Why is My Cast Iron Sticky? And How to Fix It!

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Put a layer of seasoning oil all over, then put it in the oven at 500 degrees for 1 hour, and then turn off the oven and let the cast iron cool down for 2 hours in there. It won't be sticky anymore.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/playkrab 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tinysmommy 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

My pan has a layer of hardened “dirt” on it in some sections. Do I have to grind it to get it off? I’ve tried the chainmail style scrubbers, and it takes off a small bit, but not much.


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NewToTravelling 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I made a scotch bonnet hot sauce in my cast iron. Then I made chicken parmesan... It became hot parmesan. Thought I had cleaned and reseasoned it fully in between. My wife's tears said otherwise.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/N8turalistdev 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
hi folks is your cast iron looked like the inside of an old carburetor stinky gunky all messed up well I have got something to save your life stick around a lot of questions about what I was telling you my skillet has got some sticky residue in it you put your hand in there it's gummy well there's two really main reasons that cause this number one that's probably the biggest cause of all of it in the world too much old it just builds up an oil slick in a puddle and then it get it in the oven one side cooks more than the other side and then you have a different colored skillet as well but also there's just a sticky gummy residue that sets up the second reason that causes this is when you season this skillet number one you can't season a cold cast-iron skillet you're gonna build up that old slick that residue you've got to have it hot enough to season so it accepts the seasoning let's walk down this road together to get this skillet back to its sleek condition where it needs to be and y'all won't have no more problems I just got finished frying me and Shannon up some good hamburger meat here cleaned it all out really well hot water just like we always used there's a little water residue in there left so first we're just going to wipe that water out of there you can see it's gone now a lot of folks are gonna try to season it right now that's where your problem begins we got to get this thing hot first I'm gonna put it on about medium heat to get it hot enough to season and I go by this touch up here sure this is done getting hot but when it gets up to here I know this is ready to season because it takes it longer to get from the middle to here you ain't got to put it up here and turn this thing on 900 degrees just get it on a pretty medium heat because remember from long time back we don't shot no cast on I don't want it smoking hot because we're burning up the old that we're trying to put on it when it gets hot enough right there that I can't leave my fingers on it very long I guarantee you the bottom of that skillet is ready to season and we're nearly there it don't take long at all you got busy and you go ahead and you think it ha and you pour your oil in there and it's smoking way too hot take that skillet and just set it off the fire let it cool a minute so we don't want to burn that all up as we're putting it in there you can remove it from the heat all right we're ready to season this thing so we are gonna do er with some olive oil [Music] yeah yeah oh I got all the time in the world I think that ought about do it this is the biggest reason that you end up with something sticky we don't put enough oil in there changing John Deere 4020 tractor 12 times way too much to keep having this sticking problem is it just takes a little dab of old size of a quarter if I'm a guessing pour it in there good rag no paper towel lint-free rag wipe it around really good all the way around let her set a few minutes come back fold that rag to a side that you didn't use wipe any excess oil that might be still in there and you're good to go that thing is not gonna build up a sticky residue it's gonna build up a slick finish you slide an egg out of every trip always start with a little bitty amount of old because we can always add a little more to it if you think you need some we just want a good thin coat to layer the bottom and the sides that's all we need so you got one of them skillets that's got that residue in there we need to get it off get it hot give it a good scrubbing most time it'll come off if it's really gummy and that don't do it stick it in the oven own about 300 for about a hour that'll take it off there when you come out of there wipe that stuff out of there you'll be good to go back and reese's them out if you ain't got none of them scaring pads are one of them foam bristle brushes that you can scrub that with pour your some coarse sea salt in there when you get ready then just take you a piece of leather or one of them sponges it'll scrub that residue out of there pretty quick rinse it out with good hot water bring it back over here to fire start the process again but don't put too much oil in it so nothing says lovin like cast-iron cooking I promise you give you a skillet some love folks remember what we showed you today two things got to be hot enough and not too much old that's what it takes to keep a skillet in fine condition thank you for stopping by the kitchen today we don't take it for granted hit that button down there says subscribe adios
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,591,262
Rating: 4.9383426 out of 5
Keywords: cast iron, cast iron skillet, dutch oven, outdoor cooking, camp cooking, grilling, cowboy, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, food network, chopped, ranch life, chuck wagon, cast iron seasoning, how to season cast iron
Id: D513SUUfMiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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