Windows Privacy Setup

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so have you had enough of microsoft spying on you well today we're going to put an end to it stay tuned what i'm doing on my computer is none of your business so i interrupt this video to bring you our sponsor which is me if you guys like this channel then please help support this channel by picking up some t-shirts like this one here tech support i'm in it for the cash hey don't forget mine make freedom cool again come on this has got to be the coolest one we got well wait a second this is a tech channel you can't do a t-shirt commercial with have you tried turning it on or off again come on am i right why you all keep leaving leroy out of these things i like to show off my shirt too but you don't even have a t-shirt on i sure do i'm in a complicated relationship with facebook's community standards yeah that's true you definitely do go to blows with facebook's community standards he's not lying with that being said definitely go to my youtube page click on the store tab and check out which t-shirts i have available if there's something you like then go ahead and pick it up because it helps me out a lot now back to the video so i want to get this out of the way right out of the gate but if i sound a little congested today that's because i am i just got over a cold recently and i'm still massively congested i feel great but unfortunately i still can't breathe but you know it is what it is i still wanted to get the video out today so i figured it's good enough so anyway today i'm going to show you how to disable microsoft's telemetry now microsoft has been spying on us since windows 8 and 10 and unfortunately it still happens in windows 11 and it's pretty much the same thing however it's been really popular in the past to be able to use programs and stuff like that to disable telemetry as well as you know de-bloat windows now we're not going to go much into deep loading today we're going to do that in a future video today we're just going to concentrate on the telemetry itself we're going to stop microsoft from spying on our computers but we're going to do it manually and the reason why i want to do it manually today is because i want to show you how to actually disable this stuff individually so that way you know exactly what's happening because typically what'll happen is when you use these scripts or programs to disable this stuff a lot of times you don't understand exactly what's going on when you're disabling this stuff so what could happen is it could break something that you might need and you don't know how to fix it however if you do it manually you'll know each step that you took and if it breaks something you can always go back and change one of the settings that you made in order to get to the point where you were and i'll explain all the different settings that we're changing as we're doing it now one thing i wanted to point out here is that you don't have to follow every single one of the tips that i'm going to give you today i'm just going to show you how to completely lock down your privacy in a windows 11 system and most of these tips will work in windows 10 as well but might be a little bit different in how you get to some of these settings but if there's certain programs or settings that you specifically use you don't have to necessarily follow every single thing i'm doing i'm just going to show you the best way to completely lock down your privacy on your system now i have a fresh copy of windows 11 installed on the system right now and the reason why i did it that way is because i wanted a universal way to be able to explain to you guys how to do this now if you've had windows 11 installed for a while you should be able to follow these same tips and have the same results so now without further ado let's get on to the system and i'll show you how to do it okay so the first and most important setting that you need to change for windows 11 privacy and this goes for windows 10 as well is don't use a microsoft account and the way you check this is click on start the start button click on settings and then go into accounts right here and right here you can see that i'm using a local account so if you're using a microsoft account the first thing i would do before you follow any more of this video is change your account to a local account by changing it to a local account you actually stop microsoft from being able to tie whatever data they collect to a specific individual so that's one of the best things you can do for your privacy is don't use a microsoft account so let's get back to it okay so the next thing that we're going to do here is we're actually going to go ahead and remove a couple programs here so the first one that i want to remove is onedrive so you go ahead and click on the start button and type in control panel and then go ahead and open it up click on uninstall a program and then select one drive from the list and just push uninstall now you're going to get a little pop-up that's going to come up here and then once you get that go ahead and hit yes one drive is now gone however it's probably going to reinstall itself next time you run windows update so keep an eye on it you may have to come back and uninstall it again the next program we're going to uninstall you have to uninstall it a different way so let me show you click on the start button go into all apps and then scroll down until you find microsoft teams and once you find microsoft teams go ahead and right click on it and hit uninstall and push the uninstall button and then that should get rid of microsoft teams okay so now let's get into settings and start changing some privacy settings here so the first thing that we're going to do is i'm going to go into notifications right here and i'm going to go ahead and turn notifications off right here and you know to be honest with you this has nothing to do with privacy it's just the fact that notifications in windows are extremely annoying so that's how you get rid of them and it'll get rid of most of them it might not get rid of all of them but it will get rid of most of them you can also come down here and you can uncheck offer suggestions and get tips when you use windows you can uncheck both these and that'll get rid of most of the notifications that you receive so then the next thing we're going to go back into system here and we're going to change some of the advertising settings on here so to do that we go down into privacy and security and then from privacy and security we want to go ahead and click on general and then in the general tab we want to uncheck all four of these right here and that's it and now the next thing we want to do we want to go back up into privacy and security again and then we're gonna go into speech recognition now on some systems like mine right here speech recognition might already be turned off by default and if it is then great you can just move on to the next step but if it isn't go ahead and switch it off and then we can move on okay so the next thing we're going to do we're going to go back into privacy and security again we're going to stay in this section for most of this video right here and then we're going to come down to inking and typing personalization and from there we can go ahead and flip that one off too okay so the next setting we're going to change we're going to jump back into privacy and security again and then we're going to go down to location so we're going to scroll down to location right here now with location services there's a couple of different ways we can do this we can actually completely turn off location services or we can turn them off for an app by app basis now by disabling their location services some apps may not work like for instance your weather app isn't going to be able to detect where you are so you'll have to enter it in manually if you'd like to get the local weather with your weather app but by turning location services off this will stop apps from being able to determine the location of your system and it's probably a good service to shut off in my opinion but let's get back to it okay so like i said you can actually go through and you can choose to turn off location services on an app by app basis you can turn it on or off based on your preference or you can just turn it off completely and if you turn it off completely then no apps or programs are going to be able to use location services okay so now the next one we're going to go into we're going to go back again to privacy and security and this time we're going to go into diagnostics and feedback now this is an important section right here because this is the majority where microsoft's telemetry is at and the first thing that we're going to do in here is we're going to go ahead and the send optional diagnostic data we're going to shut that off and then we're going to come down to tailored experiences go ahead and open that and we're going to shut that off as well and then we're going to scroll down some more and right here where you see feedback frequency we're going to change this one to never so this means it'll never send feedback to microsoft and then we're going to go ahead and delete diagnostic data right here and then when you push the delete button it'll go ahead and delete it and it will tell you the last time it was deleted now when you turn off the optional diagnostic data you may notice that it's still sending the required diagnostic data to microsoft and you know we don't want to send that either so stay tuned and i'm going to show you how to disable that because there isn't an obvious way to disable it from the gui but there is a way to turn it off and i'll show you how to do it okay so the next thing we're going to go into is we're going to scroll down to windows update from this point and then from windows update we want to go into advanced options and then we want to go down to delivery optimization so the way delivery optimization works is it gives you a couple of different options it will allow you to download updates from other computers that have already downloaded those updates now you can set this a couple of different ways you can turn it off completely which means that every time you download an update it has to come directly from microsoft or you can have it only download from computers on your local network at least that way you know that you're going to be getting these updates from other systems on your network you can also set it to get it from any computer so you could literally be downloading updates from my computer and that i think is a little creepy and i don't know if i would trust that setting now by default it's only set to download them from your local network so you can choose to leave it that way i think it's pretty safe or you can shut it off completely all right so for this example i'm going to go ahead and turn it off completely but just for clarity i typically leave this on for devices on my local network just because it makes my life a lot easier when i'm doing updates because i do have several systems so but anyway i'm going to shut this off just for the example right here okay so now the next thing we're going to do we're going to go ahead and close settings now and the next thing is we're going to actually open up our windows security now if you're using another antivirus instead of windows defender then you can pretty much disregard this next section because your privacy settings are going to be completely different based on whatever antivirus you happen to be using however i recommend using windows security because it works pretty good and it's free so why not but there is ways to make it more private so to speak so let me show you how to do it okay so what you're going to want to do is you want to click on virus and threat protection here and you want to go down to virus and threat protection settings and go ahead and click on the manage settings link here and then from here you definitely want to leave real-time protection on however you can flip off the cloud delivered protection then go ahead and hit yes and you can also where it says automatic sample submission you can turn this off as well now you're going to notice these little exclamation marks right here and if you go over to your side right here you'll see that it's actually giving you a warning right there and if you don't want that warning to be there just go ahead and click the dismiss sign right here and it'll go ahead and get rid of those warnings and then your icon will look like normal and the warnings shouldn't come back at least i don't think they will okay for so from this point we're going to go ahead and close windows security and the next section we're going to go into is we're going to go into services themselves so we're going to go ahead and click the start button type in services and go ahead and click and the services snap in here and then from here what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to scroll down until you see connected user experience and telemetry so we're going to scroll down here connected user experience telemetry right here and then you want to go ahead and double click that one set it from automatic to disabled push the stop button and then push ok and then that should disable the telemetry service itself now from here we're going to go ahead and close services and we're going to open up our scheduled tasks so from there click the start button and just type in scheduled tasks and you're going to get your task scheduler right here and then once that opens up i typically like to make this a little bit bigger so it's a little easier to use but you can do it any way you want we're going to open up the task schedule library we're going to go into microsoft then we're going to go into windows and then from here we want to look for application experience and then from here you're going to have four different scheduled tasks and you can actually go through and disable all of these right here and then the next section we want to go into is customer experience so if we scroll down here you'll see right here customer experience improvement program and you're going to have two services in here or two scheduled tasks in here that you want to disable so go ahead and disable both of those now in a previous video i recommended just to delete those tasks completely however i found out that if you delete the tasks then next time you run windows update it may actually re-add those tasks in and turn them back on so i think the odds of those tasks not being turned on again is better if you just disable them instead of deleting them but deleting them works too so you can do whatever you want okay so now the next section we're going to go into now we're going to dig into the registry and this is going to go back to what we talked about before so i'm going to go ahead and click the start button open settings again real quick so we can go back to privacy and back to diagnostic feedback so from here you can see it is still sending required data that's what we're gonna turn off now so what i want you to do is go ahead and click on the start button type in regedit and go ahead and open your registry editor and it's going to ask you here so you're going to want to hit yes and then your registry editor will open and then from here what we want to do is we want to go into local machine software then we want to go into policy right here then we want to go into microsoft and then scroll down we want to go into windows if you need to you can actually stretch this out a little bit it makes a little bit easier to see where you're at and then from there we want to scroll down until we see data collection now as you can see data collection is completely empty there's nothing in there that's because we need to actually make a value first so what we're going to do is we're going to right click you're going to go to new and you're going to hit dword 32-bit value and then from there we want to name this allow telemetry then go ahead and hit enter and we want to go ahead and leave this at zero if you already have allow telemetry in your registry which you probably shouldn't have it but if you do you want to make sure to change this if you set it to one it's actually going to give you the it's actually going to enable the telemetry that we want disabled so we want to go ahead and set this to zero and hit ok and so that essentially means allow telemetry is zero meaning no don't allow telemetry and at this point in order for that to take effect you have to reboot the computer so i'm going to go ahead and reboot the computer now and i'll see you back in windows all right we're back in windows now and i'm going to show you what we did we're going to go ahead and click the start button click on settings we're going to go down to privacy and security and then we're going to select diagnostic and feedback and as you can see diagnostic data is completely turned off now and it essentially says some of these settings are managed by your organization so you actually can't change any of these settings at this point but that's okay because we know how to change it back if we ever get to that point so now that we've actually gone through and we've changed all these settings manually if we ever have any issues with anything that we did we know how to go back and actually change some of these settings back so if for any reason you need some of this stuff re-enabled it's really easy to re-enable all you have to do is do the reverse of what you did to disable it in the first place we didn't do anything that irreparably changes the way that the system functions we just turn things off and hopefully this should completely eliminate any kind of access to microsoft phoning home however there are other steps that you can take if you're a little bit more paranoid and you know i'm not even necessarily saying you shouldn't take these because some of them are actually pretty good steps but if you have followed a video that i did a while back setting up a pie hole on your network it's essentially a raspberry pi dns server that is used for ad blocking you can get custom lists that will block all of microsoft's telemetry servers and that's a really good way to block microsoft's telemetry because in those cases you don't have to change any settings it just blocks microsoft right at the source however those lists right there sometimes can be a little iffy and i have had instances where i've heard some people complaining that they will block windows update sometimes and that's definitely not something that you want to do so make sure you pick your lists very carefully if you decide to go that route but you can also disable a pi holes dns server for a temporary period of time if you need to run windows update you just got to make sure to stay on it but anyway if this was helpful to you then please like this video and don't forget to subscribe to this channel and hit that bell icon so you can be notified of future videos i do a new video every week in fact hopefully next week i won't be this congested but hey i'm not congested in these videos here so check them out have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 204,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11, win 11, tracking, spying, track, diagnostic data, data, tracker, spy, telemetry, viewer, optional, required, privacy, anti-beacon, confidential, microsoft, windows 10, win 10
Id: O1SfdjeWVSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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