How to Clean a Glock 19 Gen 5: A Beginner's Guide

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what's up everybody this is reverend guns and today we are going to be taking a part in cleaning a glock 19. this is the fifth generation um so the first thing we want to do is a safety check and we're gonna start by pressing this button right here behind the trigger when you press that that'll cause the magazine to pop out we don't want this near any cleaners or solvents so we're going to set this aside away from our cleaning station then we want to slide back the slide and push this lever up and it will hold it open and that'll allow us to look straight down the barrel there and we can see there's nothing in there now we know it's safe and uh clear to work on okay now that you've pushed back the slide and put it back into place we're gonna go ahead and pull the trigger to decock it just like that now there's two little tabs right here one here and one on the other side you're going to pinch them like this and pull downward okay just before you do that you want to pull the slide back just a little bit not much and hold it there and now you can pinch those two little points and pull them downward you can let go of the slide you can let go of the buttons and now it should just slide forward and come off so we've got the frame to clean inside here we have the guide rod and spring you'll want to push to compress it and pull it out and then from the underside you can push the barrel upward and slide that out as well these are the pieces we will be cleaning today to start i'm going to spray them down with some gun cleaner here there's no better option preference or anything specific when it comes to gun cleaner it's everybody's own opinion on what they want to use um i use this stuff it's been working out really good i've been using their gun oil as well so uh i'm gonna gonna continue using this all right while that's soaking for a second i'll explain what i've got sitting here i've got a soft bristle brush it's got a little detailer end for the small crevices and areas i've got a nine millimeter uh barrel brush that'll clean the inside of the barrel i have a harder bristle brush for uh the stubborn carbon that we may come across i don't tend to use the uh metal or brass or copper looking uh bristle brushes because i don't want to take a chance on scratching anything on here this this cleaner works really well so the soft bristle brush should be more than enough i've got a couple of tools here we're not going to need them for for this pistol but i do have a slotted cleaning rod which we will put patches on right here to finish swabbing out the the barrel i've got some gun oil i've got a rag that i use just for oil and then i've got some q-tips sometimes they come in handy for small areas especially on the slide and a couple of rags to wipe things down as we go so let's go ahead and get started i'm going to start with the barrel because really this is the only thing that kind of matters on how you do it when you take your barrel brush you want to go the direction the bullet goes uh through the uh through the barrel so i'm going to start it from the back here how it would load and push on through and go all the way through come out and just keep scrubbing it and twist it shove it in and out but you want to make sure you're going in and out all the way through the idea is to not bang or ding or chip or anything on this end that's why we don't want to go this direction because you run that chance of doing it so we're going through the back and that means two things and uh you want to run it all the way through you'll feel it get smoother a little easier to do make sure you get the uh feeding ramp too we'll get that with the nylon brush as well just to make it easier for the chamber when it's loading and then now we can take our soft bristle brush and just kind of start scrubbing around it really no particular way to do it you just want to break up any carbon that is on here all right [Music] now we will finish off the barrel with some patches take your slotted cleaning rod i usually do two patches at a time i just stick a corner in pull it through and going the same direction you did with the brush you want to start on the chamber side and push all the way through do this a few times and when you take this off you can see how dirty that is all that black is what we're trying to get out of there so to get it clean it'll never be completely white but it will be kind of a light gray and that's as long as you don't have any of the black on there you know you've got all the carbon removed from the barrel so we'll shove another one in here again from the back see it's a little bit lighter still got a little more to go so do that again i'm doing two at a time because it fills up the barrel a little more gets a little more friction inside the barrel just make sure you push it all the way through pull it all the way out let's check this one oh yeah look at that no black left on here just a little bits of gray and uh we can do a little wipe down on the barrel remove anything else that was on here all right that's done let's move on to the guide rod here just kind of want to get in the springs and anything that could be on it we want to get off get the ends real good you can use the detailing if you want it kind of gets in the spring a little better all right wipe that off all right let's work on the slide here like i said you're just trying to get in there break up any of the dirt and carbon that's in there use a detail end to get in all the small areas especially the the slide rail itself because we want nothing to prevent this from performing its cycle get the striker plate real good this also has the firing pin sticking out slightly that allows you to clean that off anywhere else you see dirt get the outside get the little grooves get around the site get the around the extractor get inside the barrel and the back plate ain't gonna hurt nothing all right let's give this a wipe down get all this residue off you don't want anything left on here all right slide looks pretty good now we can go at the frame you really want to make sure you get the slide rails right here here here and here and we don't want anything to prevent the cycle from happening so we want to make sure we get in there really good get kind of a feeding ramp here anywhere else you see dirt carbon get down the mag well not gonna hurt it get around the outside of the gun magazine release all right let's give this a wipe down remove all the residue and cleaner make sure you get down in those guide rails real good anywhere you just brushed sprayed you want to get all the cleaner off here she get up in the mag well real good and down the top of the mag well all right everything's looking real good time for some lube so i have a rag that i use just for oiling uh i uh put a little bit on here and this allows me to easily spread without over saturating the uh any parts of the pistol so let's start with the barrel here and you're looking for wear marks any scratches or scrapes or anything that looks like a a blemish those those are contact points and they're rubbing against other metal so you definitely want to make sure that gets uh lubed now with the barrel since it's inside uh i pretty much lube the whole thing at least the shaft and then i'll check around the chamber here to see if there's any uh scratches of any kind and we want to make sure we get that now i also put a little dab on the feeding ramp just to help it make it even easier to get uh chambered when it's cycling um the guide rod you really don't have to do you can try and get in between the little springs here because it's the the rod itself that kind of needs the oil but without taking this apart it's not the easiest thing to get to on the slide again we're looking for scratches marks you can kind of see them in here anywhere that looks like it's it's been rubbing we want to throw some oil there and you definitely want to get inside the the slide the guide rails here make sure there's something in there and you're just kind of looking to see where you see the little scratches um that's about it for there um i don't put it on the outside it kind of defeats the purpose and i don't put anything on the extractor itself because you don't oil attracts dirt so if you put it on here it may cause it to jam up the the extractor itself and it won't eject the the casing like it's supposed to so we don't touch that now on the uh the frame you want to make sure you get the slide rails real good okay and again you're looking for contact points anywhere you see little scratches or marks that looks like a good spot right there probably right there and looks like on top here and that's it for oil you really don't need oil elsewhere because like i said it attracts dirt and dust and whatever else that that it could stick to or stick to it so uh we try to minimalize that as much as possible all right now we can put this back together let's start with the slide if you've got it sitting here like i do barrels in my left hand i'm gonna take the barrel and you're gonna notice it's a little little step right here step and then step the guide rod is going to go on the lower step here let me point that it's going to go on the lower step okay so remember that when you put the barrel in these steps are going to be facing upward and you just slide it in the hole push it back and it just seats itself there's there's no effort to it at all guide rod has a big end a small end or sides the big end should be black the silver end is what's going to go on those steps i just showed you so we're going to insert the black end right below the barrel that's what this hole is for so it's going to go in like that so once you set it in you want to compress it until you've got it sitting on the small step there and it should be level with the the slide itself okay see that and last thing we need to do is put it back on the frame so this slide on the back side has the little guide slots there that's gonna attach to the front of this guide slide rail here first you just stick it in and push and push and slowly slide it on until you hear it click that click means it's locked back into place this should now function i didn't know there was a grip on here so we will get a fresh clean rag give this one little wipe down awesome and we just disassembled cleaned oiled and put back together a glock 19 this is a generation five i will see you next time thanks for watching i also offer the online course to get your texas license to carry a handgun it's the four-hour class broken down into segments and saves your progress you can do it at your own pace after completing the course you will be able to print your certificate then it'll help you locate an instructor close to you no matter where you are in texas so you can complete the shooting portion of the course this is all certified by the texas department of public safety check 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Channel: Reverend Guns
Views: 10,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glock19 gen5, glock 19, glock 19 gen 5, gen 5, glock, gen 5 glock 19, Reverendguns, gun cleaning, gun laws, gun safety, gun training, reverend guns, reverendguns, concealed carry texas class, license to carry, texas ccw, texas chl, texas concealed carry, texas concealed carry course, texas concealed handgun license, texas gun laws, texas gun laws explained, texas license to carry, texas license to carry online course, texas ltc, guns, pistols, gun maintenance, gun repair
Id: bKNo0hl2JyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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