How to Complete a MEGA BASE in Minecraft

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this video is sponsored and made possible by nvidia let's quickly recap what happened in part one we worked out what we wanted to make we made a 2d plan put together an enormous island built a wool skeleton and filled it out then we built another wool skeleton and that's where we are now so this is where we left off in part one with most of it looking pretty complete but actually this is about 50 percent finished there's a lot more work that needs to go into this so what is the next step after we've just recapped everything well just like last time we're going to take all of our wool skeleton outlines for the smaller parts of the detail and start filling those in and i will of course try and explain our thought process while we go through the next time lapse so let's kick off part two by getting straight into it so filling out the smaller shapes is fairly straightforward there's only one thing that i really want to talk about here and that's really mixing up the type of blocks that you use just note that we're not using the mushroom block or the sandstone because we need some contrast between the smaller shapes and the stuff that we've already made so mixing it up is extremely important you'll notice that we use a variety of woods but they're all within that same color palette while we're filling this out it gives me a chance to talk about how this video was made this was filmed using a laptop powered by an nvidia geforce rtx 3080 a laptop graphics card one of the most powerful cards on the market and it allows you to play minecraft with rtx for windows 10 and that's what gives us all of this fancy lighting and ray tracing and if you're interested in the new line of rtx powered laptops there is a link in the description now we're going to make our way around the rest of the build filling out those smaller segments and leaving what i would call dead space meaning that you have large areas where there aren't loads of small shapes and this helps break up several parts of the build when you're viewing close up it might look very sort of blank and empty but the key is when you look from a distance you need to be able to have stretches of blank wool to help digest the build and here we are it's looking quite a lot cleaner without all the multi-colored wool on it and it's starting to take its final shape there's only a few more stages left to getting this build completed obviously this is pretty mega and the further you go back from here honestly the more finished it looks so what is the next step well it is detailing and this is by far the most lengthy part of the process if you ignore the terrain part of things so what we're going to be doing is making our way around each of these in turn adding windows details and all the little things that will make this build come to life and look like it was properly designed and not just blank walls everywhere and because there's literally so many of these all the way around the build this is probably going to take us the longest time there are many detailing tricks to go over and i'll try and talk about some of them as we go through it it can be extremely challenging and difficult to know what to do with variously sized walls for example what you do here with this diagonal is very different to what you do with this big flat surface here so i will try and explain some of our thought processes and you'll even see yourself that we actually struggled quite a lot with some of these weird shapes so let's hop in to the next part of the progress time lapse this detailing segment is sped up to an insane amount because there is an awful lot to get through so i'm just going to briefly talk about some of the things we added because detailing is more than just adding windows and that's really important you'll see that we added some guttering down the side we added some chimneys on the top and we also added a trim around every single one of the roof lines and then added a slab underneath this helps sort of break up those two parts of each house we also added things like balconies balustrades and just those little details that hang down as you can see made of granite there on the bigger bits we had a bit of an issue as you can see we tried multiple variations of these like detailed arches eventually we had to just go for big and less detailed shapes that just help from a distance look like there's something going on things like indents in a big empty areas of wall are a real way to detail rather than adding just loads and loads of windows everywhere the key is to make sure that it doesn't look extremely busy from a distance so things like multiple windows works in one part but you need to make sure you've got a natural dead space elsewhere other tips include if you have a large space and you're not quite sure what to do with it break it up into multiple segments add a strip that goes round the middle and juts out a little bit and that helps to break it up a little bit so that you can add windows on one half of it or add details underneath much more easily or if you don't want to have it sticking out you can just add a strip of material through the actual building and that equally helps break up the build and makes it a lot easier to detail now all of these sort of general hints and tips about detailing it really just comes down to what your build style is what you enjoy making i can't really teach you all of the tips for building in minecraft right now but hopefully some of those will help you with your mega build when it comes to detailing it's very much a personal preference and it's what will really define how your build comes out so there is a lot of it up to your own creativity here and here we are we have detailed all of the mega build and i've got to say it looks very different from the last stage it looks a lot busier and sometimes that can be a good thing and sometimes that can be a bad thing my favorite parts are the simplicity of the walls and the towers and then you've got a bit more of a complexity around the house area overall the effect is really really pleasing to the eye but now you might be fooled into thinking that this build is indeed now finished one thing we are going to have a look at doing is mixing in textures but some builds you know you might want to add in some wall variations into your builds like so but we're probably going to use a bunch of commands to make this easier so that's the next thing we're going to do is texture that up but we're probably going to use commands for that the real next stage that we're going to focus on is vegetation so like i said you might fool yourself into thinking that this is finished but trees waterfalls all of the nature aspects add a massive pop of color and they are so important this island it looks great but it really needs nature on it it really needs to look more natural so more grass more natural flowers add some color into this place as well it will make an enormous difference so what we're going to do is we're going to time-lapse the creation of just a couple of trees and then what we're going to do is probably copy-paste those same trees all over the island to save a bit more time so let's hop in to the next part of the time lapse and get this place looking a bit more green making trees is almost a tutorial in itself there are multiple different kinds that you can make but hopefully just through watching this you get a vague idea of how it's made you've got to start with your singular stem build it outwards and depending on what you're going for in this case we're going for more spruce like trees you just want to give it that nice christmas tree shape and we also added just general leaves around and some boulders and we're gonna paste these everywhere and here we are very very nearly complete on this mega build so as you can see the trees have added a huge element we did go ahead and copy paste various of them just to speed up the process tree building is extremely time consuming and we also added a bunch of boulders and rocks around as well to make it look a bit more natural than just the terrain we also added a few flowers although you can't really see them from a distance you have to get up close to see that there's a few there but there we are we also added as well as the natural trees there we also added some potted plants and some leaves and some things over here including some decoration of the walkways down here with some flowers and all that kind of stuff this is what adds that pop of color that helps break up the monotony of all of that yellow and orange hues so it is a very important step to make sure that you add the nature and all of that kind of thing now we are not 100 finished yet there is one last thing that we need to add to this build and that is lighting and you can't really tell that it needs lighting because it's still dead but if i set it tonight you can see it's pretty dark and at midnight it's even more prevalent you can see that there's some lights where there's campfires but overall it is very very dark so our next stage is to simply add all of the lights and in rtx this is going to look really nice so adding lights was a difficulty as you'll see later in the video but we decided to try and light up as much as possible and you can really see this build start to come to life as each individual lantern and glowstone is placed down you can see this thing really start to quite literally sparkle in some cases and that pretty much concludes and completes the build and as you can see rtx has a beautiful effect with the lighting through day and night on this build this build has been extremely rewarding and if you're wondering it took us about five weeks to build between myself and pearlescent moon whose channel there is a link to in the description as well but now let's join pearl and take a proper tour of this mega build huh pearl we have finished the mega build it is so good to see that done oh look at that sunrise is hitting it are you sure we haven't made a pink castle yeah it looks very disney-esque right now it really does so i am really really happy with how this has come out should we have a little tour around it absolutely look at the reflection oh my goodness this is i've gotta admit you do projects like this all the time but for me this is something that i don't normally do in this way big creative projects such as this so for me this is a bit of a new one and i've gotta admit i'm a bit bit proud of us it ended up being about 50 50 actually it was a pure collaborative it was it was an absolutely magical collaboration to be honest i don't really do structures of this scale so this one was slightly new in that regard to me looking at our initial well i say hour your initial sketch of yeah what we were trying to achieve it's pretty spot-on it's it's not far off what we were inspired by and our plans and drawings and everything it it looks pretty much what we were trying to go for and it's exactly what i was envisioning when we started this project and really i i don't know about you but i have actually learned an awful lot from you so i want to well thank you for doing this with me it was an absolute blast i mean we've worked together for a really long time but i learned so much especially when it came to the detailing just things that i just haven't done in a while and then there's there's things that we kind of discovered with some of the rtx lighting lighting was a big thing because it works very differently in rtx and i had to learn a few tricks to kind because everything i knew about lighting was thrown out the window for this for this version so yeah you see like this works bouncing off surfaces yeah so there's light hidden up here and then there's some yellow concrete behind it and it makes it look like there's a glow in the window especially during nights we'll come back to that so yeah rtx has transformed this build in fact why don't i just quickly turn off rtx so you can see just how much of a difference it makes check it out it looks immediate it still looks great but like it looks immediately darker just i don't know it looks weird the the terrain actually looks pretty nice in my opinion but the the actual build itself doesn't quite glow if you know what i mean it looks more wooden it with that rtx on kind of interesting it really really changes the way that it looks and it just it so what it does is it path traces reflections lights shadows and it just it light bounces off of all surfaces right that's how it how it works and i don't know i just it makes such a huge difference i'll turn it back on and boom it's infinitely better in my opinion i played with rtx on for this entire project when we were in bedrock and it i must admit it's become normal to me this is how i want minecraft to look this are you gonna miss can you go back to java again yeah i think i will a little bit there's there's an element to this that's just soft and i really i really really like it it gives a lot more depth and it creates really immersive shadows so i don't know i i really really like it i do as well it kind of looks like a render almost but you're in person as you can you can fly around it yeah so let's have actually let's have a look around the back because the the time lapse that we did mainly focused on the front of the build but actually this is a 360 degree build we did actually do all of it and each angle offers something different this is a different experience of it but we did we intentionally designed this build to be a sort of front-facing structure right we went this is the front and we've we really thought about it even though it's a 360 degree so that the back of it is mainly all island and terrain but you still got some structure at the back kind of just peeks through it's supposed to look like it's part of the mountain yeah i think that's pretty cool yeah i think that i i really like it i really like how this has come out because i think if you approach this build you would know that this is the back right you'd know you're not quite there so this i think this is a really good example of what minecraft with rtx for windows 10 can be and in the description i will also put a link to how you can install this as a resource pack there are rtx maps available and you can find them in the marketplace however there is a way to actually put this in minecraft and you can start your own world with rtx that's right isn't it pearl that's correct yeah nvidia has a lot of articles on their website that can be used um to give instruction on how to really get into it yourself wonderful so that will be in the description as well and i think what we should do is have a look at what this looks like during night time or sunset because i mean at noon where the sun's directly above us this build actually doesn't come into its own it's actually sunset and sunrise where this build really shines because where when we designed this we actually specifically faced the build towards the east that's not something we really talked about in the in part one because not you know not every build you need to really think about all those details but we specifically wanted it to face east so that the sunrise would hit it in the morning and then also the sun would set behind it and we'd just get this really nice effect so if you are building a mega build that is something you can think about if you're going to be using rtx or some sort of lighting engine like that it does make a huge difference it would be such a shame actually if if this was rotated the wrong way round we wouldn't have that effect at all we wouldn't have had our pink castle in sunrise no we wouldn't okay the sun is now going down and the lights are gonna start peeking through because it's such a huge build we did have a bit of an issue trying to light it all right like it was all of our usual techniques for lighting don't really work with rtx because it's more realistic so you know on on java edition if you popped a trapdoor the light would still come through which it technically doesn't make much sense but in rtx it's it reflects off of proper surfaces so you've got to think a bit more realistically honestly you've got a double chicken head going on oh hey we all love the double chicken head oh wow okay the sun has gone down officially really quickly wow look at that that is wonderful i really really like that you have to kind of stay close otherwise some of the lights despawn if you go too far away but check it out like this is what i mean about the windows glowing that is a really nice effect it makes it look like someone's home it's it's something we tried to do it without the concrete and it was just too soft it didn't work yeah no so we had to use the concrete so that the light would bounce off the surface and create a nice strong warm glow that came from within and i think i think there's not a lot left to say i think i'll probably do a big sort of cinematic showcase of the build but i think that is pretty much it we got it's even sparkling at the top the end rod sparkle for some reason in rtx it makes it look extremely magical so i want to say a huge thank you to nvidia for sponsoring this video it literally wouldn't have been possible without them they sent the laptop so that we were able to record this a pearl your skin has gone beyond messed up now i don't even know what's going on and i want to say a huge thank you to you pearl for doing this with me i wouldn't have been able to get through this without you and your expertise you are a magnificent builder and i've thoroughly enjoyed this and of course thank you to you for watching now enjoy some cinematic shots of this mega build [Music] you
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,097,594
Rating: 4.9747119 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, mega builds, how to build mega bases, how to build, minecraft how to build, castle tutorial, minecraft castle tutorial, mega base tutorial, how to build mega bases in minecraft
Id: zUNQX3Ts0Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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