Canva for Education Workshop

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that's ready taya okay good morning philippines good morning saratoga manga teachers from luzon visayas in mindanao and maybe there are also teachers who are watching around the globe so good morning i is a very special day because we will be having some sort of um we will be crafting your creativity you know creativity nothing but teachers and we'll talk about it later so maybe it's about it's a good thing we will start our day with praising and taking our creator um with that i would like to call our edtech specialist the makati city science high school head teacher rowena reyes mom rowena good morning mommy wang good morning let's start with a prayer let's pray father god we offer everything to you during this webinar may we ask for your blessing and divine providence that the activities set for this morning be successful and effective may we also retain the invaluable knowledge and learning experiences that we derive from this activity for actual application when we leave this session we pray that you bless all the commenters in charge that they fulfill their tasks responsibly that we uh that we met the objectives that may all be achieved your generous blessing would mean the success of this webinar we know that without it we can do nothing may we be living witness of your genuine love through the implementation the knowledge acquired through these activities grant us your divine wisdom as we go about our daily tasks after this seminar and protect us from any harm and hypothesis in jesus name we pray amen amen thank you very much for that very heartfelt um prayer mom peace [Applause] and without further ado let's let me introduce okay let me introduce our uh director of icts ict um office now i think um deb ed and yes any word sir sir go ahead again good morning teachers i believe there are also some school heads and some parents who are attending this webinar tagalog but again i welcome you to this webinar for on camba canva for beginners uh canva is actually a graphic design platform that is uh very similar to uh adobe no uh except that much simpler simpler shagamittin and it has i believe ramisha manga templates that you can make use of to quickly uh develop your own multimedia content that would make your um that would make your that you can use to make your classes more engaging so at this onset we would like to thank canba for uh allowing us to have free access to their system and also to providing us with among our resource speakers who would share their knowledge to us know i think we have here in ayannis in adjarent sakasi and other uh resource speakers for canva again we thank you for uh joining us in this webinar to share uh what you can what you know about how to use canva so that we can make use for this uh in our uh classrooms uh you wanna output new for this uh for uh from kanba are actually uh things that you can incorporate uh into the ebooks uh i belie uh i believe a lot of you have also attended young training nothing on ebook development uh as a department we have actually adapt we are actually adopting ebooks as one of our uh as a national strategy because we believe that this will be um quite useful to a lot of learners and to a lot of teachers in varying conditions no but by the thing some classes the most important figure talaga is the teacher these are just tools and some of these tools may not even be applicable in your situations because the technology is not available or because of some conditions in your respective classes you are the ones who prepare the lessons you are the ones who motivate the students you are the ones who have to establish the relationship uh of trust between your students and teachers so that you can be uh models uh parasatin so it's uh i believe it's very important that you have to be uh creative in terms of uh addressing the requirements of our respective uh learners in the classes now in the best of times with varying degrees of interest with varying degrees of uh talents with varying conditions too sorry leaning baha'i so it's really really important uh to be creative what we provide you are some tools which we hope you can make use of and which we hope uh will um will um inspire you to be more creative in terms of uh delivering your lessons and uh in your respective classes so again we invite you to be creative in this uh very uh difficult conditions that we are expecting to um to come up with in the upcoming school year and we also uh ask you to be a pillar of support a pillar of hope to our parents to our students as we face the challenges of providing education and learning in the upcoming school year again and we hope you enjoyed this webinar as well as the upcoming webinars that we will be providing to you yeah thank you very much for that um that words director abraham so dr uh abraham no well done so we're just giving them um options on how to deliver these kinds of materials are the bar so yes yes they have a lot of options um uh this morning we will be starting our day with um creativity creativity because it's very important that we have this creativity in asks a lot of things have have been shared and another thing and to share their experiences let me have let me introduce to you our guest speakers um the first is she started her journey at canberra canva as one of the core members of the people operations leading up to 2019 she became country manager currently she leads people and product operations in the philippines focusing on empowering all k-12 teachers k-12 teachers to design anything on canva and she is none other than mamiyani cornelia and the other one is a template design lead at canva he knows the canva editor like the back of the back of his hands and has been involved in designing curating and coordinating the creation of the templates in canva currently he is involved with partnerships where he runs workshops for international clients and he's not none other than sir niro donato mamiani and cernero good morning good morning thank you excited likewise teachers and then if you will read their comments i think fb live and in youtube very excited to learn um [Music] sir mark's announcement uh two weeks ago you have now the floor um to uh tell us your experiences and somehow uh um your stories the advantages of this um canva thank you thank you um well first maybe hello to all the teachers um watching us today nationwide international palajang so hello to everybody um and thank you deb ed for giving us the opportunity to really talk about canva and share this with our teachers here nationwide um we have a lot in store for all of you today meron and kamehameha probably um won't have such a long introduction because i might never come in parts later on but yes um i guess what i'll just start with is for everyone tuning in please make sure that if you want to follow the hands-on workshop you can use your laptop union idea laptop or desktop or pc pair up whether in time will follow through mobile um that's step one and step two um if you haven't yet please sign up for a canva account whether it's the kind of for education one or a free canva account so lots of in store um today so thank you thank you thank you mamiani and cerneyro uh later we will be having you again so next uh we have this um learning specialist in ganva who believes in the value of continuous and impactful learning as a learning specialist he helps design learning materials and courses to help canva employees maximize their potential and he um he is he is sergio minglio hello everyone hello philippines and hello world wow hello how are you hello i'm good thank you how are you ariel good morning uh good i'm also good sir um at the moment where are you from uh as you can see very very sunny because i think the last few days uh major uh dark and rainy yes praise god uh sir um can we say something about what do we have what are the teachers can expect today yes very uh thank you for tuning in this morning to everyone on facebook on youtube uh it's gonna be a very eventful and exciting morning for everyone i've been a user of canva ever since also i started joining the company so i know uh someone useful and um it really changed my life ever since i i knew about canva so hopefully it will also change a few lives or more in our workshop today okay thank you sir journey later we'll see you again together with other uh speakers thank you next is a very str uh it he has a strong background on learning and development as one of the canvas learning partners he works with stakeholders and and leaders in understanding business problems designing learning modules supporting performance and evaluating impact of kanba let's have sir patrick baliora good morning sir patrick good morning sir ariel uh good morning samantha webbing or nothing answer can you kindly share your uh something about your experience and also what are the expect what can we expect from today's webinar next we believe everyone can design and canva is that platform so um exciting and uh thank you um and uh in the entirety of the ed for hosting um us and allowing us to share canva to the rest of the philippines thank you sir i am so excited anthony c i don't know if he's in sir mark anthony uh not disconnect so later we will have sir mark anthony c but right now um suggestion if you're using uh two devices mobile phone and laptop we suggest that you use your a mobile device and then you use your laptop in creating your output today so maganda nasa cell phone so let's have again our uh our speakers cernero serge you know i think a reminder somehow um do you want to do it yes okay ariel thank you very much for the introduction ticker i'll share my screen along then so we can uh start with our work okay go go [Applause] to all our viewers to our teachers educators parents um we have an exciting morning in store for everyone so welcome to our canva for education workshop again this is going to be a hands-on workshop open to all k-12 teachers nationwide and baja worldwide then um so for those who haven't taken the survey yet i think at the youngster in google form uh nana share in the different social media sites of canva and dep ed so you can type in and go to this form so tiny dot cc slash canva for edo so we'd love to get to know all our teachers but we can continuously improve uh how we build kind of for education so like i said um we have an amazing uh flow and topics uh this morning with an equally amazing lineup of speakers so we'll start with japan introduction about who canva is and also for canva for what kind of for education is that's going to be with danny our country manager and then after that we'll have a quick run-through of how to sign up for candle for education and a walk-through on the different kind of features and then the meat of this workshop would be parts three and four which is really the quick tips and tricks on how to use canva and a hands-on workshop uh for everyone uh this is gonna be led by nero one of our design leads in in canva so i know now we have lots of viewers tuning in and for sure you will also have questions along the way so to make sure now we maximize our time and to keep things organized we will have people in our team who will also respond uh to your questions in the comments section so i am gonna say that in the video now but uh they're there so let's say hello to edison and abby from our customer happiness team and also gladys from our community team so they will help answer your questions in the comments but we'll also have after each part we'll also have a quick q a segment to address them in person so hopefully that is clear uh with everyone so without further ado again let's goes ago uh and our official hashtags for this morning and hashtag canadaph and hashtag canva for education and also please follow our social media pages on facebook twitter and instagram so that's it without um going any further i want to introduce our country manager to introduce canva and kind of for education let's give it up for yanni thank you thank you gerald um i will share my screen this hold on this oh yeah can you guys see this now yes yeah all right there um all right so hello everybody hello teachers and hello deaf ed and i know we not hand the team members that are watching now so good morning everybody um and thank you for tuning in today we're super excited um to share with you ankana for education and how can this help our teachers and even students at the time of a pandemic and now that we there are a lot of planning school um panama really open up classes while ensuring you know that everybody is safe um and practicing social distancing so hopefully today um we can share with you the gift of canva for education um and how you can hopefully um easily create beautiful learning content parasite in young students and even fellow teachers so jun um again i would like to extend my thanks um to deb ed for allowing us um to have this opportunity teachers um and we're really excited to support your mission and digital rice philippines so i'll start there so an introduction to canva um post about canvas and how it can help us in our day-to-day life is an online graphic design tool it enables you to easily create beautiful and engaging designs with thousands of templates to choose from so if you can see here this um kabilan seidman screen this is just a a preview of another hosa workshop today and then magazine google slides or powerpoint so this is similar this is a tool that is similar to that hopefully today you can see useful for our teachers pero um i guess i also wanted to start by explaining to you and sharing with you the story behind canva why it all started a couple of years ago so our founder actually her name is melanie perkins she's also part filipina our headquarters is in australia but we have a really big office here in the philippines with a team of over 200 people um so where it all started was back then young founder naman was a teacher she was teaching design programs to students while she was also still in university um during that time the realized software and yamaha apps and tools for designing that existed maybe more than 10 years ago were so difficult to use and understand hindi shakum baga intuitive or hindisha madaling masundan apart from that you either had to spend a bit more money or just spend a bit more time looking for what you're looking for um so it was just difficult so you know and then she imagined in the future you know it would be so ideal if design could be not intimidating it could be democratized meaning design is for all design paras to make it f to make the whole designing process and the whole creative process simple and integrated teachers you know i was reading the survey questions when we're creating learning materials usually um time consuming number two hindi librion resources um number three and here put together nama gandang design so hopefully yon lahat almost assaulted canbe for us so with canva um for now it's online but in the future we'll be making it offline as well you can access it online it's free um by default um fonts templates elements layouts lahatna ingredients that make up a beautiful design you can find it in one app which is canva and you can export and easily send it to people that you want to share your design with so it's simple and it's integrated and this is really it um we want to empower the world to design um you know a lot of us um so sometimes when you hear the word design it can be really intimidating and it could feel that you know graphic design this probably isn't for me or bahasa it makes you be able to create beautiful design because you know design is more than just design the deeper purpose of design is to be able to communicate well which i think now in our ear of distance learning would be really key to engage our students and to further our mission your mission as teachers which is that and to really provide quality education for our filipino students so today um we want to give you a little gift some of you i think um better we want to expand our mission so we want to empower every classroom to design my own relatively big saving classroom i'm not naming whether you're in your classroom or whether you're at home so anywhere you can use it um and i wanted to share with you as well segura before i share your gift to all we have a really clear set of values um be a force for good empower others be a good human make complex things simple pursue excellence and set crazy big goals and make them happen so i really wanted to share this with all of you today paramount indian not just the app but the team that's building this um app for all of you so let's just zoom in a bit more on be a force for a good goal so this goal is really about our mission which is to do as much good as we possibly can in the world and one of the bigger populations and what the few and who the future is of our generation are actually our students our pupils um students is the teachers so we wanted to invest in education as it aligns with our um one of our most important values which is to be a force for good so how are we doing this how are we investing um in education so for now we have a gift for our k-12 teachers in the philippines and worldwide on left side [Music] um and further in the future we want to expand it further it's a higher education as well like spotify or other um other apps that you can use my free version at my premium version pusha so on free version at the end merenting 8 000 templates um 100 categories hundreds of icons and illustrations built-in presentation mode teams are in commenting so madame features by default however um late 2019 was premium version specific to teachers um originally or got anyone on pricing or impression and premium version of canva would be around nine dollars to twelve dollars per month pair of her teachers for k to 12 teachers spent an als included libre young premium version of canva so you might have signed up successfully it's free now and it's going to be free forever and and 60 000 plus templates specific um education content so later mahakita nikuyo now worksheets weekly planner test paper ebooks presentations and all that millions so that um hundreds millions of free images because canva has purchased the licenses so you can use that for free without any watermarks we've also put their 800 000 plus icons and illustrations elements cartoon figures um that you want that you put in your designs paramas you know engage you know students um 700 plus free fonts we also have um surprise filipino fonts in there by bayern and jan so exciting um and so much more and nagita survey namadam google classroom and back lever so i'm happy to announce that integrated on google classroom and clever second for education meaning accounts classroom and clever you can either sign up through that or import your class from google classroom everything is available um everything another component is a free version available detail plus millions more so you impose so for more information you can look at it um you can check it out at education um you can just take note of this website you don't need to look at it now because as we go um and here i just wanted to show you again over 60 000 beautifully crafted templates for free templates so on templates um kinds of designs but the young posters for the young presentations infographic worksheets from scratch so later tutorial company 900 plus categories so perfect for school projects so here you can see you mahalikuma social media foreign instagram posts instagram story template um newsletter calendar id la hat h de la hat and you can use it as many times as you want we also have um free videos and free music um for all of you and here's an example of the 700 plus premium fonts we're adding more as we go better for now we have the apple font um because um it's really a tribute to our culture as filipinos um and you can collaborate with your whole class so samantha familiar um and para didn't put it on google drive for example where you can actually make folders and organize um your content so folder for infographics for the folder for book review assignment button we're happy to announce as well that we are kappa and ferpa certified um google kuani sabino papa and ferpa compliance but long story short um it's a u.s global certification um that ensures that the app is safe especially for students um 13 years old below so unfiltered and safe to use and even behind canva everyone who works on education and the entire team goes through a rigorous background check to ensure all of you nah yeah even the ones who are developing the product um have good moral character because it's really important for any educational tool that our teachers and students use sorry um but we have a bigger vision for canva for education [Music] please spread the word to your fellow teachers um and k to dub schools um i know individually on bigger vision contact us in the public schools any teacher philippines dot ph email [Applause] whether you're in public school private schools fed or als just go to the link below um it's just one step longer very shortly um one week maximum um and lastly um for everybody please screenshot this or follow this page now we have just launched our new facebook group for teachers paris and philippines so after this workshop and every day every week to create learning content so canva for filipino teachers in a facebook group you can learn more about canva ask questions about canva or reach out workshops today and that's it we're so excited um that's and i'm gonna hand over back to gerald i think for q a yes hello yanny thank you for that presentation so uh again before we continue hello political new viewers seeing all of them in the comment section so uh also our canva team uh are actively responding some of your questions uh in the comments but there's one question uh we also want to highlight to you yani okay i know a new background that's a question around uh what if naka signed up for free uh is it still possible to upgrade for canva for education or do they need to sign up again no question upgrade down free um i'm sure nasa got it just to keep it short um if they can go down sorry i'm just gonna do a quick google search help center canva so just type on google help center canva for education um let me just add it to comment list um [Music] similar question so you can go to that help center page and i think your details about kind of for education are also there so thank you yanny so next uh to our next part so i think yani kind of introduced already um a lot about kind of for education and i've also seen some comments uh how panipu makes signed up for canada for education so more about that i want to introduce our next speaker um he's part of canvas learning and development team so please say hello and welcome to patrick billiora hi pat good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning webinars and the world para today um so amazing twenty thousand viewers from all across platforms um so masayato for us um so during this pandemic so um at this point alamko excited tayo um the helsinus again canva for education is going to be free and it's going to be free forever giving access to what would usually have been paid um but for you dear teachers um being a force for good um so uh we we are not just a for-profit company um and siguro excited and i could see questions um i could also see some people sign so um for some of you that have already signed up um well you can just observe but for the others um sunny could follow along just like what yani mentioned earlier um if you have and if it's possible um if you can use your um desktop for this um so that um um experience nothing is he didn't affected no so um let me just share my screen and uh let's talk about so uh can everyone see my screen now okay so um so first sino bang eligible so yani touched on this already um so k to 12 teachers als and spend teachers nathan um are eligible to sign up for canva for education and this is using your teacher email address i'm using um that's domain or young domain so it's uh dot edu dot ph uh which um i believe vina gamikata most commonly sa private schools are used by public school teachers and we also have ph at education um because we have whitelisted this will be accepted na as a canva for education um i've seen a lot of people already have um canva for education account so what but for the others um make sure not in a teacher's email is to sign up for a free account at later we will discuss okay so for those of you that already have your dep or their edu domain so again for education so um dash sign up okay so um free account this is a free account but if you are using already your dot edu uh or edu domain slash edu dash sign up okay um you just have to uh fill out that long pieces of information okay in a verification email all you have to do is to verify that you get your premium canva for education you get access to the millions of templates designs and you can start either designing or um setting up your class okay so i'm not into going step by step no okay so um edu dash sign up okay um and then make it up on your window sign up with email okay so um sign up with email create your account um and again please use your um teacher's email you edu email natin and your password and then click you get started it's free okay um um and once you sign up verify um and click the link and that signifies that uh you are a real person um and after non papasso account which is this part okay so you will land on the classroom space um um so from there you can either start your class meaning you can start setting up your classes a question that was asked of him was 2014 user posse teacher and uh panu dao mako converted free account whether angina is a free account is your teacher account awareness for education or you used your personal account you can apply uh for canva for education by visiting the url and we will have it uh in our uh canva for filipino teachers facebook group so again please join us in in that facebook group we will post it there and at the same time um give you additional resources to help you with design and collaborate with other teachers okay i'm different because you are obtaining uh an additional account um and you most probably have a non-edu account we will ask you to upload a copy of uh proof of teaching qualifications are proof of active employment i'm guyana get help nino um well it may take up to 24 hours from the time nanak submitting an application um to get your canvas for education access of course information the same process for no free account conversion to um canva for education okay so uh but just to be black and white and transparent um canva for education includes all of the pro features for free except for the background remover okay pero all else you millions of templates free fonts images okay um templates all of those will still be accessible so um convert from your pro account and you want to make it a canva for education account all you have to do is to also do the same thing um visit the url that i gave earlier or um from get help okay uh from the help center type nuclear education apply for a canva for education account okay so um the same you will upload young teacher um proof of teaching okay now um i know as well school administrators and probably um edu domain okay so um one of the questions that came up as well was assassinated okay so um school administrators please send us a spreadsheet okay containing your teacher's name group administrators are sorry school administrators or school heads when they put sensam in a spreadsheet containing your teachers names and email addresses email address plus plus see for e number four at okay so someone from our team will pick it up and uh please give them 24 to 48 hours to process your request 48 hours for the conversion okay so group sign ups are only available for schools um that are not using the whitelisted domains okay so again free account yes for education um all you have to do is to apply for one um by going to the url um that we will be posting or to marina you free account from the help center just type education article um the same is true for pro users you're paying users um and for school administrators or uh department heads um please send us an email along with your obtaining your teacher's names and email addresses at this email address contact plus c4e okay um so another question to say um uh when he got his um canva for educational we have integrated um google classroom and even clever into um canva for education canva for education uh we only did not think of you teachers as um designing for your students um we also thought of of course and we want as much as possible canva for education to be a one-stop shop also um we have incorporated a class which is a featured available lang for canva for education okay so pugna um you will see your class the left hand side and uh when you click on your class this is where you will see everything related um so you can configure things like inviting your students okay um creating groups um viewing content shared in your class okay um so yeah so a bit of um clean up so you banner us a teacher uh say for example teacher mr okay so what do i do i just click on the three button menus upper right okay this one and then edit banner when you click edit banner um it will allow you to design a banner um using yuma available in the photo snap again for for free licensed nato okay um so in the future okay you can also rename the class to something more meaningful okay so two ways housekeeping basic stuff now um you also of course this is a class no so um one thing that uh we want free to do is again to make this a one-stop shop so classified and if you're sharing um say for example may make a share to the subject um you can have also teachers so in candy for education men upon the you can invite a student or you can invite a co-teacher for the class so familiar google classroom um so teachers can manage the class they can create templates or they can design for uh the class to use so uh for example young teachers so we can we can use that um uh canva for education page tapos designs a teacher it won't go on um so it becomes collaborative and at the same time uh because it is a clash classic you can also invite students who can just create and share designs submit you or consult with you uh both with the teacher and for the rest of the class okay so there are two ways in which you can um invite students uh the first one is you can enter their email addresses okay um and do this manually and how does that work in your own default knowledge so all you need to do is to put in their email addresses and then click nothing you send invitation that's the first one okay the second one or the second option import google classroom ncr okay so um so in this case um you will see list rooms info nah our email invite okay okay so you've invited some of your students to your class and this is what they will receive okay so all they have to do is to click join the class okay and make it okay [Music] okay so so far uh those are the two ways okay so um just in case uh you want to review him pages for the live and we are also having this up um the canva website or the kind of facebook page now another cool feature in the magazine is you setting up of groups okay what you do is you can set up what we call groups um so groups are uh divisions within your class um on purpose is to make it um easier for you to share designs so when you create group you might be science specific to a class worksheet for grade six and grade five young worksheet for grade six all you have to do is to share it's a group known grade six class naga with nino instead of sharing it okay um you can use groups to more easily um share content um with people um so that it's easier for you to also track raipub um to explore the features um again um i'll be showing you just the basics of how to use canva um will be the more exciting part uh we have a very very exciting workshop with nero one of our design leads and uh experts nathan sapagamet nankanibano so um at this point melanie perkins who is our founder um okay so why not have something that's all there in one place and um not everyone has an eye for design so uh one thing great about canberra templates tapos assets nothing are there for you to use for free no so um you start with your design by clicking on um first either create a design or this part okay or put it in protection posters okay so if you go down meru math worksheets classroom posters so major challenge ties about the design templates are good as it is so we allow you a certain degree of um creativity and at the same time we also help you by giving you that template snap okay so um these are all education templates okay uh but you have access to other templates um then now if you want to do free form okay you can click on create a design and guys negative okay so um little walkthrough basics okay or some people they call this a canvas navigation so if you notice one thing great about canva is that we have a very intuitive search okay so we can use keywords to narrow down um our search and our search algorithm is pretty smart so um yes by using the plus sign you can add additional um keywords so in this example apple plus red megahertz and a picture in apple and parameters okay um another one will be laptop tapo plus sign so patrick another cut out called on true so cut out so imagine in the open by an attention laptop notice the pictures okay um now for more information on the advanced search you can go to this url or okay so get help get help type nothing and search advanced search okay so in app okay now um another neat feature is adding folders um so my teacher is alumni key strengths and skills i am organized so think of it this way no so [Music] we want to make it as minimal as possible so petting you my visual aids nothing this year um next year with a little bit of tweaking okay just click on the three button menu and then click add folder i'll show it to you you just need to click create new attiago folder okay folder within folder to say for example sample folder folders is for you to explore and maximize okay so i know some of you might be exploring so we begin in a bit of time you know explorer we have a special category for the coronavirus um program for the coronavirus and stamper for teachers if you want to have like infographics for your school um for your students about coronavirus um important stay at home so these are you know images madrids um for purposes of this discussion um we've highlighted two elements so uh we also have charts okay so um they are editable pictures so you can actually use charts um now we are in the process of expanding our charts so um uh watch out in the future designs and charts uh it's customizable so india again image just images so we currently have um bar charts or so column and uh line charts circle column and bar so union uh vertical horizontal we also have run charts or commonly known as line charts we have pie charts and we have donut charts okay so pre-animated animate um all you have to do is to input the data and adjust your colors um later on here we'll show you um how to adjust colors elements um we have next one stickers so stickers send some favorite go so um say for example under elements typo stickers okay um click on nothing elements again type nothing stickers categories stickers their elements stickers emoji [Music] is so you name basic snapping so again um exploring and lastly uh that we will explore um is the text function okay left navigation panel in text okay let's choose text heading bar sub heading text and then you can customize you can change the fonts so next one will be videos so yes uh we have added some videos um that you can use okay so um currently for clarifying is not yet a video editing tool but what we have done is we've added videos and similar to uh photosnatin um you licensed nico have already been bought by [Music] now we have a library so similar to photos nothing similar to elements um or you can browse by category all right so um before i proceed no um i just i'm seeing some comments nah some of you are having poor internet connection um so again you can always go back to your webinar nato i'm accessible facebook page like youtube so if you follow canva um we are also hosting it um and you can review okay so one cool feature that i'll be talking next is collaborating with your class okay so first um you can share your designs with one person with an individual or with a group using the share menu it's a presentation so they can change your design they can update your design so foreign okay as a link to view um when they click this literally they can just view your design okay so magnum option and share a link to view kappa is to share a link as a template to edit or english am class okay okay so um you can also share direct list to google classroom okay so download um so from publish nasa publish this upper right okay um click on google classroom then you will be asked to log in okay so your design will be published as a template google classroom so unfortunately so um we want to make it as seamless as possible so currently on partnership direct is google classroom um um can they share it in another platform um for some big universities they have their own lms or learning management systems um download nothing yuma designs um so for example image ito okay so the download native small image okay so choosing download upload nothing instead okay now another um cool feature and i know yeah yani touched on this earlier um is adding comments okay so um your students when you give them assignments they can create for example you set an assignment um and the assignment is poster for the earth day so they can actually share um the design to you tapos [Music] um in our presentation try a different illustration style to match but it creates that part of conversation so it makes it more collaborative you might comments and even for for those of you now teachers and actually share designs with each other just remember it's another feature that's available just for canva for education um now students can turn in and submit um so imagine um review students can submit their work to you um using the review workflow um so seidna student student taco um one of the options that will be available to students will be sent to teacher okay now um student you will get an email asking you to review the work okay so uh once the the student submits are found here don't say home so you can put in your comments okay and provide feedback okay you want back and forth feedback i okay so a bit of time for those people that are still exploring all right so sabina uh we can publish as a template as part of collaboration by publishing your design as a template will allow your students to make a copy of your design okay so um again this is a this is the option to choose school magazine and then scroll down okay okay so um they can already access it okay so similar to kanina guinnetti folders you can also add folders um to share to save all your designs and to share it with other students um of the group or the entire class that you have um makes it easier for you now you folder in at all for hecase for the science classes okay right so um at this point um i'm gonna stop sharing and uh hello pat yeah and uh thank you very much hi so uh well we're gonna do yes so hopefully everyone can see my screen um i think i just want to remind everyone i don't know if uh if you joined in midway of the workshop so please join the different facebook groups we have for canva philippines so kinda philippines and canva for filipino teachers so we'll also be sharing some of the answers in uh for frequently asked questions during before filipino teachers facebook group we have questions here from league linda premium account okay um yeah um now we have uh answers for is that okay you you okay someone also asked an esl teacher by the public librarian mark sign up for candle for education yes teachers public school private schools librarians esl asl sped and also um education personnel so even if you need an actual teacher but you're working in a school or you're working in depth ed and you find yourself creating my educational materials by the game like sign up all right wow and it's a good uh exciting end another question earlier um homeschooling parents to sign up for canberra for education thank you jay um for now as of today i'm homeschooling parents to get the account um but in the future we're working on making that available for all of you but in the meantime school first time at home school please join our facebook um community filipino tea canva for filipino teachers facebook group because don't make aha on how to create learning content even without the account yes uh number one okay great thanks annie um another one here um gen and i think just to repeat this question no i already signed up there i do have an edu email how do i know if not approved automatically on that i'm well um it should go automatically and be upgraded automatically again thank you for asking before asking your questions um our canva education team is also responding uh to some of your questions at least in respect of time we can move i bear my next question we also have a question there and from sir edward mitra um student spoken um [Music] we are trying to work on as a feature um that's why it's it's uh feedback such as those that we can if we can improve the product and it's currently in the works all right thank you you can use the ideas because the teachers are working on their own self-paced modules for our learners so i think um copyright issues photos or images no good question thank you paul janine um so i guess to simplify everything your license ship number is taken care of by canvas so as long as you can see it in the mark as long as you can see it there you can use it for free without worrying about copyright issues images outside canvas correct i'd say ganbare do you allow the use of canva for education to be a subject for research study or a tool used in a study yes we're happy to collaborate and partner um not just for research or for a study but if you also want us to run a similar workshop for your school specifically or a certain group open pamijan just put your request down to facebook group down kind before filipino features well that's a good one exciting let's have the workshop now so thank you thank you um for example you weren't able to follow your earlier sections you can always re-watch uh and review uh the session i think so that pages so yeah so for our last part in our workshop today is the actual workshop so uh in this part we'll get to introduce more hands-on activities uh to make your design in canva so i want to introduce again one of our design leads in canva lenato thank you jet um yes i'm so excited to actually uh teach how gamete young because i've been reading the comments on how um i'm i'm just gonna share my screen para we can start and then i'll just also start with a little bit of house rules until the workshop uh we're not really running on too much time anymore okay so share screen [Music] okay is my uh screen being shared um yeah okay so yeah um i'm just gonna introduce myself again ako nero donato um a template design leads if you see it it's a design in canva you can use it and edit it um for and for the house rules i'll tell everybody what uh my teachers used to tell me when i used to have my on lessons which is uh i know this is gonna be a lot of information that i will be sharing so uh best would be watch put munaio or even try it out the design and then don't worry about notes because we will also be able to share the presentation to you guys um after okay so without any more uh further ado we were we're gonna start with how we're gonna be using canva as a tool um so first i wanna show it which is when you're in your canva education and actually some of the people were asking panama personal this is gonna look a little bit different perro all the functions are the same uh there's gonna still be on search margin let's say very specific presentations like red and blue presentations just in general flyers or um for your designs uh for this i guess let's say okay so let's say you click apple presentations and then you go to a blank page i'm just going to show you so if you're familiar with my bank design tools and apps which is going to save your design just the same presentation templates is available over here presentation either as the cover page or but they couldn't click on apply all 31 pages um all right so next would be on photos uh photoshop food computers so let's say something like beach beach beach let's say yo uh individually then so um and also we will be sharing the presentation so elements illustrations especially if you're going to be announcing or versus students um what is going to go uh what's gonna happen uh that's that's one more thing you can use um i'll go through all the others later pero let's go back go now to text which is here so yeah or young copy you can click text uh and then the others padding you know explore by yourselves or around okay so the first thing that i want to show or teach a little bit of a figure of advanced technique is so and the way we do that is through text all right so again say something create a text box there are two ways but to do text here in canva the first one i'll teach is the easiest way which is left click text so if you click add a heading or anything here click all right so again just remember letter t or here in the editor the next one would be this one is a quote from the country manager who is yani donato who said every problem is a solution in disguise wow very wise words um but yes you can see now supposedly words is empowering and also very much my design which is again that's not um you can you won't be limited to that combinations and then young baby um so there's text that we work on now perishable hindi language text design minsan means white page text i will teach you how to do yuma shapes or young elements uh which pat also showed a while ago but there are two ways to do this just like just a textbook uh we go back to elements because the shapes are in elements and then you scroll down shapes basic shapes so circles square triangle um and so on so yeah we press the circle the lambos push us a design we press the square in square pop where then we stretch for the push on rectangle and triangle and all okay i try line how do we do lines how we search line all right utilized with the search bar which is so like anything that we need so any shape square triangle or line we can find it over here or okay again so because there are two ways to do this and the same as with text it's going to work than some pc and mac users or my laptops and personal computers um for for a line to instantly show the editor just press the letter l line so and then l starts with the letter a line starts with the letter l and so if you press that one line okay okay so it's a rectangle starts with the letter r so if i press r but didn't pull nothing up in detail all right so next would be our add fun elements okay as i said a while ago an element that's pertaining to illustrations cartoons photos anything else that will add pattern design or more of a visually interesting um thing in your design so for some of you have already seen how to add the elements very good and for the ones who have just joined don't don't worry this is going to have uh this is gonna be available so free or so first illustration of your favorite animal okay so how do we do this we can go to elements because again elements is an illustration we search osaka is fox let's search for fox okay but we'll pick this one okay so clinic belong editor uh what i can do now is resize and drag the animal or the illustration and um okay and so that's the fox uh you can search both for any elements or um let's say my favorite animal is the eagle or the elephant by the then um in your own time and then for a photo of your favorite place okay so naman we go back to photo and again um we've been in the house for very long um one that speaks to me probably is this one which is the sunset so i click the button and editor okay and resize all right um for photos then right and then upload your own photos so again a question is personal photos of course this is um up to you po for your teaching because the um champion deploying resources from other um other files and things like that so quite the mug upload now in your phone design and i'll just show you a quick way on how to do that um so we go here this is an object panel again and then um i picked this photo of mine just like any other app that you would use click your photo that you want and open at my load and just loading a little bit okay while waiting for the internet i own okay so i click same thing editor and but nothing is would be on stickers which is uh what pat said a while ago is his favorite um it's also my favorite uh but how you do that and why it's our favorite is because my animation pusha ibizabihen and actually from our research anything with a presentation with um animations and things like that are more engaging for the listeners so what we will do is go back to elements just like i said a while ago and you can scroll down to stickers but the puyan or paddy put image search now stickers lito okay so nothing stickers according to needed sticker of your favorite food so yeah add galangal stickers and then pizza and put ima options and i will pick the first one which is this one i had my animation akusha okay and resize and that is it for elements okay thank you very much so a next page po will be playing with callers okay so makita library for philippines filipino or filipino food anything like that but what i'm going to show you is young hollow and adding color so hindi pusha available elements illustrations pair of most of the illustrations for available um how will we know if it's available we have to click the element so let's say kerry lang click okay upper left if you change the color let's say this blue to a lighter blue on papaya uh if you click the yellow and then to a brighter yellow or cotton uh we'll just go here and see your brighter yellow and pop um which you can do for all the other illustrations and elements here um so that means the background is a dark color and the text is or the um the element is also a dark color um what should we do so a rule of thumb if you wanted to be seen go into nathan is let's say your background is dark element is a lighter color so i click it and go back to colors and i pick something like this so mus pastel mosquito anything like that and so now kitankita napoleon elements all right so now i'm going to move on to the next one okay so it'll is grouping and locking elements so every time bhutan when we talk about design pro we usually talk about polar and design presentations and worksheets among us students so we have two features here that i will show that will actually make it easier for you to organize your designs so the first one will be grouping so to show that um we have a quote here from our founder melanie perkins if you are determined and want it you can just go for it okay so so always unquote comes after i comes before next design but for now in the group so what will happen is if i move this so i'll press command z or undo detail and then i'm going to go back and click and drag okay um the code and the one that said the code so again we can group this by going up to the upper right of the uh the screen it is a group and then we click group if you want to ungroup nandita and group foreign my engagement um for now in the group so stars same as what i did a while ago so text i will just click and drag and then group and group all right okay and then the last one that i'm going to be teaching would be young lock feature okay so when is lock feature important so seguro unlock feature important when let's say it's a document about the school wherein you're gonna put the logo and you want to lock the logo in place or it's factual information students or other teachers now let's say it is scientific fact or based from um from credible resources so we don't want for other people to be able to edit that so let's click let's say this one grouping and locking elements and i think that's very important so i click it and then it does the upper right or actually so let's move on grids and frames okay so this one's very interesting um some grids and frames these are also going to be found elements so we go back to elements and then you can see detail grids frames and frames multiple photos and then just resize oops okay so resize okay great um we can go to photos uh let's say kiliana research about flowers so search photo element flowers and i'm going to pick a few random photos so it'll feeling good to zero or just clicking zero and yeah option so for now i'll just keep it at zero and that is what the grid is um last thing security for grade is photos how do we edit that so we double click that's my papa shop i did nothing okay so that's how grits work and now some frames oh what's the difference with frames if you can see here's a element back uh frames okay young frames let's say you want to have around just in real life around framing photo let's say a project on a website but they can frame monitor or laptop or mobile device or from my picture model uh for either id picture or even some presentation you can click a circle that's the frame resize and then you know like upload the hana image i can just go back to uploads uh and then drag my photo there okay so subreddit canvas a photo and i taught you also and i edit so that's double click and then just resize and now you have frames all right um again dominating frames that we can use you can just explore here same puang is available if you want inside in your syllabus or any of your lessons for now i'll just keep it at that that is grids and frames hope that is clear okay so canva apps all right you're a little bit more advanced subject which is young apps because you know canva is an app arrow we also have partners at different apps um what you can see the screen now is going to be on emoji and young gifs um very very nice to have this because again we want to be able to connect with our students who are very familiar with emoji gifs at gifs and so how do you find these apps so and anything that you're looking for object panel emojis okay so we go to more click more and then you'll see here my apps available i'm not going to talk about most of them anymore because we don't have that much time but uh we go to emoji and then we also go to more and gify last thing i saw also in the comments mobile is now seguro um someone said how to use bitmoji it's here then apps just click that if you have a snapchat um account um access to bitmoji which will be covered in a different seguran talk but for now let's go to emojis this is very much familiar to anyone who texts now with the smartphone emojis are the same here let's say smiley face yeah clinical just like any other element and you can see recolorable so you can change the skin or the yellow part into let's say you're a blue or not nice blue so you're like a lighter pastel blue or anything like that but the point being and the next one is very exciting the man you click jiffy this is young website at jiffy you can search here's akanba and let's say um you want to have like an icebreaker so mr modern some presentation on my partner your student so you can search dance and then it's gonna be available you can click any of these which are available from gifi i'll click this one which is despicable me and then i'll just resize and again it's available on your presentation again this will be shown presentation mode or um actually a presentation mode uh champion just to clarify nah no gifs are available here okay so now um i'll just spend a little time on this case again um there's a lot more features to talk about but video and music is available in canva and the great thing is as i said about all the other elements and other assets free pusha for canva for education um so what i did was i went back here click videos and then subreddit videos i'm already curated for you um so let's say business i want to do some or so just in theme beach let's just click beach and the video will show up okay showed up in the wrong slide okay available as a presentation you and again in terms of editing we can't do editing for videos unless you already have a video you want to upload to canva that's already edited that's great but it's just going to add some presentation value so that's video and then some music button here same thing if you click that any of those or drag it into the presentation presentation this will be heard by anyone when you play the presentation um so it's really amazing uh but again i will not go too much into this because we have so much more to go through but i just wanted to say it's available all right actually okay so um for chapter one of our project or um our worksheet i'm actually done for just go straight to the um sorry uh to the principles uh workshop principles of design so again i'll try to do a crash course you can't learn design in a day but that's what canva is for to empower you to design very good designs um but again there's gonna be guidance from me before anything i just wanna plug again canva for filipino teachers on facebook if you have any questions if i spoke too quick uh you can you can always just watch the video again and also if you have any questions you have fellow teachers and also canva members to be answering your questions all right so let's move on to design crash course okay so it's a design crash course um forgive me if i'm going to speak a little bit faster but this is um i think this workshop naman was important and design crash course is just so marin and a language not gonna go happen i gets nothing but yeah i'll move on forward to okay so what is graphic design for education um it could be a motivational um tool it could be educational it could be behavioral so you can see posters here are motivational posters um activity sheets and also classroom rules there's always supposed to be meetings there should be rules and that's a good way to show your students now to follow them all right um for design i'll just talk about the four components that we talk about when we're designing a template or designing anything and that's color text imagery and layout i won't go too deep on them but we're going to discuss them all individually first using colors okay so why is colors important um there's an activity here that i want to show now it is i didn't write the name but if you know what it is right in the comments i'll give you one second to guess okay i'm assuming that some of you have guessed that this is instagram uh which is very good because that means instagram alumna this gradient is that brand uh it's the same for if you see blue and white you'll see sm um and uh for canva that teal or that uh the canva field that we use um so yeah okay let's go on so color um why did we get uh that that was instagram because caller has meaning um this one is just a really quick chart that i'll actually allow people to screenshot if they want but again nandito dinion's a presentation but this is what callers mean in general i'm not saying that it's always gonna mean the same way for the same people arrow in general if you see red that means power energy love passion energy and balance for green i for orange and warmth optimism hope cheerfulness for yellow and so on and so forth uh it could also mean your alma mater it can also mean very important to you but the main thing is that color means something and so indeed for no reason um so yeah next contrast uh okay nothing contrast just means so for here um contrast of the white text of the word contrast is very far from the color of the background purple and so you can read the contrast or the word contrast an example of bad contrast would be this design over here you can that just means that it's both very bright um and so it's very hard to see especially for people who you know um either are too far from the screen or message so this is what a bad contrast what would good contrast look like okay good contrast is this okay so this is both blue actually on background this outer blue and your front is navy blue but even if they're both blue one is darker and one is lighter and so you can see now healthcare 101 and also heart palaion all right cool all right so moving on to the next one and i'm guessing some damage theory about colors of brandon ways to know what your favorite color eye colors are and so that's going to be hard for you to learn in one day so what canva did was they made a free website called callers which i'll go really quick to um okay here you go if you'll go to you'll see this website which will actually show you either color palette generator color palette ideas color wheel which most of us are familiar with and color meaning so i me i'll just go on one which is color palette generator um so let's say my photos either in your computer or mandani doesn't try the demo so i click try the demo and usually photos that are really nice have really good color combinations as well what canvas website does is that it will take out the colors and make you your own color palette wow that's so so useful and again upload another image just upload an image and it will get you more colors but how do we transfer this colors to canva if you can see if you click copy and the hex code is the name of the color understood by canva so i go back to canva i click the background and change the color database a new colors if you click and command v or paste okay so again i'll just allow you to explore on your own time detail but it's very very much a really fun and robust resource for you if you need it uh so just go back to my presentation um and okay so now this one is going to be one of the trickier ones which is uh usually what is what font goes with what but don't you worry because canva is here for you i will give you some of the basics of fonts or cigorama general rule of and then we're going to try to do a little bit of more advanced stuff in a while okay so finding your type so for some of you you might know what serif and sans serif is for fonts but just to make it easier for everyone to understand serif and sanserif uh older times the text yeah you'll see that in magazines newspapers um and the reason for that is especially for newspapers defining characteristic of a serif is mensheim tales highlighted in red and again they're perfect for print um but there's also the sans serif so if anyone knows what sans means sense means none so no serif or sans-serif which is also clean and modern when you see it say again it's better for masculines if you can notice and that's because it's easier to see it's a screen all right but i'm not going to stop you from using your sensor sensor if uh serif for sans serif so design it depends always on what you're trying to go for okay um so one rule of thumb i will say is stick with one main family or one family um and you would ask what is a fun family okay so if you know young area young times new roman those are the fonts or let's say open sans actually it's a cheat sheet that i'll also recommend screenshot this if you want right now or wait for the presentation but these are really good sans serif that you can use to make your presentations very modern all right so it on font and this is the font family which is um that there are options in canva and again all of these fonts are free especially if you're in education all right um next would be pairing so i did say stick with one font family but that's for young general text sometimes you want to have your header namaste special exciting and so how do you pair fonts so again screenshot if you want um these are just some fonts that actually go well together is very very big so meredith introverted extroverted union parents feeling context um which is clear sans and uh abril fat face there's neutral and personality there's short and tall so all right um and we want to see those in action how does that work okay so next slide this is just an example of a around let's say uh an ad for a grocery so fresh market you can see that the word fresh is actually more playful and also uh shows parang fresh and then yes it works out like that next would be strong coffee sometimes you wanna show that the coffee is really strong so you make the word strong thick and then the coffee swab so sometimes what we want is suave coffee in the morning and so that's what happens a strong and coffee which is hibo and noto all right next very important rule in design or even in presenting it's show don't tell ibiza for people who are experienced in presenting you don't uh people would always tell you what's the best way to present don't read your pages and also show more illustrations or images than words so how do we do that example i want to present about the health benefits of watermelon this is already okay because again we talked about contrast right and contrast wise the text and the background are very much uh apart so we can read it but champa that we want to actually visualize now these are watermelons we're talking about so yeah text and also elements of watermelon which actually complement in the background um color um so yeah these are searchable elements again in canva you can just search watermelon or whatever your presentation may be it could be apples oranges or whatever you can change the color if you want but that's what i did okay and then okay sometimes hindi man illustration means that we want to also make it more stats or numbers based and so i have one here which is health benefits of watermelon um 92 percent of watermelon is water and that's why it's called watermelon i'm guessing um but yeah so yeah meantime try it switch pat already showed a while ago and i'll just remind everyone that it's an element all right elements and then you go back down to charts and then you can just pick those charts and they're editable so for the monthly changing ratio um watermelon and from water my research now okay watermelons are 100 percent water nothing yet all right and the next one is okay so again vishwell but nothing go in a low calorie and helps you hydrate genya and pero what we did is an extra extra step which is illustrations that will show or visually represent what we mean about although the data we've done so yeah but again i'll do one step further along just so that everyone can see now you can also just skip the health benefits of watermelon part and just show it in a slide that looks like this much more engaging much more um easier for people to understand health benefits now watermelon okay so just again an extra tip for you contrast for text means millions of free photos in canva but sometimes the photos that you choose might have too much going on these are just some things that you can do you can either actually i'll sample this real quick all right here so what did we do here here we go delete that all right sorry so yeah so let's say i think background and then i typed text now uh give contract contrast to your text attention what do we do we can either click the photo because in background is a dark uh background and then because upper right we can click transparency and then change it to darker so yeah young words or we can go back and then make a shape this one's a shape actually that's that's a shape now if you click rectangle will show up as well and then just resize it um and then i like the color blue i'll pick color blue and then do the same thing i did with the photo which is click transparency going nothing either drag to 60 or type 60 and so on design that's what we did up here um there's other ways you can either make your enough blue squares for the text or even just a lot of space for the design for the text or even use your own frames all right so that's just a tip for you and lastly would be hierarchy what is hierarchy so for this slide what's the hierarchy the top hierarchy would be the word hierarchy and then after is the smaller text which is leads the eye and creates focus so why do we want to do this sometimes we'll see a design that doesn't have hierarchy so indeed again we could either be in a commute or doing something real quick so we need to get the fastest information possible um so hierarchy will help with that and how do we do it here this is a template that we made that will show what hierarchy means screenshot again if you want um but also is in the presentation um when you look at the design like this it will be you will read this first because it's in very bold letters and also my contrast you will read this first because that's always where people look and be entitled and then what's next is the next biggest thing which is and then you will read this because that's where usually the details are or additional information and then the next would be yeah it could either be what's the location what's the time um or what's what else is going on and then either to set it up or something the importance is most important going down until it all i say all right how do we play with hierarchy okay here so there are four ways to do hierarchy either okay so the young phrase not that or young words and which is when everything stands out nothing stands out ibiza being our very you know actually um it's very up to the what we're trying to do now okay we want the word stand out to stand out and so what do we do young waits at the end it's the same font family pero if you can see here open sans extra bold so open sense extra bold so the other two are open sounds so that's weight or no text and then the next one would be color so if you don't want to change the weight they want to be all open sans you can make stands out a different color which i thought you already a while ago just change the color all right and so it will show nash stands out um and then size you can just make it bigger and if you do all three that's size weight color and you know that stand out so it's a motivational poster the keywords are the ones that we want to um show uh but yeah that's it next would be all right so it's an example of a worksheet um or like segura like a question like a like a puzzle wherein so largest would be the heading subheading and one just like what i showed you a while ago i remember that in the biggest the smallest all right so that will end my uh crash course and then we will have a few more minutes for the actual workshop workshop okay so we'll go back i will go into the workshop um i'm sorry we don't have that much time for the workshop so i'll just go straight for it um that we actually joined this webinar um so skip to that what are we going to be working on which is worksheets so we've read your comments and we've read your are the worksheets aka test paper hands uh hand out an activity um why because we already have templates in canva okay so we can do this um as uh as well and as clear as possible for everyone who has actually no i think you can just jump into canvas education right yani yeah okay so if you're in canvas slash education website at the top is canvas covid19 click here for resources so i will click here and then i'll see okay so then is our website what do we see underneath so many worksheets that are available for teachers and anyone who actually needs it from uh fact sheets until k to six and seven to twelve presentations but this isn't all of it okay um if you click it it'll go to canva and then you'll see everything that's available for now it's just empowering teaser trailer so let's do okay i have prepared something like i say again we want in the interest of time um i'll go to facts fact sheets and then i'm going to click something like it this comes out at the start of the um the website which is around how to parang how to stop the spread of corona virus like if you are on this website you can click it if you want to work on a different worksheet go ahead you can do that too but i will click on that so let's say i clicked on that um i've prepared it over here already and this is going to be a live demo um so okay so this is actually a very nice template already um if i were let's say happiness um some people might wanna know where's the end point or parang okay so this is a poster um i can go here this is our top print poster and i can go to downloads and then i would recommend that you p you printed as pdf arrow if you click here you can also print it as jpeg or any other uh what you call this endpoint that you want and when you click download it will just download to your computer or to your mobile device all right so this is the design and let's say i i just want to implement the so that i we learned color text imagery and layout the data and we want to do that for this template so what will we do probably what i'll do first is because there's four i'll do it one by one and i'll do polar first um so the color here is actually very nice it already contrasts with each other but i feel like let's say especially um for my students or for my school or for my classroom blue is our main color so i guess i will just try to change the colors to blue but make sure that the contrast is still there so this is just my no designer opinion you can change it uh change to what you feel you want and i'll just change this color to a blue that i like which is either here or yeah this is a nice blue cigar i'll just edit it over here's a color and then yeah okay so that's a nice blue um these squares can just be a bit more uniform so this one will be a lighter blue which i can take over here or even edit and that's the blue eyelet oh actually maybe we'll just change it to yeah okay so that's the blue that i want for this which is already saved i'll just click this and then same blue uh and then it's on them and then just change that to lighter blue even lighter blue yeah okay and again it's already here okay so colors are good uh text i'm happy with that um so that's uh that's our caller uh next would be young text so you can see here um and remember this is a um poster so i'll just change the text um here from uh from the font family i choose uh or i showed a while ago i'll do poppins and uh poppins bold and poppins like i say union para font family so i'll go to fonts search poppins bowl yeah okay so poppin's bold i'll probably um zoom in paste style what does that mean i don't copy paste my style if you click this one which is also a header but it's asap regular what do we want to do we want to click this um if you go upper right data paint roller just remember your paint roller these are upper right click that so that's copied that's copy style and then you click this it which is the other header you want to apply to and then you oh it's sorry again so click this copy paste style and then subscribe click again same thing which is copy style paste to that style do the same here and okay so now it is all the same pop-ins bowl next would be yum body text which is now is up regular or as of regular we want to do options like as i said a while ago so i click pop and slide uh probably 32 megy million so maybe let's do 30. on and then just adjust again what's our main um main objectives our graphic design is that it's readable uh actually maybe i'll even get bigger okay readable so always readable um like i said a while ago you can just do copy paste style copy paste style click again copy paste style and click again copy paste style i'm sorry all right no uniform all right so that's the text actually um ah okay uh five minutes long okay so um suggestions you you know elements by the game elements if you want to indicate a happy detail you can search um wash hands and you can see more more of the same thing you can just replace that if you want pedro for me i'll just keep it and then um you did color text imagery in your imagery and lay out a nice connecting layout which is masada um yeah okay so yeah so that's what i did for this design um it's been edited already if you want to know what the original one looks like it used to be yeah but now it is different if you want um but that's something that you can do for editing but i want to show just a few more things in my last few minutes now putting um my tips and tricks so this is let's say a worksheet that you have for um for science and then you can see marijuana space for text pair along lines how do we make it on my lines for it for writing let's say to print button so we can either delete this delete that and then what did i say line was called uh letter l and my line to this size and then all right so for now best way to make lines is just click on it either copy paste or for pc users it's up for mac users it's option hold option and then drag you on now the low on the shot and then again highlight both option or up drag and yawn okay all right so yeah and then the next one so this is what it will look like uh next one would be uh young caller um let's say young callers and so what can we do we can change the colors um for other people they think that black is the safest color what you'd want to do is make it a little bit dark gray that's like a insider tip from a designer so what i'll do is i'll just make this dark gray my colors um it's a magic top so let's say i click i click this one an illustration i click the color i don't want and then let's say dark gray i click dark grey my option change all if i click what will happen if i click that it will change all the other colors no no dark side it's a bit too dark maybe we'll just change that to this one okay and again so on and so forth darker color and yeah black and white yes and then last one would be okay cigarette italian time for this peril i was going to do the same as what i did as a design which is just edited last thing i want to share seguro before i end this is i kept saying presentation and some of you um well on internet or parang you are you're still using powerpoint we saw in your survey in a powerpoint uh very much still what you are using and wouldn't it be nice yes there is a way actually click this button here download and then clicks a show more oh what is this it's a button that will actually export this presentation to powerpoint click that i won't click it now as a matagal mac load i mean much to save on the page i already um i already saved it i'll stop sharing and then i'll share my screen actually just so we can see share screen uh just trust that if you do download powerpoint oops sorry stop sharing screen if you do download it as a powerpoint you can open it in powerpoint and it can be edited young text but yeah uh sure okay um yep and thank you thank you nero um just a reminder for all our teachers your output for today would be any learning content that you designed on canva whether that's a poster infographic of offline versions said you can download your design as a powerpoint pdf and images so all those internet another thing so uh sorry we'll just type it in and share you'll call online video tutorials that you can follow by the nipple dynamics and learn slash education which has thousands of articles about how to create designs for the classroom so all of those are free um we hope you enjoyed today um thank you and then just one reminder for someone who asked a new output is our three personal worksheets for our subject so it doesn't any any uh any worksheet um anyway but yeah that's it thank you very much i hope that you learned from me and if you have any more questions than facebook and facebook group you'll find out more tips and tricks so thank you yeah okay thank you very much sir niro mamiani sir patrick and sergey for a very fruitful day in our ganva but before we leave let me call in our head of the edtech unit sir mark hello hi hello sir good morning good afternoon hi miss janie hello to our canvas philippines partners sessions in behalf of the office of the under secretary for administration i really thank panda philippines for providing us this kind of webinar to empower teachers especially in digital design with the powerpoint material we could download that one even we are offline yeah so participants just a reminder please post your output any output in facebook page or doom uh deputy ttu page okay beginning time frame however attendance i'm adding attendance for the day i hang on one p.m because we need to have the actual live webinar participants okay so i know i'm adding another two-handed with canva philippines we have discovered that there is always an alternative means on how we are going to design our materials some platforms and we are going to give them t-shirts long for this me t-shirt again we are going to choose five best works from our participants so i think um fb page make sure it is your own output and use the hashtags that we have indicated earlier so with that maraming in behalf of the oua office of the under secretary for administration icts and edu against thank you very much and thank you very much satin canva philippines partners thank you for thank you training so hope to see you again soon thank you thank you thank you so much bye-bye sir mark thank you very much how to stock images and illustrations among social media graphics like fonts they have um they shared 700 fonts impediment detail drag and drop editor custom templates and more customizable branding photo editing attention yes it could be blended out together okay there is really an exciting uh motive nothing assassin teachers okay tomorrow we will be having the microsoft office 365 we will be focusing on two things only two tools that is the use of onenote and flipgrid office 365 but we are going to focus with the first two tools again that's onenote and flipgrid i [Laughter] all they need to do is to post it or share it in our debit ethic unit my area and do not forget to use our hashtags the hashtag digitalriceph hashtag we are one dep ed hashtag hashtag attendance go to it's until 1pm only no extension over time yeah thank you thank you very much sister jp and mom chris thank you for watching and all the sdos sds asds i think secretary bryone sang under secretaries happy night
Channel: Educational Technology Unit
Views: 96,373
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Id: lKkkD-gvjag
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Length: 183min 24sec (11004 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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