outside uh somewhere on on on on mobile recording uh you have one preset uh in terms of connections that that is for outside and one preset that is for inside and if you have a colleague that continues to work inside you have a third preset for when he or she is working inside so it's not only changing the logic zone or the sample rate zone it's changing the entire setup and you can recall it very easily um good it seems that for sd i don't know who it is we answered the question okay good uh if you have questions sorry again do not hesitate to type them in and we try to answer i lost the flow a little bit um yes one thing that is important um to understand is that we have here for the moment merging devices so it means that we have anubis devices it could be happy or horus we have here our driver either mac or pc that is all our development and luckily and obviously that works all together now we have here a little window called manage plugins it means that i can use devices from other manufacturers in my animan okay you would need to download um the the the plug-in basically uh to be able to to work but there are some speakers from genelec there's some direct out devices i mean i'm not gonna go through the entire list but there are some other manufacturers this is basically to be able to be seen in anaman and to interconnect those other manufactured devices within your merging devices now this is still remaining on the same basically network level so that brings me into the network where in in this uh how can i say setup we are working with different protocols of network they are basically i mean there are several but let's talk about three network uh uh protocols or ways of connecting audio over ip devices there is ravenna is one of them there is dante is another one and there's a 67. so let's start with the two first one ravenna and a and dante are basically proprietary network uh protocols it means that i would need a ravenna device to be able to connect to another ravenna device i would need a dante device to be able to connect to another dante device connecting to a dante device to a ravana device is impossible okay that's the bottom line now that was a few years back luckily the aes the audio engineering society came up with um a standard basically called aes for audio engineering society number 67. and this uh standard is uh has the beauty to be able to interconnect a ravenna as67 device to a dante as67 device so this is the theory in terms of the possibilities and they exist now this is only in terms of connecting the audio but as you see here what we do with animan we connect audio via the grid but we also discover what we call discover the in and the outputs of those devices this is not a 67 this is a layer above we can do this type of things because we use a tool like animan to be able to connect it is possible of course and to be able to connect a device that is as67 ravenna and a67 dante and i insist there it has to be an a67 dante because there are some dante that are not so this is why i'm insisting so it has to be an a67 dante you will see at the bottom of this youtube that there are i added some resources and i'm not going to go into detail because it would need another another another time to be to go through everything and it exists i mean we've done some webinars about uh how to connect an as67 stream to a dante es67 stream and some others did it and there's a pdf as well they are all at the bottom of this uh youtube and you can go through and yeah it's a bit fiddling around but it works perfectly and anyway we um think that um generally speaking once you made your as67 dante to a67 connections um you established them sorry and you made 12 channels or 24 channels or 64 channels but then you know oh it's channel from 1 to 64 or 65 to 128 or whatever it is and you just made your connections you don't need to independently make one channel after each other good there are some other questions coming in uh yeah i just uh just saw that that question of the uh confused by the connection to and from uh is to input and from input um one thing that that that's uh can be confusing it took me a little bit to to fully understand is that um animan uh stands for audio network manager uh and what we're actually doing in animan is making connections to and from the network that's why it says connections from and connections 2 is that we're not it's not a traditional router where you're taking two boxes that have inputs and outputs and connecting them to the inputs and outputs um and the reason why it is this way as a connection from and to the network is that uh these connections can be virtual so you could connect one computer say a mac run it uh to a pc without having to go through a piece of hardware um so that that's one thing i think it takes a little bit of of um a little bit of work to to kind of wrap your head around because it's it's different than how other routers work is that you're making connections to and from the network um is that the best way you think to explain it uh maurice yes because um i understand um i understand the fact that uh people who will just have one device with a workstation for them it's a bit like okay but why do i need to do all of that okay i understand that very much but at the same time you do it once and you never change it again because you have only one device in one software one daw you connect all the ios you have and then you leave it but the beauty of that as soon as you add a second device then you have the network capability and exactly as dennis explained then you need to think in a network model in the fact that you have in and outputs of your device might they be daw so software based or hardware based and you need to connect those in and outputs it's not the in and outputs that you have in the device but the in and outputs that are available as outputs from your daw as inputs to the network and once they behave in the network you have to connect them to outputs and then to inputs of the device again so you have a double connection each time but that allows you we're talking about multicast that allows you exactly to achieve that is that you could have let's say you record uh different uh musicians in different rooms or different spaces and each of them has an anubis which is this device for example to be able to listen to it but at the same time to get the playback at the same time so you have your daw in your room that plays back uh something i mean a stereo playback and this via the network is then sent in each of these devices in multicast okay let's say for anubis and because of that you have one output of the workstation that goes into in to into one input or stereo input two inputs of the network but those two inputs can be multicast so this is why you have to make this connection because the workstation doesn't know how to multicast so uh it's not a network so as soon as you're done in the network you have the capability of multicasting it into four different places or more if you wish so that everyone is having those display back real time without latency without or latency without in the sense without i mean synchronized together so that all four playbacks play at the same time and so that the singers or whoever the artists are can then record their stuff and this stuff is then sent back to four channels if those are my four microphones one for each for example back into the into the workstation and uh and yes you have to do these double connections because you can interconnect and demultiply connections to different devices at the same time but and this is why coming now here you have the outputs and then in what they going those outputs and this could be inputs of other devices or outputs of the other devices but the beauty of it is that i can connect it here and i can at the same time connect it here if i want so i can demultiply those devices sorry those outputs a few other questions came up uh yes the in and the output i think we answered that latency um [Music] animan is actually not providing or or enhancing or diminishing or whatever it is latency it is just a connection tool uh where you have latency or where you could get latency is because of the core audio driver or the azure driver that obviously has a certain buffer uh to be able to process the sound and send it to the network i mean send it to the core audio that sends it to the network and this is then down to the system that has not really anything to do with with with animan on that aspect i mean animan is just a connection tool it's basically a virtual patch as i call it all the time can you speak about dxd and dsd dxddsd is the same way of connecting nevertheless there is a difference is that dxd is basically a pcm signal i mean more or less a pcm signal but the behavior in animan is like a pcm signal so that means you can demultiply things which you can't in dsd do you have anything to add uh uh uh dennis about dxd and dsd yeah i mean it they it essentially works the same as it as it has before um and if if we go one step that's it doesn't actually have anything to do with animan but if you're actually using an anubis uh in in dsd you can't uh you know say fold up five 5.1 down to a stereo because there's no dsd mixing in in this it's the same limitations that have always kind of been with uh with dsd where it's it's uh yeah as it is a one bit signal you cannot you cannot sum it and so on that's why you go to the dxd relevant way then you can process it like a pcm signal and if you use the sample rate zone in dsd or in dxd but then your king or your queen will will will be in dxd for example and then it will change here back to to dxd or 352.4 or whatever it is okay did i miss out something on the notes we made um yes the only thing that that that uh i maybe be good to to point out is kind of um if you're lost if if if something's not working and you can you can't get something to connect you're just not sure sometimes uh a good way is just to to start over um i think maurice touched on it slightly earlier if you choose all of your devices and then just go up to action uh and kind of clear all connections um that'll allow you to kind of start over you can do selected and all connections so if you just want to clear connections to one device you also can do that um and so that sometimes that is a good way to go if you can't figure something out um just clearing everything and redoing your connections uh is a is a good way or an easier way unless you have a very huge uh network with many many many devices and you don't want to redo all the patching but if you have a small network sometimes just clearing everything and starting over um is a good way to go yeah perhaps one thing i mean clear selected connections it's basically if i if i just connect this guy sorry select this guy and i say clear selected connection it will only clear it for this select device and obviously if i select two of them it will do it for two of them and so on and if i say all connection despite if i selected something or nothing it will clear really all connection so this is a bit dangerous if you put a lot of work into your into your patching but it brings me to one thing that is important also very basic is that now if i close it it's like oops well there's a powerpoint behind but oops where did i put it and actually there is um it behaves in my what you see here is my is actually my second screen so but it behaves in the taskbar and you can recall it from the taskbar but what you can do also is that you can dock the icon of the animan or not if you say not so now i close it and it will really disappear so it means that i have to relaunch animan to be able to see it again okay so either one is really closing it uh which is when i undo this i mean i i i d id uh tick this or if i take this which is the normal status of when i install it the first time then my animan is actually only hiding and get into the task manager sorry the taskbar um yeah and the reason why that is slightly important um is that with all of the sample rate zones and everything that you we've made over uh on the right left-hand side here um if animan is not open or if it's not in the dock the sample rate zones aren't are not functional um so this is the reason why when you do hit the x and you have the dock um turned on uh it goes down in your dock and doesn't actually close um because some people want to you know what officers who want to keep their their sample rates on and working a lot easier without having to go and change sample rates yep another question is just about the streams so so basically yes to answer this question i have here my green squares everywhere if i right click i will see that i have different streams that are available from this device so i could delete them and if i if it would be red it will tell me also i i invite you to go to the user manual that is also below as a resource where you have a few codes explaining what it means and you can delete the stream from there so typically you let's say that again we're coming into this combination of having a device one of your devices that sometimes is used outside and sometimes inside so it's connected to the network disconnected connected again and it will have for whatever i mean there are reasons but not necessary to explain now uh it will have been connected to other networks and therefore it keeps this connection in mind so here from there you can delete this previous connection meaning also that the next time it's connected outside it will not recognize it this connection as it has been deleted the same here if you right click you can also this time not not disconnect the connection the stream but the receiver basically as it is one side or the other last but not least i haven't talked about this and this is specific to anubis if i just take one anubis you remember that we did connections that were either blue for unicast either purple for multicast and the ones that have been connected but are not connected now they are orange like here and then you have some black ones but this is just for anubis this is basically the internal patch the way it is connected so for the moment the the the outputs in the monitoring section called main i can change the name but called main are connected to my xlr input sorry xlr output one and two if i don't want this i can delete this connection and put them somewhere else or i can use this connection for some for another output now but by default by factory presets these are the connections how they're done and this is why they're black because they're specifically only to the internal patch of anubis um in live multi-channel audio from let's say hdm based source okay so i invite you about the about what i'm doing now typically the live tv satellites and so on into anubis into the network i invite you to watch our merging audio device uh webinar because this is where it is exactly and what i'm using now it's basically this device but i'm not gonna talk about this now i just gonna show you quickly it's basically the merging audio device where i have my network card i have my two anubises my daw that is running behind and basically i have my asio in and output and below here i have my vdm enabling and now i'm using those two channels uh well it's a one channel i mean it's a two mono channel summed as i have one microphone not two but a two channel input and a two channel output to be able to talk to you but this is another topic and i strongly invite you to watch the webinar about it it's called uh merging audio device and it has been done i think a month ago or something like that okay um is there a plan to do this double patch on the dw to patch an anima in pyramids yes but this is exactly what we were discussing before the double patching because this is a network patch that is actually ignoring what it is connected to and this is exactly why you can multicast why you can connect it to several outputs for example or an input can be set up to uh connected to several uh machines for example to to have redundancy so that's that's the idea this will not change it will actually we will go more into this world because the network capability is exactly needed more and more to be able to to stream and to do things with multiple devices being in multiple locations i'm sorry if i wasn't clear but i just i tried to answer one question there good dennis do you want to add something else or should we shall we put an end to it i think everything is great i mean um you know everybody listening or watching watching this in the in the future because it will be up on on youtube uh of course can um you know contact us if you have any questions either support merging dot com or dennis um and uh you know we're always here to help we know that uh anime can be um kind of confusing uh but because um of the the sophistication of how to work with the network it gives you a lot of um possibilities uh that you wouldn't just get if it was just a straight patch um so if you don't understand something or if it's a little bit confusing just get a hold of one of us and we can always help yeah same thing with the last comment i see that there's sometimes some problems opening there's an error message message please send us the detail and our support will look into it and one thing that helps also is that you can dump the network map so it means this becomes a file uh here this becomes an of save json file and you can uh you can send this to us to our support and we'll try to to sort it from there okay i think that's it dennis yeah that sounds great thank you very much thank you thank you all for listening have all a lovely day and uh talk to you or text to you for the next webinar bye dennis take care
Channel: MergingTechnologies
Views: 1,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AES67, RAVENNA, ST2110, audio immersive, anubis, convertisseur audio, broadcast production, ST2022-7, redondance, zero latence audio, entrée micro, monitoring, mixage en temps réél, podcast, production machine virtuelle, merging audio device, wdm, windows driver model, audio gaming, wdm audio, asio and wdm, st2022-7, dante, audio over ip, netwrok audio, audio recording, studios, sound studios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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