Dolby Atmos© - Pyramix 25 step by step / mastering in Dolby Atmos®

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hello everyone welcome to this webinar uh to connect pyramix 25th and dolby atmos the renderer of dolby atmos there have been a few papers things explanations around i wanted to make it very easy step by step uh first theoretically and then practically to understand to make it easy the easiest possible to understand how or the workflow we propose and the ecosystem we propose so first of all you're going to see here on that screen a little presentation and then we go on to the pyramix the renderer and so on explaining how it works together so to start with i need obviously a computer a windows 10 computer that hosts uh the native pyramix 25th version or masco version doesn't play any role in here as you want and on the other side i have a mac mini that hosts the dolby renderer it has to be 3.4 or above to work properly then oops then on the pyramic side on the pc side i have the latest mad the merging audio device that allows my pyramix outputs and inputs eventually to go over the network as67 ravenna and i'm coming to the settings in in in real afterwards i'm just explaining first of all the tools and the items i'm using to do that then the second one is on the dolby sorry on the mac mini side is the vad the virtual audio device for os there as well i need some setup and this is to allow my renderer to be connected to my streams coming either from pyramics or for example to play back the rendered file so that i can listen to that on my monitoring device then obviously those two computers have to be connected to the network and when i say to the network via switch it has to be a pre-configured or configured switch but basically something that allows audio over ip we have tons of documents about which models the config files and so on so please refer to other [Music] support pages on that and then from this switch we are connected to an anubis an anubis monitoring mission that allows me to have different sources so that allows me to for example have the pyramics output source uh in atmos i've chosen 51.4 it could be 71.4 or 91.6 whatever you want all the different protocols are supported and others apart from the dolby atmos one but i've chosen 51.4 because it's straightforward and easy and so it means i will then connect it with pyramix to the monitoring mission as a source and i will also have another source from my dolby atmos renderer to be able to listen to my file once it's done good and then to be able to listen to my speakers anubis has only four analog outputs plus two headphone outputs that i could use as a line output if i want to i have a switch to do that but obviously if i have a 5151.4 or 71.4 installation i mean i need a bit more outputs so here we have either horus which has up to 48 analog outputs or a happy mark ii which has up to 16 analog outputs it will work with the happy one as well there's absolutely no difference but i have those two devices where i can sit in cards analog outputs to go and to attack my speakers i could have also just a happy one a happy sorry with one analog output card that makes eight analog channels plus using two channels from my anubis or four channels of my anubis that makes 12 channel output i can combine them its ip the way i want it good then obviously they are connected to the speakers to the analog speakers so that i can place them and and proper mix or master and monitor my atmos mixing but if i happen to have audio over ip speakers some manufacturers are are making them i don't need a horse or happy i can directly connect those speakers to my switch and there we go so this is then dependent on your situation is to be able to perform to do all of that uh i need animan which is my audio network manager basically my virtual patch over the network to connect all those software and hardware devices together what is going where what is coming from where what is going in multiple places at the same time and so on you will see pretty easy to connect and i will show you how to do all of that so first of all i will need to connect to make sure that my mad on the windows side on the pyramid side and my vad on the mac mini side on my renderer is working and connected together so let's start with the renderer and the renderer is actually here i will make my picture a little bit smaller as well so that we have more space for that the renderer is actually you see that here because it's it's a team viewer page of the mac mini obviously for demonstration and i mean presentation purposes i have to have everything on one screen so i team view the mac mini over here so that you can see it as well good so before going into the renderer i have here my vad driver which uh is set to ravana as67 and not to unite so unite is this new fantastic way of simplifying the in straight away all the available in and outputs of my device great which is nice but uh this is for simple setups here we're gonna do some back and returns with four different devices and whatever so i go into the more complex side of it with the ravana a67 that allows to launch animan for example i have to be careful that i'm on the same latency as all my devices i'm here decided to be here in ravenna and i set it up to have 24 in and outputs i could go of course to higher or lower if i need to but that's how i decided to work on that aspect here good now my renderer which is already partly set up and i'm not going to explain uh uh how to set it up because for that you look on the dolby uh webinars and and all of that but basically i mean 51.4 that's what i'm going do and i'm here this is important under my preferences obviously i'm under the core audio i've chosen to work with the merging revena a67 driver that's the vad driver i've just shown on the input and on the output and then that i also have a ltc over audio i'm using an audio track in my pyramix to export basically to send my ltc this could be done via ltc output over happy and horrors as well but i was thinking that's the easiest it's it's it's pretty straightforward and the channel that my ltc is going to be received by the render is audio channel number 24 okay that's the last one of my 24 channels i could put it to 95 if i want i mean this is this is just a a setting issue and then obviously depending the area in the world i mean or the production the way it has been done i can choose the frame rate and of course that has to correspond from my pyramids to my renderer and vice versa sorry there was just a small accident coming back and we continue so the thing is that now this the basics are set up and obviously i also have to set up in my input configuration i'm gonna go into my input file i said here i gonna have my bed my five one bed uh first of all from one to six and dolby doesn't allow to put anything else on track seven eight nine and ten i mean i could if i would do a seven one dot four or things like that but as i'm in five one i have channels from one to six and then i start with objects a little bit later here on channel 11 12 and 13 and 14. this is my top left speaker top right speaker top rear left speaker top rear right speaker is i set it up before this is an object okay i set it up as objects and so that i can i have to name it now again because i set it again top sorry left okay and these are now my four objects and as a little exercise because those are my fixed objects my four top speakers as a little exercise i added four other uh objects you will understand a little bit later at the end why but basically i'm going to reproduce the same signal over here but just to show you that there is a difference in the way you can manage and use either fixed objects or dynamic objects and then there are some interesting things in the music field over it good now that my renderer so to say is set up of course i created a new file i'm going here for the time code and so on and so on i i make it a bit smaller and so that i can go back to my presentation the thing is that the anubis the first thing i'm going to start with is to connect the outputs of my monitoring my 5-1 monitoring of the anubis to my uh happy or horrors so that i can attack my speakers and this is where i'm gonna start to use animan there we are in animal i'm gonna connect or select the anubis and the horus which is now there and this are now of course this is i i've prepared this up front but uh you either you know how to do it in anubis or please refer to the manual or to the other webinars about anubis how to set up a speaker set but my speaker set here that i created is called now atmos speaker set it's a 51.4 basically a 10 stream or 10 channel speaker set and this is connected now to my horos da outputs so that this is my da cards i have here two da cards basically i have 16 digital out sorry digital to analog conversion output cards available in my horus and i connected those 10 10 first uh uh to my 10 outputs of my atmos renderer so it means that now i have atmos setup if i go to the remote control of my anubis that i can open here i see i have my speaker set anubis there this is a standard five one output so this will then show the five one outputs and uh this will then show my atmos output it should show up there uh there we go so i have my five one output and i have my uh atmos speaker set output here good and these are my sources i'm coming to that a little bit later now the next point yes before going to the next page what is important to understand is all the outputs on the anubis as a monitoring device so to say have an eq have a trim and a delay so obviously you would understand that you can make your room correction straight away with the anubis and have those settings inside as a preset so it means that you can have several presets but you can have several outputs as well you can go from mono to 30.2 and all the atmos setups are in there so one day you're going to mix a 5 1.4 but the next day 9 1.6 if you have enough the speaker setup and all of that you just toggle from one to the other the way you want very flexible good now i have to connect the output of my pure mix my daw 5.5. sorry 51.4 into my source of the anubis and there again i'm using my animan and now i'm gonna here um draw basically over my uh anubis and my pyramids so that i see here my pyramids outputs and inputs and i see here my anubis basically sources this time not monitors okay the sources are the inputs ah so to say so i created two sources one being the daw51.4 and one being the renderer 5 1.4 the renderer will then be the dolby atmos connection to be able to a b to listen what is rendered but first of all i connect my daw51.4 and i have my six outputs of my pyramix here that i connect five one one two three four five six boom and then as you know there's this four track hole in the renderer so i i i i keep it the same here not to be confused uh output 11 12 13 14 is going straight away to my input 78910 of my anubis so i have my source fulfilled and now we'll connect or select the source in my pyramix sorry in my anubis and i will be able to listen to so this is now my pyramid session that i prepared my blue or my clear blue uh uh tracks or clips there is my five one my bad then i have those purple ones this is my top four speakers they are coming i could have one strip for that or two as i have now a quad and a five one i can have ten mono strips i mean it depends really about the material i have actually good now here this is sent basically on a 51.4 dolby atmos bus straight away i have all the different as well in my pyramids i have all the different possibilities to change to add or to remove all the different types of uh bus structure i can have custom bus structure if i want to put seven speakers all in a line or whatever it is but that's not what we're discussing here so all the standards and if i come to the dolby atmos i have 5 1.4 sorry 51.2.4 and so on up to 91.6 and here i added a 5 1.4 and now i feed my 5 1 plus four into this uh bus there and you will see now that the renderer if i close this guy because it is connected is already getting something okay i'm sending that here and this is not actually what i wanted to show about the render what i wanted to show is about my anubis is that here i get this guy now over there and if i go into my renderer over there i will see that the things are moving and that i'm listening now to the daw and here i can mute my speaker or solo my speaker or whatever is required in terms of monitoring great i'm stopping my device and i'm going to the next point and my next point is this time connecting the renderer to my anubis and as you have already seen and certainly very well understood is that here i have now my source which is called renderer51.4 and now i just have to connect and to select sorry on the top left where i have those little devices so that i can basically i can see or choose what i want to see if i can see everything at the same time but then the screen is perhaps too small for that so i prefer selecting it but where you have a motors where you can see it all at the same time and now here i have my renderer so if i go into the core audio outputs that will be a little bit lower there i will see now those outputs 51.4 they are connected sorry i'm yes sorry that's it five one dot four so the five one plus four are connected here and then i can a b in my monitoring device my anubis the the the the direct from the pyramids or the output of the render with a slight delay obviously due to the core audio and the ios or when i finish my file i would like to play it back so to make sure that it all works and then i can listen from there as well good the next one would be now to connect the pyramix native output to the renderer itself and i'm using don't forget i'm ip so i'm using the same output to listen on my anubis i'm gonna also use it to go into the renderer and this time i will connect or sorry i will uh ask to show just the two computers so i have the azio computer is basically my pc that hosts or that holds the pyramix and then i have my core audio which which holds hosts rather the renderer and now i have my output one two three four five six of my pyraminx connected into my input of the core audio renderer one two three four five six and then i have my four top left top right top top rear left top rear right speakers that are connected on my output 11 to 14. and then here i have those outputs that are connected to show you a little bit later with object buses how we can do it when they're dynamic last but not least one important aspect you see this little kind of purplish track at the very bottom it's a timecode track i imported a timecode file and i have it on my track seven here that is straight away direct out exited so i don't go through my mixer and my and my uh boss structure and so on and output 24 here from pyramix input 24 in the renderer as you remember the ltc comes into there and so that i have now my ltc connection that means that when i play back my file i see my ltc moving here because i click the chase button and now everybody is happily working together i see the four dots here connected because they receive some audio with the number of the tracks this is how i select it to be and actually i could now if i go to the very beginning one thing i forgot perhaps important to mention not inanimate but in the presentation the time code that's what we saw and i would have to connect basically uh over the metadatas my renderer to my pyramix or my pyramix to my render by both ways and this is very straightforward i go into my pyraminx i go here and i go right click onto the pyramix and i go onto settings and say atmos connect and it was or it is already connected so i could say disconnect but you type in the ip address and you say connect and it takes two seconds i mean i can do it just to show you quickly now it is disconnected i say connect boom boom boom and it's connected so now why that it is first of all very easy in the routing tool for example you remember that i was naming top left top rear speakers and so on so they take them here so the metadatas are completely taken from it uh and they appear here from what exists from my renderer and i have them back here and that means that now if i'm making the playback so my audio outputs with my time code with my uh speaker determination of where they are i'm gonna hide this and so behind you will see the renderer and now i can say i want to start no not to forget the time code i want to start when i'm starting here so that now i can play and it's recording into my renderer what i'm doing my five one dot four sorry my five one plus four and of course in my monitoring section i can a b it the daw and the renderer the top here the mix speaker is actually my my microphone here i'm using anubis also to talk to you so this is why it's moving there but now i don't click sum but uh because i don't want to sum these two different uh things but now i can listen either to maybe to my daw or to the renderer and what is the nice when i finished my rendering i then go back to my renderer and i say let me get it here and i say now i want to listen to the master file so i go back to here and i can i can mute those guys so to make sure that we're not doing something twice so now i see there's no signal from my daw and i'm listening to the rendered file so i can really a b and and and and and use that very conveniently from one to the other so let me show you something a bit more interesting as well quickly i'm going to create a new recording file sorry i'm just gonna do it with the other computer it's gonna be faster i'm gonna call this guy rec nine i create a new file because now i'm going to connect and route the outputs 5 16 17 18. you remember that those four outputs here also have been prepared so to say for the effects i wanted to show you so the dynamic way of working now if i go back to the beginning and i play because i made this connection so this is a tricky thing with the renderer that is once you're used to it's fine but perhaps at the beginning when you use it you're not familiar with that you need to feed some audio into the render so that it shows you the objects and which is now this little green dot you see here let me make this whole thing a little bit bigger so that you see a little bit better what's happening there so you see this green dot and now i have four mono tracks that are playing and if i open my panner i can do it also straight away here but i wanted to show you precisely if i move now my panner i could automate that but you see now my dot one of those dots because the four on the top of each other because i have four objects now this guy is moving and it's moving up as well or down sorry up i move it up and this is then the interesting part i can have some divergence with it and i can do that with each of them if i would like to put some divergence and move them up or down and this can be of course automated like in every pyramics thing and way and whatever so this is then very interesting where i can move things around i can do things independently that means that if i choose a five one bed and four dynamic objects even if my intention is actually not to move them but i can have an input on my divergence by opposition if i go now to my four top speakers this is my quad track i can also have some divergence but obviously i would add it or remove it to the same to all the four speakers at the same time where here i can if i want to add some divergence specifically on each individual mono channel and this is done with the object boss that you can achieve it and connect it to um via the metadata to the renderer great i think i've explained all what i wanted to explain if you have questions remarks and and you need some whatever i mean if you need help or whatever questions you'll find a lot of information on the support pages and do not hesitate to contact my our support if you need more
Channel: MergingTechnologies
Views: 1,535
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Id: R6l4-qsVua4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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