Windows 11: Debloat and Optimize for Ultimate Performance

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picture this you've unwrapped your brand spiking new computer if you're ready to take it for a spin but what's this it feels like a brand new car is pulling out trailer full of unnecessary apps and features I'm going to introduce you to an amazing tool called bluety noisy let's see how we can turbocharged your windows 11 experience but before we dive head first into bloody noisy and all the amazing tools it offers let's give a quick history lesson on why blueware is kind of bad look where our not so lovely Fran has lurked in the shadows of various different Windows versions it likes to steal your resources it opens up security the pools and it likes to snip around your privacy so the install Bluetooth noisy all you have to do is go to the GitHub repository and click on the latest release within the releases section and uh yeah you can download the MSI and take it for a spin upon launching bloody noisy you will get a let's customize your experience screen it will identify your windows 11 build number and it will break down every section that it looks to touch in order to optimize your windows 11 experience so you'll see here there's a browser section Explorer desktop everything and then within those menus there are some menus so there's some items that you can then click on and View and yeah it still comes down to personal preference it does do a good job at explaining which item does what so for example you can hover over any item and it'll give you a little bit more details on what it's actually talking about so yes up install the widgets feature this widget app runs in the background even if the option is turned off this will uninstall the widgets app package you may notice in Windows 11 installs there's a lot of noise in the taskbar noise so there's news there's weather widgets so yes there's a lot of unnecessary bloat in Windows 11 installs but there's a lot of stuff here I would recommend going through it all and just looking at what each option is talking about so just hover over have a read at the description to decide for yourself so after that I'm going to click analyze it will give me a breakdown of how many features it's checked so it's checked 30 39 features on my windows 11 install it says they like either of them so that's pretty good so no action is required and then it recommends that we disable 31 of these features to align with the options we selected previously so after that we just click fix play fixes and then click yes and it has done a lot of our fixes alternatively we can go to the bloody noisy submenu and then click on Blue pilot you can see here there's 46 apps installed that I can remove so that's let's get to it so you'll see here there's a lot of apps and some of them don't have a really descriptive names so it may be worth a Google or two uh but yeah so you see here like Zoom videos zoom music we can get rid of damn there's your phone nope I'm okay quick assist yeah maybe I'm gonna get rid of it and then we can just click on empty bin and remove apps so we click yes and this does all of those applications that could be running in the background just bloating our Windows install so if you're feeling adventurous the wind motor app within Bluetooth he lets you play with code Snippets that are from the community and uh built with Powershell if you click on winmotter and then if you click on explore mods you will have to install a mod signature file to use these mods but after that you can see here there's a lot of stuff that was built by the community so over third-party scripts that you can run on your machine so it's a bit dodgy I know but these scripts are well vetted within the community do it at your own risk but I do recommend checking these out even in a VM to begin with if you don't feel like running it on your own personal machine first I want to verify that these scripts work the one that I really like is Chris Titus text Windows utility and again it has more deep looting properties that we can use to further deploot our Windows 11 install we can also see here that there's actually presets that we can also install for bloody noisy so after we've installed those presets and relaunched the Bloody noisy app we can actually see here now if we go to the top right corner the sort of Ellipsis icon and then go to select profile we have presets that we can click so if you want to click on just the bloat and then click on Loop profile it will then loot that profile and select through settings first you don't feel like doing your own research and you just want to sort of slap something together really quickly and deploy your windows 11 and so I'd highly recommend using this preset download it from the mod section first and go at it but there's a lot of cool stuff here so there's the remove Telemetry uh mod I would highly recommend getting that as well so let's download and install it so if we go back to the win model screen and then click on one of these so let's start with the disabled services mod so that known as disable Telemetry let's click apply the mod has been successfully applied and there we go so it has disabled essentially unnecessary Windows 11 services and and then if we go to the Chris Titus win util and then we click apply yes so we can see here this is Chris Titus text utility and there's a lot of stuff here we can do as well so if we go Middle East and tweaks we select desktop there you go there's a preset so there's a lot of effort trying to configure all this ourselves and so we can just run the tweaks so that'll do its thing and it will run those tweaks for us it's it's great it's there's a lot of time and effort and it just helps us deep loot our Windows 11 install even further because these are running third-party scripts may have to actually set the execution policy within partial to be remote signed or unrestricted yes these carry security risks so please do it at your own risk and maybe revert it back to the original settings after you're done running these scripts another pretty neat feature that Bloody noisy has is the insta package uh feature essentially it allows you to install a lot of the Mover common applications on a Windows install so you're no longer having to launch Edge just to install Chrome you can just launch this and install Chrome install Discord uh win SCP GitHub CLI GitHub desktop a whole lot of apps that you may find yourself constantly having to install manually uh you can use the three blue you know you see yeah so guy guys thanks for watching Remember use these tools at your own risk create a restore points and all before you even touch these tools because they can have a detrimental effect on your machine if you use them incorrectly um and it can be a very big pain trying to revert all those settings but there is a few things simply noisy allows you to easily refer those settings as you saw at the beginning and yeah yeah just again thank you so much for watching I'll see you in
Channel: TechSocket
Views: 23,783
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Id: hdrsHMko17k
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Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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