PUBG PAN Restoration - Cooking Juice Steak on Cast Iron Pan
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Channel: TysyTube Restoration
Views: 3,060,736
Rating: 4.8542237 out of 5
Keywords: Rusty Skillet Restoration, how to season cast iron, cast iron, cast iron restoration, seasoning cast iron, restoring cast iron, how to clean cast iron, cast iron skillet, how to restore cast iron, how to, how to season cast iron pan, cast iron skillet seasoning, cast iron recipes, cast iron ribeye steak, cast iron seasoning, youtube cooking show, tysytube restoration, tysy, wagner cast iron skillet, rusty, sandblasting, sandblasting rust, vintage, old, cookin, cooking with tysy
Id: hkoEnFTN5lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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this video has been posted before and I wouldn't recommend almost anything he does. granted he's working on a modern wagner grill pan, so no real loss if he damages it too badly... but he's wrong about almost everything in this video.
the pan was made in the 1990's not the 1890's, he uses a brass brush... don't use brass on iron...use stainless steel... he sand blasts to remove the rust... he uses a grinder with what also looks to be a brass brush, a drill with another brass cup brush, he uses like an engraver to clean out the lettering... no... don't do any of this stuff.