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and you were gonna throw this cast time out weren't you don't do that let's fix it okay guys so today I'm going to be showing you how to restore and season your cast iron I know some of you have trouble with your cast iron pots and you kind of shy away from buying it because you don't know how to and you think they're a little bit too high-maintenance but I'm gonna show you exactly how to restore and season your cast iron skillet steel wool black seed oil baking soda vinegar water going to so we're going to create a 50/50 solution with water and vinegar so I'm gonna have two cups of water right here I'm gonna add another two cups of vinegar soak it in a vinegar and water bath or an hour so I use the sheet tray to put a little bit of water and vinegar solution on the bottom just so that the cast iron pot would sit inside of this bath as well so you can use that method because there's rust at the bottom of the cast iron pot and I really want to get to the bottom as well as the top now what I want you to do at this time is sprinkle baking soda all over the pan and start to grab your scour and make sure you scrub every single angle of the pot make sure you scrub all of the nooks and crannies make sure you get all of the rust out scrub is really hard as you can and then I want you to flip the cast iron skit over and then also scrub the bottom grab like you have company coming over tonight all right almost there flip it on over and just one last stroke okay dry it off on both sides and now we're gonna put this on the stove so what I'm doing right now is just heating it up just to make sure it's real nice and dry all right so as you can see some of the rust is returning and that is okay okay now this is probably my favorite part you can use a bunch of oils I have some virgin olive oil over here but you know what we're going to use virgin flaxseed oil the one that is cold-pressed unrefined make sure you get this one it's the best one to use it's kind of pricey this was like $10 a bottle and I did cringe when I buy it when I bought it but this one is the best one to use if you want them cast-iron pots looking nice and shiny look at this other one I just cleaned nice this one is I just finished restoring that one as you can see nice and shiny there we go now you're gonna pour the flaxseed oil on here use a paper towel and make a nice coating make sure you get into every single nook and cranny of that pot because we're trying to make this with a brand spanking you okay treat the cast iron rights and it will treat you right okay be good to it and it'll be good to you [Music] okay I oven to 500 degrees you're going to dry this up [Music] and we're going to do a second coating [Music] look at that it's looking good already oh now let's go put this inside the oven on 500 degrees stay in there nice okay so it's been an hour and look at this baby look at this brand spankin new
Channel: ThatNurse CanCook
Views: 146,965
Rating: 4.8883719 out of 5
Id: 6a_Xx8-reoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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