CUCM Calling Search Spaces and Partitions: Explained with Star Wars

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hey what's going on guys welcome back to network chuck call me search faces partitions classes control what are these things in this video I want to give you guys a quick rundown of calling search spaces and partitions in Cisco call manager is a network engineer and as a voice engineer obviously you need to know the ins and outs of the dial plant you need to know exactly how everything flows how to restrict people from being able to dial internationally from dialing executives from dialing 911 on Cisco call manager I'm giving you a quick rundown of class of control calling search spaces and partitions and kind of how you would use them and you use some really awesome examples of how I've used them in my companies in my deployment now since this is a series you don't want to miss anything you don't want to miss my next video so please click subscribe alright guys so what we're talking about today is class of control what is that it's basically a way for you to determine who can call who its basic permissions for the telephony world in other terms if you don't want some callers to reach certain destinations you force choke them with the restrictive CSS within call manager class of control is implemented via partitions and calling search spaces first thing you got to know what the junk are partitions in calling search spaces we will start with partitions a partition is a container or grouping of diable destinations things such as directory numbers route patterns translation patterns voicemail ports etc you kind of got the picture all of these see UCM elements are grouped into these partitions these containers you assign these elements to partitions basically partitions ask who can call me where as calling search spaces say who can I call so those are partitions now here we are at calling search spaces what are those and the simplest terms calling search spaces are groups of partitions so while partitions group are contained directory numbers route patterns translation patterns calling search spaces contain part you assign partitions to calling search spaces so for example here in my little graphic I have the network chuck CSS and this is a long search space that contains all of these partitions this tells whatever device the CSS is assigned to the hey you can dial all these numbers and translation patterns and ports in these partitions basically a calling search space they're assigned to devices or anything within Cu cm that can dial other things alright so now let's dig deeper now first things first that null partition it's often called the null partition but really it it shows up in call manager is none the null partition and the null CSS it's what every phone and dial able element is placed in by default from the base UCM install or config as far as permissions go everyone can dial everyone everyone can dial everything zero permissions zero security you should zero do this don't do this you want to make sure everything is out of the non partition it's the Wild West no control so now the easiest way to explain anything is through Star Wars right so here we go so we have been contracted by the Galactic Empire to design a basic dial plan here is what we are working with we have the stormtroopers which are your basic users we have the captain this is a captain Tarkin you would have seen him from the original series and from the newest one and they'll be your your manager type bosses here and then we have our C suite the big bosses Darth Vader and the Emperor geographically speaking we've got the Death Star which is going to be where everyone here is we've got our lovely planet Tatooine which is going to be our our local Al bound dialing and then we have serpent doll this is a planet in the outer rim very far away very intergalactic this is going to represent our intergalactic dialing or international dialing so when you see the Death Star you think directory numbers internal dialing Tatooine is going to be outside of our system going to a gateway local outbound and then this is going to be international dialing serpent doll is in the outer rim of the galaxy far away now here's the specs of our little project here let's start with the stormtroopers we have been mandated to allow the stormtroopers to dial locally within the Death Star and dial managers and that's it we don't want them dialing local I bound to Tatooine there's no reason it's going to be reaching out to the planet unless they are either we definitely don't want them dialing serpent doll way too far away or way too expensive who knows what those little guys are doing we all know that some of these guys are just rebels in disguise and also the last thing about the stormtroopers we definitely do not want them dialing the Emperor and Darth Vader are c-suite or risk our planet being destroyed and now the captain our managers here our manager type they need to call everyone within the Death Star that's going to include our stormtroopers and our C suite here the emperor Darth Vader got to reach out and let them know what's going on but these guys have no reason to reach out the serpent dolls is very high-level stuff they can dial Tatooine they gotta give orders to the troops on the ground serpent doll we're not going to allow that to happen and finally our fearless leaders our overlords Darth Vader and the Emperor need full access to everything they need to dial everyone in the Death Star they need to reach their managers to give orders and they need to reach any planet the galaxy I would include serpent doll for whatever nefarious thing you're going on there so we've got our orders let's design now there are a few ways we could go about this and I'll show you both so here's the first one so here are the elements were working with here get our stormtroopers gather captain we've got our Darth Vader our Emperor's we've created three sea SSE's we've got our stormtrooper CSS our captain CSS and Darkseid CSS and we have our partitions the Death Star partition which contains all of our directory numbers from stormtrooper to Dark Lord we have our Tatooine partition which contains the local outbound route patterns this will get you to Tatooine if you dial nine and then any pattern matching this pattern here and then finally we have the serpent doll partition which is the internet well sorry it is the intergalactic route pattern 9.01 and then your international destination will get you out so let's begin the stormtroopers we only want them to dial within the Death Star so only directory numbers in the Death Star partition we will assign the Death Star partition to the stormtrooper CSS only giving them access to dial the numbers and the death star partition now for the captain's our managers we will create the captain CSS and assign the Death Star partition giving them access to dial with stormtroopers other captains and the sea level Darth Vader and the Emperor we are also giving them access to dial Tatooine or our local outbound and now for the rulers of the galaxy we give them access to dial everything the darkside CSS can dial the Death Star DNS Tatooine and place intergalactic calls to serpent all our international route paths they rule the dial plan as well as the galaxy now if we go back to our stormtroopers you remember me saying that one of the requirements is that the stormtroopers should not be able to dial lord Vader and the Emperor our c-level guys but this design here they have full access to dial any DN within this partition so a little peon stormtrooper Rafi decides he has a great idea for lord Vader he could place the call to lord Vader right now we don't want this happening we need to make sure stormtroopers can't dial the Dark Lord's how do we do that now remember you can assign calling search spaces to things that can dial things so far we have assigned the calling search space to our phones but we can also assign a calling search space to our lines and that's exactly what we are going to do with our stormtroopers we are going to create another partition labelled Dark Lord block in this partition we are going to create a translation pattern with lord Vader and the Emperor's directory numbers and we'll set these translation patterns to instead of routing these calls they will block these calls we will then create another CSS and label that force-choked CSS and we will assign the Dark Lord's partition block to the force-choked CSS then we will assign the CSS to the line of the stormtrooper so as it stands our stormtrooper there phone has the stormtrooper CSS give them access to dial the Death Star partitions that means they can dial stormtroopers they can dial captains and managers and they can dial Dark Lords the sea level but we had the line CSS with the force-choked CSS assigned so wait how does that work well here is what happens when you utilize both align and phone CSS they gel they concatenate align CSS has priority and the rule set in there override the phone CSS so when a stormtrooper dials lord Vader at three seven five six it will be blocked by the line CSS now if they dial a fellow stormtrooper at four five six seven it will not match any patterns in a line CSS governed by the dark boards partition and it will instead obey the rules and the device CSS which does give them access now there is another popular way to design this instead of creating different calling search spaces for each phone we will create one calling search space for the phones allowing access to all dialing patterns as you can see here every class here from stormtroopers the Dark Lord has the Empire CSS that we merely created and it's assigned to every phone we will then restrict who they can call by utilizing the line CSS similar to what we did earlier with the stormtroopers trying to call the Dark Lord's so the view here is just the phone CSS so remember here we have the Empire CSS for a stormtrooper assigned to their device now for their line on their phone will create the stormtrooper CSS and it will create two additional partitions we have the Tatooine block partition which will match this pattern and the lock any call matching that pattern we also have the serpent doll partition block that will match the international pattern and block those calls will then assign these two partitions to the stormtrooper CSS so we have the align CSS the stormtrooper CSS taking precedence over the Empire CSS which gives access to everything so the rules will first block anything matching these patterns and then allow anything matching these patterns that hasn't already been blocked by the line CSS well then proceed to do the same thing with the captain we want the captain to be able to dial everything but we do not want them to be able to dial serpent off so here we have serpent doll partition that blocks any intergalactic calls that's assigned the captain CSS assign of the captain's line so again the captain trys to dial anything international it's going to match this pattern first on line and block it and then when he tries to dial anything in the death star or tattooing it will match his phone CSS and get access and for the Dark Lord's we simply will not assign anything on their lines will let the phone CSS take precedence and not be superseded by a line CSS and the Dark Lord still have access to dial everything in the galaxy now there's one more caveat I want to cover many people intuitively think that a DN in one partition can dial another regardless of their calling search space that is not true so here in my example I created a new class of stormtrooper he's our contractor he's been assigned to a very very specific job he is going to be making contacts and the outer rim and serpent doll that's his only job that's what has been brought on to do he has no need to dial anyone else but syrup and all so we created a new CSS stormtroopers contract and we assigned him only one partition the serpent doll partition now the stormtrooper his line is directive number four five six seven and the death star partition and then we have our standard stormtrooper with the directive number also and the death star partition now you would think that because they are in the same partition they can dial one another not true no matter what partitioning you're in you're calling search base determines what your phone or line can call so this stormtrooper can only dial serpent doll if you tried to dial extension four five six six the regular stormtroopers it would not work now the other way around yes of course the stormtroopers can dial anything within the Death Star partition their fourth they dialed four five six seven this guy over here it would match that partition he's got permission to dial this and he would get right through alright so real quick I do want to cover how you would configure all of this and call manager it's very basic but you need to know how to do it so once you're logged into Cu cm administration you'll navigate over to call routing class of control and you first want to create your partitions so we'll go ahead and do that click add new here you can add them in bulk separated by lines so now we've set up our partitions we'll go ahead and click Save and they'll be added so now that we've created our partitions we'll go ahead and create our calling search space as well or calling search spaces so let's go back to call routing classic control and calling search space going click add new will first create our stormtrooper CSS and we'll add our death star partition just find out the available partition select your down arrow here and now that it's in selected partitions we'll click Save and our CSS has been created I'll go ahead and click copy here that way we retain our common partition here and we'll create our captain CSS safe action if I forgot to add our Tatooine so we can click find add so this is what we want to have our captain's have access to so our CSS partition Death Star and Tatooine click Save we'll click copy one more time and create our darkside CSS and we'll add we'll go here and click find look for serpent doll there it is click Add and save so now we have a dark side CSS with access to the Death Star partition Tatooine and syrup and all partition I won't go over how to create a translation patterns and directory numbers that'll be a video for another time this has just been a basic overview of Kong search spaces and partitions and how everything works the class of control we will go and more into depth with our doll plans series so please stay tuned and subscribe well guys that was it that was a quick overview of calling search spaces and partitions and class of control and call manager and all that good stuff you need to know B to become the best voice engineer and network engineer that you can be because often as a voice engineer you're also a network engineer and vice-versa t may be stronger in one area you may be stronger in voice you may be stronger in networking most of the time you're going to have to jump into either area for me on both the network and voice engineer and I have to do both which is fantastic again this was the first video in a series I'm doing on Cisco call manager and dial plants and what I would recommend for your deployment and some different scenarios so you don't want to miss anything so please click Subscribe and this stuff will be coming to you every single week I don't only make videos on voice stuff I make videos for networking and I make videos on certifications I'm working on my certifications and I know for me it's really helpful to kind of watch guys on YouTube who are doing the same thing I'm see what they're doing how can implement that into my training watching guys on YouTube helps me stay motivated it helps me to crack open that book again trust plan that video again because it's hard to stay motivated my last video with 7 study tips for your CCNA CCNP or really any certification for the new year so please check that out if you like this video please give me a thumbs up if you like what i'm doing with this channel and what I'm doing with Network shucks please click Subscribe and also please let me know in the comments what you think and let me know what you would like to learn about and let me know what type of videos you like I'm going to start throwing out different types of videos and let me know and if you want even more from Network chuck please go to my website network put it in the comments below and maybe even a card like right here go there subscribe I'll be sending out e-mail updates I'll be sending out little helpful heads some troubleshooting tips and all sorts of things I kind of work with as I go throughout my work week I'm an active voice engineer I work for a company in Dallas Texas I'm constantly learning I'm constantly doing troubleshooting issues I'm getting new stuff I'm playing to new things so as I hit issues and learn new things I'll be tuning email updates out saying hey this is what I learned this is what I've been doing with this if you like this video and you want a little PDF companion of what I've gone over in this video go to Network chef comm and I'll have a PDF available for you guys it will be a quick overview of calling search pages partitions and pretty much what we covered in this video a quick little one sheet you can print out tack to your cubicle and go about your day well thanks so much guys for watching network Chuck and nyle it gives you guys later
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 26,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cucm, cisco, call manager, calling search space, partitions, telephony
Id: eTdHGjC0U08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2017
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